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LEPIDOPTEBA HBTJilnOOJilRA.. 107 the thorax; third joint as long as the second. Antennm rather sbort. Abdomen extending a little beyond the bind wings. Legs smooth, rather sbort; bind tibire with fOUl' long SpUTS. Wings stollt, racher broad. Fore win itS slightly rounded at the tips; oosta sligbtly oonvex towal'ds the; exterior border slightly oonvex, hardly oblique. 1. CRA-RAOOMA ALBULALIB. Fmm. OinBf'IJfl, 8ubtm fUBea; that'a:r: .fllseo jarciatu8; abdomen ameo-cinereum; a[IB antica! albido et cervino lIa,ia!, linei, 9uatuot' ni,9ricantibus dsntatis alba marginatis, striga bfflJi lata nig"icalitIJ, punctis marpillalib'US nigris; posticiB jUSCfIJ, fimbria cinerea. Female, Cinereaus, brown beneatb, Thorax willi a brown band in front. Abdomen with au mDeous tinge. Fore wings partly wbitisll, partly tinged with fawn-colour; four it'reglllal' transverse dentate blllokisb lines, mostly white-bordel'ed; a short 1lroad blackish strealc in the disk hotween the second and tbird lines; marginal Jloints bin uk, Hind wings brown; fringe oinereous. Length of the body 4t lines; ol'the wings 12 lines, Sarawak; Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' oolJeopon. Genus 63, SALMA. Fmm, Corpus sat robu~tum, Vertex fnsoiculo brevi ereota. Palpi squamosi, subereoti, sat graciles, vortieem paullo superantesj ArLioulus 2n8 linearisl 3l1s millimus. Antennro Bat vulidQl. Abdo .. Illen alas pusticlls paullo sUJlerans. Pedes squumosi, lobu&ti. AIm anticre elonglltre, laLiu8culw, l'llice SlIhl'otUlldutw, Female, Dody rlltber stout, V01'tex wilb a sbort creot tuft. Pnlpi squamous, nellrly erect, ruthel' sleuder, risinll' a little bilther thUD the vertCx; secolld joint Iiuear; third conical, very minu te. Antennm rutbel' stuut, Abduluen extending II little beyond tbe hind wings, Legs squamous, Slllut, Wings elongate, rather broad. Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips. 1. S.U.MA. nEOUItVALIS. FO:lIn. Cana; proboscis jer'l'uginea, basi eona 'qllamo,a; «lIB anticd! ni,9ro viridique ca1lsper'a! .patio ea:leriol'l1 CBneo-!usco, puncta disCltU nigro, U"ci, duabuB jllscis anglllosis, .2a lIalde Jleoea; posticlS apud marginem ea:tej'iOI'om fUBceBcentel,

108 CA.TALOGUE OF , Female. Hoa!'y. Proboscis ferrnginlluB, 1I081'Y ROIl ~qllnmoug towards Lhe base. FOIe wings speckled with blllck ond with green, mneous-brown along most of the extel'ior bOI'der; disenl point blRek; interior aud extf'rior liues brown, zigzag, the Intlel' deeply bent outward. Bind willll'S ditruseclly brown along the exterior border. Length of the body 6 liues; of the wings 16 lines. a. Austra1ia. From Ml'. Dumol's col1ecLion. Genus 64, ALA.TA. M1I8. Corpus yix robustum. Fasoioulus frontalis produotus. Proboscis lougiuscula. Falpi l'ecti, Ja.uceolati, subascelldelltcs, sat gracile!!; al'Lieulu8 2us subtus suhllltus, penicillo 1)8sali ; 3us breViS, II'racilis. AlIlenulil l'obustl8; articuli 1 us et 2us diln tati; 2us penic:iIlatu8. Abdomen alas pustions longe superllns. Pecles lm"08, sat robusti; tiMm pObtiom elllclIl'ibus quatuor parvis, AII8 anLiem eloagatl8, perangustre, Bubacutoo, margiue exteriOl'e subllonvexo sat obliquo. Mille, Body hardly stout. Froutal tuft very prominent. Pro­ ,boscts rllther long. Palpi straight, Illnceolate, rather slender, very slightly asceu,ling; tllil'd joint ncute, slender, about one-fourth of the length of the secllml j the latter is fUl'rowed benl'atll for the 1'0- ception of thc Ilenicillote tuft of hnirs Ilt its hase. Autellnm btout; first and second joints diluted, Ille Illtter with a penicillnte tuft of bairs. A.bdomen extendiug muoh beyond tho hind wings; apical tuft small, elongated. Legs STllooth, rather stouL; bind tibire with fuur sbort spurs. Wings elllngl1te. Fore wings very Datl'OW, sligbtly acute; costa straight; extel'ior border slightly convex, 1'l1ther oblique. 1. AL,\.TA. ANTIOALIS. Mas. Cervina; antl'rlnm basi ",ubtu8 aibm; IIlJdonll'n cervllZo-albidum; alIB "tltiCOl SUbhYllli1/f2, posticc cinercm, oosla alba; poslil'll) albido./''!Iclli7ulJ, IBlleo 8ubnitentes. Alale. Fawo-coluur, whitish beneath. Fh'st and second juints of the untcnlllll white Abdomen whili&b, with 1\ slight tinge of lilwn-colour. Fore wings blightly hyaline, eiuel'eous hindwitI'd; costa white. Bind wings wliitish hyn.lino, with a slight mneous tiuge. Length of' tho bocly 6 lilies i of the wiugs 12 lines. 4. St. Jago. Presented by C. DOl'win, Esq. h. Sierra ~eone. Pl'csented by the Rev. D. F. l\Iorgan.


