A Nøtterøy family - Østre Bolæren - Maukon

A Nøtterøy family - Østre Bolæren - Maukon

A Nøtterøy family - Østre Bolæren - Maukon


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Nøtterøy <strong>family</strong><br />

People from the island Østre Bolæren –<br />

the descendents of Edvard and Anne Nilsen<br />

Vestre Bolæren<br />

Mellom Bolæren<br />

Garnholmen<br />

Østre Bolæren<br />

The harbor of Østre Bolæren (photo 2005)<br />


Preface<br />

Far out in the Oslofjord you find three islands called Bolærne. In the period from 1916 to 2004 these<br />

islands belonged to the “Ministry of defense”. Before 1916, Bolærne and a number of small islands<br />

around, were owned by “Jarlsberg hovedgård”.<br />

We know that people have lived on these islands for a very long time – and from the middle of 1600<br />

we even know the names of most of them. Some of my ancestors are coming from these islands<br />

– in particular the island “Østre Bolæren”. This story is about these people and their descendents.<br />

Østre Bolæren was around 1600 only used as pasture for horses and sheep. The first name or <strong>family</strong><br />

living on the island was Ole Nilsen and his wife Ingeborg – around 1740. The first of my ancestors<br />

on Østre Bolæren was Ellef Olsen. He came from Mellom Bolæren in 1773. (I am the 6th generation<br />

after Ellef.)<br />

This research started out with the idea to find the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to<br />

Edvard and Anne Nilsen (my great-grandparents) from Østre Bolæren.<br />

I have found 76 great-grandchildren – and I shall mention them all.<br />

In order to make it easy to see the relation between the members of the <strong>family</strong> as well as between<br />

the generations a coding system is introduced – which will be explained to you. The coding system<br />

starts with Edvard and Anne Nilsen and include all their descendents. I shall also spend some time<br />

on their ancestors, as well as on the history of Østre Bolæren.<br />

In this work I have used the book “Nøtterøy” (from 1971) written by Sigurd H. Unneberg. This book<br />

is based on the book by Lorens Berg from1922. Thus, in 1950 “Nøtterøy formannskap” decided to<br />

point out a so called “bokutvalg” in order to realize an update the book of Lorens Berg. The work<br />

started in 1957 and was finished by S. Unneberg in 1971.<br />

I have also used Bergs book for Tjøme – and of course the genealogical resources on the net including<br />

the church books (digitised parish registers).<br />

Østre Bolæren is now an island for different types of summer activities – only rudiments are back from<br />

the military time. Money has been invested in order to transform the islands into a summer paradise.<br />

Thormod Henriksen<br />

NB! No attempts are made to translate the Norwegian names.<br />

If you have some information not included here please contact me:<br />

My address is: Thormod Henriksen, Johs. Hartmannsvei 38,<br />

1395 Hvalstad.<br />

e-mail: thormeg@online.no<br />

Tel: 66 84 59 88<br />

Thormod Henriksen<br />


The name<br />

Around 1590 the islands were called “Bolleren”. The famous philologist Sophus Bugge assumed that<br />

the first part of the name could mean a “border” – since the islands seem to form a border to the<br />

Oslofjord. They are the utmost border of Nøtterøy.<br />

The name you can find on maps is usually Bolæren (Vestre-, Mellom- and Østre Bolæren). In many<br />

newspapers the last few years the name is written Bolærne. I shall use this name for all three islands<br />

together (the plural). However I shall use the names “Østre Bolæren”, “Vestre Bolæren” and “Mellom-<br />

Bolæren” for each of the three islands.<br />

The size of the islands<br />

Altogether, Bolærne include 2600 dekar (a dekar is approximately 1/4 acre) – divided on 46 islands (the<br />

three large ones and some small). Mellom-Bolæren is the largest and the first settlers lived there.<br />

Østre Bolæren has a size of 590 dekar – and in 1866 they cultivated 37 dekar and they had 3<br />

cows.<br />

Owners<br />

Bolærne with all the small islands around were owned by Jarlsberg hovedgård. In 1916 “The Defense<br />

Department” expropriated the islands. They built a fortress that could defend the Oslofjord and the<br />

waterway to Oslo. It was some war activities in April 1940. During the war the germans built out the<br />

fortress – in fact with war prisoners from Russia.<br />

The islands were military ground with no admittance for the public until 2004. Then all military activity<br />

was stopped – the islands were cleaned up, and finally opened to the public. In 2006 Vestre<br />

bolæren and Mellom-Bolæren are owned by Nøtterøy kommune. Østre Bolæren is owned by Vestfold<br />

fylkeskommune + Nøtterøy kommune.<br />

The buildings on the island are from four different time-periods. First of all, some buildings from the<br />

period before 1916. Then some from the establishment of the fortress around 1920, then buildings<br />

from the second world war – and finally buildings from 1990 – 1992.<br />

It has to be mentioned that a lot<br />

of work has been done in order<br />

to clean up the military garbage.<br />

Thus about 6 km of barbed<br />

wire is removed, 83 ton metal<br />

is taken away. The island has<br />

been through its first season as<br />

a summer paradise.<br />

Left: A picture looking out over<br />

the harbor.<br />


People on the island<br />

Old graves (heaps of stones) have been found on all the islands – indicating that they have been<br />

inhabited – or have been a resort for hunters in antiquity.<br />

We know that people have lived on both Vestre Bolæren and Mellom-Bolæren from the middle of<br />

the 1600 hundred. They lived here and paid a yearly fee to the owner (Jarlsberg hovedgård). They<br />

could farm on the islands – they could fish and they also worked as pilots for larger vessels coming<br />

in the Oslofjord. We may consider this as a very simple and poor life according to present times<br />

standard. However, it can be noted that few – if any, of these people emigrated to USA in the period<br />

1800 – 1900 where we have heavy emigration from the inland districts – both in Vestfold and other<br />

parts of Norway.<br />

The life on the islands must have been completely different from today. We have little knowledge about<br />

schooling for the children – and I must admit that I have very little knowledge about the education for<br />

my grandmother. She was born on Østre Bolæren in1859, and lived here at least the first 24 years<br />

of her life – she even gave birth to two children out there.<br />

Another important issue is the health situation. They had no doctors to call upon – and no medication<br />

for simple colds or some more dangerous virus infections. We shall later return to the winter 1865 –<br />

66 where 5 of my granduncles and grandaunts died. In conclusion – life was hard.<br />

According to S. Unneberg the first settlers on Østre Bolæren was Ole Nilsen. He came to the island<br />

in the beginning of 1700. Ole died in 1742 and his wife Ingeborg in 1746.<br />

In 1747 Jens Anundsen (1714 –1794) came from Mellom-Bolæren. He married Dorte Maria Andersdatter<br />

(1715 – 1772). They had 5 children: Hans (born 1737), Anund, Maren Kirstine, Dorte and<br />

Anders (born 1747). The <strong>family</strong> moved from Østre Bolæren to Hvaløy in 1772 when Dorte Maria<br />

died. Three of the children; Anund, Maren Kristine and Dorte also died when the <strong>family</strong> was on Østre<br />

Bolæren.<br />

A picture from Mellom-Bolæren 1945. During the war it was a prison camp on Bolærne.<br />

Captured russian soldiers were hold in the camp and they worked on the fortress.<br />


My ancestors on Østre Bolæren<br />

The <strong>family</strong> that will be described here came to Østre Bolæren in 1772 when Ellef Olsen (1747 –<br />

1810) leased Østre Bolæren. Ellef is the grandfather of Edvard Nilsen.<br />

Ellef was born on Mellom-Bolæren and he was, according to Unneberg, a pilot. He leased Østre<br />

Bolæren for 37 years until he drowned in the fall of 1810 – 63 years old.<br />

Ellef Olsen leased Østre Bolæren for a yearly fee of 12 riksdaler (riksdaler was the name of the currency<br />

used from 1544 to 1813).<br />

Ellef was the son of Ole Ellefsen (1720 – 1790) and Anne Svendsdatter (1726 – 1811). He married<br />

two times.<br />

I. His first wife was Anne Maria Jensdatter (1748 – 1787). She came from the nearby island Gåsøy<br />

– and she died only 39 years old. They got however, 5 children:<br />

1. Ole (born 1773). Married to Johanne Jonasdatter from Movik. They lived in Denmark.<br />

2. Anne Kirstine (born 1775). No further information available.<br />

3. Anne Maria (1776 – 1834). She was married to 1). Anders Brynildsen from Drøbak and 2). Ingvald<br />

Jensen from Vestre Bolæren.<br />

4. Susanna (born 1780). Married to Steinar Gundersen. They lived in Telemark.<br />

5. Ellef (f. 1784). No further information.<br />

II. Ellefs second wife was Inger Maria Nilsdatter (1751 – 1808). Inger Maria came from Søndre<br />

Nes and was the daughter of Nils Sørensen (1725 – 1774) and Mari Jonsdatter (1724 – 1789). They<br />

got three children.<br />

1. Maren (1789 – 1882). She is the mother of Edvard Nilsen. She is furthermore the great–great<br />

grandmother of the present author. She married 23 years old with her cousin Nils Henriksen from<br />

Søndre Nes (see below).<br />

2. Anne Maria (1793 – 1853). She married Anders Hansen and they lived on Lindholmen.<br />

If you see above she has a half sister with the same name Anne Maria. In the church book they are<br />

given the same name when baptized. They have the same father, but different mothers.<br />

3. Nilia (1797 – 1857). Married to Lars Ingvaldsen from Vestre Bolæren. First they lived on Mellom<br />

Bolæren and then they leased Vestre Bolæren. They got 6 children.<br />

Ellef died in 1810 – 63 years old. He was a sea pilot and he probably drowned together with his brother<br />

Ole and a boy – a so called “pilot boy”.<br />


The period 1811 – 1861<br />

with Nils Henriksen<br />

When Ellef Olsen died the lease of Østre Bolæren was transferred to his “son in law” Nils Henriksen.<br />

Nils was the son of Henrik Nilssen (1754 – 1809) and Oline Olsdatter (1758 – 1833) from Søndre<br />

Nes. If you look to the page above, we can ascertain that Henrik is the brother of Inger Maria<br />

Nilsdatter – the mother of Maren (see below). The place Søndre Nes is the farm which today is<br />

within Knarberg and the place where Walter Holland had his poultry farm.<br />

Nils Henriksen (1785 – 1861) married in 1812 his cousin Maren Ellevsdatter (1789 – 1882). They<br />

were 27 and 23 years when they married – and become 76 and 93 years old.<br />

Nils and Maren leased Østre Bolæren for 50 years. In this period all together 15 – 17 people lived<br />

on Østre Bolæren. According to Sigurd Unneberg the number of people on Østre Bolæren was<br />

as follows:<br />

1801: 10, 1845: 17, 1865: 18, 1875: 15, 1900: 7<br />

Nils and Maren had all together 8 children. However, only 4 grew up. That is:<br />

1. Henrik (1812 – 1832). He died 20 years old.<br />

2. Edvard (1815 – 1893). He is the one that took over the lease of Østre Bolæren in 1861. He<br />

represents the start point for the coding system used (see below).<br />

3. Inger Marie Sifie (1818 – 1892). She was married to Eilert Tønnesen (1816 – 1895). They lived<br />

first on Østre Bolæren and from 1853 on Hvaløy. They had 4 children.<br />

4. Marte Andrea (1827 – 1911). Married to pilot Kristian Amundsen (1816 – 1902). They owned<br />

and lived on Kjøleholmen – but moved in 1889 to Østre Oterbekk (bruksnr. 13). It can be mentioned<br />

that when Marte Andrea became widow she sold Kjøleholmen in 1903 for 2 500 kr to Jørgen Skabo<br />

