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LEPIDOPTERA RETEnOOERA.. 131J Female. Cinercolis-brown, morc cinereolls 'beneatb. Wings cinereolls, cloudl'd and spccklcd with lll'Own j discol dot aud marginal line dUl'k brown; extel'ior line pale cillcreolls. Fore wings with SOlllt' pille ciucreolls co~tal points; exterior liue deeply retracted ill tlu: middle. Length tlf the body 4 liucs; of the wings 12 lines. Sal'awllk, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. Gcnus 80. ERPIS. Fama, OOI'PUS sat l'Obustum. Pl'oboscis brevis, gracilis. PilI pi sat validi, oblique ascendentes, verticem non superl1l1tes j articulus 2uII SUblu'cuatus; Sus Iincuris, obtusus, 2i dimidio nOD brevior. Alltcnmu sat valhlm. Abdomen alas po~tieas paullo superans. Pe­ (les robllbti ; tibioo poslicm oalcarihus quatuor longis. Ahs antiem vix QCutlll, co~tn IUlLrgilleque nntieo suboonvexis. Funale. Body moderately slout. Proboscis shurl, slender. Pillpi mtller &tOI1 t, obliquely Uhcolilling, not )'ising higher tball the vel'lex j bCePlJ() j()illt slightly curveLl; third join' lill8.1r, ObIUNt', al)()ut IlIIlf Ilw length oj' the sec(llld. Antenllre l'ather stoUI. AbdomOll CXIClllliug n little beyoJld tbe Iliud wings. Legs stout, smooth; hiud tihiw with four loug spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore wings hurdly LUmte; costa lind cgterior border slightly convex, the IIlUCI Plodol'ately obliciue. 1. EUl'IS MACtn..,\,nIS. Frem. Albit[o-czllel'ca; tkllt'flw rlzgl·jeanle gullatull; altll antica: albid«" macula discaU fasciisquil qual'Uor maculal'ibu$ nigricantibm. Female. Whitish cinereollR. Thorax with some blackish dots. FOI'o WillgR wlliliqb, with" lllaekish di~elll SJIOt and with fuur blackish JIIat'lll11f hlll)tlS; IirhL lind sccund blluds interior, less complete tbun the third nud l'oUith bllllds, which nre exteriol'j a few small interuu·lli1\1e hlllckish spcL·kles. Lellgth of the body 4 lines; uf the wiugs 10 Iilllls. Surawak, Durneo. In Mr. SlIunders' collection. Genus 87. ZUNACETHA • .]JIIII et from. Corplls Silt robuhtum. Proboscis elongata. l>alpl vlllidi, IlJllheSllcntcN, vCl·ticem lIun superanLes; articulus 3us brcvisbiwUll. AmOllDlI! Illaris llubesceutcB. AbdoUlIlU alas p08tioll$ N

134 CATALOGUE OF lODge sllf1eranq. Pelles lmves, sat grRciles; tihim posticro calcurihils qllatuOf breviusilulis. AIm longm, sat Dngnsll!!; auUcm apice rotundatre. Male and female. "Borly mod(,fntcly stout. Proboscis elongate. Pulpi Stlll1t, puheAccnt, oppliNl to the head, not l'ising higher than the vertex; third jniut elltl'emely shnft. Antenum pubescent in tbc male, slllooth in the female. Abrlomeu exteuding mueb heyond the llind win!!s. Lcgs Hmootb, rather slender; hind tibim with four Tather shill'! Rpllrs. Wings long, ruther nArrow. Fore wings rounded at the lips; costa straight; extel'ior burdal' vel'y slightly CODVCX, rathel' oblique. , 1. Z llNACKTHA DIPARTI1'A. lIas et fmm. Alba; caput /ulrum; Illara:tJ niora jasciat"', antire luteUl; alte cmli('te cosla brl,li, allnul" magno, l'inoa lib· liqtla ImOld"la radiisfJul' ra'II'I'im-iblls 'fIigris, alriga costali ba,cali mncllloquB discali lutris; 1'IJBlictIJ alllld tIIl!l'oinem eretet'i'I'l'l'llI plUR rnillllsve fllscr'Rcelltea. Male and female. 'White, shining, Heatl and thorax bright lutE'on9. Thlll'ax with II. slender hllwk !lIlud in rl'unt. FOI'e wings with a lutclJlIS strcak along the hllse of the cO,tll, which is l)llIck at the buse; a largo il'reglllur bluok hasall'illglet, cOlltignOU!I on the outer ~irle to a llltOOll8 ~Pllt whii'll udjoins 1111 ohlique BIi~htly angular black line, whenue ni[le black lines PI'oct'ed to thc extcrior borM del'. Hinl! wings IIIOl'e or leAS broWlliKh ubollt the exterior border. Length of the hody 6t-7liues; ot'the wings 1(1-17 lines. a, b. Honduras. FrOID Mr. Dyson's collection. GellllS 88. PINDICITORA. Ma. f't ftetn. Corpus l'nbl1stIllD, l"3scicl11119 frontalis ProM ductllS. Proho~llis hrevis. gl'ltCilis. Pill pi pOl'recti, vnlidi, piloRi, en.llitis Intitlldinc non hrl'viOl'cS; m'ticlIllls aUM }1I1.1 \'\1S, lllllgi-eollicus. AnteuDlc brevcs. Ahrlolllen ILlus ]lolotiol1s SII}lOrun~. Pcdes lawes, 101lgill~Cll1i j tilJiro po~tiero qltlllhicllllllll'atlc. AIm nllticllJ t'lilllglltt8, IHl~lIstm, III,ice I'OtulllhLtre, margine eXlcrill1'c eOl1VeXll 8ubllblicll1o • .lJ.Eas,-Minur. AIm breviul'es, Autenlllll lute pcllLinutm .... Jo'IMIIl.­ AIl!ennm A'IlIbrll'. ]lrale'malr, BOily stUllt. FrolltlLI tuft ruther prominent. Probo~cis sLort, sleuder. Palpi porrcut, stollt, pilose, tiS long as the


