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summer 2012 • NUMBER 49<br />

www.ina.hr • FREE ISSUE<br />

energija<br />






* New Image of the Retail Network<br />


<strong>VELIKI</strong> ULAGAČKI<br />

<strong>POTHVAT</strong><br />

* Large Investment Project<br />




* Six Decades of Growth<br />





Najsjajnija ponuda je na Ini!<br />

NatoËite gorivo za vrhunske Varta svjetiljke i dodatnu opremu uz popuste i do 50%*<br />

Do<br />

50%<br />

popusta<br />

Sakupljanje naljepnica poËinje 23. srpnja 2012., a naljepnice se mogu iskoristiti do<br />

4. studenoga odnosno do isteka zaliha.<br />

Viπe informacija na: www.ina.hr/varta<br />

* U usporedbi s redovnim maloprodajnim cijenama u maloprodajnoj mreži.<br />


[ ]<br />

uvodnik<br />

editorial<br />

Dragi čitatelji!<br />

Pred vama je novi broj časopisa INA Energija koji, na povećanom broju stranica, donosi<br />

raznovrsne aktualne i zanimljive priloge. Nastojali smo vam pružiti spoj domaćih, regionalnih<br />

i svjetskih tema s naglaskom na energetiku, izazove pred koje nas stavlja globalna<br />

ekonomija te sinergijske utjecaje i učinke po nacionalno gospodarstvo. Polugodišnji slijed<br />

najvažnijih događaja i aktivnosti u našoj tvrtki, a potom i u regiji, Europi i svijetu, koja su bila<br />

veoma živa i dinamična, prikazali smo ponajprije u kronici polugodišnjih događanja, ali i u<br />

nizu ostalih tekstova.<br />

INA daje veliki doprinos ukupnom razvitku i oporavku našeg gospodarstva. Najveća<br />

očekivanja vezana su uz njezin najvažniji dio – istraživanje i proizvodnju nafte i plina. O toj<br />

ključnoj temi, u opsežnom i otvorenom intervjuu za INA Energiju, govori Želimir Šikonja,<br />

izvršni direktor SD Istraživanje i proizvodnja nafte i plina. Između ostalog, podsjeća na golem<br />

doprinos te djelatnosti u proteklih 60 godina, na planove istraživanja i proizvodnje u kontinentalnom<br />

i podmorskom dijelu Jadrana, te inozemstvu, kao i na nove investicije i prioritetne<br />

projekte.<br />

U rubrici Poslovanje objavljujemo niz priloga. Na prvom mjestu je investicijski projekt EOR,<br />

a slijedi i vrlo važan projekt modernizacije naše maloprodajne mreže, kao i proizvodnja novih<br />

kvalitetnih goriva u riječkoj Rafineriji.<br />

Prvo polugodište ove godine obilježili su i energetski skupovi u kojima je naša tvrtka imala<br />

značajno učešće, počevši od 27. Međunarodnog znanstveno-stručnog susreta stručnjaka za<br />

plin, Gospodarskog foruma do okruglih stolova u Hrvatskoj akademiji znanosti i umjetnosti<br />

na temu nafte, plina, cijena goriva, investicija u energetskom sektoru i drugih. O svima njima<br />

pokušali smo dati što kompletnije prikaze, a predstavljamo i 16 novih Ininih doktora znanosti<br />

s kraćim informacijama o sadržaju njihovih doktorskih disertacija i područjima znanstvenog<br />

interesa i djelovanja.<br />

S velikim zadovoljstvom ističemo sudjelovanje uvaženih stručnjaka na stranicama našeg<br />

glasila: prof.dr.sc. Miljenka Šunića, predsjednika Hrvatske stručne udruge za plin, kao gosta<br />

kolumnista na temu plina - najvažnijeg globalnog energenta danas i u bliskoj budućnosti,<br />

zatim intervju Pamele Lacey, konzultantice Američke stručne udruge za plin, koja govori o<br />

ulozi plina u gospodarskom rastu SAD-a, prof.dr. sc. Jasenke Sremac, predsjednice Hrvatskog<br />

geološkog društva, koja nas u intervjuu upoznaje sa 60. obljetnicom Hrvatskog geološkog<br />

društva i daljnjim planovima rada i djelovanja. Napokon, glavni Inin ekonomist Goran<br />

Šaravanja, daje odličan osvrt na uvijek zanimljivu temu međuodnosa i trendova u globalnoj<br />

ekonomiji i industriji nafte i plina.<br />

Osim 130. godišnjice Rafinerije nafte Rijeka, INA ove godine obilježava još tri važne obljetnice,<br />

o kojima u ovom broju donosimo priloge: riječ je o 85 godina Rafinerije nafte Sisak i<br />

Maziva Zagreb (nekadašnje Rafinerije Zagreb) te 60. obljetnici SD Istraživanja nafte i plina,<br />

odnosno Naftaplina.<br />

Nismo zaboravili ni na cijeli niz Ininih projekata u području upravljanja ljudskim resursima,<br />

poput Freshhh i Growww programa.<br />

Predstavljamo i brojne sponzorsko-donacijske projekte u kojima smo sudjelovali: donacija<br />

KBC-u Rijeka i Hrvatskom centru za razminiranje, akademska donatorska večer u Rijeci,<br />

projekt Ine i zagrebačke Akademije likovnih umjetnosti, humanitarni malonogometni turnir<br />

studentske udruge eStudent, te primjeri humanitarnog rada naših djelatnika na benzinskim<br />

postajama u Brinju.<br />

Nadamo se, poštovani čitatelji, da smo ovim uvodnikom potaknuli vašu želju i interes da se na<br />

stranicama ljetnog broja INA Energije upoznate s gospodarskim i društvenim djelovanjem i<br />

dostignućima naše kompanije. Želja nam je da ostanete naši stalni čitatelji, ali također i poticatelji,<br />

pa i kritičari. Sva vaša razmišljanja i prijedloge primit ćemo sa zahvalnošću. Želimo<br />

vam ugodno ljeto! Srdačan pozdrav!<br />

Vaša Marina Burazer,<br />

direktorica Sektora korporativnih komunikacija Ine<br />

Dear readers!<br />

You have before you the new issue of the Energija (Energy) magazine bringing you<br />

various current and interesting feature stories on more pages than before. We tried<br />

to give you a combination of domestic, regional and global subjects with an emphasis<br />

on energy, the challenges that we are facing because of the global economy,<br />

and synergic effects and impact on the national economy. The course of the most<br />

important events and activities over a half-year period in our company, and in the region,<br />

Europe and the world, which had been very lively and dynamic, were primarily<br />

demonstrated in the chronicle of semi-annual events, and in a series of other texts.<br />

INA makes a great contribution to the total development and recovery of our economy.<br />

The greatest expectations are related to its most important segment – oil<br />

and gas exploration and production. Želimir Šikonja, the Executive Director of the<br />

Exploration and Production BD, spoke of this key subject in an extensive and open<br />

interview for INA Energija. Among other things, he reminded us of the huge contribution<br />

of this economic activity in the last 60 years, of the plans for exploration and<br />

production in the continental and submarine part of the Adriatic and abroad, and of<br />

the new investments and priority projects.<br />

We published a series of feature stories in the Business section. The investment<br />

project EOR is first, followed by a very important project of modernizing our retail network,<br />

as well as the production of the new top-quality fuels in the Rijeka Refinery.<br />

The first semester in this year was marked by energy conferences, in which our<br />

company had a significant role, starting from the 27th International Scientific and<br />

Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals, the Economic Forum, to the round tables in the<br />

Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts on the subject of oil, gas, fuel prices, investments<br />

in the energy sector and so forth. We tried to give complete overviews of all of<br />

them, and we also presented 16 of INA’s new doctors of science with brief information<br />

about the contents of their PhD theses and the fields of their scientific interest<br />

and activity.<br />

It is with great pleasure that we point out the participation of distinguished experts<br />

on the pages of our journal: Miljenko Šunić PhD, President of the Croatian Gas Association,<br />

as a guest columnist on the subject of gas – the most important global<br />

energy source today and in the near future, the interview with Pamela Lacey, a counsel<br />

of the American Gas Association, who spoke of the role of gas in the economic<br />

growth of the USA, Jasenka Sremac PhD, President of the Croatian Geological Society,<br />

who used her interview to introduce us to the 60th anniversary of the Croatian<br />

Geological Society and its plans for further operation and activity. Finally, INA’s chief<br />

economist Goran Šaravanja gave an excellent review of the ever interesting topic of<br />

interrelationships and trends in the global economy and the oil and gas industry.<br />

In addition to the 130th anniversary of the Rijeka Oil Refinery, this year INA is celebrating<br />

three more important anniversaries, about which feature stories were written<br />

in this issue: we are talking about 85 years of the Sisak Oil Refinery and Maziva<br />

Zagreb (former Zagreb Refinery) and the 60th anniversary of the Exploration and<br />

Production BD i.e. Nafaplin.<br />

We also have not forgotten a series of INA’s projects in the field of human resource<br />

management such as the Freshhh and Growww programmes.<br />

We present numerous sponsorship and donation projects that we participated in: the<br />

donation to the Rijeka Clinical Hospital Centre and the Croatian Mine Action Centre,<br />

the academic donation dinner in Rijeka, the project of INA and the Academy of Fine<br />

Arts in Zagreb, the charity futsal tournament of the student society eStudent, and<br />

the examples of the charity work of our employees at the petrol stations in Brinje.<br />

Dear readers, we hope that this editorial has aroused your desire and interest to get<br />

acquainted with the economic and social activity and accomplishments of our company.<br />

We wish for you to continue being our regular readers, as well as our motivators,<br />

and even critics. We will thankfully accept all of your thoughts and proposals.<br />

Have a pleasant summer! Kind regards!<br />

Yours, Marina Burazer, Director of the<br />

Corporate Communications Sector at INA<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12.

[ s a d r ž a j ]<br />








EOR PROJEKT: <strong>VELIKI</strong> ULAGAČKI <strong>POTHVAT</strong> 25<br />


0<br />


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8<br />

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8<br />

















0800-1112: „HALO, INA VAS ČUJE!“ 85<br />






impressum<br />


INA - Industrija nafte, d.d.,<br />

Avenija V. Holjevca 10, Zagreb<br />

TelefON<br />

centrala: +385 1 64-50-000<br />

fax: +385 1 64-52-452<br />

UREDNICI: Mile Batarelo, Mijo Ivurek i Ivica Župan<br />

LEKTURA: Tamara Špehar<br />

GRAFČKA UREDNICA: Stela Blažok<br />

Fotografije: Ferdo Buva, Tomislav Lazarić i fotoarhiva Ine<br />

PRIJEVOD: Interpreta usluge d.o.o.<br />

TISAK: Kerschoffset Zagreb d.o.o.<br />

Svoje komentare i prijedloge šaljite na: INAenergija@ina.hr<br />

[ ]<br />



kronika događanja...<br />

Chronicle of events...<br />


• INA je 4. siječnja objavila da je za Glavnog ekonomista Ine imenovan<br />

Goran Šaravanja, koji je dotad obavljao istu funkciju u<br />

Zagrebačkoj banci.<br />

• INA je 9. siječnja priopćila da, na temelju potpisana dodatka prvom<br />

Ugovoru o poslovno–stručnoj suradnji između INA– Industrije<br />

nafte, d.d., Primorsko-goranske županije i Nastavnog zavoda<br />

za javno zdravstvo Primorsko-goranske županije, upravljanje nad<br />

četiri automatske mjerne postaje imisijskog monitoringa zraka<br />

na utjecajnom području Rafinerije nafte Rijeka: Vrh Martinšćice,<br />

Paveki, Urinj i Krasica preuzima NZZJZ PGŽ-e.<br />

• Nastavljajući uspješnu suradnju, obilježenu sudjelovanjem ili samostalnim<br />

provođenjem niza projekata usmjerenih na studentsku populaciju,<br />

INA je 19. siječnja potpisala ugovore o suradnji u 2012. godini s<br />

trima studentskim udrugama: eStudent, AIESEC Osijek i BEST.<br />

• INA je donirala 200.000 kuna Kliničkom bolničkom centru Rijeka.<br />

Donaciju je predstojniku Klinike za kirurgiju KBC Rijeka, doc.<br />

dr. sc. Tediju Cicvariću, uručio Zoltán Áldott, predsjednik Inine<br />

Uprave.<br />


• INA je 10. veljače, treću godinu uzastopce, pozvala hrvatske studente<br />

završnih godina tehničkih i poslovnih fakulteta, u tročlanim<br />

timovima, da se uključe u Freshhh on-line međunarodno natjecanje,<br />

koje će se provoditi na razini MOL Grupe.<br />

• INA je 14. veljače objavila financijske rezultate INA Grupe za 2011.<br />

Ukupni rezultat INA Grupe ostvaren u 2011. pokazuje rast profitabilnosti<br />

na razini operativnog poslovanja i na razini neto dobiti. U<br />

financijskom izvješću navodi se da je EBITDA dosegla 6.522 milijuna<br />

kuna, dok je dobit iz osnovne djelatnosti bez jednokratnih stavki<br />

iznosila 4.078 milijuna kuna. Neto dobit dosegla je 1.815 milijuna<br />

kuna, što predstavlja rast od 854 milijuna kuna u odnosu na 2010.<br />

Komentirajući financijske rezultate, Zoltán Áldott, predsjednik<br />

Inine Uprave, izjavio je: „Otežani uvjeti poslovanja na inozemnim<br />

koncesijama i smanjena potražnja uslijed utjecaja gospodarskih<br />

problema u Eurozoni na stanje u regiji, glavni su izazovi u<br />

predstojećem razdoblju. Društvo kontinuirano analizira razvoj<br />

događaja te će nastaviti s aktivnostima usmjerenima na interno<br />

poboljšanje učinkovitosti paralelno s razvojnim aktivnostima.“<br />

• U humanitarnoj akciji koju su sredinom siječnja pokrenuli zaposlenici<br />

Ininih benzinskih postaja iz sve četiri Inine maloprodajne<br />

ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Forum zaposlenika Inina Sektora za upravljanje i inženjering polja. 22. veljače<br />

Employee Forum of INA’s Field Ingineering & Operations Sector, February 22<br />

Izvanredna Glavna<br />

skupština INA, d.d.<br />

regije (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka i Osijek) i u koju se uključilo oko 2500<br />

radnika, do početka veljače osobnim prilozima prikupljeno čak<br />

64.040 kuna. Taj novac Inini zaposlenici su prikupili kao pomoć<br />

obitelji Lesković, koja se našla u teškim životnim prilikama.<br />

• U Organizaciji Hrvatskog društva kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa,<br />

u Zagrebu je 16. veljače svečano otvoren IX. Susret mladih<br />

kemijskih inženjera, kojem je prisustvovalo oko 250 sudionika iz<br />

Hrvatske, Mađarske, Češke, Slovačke, Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije<br />

i Slovenije. Jedan od pokrovitelja bila je i INA koja zapošljava oko<br />

175 kemičara i kemijskih tehnologa.<br />

• 27. veljače INA je objavila kako je, pridržavajući se Odluke Vlade<br />

RH od 23. veljače, o provođenju međunarodnih mjera ograničavanja<br />

utvrđenih odlukom Vijeća Europske Unije od 1. prosinca 2011.<br />

u odnosu na Sirijsku Arapsku Republiku, obavijestila sirijsku nacionalnu<br />

naftnu kompaniju General Petroleum Company (GPC) o<br />

proglašenju „više sile“ vezano za Ugovor o podjeli proizvodnje za blok<br />

Hayan potpisan 1998. godine te Ugovor o podjeli proizvodnje za blok<br />

Aphamia potpisan 2004.<br />

Temeljem Odluke Vlade RH, ali i ukupne sigurnosne situacije u Siriji,<br />

navodi se u Ininom priopćenju, kompanija nije u mogućnosti nastaviti<br />

svoje redovne poslovne aktivnosti u Siriji zbog razloga koji<br />

su izvan njezine kontrole. Stoga su se ispunili uvjeti predviđeni gore<br />

spomenutim Ugovorima o proglašenju „više sile“, odnosno o privremenom<br />

obustavljanju svih poslovnih aktivnosti u Siriji do daljnjeg,<br />

odnosno do prestanka okolnosti „više sile“.<br />

Tim povodom predsjednik Inine Uprave, Zoltán Áldott, je istaknuo:<br />

„Cilj je ove odluke očuvati Inina ugovorna prava i obveze i u potpunosti<br />

se pridržavati Odluke Vlade RH. Ujedno izražavam svoju zahvalnost<br />

svim zaposlenicima Grupe na njihovom predanom i profesionalnom<br />

radu u vrlo teškom okruženju u Siriji posljednjih mjeseci.“<br />

• INA je 27. veljače sudjelovala na zagrebačkom Ekonomskom<br />

fakultetu na svečanom otvorenju Case Study Competition (CSC),<br />

natjecanja u rješavanju poslovnih slučajeva namijenjenog studentima,<br />

koje se održava osmi put zaredom, a u ovoj akademskoj godini<br />

uživa i potporu predsjednika RH, Ive Josipovića.<br />

• U organizaciji Ine i Županijske komore Slavonskog Broda u tom<br />

je gradu 29. veljače održan Gospodarski forum koji je imao za cilj<br />


• On 4 January, INA announced the appointment of Mr. Goran Šaravanja as INA’s Chief<br />

Economist, who had until then been on the same position in Zagrebačka Banka.<br />

• On 9 January, INA communicated that, based on the signed Annex to the first<br />

Business and Professional Cooperation Agreement between INA – Oil Industry, d.d.,<br />

Primorje – Gorski Kotar County and Teaching Institute for Public Health of Primorje –<br />

Gorski Kotar County, the management over four automatic measuring stations for air<br />

immission monitoring in the influential area of Rijeka Oil Refinery - Vrh Martinšćice,<br />

Paveki, Urinj and Krasica – is taken over by the Teaching Institue for Public Health of<br />

Primorje – Gorski Kotar County.<br />

• By continuing successful cooperation marked with participation or independent<br />

implementation of a number of projects focused on the student population, on 19<br />

January INA signed 2012 cooperation agreements with three student associations:<br />

eStudent, AIESEC Osijek and BEST.<br />

• On 27 January, INA donated HRK 200,000 to the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka.<br />

The donation was delivered to doctor Tedi Cicvarić Dr.sc., the Head of the Surgery<br />

Clinic of CHC Rijeka, by Zoltán Áldott, the President of INA’s Management Board.<br />


• On 10 February, for the third year in succession, INA invited final-year Croatian<br />

students from technical and business faculties to take part in Freshhh on-line international<br />

competition in three-member teams that shall be conducted at MOL<br />

Group level.<br />

• On 14 February, INA promulgated the financial results of INA Group for 2011.<br />

The total result of INA Group achieved in 2011 demonstrates profitability growth<br />

at the level of operative business and net profit. The financial report states that<br />

EBITDA reached HRK 6.522 million while the operating profit without single items<br />

amounted to HRK 4.078 million. The net profit reached HRK 1.815 million, which<br />

represents an increase of HRK 854 million compared to 2010.<br />

Commenting on the financial results, Zoltán Áldott, the president of INA’s<br />

Management Board, said: “Difficult business conditions of foreign concessions<br />

and reduced demand due to the impact of economic problems in Eurozone<br />

on the situation in the region are the main challenges of the forthcoming<br />

period. The Company continuously analyses the development of<br />

events and shall continue with the activities focused on internal improve-<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12.

[ c o n t e n t s ]<br />










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0800-1112: „HELLO, INA CAN HEAR YOU!“ 85<br />






impressum<br />

pUblISHeR AND fOUNDeR:<br />

INA - Industrija nafte, d.d., Avenija V. Holjevca 10, Zagreb<br />

TelepHONe:<br />

+385 1 64-50-000<br />

fax: +385 1 64-52-452<br />

eDITORs: Mile Batarelo, Mijo Ivurek and Ivica Župan<br />

proofreading: Tamara Špehar<br />

graphics editor: Stela Blažok<br />

PHOTO: Ferdo Buva, Tomislav Lazarić and <strong>Ina</strong>’s Photoarchive<br />

translation: Interpreta usluge d.o.o.<br />

print: Kerschoffset Zagreb d.o.o.<br />

Send your comments and suggestions to: INAenergija@ina.hr<br />

[ ]<br />



kronika događanja...<br />

Chronicle of events...<br />

predstavljanje mogućnosti jačanja suradnje između Ine i gospodarskih<br />

subjekata koji djeluju na području Brodsko– posavske županije<br />

te daljnje povezivanje sa sadašnjim i potencijalnim budućim<br />

dobavljačima. Na prezentaciji su gospodarstvenici mogli dobiti uvid<br />

u način na koji funkcionira proces nabave u Ini, kao i pojedinosti o<br />

budućim Ininim razvojnim i investicijskim projektima.<br />

OŽUJAK<br />

• INA je 1. ožujka objavila da je za predsjednika Uprave Crosca<br />

d.o.o. imenovan Jerko Jelić Balta, koji je karijeru započeo 1990. kao<br />

inženjer u INA Naftaplinu. U Ini je tijekom godina obnašao različite<br />

funkcije, a od sredine 2009. predsjednik je Uprave Plinacra.<br />

• INA najavljuje otvaranje ovogodišnjeg natječaja Growww 2012.,<br />

u sklopu kojeg će kompanija zaposliti 131 mladog stručnjaka na<br />

pripravnički staž u trajanju od jedne godine. Riječ je prvenstveno<br />

o mladim talentima iz naftnog inženjerstva, kemije, strojarstva,<br />

ekonomije i informatike, ali i ostalim profilima visoko obrazovanih<br />

studenata.<br />

• U tjednu obilježavanja Međunarodnog dana žena odabrane Inine<br />

benzinske postaje svojim vjernim korisnicama omogućile su<br />

besplatnu kontrolu vozila. U sklopu akcije INA Ladies’ Week, koja<br />

je trajala od 5. do 11. ožujka, na gotovo 200 benzinskih postaja<br />

diljem Hrvatske, vozačice su mogle besplatno obaviti kontrolu tlaka<br />

u gumama, provjeru razine tekućine za pranje stakla i kontrolu<br />

istrošenosti metlica brisača.<br />

• U povodu petih po redu Dana inženjera, koji se u organizaciji<br />

studentske udruge BEST održavaju na zagrebačkom Fakultetu elektrotehnike<br />

i računarstva, INA je 6. ožujka predstavila svoje programe<br />

i inicijative usmjerene na studente i mlade stručnjake. Na<br />

Ininu štandu predstavljen je i ovogodišnji Growww program, kao<br />

i on-line natjecanje Freshhh te natječaj NajMentor/ica. Istog dana,<br />

u sklopu programa Case Study Competition, INA je predstavila na<br />

Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu svoj poslovni slučaj studentima<br />

koji sudjeluju u tom najvećem studentskom natjecanju u Hrvatskoj.<br />

• INA je bila generalni sponzor 2. Akademske donatorske večere<br />

koja je 9. ožujka održana u Rijeci, pod visokim pokroviteljstvom<br />

predsjednika Republike Ive Josipovića. Donatorskoj večeri su<br />

nazočili predsjednik Republike Hrvatske Ivo Josipović, predsjednik<br />

Uprave Ine Zoltán Áldott te brojni uzvanici iz društvenog, znanstvenog<br />

i političkog života zemlje.<br />

• INA je 13. ožujka pokrenula drugi po redu natječaj NajMentor/<br />

ica u sklopu kojeg će studenti imati priliku nominirati profesora<br />

ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Predstavljanje Case Study Competition<br />

na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, 12.ožujka<br />

Presentation of the Case Study Competition on<br />

Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, March 12<br />

ment of effectiveness along with development activities.“<br />

• HRK 64,040 had been collected until the beginning of February through individual<br />

donations in a humanitarian action initiated in middle of January by employees of<br />

INA petrol stations from INA’s all four retail regions (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka and Osijek),<br />

in which about 2,500 employees had participated. INA employees collected that<br />

money to help Leskovic family, which found itself in hard living conditions.<br />

• IX meeting of Young Chemical Engineers was officially opened on 16 February in<br />

Zagreb organized by the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers and Technologists<br />

and was attended by approximately 250 participants from Croatia, Hungary, Czech<br />

Republic, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Slovenia. One of the sponsors<br />

was also INA, which employs about 175 chemists and chemical technologists.<br />

• 27 February, INA announced that, following the Decision of the Croatian Government<br />

on the implementation of international restrictive measures defined<br />

by the Decision of the European Union Council as of 1 December, 2011, with<br />

regard to Syrian Arab Republic, it had informed one day before the General Petroleum<br />

Company (GPC), a Syrian national oil company, about the “force majeure”<br />

related to the Production Sharing Agreement signed in 1998 concerning<br />

the Hayan block and Production Sharing Agreement signed in 2004 concerning<br />

the Aphamia Block.<br />

Pursuant to the Decision of the Croatian Government, but taking into account the<br />

overall security situation in Syria as well, it is stated in INA’s announcement that the<br />

Company is not in position to continue with its regular business activities in Syria<br />

due to reasons beyond its control. Therefore, the conditions foreseen in the abovementioned<br />

Contracts on the announcement of “force majeure”, i.e. on the temporary<br />

suspension of all business activities in Syria for the time being or until “force majeure”<br />

terminates, have been fulfilled.<br />

On that occasion, the President of INA’s Management Board, Zoltán Áldott, said: “The<br />

goal of this Decision is to maintain the contractual rights and obligations of INA and<br />

to fully comply with the Decision of the Croatian Government. At the same time, I<br />

express my gratitude to all the employees of the Group for their devoted and professional<br />

work in a very difficult environment in Syria during the past months.“<br />

• On 27 February, INA participated in the official opening of the Case Study Competition<br />

(CSC) at Zagreb Faculty of Economics, a competition in resolving business cases<br />

intended for students, which is held for the eighth time in a row and, in this academic<br />

year, also supported by Ivo Josipović, the President of the Republic of Croatia.<br />

• On 29 February organized by INA and Slavonski Brod County Chamber, the Eco-<br />

nomic forum was held in that city, whose goal was to present the possibilities of<br />

straightening the cooperation between INA and economic subjects that act in the<br />

area of Brod-Posavina County, and further connect with current and potential future<br />

suppliers. At the presentation, businessmen could obtain insight into the operating<br />

way of the procurement process at INA, as well as into the details on future INA’s<br />

development and investment projects.<br />

MARCH<br />

• On 1 March, INA announced that Jerko Jelić Balta, who started his carrier in 1990<br />

as an engineer at INA Naftaplin, had been appointed for the President of Crosco Ltd.<br />

Management Board. During the years, he has performed different functions at INA<br />

and since the middle of 2009 he has been the President of Plinacro Management<br />

Board.<br />

• INA announced the opening of this year’s Growww 2012 competition, within which<br />

the Company shall employ 131 young experts as trainees in the duration of one<br />

year. It is primarily about young talents in oil engineering, chemistry, mechanical<br />

engineering, economics and informatics, but also about other profiles of highly educated<br />

students.<br />

• In the week of celebrating the International Women’s day, INA’s selected petrol stations<br />

provided vehicle inspection to their faithful customers free of charge. Within<br />

INA’s action Ladies’ Week that lasted from 5 to 11 March, lady drivers could check<br />

tire pressure, windshield washer fluid level and windshield wiper blades at almost<br />

200 petrol stations all over Croatia.<br />

• On the occasion of the fifth Engineers’ Day, held in organization of the BEST Association<br />

at Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, on 6 March, INA<br />

presented its programmes and initiative oriented to students and young experts.<br />

The Growww Programme for this year was presented at INA’s stand, as well as Freshhh<br />

on-line competition and Best Mentor competition. On the same day, within the<br />

Case Study Competition Programme, INA presented its business case to students<br />

participating in that biggest student competition in Croatia at the Faculty of Economics<br />

in Zagreb.<br />

• INA was the general sponsor of the second Academic Donation Evening held on 9<br />

March in Rijeka, under the high patronage of Ivo Josipovic, the President of Croatia.<br />

The donation evening was attended by President Ivo Josipovic, Zoltán Áldott, President<br />

of INA’s Management Board, and numerous guests from social, scientific and<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12.

[ ]<br />




• U sklopu projekta modernizacije Inine maloprodajne mreže, tijekom<br />

travnja modernizirane su BP Zadar-Borik i BP Split-Sućidar.<br />

• Na svečanoj dodjeli nagrade „Zlatni indeks“, 3. travnja u Zagrebu,<br />

INA-Industrija nafte, d.d. osvojila je šest nagrada u kategorijama<br />

Stipendije, Sudjelovanje na studentskim projektima, Organiziranje<br />

projekata na kojima sudjeluju studenti, Prakse, Najbolji imidž prema<br />

percepciji studenata i Grand Prix. „Zlatni indeks“ jedinstvena je<br />

nagrada na području Republike Hrvatske koja se dodjeljuje drugu<br />

godinu zaredom kompanijama koja su najviše pridonijela kvalitetkronika<br />

događanja...<br />

Chronicle of events...<br />

ili profesoricu iz srednje škole koji su u njima potaknuli želju za<br />

učenjem i napredovanjem te usadili ljubav prema prirodnim znanostima.<br />

• Šestu godinu zaredom INA je odnijela pobjedu kategoriji benzinski<br />

servisi u istraživanju o povjerenju robnim markama pod<br />

nazivom Trusted Brand 2012., časopisa Reader’s Digest. Svrha<br />

istraživanja je otkrivanje kojim robnim markama najviše vjeruju<br />

hrvatski potrošači te kako ih ocjenjuju prema pojedinačnim kategorijama<br />

proizvoda i usluga. INA je i ove godine zadržala povjerenje<br />

potrošača u kategoriji - sa čak 60,2 posto glasova ispitanika.<br />

• INA i Akademija likovnih umjetnosti (ALU) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu<br />

pokrenuli su 15. ožujka natječaj Energija 2012. u sklopu kojeg<br />

će studenti ALU imati priliku osvojiti jednogodišnju stipendiju,<br />

novčane nagrade za svoje umjetničke radove te mogućnost izlaganja<br />

svojih radova na izložbi.<br />

• INA je dobitnik nagrade za posvećenost kvaliteti usluge za 2011.,<br />

Agencije za istraživanje tržišta Heraklea, dodijeljene 16. ožujka, za<br />

trajanja Mystery shopping dana, pod nazivom „Feedback management“.<br />

Ove godine naglasak Mystery shopping dana stavljen je na<br />

pitanja koje se sve informacije mogu dobiti od kupaca, na koji način<br />

doći do njih i kako, zahvaljujući tome, ostvariti poslovni uspjeh.<br />

• Pod Ininim ekskluzivnim pokroviteljstvom, 16. ožujka održana<br />

je premijera opere Giacoma Puccinija: „Manon Lescaut“, koja je<br />

praizvedena u Torinu 1893. i postala prvim velikim Puccinijevim<br />

uspjehom na međunarodnoj sceni, a po prvi puta je izvedena u<br />

riječkoj opernoj kući samo dvije godine nakon praizvedbe.<br />

• <strong>Ina</strong> je 19. ožujka, obnovom BP Kupari u Dubrovniku i BP Makarska<br />

Ratac, najavila nastavak modernizacije svoje maloprodajne mreže.<br />

• Nakon uvođenja Eurodizela BS s bio komponentom na osam benzinskih<br />

postaja (Rijeka – Mlaka, Rijeka – Školjić, Rijeka – Škurinje,<br />

Čavle, Crikvenica–magistrala, Kraljevica, Novi Vinodolski–magistrala<br />

i Senj) krajem 2011. godine, INA nastavlja s uvođenjem Eurodizela<br />

BS s bio komponentom na svoje benzinske postaje. Do kraja<br />

ožujka sve Inine benzinske postaje imat će u svojoj ponudi Eurodizel<br />

BS i Eurodizel BS Class s bio komponentom.<br />

• INA – Industrija nafte, d.d. 23. ožujka službeno je predala na<br />

uvid analizu geotermalnog potencijala bušotina na širem području<br />

Grada Koprivnice. INA je ovim činom dala punu potporu nastojanjima<br />

Koprivnice za određivanje geotermalnog potencijala na<br />

gradskom mikrolokacijskom području, te tako i poticanju vrijednih<br />

investicija.<br />

• <strong>Ina</strong> je 27. ožujka započela s uvođenjem novog visokokvalitetnog<br />

Eurosuper BS 98+ Class goriva koje će biti dostupno na 115 Ininih<br />

benzinskih postaja diljem zemlje.<br />

• HŽ Vuča vlakova d.o.o i INA–Industrija nafte, d.d. sklopile su 28.<br />

ožujka Ugovor za nabavu 29 milijuna litara dizelskog goriva. Procijenjena<br />

vrijednost ugovora, uključujući popust i PDV, iznosi oko<br />

280 milijuna kuna. Ugovor o opskrbi gorivom potpisan je na temelju<br />

Okvirnog sporazuma o isporuci Eurodizela na četiri godine između<br />

tvrtki INA–industrija nafte,d.d. i HŽ Vuča vlakova d.o.o. temeljem<br />

provedenog postupka javne nabave. U tom razdoblju isporučit će<br />

se više od 100 milijuna litara goriva, dok je procijenjena vrijednost<br />

Okvirnog sporazuma s popustom i PDV-om oko 920 milijuna kuna.<br />

• INA je sudjelovala 29. ožujka na sajmu karijera „Career Education<br />

Day” u Dubrovniku, koji je održan u hotelu Excelsior u organizaciji<br />

Američke visoke škole za menadžment i tehnologiju. Tijekom<br />

ožujka predstavnici Ine prezentirali su programe studentima na<br />

fakultetima u Zagrebu i Osijeku. Također, <strong>Ina</strong> je sudjelovala i na<br />

ovogodišnjem sajmovima Hrvatskog zavoda za zapošljavanje, koji<br />

su održani u Sisku 22. ožujka, u Rijeci 26. ožujka te u Zagrebu 27.<br />

ožujka, a na kojima je predstavila mogućnosti zapošljavanja u kompaniji.<br />

Dodjela nagrade Zlatni index, 3. travnja<br />

Golden Index award ceremony, March 3<br />

ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Premijera Puccinijeve opere u riječkom HNK-u koju je <strong>Ina</strong> podržala, 12. ožujka<br />

The premiere of Puccini’s opera in the National Theatre in Rijeka, which is<br />

sponsored by <strong>Ina</strong>, March 12<br />

political life of the country.<br />

• On 13 March, INA initiated the second Best Mentor competition within which students<br />

have opportunity to nominate a high school professor who stimulated the desire<br />

for learning and progress and inspired them with love for natural sciences.<br />

• For the 6th year in a row, INA won the Trusted Brand 2012 in the Reader’s Digest<br />

research on trusting brands in the category of Petrol Service. The purpose of the<br />

research was to find which brands are mostly trusted by Croatian consumers and<br />

how those consumers assess them according to individual categories of products<br />

and services. INA has also maintained consumers’ trust in this year with as much as<br />

60.2% of examinees’ votes.<br />

• On 15 March, INA and the Academy of Fine Arts (AFA), University of Zagreb, initiated<br />

the Energy 2012 competition within which AFA students shall have the opportunity<br />

to win a one-year scholarship, prize money for their artistic work and an<br />

opportunity to present their work at an exposition.<br />

• On 16 March, INA won the Herakle Market Research Agency’s award for its dedication<br />

to service quality in 2011, during the Mystery Shopping Day, under the title<br />

“Feedback Management”. The emphasis of this year’s Mystery Shopping Day is<br />

given to issues concerning what information may be obtained from customers, in<br />

what way to obtain them, and how to achieve business success owing to that.<br />

• The premiere of Giacomo Puccini’s opera “Manon Lescaut” was held on 16 March<br />

under INA’s exclusive patronage. Its premiere was held in 1893 in Torino and it became<br />

Puccini’s first success on the international scene. It was held in Rijeka opera<br />

house for the first time just two years after its premiere.<br />

• On 19 March, INA announced the continuation of modernization of its retail network<br />

by reconstruction of Kupari PS in Dubrovnik.<br />

• After introducing Eurodiesel BS with bio-components at eight petrol stations<br />

(Rijeka – Mlaka, Rijeka – Skoljic, Rijeka – Skurinje, Cavle, Crikvenica - highway,<br />

Kraljevica, Novi Vinodolski – highway and Senj) at the end of 2011, INA continued<br />

to introduce Eurodiesel BS with bio-components to its filling stations. By the end of<br />

March, all INA’s filling stations shall have in their offer Eurodiesel BS and Eurodiesel<br />

BS Class with bio-components – announced INA’s Corporate Communications Sector<br />

on 20 March in a public announcement.<br />

• On 23 March, INA – Oil Industry, d.d. officially submitted the analysis of geothermal<br />

potential of wells in the wider area of the city of Koprivnica. By this act, INA gave<br />

full support to efforts of Koprivnica to determine geothermal potential in the microlocation<br />

area of the city, in that way encouraging valuable investments.<br />

• On 27 March, INA announced that it had started to introduce the new high-quality<br />

Eurosuper BS 98+ Class fuel that shall be available at 115 INA’s petrol stations<br />

across the country.<br />

• On 28 March, HŽ Vuča vlakova Ltd. and INA concluded the Contract for the procurement<br />

of 29 million litres of diesel fuel. The assessed value of the Contract, discount<br />

and VAT included, amounts to about HRK 280 million. The Fuel Procurement Contract<br />

was signed pursuant to the Framework Agreement on the delivery of Eurodiesel<br />

for four years between companies INA – Oil Industry, d.d. and HŽ Vuča vlakova Ltd.<br />

based on the conducted public procurement procedure. Over 100 million litres of<br />

fuel shall be delivered during that period, while the assessed value of the Framework<br />

Agreement including discount and VAT amounts to about HRK 920 million.<br />

• On 29 March, INA – Oil Industry, d.d. participated in the “Career Education Day” career<br />

fair in Dubrovnik held in Excelsior Hotel in the organization of American College<br />

of Management and Technology. During March, the programme was presented by<br />

INA representatives to students at faculties in Zagreb and Osijek. Moreover, INA also<br />

participated in this year’s fairs organized by the Croatian Employment Service held<br />

on 22 March in Sisak, 26 March in Rijeka, and 27 March in Zagreb, where it provided<br />

employment opportunities at the Company.<br />

APRIL<br />

• Within the modernization project of INA’s Retail Network, Zadar – Borik PS and Split<br />

- Sućidar PS were modernized during April.<br />

• At this year’s “Golden Index” awards held on 3 April in Zagreb, INA – Oil Industry,<br />

d.d. won six awards in the categories of Scholarships, Participation in Student<br />

Projects, Project Organization with the Participation of Students, Traineeships, The<br />

Best Image according to Students and Grand Prix. The “Golden Index” is a unique<br />

award in Croatia given second year in a row to companies that made the most significant<br />

contributions to a better student life, education and professional development.<br />

The Project is supported by Ivo Josipović, the President of Croatia.<br />

• On 5 April, INA participated in the 7th Student Future Day, a meeting traditionally<br />

held in the organization of Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM).<br />

• Works at Novalja – Špital PS and Zadar – Put Murvice – West PS are carried out<br />

within the modernization project of INA’s Retail Network in the next thirty days.<br />

• The Extraordinary Assembly, was held by INA – Oil Industry, d.d. on 11 April<br />

in the MB’s building in Avenija V. Holjevca 10 in Zagreb. By the necessary<br />

majority of the votes present and in line with the agenda, the Company’s Ex-<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12.