– and he sold it in 1917 to the David Andersen <strong>family</strong> which still has this lovely island.<br />

Marte Andrea and Kristian had 3 children: Marie (1852 – 1910), Henrik (1854 – 1904) and Arnt<br />

Nicolai (1858 – ). It can be mentioned that Maren Ellefsdatter lived with her youngest daughter<br />

on Kjøleholmen the last years of her long life.<br />

Kongshavnsund between Østre Bolæren and Mellom Bolæren<br />

August 2011<br />

Two descendents;<br />

B Terje Henriksen<br />

and<br />

B Trygve<br />

Myhr<br />

on the north end of<br />

Østre Bolæren. You<br />

see over to Mellom<br />

Bolæren.<br />


Edvard Nilsen<br />

We have reached the point where we can sum up the ancestors of Edvard Nilsen – the pilot and<br />

farmer that spent all his life on Østre Bolæren.<br />

He was born 7/7 1815 and baptized in Nøtterøy church 14. July with the name Edvard Nils. He died<br />

January 12 1893 (77 and a half year old).<br />

Henrik Nilsen Oline Olsdatter<br />

1754 – 1809<br />

1758 – 1833<br />

From Søndre Nes. They had the children Nils<br />

(1785), Ole (1788), Inger Sofie (1791), Maren<br />

Kristine (1795), Hans (1797) Jens (1800) and<br />

Susanne (1803).<br />

Ellef Olsen<br />

1749 – 1810<br />

Inger Maria Nilsdatter<br />

1751 – 1808<br />

Inger Maria was the second wife to Ellef. Maren<br />

was the oldest of their three children.<br />

Nils Henriksen<br />

1785 – 1861<br />

+<br />

Maren Ellefsdatter<br />

1789 – 1882<br />

Henrik(1812)<br />

Edward (1815 – 1893)<br />

Inger Marie Sifie (1818)<br />

Marte Andrea (1827)<br />

Anne Nilsdatter<br />

Anne Nilsdatter (1/11 1817 – 30/4 1905) was from the other side of the Oslofjord – Åle in Onsøy.<br />

We have rather scanty information about her ancestors. Her parents were Nils Olsen (1780 – )<br />

and Elen Thorina Nilsdatter (1792 – ). She married 22 years old with Edvard Nilsen, October 8th<br />

1839. They lived on Østre Bolæren (leased the island from 1861 – 1893).<br />

Ole Haagensen<br />

Elen Michelsdatter<br />

We have found that Anne Nilsdatter spent her<br />

youth at Åle in Onsøy.<br />

Nils Olsen (Inguildsrød)<br />

1780 – <br />

+<br />

Elen Thorina Nilsdatter<br />

1792 – <br />

Anne (1817 – 1905)<br />


The coding system<br />

All the descendents of Anne and Edvard Nilsen are given by the letter B after Bolæren. Furthermore,<br />

in order to distinguish all the B`s we use numbers. The first generation, that is the children<br />

of Anne and Edvard is given by B and one number. Thus; B 1 is their oldest child Helene Matilde,<br />

B 2 is their next child Emil Nikolai and so on.<br />

The grandchildren (2nd generation) are given by two numbers – divided by a dot. The greatgrandchildren<br />

(3rd generation) by three numbers (divided by two dots) – and so on.<br />

The coding follows each person and makes it rather easy to see the <strong>family</strong> relation between the<br />

people and the generations.<br />

Anne and Edvard got 10 children, 24 grandchildren and 75 great-grandchildren. In 2006 we have<br />

at least 6 generations after Anne and Edvard Nilsen – and it would be almost impossible to find<br />

them all. However, in the following we shall try to give as many as possible.<br />

Children<br />

B 1. Helene Mathilde (1840 – 1924).<br />

B 2. Emil Nikolai August (1842 – 1866).<br />

B 3. Severine Amalie (1844 – 1865).<br />

B 4. Nikoline Marie (1846 – 1866).<br />

B 5. Edvard Anton (1849 – 1866).<br />

B 6. Hans Olaus (1851 – 1866).<br />

B 7. Hanna Andrine (1854 – 1920).<br />

B 8. Olava Ottoine (1856 – 1870).<br />

B 9. Hulda Gjertine (1859 – 1947).<br />

B 10. Inga Othilie (1865 – 1944).<br />

From Nøtterøy church. The tombstone<br />

to Anne and Edvard.<br />

It is also the tombstone for their youngest<br />

child Inga Othilie and her husband<br />

Nils Fredrik Jensen.<br />

Only the 4 girls; B 1. Helene Mathilde, B 7. Hanna Andrine, B 9. Hulda Gjertine and B 10. Inga<br />

Othilie got married and have descendents. The 6 other children died all very young and 5 of them in<br />

the course of 4 months in the winter 1865 – 66.<br />


The tragedy in the winter 1865 – 1866<br />

on Østre Bolæren<br />

On the previous page we have listed Anne and Edvards 10 children. When the youngest Inga (B<br />

10) was born September 3. 1865 – all 10 children were alive. Only half a year later the number<br />

of children was only 5 – and we can easily see that a tragedy had taken place on the island the<br />

winter 1865/66.<br />

In the course of 3 months 5 children – or rather youths died. B 3 Severine Amalie (21 years) died<br />

22. December 1865, B 5 Edvard Anton (16 years) died 27. January 1866, B 4 Nikoline Marie (19<br />

years) died 2. March and then on March 9 1866 dies both B 2 Emil Nikolai August (23 years) and<br />

B 6 Hans Olaus (14 years). The last three were all buried on March 14. 1866.<br />

We have no information about the cause of death – however, since it took place over a period of<br />

4 months, it could not have been an accident. Presumably, it was some kind of a virus infection.<br />

It can be noticed that all three boys in the <strong>family</strong> died that year.<br />

Olava Ottoine (B 8) died May 28. 1870 almost 14 years old.<br />

This is a picture from 2004 and shows one of the B-descendents Aggie Fadum (B 9.6.1) in front<br />

of one of the old houses on Østre Bolæren. It is presumably the house where Anne and Edvard<br />

Nilsen lived.<br />

Note that Aggie is coded by B and three numbers. She is therefore one of the great grandchildren:<br />

Furthermore, she is a grandchild of B 9 Hulda Gjertine.<br />


B – descendents<br />

Helene Mathilde – B 1<br />

B 1 Helene Mathilde (Christensen) (1840 – 1924). She married 22 years old with Christoffer<br />

Christensen (1834 – 1924). He was a sea captain. They first lived on Østre Bolæren, then on Bjerkøy<br />

and finally in Bukta. They got alltogether 3 girls; Klara (1863), Elise (1865) and Kathinka (1869).<br />

B 1.1 Klara Jørgine (1863 – 1955).<br />

B 1.2 Elise Amalie (1865 – 1926).<br />

B 1.3 Kathinka Helene (1869 – 1960).<br />

Klara Jørgine (Evensen) (1863 – 1955). Klara married in 1889 Even Evensen (1858 – 1948).<br />

They bought a lot from Ulvø gård in 1895 (today it is Berganveien 177). They lived here the rest of<br />

their lives – and as you can see they got quite old – respectively 92 and 90 years (they were married<br />

in 59 years).<br />

Even was a seaman all his life. He was mate and sea captain on sailing vessels – and after he retired<br />

his hobby was to make small sailing vessels. The house they built burned down, January 20 1939<br />

– two days before their golden wedding. This was a dramatic incident – which made an important<br />

impact on me (I was 11 years old at the time) since we lived only two houses away..<br />

Klara and Even had 5 children, all boys:<br />

B 1.1.1 Even (Evensen) (1891 – 1983).<br />

B 1.1.2 Kristian (Evensen) (1895 – 1924).<br />

B 1.1.3 Karsten (Evensen) (1896 – ).<br />

B 1.1. Klara Jørgine<br />

B 1.1.4 Alf (Evensen) (1899 – ).<br />

B 1.1.5 Harald Anker (Evensen) (1902 – 1966).<br />

B 1.1. Klara<br />

B 1.1.1 Even (Evensen) (1891 – 1983). He was an engineer and married Thora O. Marka. They<br />

lived at Skallestad – and later in Rjukan. They had 5 children:<br />

B Elsi (f. 1917),<br />

B Tonni (f. 1919),<br />

B Synnøve (f. 1927),<br />

B Knut Egil (f. 1927),<br />

B Bjørg (f.1934).<br />


B 1.1.2 Kristian (Evensen) (1895 – 1924). He married Konstance M. Kristiansen (born 1895) and<br />

they lived at Lund Skallestad. Kristian was a seaman and disappeared with the whaling vessel “Graham”<br />

outside Syd-Shetland in 1924. They had two sons:<br />

B Reidar Werner (b. 1919). He married Hansia Samulsen.<br />

B Frank Lund (b. 1923). He is an engineer and was employed in the broadcasting institution.<br />

He married Elsa Andersen. As retired they moved to Skallestad and rebuilt the house<br />

in Lund.<br />

B 1.1.3. Karsten (Evensen) (1896 – ). He married Ruth B. Nilsen (b. 1899). They<br />

lived for a number of years at Skallestad – until they took over the home at Ulvø<br />

(Berganveien 177). They had two children:<br />

B Birger (b. 1925). He is an engineer and married Anne Lovise<br />

Moen Ekenes (b. 1923) from Sandar.<br />

B Ebba (b. 1929).<br />

B 1.1.4 Alf (Evensen) (1899 – ). He married Gudrun Paulsen from Tromsø. Alf was a farmer and<br />

they had the farm Anildrød (bnr. 5 – in the middle of Nøtterøy) from 1937 to 1947. Then they moved<br />

to Skallestad. They had 3 children – all boys:<br />

B Arne Evensen (1928 – 1986). He was a hairdresser – and he married Gunnvor<br />

Livedalen. He had all together 4 children.<br />

B Svein Evensen (b. 1930). He was a seaman.<br />

B Per Holtar Evensen (b. 1936). He wa a barrister and married to Anne-Karine Herlofsen.<br />

They have two children:<br />

B Alf Martin (b. 1962).<br />

B Christine (b. 1967).<br />

Birger Evensen<br />

B 1.1.5 Harald Anker (Evensen) (8/2 1902 – 1966). He married Hjørdis Fossås. They had three<br />

children: Hans Petter (1939), Harald (1946) and Charlotte (1950).<br />

B Hans Petter Evensen (1939). He is married to<br />

Turid (1943) and they live in Nesveien 70B, 3133 Duken.<br />

They have three children: Petter (1965), Morten (1967)<br />

and Elisabeth (1969).<br />

Hans Petter Evensen<br />

(Foto: Connie Vollebekk)<br />

I Øyene 2009.<br />


B Petter Evensen (1965). He is a seaman and live in Dreggveien 3 A, 3133<br />

Duken. He has two boys: Simon (1992) and Aleksander (2000).<br />

B Simon Evensen (1992)<br />

B Aleksander Evensen (2000).<br />

B Morten Evensen (1968). He is married to Janne Stenhjem. They have two<br />

children: Rikke (2000) and Aksel (2001).<br />

B Rikke Evensen (2000)<br />

B Aksel Evensen (2001)<br />

B Elisabeth (Evensen) Jensen (1969). She is married to Jonny Jensen and<br />

they have two children; Filip (1998) and Mille (2000).<br />

B Filip Jensen (1998)<br />

B Mille Jensen (2000)<br />

B Harald Evensen (1946). He is married to Aud Aabøe (1947). They live in Labakken<br />

