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LEPIDOptERA UE1'EROCERA. 121 Genns 00. LUl\J.A. Mas. Corpus snt robuRtum. Pruboscis modiocris. Pnlpi oompres!>i, verticem slIpCrRntcs; nl'ticlllns 2us Ht'ClIatns, Bnt latus' Sus 18noeolntus. 20 bl'eviol', Antennlll Itlllbrlll, sat 101l1llB. Alida: men alu5 Jlosti~1tS pllulln superallS, Pedes hevcs, lonltiusculi sat ,racitcs, calcnribus IOllgis, AIm Rilticm, o.outoo, costa' fascioulu media lIarvII, margine exteriure suboonvexo. Male. Butly !'lither stuut, Proboscis moderately long. Pal pi vertical, compl'essecl, I'isillg higher tilim the lleuel; secund joint unnetl, rather hroud; third lllnccnlllte, much shorter than the second. Autennre 1:111100th, Tuthl'r 101l1t and slenil!'r; hind tibim with fOlif long simrs. WillitS elollgllte, moderately broad. Fore wings acnLt', with a minute tuft on tbe middle of tbe oostn, which is straight; exterior burder slightly eUllvex, muderately oblique. 1. LU)[A ANTICALIB, n. s. Ma~. Albida, opalina; corpus subtu" ar,qentl'o-album; al(II sub. n!lulindJ; tJlIlI'a,~ ct alll' a//licm MtlJCl'l1 8l1btincta. ,Male, Whitish, with pCIII'ly lu611'e. Body silvelY white beneath. Thol'ax nuu fore wings with 0 slight testlloeOUB tinlte. Wings semihYllline. Lcngth uf' the budy 5 hiles; of the wlllgs 12 lines. Sal'llwak, Borneo. In MI'. Saullliers collection. Genus 70, PYLARTES. MaR. COI'Pllq Imve, sat rohllhtmll. Pruboscis medioeris. Pdpi porreati, lati, 01l}liti8 lutitudmo llIultu hl'evilll'f'S; articulus 3us bl'e_ vissilllus. Ant~IlIlIl' 11l!1'e'. aut fl"1'8C:iles. Abc)(lDlen allIS. postiCaI! paullo BU(1er8IlS, apioern VOr..UR suhillcl'a~Rlltl1m; fasoiculus ll"icalis po.rvus. Pedes huvcs, llmgiuhculi. sat validi ; tibim pOhticlD quadrioalcarutm. AIm IlIItioee elollgatm, quhllculao, oosta subexQlu'uta. II/ale. Body smouth, shining. mmielutllly stout. Proboscis moderllt~ly IOllg 11IIrI stlllll. Pulpi l'orrllcL, brlllul, very much shorter tho.n the hreadtb of Lhe heud; Lhh'd joint extl'llmely sburt, hordly visible. AuteuulD SlIIlIoth, rllther alcnder. AbdulDcn extending. a IhUo beyond the hiOlI wings, slighLly tllmid towaf(ls the lip i apiao.l tuft smull. Legs smuoth, I'llther long ulld stout j hind tibilll with four long spurs. Wings elongate, shining, model'ately broad. 1\[

