1998 Volume 121 No 1–4 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1998 Volume 121 No 1–4 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1998 Volume 121 No 1–4 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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Kansas State<br />

'36, WiUiam G. Fuller of<br />

Lexington, Ky, 12/97<br />

'29, Benjamin L. Remick Jr.<br />

of San Bernardino, Calif.,<br />

4/97<br />

Kentucky<br />

'19, RusseU S. Park of Richmond,<br />

Ky., 4/97<br />

Mercer<br />

'39, Walter M. Watts Jr. of<br />

Ldcester, N.C., 9/97<br />

Miami<br />

'53, Jack C. Loss of Saint<br />

Louis, Mo., 8/97<br />

Michigan<br />

'43, Robert M. Adiay of<br />

Palos Verdes Estates, Calif.,<br />

8/97<br />

'63, Ralph H. Griesser of<br />

Cincinnati, Ohio, 1/96<br />

'41, Lawrence D. Wickter of<br />

Naples, Fla., 9/97<br />

Minnesota<br />

'36, John L. Hanson of Rio<br />

Verde, Ariz., 10/97<br />

Mississippi<br />

'76, Bert R Atwdl of<br />

Jackson, Miss., 11/97<br />

'48, Leon L. Porter Jr. of<br />

Clarksdale, Miss., 11/97<br />

Missouri<br />

'57, James M. Fry of<br />

Louisiana, Mo., 5/97<br />

Montana<br />

'34, Merth R Thompson of<br />

Lakeside, Mont., 12/96<br />

New Mexico<br />

'59, Geoffrey H. HiU of<br />

Winter Park, Fla., 10/97<br />

<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina<br />

'49, James L. Godwin of<br />

Columbia, S.C, 9/97<br />

<strong>No</strong>rth Dakota<br />

'40, Robert L. Harshbarger<br />

of Portland, Ore.<br />

<strong>No</strong>rthwestern<br />

'35, Robert R.D. Bart of<br />

West Bend, Wis., 8/97<br />

Ohio<br />

'50, James J. BeU of London,<br />

Ohio, 6/97<br />

'36, Thomas M. Craig of<br />

Scottdale, Ariz., 11/97<br />

Ohio State<br />

'30, WUliam R. SchelUiase<br />

of Canton, Ohio, 8/97<br />

Ringling<br />

'37, Albert R. Haney of<br />

Sarasota, Fla., 1/98<br />

'55, Robert E. Perkins of<br />

Sarasota, Fla., 11/97<br />

Southwestern<br />

'33, James W. Patterson of<br />

Columbia, Miss., 12/96<br />

Stanford<br />

'39, Lomax K. Turner of<br />

Benicia, Calif., 10/97<br />

Stephen F. Austin<br />

'00, Geoffrey L. Speights of<br />

DaUas, Texas, 10/97<br />

Syracuse<br />

'54, John A. Chantier of<br />

Skaneatdes, N.Y, 9/97<br />

'18, Earle S. Corey of Gary,<br />

N.C., 12/97<br />

Texas-Austin<br />

'50, Otis Meredith Jr. of<br />

Houston, Texas, 10/97<br />

'37, Jack Vickrey of<br />

Houston, Texas, 10/97<br />

Texas Tech<br />

'66, Leete Jackson III of<br />

DaUas, Texas, 11/97<br />

'57, Claude H. Ring of<br />

Lima, Ohio, 4/97<br />

Toronto<br />

'34, Lawrence P. Johnson of<br />

Kenora, Ontario, 6/97<br />

'42, Page Statten of<br />

Toronto, Ontario, 9/97<br />

Vanderbilt<br />

'40, Henry R. Cannon of<br />

Nashville, Tenn., 11/97<br />

'73, Jeffrey W. L. Peeples of<br />

NashvUle, Tenn., 11/97<br />

Vermont<br />

'55, Nicholas T. Victor of<br />

Gates MUls, Ohio, 8/97<br />

Wabash<br />

'33, Clark E. Youmans of<br />

Saint Joseph, lU., 10/97<br />

Washburn<br />

'69, Chris A. Jensen of<br />

Topeka, Kan., 10/97<br />

Send Chapter Grand notices to<br />

The <strong>Scroll</strong>, 2 South Campus Ave.<br />

Oxford Ohio, 45046.<br />

Always include date of death and year<br />

of graduation.<br />

En Coelo Quies Est<br />

Washington & Lee<br />

'30, Robert E. Clapp Jr. of<br />

Frederick, Md., 11/97<br />

Whitman<br />

'53, Albert Brauss Jr. of<br />

Redmond, Wash., 11/97<br />

'48, Warren J. Hartiey of<br />

Walla Walla, Wash., 12/97<br />

Widener<br />

'95, Herman M. Saunders<br />

Jr. of CedarviUe, N.J., 9/97<br />

Corrections<br />

New Province President<br />

Bryan Scott Johnson's name<br />

was mispeUed in the fall issue<br />

of The <strong>Scroll</strong>.<br />

In the chapter grand section<br />

of the faU issue. Dr. Edward<br />

D. Funk was listed<br />

under the wrong chapter. He<br />

was an alumnus of Washburn.<br />

Frank W. WalthaU Jr. of Macon,<br />

Georgia should have<br />

been listed in the chapter<br />

grand. Kenneth W. BUby<br />

graduated in 1940 from Arizona.<br />

Marion L. Huit and<br />

Neal G. Walker should have<br />

been listed as alumni of Ohio<br />

Wesleyan in the chapter grand<br />

section.<br />

In the Banta Library section,<br />

a book's authorwas incorrectly<br />

listed. Assault on the<br />

Left was written by James<br />

Kirkpatrick Davis, Michigan<br />

State '61.<br />

The GHQ cornerstone was<br />

placed on July 6,1946. The<br />

date listed in the fall issue was<br />

incorrect.<br />

Thomas Balzer is an alumnus<br />

of the University of <strong>No</strong>rth<br />

Dakota. He was incorrecdy<br />

listed in the fall issue masthead.<br />

http://www.phidelt-ghq.com THE SCROLL WINTER <strong>1998</strong> 35

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