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LEPIDOPTERA BETEROCERA. 175 ]28. CRAMBUS IJI[PLETELLUS. Mas. OcllraceuR; caput album, ochraceo tlittatllm; thora:c albo bivittatll8; all.8 antica' vim al:lltl.8, fusco cOIiSper8QJ, .tngis duabus },"statis. striga ohliqua di'cali, ntaculis submarginali. bUB cunculis maculisqulI marginalibus aibis, fimbria aunatocinerea, alba biguttata; postiel.8 !uscescente-cinaredJ. Male. Ocbraceous. Body mostly white beneath. Ht-ad whits, with an (Jchraccous stl'ipe. Labial palpi muob longer than the breadth of the hea(l. Thorax with two white ~tripes. Legs with white bamls, Foro wings moderately broad, hardly acute, very minks;, these consi.t of various marks along the costa and along the exterior burder, of two lnng cuneiform streaks proceeding thickly lind minutely bl'olVn-~pcckled. with llIanv irregular white i1'OID tho 11IIse, of lin oblique discal strellk, and of an exterior band of wedgu-slllIped 8lJots; marginall sJlots pal'tly black-burdered i fIoinge f,lilded-ciuereolls, with two white dills;, exterior border rather obliqlle. Hind wings brownish cinel'eous i fringe whitish. Length of the body 7 lines j of the wings 16 lines. Ii. 'l'D.8Dlo.nia. Presented by M. Allport, Esq. 129. C RAMnua aUNEIFEaELLUS. !tlas et frem. Canus; al(/! IlntiCt1l cervillo subtinctl1l, f'llsco BubconspersdJ, vitta discali aCbida, lineis dua6w e:uteriori6uB fUllcis acutissimll an,qulosis, linea tflarginali !llsca i pUbtica; cine7'ctJl, fimbria p"llida. Male and female. Hoary. Labial palpi ratheI bl'oad, very milch louger tbun the breadth of the head. Maxillary po.lpi about nne-foul'Lh uf the leugLb of the labial palpl. An1eU1l1ll of the male vety stout. Foro wiugs model'lItel,)' broad, thinly and minutely brown-speckled, tingc(l with pale fawn-coluur j 0. more or less distinct whitish discu.1 stripe, and two brown transverse exterior very deeply and IIcutely allgullll' lincs; marginlll line brown, slender. Hind wings oinercoU8 i Mnge paler. Leugth of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 liucs. II, b. Sydney. FruDl Mr. Lambert's collection. c. Sydney.

171$ OATALOGUE 01' 130. ORA.MDIIS DEllISSAt.IS. lIas. A'I'ge7lteo-albw; abdomen alas posticas llaullo Buperans; a1m anticCB p"ncto Ili~cali p'Uneti8q ue Jlu.trgi71alibus nigns, margine callel'jore perobliquo. Mule. Silvery white. Lallial palpi lonller than the breadth of the bead. Maxillary palpi very short. Abllomeu extelltliug 1\ little beyond the hind wings. F01'I! wings Rcnt!) j !lisenl point and m:uginal points black; exterior burder slightly Clln"ex, very ob. lique. Length oCthe body () lilies j of the will{.ts 14 lilies. a. Swan River. Presellled by Sil' J. Riohal'dsoll. L31. CRA3l0IlS VE'rU8TELLUS. MilS. ObSCUf'O cinereua; ala! "'lti"aJ apud venas nigrD conspel'8(lJ, 1'U7l"to (lIbido strigulaqup nium discalibu8, punctis mar· ginlilibuR 'tigris j postit'llI plIlli(liores. l1fale. Dllrk oincreous. Labial polpi sliglltly ascending, longer than the breadth of Lhe bel\lI. Maxillory pnlpi shol,t. Fore wings moderately brood, minutely block-speckled aIling Ibe veills, witb a whitish disonl point, whieh intl'l'l'llpls a shol't slight black streak j marginal puints bluck j exteriol' hurd!'r slightly contrcx anrl oblique. Himl wings paler cillereOIiS. Length (If the budy 6 lilies i of the wings 14 lines. II. Swan River. Presented by Sir J. Richardsou. l32. 01U.MBU8 DE'LA:£ALt8, Mu. OineTll'Us j caput et tlLoru:Il jUBceSc8ntia; abdomen ala, ,0.­ ticaB perpaullo Bltperafl8; alOJ antiCtll latm, allut«:, linllis Inlllt' "enas jusCBscentibuB, puncta discali punctisque mlirginaiiiJu. "igris, margine ell1terillre 'lJiw obliquo. MaIB. Cinereous, rather stout. Head and thorAX browulsh. Labial polpi longer thllll the breadth of the bead. l\1nxillory palpi 'Very short. Antennm stout. Abdomen extending very little beyond the bind willgs. Fore wings bl'oad, ncule, with browllish lines be. tween the veins; discal point and marginal poillts black; GlI.terior border very sligbtly conves and oblique. Length of the body 6 lines; of tbe willgs 12 liues. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Diggles' collection.



