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EPOCHS 31<br />

1416 When Henry's fleet, with half expanded sail<br />

And •Tolden banner, wooed the tardy gale,<br />

At distance seen, opposing squadrons lay,<br />

And strict blockade closed in the shuddering bay.<br />

At length the western breeze each flag unfurled,<br />

And meteor Henry awed the Gallic world.<br />

]445 Here Anjou Margaret, of warlike fame,<br />

With courtly retinue in splendour came :<br />

Both Church and State their choicest pomp displayed,<br />

Rome's gorgeous panoply, and Court parade.<br />

Imperial lustre beamed in all the scene :<br />

Sixth Henry's tribute to his matchless Queen.<br />

1475 Such splendour shone again, when, Edward, thou<br />

Beheld thy cohorts thick in grand Review ;<br />

When English warriors brave and ladies gay<br />

Met on our Southern plain, in blythsome May.<br />

1503 Seventh Henry laid foundations of the Docks,<br />

And placed the ' Mi/ghtic Harri/'' on the stocks ;<br />

Which finished, rode in splendour on the seae,<br />

Her golden pennant floating on the breeze.<br />

On her broad silken sails, of purest white,<br />

Th' emblazoned arms of England met the sight.<br />

Her massy bulk, by gilded sculpture prest,<br />

The first of England's Navy stood confest.<br />

Still France our port beheld with envious eye,<br />

And long'd the valour of our fleets to try.<br />

With this intent, in our Eighth Harry's reign,<br />

Lo ! hostile barks usurp the Solent main.<br />

Tow'rds famed St. Helen's Bay a course they bore.<br />

Mocked heaven's high thunder with their cannon's<br />

roar.<br />

Our sturdy Monarch hastened to the coast,<br />

To theer and animate \\\% loval host.<br />

Generated on 2014-12-16 12:15 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc2.ark:/13960/t3fx78r75<br />

Public Domain / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd

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