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6 OATALOGUE 011'<br />

1. TORONE EYBt..EOID:eS.<br />

Fiero. RII/t'Recnla-JuBca: corpus ryaneo.'fIigf'tl.m, BubtUR 'NlJum ;<br />

capllt 8ublus album: aim a'fltic01 nigro punctalO1, purpura8-<br />

eente BtJD~S01, basi lehistactm. lineill duabus nigriN, la angulllta,<br />

24 7I1'b"I084 ant1ce interr'llpla apud I!I1slam dilatata<br />

"rigis d'llabtll e:Dlericlribw n.igris, cOBta subtus 'Nlfa, fascia.<br />

BUbtUB lulea; posti(·OJ plaga '1'11/4, $'Ubtw 'l'Ufm nigro PUtlC_<br />

taLfP.<br />

Female. Dark reddish brown. Body bluish black, red beneath.<br />

Head and fore part of the thorax browll, white beneath.<br />

Fore wings with a purplish tinge, dark slnte-colour towards the base;<br />

many black poiuts, which are mostly on the veins; int.erior and exterior<br />

lines black, rather diffuse I interior line forlning D.1l outward<br />

angle; cxterinr line olouded, iutert'u)lted in fl'Ont, filrmiug a triuDgular<br />

patoh on the oostn; two more exterior black stl'eaks, one<br />

extending from tbe costn to the fore part of' Lbe extorior 1lOrder, the<br />

other e:ctendiulC along the hind pllrL of the exterior borde·r; under<br />

Bide red along the !losta, with a broad regular exterior brigbt pa.le<br />

luteous baud. Hind wiugs willi a large bright red patch; under<br />

side bright red, brown :i1()lIg the burder, with blllok dotted VOitIS.<br />

Length of the body 8-9 lines; of tho wings 20-22lillea.<br />

a.-c. Ega. From MI'. Bates' colIcciion.<br />

Vat'. Body and fore wings fawlI-colour, excepting the InteoUB<br />

band beneath.<br />

d. Villa Nova. From lIr. Bates' colleation.<br />

Gonus 0, PROPAOHYS.<br />

llf(1,8. COI'PltS I'Obulotum. Probosois valida. Pallli porreeti,<br />

orassi, clavaU, slluaulOsi, cllpitis latitudino ]ougiores, artieulis arete<br />

cOlljunctis. Antennm validm, subsetlllosil', subpubescentes. Pedes<br />

robusti j 1,el1es nutiei incrassati 1 tibill! deuse limbriatoo. Alee el()U.<br />

gUUOj sutieD! apicc subl'otuudatm.<br />

Male. Body stout. Pruboscis robust. PaIpi PC)fI'('ct, mosaive,<br />

cinville, smootll, SqUIl1l10US, longer tl18n the breadth of the<br />

head; joints closely cOlnpnctcd together. AntenlllO stout, very<br />

minutelv Rellllusc BlId pubescent. Abrlomen extending VCI',. litllo<br />

beyond ibe bind wings. Legs vefY stout; hind tibilll with four long<br />

spllrs j fore legs iucrBRsnted, squamous; tibilll densoly fringed.<br />

Wings clougllte. Fore wings slightly rounded at tho tips; oosta

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