121, 3142 Vestskogen, Nøtterøy. They have two boys; Terje (1970) and Henning (1973).<br />

B Terje Evensen (1970). He is married to Jane Markhus (1972). They have<br />

two children; Mathilde (2000) and Gabriel (2007).<br />

B Mathilde Markhus Evensen (2000)<br />

B Gabriel Trince Markhus Evensen (2007)<br />

B Henning Evensen (1973). He is married to Ellen Karlsen (1975). They have<br />

two children; Ulrik (2006) and Kasper (2007).<br />

B Ulrik Evensen (2006)<br />

B Kasper Evensen (2007).<br />

B Charlotte Evensen (1950). She lives in Lillehammer and is not married.<br />


B 1.2 Elise Amalie<br />

B 1.2 Elise Amalie (Christensen) (1865 – 1926). Elise was single and had no descendents..<br />

B 1.3 Kathinka<br />

B 1.3 Kathinka (Christensen) Evensen (1869 – 1960). Kathinka was married to steward<br />

Anders O. Evensen (1871 – 1913). He was on the ship Pentus – fell overboard, and drowned outside<br />

South Africa. Kathinkas father Christoffer Christensen moved from Bjerkøy to Bukta in 1880-ties and<br />

the <strong>family</strong> owned most of the small peninsula you can see in the picture below. Klara and Kathinka<br />

sold most of the property (the small peninsula) in 1927. However, Kathinka lived in Bukta all her life.<br />

She and Anders got 5 children.<br />

B 1.3.1 Dagmar (Jacobsen) (1898 – ). She married Peder Jacobsen (b. 1895).<br />

B 1.3.2 Karen Andrea (Thoresen) (1900 – 1964). She married Jacob M., Thoresen (b. 1892). They<br />

lived at Sandløkka (Årøysund) and got 3 children:<br />

B Gerd Synnøve (f. 1929),<br />

B Harald (f. 1930),<br />

B Bjørg (f. 1939).<br />

Bukta – a wonderful place out in Sparrøngsundet. Here is an old picture from about<br />

1960 – looking north towards Arås and Ulvø. Kathinka lived within the red circle.<br />


B 1.3.3 Arthur Evensen (1903 – ). He was a seaman, married to Sigrid Thorsland. Arthur was<br />

known with the name “Arthur Bukta” – and numerous stories are told about him.<br />

B 1.3.4 Olaf Evensen (1906 – 1941). He married Nelly K. Mathiassen – and they lived at Bugården.<br />

Olaf died in England during the war.<br />

B 1.3.5. Harald Kristoffer Evensen (1909 – ). He was married to Thordis Skarri from Våle.<br />

Hanna Andrine – B 7<br />

B 7 Hanna Andrine (Hansen) (1854 – 1920). Hanna Andrine married 21 years old to Jens<br />

Hansen (1851 – 1919) from Vestre Bolæren. They were both from Bolærne and lived there for some<br />

years – and their first 4 children are born there. Jens become a sea captain and they bought Nordre<br />

Rønningen in 1888. They owned most of the land from Bukta to Årøysund – and they got a large<br />

<strong>family</strong> with 8 children and 34 grandchildren.<br />

B 7.1 Emil Hagbart (1877 – 1915).<br />

B 7.2 August Henrik (1879 – 1950).<br />

B 7.3 Amalie Nikoline Othilie (1883 – 1961).<br />

B 7.4 Jensine Henriette (1886 – 1966).<br />

B 7.5 Harald Bertrand (1889 – 1975).<br />

B 7.6 Jens (1892 – ).<br />

B 7.7 Eduard Wiil (1895 – 1970).<br />

B 7.8 Hanna Alfrida (1899 – 1948).<br />

B 7.1. Emil Hagbart<br />

B 7.1 Emil Hagbart Hansen (1877 – 1915). Emil is born on Bolæren. He was a whaler – even<br />

“hvalskytter”. He married Dagmar Evensen from Oterbekk (1882 – 1947). They lived at Petterød (brnr.<br />

2). They had 5 children – all boys.<br />

B 7.1.1 John Hagbart (1902 – 1923).<br />

B 7.1.2 Jens (1904 – ).<br />

B 7.1.3 Borgar Otterbek (1906 – 1964).<br />

B 7.1.4 Hagbart Emil Petterød (1908 – 1980).<br />

B 7.1.5 Anders Jørgen Otterbekk (1913 – 1943).<br />


B 7.1.1 John Hagbart Hansen (1902 – 1923). He died in Brooklyn only 21 years old.<br />

B 7.1.2 Jens Hansen (1904 – ). He was a steward and married Aase Marie Andersen (b. 1916) from<br />

Svensrød. They had 4 children:<br />

B Åse (Smith Johansen) (1934),<br />

B Jens (1941 – 1956),<br />

B Hans Jørgen (1941 – 2002),<br />

B Ole (1943)<br />

B 7.1.3 Borgar Otterbek Hansen (1906 – 1964). He was also steward and married Anna Marie Larsen<br />

(1915 – 1999) from Sparønningen. They had 3 children:<br />

B John Otto (1937 – 1989),<br />

B Anne Birgitte (Bitte) (1947 – ),<br />

B Borgar Dag (1952 – 2002).<br />

B 7.1.4 Hagbart Emil Petterød (Hansen) (1908 – 1980). Hagbart was also a steward and he married<br />

the sister of Borgars wife, namely Ruth Larsen (1918) from Sparønningen. They had two children –<br />

however, the first one died only half a year old.<br />

B Unni (1940 – 1940)<br />

B Ruth Unni (Halvorsen)(b. 1946).<br />

B 7.1.5 Anders Jørgen Otterbek (Hansen) (1913 – 1943). He was a seaman – and in line with his<br />

brothers a steward. He was onboard d/s Hallfrid when the ship was torpedoed outside Scotland in<br />

October 1943.<br />


B 7.2. August Henrik<br />

B 7.2 August Henrik Hansen (1879 – 1950). August is born<br />

on Østre Bolæren. He was a seaman and was chief engineer on<br />

the boat. He married Kathrine Amalie Pedersen (1886 – 1973) from<br />

Smidsrød. In 1913 they bought a lot and build a house in Knarberg<br />

(Dreggveien 7). They got 3 children.<br />

B 7.2.1 Walter Rynning (1911 – 1976).<br />

B 7.2.2 Bodil (1913 – 1988).<br />

B 7.2.3 Else (1926 – 2011).<br />

To the right is a picture of August and Kathrine.<br />

The pic is probably from Knarberg.<br />

B 7.2.1 Walter Rynning (Hansen) (1911 – 1976). He was a seaman – mate.<br />

He was married to Nancy Aarø (1918) and they had two daughters: Tove<br />

(1957) and Grethe (1959).<br />

B Tove Rynning Aarø (1957). Address; Krukeveien 20 A, 3148<br />

Hvasser. She has Joachim (1979):<br />

B Joachim Aarø (1979). Address; Fynveien 54, 3148<br />

Hvasser<br />

B 7.2.2 Walter Hansen<br />

B Grethe Aarø Amundsen (1959). Address; 3541 Nesbyen.<br />

She is married and have two girls Kjersti (1974) and Trine (1975).<br />

B Kjersti Aarø (1974). Address: Vestveien 625, 3145 Tjøme. She has a daughter;<br />

Pernille (1998)<br />

B Pernille Aarø Oseberg (1998)<br />

B Trine Aarø (1975). Address: Pipegrunnkroken 9, 3145 Tjøme.<br />


B 7.2.2 Bodil (Hansen) (1913 – 1988). She married<br />

steward Bertrand T. Hansen (1908 – 1983). They had<br />

a son:<br />

B Egil Bertrand (1949 – 1968). He died in<br />

a tragic traffic accident with a motorbike only 19<br />

years old.<br />

The gravestovne for the Hansen<br />

<strong>family</strong> from Knarberg you can find<br />

on Nøtterøy graveyard – next to<br />

the “big oak”.<br />

(Picture 11. August 2011)<br />

B Egil Bertrand Hansen<br />

An old summer picture from Nøtterøy. I can not identify them all, but from right you see Kathrine<br />

Hansen – then B 9.2.5 Maggen Sørensen, B 9 Hulda Rasmussen, in the rear B 7.2.3 Else Abadir<br />

and to the left B 7.2.2 Bodil. The children are three of Elses children.<br />


B 7.2.3 Else (Hansen) Abadir (1926 – 2011). Else married Busch Jacob<br />

Abadir (1926) from Egypt. They lived in Moraga in California (not far from<br />

San Francisco) and got 6 children and 16 grandchildren.<br />

Moraga 1965<br />

Two of the boys and<br />

the new house in<br />

Moraga<br />

Picture to the right<br />

Else Abadirs urn was placed at Nøtterøy churchyard<br />

on 11. of August 2011.<br />

In the picture 5 of Elses children are gathered.<br />

From left is Ralph, Erik Mona, Jeffery and Glenn<br />

B Ralph Abadir (1950) lives now in San Francisco and has 3 children:<br />

B Julie Abadir (1979)<br />

B Laura Abadir (1981)<br />

B Quinten Abadir (1985).<br />

Laura Abadir<br />

(Photo 2011)<br />

18<br />

Ralph and Quinten<br />

(Photo 2011)

B Mona Abadir (b. Christmas Eve 1953). Married to Thomas Luther Applegate and live<br />

in Honolulu, Hawaii. Mona is co-founder and chief operating officer of Honu Group Inc. She is<br />

former chair for Hawai’i State Foundation on Culture and Arts. She has two daughters: Marissa<br />

(1982) and Cameron (1997) and step daughter Sydney Wilson Applegate (1979).<br />

Mona Abadir and her <strong>family</strong> outside<br />

their house in Black Point –<br />

just outside Honolulu, Hawaii.<br />

From left is Marissa, Tom, Mona,<br />

Sydney and in front Cameron.<br />

(photo 2008)<br />

B Marissa (1982).<br />

B Cameron Zoe (1997).<br />

A picture from 1996 (Mona and Toms wedding). A number of the <strong>family</strong> is present.<br />

From left you see; B Ryan (son of Glenn), then B Glenn Abadir, B Erik<br />

Abadir, Sydney Applegate, Busch Jacob Abadir, Tom Applegate, B Mona Abadir, B<br />

Jeffery Abadir, B Marissa, B Perry Abadir and to the right B Ralph Abadir.<br />


B Glenn Abadir (1956). He lives in Del Mar, San Diego, California.<br />

He was married to Loretta. They got 4 children:<br />

B Ryan Abadir (1992).<br />

B Austin Abadir (1994).<br />

B Tatum Abadir (1996).<br />

B Logan Abadir (1998).<br />

Glenn Abadir<br />

(Photo 2011)<br />

Ryan<br />

(Photo 2011)<br />

Logan<br />

B Perry Abadir (1958). He lives in Danville California and is married to Polly. They have<br />

