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must have been made slowly and with much inconvenience.<br />

If the letters from Spithead were written directly<br />

after the Admirals' visit to the Queen Charlotte (21<br />

April), there was an interval of three weeks between the<br />

dispatch of the letters and the beginning of the Nore<br />

mutiny.<br />

It happened, however, that the time of the outbreak<br />

was well chosen. On 12 May Vice-Admiral Buckner<br />

and several of the captains had gone early in the morning<br />

to attend a court-martial on board the Inflexible, and<br />

their ships were in charge of lieutenants. 1<br />

The Sandwich,<br />

Buckner's flagship, was left in command of second<br />

Lieutenant Justice. 2 Nothing unusual happened at<br />

breakfast time; but at half-past nine, when all hands<br />

were turned on deck to clear hawse, they crowded forward<br />

and gave three cheers—a proceeding which was by that<br />

time recognized as the regular signal for mutiny. The<br />

disorder spread to other ships ; and when the captains<br />

returned from the hurriedly adjourned court-martial,<br />

several of them saw the ominous ropes hanging from the<br />

yard-arms, and knew by that sign that their authority<br />

was already taken from them.<br />

Buckner went straight back to Sheerness; but Mosse,<br />

his captain, returned to the Sandwich. His reception<br />

on the ship is vividly described in a report to Buckner :<br />

As you will naturally expect to hear from me, knowing a<br />

boat is sent into the harbour from the ship, I shall just<br />

describe to you the state I found the Sandwich in. The<br />

people all quiet, but had taken the command of the ship,<br />

planted sentinels with cutlasses both on the decks and gangways,<br />

were in possession of the keys of the magazine, store<br />

rooms, etc. On my reaching the quarter-deck, I desired the<br />

boatswain to call all hands aft, in order to address them or<br />

hear their grievances, if they had any; but a cry of " No,<br />

No " prevailed generally forward. I then went forward to<br />

the fore-hatchway and found the principals were thereabouts,<br />

1. Cunningham, pp. 1, 3.<br />

2. Evidence of Lieutenant Justice at Parker's court-martial (A.S.I.<br />


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