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A TALE, O<br />

But forced by cruelty, she cam^ -,^j,, y, ,j, ;>yisi^<br />

And gave our Isle her ?ocred name, i^^ snsoe riofiSl<br />

Lonj; time upon the billows rude ji ^^^^ di'ilf<br />

Her fragile bark in safety rode^f.^^^ ^^j ^^j | ,ifnrno')<br />

While, wrap't in sleep, the Nereids borp<br />

Her orphan form Jo Albion's shore. _^____<br />

Here rose in pomp her regal state :<br />

Here elfin forms her orders wait.<br />

Since to her ear the mystic art<br />

Did Indian sage of old Tni part,<br />

Each herl), each flower, the Fairy knew,<br />

Which sparkles in the morning dew ;<br />

And well could frame the potent charm,<br />

Might aid distress, or guilt alarm.<br />

Per grot, on pillars high uproar'd.<br />

Of strange fantastic form appeared ;<br />

Whose capitols in lustre shone,<br />

With pearly boast of far Ceylon :<br />

And emerald shaft, supported well<br />

On clustered group of varied shell.<br />

Above, the sparkling rocks l^etween,<br />

In festoon hung the laver green.<br />

Or from the mytilus so blue<br />

In wide extended foliage grew ;<br />

With deep-fringed wrack, from ocean'g bed.<br />

Mid branching coral, white and red.<br />

Here the white Nautilus appeared,<br />

And star-fish to the rocks adhered ; n<br />

While mosses of the richest hue<br />

Around the pebbled marble grew.<br />

But how shall mortal verse relate<br />

The glories of her fairy state ! //<br />

On every side blue mists appear,<br />

Light as the summer gossamer.<br />

Generated on 2014-12-16 12:15 GMT / http://hdl.handle.net/2027/uc2.ark:/13960/t3fx78r75<br />

Public Domain / http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#pd

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