3 children:<br />

B Nicole Abadir (1988).<br />

B Taylor Abadir (2000).<br />

B Skylar Abadir (2002).<br />


B Jeffery Abadir (b. 1960). He lives in San Ramon, California<br />

and is married to Cindy. They have 3 children:<br />

B Jarrett Abadir (1996).<br />

B Kelsie (Abadir (1998).<br />

B Mikayla Abadir (2002).<br />

Jeffery<br />

Kelsie<br />

Mikayla<br />

(Photo 2011) (Photo 2011)<br />

B Erik Abadir (1967) He lives in Del Mar, California. No<br />

children.<br />

Erik<br />

(Photo 2011)<br />


B 7.3 Amalie Nikoline Othilie<br />

B 7.3 Amalie Nikoline Othilie (Kristoffersen) (1883 – 1961).Amalie is born on Østre Bolæren.<br />

She married chief engineer Harald K. Kristoffersen (1882 – 1947). They bought a lot from Ulvø gård<br />

in 1922 and built a house there (Berganveien 165). They had 3 children.<br />

B 7.3.1 Harald Arnold Kristoffersen (1909 – 1960). He married Karen E. Jacobsen (1910 – )<br />

from Torød. Harald was educated as electronic engineer and he was head teacher at “Kristiandsands<br />

radioskole”. During the war he was in Gøteborg, Sweden and could operate as a contact person<br />

between seamen and <strong>family</strong> members in England and their home families in occupied Norway. Thus<br />

a letter from Harald in Sweden was almost like a letter from my father in England.<br />

Harald and Karen had one daughter:<br />

B Liv (b. )<br />

B 7.3.2 Astrid Anne Sofie (Jacobsen) (1912 – ). She married Arne Arvid Jacobsen (f. 1910) . They<br />

lived almost all their lives in the house at Ulvø (Berganveien 165) after Amalie and Harald. They had<br />

no descendents.<br />

B 7.3.3 Rino Kristoffersen (1914 – ). Rino married Astrid Heidenberg from Husvik. Rino was the<br />

head teacher at the cook-school in Tønsberg.<br />

B 7.4 Jensine Henriette<br />

B 7.4 Jensine Henriette (Andersen) (1886 – 1966). She married sea captain and whaling<br />

marksman Hans Andersen (b.1981) from Nordre Nes. They lived first in Nesbryggen and then moved<br />

to Søndre Rønningen. From 1933 they sold Rønningen and moved to Bygdø. They got 6 children:<br />

B 7.4.1 Hansteen Joakim Andersen (1909 – 1994). He was a sea captain and married Hjørdis<br />

Mathisen Rønningen (b. 1914). They had a son:<br />

B Per Sten Andersen (b. 1939).<br />

B 7.4.2 Hjørdis Kitty (Andersen) Pettersson (1913 – 1999). She married Harry Petterson (b. 1916)<br />

from Uppsala. They had three children:<br />

B Torill, (b. 19).<br />

B Hans Jørgen (b. 19).<br />

B Jon Thomas (b. 19).<br />

B 7.4.3 Tore Andersen (1915 – 1947). He has no descendents.<br />


B 7.4.4 Ove Andersen (b. 1917). He is married to Mary Astrid Nilsen (b. 1921) from Oslo. They have<br />

one son:<br />

B Ove Kjell Andersen (f. 1946). He is a medical doctor – married,<br />

and has 4 children:<br />

B Remi Andersen (1973). He is a medical doctor and an excellent<br />

cross country skier.<br />

B Ruben Andersen (1977). He is a medical doctor and a<br />

cross country skier.<br />

Ove Kjell Andersen<br />

B Geir Ove Andersen (1979)<br />

B Solveig Andersen (1982)<br />

The cross country skiers Remi and Ruben Andersen.<br />

The picture is from the Norwegian championship 2007 where they<br />

both competed in the 3 x 10 km relay.<br />

B 7.4.5 Åge Lorang Andersen (1922 – 2004). He married Evelyn Eberson (b. 1928) from Oslo.<br />

They have three children:<br />

B <br />

B Pål Steinar Andersen (b. 1957),<br />

B Espen Andersen (b. 1962)<br />

B 7.4.6 Jonny Ansgar Andersen (b. 1927). He married Anne Marie Olsen (b. 1931) from Oslo. They<br />

have:<br />

B Jan Andersen (b. )<br />


B 7.5 Harald Bertrand<br />

B 7.5 Harald Bertrand Hansen (20/11 1889 – 5/8 1975). He married Hildur Magdalene Mathisen<br />

(1894 – 1975) from Knarberg. They lived in Rønningen and had 5 sons:<br />

B 7.5.1 Erling Bertrand (1919 – 1977)<br />

B 7.5.2 Knut Betrand (1921 – 1998)<br />

B 7.5.3 Harald Bertrand (1925 – 2005)<br />

B 7.5.4 Odd Bertrand (1929 – 2005)<br />

B 7.5.5 Gard Bertrand (b. 1933)<br />

B 7.5.1 Erling Bertrand Hansen (1919 – 1977). Erling was a whaler (hvalskytter) and he married<br />

Gustava Omdal 1927 – 2001) from Stokke. They had two children:<br />

B Erling Hansen (b. 1952). He is married to Mette Ottesen (b. 1957). They have a<br />

son:<br />

B Joachim Hansen (b. 1982).<br />

B Kurt Hansen (b. 1955). He lives in partnership with Lena Birgitta Stolkegård (b.1961)<br />

and they have a daughter:<br />

B Linn Emmelie Hansen (b. 1987).<br />

B 7.5.2 Knut Bertrand Hansen (1921 – 1998). Knut married Margit M. Christoffersen (b. 1927)<br />

from Nordre Nes – along the road from Bergan to Hjemseng (Hjemsenglina). Knut was a whaler and<br />

“skytter” as well as head of the expedition “hvalfangstbestyrer”. They lived for some years in Cape<br />

Town. Knut took over Rønningen and built a new house on the lot. They have 3 children; Knut (1950),<br />

Kari Mette (1952) and Jens Harald (1958).<br />

B Knut Bertrand (b. 1950). He was married to Ann Jorunn – and then to Anne Lise. He<br />

has 3 children (1 and 2):<br />

B Ina (b. )<br />

B Kine (b. )<br />

B Marita (b. )<br />

B Kari-Mette (b. 1952). She is married to Olav.<br />

B Jens Harald (1958 – 1984).<br />


B 7.5.3 Harald Bertrand Hansen (1925 – 2005). He married Tove Bogen (1936 – 2004) form Slagen.<br />

They have the children:<br />

B Sissel (f. ),<br />

B Heidi (f. ),<br />

B Harald (f. ),<br />

B Trond (f. ).<br />

B 7.5.4. Odd Bertrand Hansen (1929 – 2005). Married to Ellen Olsen. They got two girls:<br />

B Mona (Hansen) Fischer (b. 1954). She is married to Ove Fischer (1949). they have<br />

the children; Andrè (1972) and Espen (1975)<br />

B Andre (b. 1972),<br />

B Espen (b. 1975).<br />

B Rita (Hansen) Mathisen (b.1958). She is married to Frank Mathisen (b. 1955). They<br />

have the children:<br />

B Fredrik (b. 1980),<br />

B Marthine (b. 1983).<br />

B 7.5.5 Gard Bertrand Hansen (b. 1933). He is married to Marion Fredensborg (b. 1938) from Horten.<br />

They live in Rønningen (Buktaveien 27) and have 4 children.<br />

B (b. 1959). He has a daughter:<br />

B Marthe (b. 1990)<br />

B Marianne (b. 1962). She is married to Tor Nystuen (b. 1958). They have the children:<br />

B Jarle (b. 1984),<br />

B Kamilla (b. 1986),<br />

B Rikke (b. 1989).<br />


B Carina (b. 1968). She is partner with Christian Karlsen (b. 1973). They have the<br />

children:<br />

B Vilma (b. 2000),<br />

B Ludvig (b. 2001).<br />

B Line (b. 1971). She is married to Tom Halvorsen. Line has the children:<br />

B Ronja (b. 1994),<br />

B Hans Normann (b. 2000).<br />

B 7.6 Jens<br />

B 7.6 Jens Hansen (1892 – ). He was a whaler (hvalskytter) and married Astrid K. Gundersen<br />

(b. 1901). They moved from Sparønningen to Vestre Movik and they got 5 sons.<br />

B 7.6.1 Jens Henrik (1921 – 2001)<br />

B 7.6.2 Alf Konrad (1922 – 1981 )<br />

B 7.6.3 Hagbarth (1924)<br />

B 7.6.4 Jan Hilding (1931)<br />

B 7.6.5 Asle Hilding (1931 – 1933)<br />

B 7.6.1 Jens Henrik Hansen (1921 – 2001). He was a seaman, chief engineer. No descendents.<br />


B 7.6.2 Alf Konrad Hansen (1922 – 1981). Married to Anne Lise Nilsen (f. 1929) from Oterbekk.<br />

They got 3 children:<br />

B Lisbeth (b. 1950)<br />

B Lill Ann (b. 1952). She has 2 children:<br />

B Anita (b. 1973)<br />

B Morten (b. 1977).<br />

B Roy Asle (b. 1958). He has a daughter:<br />

B Elisabeth (b. 1994)<br />

B 7.6.3 Hagbarth Hansen (f. 1924)<br />

B 7.6.4 Jan Hilding Hansen (f. 1931)<br />

B 7.6.5 Asle Hilding Hansen (1931 – 1933). Jan and Asle were twins. Asle died only 2 years old.<br />

B 7.7 Eduard Wiil<br />

B 7.7 Eduard Wiil (Hansen) (1895 – 1970). He married Ellevine Sofie Hansen – who died in<br />

1923. Then he married Ellevine`s sister – Haldis Emilie Hansen (1905 - 1992). The <strong>family</strong> came<br />

from Kjøpmannskjær and a third daugther in the <strong>family</strong> Anna Therese married Herman Jensen<br />

(see below).<br />

Eduard Wiil had 4 children (1 and 3 respectively).<br />

B 7.7.1 Ebbe (1919 – 1974). He married Kari Birkeland (1930 – 1996). No descendents.<br />


B 7.7.2 Grethe (Borvik) (b. 1929). She married Jan-Otto Borvik (1922 – 1983). They have:<br />

B Bente (Borvik) Aas (1950). She married Jan Yngvar Aas (1946). They have:<br />

B Erik Aas (1972). Married to Ingeborg Amundsen (1973) and have 2 children.<br />

B Ellen Aas (1977).<br />

B Jan Petter Borvik (b. 1954). Married to Siri Thorkildsen (1957). They have:<br />

B Jørgen Borvik ( 1982)<br />

B Øyvind Borvik (1986).<br />

B Jan Christian Borvik (1992)<br />

B 7.7.3 Reidun (Rismyhr) (b. 1935). She married Gunnar Rismyhr (b. 1931) from Kodal. They have<br />

3 children; Jorunn, Gro and Odd.<br />

B Jorunn Bergeid (b. 21/5 1955). She has three children; Monica, Tone and Ronny.<br />

B Monica (Bergeid) Underdal. She is married to Arild Underdal and they have:<br />

