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January 2006<br />

11<br />

<strong>Radcliffe</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Fellows’ Presentation Series<br />

“Martyrs in Rivalry: Interactions between Christians and Jews<br />

during the Twelfth Century”<br />

Eva Haverkamp, Rice University<br />

Acquisitions Enrich Schlesinger’s Collections<br />

It’s a measure of the Schlesinger Library’s prominence as the leading<br />

repository of papers on American women’s history that gifts<br />

continue accruing to the library from a variety of sources.<br />

Elizabeth Gilmore Holt AM ’32 was living in post–World War II<br />

Berlin when many of the city’s residents were selling their possessions<br />

in order to survive. She purchased thirty-three volumes of<br />

the French fashion magazine La Mode Illustrée <strong>for</strong> her young<br />

daughter, who liked to use the patterns in the magazines to make<br />

clothes <strong>for</strong> her dolls. Years later, when the daughter, Elizabeth<br />

(Betsy) Holt Muench, was living in Lexington, Massachusetts, and<br />

considering a move to a retirement community, she contacted the<br />

Schlesinger to ask whether the library would be interested in<br />

acquiring her beloved magazine collection. The bound volumes,<br />

spanning 1860 to 1896, make up the longest known run of this<br />

periodical in any American library and perhaps the largest holding<br />

in any library outside France.<br />

A related acquisition was two rare bound volumes of nineteenthcentury<br />

American periodicals: Mrs. Whittlesey’s Magazine <strong>for</strong> Mothers<br />

<strong>for</strong> 1855 and The American Ladies’ Magazine, edited by Sarah<br />

Josepha Hall, <strong>for</strong> 1835, both donated by Marion Hall Hunt ’63.<br />

These acquisitions are significant additions to the library’s rich<br />

collections of women’s periodicals. The Izola Forrester Collection<br />

and Sally Fox Collection are two other important acquisitions this<br />

past year.<br />

Among the papers of feminist leaders that the library acquired are<br />

those of Susan Schechter, a pioneer in the movement to prevent<br />

domestic violence. Schechter’s husband, Allen Steinberg, arranged<br />

<strong>for</strong> the papers of his late wife to come to the Schlesinger.<br />

Perhaps the most significant gift the library received this year was<br />

the papers of Marjorie Henderson Buell, creator of “Little Lulu,”<br />

the feisty girl who was featured in newspaper and magazine comics<br />

from 1935 through 1944. The Marge Papers were given to the<br />

library by the cartoonist’s sons, Lawrence Buell, the Powell M.<br />

Cabot Professor of American Literature at Harvard, and Frederick<br />

Buell, professor of English at Queens College at the City University<br />

of New York. “The Schlesinger is incomparably the best place at<br />

which to do research into the life and work of the first woman cartoonist<br />

to achieve international fame,” said Lawrence Buell. “We<br />

are certain that ‘Marge’ herself would have approved our choice<br />

enthusiastically.”<br />

Marjorie Henderson Buell, who died in 1993, imagined in Little<br />

Lulu a self-reliant role model <strong>for</strong> girls. The eldest of three artistic<br />

sisters, Buell was born in 1904 and grew up in Philadelphia. Her<br />

mother was an amateur cartoonist, and her father, a lawyer, was a<br />

raconteur who home-schooled his daughters through the fourth<br />

grade. At the age of eight, Buell was selling drawings to her friends,<br />

and in high school she worked out of her studio in a converted<br />

chicken coop and sold cartoons to the Philadelphia Ledger. By 1929,<br />

she had two syndicated strips, “The Boy Friend” and “Dashing<br />

Dot,” published under the name “Marge” and featuring worldlywise<br />

young flappers with sleek bobs, long legs, and short skirts.<br />

Today, all aspects of Marjorie Henderson Buell’s long career are<br />

represented in her papers housed at the library.<br />

Class of ’56 Makes Reunion Gift to Library<br />

Like the classes of 1954 and 1955, the Class of 1956 earmarked<br />

its fiftieth-reunion gift <strong>for</strong> the Schlesinger Library. The drive was led<br />

by Phyllis (Patty) Trustman Gelfman ’56 and Rosemary Fenech<br />

Enthoven ’56. The class asked to have its gift of more than<br />

$410,000 used <strong>for</strong> purchasing, processing, and digitizing papers of<br />

women of the 1950s. “I was looking around <strong>for</strong> something that<br />

everybody could agree on,” says Gelfman. “I presented the idea of<br />

the Schlesinger Library, and everybody thought it was a terrific idea,<br />

so we moved <strong>for</strong>ward.” Gelfman, who serves on the Schlesinger<br />

Library Council, proudly points out that at least two members of<br />

the Class of 1956 will be represented in the Schlesinger Library’s<br />

papers of 1950s women. Poet Jean Valentine ’56 gave her papers to<br />

the Schlesinger in 2005, and businesswoman Marina von Neuman<br />

Whitman ’56 plans to donate hers as well.<br />

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