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LEPmoP'rBllA. Im~ROOEnA. Genus 65. MADOCE. Soct. 1. Premo Corpus saL robnstllm. Proboscis mediocris. Palpi porrecti. 1ollgiusl:uli; articulus 3118 !iDearis, IIl'uoilis, 2i dimidio bre.­ vior. Antennm graoile8; artioulus 1 us robustuB. Pedes ~racileB; tibile posLicm oalollribus qUlltuor loogissimis. AIm anticlB latiusoulm, vix: acutre, mal'gino exteriore subB.exo, margine intariore fasoioulato. Female. BOil,. rather stout. Pl'obosois moderatE"ly long. Pnlpi porrecl, It little 8llol'ter thnn the brelldtb ot' the head; second ,l(.int stout; third Iillear, slemler, rounded at the tip, less than half tbe lengtb of tbe seooud. Antennm slender; basal joint stout. Legs smootb, slender; billd tibim with four very ]ongspulS. Winge rather broLid. Fore wings hardly aonte; ousta 8truight j eltterior borde!' vcry slightly bent in the mIddle; fringe slightly notched hebind the bend; interior border with a very prominent squamous tuft. , 1. MAtlOCE LEUOOOOSIIIALlS. Flllm. RuJeleente-cBI''lJi'la; abtiomela .flfl,1/I'8Cf'118 j pelle. albU.; alcs anlieee li'llciB tribuR albis, la 2aqllc ulIdlllillis, 3a 'lJalds 1l1l01l1atu., lilura disClIli 'lLio,icante difl'uSII, linea marginali nigra. mllrgine intl'riare lit ura basali alba fasciculoq1J.B nipro; postiCtl! pallide rqfescelltes. Female. Reddish fawn-colouT. pale beneath. Abdomen yel_ lowisb. Legs whitish. Fure wings with three white lines I aeoond more uudulating than tbe first j third dear))Y angullll', dilated on the angle. trnversing a bluckihh diffuse disclI.i mllrk; mnrginlllllne bluoJr, slonder; intel'jol' horclor with 1111 angular wllite mark at the base, aud with It black tuft. Hind wings pille reddish. Length of the budy 3t lines j of the wingft 9 linos. a. Moreton Bay. From Mr. Digglob' collection. Sect. 2, F(Ilm, Oorp11s vix l'obust\lm. Prohoscis oonsl'ioull.. PaJpi comprl!ssi, oblique ascendllnLos, verlicem nun 8uperantoR j artioulus flus pulJescen8, Jutillsaulus; 3l1s lanCt>olulus, grlloilis. AlitepolII graoUes. Abdulneu a1a8 p05tioas vix: Bupelans. Pedes IlllYes.

118 CATALOGUJI: all' graciles; tibim posticfll calcaribuB quatl10r 10ngls. AIm IntillscullP, margine exteriore slIbineiso ; anticm aeutlE! margine oxtcriore rasoiculato ext1l8 subexcavato. Female. Body barc1ly stout. Frontal turt pl'ominent. Proboscis distinct. Palri compl'essed, ohliqllelyascending, not rising higher than the vettex; second joint pubescent. rather brual\; third lanceolate, muoh more slelldol' than the second, and ISIIII than half its lenglh. Antenncc slender. Abdomen hardly extending I)oyond the hind wings. Legs smooth, 91enllol'; hind tibilll with four lOllg sput'S. Wings ratber broad, Dot l(lng; exterior border with Vel"! slight e"eRvntions. Fore wings acute; iuterior border with u. penicillate tuft, beyoud which it is slightly excavated. 2. MADoon LlNE.\TULA. Fmm. Pallide cBruina, 8ubtll8 cinl'rl'a; alt1! anticm lilleis tribu. denliruiati, alMdi., 9uUa discali pal/ide .flallesC611te, lun"li, mat'!Jinalibu. ni!J"icantibus j paslieee cinereee. Ftmale. Palc fawn-colnur, mostly cinarollus bElneRtl.. Fore winlls a little darker along the exterior bordel'; three:' wbitish denticulated lines; disclII dot pale yellowish I mllrgiun.l lunules hlllckibb i tl1ft on the interior bordel' Lipped with h'"ck. Hind wings cinereous. Len,rth of'the body 4 lines; of the wings to lines. Serawak, Borneo. In Mr. Sallnuers' collection. Genlls 66. ZIZA. Ma.. Corpus grncillimum. Proboscis brovis, graciliH. Palpi squamoso-hirsuti, oblique nsccn!lentes, vt'rtiocllI Don supcrlLntoa; articulus 311s lanoeolatus, grlwilis, 2i dimidio nOli longior. Autcnnlll glabrlll, graeiles ; articulus Ins rohustU9, squumuslI-hirlllllus. Abdomen cyliudricum, alliS poslioas lunge sllperllDs, Pellcs longi, grnciles ; tibim onticm dilutatm; tursi 811tici 81'tieulis hubcllLvatis. Aile 8nlielll elongata!, \'ix acutlB, mOl'gino iutcliore I'llboioulato. lIfaie. Body very sl8l1der. Pl'obo~cis shol't., Slclldl·r. PlIlpi aquamous-birsute, obJiq uely nSl'elHling, not rihing llij.tlll'l' thr\ll the vertex; third joint lanceolate, milch more slender thall tbe s('eond and bardly half its length. AntcnDru smooth, s1('ndlll' I (ir~t joint stout, squamous-hirsute. Abdomen long, o)lindriolll, extending much beyond the biDll wings; apicnl tuft qUlldl'lIte, vel'y slDall. Legs 101lg, smooth, slenuer; fore tibim dilated, squllUloub-piloso i

