1998 Volume 121 No 1–4 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1998 Volume 121 No 1–4 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive

1998 Volume 121 No 1–4 - Phi Delta Theta Scroll Archive


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CASE<br />

Dr. Michael Benitez<br />

dug deep to turn<br />

popular myth on Its<br />

head: Poe didn't die a<br />

drunk in the gutter.<br />

by Amy Pelsinsky<br />

ognized. Benitez disagrees." Most people<br />

have in their mind the Hollywood 'Old<br />

Yeller' version: foaming at the mouth, a<br />

raving lunatic tied to the stake so no one<br />

gets near them," he says. The reality is<br />

that most people don't recall being exposed<br />

to a rabid animal, and death<br />

comes fast—an average of four days after<br />

symptoms begin, he continues. "Even<br />

cases in the 1990s are often not recognized<br />

untn post mortem," he says.<br />

Some historians say Poe was fond of<br />

pets and street animals, providing ample<br />

opportunity for exposure. And, of<br />

course, there was no rabies vaccine in the<br />

1880s.<br />

The symptoms Poe experienced in his<br />

final days are consistent with rabies,<br />

Benitez explains: difficulty swallowing<br />

water, an illness that lasts four days on<br />

average and progresses from an incoherent,<br />

delirious state to lucidity and back<br />

to delirium with wild swings in body<br />

functions, like the heartbeat.<br />

"I don't know for sure," Benitez says,<br />

insisting that his findings are in no way<br />

the final word on the subject. "There are<br />

a lot of problems with the history. Any<br />

conclusion is only as good as the factual<br />

basis."<br />

However, his study does rule out the<br />

most popular myth about Poe's death.<br />

"His dying of alcohol or opiate use or<br />

withdrawal is not correct," Benitez said.<br />

"There is no question he had problems,<br />

but they didn't cause his ultimate<br />

demise." <strong>No</strong>w somewhat infamous for his<br />

report that was published in the Sept.<br />

1996 Maryland Medical Journal—"It increased<br />

the kook factor," he says—<br />

Benitez still receives letters from<br />

historians and scientists alike; not all of<br />

them in agreement. He sometimes teams<br />

up with David Keltz, a one-man Poe<br />

show, to present the clinical side of the<br />

story at medical conferences and school<br />

assemblies. Stops have included the Na-<br />

tional Association of<br />

Medical Examiners'<br />

meeting in Baltimore<br />

last fall and the Medical<br />

Humanities Hour, a<br />

monthly, televised discussion<br />

about medicine<br />

in the humanities at<br />

Poe's alma mater, the<br />

University of Virginia.<br />

Oddly enough,<br />

Benitez spent three<br />

years at the University<br />

of Virginia School of<br />

Medicine after studying<br />

at the University of<br />

Maryland. "Unlike Poe, I<br />

wasn't thrown out," he<br />

couches.<br />

He returned to Maryland to study cardiology,<br />

like his father. At first, he was<br />

torn between affairs of the heart and infectious<br />

diseases—finding exotic tropical<br />

disease most interesting. "It would be a<br />

great field if I lived in New Guinea," he<br />

said. "They don't have the potential to<br />

affect friends and family like heart disease,<br />

though."<br />

Benitez now lectures in the medical<br />

school and leads interns, residents and<br />

fellows in their first rounds on the wards.<br />

He also heads the graphics lab, where<br />

EKGs and stress tests are done, and the<br />

Coronary Care Unit at the Veterans<br />

Affairs Medical Center next door.<br />

His office is wedged between a "lipid<br />

guru," he says, who does research about<br />

cholesterol, and a doctor studying preventive<br />

cardiology. Benitez is studying<br />

the effects of simple sugars and amino<br />

acids on the ability of people with heart<br />

conditions to exercise.<br />

"I love teaching," Benitez says. A tie<br />

bearing stethoscopes and heart monitor<br />

blips hangs behind his office door. "It's a<br />

lotofftin."<br />

He also clearly enjoys delving into the<br />


past. He is currently investigating<br />

Alexander the Great who, after downing<br />

an unreasonable amount of wine, died in<br />

323 B.C. Curiously, his body didn't decompose<br />

during that hot Mesopotamian<br />

July. However, Benitez's diagnosis of<br />

Alexander's death likely will not eclipse<br />

his notoriety as the man who shed some<br />

light on the Poe case.<br />

The true tale of Poe's demise will remain<br />

a mystery—DNA tests on his bones<br />

can't be done because no one is sure the<br />

body in the tomb is actually Poe—much<br />

to the delight of the master of the macabre,<br />

who once called scientists and their<br />

quest to destroy mystery "vukures."<br />

Benitez may have helped save Poe's<br />

reputation upon his demise, but his<br />

death remains a decided loss to the literary<br />

world. "His death, and his use of<br />

alcohol and opiates, overshadows much<br />

of his real genius," Benitez said. "I don't<br />

have any question he was disturbed, but<br />

he clearly was a literary genius."<br />

Amy Pelsinski is managing editor for The<br />

Hill, the magazine of Western Maryland<br />

College where this article first appeared.<br />

http://www.phidelt-ghq.com FALL <strong>1998</strong> THE SCROLL 13

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