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LEPIDOP1'EBA UETEBOOE1lJ.. 137 sullquadrate. Legs stout, slil!htly )lilose, ratller long; hind tibim with fbur ImOllerlltely long spurs, Wiugs tlonl(ute, Fore wings narrow, rounded at the tips I c(J~La sLrai~ht; l'Xtlll'ior hurll!'r UUDvex, hllrdly oblique, Hillrl wings sernihYlilino. Female.-Autounre smooth, VlJl'y slouder, 1. l\1ELITARA PllODRNlAUB. M !lB. Pallide ,.inrt'CII-CPI'llilla; alte alllieee lIigro BU{Jl'll7lS}lu'siB anti~e albiclo-ci1leI'eCl!, U'IC'is dllalmR niU"is allUlIiosis "Pilla tis, 24 t'inerco 1Il11rgilllluA, /1~nclo·"I; PUIlC4is'lltc marginalibli,f nillriB; Il11slil,ttI albl8, sl'lIIl1lyalinr.e apull (1oslall'l. pallide cervinCl!. lill(!a 1IIltrginali fllsl'a, Male. Pule oinorcous tawn-colour. Foro wings vory thinly Bnd millutely hlack-RJlccklcll, mObUy whitihll oiuereolls ill frout j iutel'jor alld extcrior liuts black, zigzllj(, remote from eacb other, the lutler bOJ'(lored witb pule cillerClIlIs; discill point and marAinlli poiut~ black, H iuu wings whit.e, 8ulIIillyaline, pale f,IWII-coloUTI',I along Ibe unstll i mllrghm) line brown, Length of the body 6-9 HuL's; of the wings 16-20 lines, 4, United StulOs, Prcsouted by E, Doubleday, Esq. Gellus 90, ADRA. Mag. C01'11I19 sut robu9tuln. Proboscis bl'evis, Plllpi pOl'­ recti, C11llUt pllullo 8111JerILutes; Ilrticulu~ 2us 8ubtus pubesll~D8; Sus graoilis, nOUlllS, minhnus. Anlelllllll breYlusllulo.', pectmatll!. Abdomen ahls postioas SUIH!fllnS; apice subooml'I'6lIIiUm vix ti180ioul«­ tutll, Pedes lalVes, Bllt vulidi; tihilll posiiew qlladricillcaratm. Aim Ilntic~ allgustlll, clougatw, Ilpice 8ubroLulldlltlll, 1lI1lrgine eXle­ ~iore petobliquo, Mille. Body rather stout, Pl'ohosels sllort, PaIJli porreet, extending a little beyond the bUild; IIUOOIlU jlliut model'alely stout, pubescellt bellCI\Lh; third Ilcute, vel'y mucb mOlc slender thllll tbe flccond, IlJl(lll\)~ mure Lllllll ono~riixLh of its lellgtb. AlltcnllOO ratber sllOrl moderlltoly pcctinatcd. Ab,lllInCII c:Xlcndililf beyond the Mnd ~illgs. hligbtly coml'1'CRsec1 Ilt the tip i 1l11i