118 CATALOGUJI: all'<br />

graciles; tibim posticfll calcaribuB quatl10r 10ngls. AIm IntillscullP,<br />

margine exteriore slIbineiso ; anticm aeutlE! margine oxtcriore rasoiculato<br />

ext1l8 subexcavato.<br />

Female. Body barc1ly stout. Frontal turt pl'ominent. Proboscis<br />

distinct. Palri compl'essed, ohliqllelyascending, not rising<br />

higher than the vettex; second joint pubescent. rather brual\; third<br />

lanceolate, muoh more slelldol' than the second, and ISIIII than half<br />

its lenglh. Antenncc slender. Abdomen hardly extending I)oyond<br />

the hind wings. Legs smooth, 91enllol'; hind tibilll with four lOllg<br />

sput'S. Wings ratber broad, Dot l(lng; exterior border with Vel"!<br />

slight e"eRvntions. Fore wings acute; iuterior border with u.<br />

penicillate tuft, beyoud which it is slightly excavated.<br />

2. MADoon LlNE.\TULA.<br />

Fmm. Pallide cBruina, 8ubtll8 cinl'rl'a; alt1! anticm lilleis tribu.<br />

denliruiati, alMdi., 9uUa discali pal/ide .flallesC611te, lun"li,<br />

mat'!Jinalibu. ni!J"icantibus j paslieee cinereee.<br />

Ftmale. Palc fawn-colnur, mostly cinarollus bElneRtl.. Fore<br />

winlls a little darker along the exterior bordel'; three:' wbitish denticulated<br />

lines; disclII dot pale yellowish I mllrgiun.l lunules hlllckibb i<br />

tl1ft on the interior bordel' Lipped with h'"ck. Hind wings cinereous.<br />

Len,rth of'the body 4 lines; of the wings to lines.<br />

Serawak, Borneo. In Mr. Sallnuers' collection.<br />

Genlls 66. ZIZA.<br />

Ma.. Corpus grncillimum. Proboscis brovis, graciliH. Palpi<br />

squamoso-hirsuti, oblique nsccn!lentes, vt'rtiocllI Don supcrlLntoa;<br />

articulus 311s lanoeolatus, grlwilis, 2i dimidio nOli longior. Autcnnlll<br />

glabrlll, graeiles ; articulus Ins rohustU9, squumuslI-hirlllllus. Abdomen<br />

cyliudricum, alliS poslioas lunge sllperllDs, Pellcs longi,<br />

grnciles ; tibim onticm dilutatm; tursi 811tici 81'tieulis hubcllLvatis.<br />

Aile 8nlielll elongata!, \'ix acutlB, mOl'gino iutcliore I'llboioulato.<br />

lIfaie. Body very sl8l1der. Pl'obo~cis shol't., Slclldl·r. PlIlpi<br />

aquamous-birsute, obJiq uely nSl'elHling, not rihing llij.tlll'l' thr\ll the<br />

vertex; third joint lanceolate, milch more slender thall tbe s('eond<br />

and bardly half its length. AntcnDru smooth, s1('ndlll' I (ir~t joint<br />

stout, squamous-hirsute. Abdomen long, o)lindriolll, extending<br />

much beyond the biDll wings; apicnl tuft qUlldl'lIte, vel'y slDall.<br />

Legs 101lg, smooth, slenuer; fore tibim dilated, squllUloub-piloso i

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