[ ]<br />



kronika događanja...<br />

Chronicle of events...<br />

nijem studentskom životu, obrazovanju i stručnom usavršavanju<br />

studenata. Projekt uživa potporu Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske,<br />

Ive Josipovića.<br />

• INA je sudjelovala 5. travnja na sedmom Student Future Dayu,<br />

skupu koji se tradicionalno održava u organizaciji Zagrebačke<br />

škole ekonomije i menadžmenta (ZŠEM).<br />

• U sklopu projekta modernizacije Inine maloprodajne mreže u<br />

sljedećih tridesetak dana obavljaju se radovi na BP Novalja-Špital<br />

i BP Zadar-Put Murvice-zapad.<br />

• INA - Industrija nafte, d.d. održala je 11. travnja u zgradi Uprave<br />

u Aveniji V. Holjevca 10, u Zagrebu, Izvanrednu Glavnu skupštinu.<br />

Izvanredna Glavna skupština Društva, potrebnom većinom prisutnih<br />

glasova, a sukladno dnevnom redu, donijela je odluku o<br />

opozivu Ábela Galácza i Józsefa Simole s funkcije člana Nadzornog<br />

odbora Društva, dok su za nove članova Nadzornog odbora<br />

Ine imenovani Szabolcs I. Ferencz i Ferenc Horváth na razdoblje<br />

do 10. lipnja 2013. godine.<br />

• Sredinom travnja modernizira se BP Šibenik-Ražine-zapad<br />

• INA je 27. travnja objavila financijske rezultate INA Grupe<br />

za prvo tromjesečje 2012. godine. Neto dobit (bez jednokratnih<br />

stavki) od 630 milijuna kuna u prvom tromjesečju 2012. godine<br />

predstavlja poboljšanje u odnosu na prethodno tromjesečje kada<br />

je neto dobit (bez jednokratnih stavki) iznosila 248 milijuna kuna,<br />

što je uglavnom rezultat pozitivnih tečajnih razlika.<br />

Komentirajući financijske rezultate, Zoltán Áldott, predsjednik Uprave<br />

Ine, rekao je: „INA Grupa zabilježila je snažan rezultat u prvom<br />

tromjesečju 2012. godine - unatoč negativnim kretanjima u<br />

poslovnom okružju i izostanku prihoda iz Sirije - uglavnom zbog<br />

značajnih napora menadžmenta usmjerenih k daljnjoj optimizaciji<br />

aktivnosti i poboljšanju učinkovitosti. Zahvaljujući snažnijem<br />

financijskom položaju, <strong>Ina</strong> je pripremila snažan investicijski ciklus<br />

za iduće razdoblje. Program modernizacije maloprodajne mreže<br />

izvršava se na intenzivniji način, a kao rezultat toga INA će do kraja<br />

2012. posjedovati najveći broj novih ili moderniziranih benzinskih<br />

postaja u Hrvatskoj, osiguravajući vodeću tržišnu poziciju. Nakon<br />

velikih ulaganja u rafinerijama, dovršenih u 2011. godini, provode se<br />

Potpisivanje ugovora s braniteljskim udrugama, 24. svibnja<br />

Signing of Agreement with veterans’ associations, May 24<br />

i dodatna ulaganja kako bi se povećala operativna učinkovitost, dok<br />

INA u suradnji s lokalnim zajednicama radi na osiguranju potrebnih<br />

dozvola za pripremu projekta dorade ostataka u Rafineriji nafte<br />

Rijeka. INA također ulaže velike napore u istraživačke aktivnosti, s<br />

ciljem bušenja 4 do 6 istražnih bušotina u kopnenom dijelu Hrvatske<br />

tijekom 2012., te usporedno nastavlja s EOR projektom, ulaganjem<br />

vrijednim više od 500 milijuna kuna u razdoblju od tri godine“.<br />


• Početkom svibnja modernizira se i Inina benzinska postaja<br />

Vodice-marina.<br />

• INA je 8. svibnja uspješno završila proces recertifikacije i u 2012.<br />

zadržala Certifikat poslodavac partner koji se dodjeljuje za izvrsnost<br />

u upravljanju ljudskim resursima.<br />

• INA je 10. svibnja sudjelovala na ovogodišnjem „Business Management<br />

Challenge“, projektu koji se u organizaciji studentske<br />

udruge AIESEC održava kao dio redovne nastave diplomskih studija<br />

na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Osijeku. Predstavnici Ine studentima su<br />

prezentirali Projekt izgradnje korporativne kulture u Ini.<br />

• Ovogodišnji Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni susret stručnjaka<br />

za plin održan je od 9. do 11. svibnja u organizaciji HSUP-a te i ove<br />

godine uz Ininu potporu. Skupu su nazočili Želimir Šikonja, Inin<br />

izvršni direktor SD Istraživanja i proizvodnje nafte i plina, Tomislav<br />

Thür, izvršni direktor za korporativne poslove, Laslo Farkaš-<br />

Višontai, direktor Inina Sektora za istraživanje i proizvodnju JI<br />

Europe, te brojni drugi Inini stručnjaci.<br />

• Tijekom vikenda, 12. i 13. svibnja, ekipa sastavljena od Ininih<br />

zaposlenika sudjelovala je na humanitarnom malonogometnom<br />

turniru u SRC Jelenovac, Zagreb, koji je organizirala studentska<br />

udruga eSTUDENT. Na turniru je sudjelovalo osam momčadi<br />

poduzeća i četiri momčadi studentskih udruga, a Inini zaposlenici<br />

osvojili su treće mjesto. Prikupljene kotizacije i skupljena sredstva<br />

u iznosu od 10.000 kuna biti će donirana udruzi ZAMISLI za opremanje<br />

vozila za svakodnevni prijevoz studenata s invaliditetom.<br />

• Nakon završetka radova modernizacije, Inine benzinske postaje<br />

Solin-Meterize i Trogir-Brigi ponovno su u redovnom radu. Modernizacije,<br />

osim ponude kvalitetnih goriva, uključuju novi vizualni<br />

identitet, vrhunsku tehničku opremljenost, obogaćenu gastro<br />

ponudu te još višu razinu usluge Ininih zaposlenika. Zahtjevniji<br />

radovi obavljaju se i na BP Ivanić-Grad.<br />

• U kongresnoj dvorani Ekonomskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 17.<br />

svibnja, održana je završna ceremonija ovogodišnjeg Case Study<br />

Competition-a te uručenje nagrada pobjedničkim timovima koji<br />

su ponudili najbolja poslovna. INA je u sklopu CSC-a studentima<br />

predstavila poslovni slučaj pod nazivom „Koncept ljetne kampanje<br />

na INA korporativnoj Facebook stranici“ unutar kojeg su<br />

natjecatelji morali razraditi kreativni koncept, komunikacijsku<br />

10 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Potpisivanje ugovora s HŽ-om<br />

Signing a contract with HŽ<br />

traordinary General Assembly adopted a decision on the revocation of Ábel<br />

Galácz and József Simola from their positions as members of INA’s Supervisory<br />

Board while Szabolcs I. Ferencz and Ferenc Horváth were appointed as<br />

new members of the Supervisory Board until 10 June, 2013.<br />

• Šibenik – Ražine – west PS was modernized in the middle of April.<br />

• On 27 April, INA announced financial results of INA Group for the first trimester of<br />

2012. The net profit (excluding single items) of HRK 630 million in the first quarter of<br />

2012 presents an improvement in comparison to the results of the previous quarter<br />

when the net profit amounted to HRK 248 million (excluding single items), which is<br />

generally the result of positive exchange differences.<br />

Commenting on the financial results, Zoltán Áldott, the president of the Management<br />

Board, said: “INA Group recorded a strong result in the first quarter<br />

of 2012, despite negative developments in business environment and no received<br />

revenue from Syria, mainly due to management’s significant efforts to<br />

further optimize activities and increase efficiency. Owing to a stronger financial<br />

position, INA prepared a strong investment cycle for the coming period.<br />

The retail modernization program is carried out in a more intensified manner,<br />

the result of which INA shall have the largest number of new or modernized<br />

filling stations in Croatia by the end of 2012 that will ensure maintaining its<br />

market leading position. After a number of large scale investments in the<br />

refineries executed in 2011, further investments are carried out to increase<br />

operational efficiency, while INA is also working together with local communities<br />

to secure the necessary permits to kick-start the residue upgrade project<br />

in Rijeka Refinery. INA also puts strong effort into exploration activities, aiming<br />

at drilling 4-6 exploratory wells in inland Croatia during 2012, meanwhile<br />

continuing the EOR project, an investment worth over HRK 500 mil. in a three<br />

year period”.<br />

MAY<br />

• At the beginning of May, INA’s filling station Vodice – marina was modernized.<br />

• On 8 May, INA successfully finished the recertification process and maintained<br />

the Employer Partner Certificate in 2012, which is awarded for excellence in human<br />

resources management.<br />

• On 10 May, INA participated in this year’s “Business Management Challenge”,<br />

a project held as a part of regular degree studies courses organized by AIESEC, a<br />

student organization, at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. INA representatives presented<br />

the Corporate Culture Construction Project to students.<br />

• This year’s International Scientific & Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals was held<br />

from 9 to 11 May in organization of the Croatian Society for Quality, this year supported<br />

by INA as well. The meeting was attended by Želimir Šikonja, the Executive<br />

Director of INA Exploration & Production BD, Tomislav Thür, the Executive Director of<br />

Corporate Affairs ,Laslo Farkaš – Višontai, the Director of INA South-East Europe E&P<br />

Sector and numerous others INA experts.<br />

• During the weekend, on 12 and 13 May, the team composed of INA’s employees<br />

participated in a humanitarian soccer tournament in SRC Jelenovac,<br />

Zagreb, organized by eSTUDENT, a student association. Eight enterprise teams<br />

and four teams of student associations participated in the tournament, and<br />

INA employees won the third place. The collected participation fee and collected<br />

assets in the amount of HRK 10,000 shall be donated to the association<br />

ZAMISLI (IMAGINE) for equipping a vehicle for daily transportation of students<br />

with disabilities.<br />

• Upon the completion of modernization works, INA’s filling stations Solin – Meterize<br />

and Trogir – Brigi are open again. The modernization, in addition to higher quality<br />

fuels, include a new visual identity, top-quality technical equipment, rich gastro offer<br />

and even higher service level of INA’s employees. More difficult works are carried<br />

out at Ivanić – Grad PS as well.<br />

• The final ceremony of this year’s Case Study Competition and the granting of<br />

awards to the winning teams that have offered the best business cases were<br />

organized in the congress hall of the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb on 17 May.<br />

Within CSC, INA presented to students a business case under the title “The Concept<br />

of Summer Campaign” on INA’s corporate Facebook page within which the<br />

competitors had to develop a creative concept, communication strategy, advertisement<br />

plan, and campaign implementation plan.<br />

• On 18 May, INA donated, for the needs of technical education and chemistry in<br />

six primary schools in Sisak, six packages of means of instruction, which show the<br />

obtaining of energy through renewable sources, e.g. efficient use of energy.<br />

• Upon the completion of works on reconstruction, INA’s filling stations Pag, Šibenik<br />

– Ražine – West, Vodice – marina and Dubrovnik – Komolac are open again from<br />

18 May.<br />

• In the presence of the first vice president of Croatia’s Government and Minister<br />

of Economy, Radimir Čačić, and Zoltán Áldott, the President of INA’s Management<br />

Board, the beginning of works on EOR Project was celebrated on 22 May in Ivanić<br />

Grad. Besides celebrating the beginning of works, on this occasion, a common<br />

media conference organized by INA and Centre for Monitoring Business in the<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 11

[ ]<br />



kronika događanja...<br />

Chronicle of events...<br />

strategiju i plan oglašavanja te plan provedbe kampanje.<br />

• Nakon obavljenih radova na rekonstrukciji, Inine benzinske<br />

postaje Pag, Šibenik-Ražine-zapad, Vodice-marina i Dubrovnik-<br />

Komolac ponovno su u redovnom radu od 18. svibnja.<br />

• Uz nazočnost prvog potpredsjednika Vlade RH i ministra gospodarstva,<br />

Radimira Čačića, te Zoltána Áldotta, predsjednika Inine<br />

Uprave, u Ivanić Gradu je 22. svibnja obilježen početak radova na<br />

EOR projektu. Osim obilježavanja početka radova, u ovoj prigodi<br />

održana je i zajednička konferencija za medije u organizaciji Ine i<br />

Centra za praćenje poslovanja energetskog sektora i investicija na<br />

temu ulaganja u Hrvatskoj.<br />

• U prostorijama Sisačko–moslavačke Županije INA je 23. svibnja<br />

Zakladi za humanitarno razminiranje Hrvatske „Hrvatska bez<br />

mina“ donirala sredstva u iznosu od 500.000 kuna za razminiranje<br />

dijela minski sumnjivog područja u neposrednoj blizini grada<br />

Petrinje. Donaciju je Đurđi Adlešič, upraviteljici Zaklade, uručio<br />

Zoltán Áldott, predsjednik Uprave Ine.<br />

• INA je sudjelovala 25. svibnja, kao zlatni sponzor, na svečanom<br />

otvorenju ovogodišnjeg 39-og po redu Croatia Rally-ja koji se od<br />

24. do 26. svibnja održavao u Rijeci i okolici pod pokroviteljstvom<br />

Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske, prof. dr. Ive Josipovića. U tri<br />

dana, čak 48 timova iz 14 zemalja prešlo je gotovo 900 km po Istri,<br />

Gorskom Kotaru i Kvarneru.<br />

• Jubilarna, 5. međunarodna konferencija o industrijskoj baštini,<br />

koju organizira riječka Udruga »Pro Torpedo« otvorena je 25.<br />

svibnja na Građevinskom fakultetu u Rijeci.<br />

• INA je uručila 30. svibnja Kliničkom bolničkom centru Zagreb<br />

Završna vatrogasna vježba u Mjesecu zaštite od požara u Virju. 25.<br />

svibnja / The final fire exercise of the month of fire protection in Virje.<br />

25th May<br />

donaciju vrijednu 354 300 kuna u sklopu humanitarne akcije „Palčić<br />

gore!“. Ovom donacijom kupljena su dva prijeko potrebna uređaja<br />

za Zavod za neonatologiju i intenzivno liječenje Klinike za pedijatriju<br />

KBC i Medicinskog fakulteta Zagreb.<br />

LIPANJ<br />

• INA je i ove godine bila zlatni sponzor ovogodišnje, 13. po redu<br />

međunarodne jedriličarske regate Fiumanka, koja je održana u riječkom<br />

akvatoriju od 7. do 10. lipnja. Na prethodno održanoj konferenciji<br />

za medije prisustvovali su kao Inini predstavnici predsjednik Uprave<br />

Zoltán Áldott i član Uprave Ivan Krešić, koji su najavili da će se INA<br />

s radošću i ove godine aktivno priključiti regati te 9. lipnja sudjelovati<br />

na Velikoj Fiumanki. Inina ekipa, u kojoj se osim spomenutih našao i<br />

izvršni direktor za rafinerije i marketing, Artur Thernesz, zajedrila je u<br />

klasi regatnih krstaša na ruti Rijeka - Omišalj – Rijeka, i postigla sjajan<br />

rezultat. INA se priključila i Sailing Showu, predstavivši proizvode<br />

namijenjene jedriličarima koje proizvodi tvrtka Maziva-Zagreb, d.o.o.,<br />

članica INA Grupe.<br />

• INA je bila generalni sponzor ovogodišnjeg 27-og po redu Svjetskog<br />

prvenstva u motocrossu koje se 2. i 3. lipnja održavalo u Jastrebarskom<br />

pod pokroviteljstvom predsjednika Sabora Republike Hrvatske, Borisa<br />

Šprema, Zagrebačke županije i Grada Jastrebarskog, a u organizaciji<br />

Motocross kluba „Jaska“.<br />

• Pod Ininim pokroviteljstvom, u Dubrovniku je 5. lipnja započeo prvi<br />

interaktivni seminar ovogodišnje Ljetne škole naftnog rudarstva na<br />

temu „Tehnologija i upravljanje istraživanjem i proizvodnjom na poljima<br />

u zreloj fazi proizvodnje“. U sklopu prvog seminara organiziran je<br />

i okrugli stol na temu: „Energetska sigurnost i opskrba u promjenjivim<br />

tržišnim uvjetima“.<br />

• INA je 5. lipnja uručila udruzi SOS Dječje selo Hrvatska donaciju u<br />

visini od 200.000 kuna.<br />

• INA je dala svoju podršku dvjema tradicionalnim sportsko–rekreativnim<br />

manifestacijama Grada Petrinje. U srijedu, 6. lipnja, održana<br />

je Petrinjska nasip liga, trkačka utrka učenika nekoliko petrinjskih osnovnih<br />

škola, na kojem je sudjelovalo više od stotinu djece. U subotu, 9.<br />

lipnja održana je jubilarna, 10. Biciklijada u Petrinji koja se organizira s<br />

ciljem promoviranja petrinjskih biciklističkih staza i petrinjske okolice.<br />

INA je podržala obje manifestacije donirajući natjecateljima majice.<br />

• Povodom obilježavanja 105. obljetnice osnutka Akademije likovnih<br />

umjetnosti (ALU) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 11. lipnja u Galeriji ALU<br />

svečano je otvorena izložba radova studenata Akademije u sklopu pro-<br />

12 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Potpisivanje ugovora o donaciji za razminiravanje područja Petrinje<br />

Signing the donation contract for demining of Petrinja area<br />

Energy Sector and Investments on the subject of investments in Croatia was<br />

held.<br />

• On 23 May, on the premises of Sisak – Moslavina County, INA donated assets to<br />

the Trust Fund for Humanitarian Demining of Croatia called “Croatia without Mines”<br />

in the amount of HRK 500,000 for demining a part of mine suspicious area in the<br />

proximity of the city of Petrinja. The donation was handed to Đurđa Adlešić, the<br />

Director of the Trust Fund, by Zoltán Áldott, the president of INA’s Management<br />

Board.<br />

• On 25 May, upon the completion of works on modernization of INA’s filling station<br />

Zadar – Voštanica, INA invited all its faithful consumers to try their luck in a<br />

game called “Happiness Is Found in Little Things”. The Roll & Play games, Sing a<br />

Klapa Song and the Alka (Ring) were intended for customers who have realized a<br />

purchase in an amount over HRK 100.<br />

• On 25 May, INA participated as the golden sponsor at the official opening<br />

of this year’s 39th Croatian Rally that was held from 24 to 26 May in Rijeka<br />

and the surroundings under the patronage of prof. dr. Ivo Josipović, the<br />

President of Croatia. In three days, as many as 48 teams from 14 countries<br />

crossed almost 900 km across Istria, Gorski Kotar and Kvarner.<br />

• The 5th international jubilee conference on industrial heritage, organized by the<br />

“Pro Torpedo” association from Rijeka, was opened on 25 May at the Faculty of<br />

Civil Engineering in Rijeka.<br />

• On 30 May, INA granted the donation worth HRK 354,300 to the Clinical Hospital<br />

Centre Zagreb within “Thumb up!” humanitarian action. Two indispensable<br />

devices for the Division of Neonatology and Intensive Care of the Paediatric Clinic<br />

of the Clinical Hospital Centre and Medical Faculty in Zagreb were purchased by<br />

this donation.<br />

JUNE<br />

• INA was again the sponsor of this year’s 13th International Sailing Regatta,<br />

Fiumanka, which was held in Rijeka Aquatorium from 7 until 10 June. Zoltán Áldott,<br />

the president of the Management Board, and Ivan Krešić, a member of the<br />

Management Board, attended the previously held media conference as INA’s<br />

representatives, and announced that INA would gladly join the Regatta this<br />

year and participate in the Big Fiumanka on 9 June. INA’s team, which also<br />

included with already mentioned, Artur Thernesz, the Executive Director for<br />

refineries and marketing, sailed in the class of regatta cruise sailboats on<br />

Rijeka – Omišalj – Rijeka route and achieved a great result. INA also joined<br />

the Sailing Show and introduced products for yachtsmen manufactured by<br />

Maziva - Zagreb, d.o.o. company, a member of INA Group.<br />

• INA was the general sponsor of this year’s 27th Motorcross World Championship<br />

that was held on 2 and 2 June in Jastrebarsko under the patronage<br />

of Boris Šprem, the President of the Croatian Parliament, Zagreb County<br />

and the city of Jastrebarsko, and was organized by the “Jaska” Motorcross<br />

Club.<br />

• Under INA’s patronage, the first interactive seminar of this year’s Petroleum<br />

Engineering Summer School on the topic of “Technology and Exploration<br />

and Production Management at Fields in the Final Production Stage”<br />

started in Dubrovnik on 5 June. A round table was organized within the first<br />

seminar on the following topic: “Energy Safety and Supply in Changeable<br />

Market Conditions”.<br />

• On 5 June, INA gave to the SOS Children’s Village Croatia association a<br />

donation in the amount of HRK 200,000.<br />

• INA supported two traditional sports and recreation events of the City<br />

of Petrinja. On Wednesday, 6 June, the Petrinja Bank League was held,<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 13

INA je i ove godine bila zlatni sponzor ovogodišnje, 13.<br />

po redu međunarodne jedriličarske regate Fiumanka<br />

INA was again the sponsor of this year’s 13th<br />

International Sailing Regatta, Fiumanka<br />

[ ]<br />



jekta Energija 2012. kojeg su zajedno organizirali INA- Industrija nafte,<br />

d.d. i ALU.<br />

• U sklopu projekta „Zajedno za bioraznolikost“ INA-Industrija nafte,<br />

d.d. i Novi list pokrenuli su i ove godine natječaj za izbor fotografija koje<br />

će biti predstavljene u kalendaru za 2013. godinu.Tema ovogodišnjeg<br />

natječaja je „Hrvatske sorte i pasmine“, a na sudjelovanje su pozvani<br />

profesionalni i amaterski fotografi.<br />

• Na 4. regionalnoj Energetskoj areni, održanoj u Zagrebu 12. lipnja, na<br />

kojoj je u okviru teme – promjena na tržištu nafte i plina - posebna pozornost<br />

posvećena rafinerijama u budućnosti, u ime Ine govorio Artur<br />

Thernesz, izvršni direktor SD Rafinerija i marketinga, dok je predavanje<br />

na drugom okruglom stolu o investicijskom potencijalu Ine i planu ulaganja<br />

u 2012. održao Andras Huszar, izvršni direktor PF Finacija.<br />

• U organizaciji tjednika Lider i pod pokroviteljstvom Ine u Zagrebu je<br />

12. lipnja održana konferencija „Globalno i lokalno“ o mogućnostima<br />

poslovne suradnje između globalnih tvrtki i lokalnih partnera. Uz šefa<br />

delegacije EU u Republici Hrvatskoj Paula Vendorena te potpredsjednika<br />

Vlade RH dr.sc. Branka Grčića, u ime Ine u raspravi je sudjelovao<br />

Tomislav Thür, izvršni direktor Inine PF Korporativnih poslova.<br />

• U HNK Ivana pl. Zajca u Rijeci, održana je 14. lipnja konferencija za<br />

novinare povodom početka devetih po redu Riječkih ljetnih noći. INA<br />

je dala svoju podršku festivalu kao pokrovitelj baletnog programa Festivala,<br />

dvjema baletnim predstavama.<br />

• U prostorijama Ine održana je 15. lipnja svečana dodjela priznanja<br />

profesorima matematike, kemije i fizike u sklopu projekta NajMentor/<br />

ica 2012.<br />

• <strong>Ina</strong> je održala 19. lipnja u Upravnoj zgradi u Zagrebu sjednicu<br />

Glavne skupštine, na kojoj su među ostalim donijete odluke o dopuni<br />

djelatnosti kompanije (detalji su dostupni na www.ina.hr/investitori) te<br />

je usvojen potpuni tekst Statuta INA, d.d.; dana je razrješnica članovima<br />

Uprave i Nadzornog odbora za poslovnu godinu 2011., te je donesena<br />

odluka o izboru revizora.<br />

Dioničarima su na Skupštini prezentirana Konsolidirana i nekonsolidirana<br />

financijska izvješća za 2011. s izvješćem neovisnog revizora, Izvješće o<br />

stanju Društva i INA Grupe u 2011. te Izvješće Nadzornog odbora o obavljenom<br />

nadzoru u 2011. Osim toga, donesena je odluka o raspodjeli dobiti<br />

INA, d.d. u 2011. godini te se ista raspoređuje u zakonske rezerve u iznosu<br />

od 98.336.771,17 kuna i zadržanu dobit u iznosu od 1.868.398.652,31<br />

kuna. Na Glavnoj skupštini, prezentacije o prošlogodišnjem poslovanju<br />

te planovima za ovu godinu održali su Zoltán Áldott, predsjednik Uprave<br />

Ine i András Huszár, izvršni direktor Ine za Financije.<br />

• INA je podržala Peti hrvatski matematički kongres koji je održan od 18.<br />

do 21. lipnja na Filozofskom fakultetu u Rijeci pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva<br />

znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta i Primorsko-goranske županije, a<br />

u organizaciji Odjela za matematiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Suorganizator<br />

ove manifestacije je Hrvatsko matematičko društvo, a na Kongresu je sudjelovalo<br />

dvjestotinjak matematičara iz Hrvatske i inozemstva.<br />

• Od 24. do 26. lipnja, u Đurđevcu održana je 44. po redu Picokijada pod<br />

Ininim sponzorstvom i visokim pokroviteljstvom Predsjednika Republike<br />

prof. dr. sc. Ive Josipovića. Kao i svake godine, ova najstarija turistička<br />

manifestacija u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj okupila je velik broj posjetitelja<br />

koji su imali priliku uživati u nizu kulturnih, sportskih, gastronomskih i<br />

drugih događanja.<br />

Picokijada u Đurđevcu<br />

14 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

4. regionalna Energetska areni, održana u Zagrebu 12. lipnja<br />

The 4th regional Energy Arena, held in Zagreb on June 12th<br />

a running race of pupils from several primary schools in Petrinja in<br />

which more than one hundred children participated. On Saturday, 9<br />

June, the 10th jubilee Bike Ride in Petrinja was held, organized with<br />

the purpose of promoting bicycle paths in Petrinja and its surroundings<br />

area. INA supported both events by donating t-shirts to participants.<br />

• On the occasion of celebrating the 105th anniversary of the establishment<br />

of the Academy of Fine Arts (AFA), University of Zagreb, on 11<br />

June in AFA Gallery, the exhibition of works of academy students was<br />

officially opened within the Energy 2012 project, mutually organized<br />

by INA – Oil Industry, d.d. and AFA.<br />

• Within the “Together for Biodiversity” project, INA – Oil Industry, d.d.<br />

and Novi list started this year as well the competition for the selection<br />

of photos that shall be presented in the 2013 calendar. The subject of<br />

this year’s competition is “Croatian Sorts and Breeds” and profes<br />

• At the 4th regional Energy Arena, held in Zagreb on June 12th, within<br />

the subject of the changes in the oil and gas market, special attention<br />

was paid to refineries in the future. Mr Artur Lajos Thernesz, Executive<br />

Director of Refining and Marketing BD, spoke at the meeting on this<br />

topic on behalf of INA, while Mr Andras Huszar, Executive Director of<br />

Finance BF, gave a lecture on INA’s investment potential and plan of<br />

investments in 2012.<br />

• The “Global and Local” conference on the possibilities of business<br />

cooperation between global companies and their local partners, organized<br />

by the weekly magazine “Lider” and under the auspices of<br />

INA, was held on June 12 in Zagreb. Together with the Head of the EC<br />

Delegation to the Republic of Croatia, Mr Paul Vendoren, and the Vice<br />

President of the Croatian Government, Mr Branko Grčić, Mr Tomislav<br />

Thür, Executive Director of Corporate Affiars BF, participated in the discussion<br />

on INA’s behalf.<br />

• On June 14th at the Croatian National Theatre “Ivan pl. Zajc” in Rijeka<br />

a press conference was held for the occasion of the beginning of the<br />

9th Rijeka’s Summer Nights Festival. INA gave its support to the festival<br />

as the sponsor of the Festival’s ballet program, with two ballet<br />

performances.<br />

• The awarding ceremony for acknowledgement to professors of<br />

mathematics, chemistry and physics was held in the premises of INA<br />

on June 15th, as part of the Best Mentor 2012 project.<br />

• On June 19th, INA Industrija nafte, d.d. held a General Assembly<br />

meeting in the Administration building in Zagreb, at which, among other<br />

things, decisions were made on adding additions to the company’s<br />

business activity (details available at www.ina.hr/investitori), the full<br />

text of the INA, d.d. Statute was adopted, ratifications were given to<br />

MB members and members of the Supervisory Board for the business<br />

year 2011 and the decision was made on choosing an auditor.<br />

At the Assembly the shareholders were presented with consolidated<br />

and non-consolidated financial reports for 2011, together with the report<br />

of an independent auditor, Report on the condition of the Company<br />

and the INA Group in 2011 and the Report of the Supervisory Board<br />

on completed supervisions in 2011. Also, the decision was made on<br />

the 2011 profit distribution of INA, d.d. and the same was distributed<br />

into legal reserve in the amount of HRK 98,336,771.17 and retained<br />

earnings in the amount of HRK 1,868,398,652.31. At the General Assembly<br />

Mr Zoltán Áldott, President of the Management Board of INA,<br />

and András Huszár, Executive Director of Finance, gave presentations<br />

on the last year’s business and plans for this year.<br />

• INA supported Fifth Croatian Mathematical Congress, held from<br />

June18 until June 21 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka under the<br />

auspices of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and Primorsko-goranska<br />

County, organized by the Department of Mathematics,<br />

University of Rijeka. Co-organizer of this event is the Croatian Mathematical<br />

Society and the Congress was attended by two hundred mathematicians<br />

from the Croatia and abroad.<br />

• From June 24 to June 26, 44th “Picokijada” was held. INA traditionally<br />

supports this event that was held under auspices of the President of<br />

the Republic prof. Ph.D. Ivo Josipović. As every year, the oldest tourist<br />

event in the continental part of Croatia has gathered a large number of<br />

visitors who had the opportunity to enjoy a range of cultural, sporting,<br />

culinary and other events.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 15

[ ]<br />



Svjetsko tržište nafte u prvoj polovici<br />

godine/The global oil market in the first<br />

half-year<br />

Nakon visokih cijena, radikalan pad<br />

* After High Prices, a Sharp Drop<br />

tekst (text) ivica župan<br />

Cijene sirove nafte na svjetskim su tržištima i ove godine ovisile<br />

o brojnim makroekonomskim i strateško-političkim<br />

čimbenicima. U ožujku su još uvijek nastavljale rasti, ali tijekom<br />

travnja i svibnja stabilizirale su se na razini od oko 125<br />

dolara po barelu za nafte Brent i oko 106 dolara po barelu za naftu WTI.<br />

Međutim, uskoro bilježimo i radikalnije padove – krajem lipnja u Londonu<br />

cijena sirove nafte “brent” iz Sjevernog mora iznosila 89 dolara<br />

po barelu.<br />

Visoke cijene bile su posljedica geopolitičkih kretanja i napetosti u odnosima<br />

Irana s jedne, te SAD-a, Izraela i Europe s druge strane, što je<br />

poticalo strah od smanjenja opskrbe sirove nafte. Povećanje opskrbe<br />

sirove nafte tijekom prvog i drugog tromjesečja za 2,1 milijuna barela<br />

na dan, odnosno 1,3 milijuna barela nafte na dan, prema podacima<br />

Međunarodne energetske agencija (IEA) međutim, jedan je od ključnih<br />

razloga za pad cijena sirove nafte od ožujka do lipnja.<br />

Dovoljno nafte na tržištima<br />

Na međunarodnim naftnim tržištima cijene su počele padati nakon<br />

vijesti o usporavanju rasta u kineskom gospodarstvu i poruke Saudijske<br />

Arabije da surađuje s OPEC-ovim članicama glede smanjenja cijena<br />

„crnog zlata“. Na pad cijene tijekom ove godine utjecat će i neizvjestan<br />

daljnji rast kineske industrije, koji se polako zaustavlja, što nužno utječe<br />

na smanjenje potražnje za naftnim derivatima, odnosno na pad cijena.<br />

Naftu koju je prodavao Europi, Iran mora negdje preusmjeriti, a logično<br />

je očekivati da će ona ići u Kinu i Indiju, pa će Kina zbog takva položaja<br />

biti u prilici spustiti cijenu iranske nafte. Naftna tržišta dodatno je pritisnuo<br />

rast zaliha u SAD-u, koje su sada na najvišoj razini od rujna 1990.<br />

Američki predsjednik Barack Obama izjavio je da na svjetskim tržištima<br />

ima dovoljno nafte koja omogućuje zemljama da smanje uvoz iz Irana,<br />

drugog po veličini proizvođača nafte u OPEC-u. „Cijene nafte naglo<br />

su pale jer su povećani strahovi od globalna ekonomskog usporenja“,<br />

procijenio je Michael Houston, ugledni analitičar tržišta iz kompanije<br />

CMC Markets.<br />

Cijene su pale i pod pritiskom dugotrajne zabrinutosti zbog dužničke<br />

krize u eurozoni, koja bi mogla utjecati na slabljenje potražnje. Veći pad<br />

cijena sprječava neizvjesnost u vezi s opskrbom naftom iz Irana.<br />

SAD i Europska unija nametnuli su sankcije Iranu kako bi ga prisilili na<br />

odustajanje od daljnjeg razvoja nuklearnog programa. To pomalo guši<br />

iranski naftni izvoz, koji toj zemlji stvara znatan izvozni prihod. Embargo<br />

na uvoz iranske nafte u Europsku uniju u punom obujmu stupio<br />

na snagu 1. srpnja.<br />

Jedan od najvećih kupaca nafte, Kina, u prvom je tromjesečju znatno<br />

srezao uvoz iranske nafte. U ožujku je uvoz sirove nafte iz Irana pao<br />

za 54,1 posto u odnosu na godinu prije, na 253.302 barela dnevno.<br />

Iranski dužnosnici pak izvijestili su javnost da je izvoz sirove nafte<br />

pao na 2,1 milijun barela dnevno, u usporedbi s prosječnih 2,3 milijuna<br />

barela dnevno u posljednjoj iranskoj godini koja se računa do<br />

19. ožujka.<br />

Tijekom proljeća, izvješća iz Europe i SAD-a očitovala su da su američki<br />

poslodavci u privatnom sektoru u drugom tromjesečju otvorili znatno<br />

manje novih radnih mjesta nego što se očekivalo, a stopa nezaposlenosti<br />

u eurozoni u ožujku je dosegnula rekordnih 10,9 posto. Nagovješćujući<br />

pokazatelji poput Purchasing Managers’ Indeks (PMI) u SAD-u, Eurozoni<br />

i Kini upućuju na usporavanje ekonomske aktivnosti tijekom<br />

trećeg kvartala.<br />

Nastavak istih trendova<br />

Dođe li do vojne akcije u Iranu, utjecaj na cijenu nafte i svjetsku ekonomiju<br />

bit će znatno veći. Ne dođe li do eskalacije sukoba na Bliskom istoku,<br />

u ovoj godini cijene nafte ne bi trebale dalje rasti, drže naftni stručnjaci,<br />

nego bi, dapače, mogle doživjeti blagu korekciju. No, u slučaju vojne<br />

akcije protiv Irana ili blokade Hormuškog tjesnaca - čime bi bio otežan<br />

transport oko 20 posto svjetske proizvodnje sirove nafte - cijene bi mogle<br />

nastaviti rasti, što bi nepovoljno utjecalo na globalni gospodarski<br />

oporavak. Ipak, takav scenarij, drže analitičari, manje je vjerojatan.<br />

U svakom slučaju, analitičari Wall Street Journala predviđaju da cijene<br />

nafte ovog ljeta neće biti visoke koliko su predviđali prije nekoliko<br />

mjeseci, kad su najavljivali da bi cijena goriva u SAD-u mogla prijeći pet<br />

dolara po galonu (7,6 kuna po litri). Ipak treba naglasiti da je povijesno<br />

gledano nafta vrlo skupa. Neizvjesnost oko razvoja situacije u Eurozoni,<br />

kao i nagovještaja sporijeg gospodarskog rasta u EU, SAD-u i Kini djelovat<br />

će u smjeru smanjenja cijena naftnih derivata. Geopolitički faktori<br />

i njihov utjecaj na sigurnost opskrbe sirove nafte predstavljaju glavni<br />

rizik u smjeru viših cijene.<br />

16 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

THE PRICES OF CRUDE OIL on the world’s markets this year again depended<br />

on numerous macroeconomic and strategic and political factors. In March<br />

they still continued to grow, but during April and May the prices stabilised<br />

at USD 125 per barrel of Brent oil and around USD 106 per barrel of WTI<br />

oil. However, sharp drops are soon recorded – at the beginning of June in<br />

London the price of “brent” crude oil from the North Sea amounted to USD<br />

89 per barrel.<br />

The high prices were a consequence of geopolitical movements and tensions<br />

in the relations between Iran, on one side, and USA, Israel and Europe,<br />

on the other, what instigated the fear of decrease of supply of crude<br />

oil. Increase of 2.1 mil barrels a day in supply of crude oil during first and<br />

second quarter according to data of International Energy Agency is one of<br />

key reasons for decrease of crude oil prices from March to June.<br />


On the global oil markets oil prices stated to drop after the news of the<br />

slowdown of Chinese economy and the message from the Saudi Arabia<br />

that they are cooperating with OPEC members on reducing the price of<br />

the “black gold”. The drop in prices during this year will be influenced<br />

by the uncertain further growth of Chinese industry, which is slowly<br />

stoping, and that affects demand decrease. Iran will need to redirect<br />

the oil they used to sell to Europe, and it is logical to expect it will go to<br />

China and India, so China will have an opportunity to decrease the price<br />

of Iran’s oil. The oil markets are further pressured by the increase of reserves<br />

in USA, which are at its highest point since September of 1990.<br />

American President Barack Obama stated that the global markets have<br />

enough oil that enables countries to decrease the import from Iran, the<br />

second biggest oil manufacturer in OPEC. “Oil prices have dropped suddenly<br />

because the fear of global economic slowdown has increased”,<br />

said Michael Houston, distinguished market analyst from CMC Markets.<br />

The prices also dropped under pressure of the prolonged anxiety over<br />

the debt crisis in the Euro zone, which could impact the decreased demand.<br />

The bigger drop of the prices is prevented by the uncertainty<br />

concerning the oil supply from Iran.<br />

USA and European Union imposed sanctions on Iran in order to force<br />

Iran to stop the further development of the nuclear programme. This<br />

somewhat stifles Iran’s oil export, which represents a significant export<br />

income for this country. The embargo on the import of the Iranian<br />

oil to European Union in full force started on 1 July.<br />

One of the biggest oil buyers, China, significantly reduced the import<br />

of Iranian oil in the first trimester. In March the import of crude oil from<br />

Iran dropped by 54.1 percent when compared to the year before, to<br />

253.302 barrels per day. Iranian authorities, on the other hand, informed<br />

the public that the export of crude oil dropped to 2.1 million<br />

barrels per day, compared to 2.3 million barrels per day in the last Iranian<br />

year, which counts to 19 March.<br />

During the spring, reports from Europe and USA showed that American<br />

employers in the private sector in second quarter created significantly<br />

less new job positions than expected and the unemployment rate in the<br />

euro zone in March reached the record 10.9 percent. Indicators such as<br />

the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) in the U.S., Eurozone and China,<br />

pointing to a slowdown in economic activity during the third quarter.<br />


If there is a military intervention in Iran, the impact on the oil price and<br />

the world economy will be significantly greater. If there is no escalation<br />

of conflict in the Middle East, the oil prices in this year should not continue<br />

to increase further, experts believe, they could even experience a<br />

mild correction. But, in case of a military intervention against Iran or a<br />

blockade of the Strait of Hormuz – which would hinder the transport of<br />

approximately 20 percent of the world crude oil production – the prices<br />

could continue to increase, which could have a negative impact on the<br />

global economic recovery. However, such scenario, according to the analysts,<br />

is less likely.<br />

In any case, the Wall Street Journal analysts predict that the oil prices<br />

this summer will not be as high as predicted several months before when<br />

they announced that the gas prices in USA could exceed five USD per gallon<br />

(7.6 HRK per litre). However it should be noted that, historically, the<br />

oil is very expensive. Uncertainty about developments in the Eurozone,<br />

as well as news of slower economic growth in the EU, U.S. and China will<br />

work toward reducing the price of petroleum products. Geopolitical factors<br />

and their impact on security of supply of crude oil are the main risk<br />

in the direction of higher prices.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 17

[ ]<br />



Inini sponzorski i donatorski projekti/INA’s sponsored and donor projects<br />

Nesebična pomoć<br />

društvenoj zajednici<br />

* Selfless Help to the Community<br />

tekst (text) velid đekić<br />

Fotografija (photo) ferdo buva<br />

Nadovezujući se na dosadašnju uspješnu suradnju s riječkim<br />

Kliničko-bolničkim centrom, INA je 27. siječnja toj bolničkoj<br />

ustanovi donirala dvjesta tisuća kuna. Donaciju je predstojniku<br />

Klinike za kirurgiju, doc. dr. sc. Tediju Cicvariću, uručio<br />

predsjednik Uprave Ine, Zoltán Áldott.<br />

Darovana sredstva namijenjena su uređenju Odjela intenzivne njege u Zavodu<br />

za traumatologiju, odnosno za adekvatnu opremu kojom bi bolesnici<br />

dobili smještaj, njegu i nadzor primjeren modernim europskim standardima.<br />

Donirana sredstva bit će iskorištena za nabavu modernih kreveta koji<br />

jamče najbolju njegu nepokretnih bolesnika, također za nabavu monitora<br />

kojim se prate vitalne životne funkcije pacijenata.<br />

Brojne Inine donacije diljem Županije<br />

Uručujući donaciju, predsjednik Uprave Ine g. Áldott je između ostaloga<br />

rekao: „Znajući da je riječkom KBC-u potrebna oprema, INA se rado<br />

odlučila na donaciju, a kada pacijenti imaju neophodnu opremu, mnogo je<br />

lakše obaviti liječnički posao. Zasigurno će se i svi pacijenti osjećati bolje<br />

znaju li da imaju najbolju moguću njegu.“<br />

Na daru se zahvalio dr. Civarić: „Novčana sredstva koja smo dobili od Ine<br />

uvelike će utjecati na poboljšanje kvalitete boravka i ishod ličenja naših<br />

pacijenata. Donaciju cijenimo tim više što su one u doba ekonomske krize<br />

postale, nažalost, rijetkost“.<br />

Tijekom svečanog uručenja donacije, u riječkom je KBC-u istaknuto<br />

da je ta donacija nastavak uspješne prakse te vrste na cijelom<br />

području Primorsko-goranske županije, što je poznato još od vremena<br />

Inina osnivanja. INA takvu suradnju smatra svojom obvezom,<br />

podržavajući mnoge udruge, institucije i pojedince. Primjeri su te<br />

prakse: Međunarodna jedriličarska regata Fiumanka, Memorijalni<br />

nogometni turnir Egon Polić u Kostreni, teniski turnir Rijeka Open<br />

powered by INA, također pomoć u radu Zajednice Udruga hrvatskih<br />

vojnih invalida Domovinskog rata Primorsko–goranske županije,<br />

Udruge za promicanje konduktivne pedagogije iz Rijeke. Kao prijatelj<br />

kulture, INA godinama podupire nacionalnu kazališnu kuću u<br />

Continuing the present successful cooperation with the Clinical Hospital<br />

Centre, INA has on 27 January donated this hospital two hundred thousand HRK.<br />

The donation was presented to the Head of the Surgery Department, Tedi Cicvarić,<br />

Md by the INA’s President of the Management Board, Zoltán Áldott.<br />

The donated funds are intended for the equipping of the Intensive Care Unit of the<br />

Traumatology Institute, that is, for the adequate equipment that will ensure appropriate<br />

accommodation, care and supervision for the patients according to the<br />

modern European standards. The donated funds will be used for the purchase<br />

of modern beds that guarantee the best care of the bedridden patients and for<br />

the purchase of the monitors used for mentoring the vital life functions of the<br />

patients.<br />

Numerous INA’s donations throughout the<br />

County<br />

While presenting the donation, INA’s President of the Management Board Zoltán<br />

Áldott said: “Knowing that Rijeka Clinical Hospital Centre needed the equipment,<br />

INA gladly decided to donate and when the patients have the necessary equipment<br />

is much easier to perform the doctor’s duties. And all other patients will certainly<br />

feel much better knowing that they have the best possible care.“<br />

Doctor Civarić, Md. thanked for the donation: “The monetary support we received<br />

from INA will greatly influence the improvement of the quality of stay and the<br />

outcome of the treatment of our patients. We appreciate this donation even<br />

more considering that they have, unfortunately, in the time of economic crisis,<br />

become rare.”<br />

During the formal presentation of the donation, it was highlighted in Rijeka Clinical<br />

Hospital Centre that this donation was a continuation of a successful custom<br />

of this kind in the entire Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, present from the time of<br />

INA’s founding. INA considers such cooperation its obligation, supporting many<br />

organisations, institutions and individuals. Examples of such practice: Fiumanka<br />

International Sailing Regatta, Egon Polić Memorial Football Tournament in Kostrena,<br />

Rijeka Open tennis tournament powered by INA, as well as help with the work<br />

of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Organisation of Croatian War of Independence<br />

War Veterans, Organisation for the Promotion of Conductive Pedagogy from<br />

Rijeka. As a friend of culture, INA has supported the national theatre in Rijeka for<br />

years, working with the theatre on individual theatre projects and via general<br />

sponsorship or sponsorship of a theatre season.<br />

18 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Druga akademska donatorska večera u Rijeci<br />

Second academic donor dinner in Rijeka<br />

Rijeci, surađujući s njom putem pojedinačnih kazališnih projekata,<br />

te putem generalnog pokroviteljstva ili pokroviteljstva sezone.<br />

Donatorska večera za stipendiranje<br />

studenata<br />

INA je također bila generalni sponzor Druge akademske donatorske<br />

večere, održane u Rijeci 9. ožujka pod visokim pokroviteljstvom predsjednika<br />

Republike Hrvatske, dr. sc. Ive Josipovića.<br />

U organizaciji riječkog Sveučilišta i Nacionalne zaklade za potporu<br />

učeničkom i studentskom standardu, Donatorskom večerom u Restoranu<br />

Kampus u riječkom Sveučilišnom kampusu prikupljeno je 150 tisuća kuna<br />

namijenjenih fondovima za stipendiranje darovitih studenata. Ili, kako je<br />

to formulirano te večeri, u namjeri da se promiče znanje, izvrsnost i potencijal<br />

visokoobrazovanih mladih ljudi kao važne pretpostavke sveukupnog<br />

napretka Hrvatske, također unapređenje dijaloga i suradnje između<br />

akademske zajednice, gospodarstvenika i drugih sudionika društva,<br />

unapređenje učeničkog i studentskog standarda, kreiranje obrazovanja u<br />

skladu s potrebama društva, te promicanje konkurentnosti i zapošljavanja<br />

mladih stručnjaka.<br />

Donatorska večera privukla je brojne uglednike. U riječkom Kampusu<br />

pored predsjednika g. Josipovića, te su se večeri našli i potpredsjednik<br />

Sabora Nenad Stazić, ministrica vanjskih i europskih poslova Vesna<br />

Pusić, ministar znanosti obrazovanja i sporta Željko Jovanović, ministar<br />

rada i mirovinskog sustava Mirando Mrsić, predsjednica Upravnog odbora<br />

Nacionalne zaklade za potporu učeničkom i studentskom standardu<br />

Lidija Gašparović, rektor Sveučilišta u Rijeci Pero Lučin, ravnateljica Zaklade<br />

Sveučilišta u Rijeci Sanja Barić, te predsjednik Uprave Ine Zoltán<br />

Áldott.<br />

Obraćajući se okupljenima, g. Áldott je izrazio zadovoljstvo što je INA<br />

podržala vrijednu inicijativu usmjerenu mladima, „Razlog više za zadovoljstvo<br />

je činjenica što će to biti na korist riječke zajednice, s kojom je u<br />

130 godina djelovanja u njoj, putem Rafinerije, INA izgradila čvrste i trajne<br />

veze“. Predsjednik Inine Uprave rekao je također: „Znam koliko mi je<br />

obrazovanje i ulaganje u znanje značilo u studentskim godinama. Otvorilo<br />

mi je nove horizonte, omogućilo upoznavanje ljudi različitih kultura, te<br />

pružilo samopouzdanje za život i profesionalni svijet“.<br />

Dodatna sredstva prikupljena su prodajnom izložbom slika profesora i<br />

studenata riječke Akademije primijenjenih umjetnosti. INA se uključila u<br />

taj dio akcije otkupom jednog izloženog umjetničkog djela.<br />

Donors Evening for students’<br />

scholarships<br />

INA was also the general sponsor the Second Academic Donors Evening<br />

held in Rijeka on 9 March under high sponsorship of the President of the<br />

Republic of Croatia Ivo Josipović.<br />

Organised by the Rijeka University and the National Foundation for the<br />

Support of the Student Standard, during the Donors Evening in the Kampus<br />

Restaurant at the Rijeka University campus HRK 150 thousand was<br />

collected and intended for the foundations for scholarships for gifted<br />

students. Or, as was stated that evening, with the intention of promoting<br />

knowledge, excellence and the potential of the young university-educated<br />

people as an important premise of the overall progress of Croatia, as well<br />

as the improvement of the dialogue and the cooperation between the<br />

academic community, entrepreneurs and other members of society, the<br />

improvement of the students’ standard, creating the education according<br />

to the society’s needs and the promotion of competitiveness and employment<br />

of young experts.<br />

The Donors Evening attracted many esteemed members of society. In Rijeka’s<br />

Kampus, apart from President Ivo Jospipvić, the Evening was also<br />

attended by the President of Croatian Parlaiment Nenad Stazić, the Minister<br />

of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić, the Minister of Science,<br />

Education and Sport Željko Jovanović, the Minister of Labour and Pension<br />

System Mirando Mrsić, the President of the Board of the National Foundation<br />

for the Support of the Student Standard Lidija Gašparović, the Rector of<br />

the University of Rijeka Pero Lučin, the Director of the University of Rijeka<br />

Foundation Sanja Barić and the INA’s President of the Management Board<br />

Zoltán Áldott.<br />

Addressing the audience, Mr Áldott expressed the satisfaction that INA<br />

supported the valuable initiative directed at the young people, „The reason<br />

more to be satisfied is the fact that Rijeka’s community, with which INA has<br />

developed strong and permanent connections in the 130 years that INA<br />

has been active in this community through its Refinery, will benefit from<br />

this”. The Presibent of the Management Board of INA also said: “I know how<br />

much education and the investment in knowledge meant to me in my student<br />

years. It opened new horizons, enabled me to meet people from different<br />

cultures and gave me confidence in life and in the business world.”<br />

Additional funds were collected with the sales exhibition of the paintings of<br />

professors and students of Rijeka Academy of Arts. INA participated in this<br />

part of the fundraising by buying a piece from the exhibited artwork.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 19

interview<br />

Želimir<br />

Šikonja<br />

izvršni direktor Inina Segmenta djelatnosti<br />

Istraživanje i proizvodnja nafte i plina<br />

Executive Director of INA’s Exploration and<br />

Production Business Division<br />

Nove razvojne<br />

šanse<br />

* New Development<br />

Opportunities<br />

tekst (text) ivica župan Fotografije (photo) ferdo buva<br />

Ove godine SD Istraživanje i proizvodnja nafte i plina obilježava 60.<br />

obljetnicu rada. U tom razdoblju proizvedeno je 105 milijuna tona<br />

nafte i 68 milijardi prostornih metara plina, ukupne vrijednosti<br />

između 28 i 30 milijarda eura. O tome gdje se danas, nakon 60<br />

godina uspješnog razvoja, nalazi ova djelatnost u Ini, kakav je njezin sinergijski<br />

utjecaj na razvoj hrvatskog gospodarstva, o sjevernom Jadranu, Siriji i<br />

mogućnostima dobivanja novih koncesija za istraživanje nafte i plina, razgovarali<br />

smo za INA Energiju sa Želimirom Šikonjom, izvršnim direktorom<br />

Segmenta djelatnosti Istraživanje i proizvodnja nafte i plina.<br />

Godine stalnog rasta<br />

Molimo Vas da se ukratko osvrnete na povijest proizvodnje nafte i<br />

plina u Hrvatskoj te komentirate postignuća te djelatnosti.<br />

- Proizvodnja nafte na tlu Hrvatske počinje polovicom 19. stoljeća, i<br />

to na području Međimurja, Moslavine i zapadne Slavonije, klasičnim<br />

rudarskim načinom, iskopom okana na mjestima prirodnih izdanaka.<br />

Na osnovi Općega austrijskoga rudarskog zakona iz 1854., 1. kolovoza<br />

1855. izdane su prve dozvole za istraživanje nafte na lokalitetima<br />

Peklenica i Mikleuški-Voloder. Prvog siječnja 1952. osniva se Naftaplin,<br />

poduzeće za istraživanje i proizvodnju nafte i plina, sa sjedištem u<br />

Zagrebu. Naftaplin je nastao spajanjem postojećih državnih poduzeća<br />

iz naftne djelatnosti. Te je godine proizvedeno 102.000 tona nafte i 6,5<br />

milijuna m3 plina, dok se u razdoblju od 1983. do 1993. proizvodnja kretala<br />

oko 3,04 milijuna tona nafte i 2,12 x 109 m3 plina.<br />

Od tada do danas, otkriveno je 90 naftnih i plinskih polja, izrađeno je oko<br />

