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NOTE S.<br />

' JVoolsner, the daemon dire and rude.<br />

I h,ive bare taken a poetic licence foi the origin of the<br />

Woolsner saud-bank, which projects from the southern fxfreniity<br />

of Hayiing Island, a Ions: distance into the sea, which in<br />

Btorniy weather breaks over it with a great noise. A Beacon<br />

ship is moored at its southern extremity.<br />

'' Lash round great Porto's gnlden bark.<br />

The vessels of Romance, in general, far exceeded the one<br />

which brought my hero. The reader shall judge from the following<br />

description, taken from Partenopex ds Blois. In<br />

' Richard Citux de Lion,' tlie messenger of Henry II. meets a<br />

splendid vessel.<br />

Quelle ne «awe they never more<br />

For it was so gay before ;<br />

Every nnil of gold jgraTe ;<br />

Of j)ui8 gold Was her sclave.<br />

Her maste was of ivory,<br />

Of samite her sayle wythy.<br />

Her ro|)es ■were of white sylke.<br />

As whyte as ever was H7iy :nylke.<br />

The nobie shypiie was wyihout<br />

>Vith iloaths of golde spreilsibout ;<br />

And her lofl, and her wyiuUace,<br />

All of gold besi)angled was.<br />

" The wars of Odin the divine.<br />

The exploits of Odin form the chief feature in the Mythology<br />

of the North: they are detailed at length in the Folaspu, or<br />

sacred book — the prophecy of Fola. or Vi>la. a general name<br />

for the northern women, resembling in many respects the Sybils<br />

of the Classic age. The work consists of 300 lines ; describing<br />

the Creation — the employment of the Fairies against Loke, the<br />

Typhon of the North ; and concludes with the conflagration of<br />

the universe. Thoughout may be traced a strong resemblance<br />

to the mythology of Greece and Rome — the Giants being nearly<br />

similar to the Typhon and Giants of Homer and Virgil.<br />

•* Here leads he nations from the East.<br />

Sir William Jones, in his Essays published in the Asiatic<br />

Researches, has with great acuteness described the progress of<br />

this northern adventurer.<br />

* The warlike songs of Britain sound.<br />

" Some of baliles detailed by the Welch Bards were<br />

between Forth and the Britons. One of them is the battle of<br />

Loiigbooth, in which Arthur was Comnfiander in chief: and u?<br />

Generated on 2014-12-16 12:15 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc2.ark:/13960/t3fx78r75<br />

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