Mas. OcllraceuR; caput album, ochraceo tlittatllm; thora:c albo<br />

bivittatll8; all.8 antica' vim al:lltl.8, fusco cOIiSper8QJ, .tngis<br />

duabus },"statis. striga ohliqua di'cali, ntaculis submarginali.<br />

bUB cunculis maculisqulI marginalibus aibis, fimbria aunatocinerea,<br />

alba biguttata; postiel.8 !uscescente-cinaredJ.<br />

Male. Ocbraceous. Body mostly white beneath. Ht-ad<br />

whits, with an (Jchraccous stl'ipe. Labial palpi muob longer than<br />

the breadth of the hea(l. Thorax with two white ~tripes. Legs<br />

with white bamls, Foro wings moderately broad, hardly acute, very<br />

minks;, these consi.t of various marks along the costa and along<br />

the exterior burder, of two lnng cuneiform streaks proceeding<br />

thickly lind minutely bl'olVn-~pcckled. with llIanv irregular white<br />

i1'OID tho 11IIse, of lin oblique discal strellk, and of an exterior band<br />

of wedgu-slllIped 8lJots; marginall sJlots pal'tly black-burdered i<br />

fIoinge f,lilded-ciuereolls, with two white dills;, exterior border<br />

rather obliqlle. Hind wings brownish cinel'eous i fringe whitish.<br />

Length of the body 7 lines j of the wings 16 lines.<br />

Ii. 'l'D.8Dlo.nia. Presented by M. Allport, Esq.<br />

129. C RAMnua aUNEIFEaELLUS.<br />

!tlas et frem. Canus; al(/! IlntiCt1l cervillo subtinctl1l, f'llsco BubconspersdJ,<br />

vitta discali aCbida, lineis dua6w e:uteriori6uB fUllcis<br />

acutissimll an,qulosis, linea tflarginali !llsca i pUbtica; cine7'ctJl,<br />

fimbria p"llida.<br />

Male and female. Hoary. Labial palpi ratheI bl'oad, very<br />

milch louger tbun the breadth of the head. Maxillary po.lpi about<br />

nne-foul'Lh uf the leugLb of the labial palpl. An1eU1l1ll of the male<br />

vety stout. Foro wiugs model'lItel,)' broad, thinly and minutely<br />

brown-speckled, tingc(l with pale fawn-coluur j 0. more or less distinct<br />

whitish discu.1 stripe, and two brown transverse exterior very<br />

deeply and IIcutely allgullll' lincs; marginlll line brown, slender.<br />

Hind wings oinercoU8 i Mnge paler. Leugth of the body 4 lines;<br />

of the wings 10 liucs.<br />

II, b. Sydney. FruDl Mr. Lambert's collection.<br />

c. Sydney.

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