4000 istražnih, razradnih i proizvodnih bušotina - razradnih 2700, proizvodnih<br />

naftnih 1160 i plinskih 200; izgrađen je sustav plinovoda duljine<br />

1874 kilometara sa 139 mjerno-regulacijskih stanica.<br />

Lako se može zaključiti da INA domaćom proizvodnjom pokriva nešto<br />

This year, the Exploration and Production BD celebrates the<br />

60th anniversary of its activity. 105 million tonnes of oil and 68 billion<br />

cubic metres of gas, with a total value between EUR 28 and 30<br />

billion, were produced in this period. We spoke to Želimir Šikonja,<br />

the Executive Director of the Exploration and Production Business<br />

Division, about the current position of this activity within INA after<br />

60 years of its successful development, its synergic effect on the<br />

development of the Croatian economy, about the Middle Adriatic,<br />

Syria and the possibilities of winning new concessions for oil and<br />

gas exploration.<br />

Years of Continuous Growth<br />

We would like to ask you to give a brief overview of the history of oil<br />

production and to comment on the achievements of this activity.<br />

- Oil production on the territory of Croatia started in mid-19th century<br />

in the area of Međimurje, Moslavina and western Slavonia by using<br />

the classical mining method i.e. by excavating shafts on the sites of<br />

natural reserves. Based on the General Austrian Mining Act of 1854,<br />

the first permits for oil exploration on the localities of Peklenica and<br />

Mikleuški-Voloder were issued on August 1, 1855. Naftaplin, a company<br />

for oil and gas exploration and production with its registered office<br />

in Zagreb, was founded on January 1, 1952. Naftaplin was formed<br />

by merging the existing state-owned companies from the oil industry.<br />

That year, it produced 102,000 tonnes of oil and 6.5 million m3 of gas,<br />

and in the period from 1983 to 1993, production added up to around<br />

3.04 million tonnes of oil and 2.12 x 109 m3 of gas.<br />

Since then, 90 oil and gas fields were discovered, around 4,000 exploration,<br />

development and production wells were drilled – 2,700 development,<br />

1,160 oil production and 200 gas fields, and a 1,874-km<br />

20 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

[ ]<br />

U proteklih 60 godina u okviru Inine djelatnosti istraživanja i<br />

proizvodnje nafte i plina, odnosno Naftaplina, otkriveno je 90<br />

naftnih i plinskih polja, izrađeno je oko 4000 istražnih, razradnih<br />

i proizvodnih bušotina - razradnih 2700, proizvodnih naftnih<br />

1160 i plinskih 200; izgrađen je i sustav plinovoda duljine 1874<br />

kilometara sa 139 mjerno-regulacijskih stanica<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 21

interview<br />

INA domaćom proizvodnjom pokriva<br />

nešto više od 65 posto potreba hrvatskog<br />

tržišta za plinom i oko 15 posto<br />

potreba za naftom, dok u ukupnoj<br />

proizvodnji primarne energije u Hrvatskoj,<br />

gdje ima lidersku poziciju, sudjeluje<br />

s oko 130 PJ ili visokih 60 posto<br />

više od 65 posto potreba hrvatskog tržišta za plinom i oko 15 posto potreba<br />

za naftom. Sagleda li se udio Inine proizvodnje u ukupnoj proizvodnji primarne<br />

energije u Hrvatskoj, onda INA s oko 130 PJ sudjeluje s preko 60<br />

posto u ukupnoj proizvodnji primarne energije u Hrvatskoj, čime se jasno<br />

ilustrira da je INA vodeća energetska kompanija u Hrvatskoj.<br />

Projekt Sjeverni Jadran<br />

U kojoj je danas fazi Projekt Sjeverni Jadran? Kakva je njegova<br />

budućnost i važnost kao dobavnog pravca plina za Hrvatsku i njezino<br />

okružje?<br />

- Projekt Sjeverni Jadran, danas je u završnoj fazi ostvarivanja koja podrazumijeva<br />

razradu manjih, marginalnih polja (Ika JZ, Ilena, Ivna, Ika A&B<br />

deep, Irena) te izradu „infill“ bušotina radi povećanja ukupnog iscrpka<br />

plina iz postojećih polja. Tijekom razrade polja na blokovima Ivana i Aiza-<br />

Laura te bloku Izabela izgrađeno je 18 proizvodnih platformi i jedna kompresorska<br />

platforma te je izbušeno 46 bušotina. Sve izgrađene platforme na<br />

postoljima su, a dubina mora kreće se između 40 i 60 metara.<br />

Po veličini ukupnih ulaganja i trenutnoj proizvodnji plina, Sjeverni<br />

Jadran najveći je domaći projekt budući da INA s plinskih polja Sjevernog<br />

Jadrana dobiva 60 posto domaće proizvodnje plina.<br />

Izgrađeni tehnološki cjevovodi koji spajaju platforme Ivana A/K s platformom<br />

Garibaldi K, te terminalom Pula, koji se upotrebljavaju za otpremu<br />

proizvedenog plina sa Sjevernog Jadrana, a spajaju talijanski i hrvatski<br />

plinski sustav, svakako predstavljaju opciju koja se - uz ispunjavanje<br />

određenih preduvjeta (tehnoloških i ugovornih) - može iskoristiti i kao<br />

budući dobavni pravac za Hrvatsku i njezino okružje.<br />

Značajna ulaganja u Projekt<br />

Međimurje<br />

Kako napreduje dugo najavljivani Projekt Međimurje?<br />

- Projekt Međimurje, čiji je cilj privođenje proizvodnji dosad otkrivenih<br />

plinskih polja Zebanec, Vučkovec i Vukanovec te eventualno privođenje<br />

proizvodnji potencijalnih proizvodnih lokaliteta polja Nedelišće, Strmec Podravski<br />

i Peklenica, jedan je od najznačajnijih Ininih investicijskih projekata u<br />

Hrvatskoj. U okviru projekta dosad je izbušeno i opremljeno pet proizvodnih<br />

bušotina, planira se i izgradnja sabirno-transportnog sustava (bušotinskih<br />

krugova, priključnih cjevovoda, otpremnog plinovoda), čime bi se omogućila<br />

otprema proizvedenog plina prema CPS Molve na dalju obradu i čišćenje.<br />

Naime, zbog visokog udjela ugljičnog dioksida (preko 60 posto) prije daljnjeg<br />

korištenja plin je nužno prethodno pročišćavati. U tu svrhu izgrađena su<br />

procesna postrojenja centralne plinske stanice - CPS Molve - na kojima se već<br />

više od 30 godina pročišćava plin proizveden iz bušotina Duboke Podravine.<br />

long gas pipeline system with 139 measuring and regulating stations<br />

was constructed to this day.<br />

It can be easily concluded that INA covers a little over 65 per cent of<br />

the Croatian market’s demand for gas and around 15 per cent of its<br />

demand for oil with its domestic production. If we look at the share of<br />

INA’s production in the total production of primary energy in Croatia,<br />

then INA, with its 130 PJ, participates with more than 60 per cent in the<br />

total production of primary energy in Croatia, which clearly illustrates<br />

that INA is the leading energy company in Croatia.<br />

Northern Adriatic Project<br />

What is the current stage of the Northern Adriatic project? What is its future<br />

and significance as the gas supply route for Croatia and its region?<br />

- The Northern Adriatic project is now in its final stage of implementation which<br />

involves the development of smaller, marginal fields (Ika SW, Ilena, Ivna, Ika<br />

A&B deep, Irena) and drilling of “infill” wells in order to enhance total gas recovery<br />

from the existing fields. Eighteen production platforms and one compression<br />

platform were constructed, and 46 wells were drilled during field<br />

development on the Ivana and Aiza-Laura units and the Izabela unit. All of the<br />

constructed platforms lie on jackets, and the sea depth varies between 40 and<br />

60 meters.<br />

According to the amount of total investments and current gas production, the<br />

Northern Adriatic is the biggest domestic project because INA obtains 60 per<br />

cent of domestic gas production from the gas fields of the Northern Adriatic.<br />

The constructed transportation pipelines connecting the Ivana A/K platforms<br />

with the Garibaldi K platform and the Pula terminal, which are used to transport<br />

the produced gas from the Northern Adriatic and which connect the Italian and<br />

the Croatian gas system, definitely present an option which - if certain prerequisites<br />

(both technological and contractual) are met – can be used as a future<br />

supply route for Croatia and its region.<br />

Significant Investments into Međimurje<br />

Project<br />

How is the long-anticipated Međimurje Project coming along?<br />

- The Međimurje Project, whose purpose is to bring into production the Zebanec,<br />

Vučkovec and Vukanovec fields discovered so far, and to possibly bring into production<br />

the potential production localities of the Nedelišće, Strmec Podravski and<br />

Peklenica fields, is one of INA’s most significant investment projects in Croatia.<br />

22 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

With its domestic production, INA<br />

covers a little over 65 per cent of the<br />

Croatian market’s demand for gas and<br />

around 15 per cent of its demand for<br />

oil, and it holds a leading position in<br />

the total production of primary energy<br />

in Croatia where it participates with<br />

around 130 PJ or high 60 per cent<br />

Očišćeni plin odlazit će u transportni sustav potrošačima, a izdvojeni ugljični<br />

dioksid koristit ćemo za utiskivanje u naftna ležišta Žutica i Ivanić u sklopu<br />

EOR projekta, odnosno povećanja iscrpka nafte na spomenutim poljima.<br />

U okviru projekta Međimurje, izrađene su i prihvaćene četiri studije utjecaja<br />

na okoliš i ishođene lokacijske dozvole. Izrađena su i revidirana tri rudarska<br />

projekta te je zatražena rudarska koncesija za eksploataciju ugljikovodika<br />

na EP Vučkovec, Vukanovec i Zebanec, a za EP Zebanec već je i dobivena.<br />

U tijeku su aktivnosti koje prethode dobivanju građevinskih dozvola, dakle<br />

izrada geodetskih elaborata, rješavanje imovinsko-pravnih odnosa za 4.400<br />

katastarskih čestica i projektiranje, odnosno izrada glavnog projekta.<br />

Pratimo svjetske trendove<br />

Kakvi su planovi i strategije vezane za istraživanje kontinentalnog dijela<br />

Hrvatske?<br />

- Povratak istraživanju na kontinentalnom dijelu Hrvatske nije samo<br />

na deklarativnoj razini, budući da već imamo opipljive rezultate na<br />

tom planu. Od 2010., kada smo ispitali plinsko-kondenzatno ležište na<br />

bušotini Dravica-1, do danas, uslijedila su još tri otkrića nafte bušotinama<br />

Selec-1, Hrastilnica-3 i Đeletovci-1 zapad. U prilog činjenici da smo<br />

doista intenzivirali istraživanja govori i podatak da ćemo samo u tekućoj<br />

godini izbušiti jednako ili više istražnih bušotina nego u desetogodišnjem<br />

razdoblju od 2000.do 2009. godine.<br />

Strategija, planovi i programi istražnih radova temelje se na rezultatima<br />

iscrpnog rada Inih stručnjaka, što je rezultiralo izdvajanjem većeg<br />

broja istražnih objekata kategoriziranih prema jasnim kriterijima te generiranjem<br />

„inventara istražnih projekata“. Generalno gledajući, naftni i plinski<br />

objekti obuhvaćeni tim inventarom mogu se podijeliti na konvencionalne<br />

i nekonvencionalne. Ovime smo u Inine planove uveli istraživanje nekonvencionalnih<br />

ležišta - naftnih i plinskih - što je svjetski trend, posebice u<br />

visokoistraženim bazenima. Podrazumijeva se da smo nakon 60 godina<br />

So far, five production wells were drilled and completed within the project, and<br />

the construction of a gathering and transportation system (well sites, flow lines,<br />

a gas transportation pipeline) is also in plan, which would enable the transportation<br />

of the produced gas to the Molve CGS for further treatment and cleaning.<br />

Due to the high content of carbon dioxide (over 60 per cent), it is necessary to<br />

first clean the gas before further use. The process plants of the central gas station<br />

- Molve CGS - which have been cleaning the gas produced from the wells of<br />

so-called Deep Podravina for over 30 years were constructed for that purpose.<br />

The clean gas will go into the transportation system to the consumers, and the<br />

extracted carbon dioxide will be used for injection into the Žutica and Ivanić oil<br />

reservoirs within the EOR project, i.e. enhanced oil recovery on aforementioned<br />

fields.<br />

Four environmental impact studies were prepared and approved, and location<br />

permits were obtained for the Međimurje project. Three mining projects were<br />

prepared and reviewed, and the company had requested a mining concession<br />

for exploiting hydrocarbons on the Vučkovec, Vukanovec and Zebanec exploitation<br />

fields. The concession was already awarded for the Zebanec EF. Activities<br />

preceding the obtainment of building permits are in progress, i.e. preparing geodesic<br />

studies, solving property relations for 4,400 cadastral plots and designing<br />

i.e. preparing the main project.<br />

We Follow Global Trends<br />

What are your plans and strategies related to the exploration of Continental<br />

Croatia?<br />

- The return to exploration in Continental Croatia is more than just talk given that<br />

we already have visible results in that field. Since 2010, when we tested the<br />

gas and condensate reservoir on the Dravica-1 well, to this day, there have been<br />

three more cases of oil discovery in the Selec-1, Hrastilnica-3 and Đeletovci-1<br />

West wells. This year only, we are going to drill additional 4-5 driills, which is in<br />

support of the fact that we have really intensified explorations.<br />

The strategy, plans and programmes of exploration activities are based on the<br />

results of the exhaustive work of INA’s experts, which resulted in the selection<br />

of a greater number of exploration facilities categorized by clear criteria and<br />

in the generation of an “inventory of exploration projects”. Generally speaking,<br />

the oil and gas facilities included in this inventory may be divided into conventional<br />

and unconventional facilities. That way, we have introduced into INA’s<br />

plans the exploration of unconventional reservoirs – both oil and gas – which is<br />

a global trend, particularly in highly explored basins. It is understandable that<br />

we have exhausted the majority of possibilities regarding conventional hydrocarbon<br />

reservoirs after 60 years of exploration and production.<br />

Therefore, it is necessary to look for new opportunities in insufficiently<br />

uncovered and tested layers that are usually located at greater depths,<br />

which requires a specific approach in the exploration, but also in the de-<br />

[ ]<br />

In the last 60 years, 90 oil and gas fields were discovered, around 4,000<br />

exploration, development and production wells were drilled – 2,700 development,<br />

1,160 oil production and 200 gas fields, and a 1,874-km long gas<br />

pipeline system with 139 measuring and regulating stations was constructed<br />

within INA’s activity of oil and gas exploration and production i.e. Naftaplin<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 23

pratimo situaciju u Siriju<br />

Imate li neke informacije o mogućemu Ininu povratku na istraživanja i<br />

proizvodnja nafte i plina u Siriji? Koje sve scenarije INA na tom planu<br />

može očekivati?<br />

- Kao što je poznato, Vlada Republike Hrvatske donijela je 23. veljače<br />

2012. Odluku o provođenju međunarodnih mjera ograničavanja utvrđenih<br />

Odlukom Vijeća Europske unije u odnosu na Siriju. Na temelju navedene<br />

odluke, INA je prvog radnog dana, tj. 26. veljače 2012., sirijsku nacionalnu<br />

naftnu kompaniju General Petroleum Corporation (GPC) obavijestila<br />

o proglašenju „više sile“ za blokove Hayan i Aphamia. Sukladno tome, s<br />

trenutnim smo učinkom opozvali sve Inine i lokalne radnike zaposlene<br />

u Hayan Petroluem Company, zajedničkoj operativnoj kompaniji Ine i<br />

GPC-a te prekinuli svu tehničku, poslovnu i financijsku podršku HPCu.<br />

Inina podružnica u Siriji nastavila je s radom, ali s minimalnim brojem<br />

osoblja. U ovom trenutku vrlo pozorno pratimo razvoj situacije u Siriji, na<br />

međunarodnom planu i u Hrvatskoj.<br />

istraživanja i proizvodnje iscrpili veći dio mogućnosti vezanih za konvencionalna<br />

ležišta ugljikovodika.<br />

Nove prilike stoga treba tražiti u nedostatno raskrivenim i ispitanim<br />

etažama, koje se obično nalaze na većim dubinama, što zahtijeva<br />

specifičan pristup u istražnom, ali i razradno-proizvodnom smislu.<br />

Spremni smo na nove izazove te pratimo razvoje novih tehnologija<br />

kojima se danas u svijetu postižu dobri rezultati u smislu komercijalizacije<br />

nekonvencionalnih ležišta. Za istraživanje konvencionalnih i nekonvencionalnih<br />

tipova ležišta imamo vrlo konkretne planove, što na<br />

prosječnoj godišnjoj razini znači bušenje 5-7 bušotina u sljedećem 3-5<br />

godišnjem razdoblju.<br />

Ideja i optimizma ne nedostaje, međutim, ono što danas predstavlja<br />

ozbiljnu prepreku punom ostvarivanju naših planova u istraživanju je<br />

gubitak značajnih istražnih prostora u Panonskom bazenu. Time smo<br />

ograničeni na djelovanje unutar eksploatacijskih polja u kojima vidimo<br />

preostale potencijale, ali dugoročno gledano, ukoliko se pitanje dobivanja<br />

novih istražnih prava ne riješi u najskorijoj budućnosti, šanse<br />

ćemo morati potražiti na novim „pašnjacima“.<br />

Računamo na nove inozemne prilike<br />

Postoje li šanse da INA uskoro dobije koncesiju za istraživanje nafte i<br />

plina u Iraku ili negdje drugdje u svijetu?<br />

- INA se pretkvalificirala kao potencijalni kandidat za sudjelovanje na<br />

natječajima za istraživanje nafte i plina u Iraku. Nedavno je tamo objavljen<br />

međunarodni natječaj za istraživanje nafte i plina.<br />

U skladu sa svojom strategijom povećanja portfelja inozemnih projekata,<br />

INA vrlo pozorno prati i traži nove prilike na područjima istraživanja i<br />

proizvodnje nafte i plina. Trenutno su u tijeku razgovori i pripreme vezane<br />

za cijeli niz projekata u našim ciljanim područjima. Iskreno se nadamo<br />

da će u drugoj polovici godine naša nastojanja dovesti do rezultata.<br />

velopment and production sense. We are ready for new challenges and<br />

we follow the development of new technologies which in today’s world<br />

achieve good results regarding the commercialization of unconventional<br />

reservoirs. We have very specific plans for the exploration of conventional<br />

and unconventional types of reservoirs, which implies the drilling of 5-7<br />

wells on the average annual level in the following period of 3-5 years.<br />

We do not lack ideas or optimism. However, the loss of important exploration<br />

areas in the Pannonian Basin is a serious obstacle to the realization<br />

of our plans in the field of exploration. That is why we are limited to operation<br />

within the exploitation fields in which we see the remaining potential.<br />

However, in the long run, if the problem of acquiring new exploration rights<br />

is not solved in the near future, we will have to look for opportunities on<br />

new pastures.<br />

We Are Counting on New Opportunities<br />

Abroad<br />

Is there any chance that INA would soon win a concession for oil and<br />

gas exploration in Iraq or somewhere else in the world?<br />

- INA pre-qualified as a potential candidate for participation in tenders<br />

for oil and gas exploration in Iraq. An international invitation to tender<br />

for oil and gas exploration was recently issued there.<br />

In accordance with the strategy of increasing its portfolio of foreign<br />

projects, INA is closely following and seeking new opportunities in<br />

the fields of oil and gas exploration and production. Discussions and<br />

preparations related to a whole series of projects in our targeted fields<br />

are currently in progress. We sincerely hope that our efforts will yield<br />

results in the second half of the year.<br />

monitoring situation in Syria<br />

Do you have any information about INA’s possible return to oil and gas<br />

exploration and production in Syria? What scenarios can INA expect<br />

in this regard?<br />

- As is known, on February 23, 2012, the Government of the Republic of<br />

Croatia adopted the Decision on the Implementation of International<br />

Restrictive Measures Imposed by the Decision of the Council of the<br />

European Union Relating to Syria. Based on said decision, on the first<br />

workday i.e. on February 26, 2012, INA informed the national Syrian oil<br />

company General Petroleum Corporation (GPC) about the declaration of<br />

a “force majeure” for Hayan and Aphamia units. Accordingly, we recalled<br />

all INA’s and local employees working at the Hayan Petroleum Company,<br />

the joint operating company of INA and GPC, and withdrew all of the<br />

technical, business and financial support to HPC with immediate effect.<br />

INA’s subsidiary in Syria continued with operations, but with a minimal<br />

number of personnel. At the moment, we are closely following the<br />

development of the situation in Syria, both on the international level and<br />

in Croatia.<br />

24 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

[ ]<br />

poslovanje<br />

business<br />

EOR – projekt<br />

Veliki ulagački pothvat<br />

EOR Project<br />

*Large Investment Project<br />

tekst (text) ivica župan Fotografije (photo) ferdo buva<br />

U<br />

nazočnosti prvog potpredsjednika Vlade RH i ministra gospodarstva,<br />

Radimira Čačića, te Zoltána Áldotta, predsjednika Inine<br />

Uprave, u Ivanić Gradu je 22. svibnja obilježen početak radova<br />

na EOR projektu, projektu od izuzetna značenja za Inu i Hrvatsku.<br />

Osim obilježavanja početka radova, održana je i zajednička konferencija<br />

za medije u organizaciji Ine i Centra za praćenje poslovanja energetskog<br />

sektora i investicija Vlade RH na temu ulaganja u Hrvatskoj, kojoj je nazočio<br />

velik broj uglednika iz gospodarskog i političkog života te novinara iz svih<br />

medija. Konferenciji je, među ostalim, prisustvovao i direktor Sektora za<br />

energetiku, u Ministarstvu gospodarstva Dragan Krasić, a podršku projektu<br />

pružio je i spomenuti Centar na čelu s predsjednikom njegova Upravnog odbora,<br />

Draganom Marčinkom, te članovima Uprave Markom Lončarevićem i<br />

Antom Ramljakom, lokalna zajednica predvođena gradonačelnikom Ivanić<br />

Grada Borisom Kovačićem te predsjednici uprava tvrtki izvođača radova.<br />

EOR projekt (EOR – enhanced oil recovery) jedan je od Ininih najvažnijih<br />

ulagačkih projekata u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj.<br />

Ekološka dimenzija projekta<br />

Projekt je predstavio Želimir Šikonja, izvršni direktor SD Istraživanje<br />

i proizvodnja nafte i plina. INA će u projekt do 2022. godine uložiti više<br />

od milijardu kuna, a do kraja 2015., kada bi trebalo početi crpljenje nafte<br />

novom metodom, više od 514 milijuna kuna, istaknuto je na konferenciji.<br />

Cilj projekta je pridobivanje dodatnih količina ugljikovodika na<br />

eksploatacijskim poljima Žutica i Ivanić, na zemljištu u katastarskim<br />

općinama Ivanić Grad, Šarampov, Posavski Bregi, Topolje i Hrastilnica.<br />

Projekt uključuje primjenu jedne od tzv. tercijarnih metoda<br />

povećanja iscrpka nafte: naizmjenično utiskivanje ugljičnog dioksida<br />

i vode u djelomice iscrpljena naftna ležišta čime će se povećati tlak u<br />

ležištu. Sam projekt ima i izuzetnu ekološku dimenziju jer će se njime<br />

u podzemlje utiskivati značajne količine CO2 koji se danas iz Molvi<br />

ispušta u zrak, čime će se smanjiti ispuštanje ovih emisija u zrak.<br />

Planirani zahvat predviđa izgradnju sustava cjevovoda - plinovoda,<br />

In the presence of First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia and<br />

Minister of Economy Radimir Čačić and the President of INA’s Management Board,<br />

Zoltán Áldott the occasion of the beginning of work on the EOR project, a project<br />

of great significance for INA and Croatia, was marked on May 22 in Ivanić Grad. In<br />

addition to marking the occasion of the beginning of work, a joint press conference<br />

was held on the subject of investments in Croatia. It was organized by INA and the<br />

Centre for Monitoring Business Activities in the Energy Sector and Investments of<br />

the Croatian Government and was attended by a great number of dignitaries from<br />

the economic and political sphere, and journalists from every type of media. For example,<br />

the conference was also attended by Director of the Energy Sector Dragan<br />

Krasić, and the project was supported by said Centre headed by President of its<br />

Management Board Dragan Marčinko, and members of the Board Marko Lončarević<br />

and Ante Ramljak, the local community led by Mayor of Ivanić Grad Boris Kovačić<br />

and presidents of the management boards of contractor companies.<br />

The EOR project (EOR – enhanced oil recovery) is one of INA’s most important investment<br />

projects in Continental Croatia.<br />

Environmental Dimension of the Project<br />

The project was presented by Želimir Šikonja, the Executive Director of the<br />

Exploration and Production BD. It was pointed out at the conference that INA<br />

would more than invest HRK billion into the project by 2022, and that more<br />

than HRK 514 million would be invested by the end of 2015, when the start<br />

of oil recovery using the new method is planned.<br />

The objective of the project is to transport carbon dioxide via the existing pipeline<br />

from Molve to the Žutica and Ivanić exploitation fields on the land in cadastral<br />

municipalities Ivanić Grad, Šarampov, Posavski Bregi, Topolje and Hrastilnica. The<br />

project includes the implementation of one of the so-called tertiary methods of enhanced<br />

oil recovery: injection of carbon dioxide and water alternately into partially<br />

depleted oil reservoirs, which would increase the pressure in the reservoir.<br />

The project also has an extraordinary environmental dimension because considerable<br />

quantities of CO2 which are now released into the air from the Molve Station are<br />

going to be injected underground.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 25

Eksploatacijsko polje Žutica<br />

Exploitation field Žutica<br />

EOR projekt (EOR – enhanced oil recovery), odnosno primjena jedne od tzv. tercijarnih<br />

metoda povećanja iscrpka nafte, naizmjeničnog utiskivanja ugljičnog dioksida i vode u<br />

djelomice iscrpljena naftna ležišta, jedan je od Ininih najvažnijih ulagačkih projekata u kontinentalnoj<br />

Hrvatskoj, u kojeg će do 2022. godine uložiti više od milijardu kuna, a do kraja<br />

2015., kada bi trebalo početi crpljenje nafte novom metodom, više od 500 milijuna kuna<br />

elektrovoda i signalnih kabela radi utiskivanja CO2 u podzemne<br />

slojeve zemljišta na postojećim proizvodnim bušotinama. U sklopu<br />

projekta, uz postojeći plinovod od Molva do Ininih polja u Ivaniću i<br />

Žutici, dugačak 85 kilometara, sagradit će se još 56 kilometara novih<br />

cjevovoda i dvije kompresorske stanice.<br />

U svjetskoj praksi sve je zastupljenije - primjenom tercijarnih metoda<br />

- ublažavanje učinaka prirodnog pada proizvodnje, odnosno revitalizacija<br />

starih i djelomice iscrpljenih ležišta. Među tim metodama upravo<br />

utiskivanje ugljičnog dioksida u naftna ležišta ima najveću primjenu, a<br />

Inin EOR projekt bit će prvi slučaj primjene tercijarnih metoda u Republici<br />

Hrvatskoj.<br />

Kroz 24 godine, koliko će se ova metoda primjenjivati na spomenutim<br />

eksploatacijskim poljima, planirano je da se EOR projektom ostvari<br />

proizvodnja dodatnih 3,4 milijuna tona nafte i oko 500 milijuna<br />

prostornih metara plina, koje primjenom postojećih metoda ne bi bilo<br />

moguće proizvesti.<br />

Iznimna profitabilnost EOR-a<br />

Naftno polje Žutica jedno je od najvećih naftnih polja u Hrvatskoj,<br />

smješteno u naplavnom području šume u okolici Ivanić Grada. Prema<br />

Ininim procjenama, na tim se naftnim poljima sada vadi samo 10 posto<br />

ukupne nafte iz podzemlja, a situacija s sve većim cijenama goriva (cijena<br />

nafte oko 100 dolara za barel), iznimno skupu tehnologiju utiskivanja<br />

ugljičnog dioksida učinila je isplativom investicijom.<br />

U SAD-u, čije tvrtke kontroliraju najviše nafte u svijetu te proizvode<br />

gotovo svu svjetsku opremu za istraživanje, bušenje i crpljenje nafte,<br />

mnogo je starih bušotina kojih se velike naftne korporacije rješavaju i<br />

prepuštaju malim tvrtkama. Upravo te male tvrtke u doba vrlo visoke<br />

The planned project provides for the construction of a pipeline system – gas pipelines,<br />

power lines and signal cables for injecting CO2 into the underground layers<br />

of soil on the existing production wells. In addition to the existing 85-km long gas<br />

pipeline from Molve to INA’s fields in Ivanić and Žutica, another 56 kilometres of new<br />

pipelines is going to be built within the project, along with two compressor stations.<br />

A growing presence in the global practice is mitigating the effects of the natural drop<br />

in production i.e. revitalizing old and partially depleted reservoirs by using tertiary<br />

methods. Among these methods, it is the injection of carbon dioxide into oil reservoirs<br />

which has the largest scope of application, and INA’s EOR project will be the<br />

first case of using tertiary methods in the Republic of Croatia.<br />

In the course of 24 years, during which this method will be used on said exploitation<br />

fields, the EOR project is planned to achieve the production of additional 3.4<br />

million tonnes of oil and around 500 million cubic metres of gas, which could not be<br />

produced by using the existing methods.<br />

The EOR project (EOR – enhanced oil recovery),<br />

i.e. the application of one of the so-called tertiary<br />

methods of enhanced oil recovery, injection<br />

of carbon dioxide and water alternately into<br />

partially depleted oil reservoirs, is one of INA’s<br />

most important investment projects in Continental<br />

Croatia. More than a billion HRK will be<br />

invested into this project by 2022, and more<br />

than 500 million HRK will be invested by the<br />

end of 2015, the planned start of oil recovery<br />

using the new method<br />

26 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Obilazak Ininih postrojenja u Ivanić Gradu<br />

Visit to INA plant in Ivanic Grad<br />

In the course of 24<br />

years, during which<br />

this method will be<br />

used on exploitation<br />

fields, the EOR<br />

project is planned to<br />

achieve the production<br />

of additional<br />

3.4 million tonnes of<br />

oil and around 500<br />

million cubic metres<br />

of gas, which could<br />

not be produced by<br />

using the existing<br />

methods<br />

cijene nafte, koristeći tercijarne metode crpljenja nafte, među ostalim,<br />

utiskivanje CO2 iz nekad napuštenih naftnih polja, crpe naftu i ostvaruju<br />

nemale profite. No, mnogi istaknuti svjetski naftni stručnjaci<br />

upozoravaju na to da nijedna tercijarna metoda ne može preokrenuti<br />

prirodni i fizikalno uvjetovani fenomen vrhunca crpljenja postojećih<br />

naftnih polja i zaustaviti postupni pad količine iscrpljene nafte.<br />

INA na tom projektu radi od početka 1980-ih, kada su počela prva<br />

istraživanja tada nove, vrlo skupe i neisplative tercijarne metode<br />

crpljenja nafte. Tehnologija vađenja nafte sastoji se od najmanje tri faze.<br />

U prvoj fazi nafta izlazi na površinu eruptivno, dakle sama od sebe,<br />

potom se vadi dubinskim sisaljkama (“njihalicama”), a u drugoj se fazi<br />

u naftne bušotine utiskuje voda. Utiskivanje ugljičnog dioksida treća je<br />

i najskuplja faza crpljenja nafte budući da je riječ o prilično agresivnu<br />

plinu. Cjevovodi moraju biti izrađeni od posebna materijala, a kako je<br />

ugljični dioksid veliki onečišćivač, njegovim utiskivanjem u postojeće<br />

naftne bušotine postižu se veliki ekološki učinci i za pet posto podiže<br />

iscrpak nafte. Dosad su se, naime, naftna ležišta mogla crpiti do razine<br />

40-50 posto, no novom tercijarnom metodom podiže se iskoristivost.<br />

INA - okosnica i pokretač hrvatskog<br />

gospodarstva<br />

Provedbu EOR projekta pratit će Vladin Centar za praćenje poslova<br />

energetskog sektora i investicija, što je izuzetno važno jer pretpostavlja<br />

koordinaciju na cijelom nizu drugih polja.<br />

Kroz 24 godine, koliko će se primjenjivati na<br />

eksploatacijskim poljima, planirano je da se<br />

EOR projektom ostvari proizvodnja dodatnih<br />

3,4 milijuna tona nafte i oko 500 milijuna prostornih<br />

metara plina, koje primjenom postojećih<br />

metoda ne bi bilo moguće proizvesti<br />

Exceptional Profitability of EOR<br />

The Žutica oil field is one of the largest oil fields in Croatia located in the floodplain<br />

of a forest in the vicinity of Ivanić Grad. According to INA’s initial estimate, so far app.<br />

10 percent of total oil reserves have been recovered from this exploitation fields.<br />

The high fuel prices, the price of oil of about USD 100 per barrel, have made<br />

the extremely expensive technology and injection of carbon dioxide a costeffective<br />

investment.<br />

In the USA, whose companies control the most oil in the world and manufacture<br />

almost all of the world’s equipment for oil exploration, drilling and extraction, there<br />

are many old wells which the big oil companies get rid of and hand over to small<br />

companies. It is the small companies which recover oil and make a substantial<br />

profit in times of high oil prices by using tertiary methods of oil extraction including,<br />

among other things, the injection of CO2 from formerly abandoned oil fields.<br />

However, many of the world’s distinguished oil experts warn that no tertiary<br />

method can reverse the natural and physically conditioned phenomenon of peak<br />

of oil extraction on the existing oil fields and stop the gradual fall of the quantity<br />

of depleted oil.<br />

INA has been working on this project since early 1980s i.e. since the beginning of the<br />

first research of the then new, very expensive and unprofitable tertiary method of oil<br />

recovery. The oil extraction technology consists of at least three stages. In the first<br />

stage, the oil flows to the surface by itself, and afterwards it is extracted with deepwell<br />

pumps (“pumpjacks”). In the second stage, water is injected into the oil wells.<br />

The injection of carbon dioxide is the third and most expensive stage in oil recovery<br />

because we are dealing with a pretty aggressive gas. The pipelines have to be made<br />

of a special material. Given that carbon dioxide is a major pollutant, its injection into<br />

the existing oil wells produces a great environmental impact and increases oil recovery<br />

by five per cent. So far, oil reservoirs could be pumped to the level of 40-50 per<br />

cent. However, the new tertiary method increases utilization.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 27

Zoltán Áldott, predsjednik Uprave Ine:<br />

Snažan investicijski zamah u<br />

cijeloj kompaniji<br />

U istraživanje i proizvodnju uložit će se oko milijardu kuna. Istraživačka<br />

ulaganja u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj doseći će razinu koja u našoj zemlji<br />

nije zabilježena proteklih nekoliko desetljeća, a investicije su snažno<br />

fokusirane na razradne aktivnosti, na kopnu i moru. Dovršena su 2D<br />

i 3D seizmička mjerenja na Srednjem i Južnom Jadranu, a u tijeku su i<br />

daljnja istražna i razradna ulaganja na Sjevernom Jadranu. Uz ulaganja<br />

u projekte u podmorju, g. Áldott je istaknuo i razvoj velikih projekata u<br />

kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj, na poljima Ivanić-Žutica i Međimurje. Sektor<br />

istraživanja i proizvodnje ove bi godine trebao izbušiti četiri do pet<br />

istražnih bušotina, a tri su već izbušene. U razradu polja u Međimurju<br />

u sljedeće tri godine uložit će se 200 milijuna kuna. Zahvaljujući tim<br />

aktivnostima, naveo je Áldott, ostvaruje se dodatni doprinos hrvatskim<br />

dionicama, stabilan prihod od rudne rente i osigurava opskrba naše<br />

zemlje energijom.<br />

U Sektoru trgovine na malo ove godine ulaže se 260 milijuna kuna, i<br />

to u modernizaciju maloprodajne mreže, pa bi INA, istaknuo je Áldott,<br />

koja danas ima više od 50 moderniziranih benzinskih postaja, do kraja<br />

ove godine trebala obnoviti još 90 objekata i tako će se njihova brojka<br />

povećati na oko 150 i INA će imati najveću modernu mrežu benzinskih<br />

postaja u Hrvatskoj, s novim, svježim izgledom i znatno poboljšanom<br />

uslugom.<br />

Ulaganja u Sektoru rafinerija i marketinga, koja ove godine dostižu<br />

460 milijuna kuna, dokaz su Inine ozbiljne predanosti u razvoju<br />

rafinerijskog sustava. Obavljene su pripreme za snažan nadolazeći<br />

investicijski ciklus kako bi kompanija učvrstila svoj regionalni položaj<br />

i poboljšala strukturu proizvodnje. Priprema se projekt za duboku<br />

konverziju u riječkoj Rafineriji, poboljšava energetska učinkovitost<br />

i investicije za Zaštita zdravlja, sigurnosti i okoliša u sisačkoj<br />

Rafineriji, planira se izgraditi produktovod između sisačke i riječke<br />

rafinerije kojim bi se, u suradnji s JANAF-om, unaprijedila operativna<br />

učinkovitost rafinerijskog sustava. „Radimo i na određenim dodatnim<br />

ulaganjima u sisačku Rafineriju radi poboljšanja rafinerijske<br />

učinkovitosti, poboljšanja zaštite zdravlja i sigurnosti okoliša. U ovoj<br />

godini u Sisku smo već pustili u rad postrojenje za izomerizaciju kao<br />

dio razvoja rafinerijskog sustava. Dovršenjem tih projekata smanjit<br />

će se emisije u okoliš, a samim tim poboljšati uvjeti života u Sisku.”<br />

- zaključuje g. Áldott.<br />

„INA, kao okosnica i pokretač hrvatskog gospodarstva, snažno doprinosi<br />

gospodarskom razvoju, značajno ulažući u gospodarstvo<br />

kako bi se potaknuo rast BDP-a. Stoga bih podsjetio na ovu činjenicu:<br />

devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, za vrijeme Domovinskog rata,<br />

u razdoblju obnove koje je potom uslijedila te u prvom desetljeću<br />

novog tisućljeća INA je – samo u Hrvatskoj – uložila gotovo 17 milijardi<br />

kuna, što čini više od 15 posto hrvatskoga godišnjeg BDP-a!<br />

Kako bi podržala razvoj hrvatskog gospodarstva, INA i dalje namjerava<br />

ulagati, i to u skladu s inicijativama Vlade RH“, naglasio je Zoltán<br />

Áldott.<br />

Govoreći o Ininim investicijskim projektima, g. Áldott je istaknuo<br />

da tvrtka ove godine, kroz reinvestiranje profita ostvarena u 2012.,<br />

planira ulaganja od 2,08 milijardi kuna - za 35 posto više nego lani<br />

– što iznosi gotovo dva posto hrvatskoga BDP-a, od čega će se tri<br />

četvrtine tog iznosa uložiti u Hrvatsku i to u tri glavna segmenta<br />

Inina poslovanja. Na taj način INA čini značajan doprinos naporima<br />

hrvatske Vlade glede povećanja ulaganja u ovoj godini i kompanija<br />

tako postaje najvećim investitorom u Hrvatskoj i glavnim pokretačem<br />

domaćeg gospodarstva.<br />

Uspješni strateški dogovori o novom<br />

ulagačkom ciklusu<br />

Ministar Čačić naglasio je da je EOR projekt jako dobar projekt za Inu<br />

i za njezine vlasnike, hrvatsku državu i njezino gospodarstvo, prvi u<br />

nizu projekata koje će Vlada RH poduprijeti. „U sljedećih nekoliko<br />

desetljeća EOR projekt će Ini omogućiti pridobivanje novih količina<br />

nafte i plina, prihod lokalnoj samoupravi i novo zapošljavanje ljudi.<br />

Velike investicije pretpostavljaju velike pripreme i pravi trenutak za<br />

njihovo ostvarenje“, naglasio je prvi potpredsjednik Vlade. Vlada i<br />

Inina Uprava obavili su strateške razgovore u kojima je dogovorena<br />

maksimalna potpora za pokretanje investicijskog ciklusa, u čemu<br />

INA ima važnu ulogu, izvijestio je ministar.<br />

Na tom tragu je Vladina odluka o nepovlačenju dijela Inine dividende<br />

za prošlu godinu koja bi pripala državi, i to u iznosu od približno<br />

milijardu kuna - što prije nije bila praksa - kako bi se ojačale Inine<br />

investicije. Naime, INA je u 2011. ostvarila dobit od čak 1,81 milijardi<br />

kuna, ali MOL i Vlada RH, kao većinski vlasnici, odlučili su se odreći<br />

dividendi i uložiti u eksploataciju nafte i plina<br />

Ublažavanje učinaka prirodnog pada proizvodnje,<br />

odnosno revitalizacija starih i djelomice<br />

iscrpljenih ležišta, sve je zastupljenija svjetska<br />

naftaška praksa. Među tim metodama upravo<br />

utiskivanje ugljičnog dioksida u naftna ležišta<br />

ima najveću primjenu, a Inin EOR projekt bit će<br />

prvi slučaj primjene tercijarnih metoda u Republici<br />

Hrvatskoj<br />

28 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

INA – Backbone and Driver of Croatian Economy<br />

The implementation of the EOR project will be monitored by the Government’s Centre<br />

for Monitoring Business Activities in the Energy Sector and Investments, which<br />

is extremely important because it entails coordination in a whole series of other<br />

fields. “As a backbone and driver of the Croatian economy, INA strongly contributes<br />

to economic development by making significant investments in the economy in<br />

order to stimulate GDP growth. Therefore, I would like to remind you of this fact: in<br />

the 1990s, during the Homeland War, in the subsequent period of reconstruction<br />

and in the first decade of the new millennium, INA invested almost HRK 17 billion in<br />

Croatia only, which is over 15 per cent of Croatia’s annual GDP! In order to support<br />

the development of the Croatian economy, INA plans to continue with investments<br />

in accordance with the initiatives of the Croatian Government,” said Zoltán Áldott.<br />

Speaking of INA’s investment projects, Áldott stressed that this year the company<br />

had increased its investments to HRK 2.08 billion by reinvesting the profit made<br />

in 2012. This is a 35-per cent increase compared to last year, which amounts<br />

to almost two per cent of Croatia’s GDP. Three quarters of the amount will be invested<br />

in Croatia within INA’s three main business divisions. That way INA makes<br />

a significant contribution to the efforts of the Croatian Government to increase<br />

investments in this year. Thereby, the company is becoming the biggest investor<br />

in Croatia and the main driver of domestic economy.<br />

Successful Strategic Agreements about the<br />

New Investment Cycle<br />

Minister Čačić emphasized that the EOR project was a very good project for INA and<br />

its owners, Croatia and its economy and that it was the first in a series of projects<br />

to be supported by the Government of the Republic of Croatia. “In the next few<br />

decades, the EOR project will ensure the recovery of new quantities of oil and gas<br />

for INA, revenue for the local self-government and new jobs for people. Big investments<br />

require big preparations and the right moment for their realization,” said the<br />

First Deputy Prime Minister. The Minister reported that the Government and INA’s<br />

Management Board had held strategic talks in which they had agreed to provide<br />

maximum support for launching the investment cycle in which INA would play an<br />

important role.<br />

This line of reasoning is followed by the Government’s decision not to withdraw<br />

a part of INA’s dividend for last year that would go to the state and that totals<br />

approximately one billion HRK, which was not a standard practice in the past,<br />

in order to strengthen INA’s investments. INA made a profit of as much as HRK<br />

1.81 billion in 2011. As the majority owners, MOL and the Croatian Government<br />

decided to waive their dividends and invest into oil and gas exploitation.<br />

Zoltán Áldott, President of INA’s Management Board:<br />

Strong Investment Impetus in<br />

the Entire Company<br />

Around one billion HRK will be invested into the Exploration and Production<br />