B Daniel Underdal (1994).<br />

B Adrian Underdal (2000).<br />

B Tone Bergeid (). She has:<br />

B Christian (1994).<br />

B Ronny Bergeid (1985).<br />

B Gro Schmidt (b. 31/3 1963). She is married to Øivind Schmidt (1964 – 2005).<br />

B Kenneth Schmidt (1992)<br />

B Mona Schmidt (1996).<br />

B Odd Rismyhr (b. 1967). He is partner to Janne Olsen (1969) and they have:<br />

B Joachim Rismyhr (1994)<br />

B Tina-Emilie (2002)<br />


B 7.7.4 Wenche (Strøm) (b. 1942). She married Øistein Helge Strøm (b. 1940) from Stavanger. They<br />

lives in Drøbak – and have two children; Geir Ebbe and Unni.<br />

B Geir Ebbe Strøm (b. 15/1 1962). He is married to Ann Kristin Marthinsen (1964) and<br />

has two sons:<br />

B Henrik Alexander (b. 1994)<br />

B Gard Christoffer (b. 1999)<br />

B Unni (Strøm) Sandvik (b. 28/4 1964). She is married to Svein Jarle Sandvik (b. 1963).<br />

They have two daughters:<br />

B Yvonne Sandvik (b. 15/3 1988).<br />

B Caroline Sandvik (b. 25/6 1990).<br />


B 7.8 Hanna Alfrida<br />

B 7.8 Hanna Alfrida (Kristiansen) (1899 – 1948). Hanna married chief engineer Haakon Kristiansen<br />

(1900 – 1969). They lived in Berganveien 167 on Ulvø from 1923 to 1938. The house burned<br />

down in January 1932 – a dramatic event which I still can remember (I was 4 years and lived in Berganveien<br />

169). They rebuilt the house and sold it in 1938 to Gerda (B 10.5) and Karl Gulbrandsen.<br />

As you see Hanna and Gerda were cousins.<br />

Three children after Hanna and Haakon<br />

B 7.8.1 Elfie Kristiansen (1922 – 1939). Elfie died when she was a teenager from meningitis.<br />

B 7.8.2 Gerd Kristiansen (b. 1924). No further information (she has at least one son).<br />

B 7.8.3 Vidar Kristiansen (f. ca. 1930). No further information.<br />

A picture from 1928 which shows Gerd and Elfie Kristiansen. As you can see the picture is from Ulvø<br />

with the farm in the background. The 4 children on the picture are all great-grandchildren of Anne<br />

and Edvard Nilsen. From left you see B 9.6.1 Aggie (Henriksen) Fadum, in the pram 1928 model<br />

is B 9.6.2 Thormod Henriksen (the author of this work), B 7.8.2 Gerd Kristiansen and B 7.8.1 Elfie<br />

Kristiansen. The adult is Maren Ingerid Henriksen (the aunt of Aggie and Thormod).<br />


Hulda Gjertine – B 9<br />

B 9 Hulda Gjertine (Rasmussen) (1859 – 1947). Hulda married, 20<br />

years old in 1879 Mathias Rasmussen (21/6 1854 – 1938) from Sparønningen.<br />

They lived for some years on Østre Bolæren and the two oldest<br />

children were born there. Then they lived in Sparønningen until 1898<br />

when they bought Høibakk (Knarbergveien 15). They divided the lot and<br />

sold Høibakk to their daughter Ragna and her husband Kristian. The<br />

new place was called Grønvoll and they lived there the rest of their lives.<br />

The original Høibakk is today Knabergveien 15 A – H, 17, 17 B, 19 as<br />

well as 13 A – B. Furthermore, the property also included the hill behind<br />

the house – approximately 4 dekar (an acre) that was sold in 1962.<br />

Hulda and Mathias got 6 children, 10 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.<br />

B 9.1 Hans Olaus Rasmussen (1880 – 1911).<br />

B 9.2 Ragna (Rasmussen) Sørensen (1882 – 1966).<br />

B 9.3 Anna Emilie Rasmussen (1885 – 1898).<br />

B 9.4 Magnvald Hagerup Rasmussen (1891 – 1931).<br />

B 9.5 Axel Rudolf Rasmussen (1893 – 1919).<br />

B 9.6 Anna Emilie (Rasmussen) Henriksen (1898 – 1992).<br />

Three pictures from about 1930 which show how nice it was in Knarberg before the second world<br />

war. To the left Høibakk and to the right Grønvoll. In the picture of Høibakk you can see the following<br />

<strong>family</strong> members; from left B 9.2.3 Jane (Hansen), B 9.6.1 Aggie (Fadum), B 9.2 Ragna Sørensen, a<br />

friend and then B 9.2.5 Maggen with the dog Balder. The upper right picture shows Mathias Rasmussen<br />

outside Grønvoll.<br />


B 9.1 Hans Olaus<br />

B 9.1 Hans Olaus Rasmussen (1880 – 1911). Hans is born on Østre Bolæren. He married<br />

Johanne Laurette Andreassen (1880 – 1960). They had no children. When she become a widow<br />

she married Karl Søderholm and they lived in Nesbryggen (very close to the water). Johanne run for<br />

approximately 12 years Fjærholmen (the restaurant) which is just across her home in Nesbryggen.<br />

B 9.2 Ragna<br />

B 9.2 Ragna (Rasmussen) Sørensen (1882 – 1966). Ragna is born on<br />

Østre Bolæren. She married engineer (seaman) Kristian Sørensen (1878 – 1936)<br />

from Brøtsø, Tjøme. Kristian was hit by stroke, and spent his last years in bed.<br />

They got 5 children.<br />

B 9.2.1 Arne Kristian Kristiansen ( 1906 – 1992).<br />

B 9.2.2 Reidar Kristiansen (1908 – 1986).<br />

B 9.2.3 Jane (Kristiane) (Hansen) (1911 – 2006).<br />

B 9.2.4 Holberg Kristiansen (1913 – 1995).<br />

B 9.2.5 Margareth Sofie (Maggen) Sørensen (1918 – 1991).<br />

B 9.2 Ragna<br />

B 9.2.1 Arne Kristian Kristiansen ( 1906 – 1993). Arne was educated both as a sea<br />

captain and as a farmer and he practised them both – since he during the war was<br />

a farmer. He married Jenny Marie Kristensen (1912 – 2000) from Nesbryggen. They<br />

also took over Jennys home in Huiveien 1 in Nesbryggen in 1951. They got 3 children:<br />

B Anne Berith (Bitten) Ilestad (b. 1936). She is married to Bjørn Ilestad<br />

(1933). They have two boys; Bjørn Fredrik (1964) and Erik (1971).<br />

B 9.2.1 Arne<br />

B Bjørn Fredrik Ilestad (1964). He is married to Wenche Henden<br />

(1965) and they have Bjørn Torjus (1993) and Tuva Eirin (1996).<br />

B Bjørn Torjus (1993).<br />

B Tuva Eirin Ilestad (1996)<br />

B Erik Lorang Ilestad (1971). He is married to Bente (Laumo)<br />

Ilestad (1971). They have the children:<br />

B Egil Lorang Ilestad (1994).<br />

Anne Berith<br />

photo from 1957<br />

B Sigurd Ilestad (1999).<br />


B Kari Margareth Søby (1942 – 1986). Kari was a wonderful person. She got MS quite<br />

early in life, _ and was in an institution for a long time. She died only 44 years old. She had two<br />

daughters:<br />

B Anniken (Søby) Kristiansen (1961). She is married and has 3 children:<br />

B Benedikte ()<br />

B Mads<br />

B Stine<br />

B Mette Søby (1965).<br />

B Terje Kristiansen (b. 1944). He is married to Ann-Kristin Brendalsmo (1947). They<br />

have two children; Anita (1966) and Line (1971)<br />

B Anita Kristiansen (1966). She is married to Trond Jacobsen (1964). Children:<br />

B Mathias (1991)<br />

B Jenny (1994)<br />

B Herman (2000).<br />

B Line (Kristiansen) Moen (1971). She is married to Geir Moen (1971). They<br />

have:<br />

B Oliver Moen (1999).<br />

B Hermann Moen (2000).<br />

B 9.2.2 Reidar Kristiansen (1908 – 1983). Reidar is born on Brøtsø – educated<br />

as an engineer (seaman). However, he worked as a baker during the war. After<br />

the was he was a driving instructor. He married Gjertrud Olsen (1910 – 1994).<br />

They got 3 children; Roar (1935), Kåre (1938) and Inger Lise (1945).<br />

B 9.2.2 Reidar<br />


B Roar Kristiansen (1935 – 1990). He was a plumber and married<br />

Ragnhild Kittelsen (b. 1936). They had three daughters; Kirsti (1961), Sissel<br />

(1965) and Linda (1969).<br />

On a vacation to Tyrkia in the fall of 1990 Roar, Ragnhild and two friends were<br />

attacked by an insane person – and Roar and the other man was shot and<br />

killed – a terrible tragedy.<br />

B Roar<br />

about 4 years<br />

B Kirsti Kristiansen (1961). She is married to James Smith<br />

(1951).<br />

B Sissel (Kristiansen) Mathisen (1965). She is married to Jo Mathisen (1957)<br />

and have 3 children:<br />

B Julie Mathisen (1987)<br />

B Pia Mathisen (1989).<br />

B Oda Mathisen (1991).<br />

B Linda (Kristiansen) Tveitan (1969). She is married to<br />

Fredrik Tveitan. They have:<br />

B Markus Tveitan (1999).<br />

Linda Tveitan<br />

Markus<br />


B Kåre Kristiansen (b. 1938). He is a driving instructor and he married Liv Holt (b. 1944).<br />

They have 2 boys; Per Arne (1965) and Bjørn (1969).<br />

B Per Arne Kristiansen (1965). He has two children:<br />

B Tommy Kristiansen (1994)<br />

B Victoria Kristiansen (1997).<br />

B Bjørn Kristiansen (1969). He is partner to Hanne (1975). They have:<br />

B Philip Kristiansen (2004).<br />


B Inger Lise (Kristiansen) Johnsen (1945 – 2009). She married Alf Kristian Johnsen (b.<br />

1941). They have 3 children; Gjert Reidar (1965), Jeanette (1968) and Regine (1981).<br />

B Gjert Reidar Johnsen (1965). He is married to Marianne and have 2 boys:<br />

B Michael Johnsen (1998).<br />

B Viktor Johnsen (2005).<br />

B Jeanette (Johnsen) Rodlie (1968). She is married to Frode Rodlie (1964). They<br />

have two boys:<br />

B Marius Rodlie (1989).<br />

B Kristian Rodlie (1994).<br />

B Regine Johnsen (1981). She is partner to Kenneth Maurstad and they have:<br />

B Sander (2004).<br />

B 9.2.3 Jane (Kristiane) (Hansen) (1911 – 2006). She married Bjarne Hansen<br />

(1908 – 1958). Jane was almost 95 years when she died – and as far as I can see<br />

the oldest one within the <strong>family</strong> from Østre Bolæren. They got one daughter:<br />

Jane B 9.2.3<br />

B Bjørg (Hansen) Røed (17/5 1947). She married Øystein Røed<br />

(1945). They live in Even Ulvingsvei 21, 3197 Åsgårdstrand, and have; Freddy<br />

