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different forces concerned in the rebellion. The great<br />

weakness of the United Irishmen was the failure to concentrate<br />

their power, to bring all their operations under<br />

the control of one authority. Their intelligence was<br />

always faulty, and for lack of proper information they<br />

were always unduly sanguine. Baseless hopes and<br />

exalted visions took the place of solid and useful plans<br />

of action. Such records of their counsels as remain<br />

show that they cast about for any casual means of<br />

injuring their enemy, and were ready to believe the most<br />

deceptive rumour if only it would bring them hope. In<br />

particular they held the extravagant idea that threequarters<br />

of the men in the fleet were Irish and the<br />

1<br />

-,<br />

whole<br />

of their naval policy seems to have been based on this<br />

misconception. The belief would naturally suggest the<br />

possibility of a general desertion, and it may have<br />

occurred to some of the leaders that a time of mutiny<br />

would be a suitable occasion for the landing of a French<br />

army. But they never made any arrangement for a<br />

combined movement of this sort. In all probability they<br />

expected not so much a mutiny, which would only give<br />

them a temporary advantage, as the complete downfall<br />

of the British fleet, which would leave the French and<br />

Dutch in command of the seas.<br />

If they had had any foreknowledge of the Mutinies<br />

they would surely have given information both to the<br />

French government and to Wolfe Tone. But while the<br />

Mutinies were at their height the preparations at Brest<br />

and in the Texel were being carried on with such leisure<br />

as proves that they cannot have had any connexion with<br />

the disturbances in the British fleet. Apart from the<br />

incredible story of Moreau de Jonnes, who pretended<br />

that he had been involuntarily an agent of the Directory<br />

in the Nore mutiny, there is no sign that anything was<br />

1. This is the proportion mentioned in the proclamation of the Central<br />

Committee (see above, p. 333). Wolfe Tone, as we have seen, thought<br />

that the proportion was at least two-thirds ; and even this estimate was<br />

more than five times too great (see above, p. 330 n.).

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