131J<br />

Female. Cinercolis-brown, morc cinereolls 'beneatb. Wings<br />

cinereolls, cloudl'd and spccklcd with lll'Own j discol dot aud marginal<br />

line dUl'k brown; extel'ior line pale cillcreolls. Fore wings<br />

with SOlllt' pille ciucreolls co~tal points; exterior liue deeply retracted<br />

ill tlu: middle. Length tlf the body 4 liucs; of the wings 12 lines.<br />

Sal'awllk, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection.<br />

Gcnus 80. ERPIS.<br />

Fama, OOI'PUS sat l'Obustum. Pl'oboscis brevis, gracilis. PilI pi<br />

sat validi, oblique ascendentes, verticem non superl1l1tes j articulus<br />

2uII SUblu'cuatus; Sus Iincuris, obtusus, 2i dimidio nOD brevior.<br />

Alltcnmu sat valhlm. Abdomen alas po~tieas paullo superans. Pe­<br />

(les robllbti ; tibioo poslicm oalcarihus quatuor longis. Ahs antiem<br />

vix QCutlll, co~tn IUlLrgilleque nntieo suboonvexis.<br />

Funale. Body moderately slout. Proboscis shurl, slender.<br />

Pillpi mtller &tOI1 t, obliquely Uhcolilling, not )'ising higher tball the<br />

vel'lex j bCePlJ() j()illt slightly curveLl; third join' lill8.1r, ObIUNt',<br />

al)()ut IlIIlf Ilw length oj' the sec(llld. Antenllre l'ather stoUI. AbdomOll<br />

CXIClllliug n little beyoJld tbe Iliud wings. Legs stout, smooth;<br />

hiud tihiw with four loug spurs. Wings moderately broad. Fore<br />

wings hurdly LUmte; costa lind cgterior border slightly convex, the<br />

IIlUCI Plodol'ately obliciue.<br />

1. EUl'IS MACtn..,\,nIS.<br />

Frem. Albit[o-czllel'ca; tkllt'flw rlzgl·jeanle gullatull; altll antica:<br />

albid«" macula discaU fasciisquil qual'Uor maculal'ibu$ nigricantibm.<br />

Female. Whitish cinereollR. Thorax with some blackish dots.<br />

FOI'o WillgR wlliliqb, with" lllaekish di~elll SJIOt and with fuur blackish<br />

JIIat'lll11f hlll)tlS; IirhL lind sccund blluds interior, less complete<br />

tbun the third nud l'oUith bllllds, which nre exteriol'j a few small<br />

interuu·lli1\1e hlllckish spcL·kles. Lellgth of the body 4 lines; uf the<br />

wiugs 10 Iilllls.<br />

Surawak, Durneo. In Mr. SlIunders' collection.<br />

Genus 87. ZUNACETHA •<br />

.]JIIII et from. Corplls Silt robuhtum. Proboscis elongata.<br />

l>alpl vlllidi, IlJllheSllcntcN, vCl·ticem lIun superanLes; articulus 3us<br />

brcvisbiwUll. AmOllDlI! Illaris llubesceutcB. AbdoUlIlU alas p08tioll$<br />


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