(1971) and Kristine (1975)<br />

B Freddy Røed (23/2 1971). He is sambo with Rikke Cecilie<br />

Espevalen and they live in Åsgårdstrand.<br />

B Kristine (f. 21/1 1975). She is married to Tore Raymond<br />

Knudsen (1966). They live in Horten and have; Andreas (2001) and<br />

Marius (2005).<br />

B Bjørg<br />

B Andreas Røed (2001)<br />

B Marius Røed (2005).<br />


B 9.2.4 Holberg Kristiansen (1913 – 1995). Holberg married Edith Alfrida<br />

Kristoffersen (1909 – 1995). They took over Høibakk (Knarbergveien 15),<br />

and Holberg startet “Knarberg garage” there. They got 3 children; Finn<br />

(1945), Ragnar (1947) and Ellen (1954).<br />

B Finn Kristiansen (1945 – 2008). Finn married Anne Grete<br />

Hansen (b. 1945). Finn died by drowning in an accident in the winter<br />

of 2008 when he was looking after the boat in Aros. They have:<br />

B Thomas (b. 1968). He is married to Elin Løkeberg<br />

and has:<br />

B Tommy Kristiansen (b. 1996)<br />

B Sandra Kristiansen (b. 2004)<br />

Holberg and Målfrid<br />

Photo from 1956.<br />

B Ragnar Kristiansen (b. 1947). He is married to Karin Steen (b.<br />

1945). They have two boys; Stein (1969) and Egil (1973).<br />

B Stein Kristiansen (b. 1969). He is married to Ann-Kristin<br />

Wangsmo (b. 1971) and they have:<br />

B Madeleine (b. 20004).<br />

B Egil Kristiansen (b. 1973). He has two children:<br />

B Ragnar<br />

B Andreas Bakken Kristiansen (1996)<br />

B Henriette Bakken Kristiansen (1998).<br />

B Ellen Kristiansen (b. 1954). She is partner to Gunnar Fredriksen and<br />

has two children:<br />

B Mona Bakke (b. 1976).<br />

B Andreas Solum (b. 1985).<br />

B Ellen<br />


B 9.2.5. Margareth Sofie (Maggen) Sørensen (1918 – 1991). Maggen was not married.<br />

She was killed in a traffic accident outside the store Bye Andersen (Meny) at Skallestad.<br />

B 9.3 Anna Emilie Rasmussen<br />

B 9.3 Anna Emilie Rasmussen (1/6 1885 – 29/12 1898). As you can see below Hulda and<br />

Mathias had two daughters with the name Anna Emilie. The first Anna Emilie was only 14 years old<br />

when she died from tuberculosis. It happened that she died when the new girl was 10 days old. She<br />

was buried at Nøtterøy church on January 5. 1899 – and the new girl was baptized on January 8.<br />

She was given the same name – however, she used only the name Emilie.<br />

B 9.4 Magnvald Hagerup<br />

B 9.4 Magnvald Hagerup Rasmussen (1891 – 1931). Magnvald was a<br />

steward. He married Lovise Jeanette Larsen (1893 – 1923) from Tjøme. They lived<br />

just down to the sea in Nesbryggen. They died both very young – however they<br />

got 3 children; Hansten (1913), Randi (1915) and Odd (1920).<br />

When Louise died Magnvald married Grethe. When Magnvald died in 1931 the<br />

children had only their stepmother and grandparents Hulda and Mathias Rasmussen<br />

in Knarberg.<br />

B 9.4 Magnvald<br />

B 9.4.1 Hansten Gergart Rasmussen (1913 – 1942). He was<br />

born on Holtan, Tjøme and baptized in Tjøme church. Hansten<br />

died only 29 years old. He was one among many that got tuberculosis<br />

in a period where we had no antibiotics to stop this<br />

disease. He married Åse Brendshøi (1915 – 1998) and they<br />

got a son; Knut Magne (1940).<br />

Hansten and Åse<br />

B Knut Magne Braendshöi (b. 1940). He is married<br />

to Laila (b. 1941) and they live in Malmø, Sweden. Knut is<br />

running “Polyline International AB” a company importing<br />

plastic materials. They have two children; Cecilie (1964)<br />

and Christian (1970).<br />

Knut and Laila Braendshøi<br />

Photo in 2002<br />


B Cecilie Braendshöi (b. 1964).<br />

Cecilie<br />

B Christian Braendshöi (b. 1970). He is married to Jessica and they<br />

have two boys; Mons (2003) and Morris (2005)<br />

B Mons Knut William (b. 2003).<br />

B Morris (b. 2005).<br />

Christian<br />

Mons and Morris<br />

B 9.4.2 Randi Gerd (Rasmussen) Ingvaldsen (27/12 1915 – 1946). Randi<br />

died 31 years old from the same disease as her brother Hansten. Randi married<br />

Arne Ingvaldsen from Husøy – and they lived there. Arne was a whaler and<br />

during the war he was heavily involved in “milorg”. They got one son; Odd (1941)<br />

B 9.4.2 Randi<br />

B Odd Ingvaldsen (b. 1941). He is married<br />

to Heddy (1946).<br />

They have two children; Eivind (1972) and Cecilie<br />

(1976).<br />

Odd and Heddy Ingvaldsen<br />

Photo from 2002<br />


B Eivind Ingvaldsen (b. 1972). He is married to Janne Nilsen (1973)<br />

and they have two sons:<br />

B Edvin (2005).<br />

B<br />

Eivind<br />

B Cecilie (b. 1976). She is married and has 3 children:<br />

B Helle (1994)<br />

B Ida Olette (1997)<br />

B Anders (1998)<br />

Cecilie<br />

B 9.4.3 Odd Rasmussen (1920 – 1990). Odd was<br />

a seaman – after the war “hvalskytter”. During the<br />

war he was in the Norwegian forces – stationed in<br />

Scotland. There he met and later married Netta<br />

Kinross (1924 – 1989) from Stirling in Scotland.<br />

They lived in Knarberg (Odd took over the house<br />

after Hulda Rasmussen – today it is Knarbergveien<br />

13). They then moved to Cape Town in South<br />

Africa. They got 3 sons; Erik (1951), Paul (1959)<br />

and Jan (1962)<br />

The picture to the right is from the late<br />

1940-ties. Odd and Netta have happy<br />

days. The picture is presumably from<br />

Nøtterøy.<br />


B Erik Rasmussen (1951 – 19). Erik was severely handicapped and spend most of his<br />

life in an institution in South Africa.<br />

B Paul Rasumussen (b. 1959). Paul is married to<br />

Joanne (1962). They lived for a period in Johannesburg and<br />

moved to Cape Town. Paul was running a medical company.<br />

Paul has 3 children:<br />

B Nicolas Bruce (b.1987).<br />

B Scott Paul Rasmussen (1993).<br />

B Erin Wendy Rasmussen (1996).<br />

Joanne and Paul<br />

photo from 2007)<br />

B Scott Paul<br />

Photo from 2008<br />

Here we see from left; Kim, Erin and Nils<br />

Photo from December 2007<br />

B Jan Magnvald Rasmussen (b. 1962). Jan<br />

is married to Susanna (1962). Jan is a geologist<br />

and he is working for “Environmental Resources<br />

Management” (ERM) which is one of the world’s<br />

leading providers of environmental and related<br />

consulting services. Jan was working in the Cape<br />

Town office and they lived in a house overlooking<br />

False Bay. They have two children: Nils (1995)<br />

and Kim (1998). In 2007 the <strong>family</strong> moved to<br />

Melbourne, Australia and Jan is working for ERM<br />

in Melbourne.<br />

B Nils Rasmussen (1995).<br />

Jan and Susanna at home in False Bay<br />

Photos from 2001<br />

B Kim Rasmussen (1998).<br />


Here we see three cousins – all grandchildren to Magnvald Rasmussen. The picture<br />

is taken in July 2002 at Vestli, Nøtterøy (Berganveien 169). From left is B<br />

Knut Braendshøi from Malmø, Sweden. In the middle B Paul Rasmussen from<br />

South Africa, and to the right is B Odd Ingvaldsen from Husøy, Norway.<br />

B 9.5 Axel Rudolf<br />

B 9.5 Axel Rudolf Rasmussen (15/5 1893 – 1919). Axel died only 26 years<br />

old. He was not married and had no descendents.<br />

B 9.5 Axel<br />


B 9.6 Anna Emilie<br />

B 9.6 Anna Emilie (Rasmussen) Henriksen (1898 – 1992). As<br />

mentioned above, Emilie was baptized only 3 days after the burial of the<br />

first Anna Emilie. Therefore she allways used the name Emilie. She married<br />

Trygve Henriksen (1897 – 1968) from Maagerø. He was a seaman (mate and<br />

captain). Trygve was in London during the war and worked for Nothraship.<br />

After the war he took over the shop in Oterbekk after his parents. They built<br />

the house – Vestli (Berganveien 169) in 1927. This property still belongs to the<br />

<strong>family</strong>. Emilie and Trygve got 2 children; Aggie (1923) and Thormod (1928).<br />

B 9.6 Emilie<br />

Right. A picture from the wedding of Emilie<br />

and Trygve.<br />

The wedding took place in Nøtterøy church<br />

on February 4. 1923.<br />

B 9.6.1 Aggie (Henriksen) Fadum (1923). Aggie married Egil<br />

Fadum (1915 – 1977). They lived in Markveien in Tønsberg –<br />

and got 2 daughters; Grete (1948) and Birgit (1952).<br />

B 9.6.1 Aggie and Egil<br />

A picture from 1956. Egil and Aggie and<br />

their two daughters; Grete and Birgit.<br />

B Grete (Fadum) Abrahamsen (b. 1948).<br />

Grete is married to Knut Abrahamsen (b. 1946)<br />

from Haukerød, Sandefjord. They took over the<br />

farm at Haukerød – and have this year (2008)<br />

given the farm over to their youngest son Trygve.<br />

They have 4 children:<br />

B Grete and Knut<br />


B Alexander Abrahamsen (1972 – 2007). Alexander was the oldest son in the<br />

<strong>family</strong> – and consequently had “odel” (allodial possession) to the farm at Haukerød. He<br />

educated from the University of Oslo within law.<br />

Alexander died 2007 from a brain tumor.<br />

B Jørgen Abrahamsen (1974). Jørgen is educated within economics – even in<br />

Sidney Australia. He is married to Camilla Rønnestad (1975). They have:<br />

B Ola Rønnestad Abrahamsen (2001).<br />

B Pål Rønnestad Abrahamsen (2006).<br />

B Trygve Abrahamsen (1975). Trygve has this year (2008) taken over the farm<br />

