Breaking Bad 1x04 - Grey Matter.pdf

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11.<br />

He’s taken refuge from the party in this magnificent<br />

library. Everything’s mahogany and leather. The walls are<br />

lined from floor to ceiling with serious old books,<br />

including scientific classics written by Newton, Galileo,<br />

Darwin, and Einstein.<br />

This sanctum sanctorum is like heaven to Walt. A 400-yearold<br />

edition of COPERNICUS’S DE REVOLUTIONIBUS, printed in<br />

Latin, is propped open on a lectern. Walt reverently<br />

touches its yellowed pages.<br />

In this private moment, Walt takes it all in. Jealousy,<br />

regret, the knowledge of what might have been, washing over<br />

him like a tidal wave.<br />

A COUGHING JAG jolts Walt out of his reverie. Another<br />

reminder of how much his life utterly blows.<br />


The party is in full swing. Guests are talking in clusters,<br />

hobnobbing over cocktails. Walt wanders in, alone and<br />

feeling awkward. Skyler’s off mingling.<br />

A SERVER approaches Walt with a tray of sushi.<br />

SERVER<br />

Kanpachi?<br />

(off Walt’s hesitation)<br />

Very young yellowtail, on a bed of<br />

pickled daikon.<br />

WALT<br />

No, thank you.<br />

The server moves off. Walt glances around and spots Skyler<br />

across the room, talking to Elliott. They’re deep in<br />

conversation, looking rather serious. Curious, Walt starts<br />

off toward them...<br />

... but he’s intercepted by an old acquaintance, FARLEY HOM<br />

(48). Farley has the same successful air as Elliott,<br />

without the charm. He’s conversing with a group of men who<br />

all look like scientist geniuses.<br />

FARLEY<br />

Walt? I thought that was you.<br />

Farley gives Walt a firm handshake.<br />

WALT<br />

Hey, Farley. Long time no see.<br />


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