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t.EPtDOPTgnA URTEROOEII.A. 113 Geuus 60. MEDAVA. Mas. Corpus sat gl'aeilc. Proboscis brevis. Palpi porrellti, caput vix superantcs; IlrLiculus 2U8 supra fasciculatus; Sus millimus. .AnteuulB breviuseulm, subsetulusm; articulus Ius Abdomen alas postiea" lonlfissime suporans, fllseicu10 Ilpioali eldngato. Pedes breves, sat vlilhH. Aim anticlO snbeloulIllllll, sst u.ngustw, apiee subrotuudatm, Illargiue eJtleriore perobliquo. Male. Body rathel' slanclcr. Proboscis short. Palpi pOI'I'eot, hardly extending beyond the bead; second,joint tufted nbovo f,Owarels lhe tip i tbird extremely miuute. Antenlllc rather Shol't, v~ry minutely selulose; firstjuiut robuRt, Abllomeu extending very far beyond the hind wing~; apical nppellduge~llnd llifLelongate. Legs sbort, I'ather stout; hind tibiro with four model'ately lung spurs. Wings slightly elongated, I'ather no,l'J'(IIV. Fore wings sligb~Jy rOllnded ILl the tills; costastrlligbt j exterior border slightly COllVtlX, very oblique. 1. MKDAVA DIMJNUENB. Mas. OinN'ca; tl,oraw jIlACI} b~fasciatU$; alII! anliem linri, pl"­ "illlis fusciB dClitic'Ul,lliB il.distinctis,j,jBCia basali JURca anti~B dilatatu., macula busali albll, pUlictis 1n'lrginalibuB ni,o;nicant," QUB; pUBlicaI fURcescentf~cincr('(e, fimbria albitlo-cinerea. Mol!). ~hne'ttO'll:8. 1:'ntrnl.'A WIt'll WI) blllWll bb'1l~lI. 'itn'b wings with several Ilcmtely dentloulaLed mostly indistinct bro",!! lines; a wbite basal spot suoceedcd by a brown band, wbich 18 dilatod along P!ll't of tbe Ollstll; mlll'ginal points bIuukish. Hind wings brownish oinereou8 i liingc whitish oinereous. Length of the body tHines; of the wings 10 lilles. a. Ega. From Mr. Bates' oollootion. Genus 61. NACHABA. Mal. Corplls sat rubustum. PrlllJlJscis mediooris. Pa.lpi va1ieli, porrecti, capitis latitudino vix brel'illre~ j Dl1.iouluB 2us 8Urra. fasciculntlls; Sus oouieu5, pUl'vlle. Antennlll gill brIO, brcviusclIIRl, sat grooiles. Abdomen lanueulatuDl, alas poslicus pllullo supal·all!· Pedes lroves, bl'e,iusculi, sat validl; tibim postiolll cltlcaribus quatuor lungissi1nis. AIm ontiew 8ubelonglltro. apice subrotundut lB • Male. Body ruther stont. Proboscis moc1elntel,Iong. Pa1pi stout, porrcot, nearly us loog as the brep.!ILh uf the head I seeo.1d LS