at Haukerød.<br />

B Hanne Fadum Abrahamsen (1982).<br />

Alexander Jørgen Hanne<br />

B Birgit Fadum Haugstad (b. 1952). Birgit is<br />

educated in physiotherapy in Scotland– where she met<br />

and later married Bjørn Haugstad. They live at Nøtterøy<br />

and have two sons:<br />

B Andreas Fadum Haugstad (1981).<br />

B Lars Fadum Haugstad (1984).<br />

B Birgit and Bjørn<br />

Andreas<br />

Lars<br />


B 9.6.2 Thormod Egil Henriksen (1928). Thormod<br />

is responsible for this <strong>family</strong> research. He married<br />

Målfrid <strong>Maukon</strong> (1934) fra Svarstad. They live in Asker<br />

and have 3 children and 8 grandchildren:<br />

In the picture to the right Målfrid and Thormod are on their<br />

Golden wedding travel to California and Seattle. The picture<br />

is taken in Seattle in September 2007.<br />

B Trond <strong>Maukon</strong> Henriksen (b. 1960). Trond is<br />

partner to Hilde Bakke (1957) – they live outside Gjøvik<br />

and have 3 children:<br />

B Thormod <strong>Maukon</strong> Bakke (1989).<br />

B Steinar <strong>Maukon</strong> Bakke (1991).<br />

B Ragnhild <strong>Maukon</strong> Bakke (1994).<br />

B Terje <strong>Maukon</strong> Henriksen (b. 1961). Terje is partner<br />

to Gunhild Myhr (1967) and they live in Asker. They<br />

have two boys:<br />

A picture from 1964 – from Napa valley in<br />

California. The two brothers Trond (right)<br />

and Terje.<br />

B Trygve <strong>Maukon</strong> Myhr (2000).<br />

B Jonas <strong>Maukon</strong> Myhr (2003).<br />

Målfrid and Thormod have 8 grandchildren – 3 girls and<br />

5 boys. The youngest girl is B Ragnhild (to the<br />

left). The youngest boy is B Jonas.<br />


B Kristin <strong>Maukon</strong> Muren (b. 1965). Kristin is married<br />

to Jan Muren (1963). They live in Asker and have<br />

3 children:<br />

B Camilla <strong>Maukon</strong> Muren (1989).<br />

B Marit <strong>Maukon</strong> Muren (1991)<br />

B Lars <strong>Maukon</strong> Muren (1993).<br />

To the right is a picture from May 2008. B Kristin,<br />

B Lars and Jan are celebrating Lars confirmation<br />

in their home in Orreleiken 2 in Asker,<br />

B Kristin was born in Berkeley, California and baptized in the Norwegian<br />

Seamens church in San Francisco. In the picture to the left she is back at the<br />

Seamens church 34 years later (1999) together with her oldest daughter Camilla<br />

(10 years).<br />


Easter 2007 with our grandchildren gathered at Vestli (Berganveien 169). From left; B Thormod.<br />

B Steinar, B Marit, B Camilla, B Ragnhild, B<br />

Lars, B Trygve, and finally B Jonas.<br />

Inga Othilie B 10<br />

B 10 Inga Othilie (Jensen) (1965 – 1944). Inga was Anne and Edvards<br />

youngest child. She was born just 3 months before the tragedy hit Østre<br />

Bolæren, which killed 5 of her sisters and brothers (see page 9).<br />

Inga married 20 years old with Nils Fredrik Jensen (1858 – 1924) from<br />

Vestre Bolæren. They lived on Østre Bolæren and they even took over the<br />

lease of Østre Bolæren when Edvard died in 1893. They moved later to<br />

Middelborg – and sold the houses on Østre Bolæren in 1905 to Valdemar<br />

Christiansen from Tønsberg. They had the following 7 children:<br />

B 10.1 Hilda Antoine (1985 – 1968)<br />

B 10.2 Ingvald Nikolai (1888 – 1914)<br />

B 10.3 Julius Emil (1891 – 1962)<br />

B 10.4 Herman Eugen (1898 – )<br />

B 10.5 Fredrik (1901 – 1971)<br />

B 10.6 Gerda Alvilde (1904 – 1970)<br />

B 10.7 Jens Bolæren (1908 – )<br />


B 10.1 Hilda Antoine<br />

B 10.1 Hilda Antoine (Sørensen) (1885 – 1968). Hilda married seaman – engeneer<br />

Emil Sørensen (1883 – 1952) from Brøtsø, Tjøme. They lived on Ulvø (the<br />

place which today is Ulvåsveien 6). Let us mention that Emil was the younger<br />

brother of Kristian Sørensen (see page 23) that married B 9.2 Ragna Rasmussen.<br />

Ragna is the cousin of Hilda – and the two families have a double relationship.<br />

Hilda and Emil got 4 boys:<br />

B 10.1.1. Normann Sørensen (1911 – 1985). He married<br />

Ella Marie Maagerø (1915 – 1990). They built the house on<br />

Ulvø (Berganveien 175) – and got two daughters:<br />

B Wivian (Sørensen) Ramski (b. 1941). Wivian<br />

has two children; Erik (1962) and Hilde (1972).<br />

B Erik Ramski (b. 1962).<br />

B Hilde (Ramski) Vollan (b. 1972). She<br />

is married to Anders Vollan (1969). They have:<br />

B Lars Dennis Vollan (1990)<br />

B Fredrik Vollan (1997)<br />

B 10.1 Hilda<br />

B Nora Vollan (2001)<br />

B 10.1.1 Normann and Ella<br />

An old photo probably from before the war.<br />

B Else (Sørensen) Fevang (b. 1950). She is married to Torbjørn Fevang (b. 1952).<br />

They live in Ulvøåsen – and have two children; Camilla (1977) and Andrè (1981).<br />

B Camilla (Fevang) Samodee (1977). She is married to Tevje Samodee (1972).<br />

B Bertine Samodee (2003)<br />

B Lotte Samodee (2005)<br />

B Andrè Fevang (1981).<br />

B Else and B Wivian.<br />

Summer 2011 at Ulvø, Nøtterøy.<br />


B 10.1.2. Emil Hartmann Sørensen (1913 – 2007). Emil was married to Kari Harriet Morthensen<br />

(1919). They live on Husøy. They have two daughters; Wenche (1948) and Randi (1951).<br />

B Wenche (Sørensen) Hirgum (1948). She is married to Lars Hirgum (1946) – and they<br />

have 3 children; Jarle (1969), Trude (1971) and Thomas (1975).<br />

B Jarle Hirgum (1969).<br />

B Trude Hirgum (1971). She is partner to Jørn Jahren and they have two children:<br />

B Sofie Hirgum Jahren (1996)<br />

B Magnus Hirgum Jahren (2000)<br />

B Thomas Hirgum (1975).<br />

B Randi (Sørensen) Kleppan (1951 – 2000). She was married to Per Kleppan. They<br />

have two children; Torben (1976) and Henriette (1979)<br />

B Torben Kleppan (1976). He has:<br />

B Jesper Kleppan (2002).<br />

B Henriette Kleppan (1979).<br />

B 10.1.3. Kåre Sørensen (1915 – 2003). He was married to Mossi Othilie Henriksen (1916 – 1992).<br />

Mossi was also from Ulvø and a member of the Vaskalven <strong>family</strong> (with coding V 3.1.1). They lived at<br />

Ulvø (Berganveien 171) and had one daughter:<br />

B Liv (Sørensen) Furvann (1949). Liv is married to Kai Furvann (1948). They have two<br />

children; Morten (1968) and Petter (1972).<br />

B Morten Furvann (1968). Morten has<br />

a son:<br />

B Storm Furvann (2005).<br />

B Petter Furvann (1972). Petter has<br />

the children:<br />

B Lisa (1998)<br />

B Lars (2002).<br />

A picture from the 1930-ties. From left is Mossi (married<br />

to Kåre) and then Ella (married to Normann) and<br />

finally B 10.1.4 Kåre Sørensen.<br />

B 10.1. 4. Sigurd Sørensen (1916 – 1928). He died only 12 years old.<br />


B 10.2 Ingvald Nikolai<br />

B 10.2 Ingvald Nikolai (Jensen) (1888 – 1914). Ingvald was only 26 years old when he died.<br />

He was a whaler (hvalskytter) and he married Linda Marie Eriksen (b. 1890) from Nesbryggen. They<br />

had 2 children:<br />

B 10.2.1 Randi (Jensen) Eid (1912 – 1997). She married John Eid (1907 – 1942). John was a<br />

seaman (mate) and he died during the war when the ship D/S Lysland was topedoed. They had two<br />

children.<br />

B Marit ( ) . She had a daughter.<br />

B Nina ()<br />

B John Erik (). He has one boy:<br />

B Pål Martin ()<br />

B 10.2.2 Alexander Jensen (1913 – ). He married Ruth Hansen (b. 1918) from Sem. They have<br />

twins:<br />

B Bjørg Jensen (1949)<br />

B Turid Jensen (1949).<br />

B 10.3 Julius Emil<br />

B 10.3 Julius Emil Jensen (1891 – 1962). Julius married Dagny Synnøve Sanne (1894 – ).<br />

They lived in Middelborg and had the children; Ingebjørg (1928) and Frida (1934).<br />

B 10.3.1 Ingebjørg (Jensen) Bork (1928 – ). She married Rolf Bork. She has 3 boys; Rolf, Tom<br />

and Per.<br />

B Rolf Bork. He is married to Sigrid – no children.<br />

B Tom Bork. He is married to Kirsten and they have two children:<br />

B Rieke<br />

B Ole<br />

B Per Bork. He is married to Yongwa and they have one child.<br />

B Jan.<br />


B 10.3.2 Frida Irene (Jensen) Hansen (b. 1934). She married Kjell Hansen (b. 1924). They have<br />

three children:<br />

B Guro (Hansen) Welhaven. She married 1). Carsten Rûhmling, 2). Johan Andreas<br />

Welhaven. Guro has the children:<br />

B Andreas Hansen (1977). He is now married to B Helen Kaltvedt.<br />

Andreas has the children Rikke and Sondre and Helen has Patrick (see under Helen below).<br />

B Rikke Emilie V. Hansen (1994)<br />

B Sondre V. Hansen (1996)<br />

B Tim Christoffer Rûhmling (1983).<br />

B Leo Rûhmling ()<br />

B Tuva Rûhmling ()<br />

B Mille Rûhmling ()<br />

B Steinar Hansen (). He is “sambo” with Gina Mathisen.<br />

B Kine<br />

B Daniel.<br />

B Trine Hansen (). She has a daughter:<br />

B Emilie.<br />

B 10.4 Herman Eugen<br />

B 10.4 Herman Eugen Jensen (1898 – 1985). Herman is born on Østre Bolæren. He married<br />

Anna Therese Hansen (1896 – 1991) from Kjøpmannskjær. She is the sister of the two wives of<br />

Eduard Wiil (B 7.7) – and the two families have a double relationship. Herman was running the store<br />

“Torød Landhandleri” from the beginning of 1920-ties to 1967. They got 4 Children:<br />

; Kari (1920), Knut (1923), Nils Fredrik (1925) and Tore4 (1927).<br />

B 10.4.1 Kari Margrethe (Jensen) Sandåker (1920). Kari married Bjarne Sandåker (1913) – the<br />

son of Tor Sandaaker on Torød school. They have a daughter:<br />

B Sissel (Sandåker) Bugaarden (1951). She is married to Knut Bugaarden (1953) and<br />

they live at Skoppum. They have: Solveig () and Therese (1983)<br />

B Solveig Bugaarden ( ) She is married to Alexander<br />

B Therese S. Bugaarden (1983).<br />

B 10.4.2 Knut Evje (Jensen) (1923 – ). He married Synnøve Aarsrud (1922 – ) from Kragerø.<br />

They had no descendents.<br />


B 10.4.3 Nils Fredrik Evje (Jensen) (1925). He married Aasne Tveten (b. 1917). They live in Solbergelva,<br />

Nedre Eiker. They have a son:<br />

B Erland Evje (1951). He is married to Vigdis Simonsen (b. 1957) from Narvik. They<br />

live at Hønefoss and have two daughters; Trine (1978) and Lena (1982).<br />

B Trine Evje (1978)<br />

B Lena Evje (1982). She is partner to Kjetil Andre Andersen (1984).<br />

B 10.4.4 Tore Evje (Jensen) (1927 – 1981). He is married to Birthe Grethe Jensen (b. 1931) from<br />

