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LEPlDOl"IERA. H£TEROOERA. 126 1. DURA. V A.LEUBA.LIS. Fwm. Cinereo-cemna; pnlporw1J articulU8 3118 et t!loram !,uoo fasciat;,; alm anticm lineis sex lUlci8, 40. nigricante 'I,mi· guttala, 60. ualde denlit'uiflta, faNciis tribus virideBcentiPU3. pUfictis 7naroinalibus nigric(£ntiblll!. Female. Cinsl'elllls fuwn-eololll', Third joint of the pal pi ,"itb a brown blmd. Thol'llx with II bl'own ),und, FOI'e wings with six brown liIlOS, of which the sixth is mUl'e dentioulated tllllll the others; fOU1'th line interrupted by 0. blal'kish (lot; thl'ee JlI'eellish bands, first bllsal. tbh'd submllrgilllll; mllfll'illai points bluckbb. Length of tbo body 3 lines; 01' the wings 8 lines. a. Ceylon. Prcsented by Dr. Templeton. Gellus 70. CISSE. Mas. Corpus RRt robustllln. Frons plana, productll. I'roboscis oonspicua. Plllpi pOrtecli, villidi, o,lIgllluti; articulus 3U8 lanceolatus, decumbens, 2i diluidio brevior. AlIIeunre robustm, 8etuIClsm. Abdomen alas postioRs paulla 1Iliperans, fu~oioulis duobu'l }Rtel'alibus Rpicalibus. Pedes IlBres, vulidi, breviusollii. Ahe IIntiom non elouglltm, vix lIolltm. Male. Body i'llthcr stnut. Front fiut, prominent. Probo~cis dis\illc\. i'a)l'i stout, porreo\, s)loner t'nan ,,'ue 'mail"), ot \'n-e bead; thirci joiut 1r1lloeoll1te, decumbent, le~s than balt' tbe lenglb of tbe seconci, whh whiob it fUl'lns It distinot Ilngle. Autellnlll stout, setuloso. Abdomen extending a little beyond tbe bind willgs, witb two laternl diverging apicalllll'ts. Legs SIOIlt, SlDooth, l'ather sbort. 'Wings moderutely bl'Dad, not elllngiltocl; fringe long. FOI~ wings bllrdly lIoute; costa Btl'llighL i exterior border slightly con~eltt moderatel, oblique. 1. ClBBB NlC lUVI:rTA.. Mas. Oervina; pal pi nigricante.; alm anticm vitia coslali nill,'a squamosa nilelde. I Jl.fall.'. Fawn-colour, paler beneath. Palpi blaokish. Fore wiugs with 11 blaok costal squllmous shining stripe, wlliob is blac:kisb alJ(l difflllle on the undur sille. H illd wiugs nut paler tllan the {Of 0 wings. Leugth of the lIudy 4 lines i of the wings 9 lines. Saro.wak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. uS

126 OA.T.A.LOUUE Oil' Genus 76. COBUBATHA. Ftl!m. Corpus sat robl1stulU. Proboscis mediocris. Pu)pi validi, squamosi, verticem plluno sUper&1l1eS; alticulus 3us longioonicus, 2i dimidio langior. Autenllle breviusculm, Silt validm. Abdomon alas posticus vix snpemns. Pedes Silt rnbusLi; tibiw postiom qUlLdl'iclllcaratm. AIm allticlQ breviu8cull1', liltiuseullll, subaeUlEe, margine extt'riore convexo suboh1iqua. Female. Body radler sIont. PflIllllscia distinct. P.')pi 8t0l1t, squamous, erect, snorter than the breadth of'the llCllll,l'islIIg II little higher than the vlwtex; third joint elongute-colliclIl, mUlC thlln half the length of the secoud. .Antcnme SIIJOOLII, rutIlel' Hllort Illld stant. Abdomen slig\Jtly tapering, lIardly extelluiUK bcyolld the hind wings. Legs slUooth, rather stOllt; hilld libim with fuuI' long Spill'S. Wings lather short and lll'oaJ. l''tIl'O willgs slightly acute; cosla straight; extol'ior bordel' conves, sligutly obliclue. 1. ConuBATHA METAi:lPIT.ARIS. Fcem. Filscesccnte-I'illerl a; alt(! antic'to spaliis costali et tllllfginali ce"willis, 'Piag"l)1l\tica IinelJlisqu~ dURin" aflticis .flp:uis nigris, linea IlIblllClrglllllli albilla elelliaia 'Ittidulattt, margi/l6 e:X:lel'iore Jllllbriuque e:rparte lloris. Female. Browni:.h cinereuu8. Foro winlts filwn-coloured exteriorly and IIlong mo~t uf the costll; n lllrgo black patch IIIl tho interior border, cOllnected in f,'onl with two slenclel' bellt bluck lines which proceed fl'OIll the C(lstllj sullmal'ginllllille wliilisb, dentate, undulating j extelior border and fl'inge p.utly hluck. lIind .wings browui~h; fringe whitish. Length of the body 4 lines ; of the wings 8 lilies. a. St. Domingo. From Mr. Tweedie's c(lUcction. Genus 77. OLULIS. Fmm. Corpus vix l'ohllslIlIn. PI'ObORCls conspicllll. Antennro !tracHcs. Abdomcn cylindJ'icuDl, 0.1111> posticns pel'l'llllllo blll)crlllls. Pe!\es lmves, long\uiluul\, sat g\,lIci\es; t\bim JlIlSllCIll calcilriblls q!tntuol'lol}gis. AIm nnticftl intUl, l'IIlUtoo, costa vix Clollvcxa, 1U1I.~gine Ilxtel'iol'e slIbRugulltto antice subcuncavo. Female. Body hardly &tOllt. Proboscis distillct. AntullDlI)