Exploration investments in Continental Croatia have will reach<br />

a level unrecorded in our country in the last few decades. The investments<br />

keep a strong focus on development activities, both on and<br />

offshore. 2D and 3D seismic measurements in the Middle and Southern<br />

Adriatic are completed, and further exploration and development<br />

investments in the Northern Adriatic are in progress. In addition to investing<br />

into seabed projects, Mr Áldott also emphasized the development<br />

of large projects in Continental Croatia on the Ivanić-Žutica and<br />

Međimurje fields. The Exploration and Production Business Division<br />

is supposed to drill four to five exploration wells this year, and three<br />

wells are already drilled. HRK 200 million will be invested into the development<br />

of the Međimurje field in the next three years. According<br />

to Áldott, these activities make an additional contribution to Croatian<br />

shares, provide a stable income from mineral royalties and secure energy<br />

supply for our country.<br />

This year, HRK 260 million will be invested in the Retail Business Division,<br />

namely in the modernization of the retail network. Therefore, INA,<br />

which today has over 50 modernized petrol stations, should renovate<br />

90 more facilities by the end of the year, according to Áldott. Consequently,<br />

their number will increase to around 150 and INA will have the<br />

largest modern network of petrol stations in Croatia, with a new, fresh<br />

look and a considerably improved service.<br />

Investments in the Refining and Marketing BD, this year reaching HRK<br />

460 million, are a testament to INA’s serious dedication to the development<br />

of the refining system. Preparations were made for the upcoming<br />

strong investment cycle in order for the company to strengthen<br />

its regional position and advance its production structure. The project<br />

for deep conversion in the Rijeka Refinery is in preparation, energy<br />

efficiency and HSE investments are being improved in the Sisak Refinery,<br />

and a product pipeline between the Sisak and Rijeka refineries<br />

is also in plan. This project would improve the operating efficiency of<br />

the refining system in cooperation with JANAF. “We are also working<br />

on certain additional investments into the Sisak Refinery in order to<br />

increase its efficiency and improve health, safety and environmental<br />

standards. This year we already commissioned an isomerization<br />

plant in Sisak as part of refining system development. The completion<br />

of these projects shall reduce environmental emissions and, consequently,<br />

improve the living conditions in Sisak.” - Mr Áldott said.<br />

Početak gradnje cjevovoda<br />

Construction of pipelines start<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 29

[ ]<br />

poslovanje<br />

business<br />

Rezultati prve faze modernizacije riječke Rafinerije<br />

Nova goriva, nova kvaliteta<br />

* New Fuels, New Quality<br />

Results of the First Stage of Rijeka<br />

Refinery Modernization<br />

tekst (text) velid đekić Fotografije (photo) ferdo buva i tomislav lazarić<br />

Da ulaganje u razvoj rafinerijskog sustava Rafinerije<br />

nafte Rijeka daje rezultate, možete zaključiti i ako niste<br />

stručnjak za tehnološka pitanja u naftnoj industriji.<br />

Stupanj suvremenosti bilo koje rafinerije ponajprije se<br />

vidi u osnovnom razlogu zbog kojega vozači dolaze na postaje,<br />

a to su goriva. Sve Inine benzinske postaje u RH nude kupcima<br />

proizvode što se mogu pohvaliti europskom, dakle vrhunskom<br />

kakvoćom. Bez suvremene preradbene tehnologije u pogonu na<br />

urinjskom poluotoku, koja je u proizvodnji donijela skokovite pomake,<br />

to ne bi bilo moguće.<br />

Na tragu europskih i hrvatskih normi<br />

Početak proizvodnje goriva čija je kakvoća u cijelosti usklađena s<br />

aktualnim europskim normama započela je u prvom tromjesečju<br />

2010. godine. Sve su to visokokvalitetna benzinska i dizelska goriva<br />

koja čuvaju okoliš i poboljšavaju vozna svojstva automobila.<br />

Vozači koji ih koriste kažu kako s njima u spremniku prelaze više<br />

kilometara, osjećaju mirniji rad motora i poboljšane radne osobine<br />

vozila. Nije pritom riječ samo o osobinama koje su na tragu europskih<br />

normi, nego i hrvatskih, ako je riječ o benzinima: zahtjevi<br />

kojima mora udovoljiti kvaliteta goriva sukladni su zahtjevima<br />

kvalitete i graničnim vrijednostima HRN EN 228:2010 i Uredbe o<br />

kakvoći tekućih naftnih goriva.<br />

Jedno od tih goriva je Eurosuper BS 95. To je bezsumporni i bezolov-<br />

Even if you are not an expert in technological issues in the oil industry,<br />

you can come to the conclusion that the investments in development<br />

of refinery systwm in Rijeka Oil Refinery give results.<br />

Level of development of any refinery is primarily seen in the basic reason<br />

for which drivers come to the stations and that reason is fuel. Every<br />

INA’s petrol station located in Croatia offers their customers products<br />

which can boast European i.e. top quality. This would not be possible<br />

without a modern refining technology in the plant on the Urinj peninsula<br />

which has brought about rapid shifts in production.<br />

On the verge of European and Croatian<br />

standards<br />

The production of fuel whose quality was completely harmonized with<br />

the current European standards started in the first quarter of 2010. They<br />

are all high-quality eco-friendly petrol and diesel fuels which enhance<br />

car driving performance. Drivers who use them say that they cover more<br />

kilometres with these fuels in their tanks and that they notice smoother<br />

engine operation and improved vehicle performance. These properties<br />

are not only on the verge of European standards, but Croatian ones as<br />

well, when talking about petrol: the requirements with which fuel quality<br />

must comply are in accordance with the quality requirements and limit<br />

values of HRN EN 228:2010 and the Regulation on the Quality of Petroleum-Based<br />

Liquid Fuel.<br />

One of these fuels is Eurosuper BS 95. It is sulphur-free and lead-free<br />

[ ]<br />

Završetak izgradnje novih postrojenja omogućio je na Urinju skokovite pomake u proizvodnji<br />

goriva, i njihovom količinom i njihovom kvalitetom, koja je danas na najvišoj europskoj<br />

razini. Riječ je o cijelom spektru visokokvalitetnih benzinskih goriva: Eurosuper BS 95,<br />

skupini proizvoda pod zajedničkim nazivom Class goriva, Eurosuper BS 98+ Class i<br />

Eurosuper BS 95 Class te visokokvalitetnim dizelskim gorivima: Eurodizel BS s bio<br />

komponentom te Eurodizel BS Class<br />

30 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Postrojenje HDS na Urinju<br />

HDS facility on Urinj<br />

[ ]<br />

The completed construction of the new facilities enabled rapid shifts in the production of<br />

fuel at Urinj, both in quantity and quality, thereby taking it to the highest European level.<br />

We are talking about a wide range of high-quality petrol fuels: Eurosuper BS 95, a<br />

group of products with the collective name of Class fuels, Eurosuper BS 98+ Class,<br />

Eurosuper BS 95 Class as well as high-quality diesel fuels: Eurodiesel BS with<br />

bio-component and, Eurodiesel BS Class<br />

ni motorni benzin koji svim zahtjevima kvalitete i primjenskim odlikama<br />

odgovara istoj vrsti benzina koja se može kupiti u zemljama<br />

Europske Unije. U prijevodu, njegov je sadržaj sumpora smanjen<br />

do 10 mg u kilogramu proizvoda. Kupci su dobili gorivo koje jamči<br />

potpunu učinkovitost najsuvremenijih sustava za obradu ispušnih<br />

plinova, ugrađivanih u vozila da bi se smanjilo štetne sastojke u tim<br />

plinovima. Eurosuper BS 95 je ponajprije namijenjen vozilima koja<br />

imaju najmodernije, visokoučinkovite sustave za obradu ispušnih<br />

plinova. To su oni koji u homologaciji zadovoljavaju zahtjeve Euro<br />

V ili za koja je u proizvođačkim uputama izričito navedeno da koriste<br />

gorivo sukladno normi EN 228.<br />

Vrhunska Inina Class goriva<br />

Posebice je zanimljiva skupina proizvoda koju se na postajama<br />

može sresti pod zajedničkim nazivom Class goriva. Nakon izlaska<br />

motor gasoline matching the same fuel type which can be purchased in<br />

EU countries with all of its quality requirements and application characteristics.<br />

This means that its sulphur content was reduced to 10 mg per<br />

kilogramme of product. The customers got a fuel which guarantees complete<br />

efficiency of the state-of-the-art exhaust gas treatment systems,<br />

installed in the vehicles in order to decrease the amount of harmful substances<br />

in these gases. Eurosuper BS 95 is primarily intended for vehicles<br />

with cutting-edge, highly efficient exhaust gas treatment systems.<br />

These are vehicles meeting Euro V requirements during type approval<br />

or vehicles whose manufacturer’s instructions expressly state that they<br />

use fuel which is in accordance with the EN 228 standard.<br />

INA’s Top Class Fuels<br />

Particularly interesting is the group of products which can be found at<br />

the stations under the name of Class fuels. Additives which provide even<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 31

Vozači koji već godinu dana u svojim vozilima<br />

koriste visokokvalitetna benzinska i dizelska<br />

goriva iz riječke Rafinerije kažu kako s njima<br />

u spremniku prelaze više kilometara, osjećaju<br />

mirniji rad motora i poboljšane radne osobine<br />

vozila, uz smanjenje utjecaja na okoliš<br />

iz rafinerijskog pogona, tim se proizvodima dodaju aditivi koji im<br />

omogućuju još bolje primjenske odlike. U toj su skupini Eurosuper<br />

BS 98+ Class, Eurosuper BS 95 Class, te Eurodizel BS Class.<br />

Eurosuper BS 98+ Class je visokokvalitetno gorivo sukladno europskoj<br />

normi EN 228 za motorne benzine, a koji se od ostalih<br />

benzina na Ininim postajama razlikuje vrijednošću oktanskog broja.<br />

Riječ je o bezolovnom i bezsumpornom benzinu najviše oktanske<br />

razine, namijenjenom svim tipovima vozila u čijoj se tehničkoj<br />

specifikaciji preporuča uporaba visokooktanskog motornog benzina.<br />

To se posebice odnosi na motorna vozila novije generacije, koja<br />

imaju motore s visokotlačnim ubrizgavanjem goriva. Proizvod zadovoljava<br />

zahtjev za ograničenjem tvari u ispušnim plinovima sukladno<br />

Euro V zahtjevu.<br />

Dodani aditivi poboljšavaju svojstva tako da se u vozačkoj praksi<br />

dobiva manje potrošnja goriva, odstranjuju naslage u motoru,<br />

poboljšavaju izgaranje goriva i performanse motora, održavaju<br />

čistim prostor za izgaranje i ostale površine koje se dodiruju s<br />

gorivom, smanjuje trenje između pokretnih dijelova motora, te<br />

povećavaju snagu i trajnost motora.<br />

better application characteristics are added to these products after they<br />

leave the refinery plant. This group includes Eurosuper BS 98+ Class,<br />

Eurosuper BS 95 Class and Eurodiesel BS Class.<br />

Eurosuper BS 98+ Class is a high-quality fuel in accordance with<br />

the European standard EN 228 for motor gasoline. It differs from<br />

other petrol types at INA’s stations in its octane rating. It is leadfree<br />

and sulphur-free petrol of the highest octane level, intended<br />

for all vehicle types whose technical specifications recommend<br />

the utilization of high octane motor gasoline. This especially refers<br />

to new-generation motor vehicles which have engines with a highpressure<br />

fuel injection system. The product meets the requirement<br />

for limiting substances in exhaust gases according to the Euro V<br />

requirement.<br />

The used additives enhance properties by lowering fuel consumption<br />

during driving, removing deposits in the engine, improving fuel combustion<br />

and engine performance, keeping the combustion area and<br />

other surfaces in contact with the fuel clean, reducing friction between<br />

Drivers who have been using the high-quality<br />

petrol and diesel fuels from the Rijeka Refinery<br />

in their vehicles say that they cover more<br />

kilometres with these fuels in their tanks and<br />

that they noticed smoother engine operation<br />

and improved vehicle performance, along with<br />

a reduced environmental impact<br />

32 Mješaonica ljeto '12. (summer biodizela 12) na Urinju/<br />

Biodiesel mixing facility

[ ]<br />

Skupini proizvoda koju se na postajama može sresti pod zajedničkim<br />

nazivom Class goriva još se dodaju aditivi koji im poboljšavaju<br />

svojstva, tako da se, među ostalim, postiže manja potrošnja goriva,<br />

odstranjuju naslage u motoru, poboljšava izgaranje goriva i performanse<br />

motora, povećava snaga i trajnost motora, čuva okoliš, itd.<br />

the moving parts of the engine, and increasing engine power and durability.<br />

Quality-related news was also recorded in the diesel group of Refinery<br />

products. These fuels completely meet the expectations of<br />

the European standard EN 590. Quality requirements of diesel fuels<br />

are also in accordance with the requirements of the Regulation<br />

on the Quality of Petroleum-Based Liquid Fuel and the HRN EN 590<br />

standard.<br />

One of Rijeka’s diesel fuels, Eurodiesel BS, is a sulphur-free fuel intended<br />

primarily for vehicles with highly efficient systems (catalytic<br />

converters) for reducing harmful substances in exhaust gases. Such<br />

vehicles need to meet the EURO V requirements during homologation<br />

in Europe. They contain up to 10 mg/kg of sulphur, and the required<br />

lubricity is obtained by using additives. The cetane number<br />

is at least 51.<br />

Novosti u kvaliteti zabilježene su i u dizelskoj skupini Rafinerijinih<br />

proizvoda. Ova goriva u cijelosti zadovoljavaju očekivanja europske<br />

norme EN 590. Zahtjevi kvalitete dizelskih goriva također su<br />

sukladni zahtjevima Uredbe o kakvoći tekućih naftnih goriva te<br />

norme HRN EN 590.<br />

Jedno od riječkih dizelskih goriva, Eurodizel BS, je bezsumporno<br />

gorivo namijenjeno ponajprije vozilima koja imaju visokoučinkovite<br />

sustave (katalitičke konvertere) za smanjenje štetnih sastojaka u<br />

ispušnim plinovima. Takva vozila pri homologaciji u Europi moraju<br />

zadovoljiti zahtjeve EURO V. Sumpora u njima ima do 10 mg/kg,<br />

a tražena mazivost dobiva se aditivima. Vrijednost cetanskog broja<br />

je najmanje 51.<br />

Eurodizel BS s bio-komponentom<br />

Taj proizvod osnova je za proizvodnju goriva Eurodizel BS Class,<br />

a razlika je u svojstvima dobivenim aditiviranjem. Riječ je o bezsumpornom<br />

dizelskom gorivu, prvenstveno namijenjenom vozilima<br />

koja imaju visoko učinkovite sustave za smanjenje štetnih<br />

sastojaka u ispušnim plinovima. Ukupan sadržaj sumpora kreće<br />

se u količini do 10 mg/kg. Paket aditiva za ovo gorivo sadrži<br />

komponente koje omogućavaju: manju potrošnju goriva, veću<br />

„elastičnost“ motora, optimalno raspršivanje goriva u komori za<br />

izgaranje, manje trenje te manje buke tijekom rada motora.<br />

Na kraju, ali ne i najamanje važno, u Rafineriji se krajem 2011. godine<br />

započeo proizvoditi Eurodizel BS s bio komponentom. Gorivo<br />

sadržava do sedam posto volumnog udjela biokomponente, metilnih<br />

estera masnih kiselina (FAME). U pitanju je proizvodni potez<br />

učinjen tragom očekivanja Europske Unije za takvim tipom proizvodnje,<br />

na koje je odgovorila i hrvatska naftna industrija.<br />

Bio-Component Eurodiesel BS<br />

This product is the basis for the production of Eurodiesel BS Class fuels,<br />

and the difference lies in the properties obtained by the use of additives.<br />

It is a sulphur-free diesel fuel intended primarily for highly efficient systems<br />

for reducing harmful substances in exhaust gases. Total sulphur<br />

content varies below the quantity of 10 mg/kg. Additive package for this<br />

fuel contains components which ensure: lower fuel consumption, higher<br />

engine “elasticity”, optimum fuel dispersion in the combustion chamber,<br />

lower friction and less noise during engine operation.<br />

Last, but not least, the production of bio-component Eurodiesel BS<br />

started in the Refinery at the end of 2011. The fuel contains up to seven<br />

per cent of the volume fraction of the bio-component, fatty acid methyl<br />

esters (FAME). It is a production move which was made because the<br />

European Union called for such a production type, and the Croatian oil<br />

industry also responded to these expectations.<br />

Additives for enhancing fuel properties are<br />

added to a group of products which can be<br />

found at the petrol stations under the name of<br />

Class fuels after they leave the refinery plant.<br />

This leads to, among other things, lower fuel<br />

consumption, removal of engine deposits,<br />

improved fuel combustion and engine performance,<br />

increased engine power and durability,<br />

better environmental protection, etc.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 33

[ ]<br />

poslovanje<br />

business<br />

Ubrzana modernizacija Ininih benzinskih postaja<br />

Novi imidž maloprodajne mreže<br />

34 ljeto '12. (summer 12)<br />

Accelerated modernization of INA’s petrol stations<br />

* New Image of the Retail Network

tekst (text) martina mladenović Fotografije (photo) ferdo buva i tomislav lazarić<br />

Plavi koncept je veliki projekt modernizacije maloprodajne<br />

mreže benzinskih postaja Ine, započet krajem 2010.<br />

godine. Glavni cilj modernizacije je zadovoljiti najviša<br />

očekivanja potrošača i učiniti naše benzinske postaje<br />

prvim izborom kupaca. U sklopu Plavog koncepta dosad je<br />

preuređeno više od šezdeset benzinskih postaja u sve naše četiri<br />

regije, Osijek, Zagreb, Rijeka i Split. Budući da je maloprodajni<br />

segment jedan od najvažnijih dijelova Ine i predstavlja prvi<br />

kontakt s kupcem, važno nam je da svim potrošačima pružimo<br />

kvalitetne proizvode i usluge.<br />

Ulaganje u trgovinu na malo ulaganje je u budućnost, a ona već<br />

danas pokazuje da je INA na pravom putu s obzirom na to da<br />

Uoči početka ovogodišnje turističke sezone<br />

Plavi koncept bio je usmjeren prema benzinskim<br />

postajama na Jadranu koje sada<br />

domaćim i stranim turistima osiguravaju<br />

vrhunsku uslugu te zadovoljavaju pojačanu<br />

potražnju za širokom paletom proizvoda tijekom<br />

ljetnih mjeseci.<br />

Before this year’s tourist season, Blue concept<br />

was primarily directed to the filling stations<br />

along the Adriatic that now ensure top service<br />

to domestic and foreign tourists and satisfy increased<br />

demands for our products and services<br />

during the summer months.<br />

The Blue Concept is a major retail network modernization project of<br />

INA filling stations that started at the end of 2010. The main objective<br />

is to satisfy the highest customer needs and make our filling stations<br />

customer’s first choice. More than sixty filling stations have been modernized<br />

in all of our four regions: Osijek, Zagreb, Rijeka and Split. Since<br />

Retail is one of INA’s most vital parts and represents the point of first<br />

contact with our customers, it is important to provide quality products<br />

and services.<br />

Investing in Retail is investing in the future. By the end of this year we<br />

will have the biggest modernized retail network in the country, which<br />

shows that INA is on the right track.<br />

Before this year’s tourist season, the Blue Concept was primarily focused<br />

on the filling stations along the Adriatic, which now provide top service<br />

to local and international tourists and meet the increased demands for<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 35

ćemo do kraja ove godine imati najveću moderniziranu maloprodajnu<br />

mrežu u Hrvatskoj.<br />

Uoči početka ovogodišnje turističke sezone Plavi koncept bio<br />

je usmjeren prema benzinskim postajama na Jadranu koje sada<br />

domaćim i stranim turistima osiguravaju vrhunsku uslugu te zadovoljavaju<br />

pojačanu potražnju za širokom paletom proizvoda<br />

tijekom ljetnih mjeseci. Značajan dio turističke ponude čini<br />

nautički turizam, a INA se kao lider na tržištu može pohvaliti<br />

strateški raspoređenom mrežom svojih marinskih benzinskih<br />

postaja.<br />

Benzinske postaje na Jadranu<br />

Dio benzinskih postaja smještenih u marinama moderniziran<br />

je prije početka nautičke sezone kako bi nautičari mogli kvalitetno<br />

opskrbiti svoja plovila i tako što duže ostati i uživati u<br />

ljepotama našeg Jadranskoga mora. Modernizirane marinske<br />

postaje Cres, Dubrovnik-Komolac, Milna, Vrboska, Trogir, Jezera<br />

i Vodice imaju novo ruho, uređeni su im prodajni prostori,<br />

obogaćena je i proširena ponuda robe široke potrošnje uz standardnu<br />

ponudu kvalitetnih goriva i maziva. Moderne benzinske<br />

postaje projektirane su prema najsuvremenijim standardima<br />

poslovanja koji uključuju i visokozahtjevne standarde zaštite<br />

okoliša i zdravlja ljudi. Poslovna politika Ine, naime, temelji se<br />

na održivom razvoju kroz sustavno upravljanje zaštitom okoliša,<br />

a sve naše makro organizacijske jedinice imaju certificirane sustave<br />

upravljanja okolišem prema normi ISO 14001. Kako je tijekom<br />

proljetnih mjeseci u fokusu bilo unapređenje benzinskih<br />

postaja diljem obale koje sada spremno odgovaraju na pojačanu<br />

potražnju za proizvodima i uslugama tijekom ljetnih mjeseci i<br />

turističke sezone, tako se pripremamo i za nadolazeći period koji<br />

će također biti dinamičan kada je u pitanju modernizacija benzinskih<br />

postaja.<br />

120 moderniziranih postaja<br />

Već početkom kolovoza krenut će modernizacija benzinskih<br />

postaja u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj; tako će regija Osijek krenuti<br />

u radove na postajama Osijek-Trpimirova-istok, Osijek-<br />

Kanižlićeva, Beli Manastir-Osječka i Vukovar-Priljevo. U planu<br />

je i modernizacija postaje na Zagrebačkoj aveniji (jug), Bjelovar-motel,<br />

Čakovec-Zrinsko-Frankopanska te postaje Mursko<br />

Središće. Do kraja godine sve hrvatske regije moći će se pohvaliti<br />

s ukupno 120 moderniziranih postaja. Svakako valja izdvojiti<br />

i desetak onih koje se nalaze na najprometnijim pravci¬ma u<br />

Hrvatskoj: Gradna sjever i jug, Brinje istok i zapad, Zir istok<br />

i zapad, Novska sjever i jug, Kozjak sjever i jug te Jakovlje zapad<br />

i istok. Dakako, to ne znači da će naš posao biti završen<br />

nakon modernizacije svih planiranih postaja u sklopu projekta<br />

Plavi koncept, nego ćemo u mrežu kontinuirano ulagati<br />

i u budućnosti. Projekt je usmjeren na jačanje Inine pozicije<br />

na domaćem terenu i zadržavanje domaćih kupaca, a zatim i<br />

jačanje brenda u regiji. INA želi dugoročno biti percipirana kao<br />

snažan regionalni igrač koji će i u inozemstvu svojim kvalitetnim<br />

proizvodima i vrhunskom uslugom zadobiti povjerenje<br />

kupaca.<br />

Kako se snaga naše kompanije očituje i u radu djelatnika, u<br />

sklopu Plavog koncepta pokrenute su brojne radionice i treninzi<br />

namijenjeni njihovoj dodatnoj edukaciji, ali i motivaciji.<br />

our products and services during the summer. A great deal of our tourist<br />

offer is based on the nautical tourism, and INA as the regional leader, has<br />

a strategically deployed network of its nautical filling stations.<br />


Some of our nautical filling stations located in marinas have been<br />

modernized before the start of the tourist season, in order to provide<br />

quality services to all the sailors who can now fill up their boats and<br />

36 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

The goal of filling stations modernization is not<br />

only a new visual look and refurnishing, but<br />

achievement of service excellence as well.<br />

enjoy the beauties of the Adriatic Sea for as long as possible. Modernized<br />

nautical stations Cres, Dubrovnik-Komolac, Milna, Vrboska,<br />

Trogir, Jezera and Vodice have been renovated to receive new looks.<br />

Their shops now offer a wider selection of merchandize, along with the<br />

standard offer of our quality fuels and lubricants. Modern filling stations<br />

were designed according to the state of the art business standards,<br />

including top health and safety standards, while all our macro organizational<br />

units have certified environment management systems<br />

according to the ISO 14001 standard. While in spring the focus was on<br />

modernizing the filling stations along the coast that are now ready for<br />

increased demands during the tourist season, we are now preparing<br />

for the upcoming period that will be just as dynamic when modernization<br />

is concerned.<br />

Cilj modernizacije Ininih benzinskih postaja,<br />

naime, nisu samo vizualno uređenje,<br />

rekonstrukcija i modernizacija prostora,<br />

već i postizanje izvrsnosti kvalitete pružene<br />

usluge na benzinskim postajama.<br />

Cilj modernizacije Ininih benzinskih postaja, naime, nisu samo<br />

vizualno uređenje, rekonstrukcija i modernizacija prostora, već<br />

i postizanje izvrsnosti kvalitete pružene usluge na benzinskim<br />

postajama. Tako je početkom lipnja pokrenuta Inina Maloprodajna<br />

akademija kao strukturirani obrazovni proces koji će<br />

radnicima u prodaji omogućiti daljnji razvoj prodajnih vještina<br />

i znanja koji čine osnovnu polugu za postizanje komercijalne<br />

izvrsnosti. Treninzi će obuhvatiti cijelu Ininu maloprodajnu<br />

mrežu tijekom ove i iduće godine, a vodit će ih 6 internih trenera.<br />

Glavni cilj Maloprodajne akademije je unaprijediti komunikaciju<br />

i orijentiranost na potrošača na benzinskim postajama<br />

i u caffe barovima u cijeloj Hrvatskoj te osvijestiti sve poslovne<br />

procese i odgovornost samih djelatnika. Prioritet su programi<br />

razvoja prodajnih i komunikacijskih vještina djelatnika benzinskih<br />

postaja jer vjerujemo da su jedino obrazovani, talentirani<br />

i motivirani djelatnici ključ uspjeha za nove poslovne uspjehe i<br />

izazove.<br />


Already at the beginning of August, modernization of continental filling<br />

stations will commence: Osijek region will modernize Osijek-Trpimirova-East,<br />

Osijek-Kanižlićeva, Beli Manastir-Osječka and Vukovar-<br />

Priljevo stations. Works at the Zagreb-Zagreb Avenue-South filling<br />

station have already started, while Čakovec-Zrinski-Frankopan and<br />

Mursko Središće will follow next. By the end of this year, all regions will<br />

have 120 modernized stations in total. The ones at the most frequent<br />

Croatian routes are: Gradna North and South, Brinje East and West, Zir<br />

East and West, Novska North and South, Kozjak North and South and<br />

Jakovlje West and East. That of course does not mean that our work<br />

regarding the modernization of our network will cease after all stations<br />

included in the Blue Concept project are finished. The investments will<br />

continue. The project will strengthen INA’s position on the local market<br />

and help retain all our local customers, but also strengthen our brand<br />

in the region. In the long run, INA wants to be a powerful regional player<br />

that will attract customers abroad and gain their trust with its quality<br />

products and top service.<br />

As the power of our Company reflects the work of our employees, various<br />

trainings and workshops have been launched to further educate<br />

our employees and increase their motivation. The modernization of<br />

the filling stations does not only aim at a new visual design and refurnishing,<br />

but is also looking to achieve service excellence. With that in<br />

mind, at the beginning of June the Retail Academy was launched, as<br />

a structured training program that will enable our Retail employees to<br />

further develop their sales skills and knowledge in order to achieve<br />

commercial excellence. Trainings will include the whole Retail network<br />

during this and next year and will be run by 6 internal coaches.<br />

The main goal of the Academy is to further improve communication<br />

and focus on the consumer at filling stations and our coffee bars and<br />

raise awareness of the business processes and responsibilities of<br />

employees.<br />

Development of selling and communication skills of filling stations<br />

employees is a priority, as we believe that only well-trained, talented<br />

and motivated employees are the key for success in facing new business<br />

challenges.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 37

[ ]<br />

Obljetnice<br />

Anniversaries<br />

60 godina djelatnosti istraživanja i proizvodnje nafte i<br />

plina u Ini<br />

Šest desetljeća<br />

rasta i razvoja<br />

60 years of oil and gas exploration and<br />

production activity at INA<br />

* Six Decades of Growth<br />

and Development<br />

tekst (text) mijo ivurek Fotografije (photo) ferdo buva<br />

Intenzivnija istraživanja i proizvodnja nafte i plina na tlu Hrvatske<br />

započela su nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Dotadašnja<br />

proizvodnja, od polovice 19. stoljeća do osnutka Naftaplina,<br />

današnjeg SD Istraživanje i proizvodnja nafte i plina u Ini iznosila<br />

je oko 500.000 prostornih metara ekvivalentne nafte. Razdoblje<br />

od kraja rata do formiranja Naftaplina 1952. godine počelo je s<br />

istraživanjima na poljima Gojlo, Mramor Brdo i Šumečani sa prastarim<br />

bušaćim garniturama Witth M-6 i Haniel Lueg 1500 te parnom<br />

garniturom dopremljenom iz Tuzle – Trauzl 2500 i National<br />

700 diesel.<br />

Čim je bušotina bila završena odmah je organizirana proizvodnja<br />

nafte u zemljane grabe – neposredno uz bušotinu – a odatle<br />

najkraćim putem u sisačku rafineriju. Radilo se u vrlo teškim uvjetima<br />

bez zaštitne odjeće i obuće. Već godine 1948. nabavljeno je novo<br />

bušaće postrojenje Massarenti kojim se istražuje i pronalaze prve<br />

količine nafte na polju Križ-Šumečani. Ovo naftno polje 1950. godine<br />

daje 70.000 t nafte/g čime postaje najveći ondašnji proizvođač.<br />

Odmah počinje gradnja prvog naftovoda prema utovarnoj stanici<br />

u Graberju, odatle se nafta prevozi na industrijski kolosijek pa sve<br />

do glavne utovarne stanice Deanovac. Grade se ceste, radionice,<br />

smještajni prostori za opremu, alat, strojeve…<br />

Objedinjavanje postojećih naftaških<br />

„snaga“<br />

Ondašnja vlast shvatila je da je proces istraživanja povukao za<br />

sobom čitav niz djelatnosti, a dotadašnji rezultati već su pokazivali<br />

njenu iznimnu važnost. Stoga je glavni zadatak bio vezan uz objedinjavanje<br />

postojećih snaga kako bi se na što organiziraniji način<br />

pristupilo unaprjeđenju naftne industrije. Rješenjem Vlade od 13.<br />

prosinca 1951. osnovano je poduzeće za istraživanje i proizvodnju<br />

nafte i plina „Naftaplin“, a djelovanje poduzeća započelo je 1. siječnja<br />

1952. U sastav Naftaplina ušli su: Proizvodnja nafte Gojlo, Proizvod-<br />

Oil and gas exploration and production on the Croatian territory intensified<br />

after World War II. Up until then, from the middle of 19th century to<br />

the establishment of Naftaplin, todays E&P BD production had amounted<br />

to 500,000 cubic metres of oil equivalent. The period from the end of the<br />

war to the formation of Naftaplin in 1952 started with explorations on the<br />

Gojlo, Mramor Brdo and Šumečani fields with antiquated drilling rigs Witth<br />

M-6 and Haniel Lueg 1500, and a steam rig delivered from Tuzla – Trauzl<br />

2500 and National 700 diesel.<br />

As soon as the well had been completed, the production of oil was immediately<br />

organized to release the oil into soil pits - directly by the well - from<br />

where the oil was transported to the Sisak Refinery using the shortest route<br />

possible. Employees worked under very difficult conditions without any protective<br />

clothing or footwear. A new drilling rig Massarenti was purchased as<br />

early as 1948. It was used to explore and detect first oil quantities on the<br />

Križ-Šumečani field. This oil field produced 70,000 t of oil/y in 1950, thereby<br />

becoming the largest manufacturer in that period. The construction of the<br />

first oil pipeline connecting the loading station in Graberje began immediately.<br />

From there, oil was transported to the industrial railway and then all<br />

the way to the Deanovac main loading station. Roads, workshops, storage<br />

areas for equipment, tools, machines, etc. were being constructed.<br />

Unification of Existing Oil “Forces”<br />

The then government realized that the exploration process entailed a series<br />

of activities, and the previous results had already demonstrated the extraordinary<br />

significance of this activity. Therefore, the main task was related to<br />

unifying the existing forces in order to begin upgrading the oil industry in as<br />

organized way as possible. On December 13, 1951, the Government passed<br />

the decision to found the company for oil and gas exploration and production<br />

“Naftaplin”. The company began with its activity on January 1, 1952.<br />

The following units entered Naftaplin: PGojlo Oil Production, Šumečani Oil<br />

Production, Electric Logging Company Zagreb and the Material Service of the<br />

General Directorate for Oil and Gas Zagreb. Stevo Bevandić was appointed<br />

38 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Vlada je 13. prosinca 1951. osnovala poduzeće<br />

za istraživanje i proizvodnju nafte i plina<br />

„Naftaplin“, koje je postalo aktivno 1. siječnja<br />

1952. U sastav Naftaplina ušli su: Proizvodnja<br />

nafte Gojlo, Proizvodnja nafte Šumečani,<br />

Poduzeće za elektrokarotažna mjerenja<br />

Zagreb i Materijalni servis Glavne direkcije za<br />

naftu i plin Zagreb<br />

nja nafte Šumečani, Poduzeće za elektrokarotažna mjerenja Zagreb i<br />

Materijalni servis Glavne direkcije za naftu i plin Zagreb. Za glavnog<br />

direktora imenovan je Stevo Bevandić.<br />

U prvoj godini postojanja proizvodnja nafte iznosila je 102.000 t, a<br />

prirodnog plina 6,3 milijuna prostornih metara, izbušeno je 31.000<br />

metara istražnih i eksploatacijskih bušotina sa 14 bušaćih garnitura.<br />

Kod proslave 25 obljetnice, 1977. godine, proizvodnja nafte dosegla<br />

je 2,8 milijuna tona, a prirodnog plina 911 milijuna prostornih<br />

metara. Za ilustraciju napredovanja tvrtke dovoljno je spomenuti<br />

sljedeći pokazatelj. Naime, te 1977.godine Naftaplin za samo 13 dana<br />

dostiže cijelu svoju proizvodnju iz 1952., a prirodnog plina za dva i<br />

pol dana. Dok su prve godine bila svega tri naftno-plinska polja te<br />

godine se radilo na 24 polja. Naftaplinci već u tom razdoblju rade na<br />

inozemnim radilištima: Bangladešu, Burmi i Siriji.<br />

Naftna polja oslonac razvoja<br />

Godine 1964. Naftaplin zajedno s rafinerijama nafte u Rijeci i Sisku<br />

utemeljuje Kombinat nafte i plina koji iste godine dobiva današnje<br />

ime.<br />

Do današnjih dana, bez obzira na pravni i organizacijski status tvrtke<br />

Naftaplin/SD Istraživanje i proizvodnja nafte i plina, opremljeno je<br />

general director.<br />

In the first year of the “Naftaplin” company, oil production totalled 102,000<br />

t, natural gas was produced in the amount of 6.3 million cubic metres, and<br />

31,000 metres of exploration and exploitation wells were drilled with 14<br />

drilling rigs. On its 25th anniversary, in 1977, oil production reached 2.8<br />

million tonnes, and natural gas production totalled 911 million cubic metres.<br />

In order to illustrate the advancement of the company, it is necessary<br />

to mention the following indicator. In 1977, Naftaplin reached its entire<br />

production from 1952 in only 13 days, and its production of natural gas in<br />

two and a half days. While there had been only three oil and gas fields in<br />

the first year, 24 fields were in operation that year. During that period, Naftaplin<br />

employees were already working on foreign worksites: Bangladesh,<br />

Burma and Syria.<br />

Oil Fields as Support to Development<br />

In 1964, Naftaplin and the oil refineries in Rijeka and Sisak founded the<br />

Oil and Gas Conglomerate, which was renamed to its present name that<br />

same year.<br />

45 oil and 30 gas fields were equipped and commissioned to this day, regardless<br />

of the legal and organizational status of the company Naftaplin/<br />

Exploration and Production BD. The company built approximately 4,500<br />

exploration and development wells with a total depth of about seven million<br />

metres, around 1,200 oil production wells with over 4,000 km of various<br />

pipelines and over 200 gas production wells, in addition to numerous<br />

geological and geophysical activities. The following was built: gas fields in<br />

the Northern Adriatic, about 60 geothermal wells, an ethane and ethylene<br />

plant, an underground gas storage unit, numerous gathering, measuring,<br />

transportation, compressor, gas and water stations, about two thousand<br />

kilometres of flow and gas pipelines, approximately 400 kilometres of oil<br />

pipelines, etc.<br />

In the last 60 years, countless oil and gas fields providing development<br />

support were discovered and brought into production: Stružec, Beničanci,<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 39

Platforma u Sjevernom Jadranu - Ivana K<br />

Gas field in Morthern Adriatic - Ivana K<br />

i pušteno u rad 45 naftnih i 30 plinskih polja. Uz brojne geološke<br />

i geofizičke aktivnosti izgrađeno je oko 4.500 istražnih i razradnih<br />

bušotina ukupne dubine oko sedam milijuna metara, oko 1200<br />

proizvodnih naftnih bušotina s preko 4 000 km raznih cjevovoda te<br />

preko 200 proizvodnih plinskih bušotina. Izgrađena su plinska polja<br />

na Sjevernom Jadranu, šezdesetak geotermalnih bušotina, etansko<br />

i etilensko postrojenje, podzemno skladište plina, brojne sabirne,<br />

mjerne, otpremne, kompresorske, plinske i vodne stanice, oko dvije<br />

tisuće kilometara priključnih cjevovoda i plinovoda, oko 400 kilometara<br />

naftovoda ...<br />

U proteklih 60 godina otkrivena su i privedena proizvodnji brojna<br />

naftna i plinska polja koja su bila oslonac razvoja: Stružec, Beničanci,<br />

Žutica, Ivanić, Lipovljani, Kloštar, Jamarice,Dugo Selo, Ferdinandovac,<br />

Janja Lipa, Okoli, Bokšić, Gola, Molve, Kalinovac, Stari Gradac,<br />

podmorje sjevernog Jadrana i druga. Značajni su rezultati na<br />

istraživanjima u Angoli, Egiptu i Siriji.<br />

Veliki projekti<br />

Neizostavni su veliki projekti vezani uz nabavku vrhunske<br />

specijalističke opreme, osobito bušaćih platformi na moru, projekata<br />

„Sjeverni Jadran“, CPS Molve, podzemno skladište plina Okoli,<br />

izgradnje naftovoda i plinovoda, etanskog i etilenskog postrojenja,<br />

degazolinaža u Ivanić Gradu, projekta istraživanja i privođenja<br />

proizvodnji nafte i plina u projektu Sirija i dr.<br />

Desetljećima, odnosno do današnjih dana, naftaplinska proizvodnja<br />

činila je i čini između 50 i 60 posto domaće proizvodnje ukupne<br />

primarne energije.<br />

Godina 1981. bit će zabilježena u povijesti istraživanja nafte jer je<br />

te godine ostvaren najbolji rezultat. Proizvedeno je 3,1 milijun tona<br />

nafte, a godina 1988. po najvećoj ukupnoj proizvodnji nafte i plina,<br />

5,1 mil. t. ekvivalentne nafte, ili tri mil.t. nafte i 2,1 mlrd. prostornih<br />

metara plina.<br />

Vrijedno se ovom prigodom podsjetiti na nemjerljiv prinos ove<br />

djelatnosti u koncepciji regionalnog i lokalnoga razvoja. Naime,<br />

na svim područjima na kojima je djelovao, osobito u naseljima<br />

On December 13, 1951, the Government of<br />

the Republic of Croatia founded the company<br />

for oil and gas exploration and production<br />

“Naftaplin”, which became active on January<br />

1, 1952. The following units entered Naftaplin:<br />

Gojlo Oil Production, Šumečani Oil Production,<br />

Electric Logging Company Zagreb and<br />

the Material Service of the General Directorate<br />

for Oil and Gas Zagreb<br />

Žutica, Ivanić, Lipovljani, Kloštar, Jamarice, Dugo Selo, Ferdinandovac,<br />

Janja Lipa, Okoli, Bokšić, Gola, Molve, Kalinovac, Stari Gradac, the seabed<br />

of the Northern Adriatic and others. Significant are also the results of explorations<br />

in Angola, Egypt and Syria.<br />

Large projects<br />

We should not forget to mention large projects related to the purchase of<br />

first-class specialist equipment, particularly offshore drilling platforms,<br />

“Northern Adriatic” projects, the Molve Central Gas Station (CGS), the underground<br />

gas storage unit Okoli, construction of an oil and gas pipeline,<br />

an ethane and ethylene plant, the NGL plant in Ivanić Grad, oil and gas<br />

exploration and bringing into production in the Syria project, etc.<br />

For decades, i.e. to this day, the oil and gas production covered and covers<br />

between 50 and 60 per cent of total domestic primary energy generation.<br />

The year 1981 shall be recorded in the history of oil exploration because<br />

the best result was achieved that year. The company produced 3.1 million<br />

tonnes of oil. On the other hand, the year 1988 shall be remembered for<br />

the largest total oil and gas production, i.e. 5.1 mil. t of oil equivalent, or<br />

three mil. t of oil and 2.1 billion cubic metres of gas.<br />

It is worth using this occasion to recognize the immeasurable contribution<br />

of this activity in the concept of regional and local development. In every<br />

area of its activity, especially in settlements – cities, centres of production<br />

activities, the company constructed commercial buildings, apartments for<br />

40 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

[ ]<br />

Obljetnice<br />

Anniversaries<br />

Njihalice na polju Žutica<br />

Žutica fields wells<br />

U prvoj godini postojanja poduzeća „Naftaplin“<br />

proizvodnja nafte iznosila je 102.000 t, prirodnog<br />

plina 6,3 milijuna prostornih metara plina, a s 14<br />

postojećih starinskih bušaćih garnitura izbušeno<br />

je 31.000 metara istražnih i eksploatacijskih<br />

bušotina. Već 25 godina kasnije (1977.) proizvodnja<br />

nafte dosegla je 2,8 milijuna tona, a prirodnog<br />

plina 911 milijuna prostornih metara<br />

In the first year of the “Naftaplin” company,<br />

oil production totalled 102,000 t, natural gas<br />

was produced in the amount of 6.3 million<br />

cubic metres, and 31,000 metres of exploration<br />

and exploitation wells were drilled with 14<br />

existing old drilling rigs. Already 25 years later<br />

(in 1977), oil production reached 2.8 million<br />

tonnes, and natural gas production totalled 911<br />

million cubic metres<br />

– gradovima, središtima proizvodnih aktivnosti, izgrađene su<br />

poslovne zgrade, stanovi za radnike, brojni infrastrukturni objekti<br />

– ceste, vodovod i kanalizacija, električna mreža, cjevovodi,<br />

a pomoć je pružana u izgradnji škola, zdravstva, kulture, vatrogastva,<br />

športa.<br />

Na temelju rente od 1970. godine, općinama je isplaćeno više od<br />

500 milijuna eura. Tu treba pribrojiti i svu izgrađenu infrastrukturu.<br />

Velika pomoć, ali i uzajamna suradnja, ostvarena je sa znanstvenim<br />

i stručnim ustanovama, od srednjih škola, fakulteta – posebno<br />

Rudarsko geološko naftnog, ostalih srodnih fakulteta, znanstvenih<br />

ustanova pa sve do Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u kojoj<br />

je Razred za naftu i plin godinama jedan od najznačajnijih i najaktivnijih.<br />

Golem doprinos osamostaljenju i razvoju<br />

Djelatnici ovog segmenta dali su velik doprinos tijekom Domovinskog<br />

rata. U Naftaplinskoj zgradi u Šubićevoj usvojena je 8. listopada 1991.,<br />

povijesna odluka Hrvatskoga sabora o prekidu državno pravnih sveza<br />

s republikama bivše Jugoslavije. Devetnaest djelatnika segmenta dalo<br />

je život za domovinu. Tijekom rata od 34 naftna polja radilo je njih<br />

svega 22. Okupirana su naftna polja Đeletovci, Ilača i Privlaka. I u tim<br />

uvjetima, osigurana je dovoljna količine nafte i plina te je dana ogromna<br />

pomoć, materijalna, financijska i humanitarna.<br />

Naposljetku, kroz djelatnost Naftaplina/SD Istraživanja i proizvodnje<br />

nafte i plina, prošlo je oko 22.000 radnika, što govori koliki je<br />

prilog ove djelatnosti ukupnom razvoju naše zemlje.<br />

workers, numerous infrastructure facilities – roads, water supply and sewage<br />

systems, the power grid, pipelines, and it also provided help in school<br />

construction, healthcare, culture, firefighting and sports.<br />

Since 1970, the municipalities have received more than EUR 500 million<br />

in royalties. We should also add here the entire built infrastructure.<br />

The company received great help and established mutual cooperation<br />

with scientific and professional institutions, from secondary schools,<br />

faculties – especially the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum<br />

Engineering, other related faculties and scientific institutions, to the<br />

Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in which the Scientific Council<br />

for Crude Oil has been one of the most significant and active councils<br />

for years.<br />

Vast Contribution to Independence and<br />

Development<br />

Employees of this business division gave a vast contribution during the<br />

Homeland War. The historical decision of the Croatian Parliament to sever<br />

all political and legal ties with former Yugoslavian republics was adopted<br />

in Naftaplin’s building in Šubićeva on October 8, 1991. Nineteen division<br />

employees gave their lives for their country. During the war, only 22 out of<br />

34 oil fields were in operation. The Đeletovci, Ilača and Privlaka oil fields<br />

were occupied. Even under these conditions, sufficient quantities of oil<br />

and gas were secured and great material, financial and humanitarian aid<br />

was provided.<br />

Finally, around 22,000 employees participated in the activity of Naftaplin/<br />

the Exploration and Production BD, which bears witness to the vast contribution<br />

of this activity to the overall development of our country.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 41

