1998 Volume 121 No 1–4 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1998 Volume 121 No 1–4 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1998 Volume 121 No 1–4 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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Interestingly, Muldoon<br />

does not drink, hasn't for<br />

20 years. But he's never<br />

lost the taste for a fight.<br />

"Once," said Helen<br />

Stubbs, cook on the justcompleted<br />

Newport-Bermuda<br />

Race, who is<br />

studying for her masters<br />

degree in mental health at<br />

Harvard, "we had a bowman<br />

who was just as tough<br />

as Jim. In the middle of<br />

the race, Jim started yelling<br />

at him. They guy was going<br />

as fast as he could but<br />

Jim kept yelUng. Finally,<br />

the guy jumped down on<br />

deck and said, 'If you think<br />

you can do it better, come<br />

up here and do it yourself.'<br />

Next thing we knew, they<br />

were running at each other<br />

like a couple of bulls and<br />

chasing each other aroimd<br />

the boat. It was hilarious."<br />

Next morning, she said,<br />

all was forgotten.<br />

That Muldoon is an eccentric<br />

among yachtsmen<br />

is clear. Many of his crew<br />

say he has a Napoleon<br />

complex, being relatively<br />

short of stature. At close<br />

mark roimdings, starts and finishes, or in narrow channels, he's<br />

famous for shrieking at his crew to sit so he can see. "He<br />

thrives on mayhem," said one crew member.<br />

"One time in Antigua, some of us got a little drunk, found a<br />

shopping cart and started wheeling people around from boat to<br />

boat," said Johnson, the crewman from Potomac. "Somebody<br />

said, 'Let's get Muldoon!' So six of us tackled him and tried to<br />

put him in the cart. We couldn't lift him. Six big guys! He just<br />

hunched down and we couldn't budge him. He, like, bolted<br />

himself to the dock."<br />

Muldoon pays two loyal full-time employees, Bert CoUins of<br />

Kensington and Holly Vrotsos of Annapolis, to look after Donnybrook,<br />

but racing crews get nothing—no plane tickets, no<br />

accommodations, no pay. In the high-stakes world of big boat<br />

racing, where rich owners on like-sized vessels pay America's<br />

Cup and Whitbread hands hundreds and even thousands of<br />

dollars a day to whip their boats home first, Muldoon is<br />

uniquely parsimonious.<br />

"We're a highly competitive program that's completely amateur,"<br />

he said. "We make no attempt to improve our performance<br />

by attracting even tmpaid 'rock stars.' I would never<br />

replace one of my unpaid crew with a rock star, even if one<br />

wanted to come," he said.<br />

"I'd rather sail with people<br />

I like."<br />

The new boat replaced<br />

the old 70-footer, which<br />

placed highly in a number<br />

of prestigious distance<br />

races including<br />

Marblehead-Hahfax, Annapolis-Newport<br />

and the<br />

400-mile Martha's Vineyard<br />

Race. That boat also<br />

established Muldoon as a<br />

notoriously ill-starred<br />

competitor.<br />

Three times it was<br />

dismasted, twice during<br />

races, and it met its demise<br />

in a most spectacular way.<br />

The 70-footer was nearly<br />

cleaved in two by the 80-<br />

foot maxiboat Creighton's<br />

Naturally during a heavyair<br />

race in Antiqua two<br />

years ago. The collision,<br />

which was the fault of<br />

Creighton's Naturally, left a<br />

gaping gash down the side<br />

of Donnybrook that<br />

stopped just above the waterline.<br />

Debris was strewn<br />

everywhere. The damage<br />

was deemed beyond repair,<br />

though an islander has<br />

since patched the boat and refloated it.<br />

Muldoon came back to Washington with incredible action<br />

photos of the crash and the staggering damage and began battiing<br />

insurance companies for a fair settlement. Meantime, he<br />

found the unfinished hull of the newest Donnybrook languishing<br />

in a Seventh-Day Adventist colony in California, where it<br />

had been dumped when the manufacturer went belly up. He<br />

bought it, said Collins, Donnybrook's paid captain, for a very<br />

nice price.<br />

CoUins and Vrotsos had the 16-foot-wide hull trucked across<br />

the country and spent eight months finishing it in Rhode<br />

Island.<br />

<strong>No</strong>w, Donnybrook is back in harness, with Muldoon barking<br />

orders as loudly as ever with added status as president of the<br />

nation's top yachting organization. Will age and position finally<br />

mellow him<br />

"<strong>No</strong>t reall)^' he said. "I'm a hard competitor. We yell and we're<br />

going to keep yelhng. We're good at it."<br />

More details and photos on the Fraternity web site—a must see!<br />

Angus <strong>Phi</strong>llips is a writer with The Washington Post. His article<br />

is reprinted with permission, © <strong>1998</strong> The Washington Post.<br />

http://www.phidek-ghq.com FALL <strong>1998</strong> THE SCROLL 15

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