the thorax; third joint as long as the second. Antennm rather<br />

sbort. Abdomen extending a little beyond the bind wings. Legs<br />

smooth, rather sbort; bind tibire with fOUl' long SpUTS. Wings<br />

stollt, racher broad. Fore win itS slightly rounded at the tips;<br />

oosta sligbtly oonvex towal'ds the; exterior border slightly<br />

oonvex, hardly oblique.<br />


Fmm. OinBf'IJfl, 8ubtm fUBea; that'a:r: .fllseo jarciatu8; abdomen<br />

ameo-cinereum; a[IB antica! albido et cervino lIa,ia!, linei,<br />

9uatuot' ni,9ricantibus dsntatis alba marginatis, striga bfflJi<br />

lata nig"icalitIJ, punctis marpillalib'US nigris; posticiB jUSCfIJ,<br />

fimbria cinerea.<br />

Female, Cinereaus, brown beneatb, Thorax willi a brown<br />

band in front. Abdomen with au mDeous tinge. Fore wings partly<br />

wbitisll, partly tinged with fawn-colour; four it'reglllal' transverse<br />

dentate blllokisb lines, mostly white-bordel'ed; a short 1lroad blackish<br />

strealc in the disk hotween the second and tbird lines; marginal<br />

Jloints bin uk, Hind wings brown; fringe oinereous. Length of<br />

the body 4t lines; ol'the wings 12 lines,<br />

Sarawak; Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' oolJeopon.<br />

Genus 63, SALMA.<br />

Fmm, Corpus sat robu~tum, Vertex fnsoiculo brevi ereota.<br />

Palpi squamosi, subereoti, sat graciles, vortieem paullo superantesj<br />

ArLioulus 2n8 linearisl 3l1s millimus. Antennro Bat vulidQl. Abdo ..<br />

Illen alas pusticlls paullo sUJlerans. Pedes squumosi, lobu&ti. AIm<br />

anticre elonglltre, laLiu8culw, l'llice SlIhl'otUlldutw,<br />

Female, Dody rlltber stout, V01'tex wilb a sbort creot tuft.<br />

Pnlpi squamous, nellrly erect, ruthel' sleuder, risinll' a little bilther<br />

thUD the vertCx; secolld joint Iiuear; third conical, very minu te.<br />

Antennm rutbel' stuut, Abduluen extending II little beyond tbe<br />

hind wings, Legs squamous, Slllut, Wings elongate, rather broad.<br />

Fore wings slightly rounded at the tips.<br />

1. S.U.MA. nEOUItVALIS.<br />

FO:lIn. Cana; proboscis jer'l'uginea, basi eona 'qllamo,a; «lIB<br />

anticd! ni,9ro viridique ca1lsper'a! .patio ea:leriol'l1 CBneo-!usco,<br />

puncta disCltU nigro, U"ci, duabuB jllscis anglllosis, .2a lIalde<br />

Jleoea; posticlS apud marginem ea:tej'iOI'om fUBceBcentel,

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