Podaci iz 2012. godine<br />

Proizvodnja ugljikovodika ostvaruje se iz 33 naftna i 17 plinskih i plinsko-kondenzatnih<br />

polja u Panonu te 9 plinskih polja na Jadranu.<br />

Nafta i plin proizvode se tijekom svih 60 godina iz 791 proizvodno aktivnih bušotina, a<br />

plin i kondenzat iz 130 proizvodno aktivnih bušotina na kopnu i odobalnom dijelu.<br />

Proizvodnja nafte, kondenzata i plina od 1952.<br />

godine do danas (u zemlji i inozemstvu)<br />

Od 1952. SD Istraživanje i proizvodnja nafte i plina je proizveo 105 milijuna tona nafte<br />

i kondenzata, od čega 6,4 milijuna tona u inozemstvu. Prirodnog plina proizveo je 68,6<br />

milijardi prostornih metara, od čega u inozemstvu oko 1,5 milijardi m3.<br />

Kronologija INA Naftaplina - Inina SD Istraživanje i<br />

proizvodnja nafte i plina (1952. – 2011.)<br />

* 1954. Na Mramor Brdu izgrađena prva kompresorska<br />

stanica za plin i degazolinažu * 1955.<br />

Izgrađena je dionica magistralnog plinovoda<br />

Janja Lipa – Zagreb od Ivanić Grada do Zagreba<br />

i pušten prirodni plin u Gradsku plinaru * 1960.<br />

Pušten u rad naftovod Stružec – Sisak * 1965.<br />

Pušteno u rad postrojenje degazolinaže u Ivanić<br />

Gradu * 1968. Izgrađen magistralni plinovod<br />

Ivanić Grad – Kutina * Prvo bušenje u inozemstvu<br />

– Jordan * 1970. Počelo bušenje jadranskog<br />

podmorja unajmljenom bušaćom platformom<br />

Neptun * 1976. Izgrađena bušaća platforma<br />

Panon u Rotterdamu * 1977. Platforma Panon<br />

počinje bušiti jadransko podmorje * 1978.<br />

Započeo uvoz prirodnog plina iz Rusije * 1979.<br />

Platforma Panon, izbušena je rekordna dubina<br />

bušotina od 7 300 metara * 1980. Pušteno u<br />

probni rad CPS Molve, Etansko postrojenje u<br />

Ivanić Gradu i Etilensko u Zagrebu * 1981. Ostvarena<br />

najveća godišnja proizvodnja nafte od<br />

3,1 milijun tona * Kupljena poluuronjiva platforma<br />

Zagreb – 1 * 1982. Počelo zajedničko<br />

istraživanje jadranskog podmorja sa stranim<br />

partnerima: Agip, Chevron, Texaco, Hispanol na<br />

istražnom području Jabuka, Mljet i Palagruža *<br />

1983. Završena je izgradnja i useljena poslovna<br />

zgrada u Šubićevoj * 1985. Završena je<br />

gradnja druge faze polja Molve i CPS-a Molve<br />

II. * Izgrađena je bušaća platforma Labin u<br />

brodogradilištu Viktor Lenac u Rijeci * Puštena u<br />

proizvodnju naftna polja na zajedničkoj koncesiji<br />

sa novosadskim Naftagasom u podmorju Angole<br />

* Doplovio prvi tanker s angolskom naftom<br />

* 1987. Izgrađeno i pušteno u rad Podzemno<br />

skladište plina (PSP) Okoli kapaciteta 500 milijuna<br />

prostornih metara plina * 1988. Ostvarena<br />

najveća ukupna proizvodnja nafte i plina: 5, 1<br />

miljun tona ekvivalentne nafte (EN) i to: 3,1<br />

mil. t. nafte i 2,2 mlrd. prostornih metara plina<br />

* 1989. Počelo s radom novo bušaće postrojenje<br />

National 801, s mogućnošću bušenja do<br />

7 tisuća metara * Najveća godišnja proizvodnja<br />

prirodnog plina u Hrvatskoj 2,2 mlrd. prostornih<br />

metara *1991. Okupirana istočna slavonska naftna<br />

polja: Đeletovci, Ilača i Privlaka * Povijesna<br />

42 ljeto '12. (summer 12)<br />

sjednica Hrvatskog sabora u Naftaplinu na kojoj<br />

je donešena odluka o raskidu državnopravnih<br />

sveza s republikama bivše države * 1992.<br />

Pušteno u rad postrojenje CPS Molve III. * 1994.<br />

Počela proizvodnja nafte na koncesiji u Egiptu *<br />

1996. Potpisan ugovor s talijanskim Agipom o<br />

zajedničkoj razradi i proizvodnji s plinskih polja<br />

sjevernoga Jadrana * Osnovano zajedničko<br />

poduzeće INAgip * 1998. Završena gradnja<br />

proizvodne naftne platforme Ivana –A i montaža<br />

na lokaciji * Potpisan ugovor sa sirijskom nacionalnom<br />

naftnom kompanijom i sirijskim<br />

ministarstvom o istraživanju i proizvodnji nafte<br />

i plina na koncesiji Hayan * 1999. Započela<br />

proizvodnja prirodnog plina iz jadranskog podmorja<br />

na polju Ivana * 2000. Izgrađen magistralni<br />

plinovod Zagreb – Karlovac promjera 700<br />

mm i radnog tlaka 75 bar * 2001. Pušteno u<br />

rad 12 bušotina i četiri proizvodne platforme te<br />

otpremni plinovod iz Sjevernog jadrana prema<br />

Italiji * 2002. Na bloku Hayan u Siriji otkriveno<br />

plinsko polje Palmyra, plinsko-kondenzatno Al<br />

Mahr i naftno polje Jihar * 2004. Proglašena<br />

komercijalnost ležišta plina i kondenzata na tri<br />

polja u Siriji – Jihar, Palmyra i Al Mahr * 2005.<br />

U Čakovcu predstavljen Inin projekt Međimurje *<br />

2006. Izgrađen i pušten u rad podmorski plinovod<br />

od plinskih polja u području sjevernog Jadrana<br />

do Pule te kopneni plinovod od Pule do Karlovca<br />

* 2007. U Mađarskoj je otkriveno plinsko polje<br />

Zalata, prvi rezultat strateškog partnerstva Ine<br />

i Mol-a u istraživanju i proizvodnji ugljikovodika<br />

* 2008. Početak proizvodnje na naftnom polju<br />

Jazal i plinsko-kondenzatnom Mustadira u Siriji<br />

* 2009. Potpisan ugovor o izdvajanju PSP Okoli<br />

kojim je Plinacro postao stopostotni vlasnik<br />

PSP-a * Nakon 120 godina prirodni plin iz Sjevernog<br />

Jadrana u pulskim domaćinstvima, industriji<br />

i ustanovama * Otkriće nafte na koncesiji East<br />

Yidma u zapadnoj pustinji Egipta (<strong>Ina</strong> - RWE Dea)<br />

* 2010. U zajedničkom projektu Ine i Mol-a Podravska<br />

Slatina – Zalata potvrđene komercijalne<br />

količine plina na hrvatskoj strani * 2011. Najavljeno<br />

privođenje proizvodnji otkrivenih plinskih<br />

polja projekta Međimurje<br />

Istraživanje jadranskog podmorja započelo<br />

je 1968. platformom Neptun / Exploration<br />

in Adriatic started in 1968 with Neptun rig

Records from 2012<br />

Hydrocarbon production realized from 33 oil and 17 gas and gas-condensate fields in<br />

Panon and 9 gas fields in the Adriatic.<br />

Oil and gas are produced during past 60 years from 791 active wells and gas and condensate<br />

from 130 active mainland and offshore wells.<br />

Production of oil, condensates and gas<br />

since 1952 until today (in Croatia and abroad)<br />

Since 1952, BD oil and gas Exploration and Production has produced 105 million tons<br />

of oil and condensates, of which 6.4 million tons abroad. It produced 68.6 billion cubic<br />

meters of gas, of which 1.5 billion abroad.<br />

Naftaplin Chronology – INA’s Oil and Gas<br />

Exploration and Production BD (1952-2011)<br />

* 1954 - The first compressor station for gas and<br />

stripping plant built in Mramor Brdo * 1955 – The<br />

construction of the main gas pipeline Janja Lipa<br />

– Zagreb section from Ivanić Grad to Zagreb was<br />

completed and the facility Zagreb Plinara started<br />

to utilize natural gas * 1960 - The Stružec – Sisak<br />

pipeline put into operation * 1965 – The stripping<br />

plant in Ivanić Grad put into operation * 1968 – The<br />

main gas pipeline Ivanić Grad – Kutina constructed<br />

* First drilling abroad – Jordan * 1970 – The drilling<br />

in the Adriatic sea area began with a rented Neptun<br />

drilling platform * 1976 – Panon drilling platform<br />

constructed in Rotterdam * 1977 – Pannon platform<br />

began drilling in the Adriatic area * 1978 – Import<br />

of natural gas from Russia started * 1979 – Panon<br />

platform drilled to a record depth of the well of 7300<br />

meters * 1980 – Molve CGS, Etan Plant in Ivanić Grad<br />

and Etilen Plant in Zagreb put into trial operation *<br />

1981 – Highest annual oil production of 3,1 million<br />

tons achieved * Semisubmersible platform Zagreb-1<br />

bought * 1982 - Beginning of joint research of the<br />

Adriatic seabed with foreign partners: Agip, Chevron,<br />

Texaco, Hispanol in the exploration area of Jabuka,<br />

Mljet and Palagruža * 1983 – Finished construction<br />

and moving into office building in Šubićeva Street<br />

* 1985 – Construction of the second phase of the<br />

Molve field and Molve II CGS completed. * Construction<br />

of the Labin drilling platform in the Viktor Lenac<br />

shipyard in Rijeka * Oil fields from a joint concession<br />

with Naftagas from Novi Sad put into production in<br />

the seabed of Angola * First tanker arrived with Angolan<br />

oil * 1987 - The subsurface gas storage Okoli,<br />

capacity of 500 million square meters of gas, constructed<br />

and put into operation * 1988 – Highest<br />

total production of oil and gas achieved: 5,1 million<br />

tons of oil equivalent (EN), namely: 3,1 million tons<br />

of oil and 2,2 billion cubic meters of gas * 1989 - New<br />

drilling plant National 801, with the capacity to drill<br />

up to 7 thousand meters, put into operation * Largest<br />

annual production of natural gas in Croatia of 2,2<br />

billion cubic meters * 1991 - Occupation of the oil<br />

fields in east-Slavonia: Đeletovci, Ilača and Privlaka<br />

* The historical Croatian Parliament session in Naftaplin<br />

at which the decision was made to terminate<br />

all state and legal ties with other Republics of the<br />

former State * 1992 – Molve III Plant put into operation.<br />

* 1994 – Beginning of oil production on the<br />

concession in Egypt * 1996 – Signed contract with<br />

Italian Agip on the joint development and production<br />

from the gas fields in northern Adriatic * The joint<br />

company INAgip established * 1998 - Construction<br />

of the well platform Ivana-A completed and on-site<br />

installation * Signed contract with the Syrian national<br />

oil company and the Syrian Government on<br />

oil and gas exploration and production on the Hayan<br />

concession * 1999 – the production of natural gas<br />

from the Adriatic seabed commenced at Ivana field<br />

* 2000 – Zagreb – Karlovac main gas pipeline with<br />

diameter of 700 mm and at working pressure of 75<br />

bar constructed * 2001 - 12 wells and 4 producing<br />

platforms put into operation, as well as a gas pipeline<br />

from Northern Adriatic towards Italy * 2002<br />

– Palmyra gas field, Al Mahr gas condensate field<br />

and Jihar oil field discovered on the Hayan block in<br />

Syria * 2004 – Commerciality for gas and condensate<br />

reservoirs declared on three fields in Syria – Jihar,<br />

Palmyra and Al Mahr * 2005 – <strong>Ina</strong>’s Međimurje<br />

project presented in Čakovec * 2006 – The subsea<br />

gas pipeline from gas fields in the area of Northern<br />

Adriatic to Pula and the onshore pipeline from Pula to<br />

Karlovac constructed and put into operation * 2007<br />

– The gas field Zalata discovered in Hungary, this was<br />

the first result of the strategic partnership between<br />

<strong>Ina</strong> and Mol in hydrocarbons exploration and production<br />

* 2008 - The beginning of production in the<br />

Jazal oil field and the Mustdira gas condensate field<br />

in Syria. * Announced EOR – <strong>Ina</strong>’s strategic project in<br />

which CO2 injections would be used to increase oil<br />

recovery, firstly in Žutica and Ivanić fields. * 2009 -<br />

Contract on separation of the SGS Okoli which made<br />

Plinacro the one-hundred-percent owner of SGS *<br />

After 120 years, natural gas from Northern Adriatic<br />

found its place in the households, industry and institutions<br />

of Pula * Oil discovery on the East Yidima concession,<br />

in the west desert of Egypt (<strong>Ina</strong> - RWE Dea)<br />

* 2010 - In a joint Podravska Slatina – Zalata project<br />

between <strong>Ina</strong> and Mol, confirmed commercial quantities<br />

of gas on the Croatian side * 2011 Bringing the<br />

discovered gas fields of the Međimurje project into<br />

the production<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 43

85. godišnjica rada Rafinerije nafte Sisak<br />

Bogata i burna prošlost<br />

85. anniversary of Sisak Oil Refinery<br />

* Rich and Tumultuous History<br />

tekst (text) Željka Štajduhar Fotografije (photo) tomislav lazarić<br />

Rafinerija nafte Sisak ove godine obilježava 85. godišnjicu rada.<br />

Unatoč krizi u kojoj su mnoge kompanije iz okruženja zaustavljale<br />

investicije, INA je ipak nastavila ulagati, potvrđujući<br />

tako da kompanija ima viziju dugoročnog opstanka na iznimno<br />

zahtjevnom i konkurentnom tržištu.<br />

Rafinerija nafte Sisak ima svoju bogatu prošlost. Rafinerija se razvila<br />

iz Shellovog skladišnog prostora, davne 1923. godine u Capragu<br />

(predgrađu Siska), na ušću Kupe u Savu, pedesetak kilometara od<br />

Zagreba, čvorištu željezničkih i cestovnih pravaca. Upravo idealan<br />

geostrateški položaj skladišta osiguravao je profitabilnost, pa je Shell<br />

1927. godine izgradio kotlovsku destilaciju koja je dnevno prerađivala<br />

170 tona nafte. Uoči Drugog svjetskog rata, Rafinerija nafte Sisak proizvodila<br />

je 200 različitih derivata, da bi potkraj rata doživjela golema razaranja,<br />

a nakon djelomične obnove krenula sa skromnom proizvodnjom.<br />

Po završetku rata je nacionalizirana, a 1949. godine premašila je<br />

svoju predratnu proizvodnju.<br />

Značajna investicijska ulaganja<br />

Značajna investicijska ulaganja u Rafineriju nafte Sisak započela su<br />

1953. godine izgradnjom Kombiniranog postrojenja 1 ( KP-1), dnevnog<br />

kapaciteta od tisuću tona primarne prerade. U vrijeme izgradnje,<br />

KP-1 je bio «posljednja riječ tehnike». Projekt je izgradila njemačka<br />

tvrtka UNDE prema licenci američke tvrtke Kellogg. Prerađivala se<br />

uglavnom uvozna nafta iz Iraka, ali sve veće potrebe domaćeg tržišta<br />

za derivatima poticale su proizvodnju nafte s domaćih naftnih polja<br />

koja se prerađivala u sisačkim postrojenjima.<br />

S izgradnjom preradbenih postrojenja, gradila su se i energetska postrojenja<br />

te pomoćni sustavi. Zbog jeftinijeg i sigurnijeg transporta nafte<br />

s naftnih polja Moslavine i Slavonije do RNS, izgrađen je 1960. godine<br />

naftovod Stružec-Sisak. Promjena sirovine (domaća nafta ima manje<br />

sumpora) nametnula je mijenjanje tehnoloških procesa, ali i izgradnju<br />

novog postrojenja KP-2 s dnevnim kapacitetom od 2 000 tona primarne<br />

prerade. Izgrađen je po projektu Foster Wheelera i prema licenci<br />

UOP-a, a redovna proizvodnja započela je 1964. godine. Radom ovog<br />

postrojenja Rafinerija Sisak ostvarila je dva izuzetno značajna rezultata:<br />

prva je u zemlji preradila više od milijun tona nafte i prva je počela<br />

proizvoditi super benzin s najvećim brojem oktana « Superior 98».<br />

This year the Sisak Oil Refinery is celebrating its 85th anniversary. Despite<br />

the crisis due to which many neighbouring companies had to stop their investments,<br />

INA continued to invest, in this way confirming that the company<br />

had a vision of long-term existence in an exceptionally demanding and competitive<br />

market.<br />

The Sisak Oil Refinery has its own rich history. The Refinery developed in 1923<br />

from a Shell warehouse in Caprag (Sisak suburbia), at the mouth of the river<br />

Kupa into the river Sava, some 50 kilometres from Zagreb, at a crossroads of<br />

railway and road routes. The ideal geo-strategic position of the warehouse ensured<br />

profitability, so in 1927, Shell constructed a boiler distilling plant that<br />

processed 170 tons of oil a day. In the brink of WWII, the Sisak Oil Refinery<br />

was producing 200 different derivatives, only to sustain heavy destruction<br />

during the war, and after a partial reconstruction, continue with its modest<br />

production.<br />

After the end of the war, the Refinery was nationalized, and in 1949 it exceeded its<br />

pre-war production.<br />

Major Investments<br />

Major investments in the Sisak Oil Refinery started in 1953 with the construction<br />

of the Combined Plant 1 (KP-1), daily capacity of one thousand<br />

tons of primary processing. At the time of its construction, the KP-1 was in<br />

line with the latest discoveries in technology. The project was done by the<br />

German company UNDE under the licence of the US factory Kellogg. It processed<br />

mostly imported oil from Iraq, but the increasing derivative demand<br />

of the domestic market induced the production of oil from domestic fields<br />

that was processed in Sisak plants.<br />

With the construction of processing plants, energy plants and auxiliary systems<br />

were also being built. Due to the cheaper and safer transport of oil from oil fields<br />

in Moslavina and Slavonia to the Sisak Oil Refinery, in 1960, the Stružec-Sisak<br />

Pipeline was constructed. Change in raw materials (domestic oil had less sulphur)<br />

imposed changes in the technological processes, but also a construction<br />

of a new KP-2 plant with daily capacity of 2000 tons of primary processing. It was<br />

built according to the project by Foster Wheeler and under the licence of UOP, and<br />

started with regular production in 1964. With the operation of this plant, Sisak Oil<br />

Refinery achieved two extremely important results: it was the first refinery in the<br />

country to process over one million tons of oil and the first one to start producing<br />

super gasoline with the largest number of octane, “Superior 98”.<br />

44 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

[ ]<br />

Obljetnice<br />

Anniversaries<br />

Sisačka rafinerija / Sisak refinery<br />

[ ]<br />

Rafinerija se razvila iz Shellovog skladišnog prostora, 1923.<br />

godine u sisačkom predgrađu Caprag, na idealnom geostrateškom<br />

položaju, na kojem je Shell 1927. godine izgradio kotlovsku<br />

destilaciju koja je dnevno prerađivala 170 tona nafte. Uoči<br />

Drugog svjetskog rata Rafinerija nafte Sisak proizvodila je 200<br />

različitih derivata, a nedugo po njegovu završetku, 1949. godine,<br />

premašila je svoju predratnu proizvodnju<br />

Potrebe tržišta za derivatima nametale su daljnji razvoj i kapacitete<br />

sisačke Rafinerije, a budući da je primarna prerada bila na visokoj<br />

razini, stvoreni su uvjeti za razvijanje sekundarne prerade. Godine<br />

1965. počela je izgradnja, a dvije godine kasnije i proizvodnja, na<br />

KP-4, postrojenje za preradu ostataka destilacije nafte, čime je znatno<br />

povećana sekundarna proizvodnja.<br />

Potreba Hrvatske za električnom energijom uzrokovala je 1967. godine<br />

početak gradnje termoelektrane u Sisku na tekuća goriva, što je sisačkoj<br />

Rafineriji nametnulo novi investicijski ciklus kojim se kapacitet primarne<br />

prerade podigao za dva milijuna tona tako da je RNS imala godišnji<br />

kapacitet od 3,4 milijuna tona. Ostvareno je to izgradnjom KP-5 koje<br />

je s radom počelo 1972. godine. Najvažniji produkt ovog postrojenja je<br />

platformat, kao komponenta za proizvodnju visoko oktanskog benzina,<br />

te plinska ulja, goriva za mlazne motore i lož ulja.<br />

Potražnja za derivatima diktirala<br />

razvoj<br />

Sedamdesetih godina na jugoslavenskom tržištu prodavano je godišnje<br />

oko 10 milijuna tona naftnih derivata. Međutim, proizvodnja nafte na<br />

domaćim naftnim poljima nije pratila potrebe tržišta za derivatima pa<br />

se sve više morala prerađivati uvozna nafta. Da bi se smanjili troškovi<br />

Market demand for derivatives imposed further development and capacities<br />

of the Sisak Oil Refinery, and since primary processing was at a high level,<br />

conditions were created to develop secondary processing. Construction of<br />

KP-4, a plant for processing oil distillation residue, started in 1965, and two<br />

years later the plant was put into operation, which significantly increased<br />

secondary production.<br />

Croatia’s need for electric energy resulted in 1967 with the construction of a<br />

thermal power plant on liquid fuels in Sisak, which imposed to the Sisak Oil<br />

Refinery a new investment cycle in which the primary processing capacity<br />

increased by two million tons, so that it had the annual capacity of 3,4 million<br />

tons. This was realized with the construction of the KP-5 plant, which<br />

was put into operation in 1972. The most important product of this plant was<br />

platformate, used as a component for producing high octane gasoline, as<br />

well as gas oils, fuels for jet engines and fuel oil.<br />

Demand for Derivatives Dictates<br />

Development<br />

In the 1970s, in the Yugoslavian market, approximately 10 million tons of oil<br />

derivatives were sold every year. However, the production of oil on domestic oil<br />

fields was not in tune with the market’s need for derivatives, so more and more<br />

imported oil had to be processed. In order to cut back on the costs of imported<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 45

Novoizgrađeno postrojenje Claus / Newly buildt Claus facility<br />

The Refinery developed in 1923 from an old<br />

Shell warehouse in the Sisak suburbia of<br />

Caprag, an ideal geo-strategic location, in<br />

which in 1927 Shell constructed a boiler distillation<br />

unit, which processed 170 tons of oil a day.<br />

On the brink of WWII, the Sisak Oil Refinery was<br />

producing 200 different derivatives, and shortly<br />

after the end of the war, in 1949, it exceeded its<br />

pre-war production<br />

transporta uvozne nafte, 1974. godine počeo se graditi Jugoslavenski<br />

danas Jadranski naftovod. Istodobno, država je odlučila izgraditi još<br />

jedan blok sisačke Termoelektrane.<br />

Te dvije činjenice potaknule su 1975. godine izgradnju KP-6. Bila je to<br />

zapravo nova rafinerija s kapacitetom od 4 milijuna tona godišnje primarne<br />

prerade, projektirane za preradu uvozne nafte. Glavne projekte<br />

izradila je londonska firma Foster Wheeler, dok je po prvi puta u RNS<br />

ugrađivana oprema uglavnom domaćih proizvođača. Izgradnjom<br />

ovog postrojenja, potrebe tržišta za derivatima po količini i kvaliteti<br />

bile su zadovoljene u cijelosti.<br />

Devedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća RNS proživljava burnije<br />

desetogodišnje razdoblje uvjetovano činjenicom da je Rafinerije tijekom<br />

Domovinskog rata radila na udaljenosti od četiri do pet kilometara<br />

od prve linije fronte. Unatoč svakodnevnim razaranjima,<br />

prerada nije prestajala, niti je tržište bilo zakinuto za bilo koji derivat.<br />

Naprotiv, krajem 1992. godine otpremljene su prve tone bezolovnog<br />

benzina, a već naredne proizvedeno je pet novih proizvoda (BMB<br />

95, MB 92 s 0,15 Pb/l, BMB 91/92, petrolej za loženje i za bušotine).<br />

Ratne godine ostavile su traga na postrojenjima, opremi i ljudima, ali<br />

su vlastitim snagama, kroz trogodišnju obnovu i sanaciju, postrojenja<br />

potpuno obnovljena.<br />

uravnoteženje prerade<br />

Krajem devedesetih godina složeni gospodarski uvjeti u Hrvatskoj<br />

nametnuli su potrebu restrukturiranja Ine. Racionalizacija troškova<br />

poslovanja polučila je reprofiliranje preradbenog i energetskog sustava<br />

RNS, odnosno od šest kombiniranih postrojenja ostala su tri,<br />

KP-4, KP-6 i KP-7, uravnotežene primarne i sekundarne prerade.<br />

2001. godine, u sisačkoj Rafinerije je započeo investicijski ciklus rekonstrukcije<br />

i modernizacije postojećih postrojenja, koja su unatoč<br />

starosti uspijevala proizvoditi zadovoljavajuću strukturu.<br />

Tehnološko unaprjeđenje pokrenuto je 2005. godine u obje rafinerije<br />

s ciljem osiguranja dugoročno održivog rasta i razvoja rafinerijskih<br />

kapaciteta, proizvodnje goriva visoke kvalitete, povećanja preradbeoil<br />

transportation, the construction of the Yugoslavian Pipeline (today known as<br />

the Adriatic Pipeline) started. At the same time, the government decided to add<br />

another block to the Sisak Thermal Power Plant.<br />

In 1975 these two facts triggered the construction of the KP-6 Plant. It was basically<br />

a new refinery with a capacity of 4 million tons of primary processing a year, constructed<br />

for the processing of imported oil. The main projects were done by a London<br />

company Foster Wheeler, while, for the first time, the Sisak Oil Refinery was equipped<br />

with equipment from mostly domestic manufacturers. With the construction of this<br />

plant, the market needs for derivative where entirely met, in quality and quantity.<br />

In the 1990s, the Sisak Oil Refinery went through a tumultuous ten-year<br />

period, caused by the fact that during the Croatian War for Independence it<br />

operated at a 4-5 kilometre distance from the front line. Despite every—day<br />

destruction, the processing never stopped, nor was the market robbed of any<br />

derivatives. On the contrary, at the end of 1992, first tons of unleaded gasoline<br />

were shipped, and in the following year five new products were launched (BMB<br />

95, MB 92 with 0,15 Pb/l, BMB 91/92, petroleum for fire and wells). The war<br />

years left their trace on the plants, equipment and people, but using their own<br />

resources, the plants were completely restored after three years of renovation<br />

and repair.<br />

balancing of production<br />

At the end of the 1990s, the complicated economic situation in Croatia<br />

imposed the necessity to restructure INA. Business cost rationalization<br />

resulted in re-profiling of the processing and energy systems of the Sisak<br />

Oil Refinery, that is to say, from six combined plants, there were only three<br />

left – KP-4, KP-6 and KP-7, balanced primary and secondary processing. In<br />

2001 the Sisak Oil Refinery began a investment cycle of reconstruction and<br />

modernization of the existing plants, which, despite being old, managed to<br />

manufacture products of satisfactory structure.<br />

The way to the solution was through investments into new process units,<br />

i.e. technological development, which started in 2005 in both refineries in<br />

order to ensure long-term sustainable growth and development of the refinery<br />

capacities, production of high quality fuels, increase in processing<br />

capacities of Sisak Oil Refinery to 3,2 million tons a year, with compliance<br />

to high environmental protection and security standards.<br />

Technological Development<br />

In the last years, three plants have been constructed, and among them the first<br />

desulphurization plant, i.e. Claus plant, which has been in continuing operation<br />

since 2007. This is a completely ecological plant, in which sulphur is extracted<br />

from refinery fuel gas in order for an ecologically acceptable energy source for<br />

process and energy furnace and boliers to be obtained. With the operation of the<br />

Claus plant, the air quality has improved significantly.<br />

The hydrodesulphurization of FCC gasoline (HDS FCC gasoline) plant, in which<br />

desulphurization of FCC gasoline is conducted, has been in operation since 2009.<br />

Desulfurized FCC gasoline is used as a component for blending of motor gasoline<br />

of Euro V quality. The third constructed plant was the isomerization plant, used<br />

46 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Dio postrojenja Claus<br />

Claus facility<br />

Gradnja postrojenja HDS FCC<br />

Building of HDS FCC facility<br />

nih kapaciteta RNS na 3,2 milijuna tona godišnje uz poštivanje visokih<br />

standarda zaštite okoliša i sigurnosti.<br />

Tehnološki razvoj<br />

Posljednjih godina izgrađena su tri postrojenja, među kojima je prvo<br />

izgrađeno postrojenje za odsumporavanje, odnosno Claus postrojenje<br />

koje kontinuirano radi od 2007. godine. Radi se o isključivo ekološkom<br />

postrojenju na kojem se izdvaja sumpor iz rafinerijskog loživog plina i<br />

dobiva se ekološki prihvatljiv energent za procesne i energetske peći i kotlove.<br />

Radom Claus postrojenja značajno je poboljšana kvaliteta zraka.<br />

Postrojenje za hidrodesulfurizaciju FCC benzina (HDS FCC benzina),<br />

na kojem se obavlja odsumporavanje FCC benzina, u radu je od 2009.<br />

godine. Tako odsumporeni FCC benzin služi kao komponenta za<br />

namješavanje motornih benzina Euro V kvalitete. Treće izgrađeno postrojenje<br />

je izomerizacija, s namjenom proizvodnje visoko oktanske komponente<br />

izomerizata koja služi za optimalno namješavanje motornih<br />

benzina visoke kvalitete.<br />

U proteklih osam i pol desetljeća rada, postrojenja sisačke rafinerije preradila<br />

su oko 113 milijuna tona nafte, proizvodeći naftne proizvode koji<br />

su završavali na domaćem i susjednim tržištima. I danas Rafinerija nafte<br />

Sisak proizvodi široku paletu derivata, UNP ( propan-butan smjesa),<br />

primarni benzin, BMB Eurosuper 95 i 98 BS/Class, benzen koncentrat,<br />

Eurodizel BS, Eurodizel BS FAME do 7%( Bio dizel),dizel plavi, lož uljaekstra<br />

lako 0,3 i 0,5 %S, srednje I,II, lož ulje bitumen, naftni koks te tekući<br />

sumpor u skladu s tržišnim potrebama.<br />

Povratak starih pozicija<br />

Uz nužna ulaganja u novu tehnologiju, sigurnost i zaštitu okoliša, RNS<br />

ulaže u ljude, informatizaciju i sustave upravljanja. Rafinerija nafte Sisak<br />

je među prvima prihvatila, u vrijeme kada su rijetka poduzeća u<br />

Hrvatskoj odabirala put kvalitete, i uvela sustav kvalitete po normi<br />

ISO 9001, sustav zaštite okoliša po normi ISO 14 001 te sustav zaštite<br />

na radu i zdravlja zaposlenika po normi OH SAS 18 001, odnosno<br />

integrirani sustav upravljanja, te dobila Ovlasnicu po normi HRN<br />

EN ISO/IEC 17 025, potvrđujući da je rafinerijski laboratorij stručno<br />

i tehnički osposobljen za kontrolu kvalitete svih rafinerijskih proizvoda,<br />

a rezultati kontrole i ispitivanja priznati svuda u svijetu.<br />

to produce high octane isomerizate component which is then used for optimum<br />

blending of high quality motor gasoline.<br />

During the last eight and a half decades of operation, the Sisak Rafinery plants<br />

processes approximately 113 million tons of oil, producing oil products that<br />

found their way into the domestic and neighbouring markets. Today, the Sisak<br />

Oil Refinery produces a wide range of derivatives, LPG (propane-butane mixture),<br />

virgin naphtha, BMB Eurosuper 95 and 98 BS/Class, benzene concentrate,<br />

Eurodizel BS, Eurodizel BS FAME up to 7% (Bio diesel), blue diesel, fuel oils – extra<br />

light 0,3 and 0,5%S, middle I,II, bitumen fuel oil, petroleum coke and liquid<br />

sulphur in accordance with market needs.<br />

Return to Old Positions<br />

Alongside the necessary investment into new technologies, security and environmental<br />

protection, the Sisak Oil Refinery invests into people, computerization<br />

and management systems. In a time when Croatian companies were hesitant to<br />

choose the way of quality, the Sisak Oil Refinery was among the first companies<br />

to accept and implement the ISO 9001 quality system, ISO 14001 environment<br />

protection system and OH SAS 18001 occupational health and safety system,<br />

that is, an integrated management system, and it received a Certificate of Approval<br />

according to the HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025, which confirms that the refinery<br />

laboratory is professionally and technically equipped for quality control of all<br />

refinery products, and the results of the control and the testing are accepted<br />

anywhere in the world.<br />

U proteklih osam i pol desetljeća rada, postrojenja<br />

sisačke rafinerije preradila su oko 113<br />

milijuna tona nafte, proizvodeći široki asortiman<br />

naftnih proizvoda koji su završavali na domaćem i<br />

susjednim tržištima<br />

During the last eight and a half decades of operation,<br />

the Sisak Rafinery plants processed approximately<br />

113 million tons of oil, producing a wide<br />

range of oil products that found their way into the<br />

domestic and neighbouring markets.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 47

85. godina Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o.<br />

[ ]<br />

Obljetnice<br />

Anniversaries<br />

Razvoj na vlastitim<br />

znanjima<br />

* Development Based on Knowledges<br />

85. years of Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o.<br />

tekst (text) Vesna jakovac i Željka Štajduhar Fotografije (photo) tomislav lazarić<br />

Godina 1927. drži se godinom rođenja osnovne djelatnosti<br />

današnjih Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. Tada je, naime,<br />

osnovana tvornica kemijskih proizvoda «Iskra» koja je<br />

proizvodila različite kemijske proizvode, a među ostalim<br />

i tehnička maziva - kolomasti i mazive masti. Osam godina<br />

kasnije na lokaciji Sv. Klara počela je raditi rafinerija nafte «Olex»,<br />

koja nakon nekoliko godina mijenja ime u «Enol». U to su vrijeme<br />

na tadašnjim prostorima bivše države, uz Rafineriju nafte Rijeka,<br />

jedino “ISKRA” i “ENOL” proizvodili mineralna maziva. “ENOL”<br />

je proizvodio industrijska i motorna ulja, a “ISKRA” mazive masti,<br />

ulja za obradu metala, tekućine za hidraulične kočnice i antifriz.<br />

Zbog srodnih proizvodnji, a time i paralelnih razvojnih puteva, te<br />

dvije tvrtke su se 1962. godine integrirale u novo poduzeće i preuzele<br />

novo ime “ENOL-ISKRA”. Ujedinjena sredstva i iskusni kadrovi<br />

omogućili su intenzivan razvoj proizvoda i proširenje asortimana.<br />

Nova tehnologija omogućila je vrhunsku kvalitetu proizvodnje i<br />

brzu zamjenu do tada uvoznih i vrlo skupih mazivih masti. Pod imenom<br />

“ENOLIS”, poduzeće ulazi 1.travnja 1964., među prvima, u<br />

veliku obitelj naftne djelatnosti, Inu – Industriju nafte Zagreb.<br />

Zagrebačka rafinerija na Žitnjaku<br />

Iz prostorno skučenih pogona na dvije lokacije u Klari i Heinzelovoj ulici,<br />

u Zagrebu, a u svrhu unaprjeđenja uvjeta rada i razvoja, godine 1967. vlastitim<br />

sredstvima započinje gradnja nove rafinerije na današnjoj lokaciji<br />

na Žitnjaku i nakon petogodišnjeg razdoblja izgradnje, od početka 1973.<br />

godine, u svim postrojenjima započinje proizvodnja. Sudionici izgradnje<br />

i danas će s ponosom ustvrditi da je izgradnja nove rafinerije na Žitnjaku<br />

djelo Ininih stručnjaka, jer je projekt izgradnje izradio, gradnju vodio te<br />

uspješno priveo kraju INA Inženjering. Tada je to bila jedna od najmodernijih<br />

specijaliziranih rafinerija u Europi. Predstavljala je zaokruženu cjelinu<br />

s pogonima Prerade (naftenske nafte i rabljenih ulja) i Dorade (finalizacija<br />

gotovih proizvoda).<br />

Na novim pogonima Prerade prerađivala se naftenska nafta s nalazišta<br />

Križ, radi pridobivanja naftenskih baznih ulja kao komponenti za proizvodnju<br />

industrijskih maziva. Po iscrpljenju ležišta s nalazišta Križ i zbog<br />

1927 is considered to be the birth year of the main activity of today’s<br />

Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. It is the founding year of the chemical products factory<br />

“Iskra”, which produced different chemical products, among them technical<br />

lubricants – axle grease and lubricating grease. Eight years later, in Sv. Klara,<br />

the oil refinery “Olex” was put in operation and several years later it changed<br />

its name to “Enol”. In that time, on the territory of ex-Yugoslavia, “Iskra” and<br />

“Enol” were the only two companies producing mineral lubricants, with the<br />

exception of Rijeka Oil Refinery. “ENOL” manufactured industrial and motor<br />

oil, and “ISKRA” lubricating oil, oil for processing metal, fluids for hydraulic<br />

breaks and antifreeze.<br />

Due to the similarities in their production, and thus parallel development<br />

paths, the two companies merged in 1962 into a new company and took<br />

a new name - “ENOL-ISKRA”. United resources and experienced staff made<br />

possible the intensive development of products and expansion of product<br />

range. New technologies enabled top production quality and speedy replacement<br />

of lubricating oil, which was until then imported and pricy. Under<br />

the name of “ENOLIS”, on April 1 1964, the company was among the first to<br />

enter into the big family of oil business, <strong>Ina</strong> – Industrija nafte Zagreb.<br />

Zagreb Refinery in Žitnjak<br />

Due to the spatially restricted plants on two locations in Klara and on Heinzlova<br />

Street, in Zagreb and in order to improve the working conditions and<br />

development, in 1967, the company uses its own resources to start construction<br />

of a new refinery at today’s location in Žitnjak. After a five-year<br />

construction, at the beginning of 1973, production starts in all plants. Even<br />

today, participants of the construction will proudly say that the construction<br />

of the new refinery in Žitnjak was work of <strong>Ina</strong>’s experts, because INA<br />

Engineering made the construction project, conducted the construction and<br />

finished it. At that time this was one of the most modern specialized refineries<br />

in Europe. It presented a complete whole with plants for Refining (naphthenic<br />

oil and used oil) and Processing (finalization of finished products).<br />

In the new Refining plants naphthenic oil from the Križ deposit was refined<br />

in order to get naphthenic base oil as a component for the production of industrial<br />

lubricants. Due to the depletion of the reservoir from the Križ deposit<br />

and the inability to procure oil from other sources, in 1989, with some ad-<br />

48 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o., proizvođač industrijskih i<br />

specijalnih maziva, srodnih tekućina i proizvoda,<br />

koji ove godine bilježi 85 godina rada, jedan je<br />

od najstarijih proizvođača maziva u ovom dijelu<br />

Europe<br />

nemogućnosti nabave nafte iz drugih izvora, 1989. godine je, uz prilagodbu<br />

postrojenja, počela prerada parafinske nafte i to samo atmosferski dio, dok<br />

je vakumska sekcija destilacije obustavljena i konzervirana. Posljednjih<br />

godina, pa sve do zatvaranja, postrojenje je prerađivalo naftu tipa Moslavina.<br />

S modernijom tehnologijom u odnosu na predhodnu iz Klare, na novoj<br />

lokaciji na Žitnjaku, nastavljeno je i s regeneracijom rabljenih ulja.<br />

Razvoj s vlastitim potencijalima<br />

Tijekom svih ovih godina količinski se najviše proizvodilo u pogonima<br />

Dorade: industrijska ulja, nemineralne tekućine, masti i ulja za motorna<br />

vozila. Zagrebačka su Maziva niz godina na području bivše države bila<br />

najveći proizvođač maziva s najširim asortimanom proizvoda namijenjenih<br />

industriji svih proizvodnih tehnologija, svim vrstama prometa i<br />

drugim potrošačima. Raspadom zajedničke države uslijedio je gubitak<br />

tradicionalnih tržišta, a novostvoreni tržišni uvjeti označili su nove i<br />

drukčije uvjete rada i poslovanja.<br />

Na svom dugom životnom putu zagrebačka Maziva su uvijek koristila<br />

vlastite snage i vlastitu pamet, bila kreativno i inovativno opredijeljena,<br />

te se često i uz puno rizika upuštala u pionirske poslove. Potvrdu<br />

takvom opredjeljenju dale su brojne inovacije, racionalizacije, tehnička<br />

unaprjeđenja i uopće noviteti u području tehnologije proizvodnje, razvoja<br />

asortimana proizvoda, ali jednako tako i na području organizacije<br />

rada i poslovanja.<br />

Istraživački rad te laboratorijska ispitivanja i istraživanja osnovna su<br />

obilježja dugogodišnje tradicije proizvodnje u Mazivima-Zagreb d.o.o.<br />

Štoviše, upravo je u današnjim Mazivima-Zagreb d.o.o. 1954. god-<br />

justments to the rig, the company started with paraffin oil processing, but<br />

only the atmospheric part, while the vacuum distillation section was suspended<br />

and preserved. In its last years and until closing, the rig processed<br />

oil of Moslavina type. With modern technologies, in comparison to the ones<br />

from Klara, in the new location in Žitnjak, the company continued with the<br />

regeneration of used oil.<br />

Development through Potential<br />

During all these years, production volume was always greatest in the Refining<br />

plants: industrial oil, non-mineral fluids, motor vehicles grease and<br />

oil. For several years, Maziva-Zagreb was the largest lubricant manufacturer<br />

in the ex-Yugoslavian territory, with the widest product range designed for<br />

industries of all production technologies, all types of traffic and other consumers.<br />

The fall of Yugoslavia was followed by a loss of the traditional markets,<br />

and the newly-formed market conditions marked the new and different<br />

working condition and conditions for doing business.<br />

During its long existence, Maziva-Zagreb has always used its own strength<br />

and intelligence, it had to be creative and innovative, and often, and with a<br />

lot of risk, had to engage into pioneering ventures. A testament to this were<br />

numerous innovations, rationalizations, technical advancements and, in<br />

general, novelties in the area of production technology, product range development,<br />

but also in the area of work and business organization.<br />

Exploratory work as well as laboratory testing and exploration are the main<br />

characteristics of the long manufacturing tradition of Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o.<br />

Furthermore, it was precisely in today’s Maziva-Zagreb where, in 1954, during<br />

Yugoslavia, the pioneering work of developing new lubricant grease and<br />

Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o., manufacturer of industrial<br />

and special lubricants, similar fluids and products,<br />

this year marks 85 years of existence, which<br />

makes it one of the oldest lubricant manufacturers<br />

in this part of Europe<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 49

Tijekom dugog postojanja, zagrebačka su Maziva<br />

nekoliko puta mijenjala ime i «logo», ali kontinuirana<br />

preokupacija i zadaća bila je i ostala ista<br />

– razvoj i proizvodnja kvalitetnih maziva. Veći dio<br />

svog životnog i radnog vijeka zagrebačka Maziva<br />

posluju u okviru nacionalne kompanije INA d.d.,<br />

posljednjih deset godina kao tvrtka kćer, članica<br />

INA Grupe<br />

ine započet u bivšoj državi pionirski posao na području razvoja novih<br />

mazivih masti i ulja, što je iznimno važno ako znamo da su se pedesetih<br />

godina prošlog stoljeća na tržištu bivše države uglavnom koristila maziva<br />

inozemnih proizvođača. Gotovo sve danas poznate vrste Ininih mazivih<br />

ulja i masti, kao i tehnologija njihove proizvodnje u zagrebačkim Mazivima,<br />

rezultat su rada njenih stručnjaka, što znači da nikada nisu kupovane<br />

licence stranih proizvođača.<br />

Ususret potrebama potrošača<br />

Tehnički servis, kao vrlo važna aktivnost usmjerena sustavnoj brizi<br />

i pomoći potrošačima maziva, također je “novotarija” koju su 60-tih<br />

godina formiranjem službe primjene, na jugoslavenskom tržištu prva<br />

uvela baš zagrebačka maziva, tadašnjeg naziva INA Rafinerija Zagreb.<br />

Kontinuirano djelovanje organiziranog Komercijalno- tehničkog<br />

servisa i osposobljenost njegovih stručnjaka danas je iznimno vrijedan<br />

izvor informacija o potrebama potrošača maziva.<br />

U posljednjem desetljeću prošlog stoljeća, iskorišteni su i aktivirani još<br />

neki postojeći «mrtvi kapitali» i to uvođenjem potpuno novih područja<br />

aktivnosti. Tako je od 1999. godine dio postrojenja rafinacije angažiran<br />

na zbrinjavanju rabljenih ulja, emulzija i zauljenih otpadnih voda.<br />

Širok proizvodni asortiman<br />

Nastala iz višedesetljetne tradicije industrijske proizvodnje maziva na<br />

našim prostorima, dakle tradicije koja se prepoznaje kroz kvalitetu i<br />

širok asortiman proizvoda različite namjene, Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. danas<br />

u svom proizvodnom i prodajnom asortimanu danas imaju više od 200<br />

proizvoda u 400 raznih komercijalnih pakiranja. Takva široka paleta<br />

proizvoda svrstana je u nekoliko velikih grupa i to: maziva i tekućine za<br />

motore i motorna vozila, maziva i srodni proizvodi za industriju, tekućine<br />

i sredstva za obradu metala, sredstva za privremenu zaštitu od korozije,<br />

mazive masti za industriju i vozila, aditivi i sredstva za tehnička čišćenja.<br />