138 OA.T!LOGUE OF 1. ADRA. ARGENTII.INJlA. Mas. Om'mlla; aZ(J) 411 tiCOJ fasciis qUlltuor indete!'mintltis e IIl'­ buli8 !wcis, 'Vitta discali a'l'gentea; posticflJ cinel'e(J), fimbria t1.lbida. • Male. Fawn-coloul', mostly cinereous boneath. Fore wings pa.rtly olouded wiLh brown, whioh hue forms il'I'egular and inoom_ plete bands; 0. silvery stripe along the fore part of' the disk. Hind wings oinereousi fringe whitish. Length of' the body €ii-lines; oC the wings 12 lines. Sarawo.k, Borneo. In Mr. Sa.unders' collection. Genus 91. LACIPEA. Fmm. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis brcvis. Pnlpi oblique ascendentes, vertioelJl non supero.ntes; articulus 3DS miuilllu8. Antennre va!idle, brel"es. Abdomen IlIIlS po~tioas 6uperans. Pedes robusti, Cemoribu8 tibiisque pOhticis dillltlltis. All.O lunicw sat angustm, apioe subrotllodatll!, margine extedore vix obliquo. Felliale. Body ralher swut. Proboscis short. Pulpi obliquoly ascending, not rising Ithove the vertex; third joint vel'Y llIiuute, nllt 80 muoh as one-fuurth ot' the length oC the second. Autennw stOllt, not more than half the length of the body, 'l'hurax smooth; tCgUhll long. Abdomen 8J1tendiug beyoud Ihe hilld wings, Legs SLOtH, bare; hind felUora IUIlI hilld tibim dilated, o~Jlcciully the luttor. Wings rather narrow; Cringe hl'olul. Fore wings slightly roundcd at the tips; exterior bOI'dcr hardly oblique. 1. LAorPEA IIlUSOOSELLA.. Mas. Fu.ea; alm alltiem testaceo .u.bdrigat(JI, littwa di.eali lIig!'(/. angulata Inaculaln pallide tCBtaceam illcludunte; l'OBtictB Ili. 'nef'a8centes. Female. Brol'Vuish. Ahtlomen, llind wings aud uudor side more cillereoll9. l'borax and fore wiul,I's il'l'cguhu'ly slrC:lkcd witb testaucous. Fore l'Viul(s with a bltlck angullll' disclll 1I11\l'k, whicb includes a pale testaceouB s,Pot ill ils angle. Length of the body 4j- linea i of the wings 10 lllles. Oeylol1. III Mr. Lllynrd's collection.

138 OA.T!LOGUE OF<br />


Mas. Om'mlla; aZ(J) 411 tiCOJ fasciis qUlltuor indete!'mintltis e IIl'­<br />

buli8 !wcis, 'Vitta discali a'l'gentea; posticflJ cinel'e(J), fimbria<br />

t1.lbida.<br />

•<br />

Male. Fawn-coloul', mostly cinereous boneath. Fore wings<br />

pa.rtly olouded wiLh brown, whioh hue forms il'I'egular and inoom_<br />

plete bands; 0. silvery stripe along the fore part of' the disk. Hind<br />

wings oinereousi fringe whitish. Length of' the body €ii-lines; oC<br />

the wings 12 lines.<br />

Sarawo.k, Borneo.<br />

In Mr. Sa.unders' collection.<br />

Genus 91. LACIPEA.<br />

Fmm. Corpus sat robustum. Proboscis brcvis. Pnlpi oblique<br />

ascendentes, vertioelJl non supero.ntes; articulus 3DS miuilllu8. Antennre<br />

va!idle, brel"es. Abdomen IlIIlS po~tioas 6uperans. Pedes<br />

robusti, Cemoribu8 tibiisque pOhticis dillltlltis. All.O lunicw sat angustm,<br />

apioe subrotllodatll!, margine extedore vix obliquo.<br />

Felliale. Body ralher swut. Proboscis short. Pulpi obliquoly<br />

ascending, not rising Ithove the vertex; third joint vel'Y llIiuute, nllt<br />

80 muoh as one-fuurth ot' the length oC the second. Autennw stOllt,<br />

not more than half the length of the body, 'l'hurax smooth; tCgUhll<br />

long. Abdomen 8J1tendiug beyoud Ihe hilld wings, Legs SLOtH,<br />

bare; hind felUora IUIlI hilld tibim dilated, o~Jlcciully the luttor.<br />

Wings rather narrow; Cringe hl'olul. Fore wings slightly roundcd<br />

at the tips; exterior bOI'dcr hardly oblique.<br />


Mas. Fu.ea; alm alltiem testaceo .u.bdrigat(JI, littwa di.eali lIig!'(/.<br />

angulata Inaculaln pallide tCBtaceam illcludunte; l'OBtictB Ili.<br />

'nef'a8centes.<br />

Female. Brol'Vuish. Ahtlomen, llind wings aud uudor side<br />

more cillereoll9. l'borax and fore wiul,I's il'l'cguhu'ly slrC:lkcd witb<br />

testaucous. Fore l'Viul(s with a bltlck angullll' disclll 1I11\l'k, whicb<br />

includes a pale testaceouB s,Pot ill ils angle. Length of the body<br />

4j- linea i of the wings 10 lllles.<br />

Oeylol1.<br />

III Mr. Lllynrd's collection.

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