122 OATAt.OGUE OJ!' Fore wings sligbtly acule; costa indistinctly ex('avated in the middle i exterior border slightly convex, very oblique. 1. PVL.l.RTES SUDCOSTALIEI. Mas. Alha ; palpi orh'l'ar:ei; thora:c antice et posliC'e oclwaclfU8 ; abdomen apicem 1II!1'8U8 jl(wescen,; all1l anticl1I oclwacoa. cinerlll1l, vitta 8ubc08tali alba, costa ochl'at'(!a; po&tiCaJ jla'tJfJ8. l'e'~le$. lIllIle. White.' Palpi ochl'aceolls, Thorax ocbrnceous in front and liindwRrcl. Abdomeu yellowish LOlVards tbc tip. Fore wings ochraceons-cinereous, iridescent, with IJ, white subcostal stripe; custa ochTRceous. Hind wings yellowish. Length of the body 6 lines; of the willgs 16 lines. Surawnk, :Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. Genus 71. AURANA. Fmn. Corpus robustum. Pillpi oblique ascendentes, verticom vix sUpCfllntes; artiouluB 2UB SUblll'cuatus 1 3118 suhacutus, 20 yilt brevior. Antenlllll sat gl'aciles. Abdomen alas posLicas paullo su· perans. Pedes breves, fellloribu~ tibiisque posteriol'ihuB dillltatis. AIm Huticw elongatlll, silL aDgllstre, vix BCUU:e, margine exteriore subob liq 110. Female. Body stout. Palpi obliquely ascending, hardly rising higher than the vertex, a little shortfr than the breadth of the hl'lI.d: Reoond joint slightly olll'vpd i thh'd slightly aouto, nearly as IOllg as tbe seoond. Alltennm ratber slender. Abdomen extending 8 little lleyond tlle bind wings. Legs sbort; posteriol' femora and tiblm dilllted j hind tibim Wilh four long spurs. Wings elongate, rutner narrolV. Fore winas hardly acUla j costa straight j exterior border slightly Qonve"ll and ublique. 1. AUBANA AO'l'IOSELLA. From. Cinel'po-cr'1'Vi'll4, &U~tU8 albida; pl'des fusco illst'iad " altC ant;,cQJ plagiB duabll' costalibuv nibis, 24 ni.ql'o bipunclatll, lillpa 81lblllarginali .ftlBea lubrl'Dta ,.:cIUB athida margi'llala, spalio mal'siMli diffuse atbiell), punctis 7not'gillalibus 'IIign. cantibus; posticfJ' cinereQ), su.bhyulinfJ', fir/lbria albiela. Female, Cine\'eous fawn-colour. BOIly l'encllih Rnd legs whitisb, the hitler with brllwn bllllds, Fllre willgs with t\\lO while costal patclies, the lirst ex.tending ueal'ly to the interior border, tbe

122 OATAt.OGUE OJ!'<br />

Fore wings sligbtly acule; costa indistinctly ex('avated in the<br />

middle i exterior border slightly convex, very oblique.<br />


Mas. Alha ; palpi orh'l'ar:ei; thora:c antice et posliC'e oclwaclfU8 ;<br />

abdomen apicem 1II!1'8U8 jl(wescen,; all1l anticl1I oclwacoa.<br />

cinerlll1l, vitta 8ubc08tali alba, costa ochl'at'(!a; po&tiCaJ jla'tJfJ8.<br />

l'e'~le$.<br />

lIllIle. White.' Palpi ochl'aceolls, Thorax ocbrnceous in front<br />

and liindwRrcl. Abdomeu yellowish LOlVards tbc tip. Fore wings<br />

ochraceons-cinereous, iridescent, with IJ, white subcostal stripe;<br />

custa ochTRceous. Hind wings yellowish. Length of the body<br />

6 lines; of the willgs 16 lines.<br />

Surawnk, :Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' collection.<br />

Genus 71. AURANA.<br />

Fmn. Corpus robustum. Pillpi oblique ascendentes, verticom<br />

vix sUpCfllntes; artiouluB 2UB SUblll'cuatus 1 3118 suhacutus, 20 yilt<br />

brevior. Antenlllll sat gl'aciles. Abdomen alas posLicas paullo su·<br />

perans. Pedes breves, fellloribu~ tibiisque posteriol'ihuB dillltatis.<br />

AIm Huticw elongatlll, silL aDgllstre, vix BCUU:e, margine exteriore<br />

subob liq 110.<br />

Female. Body stout. Palpi obliquely ascending, hardly<br />

rising higher than the vertex, a little shortfr than the breadth of the<br />

hl'lI.d: Reoond joint slightly olll'vpd i thh'd slightly aouto, nearly as<br />

IOllg as tbe seoond. Alltennm ratber slender. Abdomen extending<br />

8 little lleyond tlle bind wings. Legs sbort; posteriol' femora and<br />

tiblm dilllted j hind tibim Wilh four long spurs. Wings elongate,<br />

rutner narrolV. Fore winas hardly acUla j costa straight j exterior<br />

border slightly Qonve"ll and ublique.<br />


From. Cinel'po-cr'1'Vi'll4, &U~tU8 albida; pl'des fusco illst'iad " altC<br />

ant;,cQJ plagiB duabll' costalibuv nibis, 24 ni.ql'o bipunclatll,<br />

lillpa 81lblllarginali .ftlBea lubrl'Dta ,.:cIUB athida margi'llala,<br />

spalio mal'siMli diffuse atbiell), punctis 7not'gillalibus 'IIign.<br />

cantibus; posticfJ' cinereQ), su.bhyulinfJ', fir/lbria albiela.<br />

Female, Cine\'eous fawn-colour. BOIly l'encllih Rnd legs<br />

whitisb, the hitler with brllwn bllllds, Fllre willgs with t\\lO while<br />

costal patclies, the lirst ex.tending ueal'ly to the interior border, tbe

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