Razvoj kvalitete proizvoda Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. usklađen je s najnovijim<br />

znanstvenim dostignućima na području tribologije, ekologije, proizvodnje<br />

i primjene maziva. Stručnjaci Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. sustavno prate<br />

trendove razvoja vozila, opreme za vozila i industrijskih strojeva kao i<br />

nove zahtjeve za kvalitetom maziva koji su definirani najnovijim konstrukcijama<br />

vozila i opremom za industriju. U skladu s tim, Maziva-Zagreb<br />

d.o.o. već niz godina održavaju kontakte s poznatim proizvođačima<br />

vozila i industrijskih sustava s ciljem dobivanja dopuštenja za primjenu<br />

maziva. Rezultat tih nastojanja su brojna dopuštenja za primjenu dobivena<br />

od svjetski poznatih tvrtki kao što su: MAN, DaimlerChrysler, ZF<br />

Friedrichshafen, Voith, Steyr, Denison Hydraulics, Cincinnati Machine,<br />

MTU.<br />

Proizvodi Maziva Zagreb primjenjuju se u svim industrijskim granama, koriste<br />

se u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu, graditeljstvu, prometu, odnosno prisutni<br />

su u svakodnevnim aktivnostima. Razvoj maziva temelji se na zahtjevima<br />

konstruktora i proizvođača vozila, industrijske i poljoprivredne mehanizacije<br />

i opreme te, s druge strane, na zahtjevima za očuvanje okoliša odnosno najnovijeg<br />

razvoja u području biorazgradljivosti i ekotoksičnosti. U skladu s nas-<br />

oil began, which is very important if we know that in the 1950’s the Yugoslavian<br />

market used mostly lubricants of foreign production. Almost all known<br />

types of <strong>Ina</strong> lubricating oil and grease, as well as the technology of their<br />

production in Maziva-Zagreb, are a result of the work of their experts, which<br />

means that they never bought licences from foreign manufacturers.<br />

Meeting Consumers’ Needs<br />

Technical servicing, as an activity of high importance, directed at systematic<br />

care and help to the consumers of lubricants, is also a “novelty”, which was<br />

introduced for the first time in the Yugoslavian market in the 1960’s by none<br />

other than Maziva-Zagreb, at that time called INA Rafinerija Zagreb, by forming<br />

an application service. Today, the continuing activity of the organized<br />

Commercial-technical servicing and the skills of its experts are an extremely<br />

valuable source of information about the needs of the consumers of lubricants.<br />

In the 1990’s, some existing “dead capital” was activated by introducing<br />

completely new areas of activity. In this way, since 1999, a part of the refinery<br />

rig was engaged in disposal of used oil, emulsion and oily wastewater.<br />

Wide Range of Products<br />

Formed from several decades of tradition in industrial production of lubricants<br />

in our territory, i.e. a tradition known for quality and a wide range of<br />

products of different application, today Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. has in its production<br />

and sales range more then 200 products in 400 different commercial<br />

packages. Such a wide array of products is divided into several large<br />

groups, namely: lubricants and fluids for motors and motor vehicles, lubricants<br />

and similar products for industries, fluids and agents for processing<br />

metal, agents for temporary protection from corrosion, lubricating grease<br />

for industries and vehicles, additives and agents for technical cleaning.<br />

Product quality development of Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. is coordinated with the<br />

latest scientific discoveries in the field of tribology, ecology, production and<br />

lubricant application. Experts from Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. are systematically<br />

monitoring the development of vehicles, vehicle equipment and industrial<br />

machinery, as well as new requirements for lubricant quality defined by the<br />

newest construction of vehicles and industrial equipment. In accordance<br />

with that, Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. has for several years been keeping contact<br />

with well-known manufacturers of vehicles and industrial systems with the<br />

50 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

goal of acquiring permission for lubricant application. The results of these<br />

efforts are numerous approvals for application, received by world renowned<br />

companies such as: MAN, DaimlerChrysler, ZF Friedrichshafen, Voith, Steyr,<br />

Denison Hydraulics, Cincinnati Machine, MTU.<br />

Maziva-Zagreb products are applied in all industrial branches, they are used<br />

in agriculture and forestry, in construction and traffic, i.e. they are present<br />

in every-day activities. Lubricant development is based on the demands of<br />

vehicle constructors and manufacturers, industrial and agricultural mechanization<br />

and equipment on the one hand, and demands for environmental<br />

protection, i.e. the latest development in the field of biodegradability and<br />

ecotoxicity, on the other hand. In accordance with the efforts for preserving<br />

the environment, Maziva-Zagreb has for years systematically followed<br />

ecological trends and continually taken care of water protection as well as<br />

protection of other important factors in the chain of life – earth and air. Bearing<br />

in mind its main goal of not endangering the environment or to do it less<br />

harm, the company created the so-called green program according to which<br />

lubricants cannot contain aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, organically<br />

bound chlorine nitrite, diethylamine, and the contents of phosphorus, zinc<br />

and antimony are being gradually reduced. Maziva-Zagreb has developed<br />

several biodegradable products, such as: fluids for metal processing, hydraulic<br />

oil, lubricant grease, special lubricant for railway and duty vehicles.<br />

tojanjima za očuvanje okoliša, Maziva Zagreb sustavno, već godinama, prate<br />

ekološke trendove i kontinuirano brinu o zaštiti voda jednako kao i o zaštiti<br />

drugih važnih karika u životnom lancu – tlu i zraku. S osnovnim ciljem da ne<br />

ugrožava okoliš ili da mu manje šteti nastao je postojeći tzv. zeleni program<br />

prema kojemu u mazivima nema aromatskih ugljikovodika, teških metala,<br />

organski vezanog klora nitrita, dietolamina, a sve se više smanjuje sadržaj<br />

fosfora, cinka, antimona. U Mazivima Zagreb razvijeno je i nekoliko biološki<br />

razgradljivih proizvoda kao što su: tekućine za obradbu metala, hidraulična<br />

ulja, mazive masti, specijalna maziva za željeznicu i teretna vozila.<br />

Tradicija, koncentracija znanja i<br />

iskustva<br />

Brojne medalje i priznanja dobivena samo posljednjih godina na domaćim i<br />

renomiranim svjetskim izložbama inovacija npr. u Pittsburgu (SAD), Bruxellesu<br />

i Moskvi, najbolje potvrđuju i govore o stručnom iskustvu i kreativnom<br />

potencijalu stručnjaka u Mazivima Zagreb.<br />

Tradicija, koncentracija znanja i iskustva, razvoj i usavršavanje proizvoda<br />

i procesa, uz stalnu skrb za tržište i korisnike, omogućavalo je opstanak i<br />

osiguralo dugovječnost zagrebačkog proizvođača maziva. Tome su bez sumnje<br />

pridonijela i brojna vlastita tehnološka rješenja i zahvati, racionalizacije<br />

i inovacije, kojima su uklanjana «uska grla» na proizvodnim linijama,<br />

poboljšavana ili inovirana tehnologija proizvodnje, poboljšavana kvaliteta<br />

finalnih proizvoda, stvorene nove formulacije i novi proizvodi, omogućena<br />

zamjena uvoznih sirovina, rezervnih dijelova ili proizvoda domaćim, a sve<br />

u cilju da se proizvodnja racionalizira, postane ekonomičnija, a maziva u<br />

skladu s potrebama tržišta budu dostupna potrošačima.<br />

Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. sa kumuliranim stručnim znanjima, infrastrukturom,<br />

tehnologijom, mogućnošću proizvodnje specijaliteta, fleksibilnošću u proizvodnji,<br />

dobrom lokacijom, prisutnošću na tržištima u okruženju, razvijenim<br />

tehničko-primjenski servisom, uslugom zbrinjavanja rabljenih ulja i pružanjam<br />

laboratorijskih usluga uz uvedeni integrirani sustav upravljanja poslovanjem,<br />

koji obuhvaća standarde normi ISO 9001, ISO 14001 i OHSAS 18001 imaju<br />

optimalne uvjete, ne samo za opstanak nego i za daljnji razvoj.<br />

Vodeći se novom strategijom razvoja i sukladno održivom poslovanju do<br />

kraja ove godine trebalo bi, zbog ostvarenja veće učinkovitosti i konsolidiranja<br />

poslovanja, završiti objedinjavanje proizvodnje INA maziva na jednoj,<br />

zagrebačkoj lokaciji.<br />

Tradition, Concentration of Knowledge and<br />

Experience<br />

Numerous medals and acknowledgements received merely in the last few<br />

years at domestic and renowned international innovation exhibitions, for<br />

example in Pittsburgh (US), Brussels and Moscow, are the best possible<br />

confirmation and evidence of the professional experience and creative<br />

potential of the experts in Maziva-Zagreb.<br />

Tradition, concentration of knowledge and experience, improvement of products<br />

and processes, with continuing care for the market and the users, this<br />

is what has enabled the survival and ensured the longevity of Zagreb’s lubricant<br />

manufacturer. Contributing to this were, without a doubt, numerous<br />

original technological solutions and procedures, rationalization and innovation,<br />

which helped debottleneck the production lines, improved or innovated<br />

production technology, improved final product quality, creating new formulations<br />

and products, enabled replacement of imported raw material, spare<br />

parts or products with domestic ones, and all this in order to rationalize the<br />

production, make it more economic, and make the lubricants compliant with<br />

market requirements and available to consumers.<br />

With its accumulated professional knowledge, infrastructure, technologies,<br />

ability to produce specialities, flexibility in production, good location, regional<br />

market presence, developed technical-applicable servicing, service<br />

for used oil disposal and providing laboratory services with the mentioned<br />

integrated business management system, which includes norms ISO 9001,<br />

ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o has ideal conditions, not<br />

only for survival, but for further development. Bearing in mind the new development<br />

strategy and in accordance with sustainable operation, by the<br />

end of this year, due to the increase in the efficiency and business consolidation,<br />

the process of integrating INA lubricant production into one single<br />

During its long history, Maziva-Zagreb changed its<br />

name and “logo” several times, but its main concerns<br />

and tasks have remained the same - development and<br />

production of quality lubricants. For the better part of<br />

its existence and operation, Maziva-Zagreb has been<br />

doing business within the framework of the national<br />

company INA d.d. and, for the last 10 years, as a<br />

daughter-company, member of the INA Group.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 51

[ ]<br />

energetika<br />

Energy industry<br />

27. Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni susret stručnjaka<br />

za plin održan u Opatiji pod sponzorstvom Ine<br />

Procvat plinskog<br />

gospodarstva<br />

27. International Scientific and Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals held in Opatija<br />

under the sponsorship of INA<br />

* Golden Age of the Gas Economy<br />

tekst (text) ranka baračević Fotografije (photo) tomislav lazarić<br />

Međunarodni znanstveno-stručni susret stručnjaka za plin,<br />

održan je od 9. do 11. svibnja ove godine u Opatiji pod<br />

motom „Dolazi li zlatno doba plina“. Okupio je brojne<br />

stručnjake, inozemne i domaće tvrtke na području energetike,<br />

privatnog i javnog sektora, investitore, dobavljače opreme,<br />

institute i ustanove resornih državnih tijela i sve zainteresirane za dalji<br />

razvoj plinskog poslovanja u Hrvatskoj i regiji.<br />

Organizator skupa bila je Hrvatska stručna udruga u suradnji s<br />

Međunarodnom plinskom unijom, pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva<br />

gospodarstva te uz podršku Ine. Više od 300 sudionika iznijelo je niz<br />

prikaza, prijedloga, rješenja i argumenata koji podupiru razvoj plinskog<br />

gospodarstva. Zajednička im je ocjena da je jedan od glavnih uvjeta za to<br />

tržišna cijena plina, jednaka ili približno izjednačena svim ostalim energentima,<br />

koji u ovom trenutku probijanja na tržište imaju i višu cijenu od<br />

prirodnog plina.<br />

Ovogodišnji opatijski skup o plinu otvoren je plinarskom himnom te<br />

obilježavanjem 160 godina duge tradicije korištenja prirodnog plina u<br />

Rijeci i tvrtke Ekonerg te 150 godina rada Gradske plinare Zagreb.<br />

Međunarodni opatijski plinski skup otvorio je u ime Ine Tomislav<br />

Thür, izvršni direktor PF Korporativnih poslova, a pridružili su mu<br />

se pozdravnim obraćanjem sudionicima predsjednici uprava Plinacra,<br />

PS Okoli, Siemensa i Hrvatskog operatora tržišta energije.<br />

Gradnja interkonektora i skladišta<br />

Pozitivnu ulogu interkonekcije istaknuo je u uvodnom izlaganju i<br />

Mladen Antunović, predsjednik Uprave Plinacra, podsjetivši kako<br />

zahvaljujući interkonekciji lanjske zime nije došlo do zimskih redukcija.<br />

Predstavio je također i vrlo ambiciozan plan Plinacra u razvoju<br />

plinskog gospodarstva koji se sastoji u gradnji LNG terminala, a<br />

odluka o tome je sada potpuno u hrvatskim rukama; zatim spajanju<br />

Hrvatske na Južni tok i jonsko-jadranski plinovod kao nove dobavne<br />

pravce, koji međutim ovise i o drugim planovima i projektima, te<br />

osobito gradnju interkonektora i povezivanja u regiji: plinovoda sa Sr-<br />

The International Scientific and Expert meeting of Gas professionals was<br />

held on May 9th-11th in Opatija under the motto: “Are we entering the golden<br />

age of gas”. The conference brought together numerous experts, foreign and domestic<br />

companies from the field of energy, private and public sectors, investors,<br />

equipment suppliers, institutes and institutions of relevant state bodies and all<br />

those who are interested in further development of the gas business in Croatia<br />

and the region.<br />

The organizer of the convention was the Croatian Gas Association, together with<br />

the International Gas Union, under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and<br />

support by INA.<br />

More than 300 participants introduced a series of representations, proposals,<br />

solutions and arguments supporting the development of the gas economy.<br />

They all have in common the opinion that one of the main conditions<br />

for this is the market price of gas, which should be equal or approximately<br />

equal to the price of all other energy sources, which at this moment of their<br />

penetration in the market have a price that is even higher than the price of<br />

natural gas.<br />

This year’s gas conference in Opatija was already opened with the “gas anthem”<br />

and celebration of the 160 years of natural gas usage in Rijeka and of the company<br />

Ekonerg, as well as the 150 anniversary of the Gradska plinara Zagreb. The<br />

international gas meeting in Opatija was opened on behalf of INA by Mr. Tomislav<br />

Thur, Executive Director for Corporate Affairs. The guests were also greeted by<br />

the presidents of the Management Boards of Plinacro, GS Okoli, Siemens and the<br />

Croatian Energy Market Operator.<br />

Constructing Interconnections and<br />

Storage Facilities<br />

In his introductory address to the gathering, Mr. Mladen Antunović, President<br />

of the Plinacro Management Board, stressed the positive role of<br />

interconnections, reminding everyone present that, because of interconnections,<br />

there were no winter reductions last winter. He also presented<br />

Plinacro’s ambitious new plan in the development of gas economy, which<br />

includes the construction of a LNG terminal, decision for which depends<br />

52 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Optimizam u svezi s rastom potrošnje prirodnog<br />

plina i prioritetne zastupljenosti u<br />

opskrbi temelji se na procjeni stručnjaka da<br />

ga u rezervama ima gotovo u izobilju, da se<br />

njegovim korištenjem smanjuju štetne emisije<br />

u okoliš te nadomješta prekomjerno oslanjanje<br />

država na uporabu fosilnih goriva<br />

bijom i prema Sloveniji i BiH pri čemu razmatraju čak tri plinovodna<br />

pravca. Budući je Plinacro u potpunom vlasništvu RH od strateške<br />

je važnosti za opskrbu Hrvatske zbog čega, zaključio je predsjednik<br />

Uprave te tvrtke, spremno dočekuju otvaranje tržišta.<br />

Krešimir Malec, direktor PSP Okoli ocijenio je gradnju novih<br />

skladišnih kapacitete glavnim preduvjetom opskrbe plinom sada i<br />

u budućnosti. Hrvatska ima samo jedno skladište plina u Okolima,<br />

izgrađeno prije 25 godina, koje nije dovoljno za sigurnu opskrbu<br />

zimi. Razvoj skladišnog sustava u RH predstavio je u tri faze: dogradnju<br />

postojećeg skladišta Okoli čime bi se povećao njegov kapacitet,<br />

gradnju novog skladišta u Grubišnom polju za potrebe vršne,<br />

zimske potrošnje, te gradnju novog sezonskog skladišta za strateške<br />

zalihe plina čime bi se djelatnost skladištenja plina u RH ustrojila<br />

kao sustav koji bi omogućio gospodarski razvoj zemlje te kvalitetnu<br />

i pouzdanu opskrbu.<br />

Dr.sc. Miljenko Šunić, predsjednik HSUP-a, upozorio je da gradimo<br />

plinski sustav za 6,5 milijardi prostornih metara plina godišnje, a sada<br />

se koristi za samo 3,5 milijarde, što govori da ima dovoljno prostora<br />

za širenje potrošnje i nove potrošače plina, prije svega u industriji i<br />

energetici. Također je podsjetio na postojeću razliku u cijeni plina<br />

i ostalih energenata, a one su sve bez iznimke veće od cijene plina.<br />

Preniske cijene plina su, stoga, i dalje glavna prepreka snažnijem<br />

zamahu plinske djelatnosti. Tako je postojeća plinska mreža u<br />

lošem stanju, a distributeri ne ostvaruju dovoljnu maržu koja bi im<br />

omogućila održavanje i gradnju nove.<br />

Problem nepoticajnih tarifa energenata Šunić vidi i kada je u<br />

solely on Croatia. Furthermore, the company is planning to connect<br />

Croatia to the South Stream and the Ionic Adriatic Pipeline as new supply<br />

routes; however, at the moment, this depends on other plans and<br />

projects, especially constructing interconnections and connecting the<br />

region: gas pipeline with Serbia and in the direction of Slovenia, as well<br />

as with Bosnia and Herzegovina, where as many as three pipeline routes<br />

are being considered. Since Plinacro is owned 100 percent by Croatia, it<br />

has strategic importance for the supply of Croatia and because of that,<br />

said the President of the Management Board, they are prepared for the<br />

opening of the market.<br />

Mr. Krešimir Malec, Director of SGS Okoli, said that the construction of<br />

new storage facilities is the main prerequisite for gas supply now and<br />

in the future. Croatia has only one gas storage facility in Okoli, built 25<br />

years ago, which is not enough for a safe supply during the winter. He<br />

divided the development of the storage system in Croatia into three<br />

stages: expansion of the existing Okoli storage facility, which would increase<br />

its capacity, construction of a new storage facility in Grubišno<br />

Polje for the peak, winter consumption, as well as construction of a new,<br />

season storage facility for strategic gas supplies, which would enable<br />

the gas storage in Croatia to be organized as a system that would allow<br />

the economic progress of the country as well as quality and reliable<br />

supply.<br />

Mr. Miljenko Šunić, Phd., President of the Croatian Gas Association,<br />

warned us about the fact that Croatia is constructing a gas system for 6.5<br />

billion cubic meters of gas per year, but at the present we are using only<br />

3.5 billion cubic metres, which indicates that there is room for expansion<br />

of gas consumption and new gas consumers, above all in the industries<br />

and energy. He also mentioned the existing difference in the price of gas<br />

and other energy surces, all of which are more expensive than gas. Thus,<br />

low gas prices continue to be the main obstacle to a stronger momentum<br />

of the gas industry. The existing gas network is in a bad condition, and<br />

the distributors’ mark-up is not high enough for them to be able to sustain<br />

and build a new network.<br />

The problem of the unsatisfactory tariffs of energy sources Mr. Šunić recognizes<br />

also in the subject of incentives for domestic and foreign investments, which<br />

is in complete contrast to what we are striving to - the growth and expansion of<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 53

Tomislav Thür, izvršni direktor PF Korporativnih poslova Ine<br />

Pozitivna tržišna iskustva<br />

Inin izvršni direktor za korporativne poslove, Tomislav Thür, u uvodnoj riječi sudionicima Opatijskog<br />

skupa, istaknuo je između ostalog, kako je otvaranje tržišta plina jedan od presudnih događaja za<br />

Hrvatsku, koji će imati višestruke koristi za hrvatsko gospodarstvo i potrošače plina te inozemna i<br />

domaća ulaganja.<br />

Inina iskustva u dosadašnjem otvaranju tržišta pokazala su se pozitivna za ulaganja i povoljnije uvjete<br />

poslovanja, naveo je Thur. Zahvaljujući interkonektoru, koji je povezao hrvatski i mađarski plinski<br />

sustav, izbjegnut je lanjski manjak plina u vršnoj potrošnji, zbog čega kućanstva i industrija u Hrvatskoj i<br />

okruženju nisu ostali bez plina, a opskrba je funkcionirala besprijekorno.<br />

Otvoreno plinsko tržište je, prema ocjeni Thüra, okruženje na koje treba gledati kao na veliku mogućnost<br />

i izuzetnu priliku.<br />

pitanju poticanje domaćeg i stranog ulaganja, a što je u potpunoj<br />

suprotnosti s onim za što se zalažemo – rastu i širenju plinskog<br />

gospodarstva i time održivog razvoja energetike. Stoga je i na konferenciji<br />

za novinare s opatijskog skupa poručio: plin je još uvijek<br />

ekstremno najjeftiniji energent, a takvim će ostati sve dok se cijenom<br />

ne izjednači s tekućim, ali i svim drugim gorivima.<br />

Otvaranje tržišta plina u Hrvatskoj<br />

Prvo plinarsko društvo iz Vukovara, dobavljač i distributer, predstavio<br />

je opskrbu, potrošnju i tvrtke koje djeluju na tržištu plina. U<br />

Hrvatskoj se troši tri milijarde prostornih metara plina od čega 2,1<br />

milijarda iz vlastite proizvodnje, a ostalo iz uvoza. Osim 610 tisuća<br />

potrošača čiji je konzum 1,3 milijarde prostornih metara, najveći<br />

kupci plina su HEP proizvodnja (700 milijuna kubika godišnje) i<br />

Petrokemija Kutina (650 milijuna).<br />

Godišnje se putem Plinacra transportira 3,4 milijarde, a u Podzemno<br />

skladište plina, kojega je vlasnik Plinacro, skladišti 553 milijuna kubika<br />

godišnje. Distribucijom se bavi 36 tvrtki koje na mreži plinovoda<br />

dužine 17720 km opskrbljuju svoje potrošače. Hrvatsko tržište plina<br />

deklarativno je otvoreno 2007. na 2008. godinu, no zaživjelo je tek s<br />

dovršenjem gradnje interkonektora Hrvatska-Mađarska čime se Hrvatska<br />

priključila na dobavni kapacitet mađarskog plinovoda od 6,5<br />

milijardi kubika u oba smjera. Otvaranjem tržišta plina u Hrvatskoj,<br />

prema očekivanju sudionika, povećat će se likvidnost tržišta, ukinuti<br />

regulirana, povećat će se broj dobavljača te sigurnost opskrbe.<br />

Nužan dolazak konkurencije<br />

Govoreći o tome kako tvrtka Prirodni plin gleda na otvaranje tržišta i<br />

dolazak novih trgovaca, Davorka Tancer, direktorica tvrtke, naglasila je<br />

da su spremni, priželjkuju potpuno otvoreno tržište i dolazak konkurencije,<br />

jer će time i njihovo poslovanje biti prihvaćeno kao tržišno.<br />

gas economy, and with it a sustainable development of energy. This is why at<br />

the press conference he said: gas remains to be definitely the cheapest energy<br />

source, and it will stay that way until its price is equalized with the price of liquefied<br />

gas, but also with all other fuel prices.<br />

Opening the Gas Market in Croatia<br />

The supplying and distributing company Prvo plinarsko društvo, from Vukovar,<br />

presented the supply, consumption and the companies that operate in the gas<br />

market. Croatia spends 3 billion cubic meters of gas, of which 2.1 billion is of<br />

domestic production and the rest is imported. Alongside the 610 thousand consumers<br />

who consume 1.3 billion cubic meters, the largest buyers of gas are HEP<br />

Proizvodnja (700 million cubic meters per year) and Petrokemija Kutina (650<br />

million).<br />

Plinacro transports 3.4 billion cubic metres of gas per year, and 553 million<br />

cubic metres of gas per year are stored in the underground gas storage<br />

owned by Plinacro. There are 36 companies dealing in distribution of gas<br />

and they supply their consumers on a gas pipeline network of 17720 metres.<br />

Croatian gas market was declared open between 2007 and 2008, but it<br />

only came to life with the construction of the Croatia-Hungary interconnection,<br />

which connected Croatia to the supply capacity of the Hungarian gas<br />

pipeline of 6.5 billion cubic metres in both directions. The participants of the<br />

conference expect that opening up the gas market in Croatia will increase<br />

the solvency of the market, abolish regulated markets, increase the number<br />

of suppliers and the security of supply.<br />

Competition is Crucial<br />

Talking about in which way the company Prirodni plin looks at the opening of<br />

the market and arrival of new dealers, Ms. Davorka Tancer, the company Director,<br />

stressed that they are ready for it - they are hoping for an open market and<br />

arrival of competition, because that will make their business accepted as part<br />

of the market.<br />

Tomislav Thür, Executive Director for Corporate Affairs at INA<br />

Positive Market Experience<br />

In his introductory note to the participants of the meeting, Executive Director for Corporate Affairs at INA, Mr. Tomislav Thür, stated that the opening of<br />

the gas market is one of the crucial events for Croatia and one that will have multiple benefits for the Croatian economy and gas consumers, as well as for<br />

domestic and foreign investments.<br />

INA’s previous experience in opening markets have proven to be positive for investments and more favourable business conditions, said Mr. Thur. Because of<br />

the interconnection which connected the Croatian and Hungarian gas systems, last year’s gas shortage at peak consumption was avoided, ensuring household<br />

and industries in Croatia and its surroundings did not experience gas shortage, and the supply was functioning perfectly.<br />

Open gas market is, says Mr. Thür, an environment which should be considered as a huge possibility and an exceptional opportunity.<br />

54 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Posebni intervju za <strong>Ina</strong> Energiju: Special interview for <strong>Ina</strong> Energy:<br />

Pamela Lacey, menadžerica i konzultantica American Gas<br />

Association, Američke stručne udruge za plin sa sjedištem<br />

u Washingtonu<br />

Ekonomski rast<br />

na prirodnom<br />

plinu<br />

Ms. Pamela Lacey, Manager and Consultant at the American Gas<br />

Association with headquarters in Washington<br />

Economic Growth<br />

Based on Natural Gas<br />

Američku stručnu udrugu za plin predstavljala je Pamela Lacey,<br />

menadžerica i zastupnica Američke plinske asocijacije, aktivno<br />

sudjelujući u radu skupa. Što kaže o svom boravku u Hrvatskoj, radu<br />

skupa, menadžerskoj poziciji na čelu američke plinske asocijacije te<br />

energetskoj budućnosti plina, zabilježili smo u ekskluzivnom razgovoru<br />

iz Opatije za INA Energiju.<br />

Po struci ste pravnica. Možete li reći kako ste se našli u ulozi<br />

predstavnice jedne tako moćne, a uske strukovne udruge kakva je<br />

energetska, odnosno plinska udruga SAD-a?<br />

-Politika je umijeće mogućeg, a to je ono što svojom ulogom treba<br />

ostvariti američka plinska asocijacija u energetici i što je i moja zadaća<br />

u svemu tome. Dakle, služimo lobiranju, zastupanju i komuniciranju s<br />

različitim interesnim skupinama u društvu, a koje uključuju predsjednika<br />

SAD-a, senat, državnu administraciju i javnost.<br />

Takva vrsta posredovanja ili lobiranja pokazala se vrlo važnom kako<br />

bi se političare i vlast uvjerilo da je potrebno dati prioritet prirodnom<br />

plinu nad obnovljivim i drugim izvorima energije, a u čemu smo kao<br />

stručna udruga u potpunosti uspjeli.<br />

Sinergija svih energenata<br />

Što je po, Vašem mišljenju, danas ključno energetsko pitanje?<br />

Kakva je situacija glede toga u SAD-u?<br />

- Upravo zato što prirodnog plina ima u izobilju u svijetu može ga se<br />

relativno povoljno kupovati, ekonomski i ekološki je prihvatljiviji od<br />

drugih energenata, a ima i vrlo raznolik spektar korištenja kojim može<br />

Ms Pamela Lacey, Manager and Representative of the American Gas<br />

Association, represented its Association by actively participating in the<br />

conference. In an exclusive interview for INA Energy, we talked to Ms Lacey<br />

about her stay in Croatia, the conference, her position as a Manager of the<br />

American Gas Association and the future of gas as an energy source.<br />

You are a lawyer by profession. Can you tell us how is it that you became<br />

a representative of the American Gas Association, an association which<br />

is so powerful, yet so narrowly specialized in the field of energy?<br />

-Politics is the art of the possible, which is what the American Gas<br />

Association is trying to achieve in energy and that is also my task in all<br />

of this. So, our job is to lobby, represent and communicate with different<br />

interest groups within the society, which includes the President of the US,<br />

the Senate, public administration and the general public.<br />

Such a form of mediation or lobbying has proven to be very important in<br />

convincing the politicians and the authorities that it is necessary to give<br />

natural gas priority over renewable and other energy sources, in which we,<br />

as a professional association, have fully succeeded.<br />

Synergy of all Energy Sources<br />

What is, in your opinion, the most important energy question today?<br />

What is the situation on that matter in the US?<br />

- Exactly because natural gas abounds around the world, it can be bought<br />

at a relatively affordable price, it is economically and ecologically more<br />

acceptable than other energy sources and it has a very wide usage<br />

spectrum that can replace the current use of fossil fuels, especially coal<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 55

nadomjestiti dosadašnju uporabu fosilnih goriva, poglavito ugljena<br />

i nafte, primjerice u graditeljstvu i prometu. U tom smislu držim<br />

da nastupa zlatno doba prirodnog plina, ne samo za SAD nego i za<br />

svijet, jer pruža mogućnost za ekonomski rast na relativno jeftinom<br />

energetskom izvoru, na energetskoj sigurnosti i ekološkoj održivosti,<br />

osobito prema ostalim fosilnim gorivima.<br />

Držite li da je doba fosilnih goriva završeno i da idemo prema novim<br />

izvorima energije i tehnologije primjerenim za novo tisućljeće?<br />

- Apsolutno ne. Fosilna goriva i dalje će biti u uporabi uz razvoj i<br />

primjenu takvih tehnologija koje će ih učiniti neškodljivima za okoliš i<br />

zdravlje ljudi, odnosno koja će temeljem razvoja znanosti i istraživanja<br />

omogućiti sve učinkovitije i potpunije uklanjanje onečišćivača. Što se<br />

tiče prirodnog plina i američke plinske asocijacije, posve smo usmjereni<br />

i polažemo izuzetnu pozornost na korištenje obnovljivih izvora, ali uz<br />

sinergiju i komplementarnu zastupljenost prirodnog plina, osobito u<br />

slučajevima i situacijama kada obnovljive energije nema dovoljno i u<br />

potrebnoj količini, ili zbog drugih razloga i uvjeta izostane. Posebice se<br />

to odnosi na energiju vjetra i sunca te izgledima za njihovo dugoročno<br />

i pouzdano korištenje.<br />

Cijene nafte određene prema tržišnim<br />

kriterijima<br />

Svjedoci smo relativno visokih cijena nafte koje su se sada već<br />

ustalile na svjetskim i energetskim burzama. Koliko su one danas<br />

odraz realnosti, a koliko burzovnih i financijskih špekulacija?<br />

-Držim da je riječ prije svega o cijenama formiranim na tržišnim<br />

načelima te ponudi i potražnji kao primarnim kriterijima koji određuju<br />

položaj nafte na svjetskim tržištima. Naravno, danas su nazočni i drugi<br />

vanjski utjecaji, poput političke stabilnosti, ratnih zbivanja u Iraku,<br />

procjene drugih i daljih aktivnosti i zbivanja u zemljama u okruženju,<br />

što sve utječe na cjenovnu stabilnost odnosno veći ili manji rast cijena<br />

nafte u nekom razdoblju ili za duže vrijeme. Ne isključujem mogućnost<br />

financijskih špekulacija, ali mi se čini da je njihov utjecaj puno manji<br />

nego što im se u stručnim krugovima katkada pripisuje.<br />

Gospođo Lacey, u Hrvatskoj ste, kao i na opatijskom skupu stručnjaka<br />

za plin, prvi put. Kakvi su Vaši prvi dojmovi?<br />

- Ovdje je doista sve prekrasno, a i skup je na zavidnoj organizacijskoj<br />

razini. Planiram se svakako ponovo vratiti u Hrvatsku i Opatiju, zajedno<br />

sa svojom obitelji.<br />

and oil, for example in construction and traffic. In this sense, I believe that<br />

the golden age of natural gas is coming, not only for the US, but for the<br />

whole world, because it gives the opportunity of economical growth based<br />

on a relatively cheap energy source, on energy security and ecological<br />

sustainability, especially when compared to other fossil fuels.<br />

Do you think that the era of fossil fuels has ended and that we are<br />

moving towards new sources of energy and technology, appropriate for<br />

the new millennium?<br />

- Absolutely not. Fossil fuels will continue to be used with the development<br />

and application of technologies that will make them safe for the<br />

environment and people’s health, that is, technologies that will, based on<br />

science and exploratory progress, enable more efficient and complete<br />

removal of pollutants. When it comes to natural gas and the American<br />

Gas Association, we are completely focused and we pay great attention<br />

to the use of renewable sources, but with synergy and complementary<br />

presence of natural gas, especially in cases and situations where there is<br />

not enough renewable energy or quantity thereof, or it is lacking for some<br />

other reasons and conditions. This particularly applies to wind and sun<br />

energy and the prospects for their long-term and reliable use.<br />

Oil Prices Determined According to Market<br />

Criteria<br />

We are witnessing relatively high oil prices, which are already firmly set<br />

on the global and energy stock markets. To what extent do they today<br />

reflect reality on one hand, and stock market and financial speculation<br />

on the other?<br />

-I believe that these prices are mostly formed on market principles and<br />

supply and demand as primary criteria that determine the position of oil<br />

in the global markets. Of course, today some other, external, factors are<br />

also present, such as political stability, war in Iraq, assessments of other<br />

distant activities and events in the surrounding countries, and all of this<br />

affects the price stability, that is, bigger or smaller increase in the oil prices<br />

at a period or over a longer period of time. I do not rule out the possibility<br />

of financial speculations; however, it seems to me that their influence is<br />

much smaller than it is sometimes given credit in professional circles.<br />

+ Ms Lacey, this is your first time in Croatia and at the gas expert<br />

meeting in Opatija. What are your first impressions?<br />

- Everything here is really beautiful, and the meeting is at a high<br />

organizational level. I definitely plan to come back to Croatia and Opatija<br />

with my family.<br />

56 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

[ ]<br />

gost kolumnist<br />


Miljenko<br />

Šunić<br />

predsjednik Hrvatske stručne udruge za plin (HSUP)<br />

Zlatna era<br />

plina!<br />

President of the Croatian Gas Association (HSUP)<br />

Golden Age of Gas!<br />

S<br />

rastom cijene nafte svijet bi se, zaključak je energetske<br />

struke, trebao okrenuti većoj eksploataciji prirodnog<br />

plina. Zalihe tog energenta pouzdano rastu zbog novih<br />

metoda njegova vađenja i iskorištavanja. Takozvani<br />

nekonvencionalni izvori potvrđuju da ga ima u izobilju pa se u<br />

energetskom sektoru o prirodnom plinu govori kao o pouzdanom<br />

gorivu budućnosti. Plinska struka je uvjerena da bi dramatičan<br />

rast eksploatacije prirodnog plina mogao iz korijena promijeniti<br />

svjetsko tržište energenata.<br />

Prirodni plin posjeduje sve elemente koji bi ga mogli učiniti<br />

najvažnijim globalnim energentom u ne tako dalekoj budućnosti.<br />

Takva ocjena stiže prije svega od američkih znanstvenika koji drže<br />

da bi većim korištenjem prirodnog plina mogli smanjiti ovisnost<br />

o uvoznoj nafti. Postoje ocjene da SAD ima dovoljno prirodnog<br />

plina za izvoz, a počnu li izvoziti u zapadnu Europu, svjetsko energetsko<br />

tržište moglo bi se potpuno promijeniti.<br />

Prirodni plin ima sve elemente koji bi ga mogli<br />

učiniti najvažnijim globalnim energentom<br />

u ne tako dalekoj budućnosti, a njegovim<br />

sve većim korištenjem mogla bi se smanjiti<br />

ovisnost o uvoznoj nafti<br />

Natural gas has all the elements that<br />

could make it the most important global<br />

energy source in the near future, and its<br />

usage could reduce the dependence on<br />

imported oil.<br />

With the increase in the oil prices, the people in the energetics business<br />

concluded that the world should turn to a greater exploitation of<br />

natural gas. The reserves of this energy source are constantly increasing<br />

due to new methods of its recovery and exploitation. The so-called<br />

unconventional sources confirm that gas is abundant and this is why it<br />

is addressed in the energetics sector as a reliable fuel of the future. Gas<br />

professionals are convinced that a dramatic increase in the natural gas<br />

exploitation might radically change the world energy source market.<br />

Natural gas has all the elements that could make it the most important<br />

global energy source in the near future. This opinion comes mostly from<br />

American scientists, who believe that an increase in the usage of natural<br />

gas might help decrease the dependency on imported oil. There are<br />

estimates which say that the US has enough natural gas for export, and<br />

if they start exporting to Western Europe, the global energetics market<br />

might change completely.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 57

Današnji pokušaji da se upotreba prirodnog<br />

plina proširi i na druga područja, primjerice<br />

kao pogonsko gorivo za vozila te zamjensko<br />

gorivo za elektrane, još su uvijek pionirski<br />

pothvati, no mogli bi značiti novi zamah u<br />

energetici, a time i revolucionarni u gospodarstvu<br />

i industriji<br />

Current attempts to expand gas usage into<br />

other areas, for example, to use it as fuel<br />

for vehicles and alternative fuel for power<br />

plants, are still considered pioneering, but<br />

they could mean a new momentum in energetic,<br />

and with that a revolution in economy<br />

and industries<br />

Novi zamah u energetici i industriji<br />

Danas gotovo 25 europskih država ovisi o Rusiji jer više od 75 posto<br />

svojih potreba za naftom i plinom te zemlje zadovoljavaju upravo iz<br />

Rusije. Većina prirodnog plina koristi se za grijanje i za pogon generatora<br />

u električnim centralama u proizvodnji električne energije. No,<br />

kako se sve češće predlaže da se i prirodni plin koristi kao pogonsko<br />

gorivo za vozila te da se elektrane koje koriste ugljen preustroje<br />

na plin, primjena prirodnog plina mogla bi se proširiti u značajnijoj<br />

mjeri i na druga područja i znatno više primjenjivati u, primjerice,<br />

prometu.<br />

Danas su to još uvijek pionirski pothvati, no privuku li ozbiljnije i<br />

ekologe, moglo bi to značiti novi zamah u energetici, a time i revolucionarni<br />

u gospodarstvu i industriji. Prirodni plin ispušta upola<br />

manje ugljičnog dioksida u odnosu na ugljen te utječe na okoliš znatno<br />

manje od nafte. Pridoda li se tome da Europska unija nastavlja<br />

s planiranim ciljem dekarbonizacije industrije do 2050., što dovodi<br />

do značajnih proboja u novim tehnologijama (obnovljivih izvora,<br />

biomase itd.), osobito poticajni su i izgledi za otvaranjem značajnog<br />

broja novih radnih mjesta.<br />

Hrvatska će uskoro postati članicom EU, a utjecaj europskih ciljeva<br />

već sada se može osjetiti u svim aktivnostima, ne samo u energetici.<br />

Kad je riječ o energetici, ona je u samom vrhu europskih zbivanja.<br />

Danas je teško govoriti o energiji, a da se istodobno ne govori o<br />

okolišu. To je prilika da se pokaže doprinos naših proizvoda općim<br />

ciljevima EU-a, u što naravno pripada i prirodni plin.<br />

Uz obnovljive izvore – i plin!<br />

EU definitivno kreće prema energetskom tržištu s malo ugljika, a<br />

to znači većoj energetskoj učinkovitosti, većem udjelu obnovljivih<br />

izvora te postupno sve većem udaljavanju od fosilnih goriva. Moderna<br />

i dostupna energija u Europi računa s razvojem obnovljivih<br />

izvora, ali kao rezervnim sustavom, i korištenjem plina kao trajnom<br />

mogućnosti. (r.b.)<br />

New Momentum in Energetics and Industry<br />

Today almost 25 European countries depend on Russia because over 75% of<br />

their needs for oil and gas are met from Russian energy sources. Majority of<br />

natural gas is used for heating and to power electric plant generators for the<br />

production of electric energy. However, since it has been argued more and<br />

more frequently that natural gas should also be used as fuel for vehicles and<br />

that plants which use coal should be restructured so as to start using gas,<br />

natural gas application might expand significantly to other areas as well, and<br />

be used more often in, for example, traffic.<br />

Today these are still pioneering attempts; however, if they appeal more seriously<br />

to environmentalists, this could mean a new momentum in energetics,<br />

and thus a revolution in economy and industries. Natural gas releases<br />

half the amount of carbon dioxide compared to coal and affects the environment<br />

far less than oil. If you add to this that the European Union continues<br />

with its planned goal of decarbonizing the industries until 2050, which will<br />

lead to significant breakthroughs in new technologies (renewable sources,<br />

biomass, etc.), there is a high probability of opening a large number of new<br />

jobs.<br />

Croatia will soon become a member of the European Union, and the influence<br />

of European goals can already be seen in all activities, not just in energetics.<br />

When it comes to energetics, it ranks in the top of European activities. Today<br />

it is hard to talk about energy without at the same time talking about the environment.<br />

This is an opportunity to show the contribution that our products<br />

have made to the EU general goals, which, of course, includes natural gas.<br />

Alongside Renewable Sources - Gas Too!<br />

The EU is definitely moving towards an energetics market with a small<br />

amount of carbon, which means greater energetic efficiency, larger share<br />

of sustainable sources and a gradual departure from fossil fuel. Modern<br />

and accessible energy in Europe is counting on development of renewable<br />

sources, but only as an alternative system, and on gas usage as a permanent<br />

option. (r.b.)<br />

Prof.dr. Miljenko Šunić, predsjednik HSUP-a i Anita Baričević, članica HSUP-a<br />

za vrijeme otvaranja skupa<br />

58 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Aktivnosti Znanstvenog vijeća za naftu i plin HAZU<br />

/Activities of the Science Council for Crude Oil and Gas HAZU<br />

[ ]<br />

energetika<br />

Energy industry<br />

Stručne rasprave<br />

o energetici<br />

* Expert discussions on energy sector<br />

tekst (text) ranka baračević Fotografije (photo) tomislav lazarić<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 59

Članovi Znanstvenog vijeća za naftu i plin<br />

HAZU nastojali su svojim aktivnostima<br />

temeljenim na znanju, iskustvu i stručnosti, aktivno<br />

i kompetentno uključiti se u sve rasprave<br />

i odlučivanja u energetici u zemlji, posebice<br />

one koje se odnose na naftu, plin, preradu<br />

nafte, primjenu derivata kao i primjenu plina u<br />

petrokemijske svrhe<br />

Members of the Science Council for Crude Oil of<br />

Croatian Academy of Science and Arts strived,<br />

in their activities based on knowledge, experience<br />

and expertise, to participate actively and<br />

competently in all the discussions and decisions<br />

on the energy sector in the country, especially<br />

those regarding oil, gas, oil refining, use of<br />

petroleum products as well as use of gas for<br />

petrochemical purposes<br />

[ ]<br />

energetika<br />

Energy industry<br />

Znanstveno vijeće za naftu HAZU-a ove je godine bilo vrlo<br />

aktivno u nastojanju da se uključi u rasprave o ključnim energetskim<br />

temama te svoja razmišljanja i stavove u javnosti<br />

predstavi objektivno i stručno. Nakana je bila da znanjem,<br />

iskustvom i stručnošću svojih članova pomogne odlučivanju o energetskim<br />

pitanjima u Hrvatskoj, posebice u Vladinim i državnim<br />

nadležnim resorima.<br />

Ovo Akademijino Vijeće, jedno je od najaktivnijih u HAZU-u, a najbrojnije<br />

aktivnosti ostvaruje putem svojih sekcija, odnosno aktivna<br />

sudjelovanja članova u znanstvenim i stručnim aktivnostima. Članovi<br />

sudjeluju na brojnim domaćim i inozemnim predavanjima, simpozijima<br />

i znanstvenim skupovima, koji se odnose na naftu, plin, preradu<br />

nafte, primjenu derivata kao i primjenu plina u petrokemijske svrhe.<br />

Ove godine Znanstveno vijeće za naftu svom je nazivu pridodalo „i<br />

plin“, pa se odsad zove Znanstveno vijeće za naftu i plin. Na izbornoj<br />

skupštini održanoj u travnju ove godine potvrdilo je dosadašnjeg<br />

predsjednika, akademika Mirka Zelića, za predsjednika Znanstvenog<br />

vijeća za naftu i plin i u sljedećem mandatnom razdoblju od četiri<br />

godine.<br />

Zakon o rudarstvu i međunarodne<br />

koncesije<br />

Tom prigodom o aktualnom trenutku u naftnom gospodarstvu govorio<br />

je dipl.ing Željko Tremac, član radne skupine HUNIG-a, prikazom<br />

i stručnom raspravom o izuzetno važnoj temi - prijedlogu novog<br />

Rudarskog zakona koji bi trebao zamijeniti postojeći. Dobije li Hrvatska<br />

uskoro predloženi novi Zakon o rudarstvu, imat će objedinjeni<br />

postupak natječaja za dobivanje koncesije i istraživanje nafte i plina, a<br />

to bi u konačnici značilo brojnija istraživanja, nazočnost i natjecanje<br />

više kompanija.<br />

Prethodno Znanstveno vijeće za naftu na jednom od svojih okruglih<br />

stolova predstavilo je i temu „Međunarodne koncesije, ugovori i<br />

fiskalni režimi istraživanja i proizvodnje nafte i plina“, autora dipl.ing<br />

The Science Council for Crude Oil of Croatian Academy of Science<br />

and Arts was very active this year in its endeavours to take part in the<br />

discussions on key energy topis and present its thoughts and opinions<br />

to the public in an objective and expert manner. The intention of<br />

the Council was to use the knowledge, experience and expertise of its<br />

members to assist decision making concerning energy questions in<br />

Croatia, especially in the Government and competent departments.<br />

This Academy Council is one of the most active ones in Croatian Academy of<br />

Science and Arts and it achieves most of its activities through its sections, that<br />

is through active participation of its members in scientific and expert activities.<br />