1. DURA. V A.LEUBA.LIS.<br />

Fwm. Cinereo-cemna; pnlporw1J articulU8 3118 et t!loram !,uoo<br />

fasciat;,; alm anticm lineis sex lUlci8, 40. nigricante 'I,mi·<br />

guttala, 60. ualde denlit'uiflta, faNciis tribus virideBcentiPU3.<br />

pUfictis 7naroinalibus nigric(£ntiblll!.<br />

Female. Cinsl'elllls fuwn-eololll', Third joint of the pal pi ,"itb<br />

a brown blmd. Thol'llx with II bl'own ),und, FOI'e wings with six<br />

brown liIlOS, of which the sixth is mUl'e dentioulated tllllll the<br />

others; fOU1'th line interrupted by 0. blal'kish (lot; thl'ee JlI'eellish<br />

bands, first bllsal. tbh'd submllrgilllll; mllfll'illai points bluckbb.<br />

Length of tbo body 3 lines; 01' the wings 8 lines.<br />

a. Ceylon. Prcsented by Dr. Templeton.<br />

Gellus 70. CISSE.<br />

Mas. Corpus RRt robustllln. Frons plana, productll. I'roboscis<br />

oonspicua. Plllpi pOrtecli, villidi, o,lIgllluti; articulus 3U8<br />

lanceolatus, decumbens, 2i diluidio brevior. AlIIeunre robustm, 8etuIClsm.<br />

Abdomen alas postioRs paulla 1Iliperans, fu~oioulis duobu'l<br />

}Rtel'alibus Rpicalibus. Pedes IlBres, vulidi, breviusollii. Ahe IIntiom<br />

non elouglltm, vix lIolltm.<br />

Male. Body i'llthcr stnut. Front fiut, prominent. Probo~cis<br />

dis\illc\. i'a)l'i stout, porreo\, s)loner t'nan ,,'ue 'mail"), ot \'n-e<br />

bead; thirci joiut 1r1lloeoll1te, decumbent, le~s than balt' tbe lenglb<br />

of tbe seconci, whh whiob it fUl'lns It distinot Ilngle. Autellnlll<br />

stout, setuloso. Abdomen extending a little beyond tbe bind willgs,<br />

witb two laternl diverging apicalllll'ts. Legs SIOIlt, SlDooth, l'ather<br />

sbort. 'Wings moderutely bl'Dad, not elllngiltocl; fringe long. FOI~<br />

wings bllrdly lIoute; costa Btl'llighL i exterior border slightly con~eltt<br />

moderatel, oblique.<br />

1. ClBBB NlC lUVI:rTA..<br />

Mas. Oervina; pal pi nigricante.; alm anticm vitia coslali nill,'a<br />

squamosa nilelde. I<br />

Jl.fall.'. Fawn-colour, paler beneath. Palpi blaokish. Fore<br />

wiugs with 11 blaok costal squllmous shining stripe, wlliob is blac:kisb<br />

alJ(l difflllle on the undur sille. H illd wiugs nut paler tllan the {Of 0<br />

wings. Leugth of the lIudy 4 lines i of the wings 9 lines.<br />

Saro.wak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection.<br />


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