Denmark. They have 3 children:<br />

B Bent Evje ()<br />

B Kurt Evje (1959)<br />

B Lasse Evje (1963).<br />

B 10.5 Fredrik<br />

B 10.5 Fredrik Jensen (1901 – 1971). He married Anna Ludvikke Mathisen (1906 – ) from<br />

Ulvø. They lived in Sparønningen and had the children; Frank (1928), Ella (1929), Marit (1931) and<br />

Inger (1935).<br />

B 10.5.1 Frank Jensen (1928 – 2006). He married Sigrid Marie Olsen (1922 – 1992). They built a<br />

house in Stokken – Ulvø.They got two girls; Anne Margrethe (1957) and Solfrid (1958).<br />

B Anne Margrethe Berge (1957). She has two boys:<br />

B Fredrik (1983)<br />

B Henning (1985)<br />

B Solfrid Hjelm Johnsen (1958). She is married to Dag Joakim Hjelm Olsen from<br />

Sandefjord. They have three children:<br />

B Ann Cecilie (1981)<br />

B Joakim (1985)<br />

B Frank Andre (1987).<br />


B 10.5.2 Ella (Jensen) Kaltvedt (1929 – ). She married Hans Olav Kaltvedt from Tenvik. They<br />

have twins:<br />

B Terje Kaltvedt (1956)<br />

B Tore Kaltvedt (1956). He is married to Trine Evensen. They have two children; Helen<br />

and Markus.<br />

B Helen Kaltvedt (). She is now married to B Andreas Hansen (1977)<br />

Helen has Patrick<br />

B Patrick Kaltvedt ().<br />

B Markus Kaltvedt (). He has Tristan and Kornelia.<br />

B Tristan Kaltvedt ()<br />

B Kornelia Kaltvedt ()<br />

B 10.5.3 Marit (Jensen) Lander (1931 – ). She married Åge W. Lander (1922 – 2006) from Knarberg.<br />

They lived at Skallestad. They have 3 children:<br />

B Brit (Lander) Hansen (1956). She is married to Henrik Hansen.<br />

B Freddy (1960)<br />

B Rune (1965).<br />

B 10.5.4 Inger (Jensen) Fjelldal (1935). She married Odd Fjelldal (1925) from Strengsdal. They<br />

have the children:<br />

B Jim Tomas Fjelldal (b. 1954).<br />

B Gro Fjelldal (1957)<br />

B Nina Fjelldal (b. 1959)<br />

B Hilde Fjelldal (b. 1967).<br />


B 10.6 Gerda Alvilde<br />

B 10.6 Gerda Alvilde (Jensen) Gulbrandsen (10/6 1904 – 25/11 1970). She married Karl<br />

Gulbrandsen. They lived at Ulvø (Berganveien 167). They bought this house from the cousin of Gerda<br />

– Hanna Kristiansen (B 7.8). Gerda has the children; Rolf (1930) and Jorunn (1947).<br />

B 10.6.1 Rolf Gulbrandsen (b. 1930). Rolf has the daughter;<br />

Rita (1956).<br />

B Rita (Gulbrandsen) Vik (b. 1956). She<br />

is married to Kjell Børge Vik (1954). They have two<br />

daughters; Veronica (1986) and Jeanette (1989).<br />

B Veronica Vik (1986)<br />

B Jeanette Vik (1989).<br />

Rolf and Rita<br />

Photo 2010<br />

To the left Veronica on<br />

“Prekestolen” and to the<br />

right is Jeanette.<br />

B 10.6.2 Jorunn (Gulbrandsen) Johnsen (1947). She is married to Jørn Johnsen (1945). They<br />

have 3 children; Henning (1966), Hege (1970) and Hanne (1970).<br />

B Henning Johnsen (1966)<br />

B Hege Johnsen Bach (1970). She is married to Thor Arne Bach – and have:<br />

B Kristoffer Bach (1995)<br />

B Thor Anders Bach (2001)<br />

B Hanne (Johnsen) Høidahl (1970). Married to Jonny Høidahl – and have:<br />

B Anja Høidahl (1996)<br />

B Sara Høidahl (2000).<br />


B 10.7 Jens Bolæren<br />

B 10.7 Jens Bolæren Jensen (1908 – 1972). Jens married Lilly Samuelsen. They lived in Luen,<br />

Kjølelund. They had 4 sons; Ivar (1943), Finn (1944), Gunnar (1948) and Jens Petter (1952).<br />

B 10.7.1 Ivar Jensen (1943). He is married to Reidun Tennevoll from Sørreisa. They<br />

live in Oslo and have two children; Ståle (1960) and Lisa (1970).<br />

B Ståle Jensen (1960). He is married to Vivian Carlsen from Bodø.<br />

They live in Bodø.<br />

B Thobias (1996)<br />

B 10.7.1 Ivar Jensen<br />

B Lisa (1970) Live in Oslo<br />

B 10.7.2 Finn Jensen (1944). He is married to Grethe Langås ( 19xx ) from Berganveien.<br />

They live in Nesbryggen. The have two sons; Per Kristian (1977) and Tor<br />

Henning (1981).<br />

B10.7.2.1: Per Kristian (1977).<br />

B Tor Henning (1981)<br />

B 10.7.2 Finn Jensen<br />

B 10.7.3 Gunnar Jensen (1948). He lives in Luen.<br />

B 10,7.3 Gunnar Jensen<br />


B 10.7.4 Jens Petter (Jensen) Middborg (1952). He lives in Stavanger and has two<br />

sons:<br />

B Jens Henry (1974). One son:<br />

B Jens Haakon (1998)<br />

B Ole Andreas (1981).<br />

B 10.7.4 Jens Petter Middborg<br />


The great grandchildren of Østre Bolæren<br />

This research was started with the purpose to find most, if not all, of the descendents of Edvard<br />

and Anne Nilsen from Østre Bolæren. In particular, a goal was to find all the great-grandchildren.<br />

And here are the 76 great-grandchildren.<br />

B 1.1.1 Even Evensen (1891 – 1983)<br />

B 1.1.2 Kristian Evensen (1895 – 1924)<br />

B 1.1.3 Karsten Evensen (1896 – )<br />

B 1.1.4 Alf Evensen (1899 – )<br />

B 1.1.5 Harald Evensen (1902 – 1966)<br />

B 1.3.1 Dagmar Jacobsen (1898 – )<br />

B 1.3.2 Karen Thoresen (1900 – 1964)<br />

B 1.3.3 Arthur Evensen (1903 – )<br />

B 1.3.4 Olaf Evensen (1906 – 1941)<br />

B 1.3.5 Harald K. Evensen (1909 – )<br />

B 7.1.1 John H. Hansen (1902 – 1923)<br />

B 7.1.2 Jens Hansen (1904 – )<br />

B 7.1.3 Borgar O. Hansen (1906 – 1964)<br />

B 7.1.4 Hagbart Petterød (1908 – 1913)<br />

B 7.1.5 Anders J. Otterbekk (1913 – 1943)<br />

B 7.2.1 Walter R. Hansen (1911 – 1976 )<br />

B 7.2.2 Bodil Hansen (1913 – 1988)<br />

B 7.2.3 Else Abadir (1926 – 2011)<br />

B 7.3.1 Harald Kristoffersen (1909 – 1960)<br />

B 7.3.2 Astrid Jacobsen (1912 – )<br />

B 7.3.3 Rino Kristoffersen (1914 – )<br />

B 7.4.1 Hansten Andersen (1909 – 1994)<br />

B 7.4.2 Hjørdis Pettersson (1913 – 1999)<br />

B 7.4.3 Tore Andersen (1915 – 1947)<br />

B 7.4.4 Ove Andersen (1917)<br />

B 7.4.5 Åge L. Andersen (1922 – 2004)<br />

B 7.4.6 Jonny A. Andersen (1927)<br />

B 7.5.1 Erling Bertrand Hansen (1919 – 1977)<br />

B 7.5.2 Knut Bertrand Hansen (1921 – 1998)<br />

B 7.5.3 Harald Bertrand Hansen (1925 – 2005)<br />

B 7.5.4 Odd Bertrand Hansen (1929 – 2005)<br />

B 7.5.5 Gard Bertrand Hansen (1933)<br />

B 7.6.1 Jens H. Hansen (1921 – 2001)<br />

B 7.6.2 Alf Hansen (1922 – 1981)<br />

B 7.6.3 Hagbarth Hansen (1924)<br />

B 7.6.4 Jan Hilding Hansen (1931)<br />

B 7.6.5 Asle Hilding Hansen (1931 – 1933)<br />

B 7.7.1 Ebbe Wiil (1919 – 1974)<br />

B 7.7.2 Grethe Borvik (1929)<br />

57<br />

B 7.7.3 Reidun Rismyhr (1935)<br />

B 7.7.4 Wenche Strøm (1942)<br />

B 7.8.1 Elfie Kristiansen (1922 – 1939)<br />

B 7.8.2 Gerd Kristiansen (1924)<br />

B 7.8.3 Vidar Kristiansen (1930)<br />

B 9.2.1 Arne Kristiansen (1906 – 1992)<br />

B 9.2.2 Reidar Kristiansen (1908 – 1986)<br />

B 9.2.3 Jane Hansen (1911 – 2006)<br />

B 9.2.4 Holberg Kristiansen (1913 – 1995)<br />

B 9.2.5 Margareth Sørensen(1918 – 1991)<br />

B 9.4.1 Hansten Rasmussen (1913 – 1942)<br />

B 9.4.2 Randi Ingvaldsen (1915 – 1946)<br />

B 9.4.3 Odd Rasmussen (1920 – 1990)<br />

B 9.6.1 Aggie Fadum (1923)<br />

B 9.6.2 Thormod Henriksen (1928)<br />

B 10.1.1 Normann Sørensen (1911 – 1985)<br />

B 10.1.2 Emil Sørensen (1913)<br />

B 10.1.3 Kåre Sørensen (1915 – 2003)<br />

B 10.1.4 Sigurd Sørensen (1916 – 1928).<br />

B 10.2.1 Randi Eid (1912 – )<br />

B 10.2.2 Alexander Jensen (1913 – )<br />

B 10.3.1 Ingebjørg Bork (1928)<br />

B 10.3.2 Frida Hansen (1934)<br />

B 10.4.1 Kari Sandåker (1920)<br />

B 10.4.2 Knut Evje (1923 )<br />

B 10.4.3 Nils Fredrik Evje (1925)<br />

B 10.4.4 Tore Evje (1927 – 1981)<br />

B 10.5.1 Frank Jensen (1928 – 2006)<br />

B 10.5.2 Ella Kaltvedt (1929 – )<br />

B 10.5.3 Marit Lander (1931 – )<br />

B 10.5.4 Inger Fjelldal (1935)<br />

B 10.6.1 Rolf Gulbrandsen (1930)<br />

B 10.6.2 Jorunn Johnsen (1947)<br />

B 10.7.1 Ivar Jensen (1943)<br />

B 10.7.2 Finn Jensen (1944)<br />

B 10.7.3 Gunnar Jensen (1948)<br />

B 10.7.4 Jens Petter Jensen (1952).

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