Members participate in numerous local and international lectures, symposiums<br />

and scientific conferences concerning oil, gas, oil refining, use of petroleum<br />

products as well as use of gas for petrochemical purposes.<br />

This year the Science Council for Crude Oil added “and gas” to its title, so now it<br />

is called Science Council for Crude Oil and Gas. At the election assembly held in<br />

March this year the current president, academician Mirko Zelić, was re-elected for<br />

president of the Science Council for Crude Oil and gas for the following four-year<br />

term.<br />

The Mining Act and international<br />

concessions<br />

At that time Mr Željko Tremac M.Sc. Eng. member of the Croatian Association<br />

60 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Dipl. inž. Damir Vrbić, dipl. oec., o tržištu nafte u svijetu<br />

utjecaj monetarnih<br />

politika<br />

of Petroleum Engineers and Geologists (HUNIG) work group, talked about the<br />

current situation in the oil business in a presentation and expert discussion on<br />

an extremely important topic – a proposal of the new Mining Act that should<br />

replace the existing one. If Croatia adopts the soon to be proposed new Mining<br />

Act, it will have a unified tender procedure for obtaining concessions and<br />

research of oil and gas, and this would, ultimately, result in more research and<br />

larger presence and competition of more companies.<br />

The previous Science Council for Crude Oil at one of its round tables also<br />

presented the topic “International concessions, contracts and fiscal policies<br />

in research and production of oil and gas”, by Mr. Josip Križ M.Sc.<br />

Krenimo od fundamenata. Fundamenti naftnog<br />

tržišta rijetko su kada došli u pitanje. Pa tako zadnji<br />

pobrojani čimbenici koje je dala američka Energetska<br />

međunarodna agencija (EIA - Energy International<br />

Agency) govori o kompleksnosti naftnog tržišta s<br />

raznim čimbenicima koji utječu na cijenu nafte. Kao<br />

najvažnije čimbenike možemo istaknuti ponudu<br />

i potražnju nafte, OPEC –ov „rezervni“ kapacitet,<br />

tržišni utjecaj dobavljača, troškove proizvodnje,<br />

političke napetosti u regijama s mnogo nafte te<br />

ulaganje u nove proizvodne kapacitete. Da govorimo<br />

samo o ovim „naftaškim“ čimbenicima koji postoje<br />

uz naftnu industriju mnoga desetljeća, svijet ne bi<br />

imao probleme s cijenama nafte još dugi niz godina.<br />

Ako govorimo o „nenaftaškim“ čimbenicima, pričamo o naftnim burzama,<br />

tzv. Oil tradingu, te utjecajima centralnih bankara, odnosno monetarnim<br />

politikama.<br />

Ono što je bitno jest da se, u zadanom okruženju, monetarne politike očito ne<br />

misle mijenjati još najmanje nekoliko godina (što zbog krize, što zbog visoke<br />

nezaposlenosti, budućih da stopa rasta te potreba financiranja deficita),<br />

pa i dalje možemo očekivati jeftin novac na tržištu, a to znači da nije realno<br />

očekivati značajniji pad cijena nafte u bliskoj budućnosti.<br />

Pravo je pitanje što nam donose ovakve današnje monetarne politike sa<br />

svojim tzv. „ ekstremnim labavljenjima“. Činjenica je da upravo nulte kamatne<br />

stope, nove kreditne pogodnosti, emisije državnih obveznica i kupnja<br />

nelikvidne i rizične imovine od strane centralnih banaka, zajedno s golemim<br />

iznosima utrošenim na stabilizaciju financijskog sustava, mogu biti uzrokom<br />

novih imovinskih balona na financijskim i robnim tržištima.<br />

Pogledamo li danas sudjelovanje naftne industrije na robnim burzama u<br />

odnosu na desetljeće prije, možemo zaključiti da se struktura sudionika<br />

značajno promijenila. Tako smo od nacionalnih naftnih kompanija,<br />

proizvođača, prerađivača (rafinerija), integriranih naftnih kompanija<br />

polako prešli na financijske institucije i s njima povezane ostale sudionike<br />

financijskog tržišta.<br />

Nafta danas vrijedi puno više od $25 po barelu, po kojoj se cijeni prodavala<br />

prije deset godina. No, sposobnost tržišta da ispravno funkcionira, na temelju<br />

stvarne ponude i potražnje, upitna je zbog korištenja neprirodnih poluga<br />

(„lavarage“) te dopuštanja zaduživanjem po povijesno niskim kamatnim<br />

stopama.<br />

Vijeće je podržalo novi Zakon o rudarstvu držeći<br />

da bi u konačnici donio brojnija istraživanja na<br />

više istražnih lokacija, a zaključak na okruglom<br />

stolu „Međunarodne koncesije, ugovori i fiskalni<br />

režimi u istraživanju i proizvodnji nafte i plina“,<br />

bio je da valja utvrditi najprihvatljivije metode<br />

izbora koncesije za istraživanje i proizvodnju<br />

nafte i plina u RH, od kojih će gospodarstvo u<br />

cjelini imati najviše koristi<br />

The Council supported the new Mining Act, believing<br />

that it would, in the end, result in more research<br />

on several exploration areas. The conclusion of the<br />

discussion round table on “International concessions,<br />

contracts and fiscal policies in research and<br />

production of oil and gas” was that it is necessary<br />

to determine the most acceptable methods of selecting<br />

concessions for research and production of<br />

oil and gas in the Republic of Croatia, which could<br />

most benefit the economy as whole<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 61

Josipa Križa, dopredsjednika HUNIG-a. Ova tema posebice je aktualna<br />

jer u Hrvatskoj postoje koncesijski blokovi s potencijalnim zalihama<br />

nafte i plina koje bi trebalo intenzivnije istraživati. Zbog toga je, upozorili<br />

su naftni stručnjaci, potrebno utvrditi najprihvatljivije metode<br />

izbora koncesije za istraživanje i proizvodnju nafte i plina od RH, od<br />

kojih će gospodarstvo i društvo u cjelini imati najviše koristi.<br />

Presudno značenje stručnjaka<br />

I ove godine svih pet sekcija Znanstvenog vijeća za naftu organiziralo<br />

je niz predavanja. Posebno zanimljivi su prikazi Sekcija za<br />

geologiju, geokemiju i geofiziku i Sekcija za naftno rudarstvo usmjerenih<br />

na otkrivanje novih istražnih prostora nafte i plina ili njihovih<br />

karakteristika, primjerice unutar jadransko-jonskog bazena. Sekcija<br />

za preradu nafte bila je izuzetno aktivna u praćenju najnovijih energetskih<br />

trendova, posebice u području plina i rafinerijske prerade.<br />

Uz vrlo zanimljiv prikaz najsuvremenijih trendova u rafinerijskom<br />

djelokrugu, kakvo je bilo predavanje dr.sc. Ivane Lukec o „Virtualnoj<br />

rafineriji“, predstavljena je i „Naftna industrija u okvirima energetske<br />

učinkovitosti“ mr. sc. Hrvoja Medarca, „Proizvodnja, uvoz i potrošnja<br />

prirodnog plina“ Fedora Rešćeca te „Reindustrijalizacija Hrvatske“,<br />

dr.sc Marijana Andrašeca.<br />

Znanstvenici i stručnjaci izlaze u<br />

javnost<br />

Pored već tradicionalnog Opatijskog međunarodnog skupa o plinu u<br />

sklopu Znanstvenog vijeća za naftu i plin i Sekcije za preradu nafte,<br />

održan je okrugli stol o plinu kako bi upozorio na neke od ključnih<br />

pitanja u tom sektoru. Prikaz plinske problematike autora dipl. ing.<br />

Fedora Rešćeca i dipl.ing. Dunje Ahmetović ukazala je da bi prirodni<br />

plin trebao biti energetskom okosnicom hrvatske gospodarske<br />

budućnosti. O tome svjedoči i predavanje autora Ivice Billege<br />

posvećeno budućoj potrošnji prirodnog plina u hrvatskim rafinerijama<br />

od 2013. do 2023., na istom okruglom stolu.<br />

Eng., vice-president of HUNIG. This subject is especially current since in<br />

Croatia there are concession blocks with potential oil and gas reserves<br />

that should be more intensely researched. Therefore it is necessary, as<br />

stressed by petroleum experts, to determine the most acceptable methods<br />

of selecting concessions for research and production of oil and gas<br />

in the Republic of Croatia, from which the economy and the society as<br />

whole profit the most.<br />

Crucial importance of experts<br />

This year all five sections of the Science Council for Crude Oil again organised<br />

a series of lectures. Especially interesting were presentations of the<br />

Geology, Geochemistry and Geophysics Section and the Petroleum Mining<br />

Section focused on discovering new exploration areas of oil and gas or<br />

their characteristic in, for example, Adriatic-Ionian Basin. The Gas and Oil<br />

Refining Section was again especially active in following the latest trends<br />

in the energy sector, especially in oil and refining domain. Besides the interesting<br />

presentation of the latest trends in the refinery domain, as was<br />

the lecture held by Ivana Lukec PhD “Virtual Refinery”, “Petroleum industry<br />

within the framework of energy efficiency” by Hrvoje Medarac M.Sc. was<br />

also presented, as well as “Production, import and consumption of natural<br />

gas” by Mr Fedor Rešćec and “Re-industrialization of Croatia” by Marijan<br />

Andrašec PhD.<br />

Scientist and experts go public<br />

Apart from the already traditional International Conference on Gas in Opatija<br />

as part of the Science Council for Crude Oil and Gas and the Oil refining Section,<br />

round table on gas was also held in order to alert to some of the key<br />

issues in this sector. The presentation of the gas issue by Mr. Fedor Rešće<br />

BSc. Eng. and Mrs. Dunja Ahmetović BSc. Eng. pointed out that natural gas<br />

should be the energy backbone of Croatia’s economic future. The lecture<br />

by Mr. Ivica Billiga dedicated to the future consumption of natural gas in<br />

Croatian refineries from 2013 to 2023, presented at the same round table,<br />

also testifies to this.<br />

Damir Vrbić, dipl. oec. on oil market in the world<br />

influence of the monetary policies<br />

Apart from the “oil” factors influencing the oil price, like supply and demand,<br />

OPEC’s “reserve” capacity, market influence of the suppliers, production costs,<br />

political tensions in the regions rich in oil and investments in new production<br />

capacities, there are also so-called “non-oil” factors, that is, oil markets, so called<br />

Oil trading and influences of central bankers, or monetary policies.<br />

Let us start from the fundamentals. Fundamentals of oil markets hardly ever<br />

came into question. So the latest listed factors given by the American Energy<br />

International Agency (EIA) picture the complexity of the oil market with different<br />

factors influencing the oil price. As the most important factors we can highlight<br />

oil supply and demand, OPEC’s “reserve” capacity, market influence of suppliers,<br />

production costs, political tensions in the regions rich in oil and investment in<br />

new production capacities. If we were discussing only this “oil” factors existing<br />

with the oil industry for many decades, the wourld would not be facing oil price<br />

problems for years to come.<br />

If we are talking about “non-oil” factors, we are discussing oil markets, the socalled<br />

oil trading, and the influences of central bankers, that is, the monetary<br />

policies.<br />

The important point is that, in the given environment, the monetary policies<br />

evidently do not intend to change for at least several years (partialy because of<br />

the crisis, high unemployment, future growth rates and the need to finance the<br />

deficits), so we can continue to expect cheep money on the market, and that<br />

means it is not realistic to expect significant drop in oil prices in the near future.<br />

The real question is what we can expect from the present monetary policies with<br />

their so-called “extreme relaxation”. The fact is that precisely the zero interest<br />

rates, new credit facilities, issues of government bonds and purchases of illiquid<br />

and risky assets by central banks, together with huge amounts spent on the<br />

stabilisation of the financial system, can lead to new assets bubbles on financial<br />

and commodity markets.<br />

If we look today at the participation of oil industry at the commodity exchange<br />

compared to the previous decade, we can conclude that the structure of<br />

participants has significantly changed. We have slowly moved from national oil<br />

companies, manufacturers, processors (refineries) integrated oil companies to<br />

financial institutions and other participants in the financial market connected<br />

with them.<br />

Oil today is worth much more that $25 per barrel, the price it was sold at ten years<br />

ago. But, the market’s ability to function properly, based on the real supply and<br />

demand, is questionable because of the use of unnatural leverage and permitting<br />

borrowing at historically low interest rates.<br />

62 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

[ ]<br />

energetika<br />

Energy industry<br />

Teorija „Hubbertova vrhunca“ i njezini kritičari<br />

Naftni kraj nije na vidiku<br />

* The End of the Oil Era Is Not Near<br />

Hubbert Peak Theory and the Critics<br />

tekst (text) anita ćorluka Fotografije (photo) FERDO BUVA<br />

Današnje svjetsko gospodarstvo, ali i društvo u cjelini,<br />

počivaju na pretpostavci očuvanja energetske sigurnosti.<br />

Nafta, koja je okosnica te energetske sigurnosti, nije neiscrpan<br />

resurs, pa je razumljivo kako smo danas, više nego<br />

ikad prije, zabrinuti zbog njezine dostupnosti, mogućnosti pridobivanja<br />

te, naravno, njezine cijene.<br />

Američki geofizičar, Marion King Hubbert, pedesetih je godina na modelu<br />

poznatih rezervi nafte ustvrdio da količina proizvedene nafte teži<br />

tome da slijedi zvonoliku krivulju. (Pri početku krivulje proizvodnja raste<br />

zbog ulaganja u infrastrukturu. Na kasnijem dijelu krivulje proizvodnja<br />

opada zbog iscrpljivanja izvora. Nakon vrhunca, prema Hubbertu, dolazi<br />

do neizbježnog opadanja dostupne količine nafte i plina.) Predvidio je<br />

kako će se vrhunac proizvodnje nafte iz konvencionalnih izvora u kontinentalnom<br />

dijelu SAD-a dogoditi između 1965. i 1970., a da će svjetska<br />

proizvodnja do vrhunca doći 2000. godine. Hubbert je svoju teoriju predstavio<br />

u znanstvenom radu kojeg je izložio pred Američkim institutom<br />

za naftu (American Petroleum Institute) 1956., iako su ga šefovi Shella,<br />

Today’s global economy, but also the society as a whole, is based on the theory<br />

of energy security protection. Oil, which is the backbone of energy security,<br />

is not an inexhaustible source so it is understandable that we worry today, more<br />

than ever, about its availability, recovery possibilities and, naturally, its price.<br />

Marion King Hubbert, an American geophysicist, established in the 1950’s on<br />

the model of known oil reserves that the amount of produced oil tends to follow a<br />

bell-shaped curve. (At the beginning of the curve, the production increases due<br />

to investments in the infrastructure. In the latter part of the curve, the production<br />

decreases due to the depletion of sources. After the peak, according to Hubbert,<br />

there comes the inevitable decline of the available amount of oil and gas.) He<br />

predicted that the oil production from conventional sources in the continental<br />

part of the USA would reach its peak between 1965 and 1970, and that the world<br />

production would climax in 2000. Hubbert introduced his theory in his scientific<br />

paper, which he presented to the American Petroleum Institute in 1956, although<br />

the heads of the Shell company, where he had worked, tried to convince him not<br />

to present his predictions to the public. The theory was not received well in the<br />

professional community and Hubbert was fired.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 63

Američki geofizičar Marion King Hubbert predvidio<br />

je kako će svjetska proizvodnja nafte do<br />

svojeg vrhunca doći 2010. godine: nakon toga<br />

došlo bi do neizbježnog pada dostupne količine<br />

nafte i plina, odnosno golemih cjenovnih<br />

skokova<br />

za koji je tad radio, pokušali odgovoriti od javnog predstavljanja svojih<br />

predviđanja. Teorija nije bila dobro primljena u stručnoj javnosti, a Hubbert<br />

je dobio otkaz.<br />

Prognoze Hubbertovih pristalica<br />

Ipak, pokazalo se kako je američka proizvodnja nafte dosegnula vrhunac<br />

na prijelazu 1970./1971. godinu. Gledano iz današnje perspektive, taj se<br />

vrhunac može protumačiti kao najznačajniji geopolitički događaj do kraja<br />

20. stoljeća, koji je stvorio uvjete za energetsku krizu sedamdesetih, što<br />

je dovelo do većeg naglaska na kontroli stranih izvora nafte u američkoj<br />

geostrateškoj politici.<br />

Pobornici Hubbertove teorije, uključujući Organizaciju za proučavanje<br />

vrhunca nafte i plina (ASPO), predviđaju na temelju poznatih naftnih<br />

rezervi, procjena o budućim otkrićima, povećanju potražnje nafte i<br />

postojeće tehnologije, da će se svjetski vrhunac proizvodnje nafte dogoditi<br />

oko 2010. godine.<br />

U svojoj knjizi „Nakon nafte“, Kenneth S. Deffeyes, slijedeći Hubbertov<br />

model, predvidio je vrhunac globalne proizvodnje nafte s krajem 2005.,<br />

kao i razdoblje velikih kolebanja cijene nafte te razmotrio energetske alternative.<br />

Autorova ključna predviđanja odnose se na kretanje ukupne<br />

svjetske proizvodnje nafte i njezine cijene. Deffeyes smatra da razdoblje<br />

velikih kolebanja započinje zbog toga što se na tržištu neobnovljivih<br />

resursa, s ponudbenim ograničenjima cijena, ne može uravnotežiti ponuda<br />

i potražnja kao što je to moguće na „normalnim“ tržištima.<br />

Argumenti Hubbertovih kritičara<br />

Kritičari, s druge strane, procjenjuju da će do “vrhunca” proći još<br />

desetljeća. Uzimaju u obzir nove tehnologije učinkovitijeg iskorištavanja<br />

naftnih resursa i, shodno tome, povećane procjene o svjetskim naftnim<br />

rezervama, uz upotrebu alternativnih izvora energije. Jedan od gorljivih<br />

kritičara Hubbertove teorije vrhunca je i američki geofizičar Matthew<br />

Mikulich, koji je dugogodišnju karijeru ostvario u Chevronu.<br />

Na predavanju koje je održao 10. svibnja u Ini Mikulich je pokušao objasniti<br />

zašto su Hubbertova predviđanja netočna te koji su činitelji izostavljeni<br />

iz njegove teorije. Prema njegovim shvaćanjima, današnji medijski natpisi i<br />

izjave političara koji govore da nafta nestaje, da se rezerve smanjuju, da su<br />

bazeni zreli i da se velika otkrića ne očekuju, netočni su i služe zastrašivanju<br />

javnosti. Njegovo mišljenje je suprotno tome; ne nestaje nam nafte i plina,<br />

nego se njihove svjetske rezerve povećavaju i ima ih više nego ikad prije!<br />

Mikulich tumači da Hubbert i njegovi pobornici ne uzimaju u obzir nove<br />

tehnologije povećanja iscrpka, nekonvencionalnih izvora i novih otkrića<br />

te da su u svojim prognozama previše konzervativni, a nisu uzeli u obzir<br />

ni potražnju i cijenu, čimbenike u računanju rezervi. Njihovi podaci stoga<br />

su pristrani, kaže Mikulich. „Svjetska naftna proizvodnja povećavat će<br />

se sve dok se rezerve povećavaju“, rekao je Mikulich u svom predavanju,<br />

dodajući da „kada se svjetske rezerve počnu smanjivati, globalna proizvodnja<br />

će uskoro nakon toga početi opadati“.<br />

Predictions of Hubbert’s Supporters<br />

It turned out, however, that the American oil production reached its peak at the<br />

turn of 1970-71. Seen from today’s perspective, that peak can be interpreted as<br />

the most significant geopolitical event of the late 20th century, which created<br />

the conditions for energy crisis in the 1970’s that lead to a bigger stress on the<br />

control of foreign oil sources in the American strategic politics.<br />

The supporters of Hubbert’s theory, including the Association for the Study of<br />

Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO), predict on the basis of known oil reserves, estimates<br />

on future discoveries, increase in oil demand, and current technology that the oil<br />

production would reach its peak around 2010.<br />

In his book Beyond Oil, Kenneth S. Deffeyes, following Hubbert’s model, predicted<br />

that global oil production would reach its peak at the end of 2005 and<br />

that a period of great fluctuations of oil prices would come, so he considered<br />

energy alternatives. The author’s key predictions refer to the development of<br />

the total world oil production and its prices. Deffeyes thinks that the period of<br />

great fluctuations begins because of the fact that on the market of non-renewable<br />

resources, with supply price limitations, the supply and demand cannot be<br />

balanced as it is possible on “normal” markets.<br />

Arguments of Hubbert’s Supporters<br />

The critics, on the other hand, estimate that decades shall pass until the “peak”<br />

is reached. They are taking into account the new technologies of a more efficient<br />

exploitation of oil resources and, consequently, increased estimates on world<br />

oil reserves, using alternative energy sources. One of the ardent critics of the<br />

Hubbert Peak Theory is Matthew Mikulich, an American geophysicist, who made<br />

his career of many years at Chevron.<br />

At his lecture held on May 10th at INA, Mikulich tried to explain why Hubbert’s<br />

predictions are false and which factors are left out from his theory. According to<br />

his beliefs, today’s media labels and statements of politicians, who claim that<br />

the amount of oil is disappearing, reserves are decreasing, layers are mature,<br />

and big discoveries are not expected, are incorrect and serve only to intimidate<br />

the public. His opinion is contrary to this; the amount of oil and gas is not disappearing;<br />

the world reserves are growing and their amount is greater than ever!<br />

Mikulich says that Hubbert and his supporters do not take into account the new<br />

technologies of recovery increase, unconventional sources and new discoveries;<br />

they are too conservative in their predictions and do not take into consideration<br />

supply and demand, which is significant for calculating the reserves. Their<br />

data are, therefore, biased, says Mikulich. „The world oil production will continue<br />

to grow until reserves are increasing“, said Mikulich in his lecture at INA, and<br />

added that “when world reserves start to decrease, global production shall soon<br />

after that start to fall”.<br />

64 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Intervju s Matthewom Mikulichem za INA Energiju<br />

Cijeli život u<br />

naftaškoj struci<br />

Jeste li na početku svoje karijere mislili kako ćete se baviti naftnim poslovanjem,<br />

odnosno jeste li planirali izgraditi karijeru u naftnoj industriji? Koji je bio Vaš<br />

prvi posao u naftnom biznisu?<br />

- Kad sam upisao fakultet, nisam mislio da ću cijelu radnu karijeru provesti u<br />

naftnoj industriji. Želio sam postati nuklearnim fizičarom, ali u to doba nije bilo<br />

mnogo takvih radnih mjesta, pa sam morao potražiti alternativu koja je povezana<br />

s fizikom. Na samom početku karijere odradio sam dva ljetna posla povezana s<br />

naftnom industrijom i vrlo brzo sam shvatio da je to ono što mi odgovara. Prije toga<br />

sam razmišljao o rudarstvu, istraživanju u seizmologiji i još nekim sličnim.<br />

Kada ste započeli karijeru u Chevronu? Na kojem ste položaju u kompaniji<br />

dobili posao?<br />

- Karijeru u Chevronu počeo sam 1971. kao geofizičar u off-shore istraživanjima<br />

u Kaliforniji. S vremenom sam premještan na druge projekte, pa sam jedno<br />

vrijeme živio i radio u Houstonu, a potom sam se preselio u San Francisco. Nakon<br />

napredovanja do menadžerske pozicije, preselio sam se u Denver, da bi se nakon<br />

nekog vremena opet vratio u San Francisco. Ukratko, mnogo sam putovao zbog<br />

posla i imao priliku živjeti u različitim gradovima diljem Amerike.<br />

Kakvo je Vaše iskustvo u radu za tako veliku kompaniju poput Chevrona?<br />

- Chevron je uistinu vrlo velika kompanija u kojoj se pojedinac može osjećati vrlo<br />

malen, nezamjetan. U početku sam se često pitao hoću li se u tako velikom sustavu<br />

uspjeti istaknuti, ali sam otkrio kako je zapravo vrlo lako napredovati ako ste<br />

dobar i profesionalan u onom što radite. U Chevronu se brzo prepoznavao trud<br />

koji pojedinac ulaže u vlastiti razvoj i razvoj kompanije, pa sam dobio priliku za<br />

napredovanje prema menadžerskoj poziciji.<br />

Možete li izdvojiti određeni projekt koji Vam je predstavljao najveći<br />

profesionalni izazov?<br />

- Najveći izazov bilo mi je to što sam znao mnogo o znanosti, ali nisam znao ništa<br />

o biznisu. Stoga, kada sam imenovan na svoj prvi rukovodeći položaj, morao sam<br />

naučiti sve i o poslovnoj strani naftne industrije.<br />

Uz karijeru u Chevronu, bili ste uključeni i u akademski život. Kako Vam<br />

se sviđao posao gostujućeg predavača na sveučilištima i školama diljem<br />

Amerike?<br />

- U poslove vezane za akademsku zajednicu uključio sam se na inicijativu moje<br />

kompanije koja je držala da sam ja prava osoba za regrutiranje mladih talenata<br />

i profesionalaca za Chevron. Kako sam bio veoma dobar u tom poslu, nastavio<br />

sam ga raditi u sljedećih dvadesetak godina. Može se reći da u svijet teorije u<br />

akademskoj zajednici unosim poslovnu, odnosno praktičnu dimenziju, što je veoma<br />

važno jer je u Americi akademski svijet doslovce razveden od poslovne zajednice.<br />

Ipak, više sam uživao u svojoj karijeri u naftnoj industriji budući da mi je zanimljivija<br />

i predstavlja veći izazov.<br />

Koliko dugo se bavite istraživanjem Hubbertove teorije vrhunca? Zašto ste<br />

zainteresirani za tu problematiku?<br />

- Posljednjih pet godina koje sam proveo u Chevronu bio sam uključen u tim od pet<br />

ljudi koji su se bavili utvrđivanjem rezervi kompanije. Bio sam jedini geofizičar u<br />

timu, a u tim analizama geofizika je bila neobično važna znanost. I tih pet godina<br />

radio sam na naftnim rezervama, što je dovelo do povećanog zanimanja za tu<br />

problematiku. Nakon toga, oblikovao sam svoja predavanja o Hubbertovom<br />

vrhuncu, ali nisam ih držao u vrijeme dok sam radio za Chevron.<br />

Vaše prezime, gospodine Mikulich, uobičajeno je diljem Hrvatske. Možete li<br />

nam reći nešto više o porijeklu Vaše obitelji?<br />

- Moj djed se, kao mlad čovjek, početkom 1900-ih doselio u Ameriku iz Hrvatske, iz<br />

jednog malog sela pokraj Rijeke. Pronašao je posao i odlučio ostati živjeti u Americi.<br />

Nakon pet godina provedenih u Americi vratio se u rodno selo gdje je upoznao svoju<br />

suprugu, moju baku, koja se s njim vratila natrag. Moj otac je tako rođen u Illinoisu,<br />

a ja sam sada drugi naraštaj naše obitelji koji je rođen u Americi. Tijekom godina<br />

često sam putovao u Hrvatsku, obišao sam brojne gradove, a zadnji put smo bili<br />

ovdje u listopadu prošle godine. Volimo ovdašnje ljude, hranu, zemlju i uživamo u<br />

putovanju predivnim krajolicima. Naravno, ovdje se osjećam ugodno, kao kod kuće,<br />

i uvijek ću se rado vraćati zemlji iz koje potječu moji preci.<br />

Životopis Matthewa Mikulicha<br />

Predavanja na 25 svjetskih sveučilišta<br />

Matthew Mikulich umirovljeni je geofizičar koji je 29-godišnju plodnu<br />

karijeru ostvario u Chevronu, jednoj od najvećih svjetskih naftnih<br />

kompanija. Diplomirao je fiziku i matematiku na Sveučilištu Benedictine,<br />

a potom magistrirao fiziku na Sveučilištu DePaul. Doktorirao je<br />

geofiziku na Sveučilištu Utah. U Chevronu je radio na istraživanjima i u<br />

proizvodnji diljem Amerike, a kao član menadžmenta kompanije bio je<br />

uključen u upstream projekte diljem svijeta te sudjelovao u razvijanju<br />

korporativne upstream tehnologije.<br />

Više od 20 godina putovao je po sveučilištima i za Chevron regrutirao<br />

mlade talente. Trenutno je gostujući profesor geofizike na Sveučilištima<br />

Utah i Virginia. Tijekom godina održao je brojna predavanja i seminare<br />

na više od 25 sveučilišta diljem svijeta. Nakon što je 1999. otišao u<br />

mirovinu, Mikulich se posvetio izradi akustičnih gitara i drvodjelstvu.<br />

Svira gitaru i električnu harfu.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 65

Special interview with Matthew Mikulich for INA Energy<br />

Whole Life in the Oil Profession<br />

At the time when you began your career, did you think about how you<br />

would enter the oil business and did you plan to build your career in the oil<br />

industry? What was your first job in the oil business?<br />

- When I enrolled at the University, I did not think that I would spend my<br />

entire working career in the oil industry. I wanted to become a nuclear<br />

physicist, but at those times there were not many such positions so I had<br />

to look for an alternative associated with physics. At the very beginning of<br />

my career, I did two summer jobs related to the oil industry and very soon<br />

I realized that this is what I want. Before that, I used to think about mining,<br />

seismology research and the like.<br />

When did your career at Chevron begin? What was your position in the<br />

company?<br />

- I started my career at Chevron in 1971 as a geophysicist in an off-shore<br />

research in California. Eventually, I was transferred to other projects so I<br />

lived in Houston for a while and then moved to San Francisco. After I was<br />

promoted to the managerial position, I moved to Denver, but eventually returned<br />

to San Francisco. In short, I travelled a lot because of work and had a<br />

chance to live in different cities across the USA.<br />

What is your experience of working for such a big company as Chevron?<br />

- Chevron truly is a great company where individuals can feel really small,<br />

unnoticeable. In the beginning, I often wondered whether I would find a<br />

way to distinguish myself in such a big system, but I discovered that it is<br />

quite easy to make progress if you do your job well and know what you do.<br />

Chevron quickly recognized the effort made by individuals for their own improvement<br />

and development of the company, so I got a chance to progress<br />

towards the managerial position.<br />

Could you single out a certain project that represented the greatest<br />

professional challenge to you?<br />

- My biggest challenge was that I knew a lot about science, but I did not<br />

know anything about business. Therefore, when I was appointed to my first<br />

managerial position, I had to learn everything about the business side of oil<br />

industry as well.<br />

Besides your career at Chevron, you were also involved in the academic life.<br />

How did you like being a guest lecturer at universities and schools across<br />

the USA?<br />

- I got involved in jobs connected with the academic community at the initiative<br />

of my company, which considered me the right person for recruiting<br />

young talents and professionals for Chevron. Since I was very good at that<br />

job, I continued doing it for the next twenty years. It could be said that I<br />

brought business, i.e. practical dimension into the world of theory into the<br />

academic community, which is very important since the American academic<br />

world is virtually divorced from the business community. However, I used<br />

to enjoy more my career in the oil industry as it was more interesting and<br />

challenging to me.<br />

How long have you been doing research on the Hubbert Peak Theory? Why<br />

are you interested in this subject?<br />

- During my last five years at Chevron, I was a part of a five-member team<br />

that dealt with determining the company reserves. I was the only geophysicist<br />

on the team, and geophysics was an extraordinarily important science<br />

for those analyses. Those five years, I worked on oil reserves, which awakened<br />

my interest in this subject. Afterwards, I formed my lectures on the<br />

Hubbert Peak Theory, but I did not hold them while I worked for Chevron.<br />

Your last name, Mr. Mikulich, is common in Croatia. Could you tell us more<br />

about your family’s origins?<br />

- My grandfather moved to America from Croatia from a small village near<br />

Rijeka when he was a young man at the beginning of 1900’s. He found a<br />

job and decided to stay in America. After spending five years America, he<br />

returned to his birthplace where he met his wife, my grandmother, who returned<br />

to America with him. My father was, in that way, born in Illinois and<br />

I am now the second generation of our family born in America. During the<br />

years, I have often travelled to Croatia and I have visited many cities. The<br />

last time we were here was in October of 2011. We love the people here,<br />

food and country, and we enjoy the beautiful landscape. Of course, I feel<br />

comfortable here, like at home, and I will always gladly return to the country<br />

where my roots lie.<br />

Matthew Mikulich: Biography<br />

Lectures Held at 25 World Universities<br />

Matthew Mikulich is a retired geophysicist who achieved his<br />

29-year-long rich career at Chevron, one of the leading world<br />

oil companies. He graduated in physics and mathematics from<br />

the Benedictine University, and then received his master’s degree<br />

in physics at the DePaul University. He obtained his PhD in<br />

geophysics at the University of Utah. At Chevron, he worked on<br />

research and production across America. As a member of the<br />

company management, he participated in upstream projects<br />

around the world and was involved in developing the corporate<br />

upstream technology.<br />

He visited universities for more than 20 years and recruited<br />

young talents for Chevron. At the moment, he is a guest lecturer<br />

of geophysics at the University of Utah and University of<br />

Virginia. During the years, he held numerous lectures and seminars<br />

at more than 25 universities across the world. After he<br />

retired in 1999, Mikulich dedicated himself to making acoustic<br />

guitars and carpentry. He plays the guitar and electric harp.<br />

66 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

[ ]<br />

energetika<br />

Energy industry<br />

Globalna ekonomija i industrija nafte i plina<br />

Usporeni trendovi rasta<br />

* Slow Growth Trends<br />

Global Economy and Oil and Gas Industry<br />

tekst (text) goran šaravanja<br />

Fotografije (photo) FERDO BUVA<br />

Iako je zabrinutost o budućnosti eurozone i dalje prisutna, sve<br />

je više znakova da se trgovinski promet u globalnoj ekonomiji<br />

popravlja, što sugerira i relativno povoljno kretanje globalnog<br />

rasta. Oporavak SAD-a, premda još uvijek slab u usporedbi<br />

s ranijim predrecesijskim oporavcima, relativno se povoljno odvija, a<br />

Njemačka bilježi čvrste izvozne brojke rasta utemeljene na dinamici<br />

potražnje zemalja izvan Europske Unije. Kineska ekonomija usporava<br />

rast, ali još uvijek raste godišnjom stopom od blizu osam posto, dok su<br />

nova tržišta u cjelini i dalje uspješna po mjerilima gospodarskog rasta.<br />

U srednjoročnom razdoblju predviđamo rast novih tržišta od pet posto<br />

godišnje, dok će se razvijena gospodarstva širiti stopom od otprilike dva<br />

posto – pri čemu očekujemo da će SAD rasti brže od Europe.<br />

Potencijal dublje recesije<br />

Europa, koja je ponovno u recesiji, poseban je slučaj; produljena<br />

nesigurnost o tome kako će se razriješiti kriza eurozone, slabašno stanje<br />

bankarskog sektora te kontinuirana politika fiskalne štednje – sve to<br />

zajedno upućuje na ekonomsku kontrakciju u neposrednoj budućnosti.<br />

Zabrinutost zbog izlaska Grčke iz eurozone te vjerojatno širenje<br />

problema uslijed povlačenja depozita iz bankarskih sektora ostalih<br />

slabijih perifernih zemalja eurozone, sa sobom povlače potencijal<br />

dublje recesije. Čak ako se ovaj scenarij i izbjegne, rast u Europskoj<br />

uniji u sljedećem desetljeću ostat će usporen, pogotovo u južnim<br />

zemljama eurozone, važnim partnerima balkanskih, odnosno zemalja<br />

jugoistočne Europe. Razlog tomu je što će zbog relativno visokih razina<br />

duga, i privatnog i javnog sektora, smanjenje duga i dalje ostati jedno<br />

od središnjih pitanja europskih ekonomija u srednjoročnom razdoblju.<br />

Zajmovi će većinom biti oskudni u usporedi s godinama prije krize. Sve<br />

ovo sugerira da će rast u Europi, kada se i nastavi, biti spor i postupan.<br />

Rast će u Europi u sljedećih deset godina u prosjeku vjerojatno ostati<br />

ispod 1,5 posto godišnje. Središnja i Istočna Europa rast će brže od<br />

razvijenijih dijelova Europe, ali kako će se životni europski standard u<br />

Europi izjednačavati, tako će se i stope rasta približavati.<br />

Usporen rast potražnje za naftom<br />

S obzirom da je, u usporedbi s 2011. godinom, globalni rast ove godine<br />

sporiji uslijed strože fiskalne politike te kako učinci financijskih<br />

poticaja iz prethodnih godina slabe, ne iznenađuje što su prognoze<br />

globalne potražnje za naftom i dalje skromne. Potražnja za naftom<br />

smanjuje se u zemljama-članicama Organizacije za ekonomsku<br />

Although the concern for the future of the euro area is still present, there are<br />

increasing signs that the trading operations in the global economy are on the<br />

mend, which is also suggested by the relatively favourable global growth trend.<br />

The USA is undergoing a relatively favourable recovery although it is still minor<br />

compared to earlier pre-recession recoveries, and Germany records strong export<br />

growth figures based on the demand dynamics in non-EU countries. The<br />

growth of China’s economy diminished, but it is still growing at an annual rate of<br />

nearly eight per cent. The new markets as a whole are still thriving according to<br />

the standards of economic growth. In the short-term period, we expect the new<br />

markets to grow by five per cent a year, while the developed economies shall<br />

expand at a rate of app. two per cent. Here we anticipate that the US will grow<br />

faster than Europe.<br />

Possibility of Deeper Recession<br />

Europe, which is again in recession, is a special case. The prolonged insecurity<br />

about how to solve the Eurozone crisis, the fragility of the banking sector and<br />

the continuous fiscal austerity policy all point to an economic contraction in the<br />

near future.<br />

The concern caused by Greece leaving the euro area and the possible expansion<br />

of the problem caused by deposits being withdrawn from the banking sectors<br />

of other weaker peripheral countries of the Eurozone entail the possibility of a<br />

deeper recession. Even if this scenario is avoided, the growth in the European<br />

Union shall stay slow in the decades to come, especially in southern Eurozone<br />

countries which are important partners to Balkan countries i.e. countries of<br />

South-Eastern Europe. The reason for this is that debt reduction will remain<br />

one of the central issues of European economies in the mid-term period due<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 67

Ekonomski rast u Europi, kada se i nastavi, bit će<br />

spor i postupan, a u sljedećih desetak godina vjerojatno<br />

će ostati ispod 1,5 posto godišnje u prosjeku:<br />

središnja i Istočna Europa rast će brže od razvijenijih<br />

dijelova Europe, ali kako će se europski životni standard<br />

izjednačavati, tako će se i stope rasta približavati<br />

suradnju i razvoj (OECD). Prema posljednjem predviđanju<br />

Međunarodne agencije za energiju (IEA) za 2012., potražnja za<br />

naftom rast će brzinom od 0,8 m b/d (u usporedbi s 2,7 b/d u 2010.<br />

godini). Veće zalihe sirove nafte zadnjih mjeseci, zabrinutost zbog<br />

kratkoročnih perspektiva globalnog rasta te smanjenje napetosti na<br />

Bliskom istoku dovele su do smanjenja cijena nafte (Brent sada stoji<br />

manje od 110 američkih dolara po barelu, dok mu je cijena početkom<br />

godine bila 120 dolara!). Ali, s druge strane, zabrinutost zbog ponude<br />

(zbog sankcija prema Iranu od srpnja ove godine, trajnog sukoba<br />

između Sudana i Južnog Sudana i trajnog poremećaja ponude<br />

Jemena i Sirije) umanjuje pritisak na sniženje cijena nafte.<br />

Većina činitelja dugoročno utječe na održavanje visokih cijena nafte.<br />

Postojeće zalihe iscrpljuju se te, iako SAD na svom tlu prilično uspješno<br />

crpi naftu na nekonvencionalne načine, te količine nisu dostatne da<br />

nadomjeste naftu iz sve iscrpljenijih poznatih pričuva. Povrh toga,<br />

cijena vađenja dodatnog barela nafte s jedva isplativih polja trenutno<br />

iznosi gotovo 100 dolara. Što se tiče kretanja na tržištu nafte u dužem<br />

razdoblju, vjerojatno je da bi nakon pada cijena na razine značajno niže<br />

od 100 dolara uslijedili poremećaji u ponudi, s obzirom da vađenje nafte<br />

po cijeni od 100 dolara po barelu kako bi se ta nafta na tržištu prodala<br />

po nižoj cijeni, nema ekonomskog smisla. Poremećaji u ponudi bi,<br />

naravno, doveli do ponovnog porasta cijena. U budućnosti je stoga vrlo<br />

vjerojatna nestabilna dinamika cijena. Istodobno, u mnogim najvećim<br />

zemljama izvoznicama nafte cijena od oko 100 dolara neophodna je za<br />

uravnoteženje njihovih proračuna. Politička nestabilnost u tim državama<br />

određuje da cijene nafte ne mogu pasti ispod tog praga.<br />

Preveliki preradbeni kapaciteti<br />

Globalna industrija prerade nafte i dalje je prevelikih kapaciteta, unatoč<br />

nedavnim zatvaranjima postrojenja u Europi i Sjevernoj Americi.<br />

Uslijed smanjenja potražnje, iskorištenost rafinerijskih kapaciteta pala<br />

je u 2011. godini na 85 posto, a u Europi i niže. Nova postrojenja u Aziji<br />

i Rusiji još će povećati te pretjerane kapacitete, dok će nerafinerijska<br />

ponuda (tekućine iz prirodnog plina, biogoriva) i dalje rasti. Istodobno,<br />

potražnja neće rasti jednako brzo. Učinak u srednjoročnom razdoblju<br />

je takav da će rafinerijske marže biti pod pritiskom, pa će na kraju<br />

mnoge slabije rafinerije biti prisiljene zatvoriti vrata.<br />

Od početka globalne financijske krize 2008. godine, Europa je doživjela<br />

duboku recesiju, zatim blagi oporavak te ponovno, u 2012. godini, drugi<br />

ulazak u recesiju. Ipak, u srednjoročnom i dugoročnom razdoblju doći<br />

će do skromnog oporavka gospodarskog rasta. U prošlosti je potražnja<br />

za benzinom bila osjetljivija na promjene cijena, dok se potražnja za<br />

dizelom kretala usporedo s rastom bruto društvenog proizvoda. Strože<br />

norme učinkovitosti u iskorištavanju goriva u zemljama članicama<br />

OECD-a te tehnološki napredak, doprinijeli su padu potražnje za<br />

benzinom u članicama OECD-a po stopi od dva posto godišnje. Potražnju<br />

za benzinom ne podržava ni dinamika cijena. Dok će srednjoročni<br />

oporavak globalnog rasta pozitivno utjecati na potražnju prečišćenih<br />

proizvoda, budućnost se čini svjetlijom za dizel nego za benzin.<br />

Europski rafinerijski sektor proizvodi previše benzina, a premalo<br />

srednjih destilata (dizela). Preferencije za dizel u Europi proizlaze<br />

djelomice iz porezne politike jer vlade zemalja članica Europske unije<br />

to the relatively high debts of both the private and public sector. For the most<br />

part, loans will be meagre compared to the years before the crisis. All of this suggests<br />

that the European growth, when it continues, will be slow and gradual. The<br />

growth in Europe will probably stay below 1.5 per cent a year on average in the<br />

next ten years. Central and Eastern Europe will grow more quickly than the more<br />

developed parts of Europe, but as the European standards of living even out, the<br />

growth rates will approximate.<br />

Slow Growth of Oil Demand<br />

Given that the global growth in 2012 is slower compared to 2011 due to the stricter<br />

fiscal policy and considering that the effects of financial incentives from the previous<br />

years are abating, it is not surprising that the prognoses for global oil demand<br />

are still modest. Oil demand is being decreased in the member countries of the<br />

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). According to the<br />

last forecast of the International Energy Agency (IEA) for 2012, oil demand will<br />

grow at a rate of 0.8 million b/d (compared to 2.7 b/d in 2010). Greater reserves of<br />

crude oil in the last few months, concern about the short-term global growth outlook<br />

and waning of tensions in the Middle East brought about the reduction of oil<br />

prices (Brent is now at less than USD 110 per barrel, while its price at the beginning<br />

of the year totalled USD 120!). On the other hand, the concern about the supply<br />

(due to the sanctions against Iran as of July this year, the ongoing conflict between<br />

Sudan and South Sudan and the permanent disturbance in the supply of Yemen<br />

and Syria) reduces the pressure to decrease oil prices.<br />

The majority of factors have a long-term impact on maintaining the high oil prices.<br />

The existing reserves are being depleted. Even though the US is successfully recovering<br />

oil on its soil using unconventional methods, these quantities are not sufficient<br />

to substitute the oil from the increasingly depleting known stocks. Additionally,<br />

the price of extracting an additional barrel of oil from barely productive fields<br />

currently amounts to almost USD 100. With regard to long-term developments on<br />

the oil market, it is probable that if the prices dropped significantly below USD 100,<br />

supply disturbances would ensue because it makes no economic sense to extract<br />

oil at a price of USD 100 per barrel and then to sell said oil on the market at a lower<br />

price. Naturally, the supply disturbances would lead to another price increase.<br />

Therefore, unstable price movements are quite probable in the future. At the same<br />

time, in many of the largest petroleum exporting countries the price of app. USD<br />