OATALOGUE or jllint with a short dense tuft. above; third conical. not more than olle.fourth of the length of the second. Anlennlll smooth, rather hll0l't and slender. Abdomen tltpeTlng, extending a little beyond tbe hind winll's I apical tuft very short. Legs smooth, ratber sbort ~tnd stoUl; bind tibilll with four very long SPUl'S. Wings slightly c:longate. moderately broad. Fore wings alightly rOllnded ut tho tips; costa straight; exterior border very convex, modorntely ~hlique. 1. NA.CHAB,~ TRANSVERSA. Mas. Cervino"oilleri'a, Bubtns plIllfda nitens 8I1bi'l'i(lpBCtmR; "alpi basi fusci; aim R7Itic(IJ lineis mJ olJRcurinri6uB vllI'iis vial nbliquis, linea 6a slrigisf}uB tribuB obliq'Uis 8ubnlargiliaUbus eID!UR cinereo pallido mal'gintltis, pZlnctis margirlalibus nigl'is Blotlgatis. Hede. Oint'l't'olls, tinged witb fawn·colour, palel', Rliinlnll' and SUglltly il'idescent bellE'uth, Palpi brnwn towards the bllBe. Fore wings with six hardly ohliquo blllcki~b lines, which AI'e reddish brown in some aspl'cts, IlDd are ml,re or less broad lind denticulated liud con1plete; sixtb line and Ibree brolld oblique sublllarginal streaks bordered all lhe ollter side with pale oinerc(lus; 111lll'ginnl points black, eioogllled: uncler side and hind wings witb indMillot lines. Length of the body 3s lines; of the wings I:Illoc8. a.-r Genus 62. ADRICARA. Mas. Oorpus sat rohustllm. ProlJosois gracilis. PaJpi ar~ cuati,ollliquc 08cendentes, venicem non superllDtes; articulus 311s apice rotundatus, 2u vulde brevior. Antellllm glu.brlll, brcviusclIlm, sat graciles. Pedes vulidi, bl'eviusculi. AIm aoticm latm, apioe rotundatm, costa vix convexa. Male. Body ruther stout. Proboscis slendl'r. Palpi clm'cd, obliquely ascending, not rising higher tbUD the vertex; tbh'Cl jClint ta.peling, roullderlilt the tiP. milch shortel' thun tIle second. AntenDm smoutb, rathel' short IlDd slendcl'. Legs smooth, stollt, rather ftbQ,!'t; hind tibim with fuul' long almrs. Wings hroac1. ]!'orc wings roundM at tbe tips; cosla hurdl, oonvex; extul'ior bordel' sligbUy convex, moderately oblique.

OATALOGUE or<br />

jllint with a short dense tuft. above; third conical. not more than<br />

olle.fourth of the length of the second. Anlennlll smooth, rather<br />

hll0l't and slender. Abdomen tltpeTlng, extending a little beyond<br />

tbe hind winll's I apical tuft very short. Legs smooth, ratber sbort<br />

~tnd stoUl; bind tibilll with four very long SPUl'S. Wings slightly<br />

c:longate. moderately broad. Fore wings alightly rOllnded ut tho<br />

tips; costa straight; exterior border very convex, modorntely<br />

~hlique.<br />


Mas. Cervino"oilleri'a, Bubtns plIllfda nitens 8I1bi'l'i(lpBCtmR; "alpi<br />

basi fusci; aim R7Itic(IJ lineis mJ olJRcurinri6uB vllI'iis vial nbliquis,<br />

linea 6a slrigisf}uB tribuB obliq'Uis 8ubnlargiliaUbus<br />

eID!UR cinereo pallido mal'gintltis, pZlnctis margirlalibus nigl'is<br />

Blotlgatis.<br />

Hede. Oint'l't'olls, tinged witb fawn·colour, palel', Rliinlnll' and<br />

SUglltly il'idescent bellE'uth, Palpi brnwn towards the bllBe. Fore<br />

wings with six hardly ohliquo blllcki~b lines, which AI'e reddish<br />

brown in some aspl'cts, IlDd are ml,re or less broad lind denticulated<br />

liud con1plete; sixtb line and Ibree brolld oblique sublllarginal<br />

streaks bordered all lhe ollter side with pale oinerc(lus; 111lll'ginnl<br />

points black, eioogllled: uncler side and hind wings witb indMillot<br />

lines. Length of the body 3s lines; of the wings I:Illoc8.<br />

a.-r<br />

Genus 62. ADRICARA.<br />

Mas. Oorpus sat rohustllm. ProlJosois gracilis. PaJpi ar~<br />

cuati,ollliquc 08cendentes, venicem non superllDtes; articulus 311s<br />

apice rotundatus, 2u vulde brevior. Antellllm glu.brlll, brcviusclIlm,<br />

sat graciles. Pedes vulidi, bl'eviusculi. AIm aoticm latm, apioe<br />

rotundatm, costa vix convexa.<br />

Male. Body ruther stout. Proboscis slendl'r. Palpi clm'cd,<br />

obliquely ascending, not rising higher tbUD the vertex; tbh'Cl jClint<br />

ta.peling, roullderlilt the tiP. milch shortel' thun tIle second. AntenDm<br />

smoutb, rathel' short IlDd slendcl'. Legs smooth, stollt, rather<br />

ftbQ,!'t; hind tibim with fuul' long almrs. Wings hroac1. ]!'orc wings<br />

roundM at tbe tips; cosla hurdl, oonvex; extul'ior bordel' sligbUy<br />

convex, moderately oblique.

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