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LEPIDOPTERA llETEROOEru.. 161 I1fale. Cinereous. Wiugs diugy llencath. Labial plilpi 11 11 - bOlloenl, Dot longel' than the bl'CtulLh of 1110 head; thhd joint a little shorter thaI! the SCCUlUI. Wings eompal'lItively brlla(1 Ilnel shurt, Fore wiug~ acute, Illlge.1 with OCbI'IlCCOllS, thiuly Ilnd irregularly blRch-sJleeklel1, with Il sligllt silvery wbile subeu&tnl stripe, which eXlelldli to two-thirds of tho h'llgth i sIIbllllll'ginl11 Jilll] silvei'Y wllite, Slig!ltly Iludnlaling, bOl'dlll'cd with black speukles on the iunor side; lIlnrgillul points hlack; costn 111111 extol'iul' hOl'der slightly oonvex, the hitter slightly ohlillue. HilllllViugs cincrcous. Length IIf the body 4 liulls i of the wings 10 ]iII!!;. a. St. Domingo. Fl'Om .1\lr. TIU:l(1die'5 collelction. 96, CR.1l11BUIl LEUCANIELLUS. Frein. Pallicie teNia reus ; capllt et abdolllen alblt; prtlpi "Uo,vi, capitis itltituliitlU multo IlJIIgiol'es; pn/lw sat I'"bustt; aler anllcte intn VOlll18 lIalli1lim'rs, Pllllctll disI'Itfi pUllctisqlle fIII"'­ gilllIliblis nigris, lnargi,lf. e,uteriure SlIbt,bliquo, FI'male. Pale lestucculiS. fIead, iI1J(IIIIIICll, hin.l wing" IIntl. nndel' sid~ wbitc. Plll"i pilnRC, ,'cry much IlIlJger thull tli(' hrc'"dlh of the hend j third jomt hardly l,nc.thir,1 lit' the length of' tIle seoond. Ahdumoll extl'Dlling l",ther heyllud ttlll hind \Villl-:~' J"I'g~ l'aLher stout, Fore wings II Ull ltl, mn

162 OATALOGUE 011' winp:s slilfbtly tinged witllllrown along the exterior bordol'. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines. 4. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection. 98. CRAlII!lUS PLunIMELLUI!. From. Ferrugineu,a; caput albidum; palpi labittlss cllpitil lati_ tudino paullo longiorss i abdome7A pallidissime cel'villum; aim anlicl}] nigricante Bt argffltBu C07lsperSQ;, linea Bubmargiflali walde angulosa, plaga marginali strigulaque af'cuata apicali atbi,; postil/a cinerel}]. Female. Ferruginous-brown, cinereou8 beneath. Body white beneath. Hend nntlilalpi whitish, the latter brown lCIwaJ'ds the tips. Lltbial palpi a little longel' than the breadth of the lleull. Abl10IDon \'I)ry pille luwn-coloul'. ])'oro wings Bcute, with blackish aud SilVC1'Y speckles, some of wIdcll form a very zigzag suhmllrginulline; fore }lIlrL Ilot speckled; IJ, white patch 011 the middle (If the extel'ior bllr(ler, and a little white curved al,ienl streak i fringe aud hind wings cinereous j costa stl'Right; exterior burder convex, sligllUy oblique. Langtll of the body 5 lilies; of tbo wiugs 12 liues. II. St. Domingo. From Mr. Twoedie's collection. South America. 99. ClU.lIIDUS LlJilEOSELloUS. Mas. Pallide stramineuI, sal robllstu, ; palpi labia,lcs IIIIpitil latiludine valde lungi-ol'eR; (llllellnce Betll10801; all)] antil.'tB lineis dlla6t1s ea:tBriorib'ln obliquis e punctis !lIscis elongatis, puncta ducali punctisqtlB ,narginalibu.s nigriB; p08licI}] albido_ cinereOl, I}]lIeo 8l1blinClal. Male. Plllo strllw-colour, l'llther s,tout. Labinl palpi very much longer than the breadth of tbe helld. MuxiJIal'Y palpi less tban hlLlf the length of the labial palpi. Antennw setulose. Fore wings moderately broad, slightly aOllte; two exterior oblique lines slightly diverllillg from each oLhel' bindwal'd alld composell of eloll~ glltcd browD point!!; disca1 point aDd mal'gina1 Jloints bluck; oxlerior border almost straight, slighLly oblique. Hillel wings whitish cinereoU8, with It slight l8ueous tinge. Length oC the body 4 P lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Hondurllll. From Mr. Dyson's colleution.

162 OATALOGUE 011'<br />

winp:s slilfbtly tinged witllllrown along the exterior bordol'. Length<br />

of the body 6 lines; of the wings 14 lines.<br />

4. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's collection.<br />

98. CRAlII!lUS PLunIMELLUI!.<br />

From. Ferrugineu,a; caput albidum; palpi labittlss cllpitil lati_<br />

tudino paullo longiorss i abdome7A pallidissime cel'villum; aim<br />

anlicl}] nigricante Bt argffltBu C07lsperSQ;, linea Bubmargiflali<br />

walde angulosa, plaga marginali strigulaque af'cuata apicali<br />

atbi,; postil/a cinerel}].<br />

Female. Ferruginous-brown, cinereou8 beneath. Body white<br />

beneath. Hend nntlilalpi whitish, the latter brown lCIwaJ'ds the tips.<br />

Lltbial palpi a little longel' than the breadth of the lleull. Abl10IDon<br />

\'I)ry pille luwn-coloul'. ])'oro wings Bcute, with blackish aud SilVC1'Y<br />

speckles, some of wIdcll form a very zigzag suhmllrginulline; fore<br />

}lIlrL Ilot speckled; IJ, white patch 011 the middle (If the extel'ior<br />

bllr(ler, and a little white curved al,ienl streak i fringe aud hind<br />

wings cinereous j costa stl'Right; exterior burder convex, sligllUy<br />

oblique. Langtll of the body 5 lilies; of tbo wiugs 12 liues.<br />

II. St. Domingo. From Mr. Twoedie's collection.<br />

South America.<br />

99. ClU.lIIDUS LlJilEOSELloUS.<br />

Mas. Pallide stramineuI, sal robllstu, ; palpi labia,lcs IIIIpitil latiludine<br />

valde lungi-ol'eR; (llllellnce Betll10801; all)] antil.'tB lineis<br />

dlla6t1s ea:tBriorib'ln obliquis e punctis !lIscis elongatis, puncta<br />

ducali punctisqtlB ,narginalibu.s nigriB; p08licI}] albido_<br />

cinereOl, I}]lIeo 8l1blinClal.<br />

Male. Plllo strllw-colour, l'llther s,tout. Labinl palpi very<br />

much longer than the breadth of tbe helld. MuxiJIal'Y palpi less<br />

tban hlLlf the length of the labial palpi. Antennw setulose. Fore<br />

wings moderately broad, slightly aOllte; two exterior oblique lines<br />

slightly diverllillg from each oLhel' bindwal'd alld composell of eloll~<br />

glltcd browD point!!; disca1 point aDd mal'gina1 Jloints bluck; oxlerior<br />

border almost straight, slighLly oblique. Hillel wings whitish<br />

cinereoU8, with It slight l8ueous tinge. Length oC the body 4 P<br />

lines; of the wings 10 lines.<br />

a. Hondurllll. From Mr. Dyson's colleution.

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