100 is essential for balancing their budgets. The political instability in these countries<br />

dictates that the oil prices cannot drop below this threshold.<br />

Refining Overcapacity<br />

There is still an overcapacity in the global oil refining industry despite recent<br />

shutdowns of plants in Europe and North America. Due to the decrease in demand,<br />

in 2011 the utilization of refinery capacities dropped to 85 per cent and<br />

even lower levels in Europe. The new plants in Asia and Russia shall augment<br />

this overcapacity, while the non-refining supply (liquids from natural gas, biofuel)<br />

will continue to grow. Meanwhile, demand will not grow at the same rate. The<br />

effect in the mid-term period is such that the refining margins will be under pressure,<br />

so eventually many weaker refineries will be forced to close their doors.<br />

Since the beginning of the global financial crisis in 2008, Europe experienced a<br />

deep recession, then a mild recovery and then it fell back into recession for the<br />

second time in 2012. Nevertheless, a modest recovery of economic growth<br />

will follow in the mid-term and long-term period. In the past, petrol demand was<br />

more sensitive to price changes, while diesel demand shifted in step with the<br />

growth of the gross domestic product. Stricter standards of efficiency in fuel<br />

exploitation in OECD member countries and the technological advancement<br />

contributed to petrol demand in OECD members dropping at a rate of two per<br />

cent a year. Price movements also do not support the petrol demand. While<br />

the short-term recovery of economic growth will have a positive effect on the<br />

demand of clean products, the future seems to be brighter for diesel than for<br />

petrol.<br />

68 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

The European refining sector produces too much petrol, and not enough middle<br />

distillates (diesel). The precedence of diesel in Europe partially results from<br />

the tax policy because the governments of EU member countries prefer the consumption<br />

of diesel. As long as European refineries succeed in exporting their<br />

petrol surplus to the American and other markets, it is rational and cost-effective<br />

to import diesel. Nonetheless, given that there are increasing oil and gas<br />

quantities in the US which were recovered using unconventional methods, the<br />

prospects of further petrol export to the USA are becoming slim. Conversion capacities<br />

in Europe shall continue to grow in favour of middle distillates (diesel<br />

and aviation fuel). As the economic growth recovers, the overcapacity for diesel<br />

production will gradually decrease. The petrol demand dynamics presented<br />

here presumes that the European refining capacities will remain excessive in<br />

the next ten years.<br />

preferiraju potrošnju dizela. Sve dok europske rafinerije uspijevaju<br />

izvoziti svoje viškove benzina na američko i druga tržišta, racionalno<br />

je i troškovno isplativo uvoziti dizel. Ipak, budući da je nafte i plina<br />

dobivenih na nekonvencionalne načine u SAD-u sve više, izgledi za<br />

daljnji uvoz benzina u SAD postaju mršaviji. Kapaciteti za konverziju<br />

u Europi će se nastavljati povećavati u korist srednjih destilata (dizela<br />

i avionskog goriva), a kako će se gospodarski rast oporavljati, tako će se<br />

pretjerani kapaciteti za proizvodnju dizela postupno smanjivati. Ovdje<br />

izložena dinamika potražnje za benzinom pretpostavlja da će europski<br />

rafinerijski kapaciteti ostati preveliki i u sljedećih deset godina.<br />

Vedrije perspektive za prirodni plin<br />

Budućnost plina na više je načina vedrija. Novi, nekonvencionalni<br />

načini crpljenja plina u SAD-u doveli su do toga da cijene plina u SADu<br />

i drugih zemalja u svijetu više nemaju međusobne veze. Pojavila se<br />

obilata količina plina uslijed nekonvencionalnog crpljenja nafte pri<br />

kojemu je plin nusproizvod procesa vađenja nafte, stvarajući tako<br />

pritisak na sniženje cijena plina. Taj se dodatni plin crpi bez obzira na<br />

cjenovne signale s tržišta. Cijene plina tradicionalno su bile indeksirane<br />

uz cijene nafte, a to je većinom i dalje slučaj na azijskim tržištima.<br />

U Europi pak postoji trend prema hub-cijenama i podalje su od<br />

cijena indeksiranih uz naftu. Pri obilatoj ponudi plina i izgledima<br />

za zamjenu plina ugljenom i drugim energetskim izvorima<br />

sličnima nafti, cijene plina vezane za hub ostat će ispod cijena plina<br />

indeksiranih uz naftu. Budući da europska infrastruktura postupno<br />

uključuje tržišta poput hrvatskog u europska tržišta zasnovana na<br />

hubu, cijena plina u našoj regiji nastavit će padati.<br />

Brighter Outlook for Natural Gas<br />

The future of gas has become brighter in more ways than one. The new unconventional<br />

methods of gas recovery in the USA brought about the situation in<br />

which gas prices in the US and other countries in the world are no longer interrelated.<br />

Copious amounts of gas appeared due to unconventional oil recovery<br />

methods in which gas is produced as a by-product of the process of extracting<br />

oil, thereby putting pressure on reducing the gas prices. This additional gas is<br />

recovered regardless of the price signals from the market. Gas prices were traditionally<br />

indexed with oil prices, and this is still the case on Asian markets for<br />

the most part.<br />

On the other hand, Europe is experiencing a hub price trend where the prices are<br />

far from the oil-indexed prices. With the rich supply of gas and the prospects of<br />

replacing gas with coal and other energy sources similar to oil, hub gas prices<br />

will stay below the oil-indexed gas prices. Given that the European infrastructure<br />

gradually includes markets such as Croatian into hub-based European markets,<br />

the price of gas in our region will continue to drop.<br />

Even when it continues, the economic growth<br />

in Europe will be slow and gradual, and it will<br />

probably stay below 1.5 per cent a year on average<br />

in the next ten years: Central and Eastern<br />

Europe will grow more quickly than the more<br />

developed parts of Europe, and as the European<br />

standards of living even out, the growth<br />

rates will approximate<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 69

Svijet nafte: nova kretanja na naftnom i plinskom tržištu<br />

Azerbajdžan kuca na europska vrata<br />

The World of Oil: New Tendencies in the Oil and Gas Market<br />

[ ]<br />

energetika<br />

Energy industry<br />

Azerbaijan at the Gates of Europe<br />

Azerbajdžan je država koja se ubrzano razvija i u kojoj je utjecaj gospodarske<br />

krize manji nego u zemljama Europske unije.<br />

Najbogatija država južnog Kavkaza<br />

Država Azerbajdžan bivša je republika Sovjetskog saveza, smještena na<br />

obalama naftom i plinom bogatog Kaspijskog mora u kojoj živi devet miliona<br />

stanovnika. Posljednjih desetak godina, država bilježi veliki gospodarski<br />

napredak uglavnom zahvaljujući nafti. Naime, prema veličini zaliha nafte,<br />

koje se procjenjuju na 14 milijardi barela, Azerbajdžan se nalazi na 19.<br />

mjestu. Stoga ne čudi što je i prema podacima Međunarodnog monetarnog<br />

fonda, Azerbajdžan najbogatija država južnog Kavkaza i jedna od najboljih<br />

država za razvoj poslovanja. Gospodarski rast Azerbajdžana je oko pet<br />

posto godišnje, u robnoj razmjeni prisutan je stalni suficit, nezaposlenost je<br />

niska, a godišnje se proizvodi 50 miliona tona nafte i 25 milijardi kubičnih<br />

metara prirodnog plina.<br />

Prvi u eksploataciji nafte<br />

Zanimljivo je da je Azerbajdžan prvi na svijetu počeo industrijski<br />

eksploatirati naftu još 1848. godine, a danas je njihova državna naftna<br />

kompanija među najvećima je na svijetu. Glavni izvozni proizvodi su nafta i<br />

plin pa gotovo 94% izvoza čini sirova nafta, naftni derivati i prirodni plin. U<br />

siječnju ove godine, Azerbajdžan je izvezao 3,186 miliona tona sirove nafte,<br />

122 tisuće tona naftnih derivata i 747 miliona kubičnih metara plina.<br />

U okolici glavnog grada Bakua, koji se ubrzano gradi i razvija, izgrađen je<br />

jedan od najmodernijih svjetskih naftovoda koji spaja Kaspijsko more i<br />

Mediteran. Kapacitet mu je milijun i 200 tisuća barela dnevno, u sljedećih<br />

30 godina trebao bi Azerbajdžanu donijeti prihod od više od 150 milijardi<br />

dolara. Obzirom na prirodne predispozicije i intenzivan rast, logično je što<br />

se Azerbajdžan želi intenzivno uključiti u raspodjelu snaga na naftnom i<br />

plinskom tržištu.<br />

Suradnja s Hrvatskom<br />

U ožujku ove godine predsjednik Republike Hrvatske, zajedno s hrvatskom<br />

gospodarskom delegacijom, posjetio je Baku gdje je održan Gospodarski<br />

forum na kojem je sudjelovalo tridesetak hrvatskih i oko 140 azerbejdžanskih<br />

tvrtki iz raznih sektora. U sklopu posjeta otvoren je i počasni konzulat<br />

Republike Hrvatske. Naime, Hrvatska uvozi oko 600 milijuna eura<br />

azerbejdžanske nafte i plina, a dva milijuna eura izvozi. U ovom trenutku<br />

interes za gospodarsku suradnju je izražen s obje strane jer Azerbajdžan<br />

nastoji diversificirati putove prijevoza prirodnog plina i europsko tržište im<br />

je vrlo primamljivo.<br />

Experiencing rapid development, Azerbaijan is a country where the impact<br />

of economic crisis is smaller than in the countries of the European Union.<br />

South Caucasus’ richest country<br />

The Republic of Azerbaijan is a former Soviet republic, located on the shores<br />

of oil and gas-rich Caspian Sea, and inhabited by nine million people. In<br />

the last decade, the country experienced great economic progress mainly<br />

owing to oil. Oil reserves estimated at 14 billion barrels make Azerbaijan<br />

the 19th richest country by this criterion. It is no surprise therefore that,<br />

according to the International Monetary Fund, Azerbaijan is the richest<br />

country of South Caucasus, and one of the best countries for business<br />

development. Azerbaijan’s economy grows by average five percent a year,<br />

accompanied by a constant surplus in external trade, low unemployment<br />

rate, and annual output of 50 million tons of oil and 25 billion cubic meters<br />

of natural gas.<br />

First in oil exploitation<br />

It is interesting that Azerbaijan was the first country in the world to begin<br />

with the oil exploitation, in early 1848, and today its state oil company is<br />

among the largest in the world. Oil and gas are the country’s main export<br />

products (crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas account for nearly<br />

94 percent of exports). In January 2012, Azerbaijan exported 3.186 million<br />

tons of crude oil, 122,000 tons of petroleum, and 747 million cubic meters<br />

of gas. In the vicinity of the capital Baku, which has rapidly growing and<br />

developing, one of the world’s most advanced pipelines was constructed,<br />

connecting the Caspian Sea and the Mediterranean. It has capacity of 1.2<br />

million barrels a day, and it is estimated that over the course of the next<br />

30 years, it would bring Azerbaijan income of more than USD 150 billion.<br />

Given its potential in natural resources and intense growth, it is logical that<br />

Azerbaijan has ambition to play an active role in the distribution of power<br />

in the oil and gas market.<br />

Cooperation with Croatia<br />

In March this year, the Croatian president, accompanied by a Croatian business<br />

delegation, visited Baku and attended an economic forum for thirty<br />

Croatian and approximately 140 Azerbaijan companies from various sectors.<br />

As part of the visit, an honorary consulate of the Republic of Croatia<br />

was opened. Croatia imports about 600 million of Azeri oil and gas, and<br />

exports two million. At the moment, interest in economic cooperation is expressed<br />

by both sides, as Azerbaijan seeks to diversify routes of transportation<br />

of natural gas, and finds the European market very tempting.<br />

70 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Vijesti iz MOL Grupe/ News from MOL Group<br />

MOL Rumunjska<br />

Otvorena 130. benzinska postaja<br />

Nedavno otvorena benzinska postaja u Aradu 130. je po redu<br />

MOL-ov objekt otvoren na području Rumunjske. Postaja se prostire<br />

na 2300 četvornih metara, a ima tri istakačka otoka. Vozačima<br />

je na raspolaganju velika trgovina i terasa, uz osigurano parkiralište.<br />

Želeći potaknuti prodaju, organizirana je i promotivna akcija prodaje<br />

goriva: svaki kupac koji je utočio više od 20 litara goriva imao je<br />

prigodu na lutriji dobiti jednu od tri kartice sa po šest tisuća leja.<br />

S namjerom uvođenja dodatnih usluga na mreži postaja, MOL Rumunjska<br />

započeo je prodaju vinjeta za autoceste u Mađarskoj pa svi<br />

koji tamo krenu na odmor mogu izabrati vinjetu za razdoblje kad će<br />

im biti potrebna. Kao dio Mentor Programma Mentor Gala, organiziranog<br />

od strane „ Foundation for the Community“, dodijeljene<br />

su novčane nagrade (oko 1800 eura)desetorici najboljih učitelja i<br />

trenera izabranih između 148 nominiranih. Za ovogodišnje se nagrade<br />

nominacije primaju do kraja godine.<br />

Energopetrol, Bosna i Hercegovina<br />

Obnavlja se još sedam postaja<br />

Obnovljena benzinska postaja Energopetrola u centru Bugojna<br />

odnedavno kupcima nudi goriva po najvišim europskim standardima,<br />

autoplin i plin u bocama. Postaja je Internetom povezana i s<br />

kupcima koji imaju Energopetrolove kreditne kartice pa je moguće<br />

pratiti što se i koliko kupovalo. Iz korporativnih komunikacija Energopetrola<br />

najavljeno je da će se u naredna dva mjeseca obnoviti<br />

još sedam benzinskih postaja.<br />

SLOVNAFT, Slovačka<br />

Novi cjevovod na Dunavu<br />

Slovnaft je nedavno završio radove na zamjeni starog cjevovoda<br />

novim od luke na Dunavu do rafinerije u Bratislavi. Novi je cjevovod<br />

ukupne dužine 3,1 kilometar, a novopostavljene cijevi dvostrukih<br />

su stijenki što onemogućuje utjecaj na tlo i vodu. Postavljeni sustav<br />

monitoringa dojavljuje istjecanje i najmanje količine nafte u okoliš<br />

pa je mogućnost utjecaja svedena na nulu. Stoga je ukupan trošak<br />

od 6,3 milijuna eura gotovo zanemariv.<br />

MOL Romania<br />

130th Petrol Station Opened<br />

The recently-opened petrol station in Arad is the 130th MOL’s object<br />

opened in the territory of Romania. The station spreads on 2300 m² and<br />

has three fuel dispenser islands. The drivers have at their disposal a supermarket<br />

and a terrace, with ensured parking space. In order to entice<br />

sales, a promotional action of petrol sale was organized: every buyer who<br />

bought more than 20 litres of fuel had the opportunity to play the lottery<br />

and win one of three cards with six thousand lei each.<br />

MOL Romania has started the sale of vignettes for highways in Hungary in order<br />

to introduce additional services to the network of petrol stations, so anyone<br />

who decides to go on vacation there may choose a vignette for the period<br />

when they need it. As a part of the Mentor Gala Programme organized by the<br />

“Foundation for the Community”, money prizes (around 1,800 euro) have been<br />

awarded to ten best teachers and trainers chosen between 148 nominees. The<br />

nominees for this year’s prizes are received by the end of the year.<br />

Energopetrol, Bosnia and Herzegovina<br />

Another Seven Stations Are Being<br />

Renovated<br />

The renovated Energopterol petrol station in the centre of Bugojno has recently<br />

started offering its customers fuel by the highest European standard,<br />

LPG and bottled gas. The station is connected via the Internet to the<br />

buyers who own Energopetrol credit cards, which makes it possible to<br />

trace what is sold and in what quantities. Energopetrol’s Corporative Communications<br />

have announced that another seven petrol stations will be<br />

renovated in the following two moths.<br />

SLOVNAFT, Slovakia<br />

New Pipeline on the Danube<br />

Slovnaft has recently completed its work on replacing the old pipeline from<br />

the port on Danube to the refinery in Bratislava by a new one. The total<br />

length of the new pipeline is 3.1 kilometres, and the newly-laid pipes have<br />

double walls to prevent affecton earth and water. The installed monitoring<br />

system notifies of the spilling event of the smallest amount of oil into the<br />

environment, which decreases the possibility of affect on earth and water<br />

to zero. Therefore, the total cost of 6.3 million euro is almost negligible.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 71

U 2011. godini čak 16 Ininih stručnjaka na Sveučilištu<br />

u Zagrebu obranilo je doktorske disertacije<br />

Doprinos tehničkoj<br />

teoriji i praksi<br />

[ ]<br />

Znanost i obrazovanje<br />

Science and Education<br />

In 2011, as many as 16 of INA’s experts defended their<br />

doctoral dissertations at the University of Zagreb<br />

Contribution to Technical<br />

Theory and Practice<br />

tekst (text) mijo ivurek Fotografije (photo) FERDO BUVA i tomislav lazarić<br />

Rijetko je koja godina, kao protekla, bila toliko bogata novim<br />

doktorima znanosti među Ininim stručnjacima: čak 16<br />

Ininih stručnjaka na području istraživanja i proizvodnje<br />

nafte i plina, geologije, kemije i strojarstva postiglo je zvanje<br />

doktora znanosti. Raznovrsne doktorske disertacije karakterizira originalnost,<br />

inventivnost, tematsko „impregniranje“ u suvremene procese<br />

istraživanja, pridobivanja i korištenja energije, vodeći računa o<br />

očuvanju okoliša i učinkovitosti. U tom smislu radovi su u velikoj mjeri<br />

uporabljivi u aktualnim istraživačkim procesima.<br />

Radi što većeg populariziranja i korištenja rezultata njihova znanstvenostručnog<br />

rada i prinosa, Znanstveno vijeće za naftu i plin HAZU, Sekcija<br />

za naftno rudarstvo i Sekcija za geologiju, geofiziku i geokemiju,<br />

organizirali su u nekoliko posljednjih mjeseci predstavljanje novih<br />

doktora znanosti i njihovih doktorskih disertacija. Da bismo koliko-toliko<br />

- približili javnosti njihov doprinos, u ovom prilogu tek u kratkim<br />

crtama predstavljamo nove Inine doktore znanosti i njihove radove.<br />

Sentić, Brkić, Troskot-Čorbić,…<br />

Mislav Sentić, dipl. inž. strojarstva, rođen 1968. u Zagrebu, zaposlen<br />

je u Sektoru za upravljanje i inženjering polja na radnom mjestu starijeg<br />

inženjera u preradi NIP. Svoj doktorski rad naslovio je: „Vrednovanje<br />

obnovljivih toplinskih izvora s obzirom na učinkovitost dizalica<br />

topline“. Znanstveni doprinos sastoji se u sljedećem: formuliranim<br />

numeričkim modelima utvrđena je razlika energijske učinkovitosti<br />

između kompresorske i apsorpcijske dizalice topline u obalnom i kontinentalnom<br />

dijelu Hrvatske.<br />

Vladislav Brkić, dipl. ing. naftnog rudarstva, rođen 1967. u Zadru,<br />

zaposlen je u kao ekspert u Uredu direktora Sektora za upravljanje<br />

i inženjering polja. Naziv njegova znanstvena rada je „Procjena<br />

ekonomskih učinaka utiskivanja otpada iz naftno-rudarske djelatnosti<br />

u pogodne stijene u odnosu na druge metode zbrinjavanja“.<br />

U radu je, uz pomoć ekonomskog vrednovanja, pokazao stupanj<br />

ekonomske prihvatljivosti metode utiskivanja kao glavne metode<br />

There are not many years like the past year, which produced a great number<br />

of new Doctors of Science amongst INA’s experts: as many as 16 INA’s experts<br />

received the title of Doctor of Science in the field of oil and gas exploration and<br />

production, geology, chemistry and mechanical engineering. Different doctoral<br />

dissertations are characterized by originality, invention, thematic “impregnation”<br />

into modern processes of exploration, recovery and use of energy, taking into<br />

consideration environmental protection and efficiency. In this respect, the papers<br />

can be used to a great extent in the current exploratory processes.<br />

In order to increase the popularization and use of the findings of their scientificprofessional<br />

work and contribution, the Scientific Council for Crude Oil and Gas<br />

at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section for Petroleum Engineering<br />

and Section for Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry organized during the<br />

last several months an event at which they presented new Doctors of Science<br />

and their doctoral dissertations. In order to bring their contribution closer to the<br />

public – this short article will introduce INA’s new Doctors of Science and their<br />

research.<br />

Sentić, Brkić, Troskot-Čorbić,…<br />

Mislav Sentić, MSc. in Mechanical Engineering, born in 1968 in Zagreb,<br />

works in the Field Engineering & Operations Sector as Senior Engineer in<br />

Oil and Gas Processing. The title of his dissertation was: “Evaluation of Renewable<br />

Heat Sources with regard to the Efficiency of Heat Pumps”. Scientific<br />

contribution: by using formulated numerical models, the difference<br />

between the energy efficiency of compression and absorption heat pumps<br />

in coastal and continental Croatia was determined.<br />

Vladislav Brkić, MSc. in Petroleum Engineering, born in 1967 in Zadar, works<br />

as an expert at the office of the Director of the Field Engineering & Operations<br />

Sector. The title of his scientific paper is ”Estimation of Economic Effects<br />

of the Oil-Mining Industry Waste Injection into Suitable Rocks in Relation to<br />

Other Methods of Disposal”. In his paper, he used economic evaluation to<br />

demonstrate the level of economic acceptability of the injection method as<br />

the main method of waste disposal in the oil and mining industry.<br />

Tamara Troskot-Čorbić, MSc. in Geology, born in 1962 in Zadar, works as<br />

72 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Jasmina Jelić-Balta Vladislav Brkić Željka Marić Đureković Zoran Čogelja Dražena Kreković<br />

Jelena Parlov Vuković Jasna Tadej Dubravka Doležal Dražen Brajković Slavica Marinović<br />

Snježana Blažeković-Smojić Goran Mikša Ines Hemetek-Potroško Mislav Sentić Adaleta Perković Tamara Troskot-Čorbić<br />

zbrinjavanja otpada u naftno-rudarskoj djelatnosti.<br />

Tamara Troskot-Čorbić, dipl. ing. geologije, rođena je 1962. u Zadru,<br />

radi na mjestu rukovoditelja Poslovne jedinice za geologiju i geokemiju<br />

Sektora za upravljanje i inženjering polja. Svoj doktorski rad naslovila<br />

je „Organski facijesi u gornjojurskim naslagama Gorskog Kotara, Like<br />

i Dalmacije“. Predmet istraživanja je detaljna raščlamba i korelacija organskog<br />

facijesa gornjojurskih naslaga.<br />

Hemetek-Potroško, Perković, Tadej,…<br />

Ines Hemetek-Potroško dipl. ing. naftnog rudarstva, rođena 1966.u<br />

Koprivnici, radi na mjestu rukovoditelja tehnologije površinskih sustava<br />

u CPS Molve, Sektora za istraživanje i proizvodnju NIP za JIE.<br />

Tema njezine doktorske disertacije je: „Optimizacija potrošnje energije<br />

na procesnim i energetskim postrojenjima na primjeru Pogona Molve“.<br />

Primjenom modela kojega je istraživala dokazala je znatne pogodnosti<br />

za kompaniju. Matematičkim modelom optimiranja utvrđeno je definiranje<br />

racionalizacije potrošnje energije u energetskim postrojenjima i<br />

odabir najpogodnije metode potrošnje energije za osiguravanje proizvodnje.<br />

Adaleta Perković, dipl.ing. naftnog rudarstva, rođena 1974. u Sarajevu,<br />

radi na mjestu inženjerke za petrofiziku Sektora za upravljanje i<br />

inženjering polja. Doktorirala je s radom: „Odabir uzoraka za specijalne<br />

analize jezgara pomoću modela petrofizikalnih podataka“. Rezultati<br />

petrofizikalnih analiza i mjerenja definiraju poroznu sredinu i<br />

protjecanje fluida kroz porni prostor. Mjereni podaci interpretacijom<br />

se pretvaraju u informacije značajne za cjelokupno istraživanje i proizvodnju<br />

nafte i plina. Postupak modeliranja podataka obavlja se kroz<br />

konceptualno, logičko i fizičko modeliranje.<br />

the Head of the Geology and Geochemistry Business Unit in the Field Engineering<br />

& Operations Sector. Her doctoral dissertation is entitled “Organic<br />

Facies in the Upper Jurassic Sediments of Gorski Kotar, Lika and Dalmatia”.<br />

The subject of her research was the analysis and correlation of organic<br />

facies of the Upper Jurassic sediments.<br />

Hemetek-Potroško, Perković, Tadej,…<br />

Ines Hemetek-Potroško, MSc. in Petroleum Engineering, born in 1966 in Koprivnica,<br />

works as the Head of Surface Facility Technology in GTP Molve, Southeast Europe<br />

E&P Sector. The topic of her doctoral dissertation is: “Optimizing Energy Consumption<br />

on Processing and Energy Plants on the Example of Molve Production Area”.<br />

By applying the model that she was exploring, she showed possible significant<br />

benefits for the company. The mathematical optimization model established a<br />

rationalization definition of energy consumption in energy plants and selection of<br />

the most convenient energy consumption method for ensuring production.<br />

Adaleta Perković, MSc. in Petroleum Engineering, born in 1974 in Sarajevo, works<br />

as a petrophysics engineer at the Field Engineering & Operations Sector. Her PhD<br />

thesis was entitled: “Choosing Specimens for Special Core Analyses Using the<br />

Petrophysical data model”. The findings of the petrophysical analyses and measurements<br />

define the porous centre and the fluid flow through porous space. When<br />

interpreted, the measured data becomes information significant for the overall<br />

oil and gas exploration and production. The procedure of data modelling is done<br />

through conceptual, logical and physical modelling.<br />

Jasna Tadej, MSc. in Geology, born in 1960 in Nova Ploščica, works as Head of<br />

the Geology BU in the Geology and Reservoir Management Sector. Her PhD thesis<br />

was entitled: “Development of Early Miocene and Middle Miocene Sedimentary<br />

Environments of the Northwest Part of the Drava Depression Based on Deep Well<br />

Data”.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 73

Jasna Tadej, dipl.ing. geologije, rođena 1960. u Novoj Ploščici, radi na<br />

mjestu rukovoditeljice PJ za geologiju Sektora za geologiju i upravljanje<br />

ležištima. Doktorirala je na temu „Razvoj ranomiocenskih i srednjomiocenskih<br />

taložnih okoliša sjeverozapadnoga dijela dravske depresije na<br />

temelju podataka iz dubokih bušotina“.<br />

Mikša, Kreković, Marinović,…<br />

Goran Mikša, dipl.ing.geologije, rođen 1971. u Zagrebu, radi na<br />

mjestu geologa, specijalista za biostratigrafiju II, Sektora za upravljanje<br />

i inženjering polja. Doktorirao je s temom „Ihnocenoze i paleoekologija<br />

Prominskih naslaga Dalmacije i eocenskih taložina u podmorju<br />

sjevernog Jadrana“. Ihnofosili (tragovi fosila) izvrstan su alat<br />

u sedimentološkim i paleontološkim analizama sedimenata koji tek<br />

u zadnjih 30 godina doživljava svoji puni uspon. Zbog znatno većeg<br />

potencijala očuvanja nego kod klasičnih fosila, kao i jasne veze sa fosilnim<br />

sedimentnim okolišima, važan su segment pri istraživanju naftnogeoloških<br />

svojstava stijena. U ovom radu, tragovi fosila istraživani su<br />

na dvije lokacije, u Prominskim naslagama Sjeverne Dalmacije te na<br />

jezgrovanim intervalima bušotine Istra-more 5 iz područja sjevernog<br />

Jadrana.<br />

Dražena Kreković, dipl. ing., rođena 1965. u Zagrebu, radi u Sektoru<br />

istraživanja i proizvodnje NIP za JIE. Doktorirala je na temu „Strategija<br />

osvajanja tržišta plina Dalmacije kao koncept stjecanja konkurentske<br />

prednosti“. Pretpostavka uspješne integracije djelatnosti duž vrijednosnog<br />

lanca uz opcije koje nudi otvoreno energetsko tržište, moderan<br />

koncept marketinga te konvergencija plina i električne energije,<br />

temelj su strateškog koncepta koji kompaniji omogućuje realne opcije<br />

ostvarivanja konkurentske prednosti. Tržište plina u Dalmaciji, upravo<br />

u tijeku konstituiranja, čini izazov i poslovnu priliku svim energetskim<br />

subjektima. INA raspolaže dostatnim resursima kojima može ostvariti<br />

ambiciozne ciljeve na energetskom tržištu, kako hrvatskom tako i regionalnom.<br />

Slavica Marinović, dipl. ing. kemijskog inženjerstva, rođena 1976.<br />

u Bugojnu, zaposlena je u Službi laboratorijskih ispitivanja Sektora<br />

za upravljanje i inženjering polja. Naziv njezine doktorske disertacije<br />

glasi „Predviđanje svojstava dizelskih goriva primjenom vibracijske<br />

spektroskopije uz multivarijantnu analizu i umjetne neuronske mreže“.<br />

U ovom radu primijenjena su multivarijantna regresijska analiza (metoda<br />

parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata) (PLS) i umjetne neuronske mreže<br />

(ANN) kao kalibracijski modeli razvijeni na metodama vibracijske<br />

spektroskopije sa svrhom brzog i preciznog određivanja najvažnijih<br />

fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava dizelskih goriva. Metodologija je primijenjena<br />

na dizelskim gorivima s tržišta.<br />

Blažeković-Smojić, Doležal, Jelić-<br />

Balta,BRAJKOVIĆ…<br />

Snježana Blažeković-Smojić, dipl. ing. geologije, rođena 1969., radi u<br />

Sektoru za geologiju i upravljanje ležištima, Službi za geomodeliranje.<br />

Svoju doktorsku disertaciju naslovila je „Primjena umjetnog sazrijevanja<br />

vodenom pirolizom na mezozojske matične stijene Dinarida<br />

u prosudbi zrelosti, generativnog potencijala i genetskih korelacija“.<br />

Sveobuhvatna karakterizacija novogeneriranih organskih faza dala je<br />

prošireni raspon molekularnih, optičkih i drugih fizikalno-kemijskih<br />

parametara ispitivanih matičnih stijena na različitim stupnjevima<br />

termičkih promjena, omogućavajući poboljšanu prosudbu njihove zrelosti<br />

i izračun kinetičkih parametara generiranja nafte, kao i genetsku<br />

korelaciju nafte s matičnom stijenom jednake zrelosti.<br />

Dubravka Doležal, dipl. ing. kemijskog inženjerstva, rođena 1972. u Zagrebu,<br />

radi na mjestu specijalista za kemijska istraživanja II Sektora za<br />

U protekloj godini čak 16 stručnjaka iz raznih<br />

Ininih dijelova obranilo je doktorske disertacije<br />

iz područja istraživanja nafte i plina, geologije,<br />

kemije i strojarstva, najviše na zagrebačkom<br />

Rudarsko-geološko naftnom fakultetu te postiglo<br />

zvanje doktora znanosti<br />

Mikša, Kreković, Marinović,…<br />

Goran Mikša, MSc. in Geology, born in 1971 in Zagreb, works as a geologist, expert<br />

in biostratigraphy II, in the Field Engineering & Operations Sector. The title of<br />

his doctoral dissertation was: “ Ichnocoenoses and Palaeoecology of the Promina<br />

Beds of Dalmatia and the Eocene Beds from Northern Adriatic Offshore”. Ichnofossils<br />

(trace fossils) are an exceptional tool in sedimentary and paleontological<br />

analyses of sediments and, in the last 30 years, they are experiencing their first<br />

full rise. Due to a significantly larger conservation potential than with classical fossils,<br />

as well as clear connection with fossil sediment environments, they present<br />

an important segment in the exploration of petroleum and geological properties of<br />

rocks. In this paper, trace fossils were explored in two locations, in Promina beds of<br />

North Dalmatia and in core intervals of the Istra-more 5 well in the North Adriatic.<br />

Dražena Kereković, MSc., born in 1965 in Zagreb, works at the Southeast Europe<br />

E&P Sector. The topic of her PhD thesis was “The Strategy for Conquering Dalmatia<br />

Gas Market as a Concept of Gaining Competitive Advantage”. The assumption of a<br />

successful activity integration along the value chain, with options offered by the<br />

open energy market, a modern marketing concept and gas and electric energy<br />

convergence are the basis of a strategic concept that enables the company real<br />

options for gaining competitive advantage. The gas market in Dalmatia, which is<br />

in the process of establishment, presents a challenge and business opportunity<br />

to all energy subjects. INA disposes of additional resources that can help achieve<br />

ambitious goals on the energy market - Croatian, as well as regional.<br />

Slavica Marinović, MSc. in Chemical Engineering, born in 1976 in Bugojno, works<br />

at the Research Laboratory Department in the Field Engineering & Operations<br />

Sector. The title of her doctoral dissertation was: “Predicting Diesel Fuel Properties<br />

by Using Vibrational Spectroscopy with Multivariate Analysis and Artificial Neural<br />

Networks”. This paper applied multivariate regression analysis (PLS - Partial Least<br />

Squares method) and artificial neural networks (ANN) as calibration models developed<br />

on vibrational spectroscopy methods with the purpose of fast and precise<br />

determination of the most important physical and chemical properties of diesel<br />

fuels. The methodology was applied to diesel fuels available on the market.<br />

Blažeković-Smojić, Doležal, Jelić-Balta,<br />


Snježana Blažeković-Smojić, MSc. in Geology, born in 1969, works at the Geology<br />

and Reservoir Management Sector, Geomodel Development Department.<br />

74 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

upravljanje i inženjering polja. Doktorsku disertaciju naslovila je „Razvoj<br />

metoda utvrđivanja djelotvornosti korozijskih inhibitora u slojnim<br />

vodama ležišta nafte“. Cilj rada bio je razviti prikladne i pouzdane laboratorijske<br />

metode za utvrđivanje djelotvornosti korozijskih inhibitora u<br />

slojnoj vodi ležišta nafte, uz uvjete koji su slični uvjetima na terenu.<br />

Jasmina Jelić Balta, dipl. ing. naftnog rudarstva, rođena u Zagrebu 1966.,<br />

radi na mjestu direktorice Službe laboratorijskih ispitivanja istraživanja<br />

i proizvodnje nafte i plina Sektora za upravljanje i inženjering polja.<br />

Naziv njezine doktorske disertacije je „Određivanje optimalnih uvjeta<br />

separacije nafte u svrhu povećanja iscrpka“. Separacija ležišnih fluida<br />

primarna je operacija obrade proizvedene smjese ugljikovodika koja<br />

prethodi transportu, preradi i prodaji nafte ili kondenzata.<br />

Dražen Brajković, dipl. ing. geologije, rođen u Tuzli 1952., zaposlen je<br />

na radnom mjestu specijalista za biostratigrafiju Sektora za upravljanje<br />

i inženjering polja. Doktorsku radnju naslovio je „Palinotaksonomska<br />

analiza fosilne flore okolice Podsuseda“. Sarmatski sedimenti okolice<br />

Podsuseda su palinotaksonomski analizirani. Određene su 94 formvrste<br />

spora i peluda, od kojih su četiri nova roda, četrnaest novih vrsta<br />

i dvije nove kombinacije.<br />

Parlov-Vuković, Čogelja, Marić-<br />

Đureković<br />

Jelena Parlov Vuković, dipl. ing. kemijskog inženjerstva, rođena 1972.<br />

u Imotskom, radi na mjestu samostalnog inženjera za laboratorijska<br />

istraživanja Sektora za upravljanje i inženjering polja. Doktorsku radnju<br />

naslovila je „Strukturna karakterizacija dizelskih i benzinskih goriva<br />

spektroskopijom NMR“. U radu je razvijena i testirana potpuno nova<br />

metoda spektroskopije 1H NMR za određivanje oksidacijske stabilnosti<br />

dizelskih goriva kao alternativa normiranoj metodi EN ISO 12205.<br />

Zoran Čogelja, dipl. ing. naftnog rudarstva, rođen 1967. u Šibeniku, radi<br />

na mjestu direktora Službe za geofiziku i procjenu formacije Sektora za<br />

geologiju i upravljanje ležištima. Njegov doktorski rad nosi nativ „Identifikacija<br />

preostalih ugljikovodika u ležištu karotažom pobuđene radioaktivnosti“.<br />

Naftno-plinsko polje Lipovljani u proizvodnji je od 1963., a<br />

sadrži ležišta u slojevima gornjomiocenskih pješčenjaka složene građe<br />

i sastava. Zato je bilo neophodno znanstveno istražiti mogućnost identificiranja<br />

preostalog zasićenja ugljikovodicima karotažom pobuđene<br />

radioaktivnosti.<br />

Željka Marić - Đureković, dipl. ing. geologije, rođena 1967. u Mostaru,<br />

na radnom je mjestu vodećega specijalista za karotažna mjerenja II u<br />

Sektoru za geologiju i upravljanje ležištima. Doktorski rad naslovila je<br />

„Litofacijesne i stratigrafske značajke pleistocenskih naslaga podmorja<br />

sjevernog Jadrana na temelju visokorazlučivih karotažnih mjerenja“.<br />

Her doctoral dissertation was entitled: “Application of Aqueous Pyrolysis Artificial<br />

Maturation to Mesozoic Source Rocks of the Dinaric Alps in Assessing the Maturity,<br />

Generative Potential and Genetic Correlations”. The comprehensive characterization<br />

of the newly generated organic phases gave an extended range of molecular,<br />

optical and other physical and chemical parameters of the investigated source<br />

rocks at different stages of thermal change, enabling an improved evaluation of<br />

their maturity and calculation of kinetic parameters of oil generation, as well as<br />

genetic correlation of oil source rocks of the same maturity.<br />

Dubravka Doležal, MSc. in Chemical Engineering, born in 1972 in Zagreb, works as<br />

an expert in chemical exploration II in the Field Engineering & Operations Sector.<br />

Her doctoral dissertation was entitled ”Development of Methods for Establishing<br />

Corrosion Inhibitors Efficiency in Stratified Waters of Oil Reservoirs”. The goal of<br />

this paper was to develop appropriate and reliable laboratory methods for establishing<br />

corrosion inhibitors efficiency in stratified waters of oil reservoirs, providing<br />

that the conditions are similar to those in the field.<br />

Jasmina Jelić Balta, MSc. in Petroleum Engineering, born in 1966 in Zagreb, works<br />

as the Director of the E&P Research Laboratory Department in the Field Engineering<br />

& Operations Sector. The title of her doctoral dissertation was “Determining<br />

Optimum Conditions of Oil Separation with the Purpose of Recovery Increase”.<br />

Reservoir fluid separation is the primary operation in treating the produced hydrocarbon<br />

mixture, which precedes transport, processing and selling of oil or<br />

condensates.<br />

Dražen Brajković, MSc. in Geology, born in 1952 in Tuzla, works as a biostratigraphy<br />

expert at the Field Engineering & Operations Sector. His doctoral dissertation<br />

was entitled “Palynotaxonomic Study of the Fossil Flora from the Vicinity of Podsused”.<br />

Sarmatian sediments in the Podsused area went through a paynotaxonomic<br />

analysis. 94 form-species of spores and pollen were determined, four of<br />

which are new genders, 14 new species and two new combinations.<br />

Parlov-Vuković, Čogelja, Marić-Đureković<br />

Jelena Parlov Vuković, MSc. in Chemical Engineering, born in 1972 in Imotski,<br />

works as an independent engineer for laboratory research at the Field Engineering<br />

& Operations Sector. The title of her doctoral dissertation was “Structural Characterization<br />

of Diesel and Petrol Fuels Using NMR Spectroscopy”. In this paper, a<br />

completely new method of 1H NMR spectroscopy was developed and tested for<br />

determining oxidation stability of diesel fuel as an alternative to the standardized<br />

EN ISO 12205 method.<br />

Zoran Čogelja, MSc. in Petroleum Engineering, born in 1967 in Šibenik, works as<br />

the Director of the Geophysics and Formation Evaluation Department in the Geology<br />

and Reservoir Management Sector. His doctoral dissertation was entitled<br />

“Identification of Hydrocarbons Remained in a Logging-Induced Reservoir”. The<br />

oil-gas field Lipovljani has been in production since 1963 and it contains reservoirs<br />

in the Upper Miocene sandstones of complex structure and composition.<br />

This is why it was necessary to scientifically explore the possibility of indentifying<br />

the remained hydrocarbon saturation of the logging-induced radioactivity.<br />

Željka Marić-Đureković, MSc. in Geology, born in 1967 in Mostar, works as the<br />

leading expert for logging measurements II in the Geology and Reservoir Management<br />

Sector. Her doctoral dissertation was entitled “Lithofacies and Stratigraphic<br />

Features of Pleistocene Sediments of the North Adriatic Seabed Based on High-<br />

Resolution Logging Measurements”.<br />

In the past year, as many as 16 experts from<br />

different parts of INA defended their doctoral<br />

dissertations in the area of oil and gas exploration,<br />

geology, chemistry and mechanical<br />

engineering, mostly at the Faculty of Mining,<br />

Geology and Petroleum Engineering in Zagreb,<br />

and received the title of Doctor of Science<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 75

Razgovor s predsjednicom Hrvatskog geološkog društva,<br />

prof. dr. Jasenkom Sremac, u povodu 60. obljetnice HGD-a<br />

[ ]<br />

Znanost i obrazovanje<br />

Science and Education<br />

Praktično značenje<br />

geologije<br />

Interview with Jasenka Sremac Prof. Dr., the President of the Croatian<br />

Geological Society, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the CGS<br />

* Practical Importance of Geology<br />

tekst (text) mijo ivurek Fotografije (photo) ferdo buva<br />

Hrvatsko geološko društvo, na svečanoj skupštini 16. prosinca<br />

protekle godine, obilježilo je 60. obljetnicu uspješnog<br />

rada i djelovanja. Nacionalna udruga hrvatskih geologa,<br />

osnovana 22. prosinca 1951., u proteklih šest desetljeća<br />

promicala je djelatnosti geologa, pridonijela razvoju geologije kao<br />

teorijske i primijenjene znanosti, nastojala na primjeni geologije u<br />

gospodarskim djelatnostima te zaštiti geološke baštine na tlu Republike<br />

Hrvatske.<br />

Na skupštini, na kojoj je prikazana bogata povijest Društva, razvoj<br />

geološke znanosti u nas te njezine buduće zadaće, za novu predsjednicu<br />

HGD-a izabrana je prof. dr. sc. Jasenka Sremac. Budući da je<br />

Hrvatsko geološko društvo na izravan način povezano i neodvojivo<br />

od razvoja jedne od najvažnijih Ininih aktivnosti - istraživanja i<br />

proizvodnje nafte i plina - te da su mnogi članovi Društva sadašnji ili<br />

bivši Inini zaposlenici, profesoricu Sremac zamolili smo za razgovor<br />

za <strong>Ina</strong> Energiju, čemu se ona ljubazno odazvala.<br />

Izabrani ste za predsjednicu Hrvatskog geološkog društva u trenutku<br />

kada ono obilježava 60. obljetnicu postojanja, stoga primite<br />

naše čestitke. Zamolili bismo Vas da nam predstavite HGD, čime<br />

se bavi, njegove ciljeve i članstvo.<br />

- Hrvatsko geološko društvo strukovna je udruga s dugom tradicijom,<br />

koja promiče raznorodne geološke djelatnosti, od stručnog i popularizacijskog,<br />

preko znanstvenog rada, do zaštite geološki zanimljivih<br />

lokaliteta. Udruga broji oko 350 aktivnih članova, a povezuje hrvatske<br />

geologe međusobno, kao i sa srodnim međunarodnim udrugama<br />

i geolozima. HGD djeluje kroz dvanaest Odsjeka koji su koncipirani<br />

prema strukovnim interesima. Istaknula bih redovite djelatnosti, kao<br />

što su nacionalni geološki kongresi, stručna predavanja, ekskurzije i<br />

radionice. To su izvrsne prigode za upoznavanje novih kolega i razmjenu<br />

informacija. Područja na kojima planiramo dodatno poraditi<br />

su naša web prezentacija i rad s mladima (kroz Studentski odsjek) te<br />

jača suradnja s drugim prirodoslovnim udrugama.<br />

The Croatian Geological Society marked the 60th anniversary of its successful<br />

operation and activity at a formal assembly held on December 16. In<br />

the last six decades, this national association of Croatian geologists, founded<br />

on December 22, 1951, has promoted the activities of geologists, contributed<br />

to the development of geology as a theoretical and applied science, strived to<br />

introduce the application of geology in economic activities and the protection<br />

of the geological heritage on the territory of the Republic of Croatia.<br />

At the assembly, which presented the rich history of the Society, the development<br />

of geosciences in our country and its future tasks, Jasenka Sremac Prof.<br />

Dr. Sc. was elected the new CGS President. Given that the Croatian Geological<br />

Society is directly connected and inseparable from the development of one<br />

of INA’s most important activities – oil and gas exploration and production<br />

– and considering that many Society members are current or former INA<br />

employees, we asked Professor Sremac to give an interview for INA Energija,<br />

which she kindly agreed to do.<br />

You were elected President of the Croatian Geological Society at the moment<br />

of its 60th anniversary, so please accept our congratulations. We<br />

would like to ask you to present the CGS, its activities, objectives and<br />

membership.<br />

- The Croatian Geological Society is a professional association with a long<br />

tradition, which promotes different geological activities, from professional,<br />

popular and scientific work to the protection of geologically interesting localities.<br />

The association has around 350 active members. It connects Croatian<br />

geologists with each other and with related international associations and<br />

geologists. The CGS operates through twelve Departments that are conceived<br />

after the interests of the trade. I would like to point out our regular activities<br />

such as national geological congresses, professional lectures, excursions<br />

and workshops. These are excellent occasions for meeting new colleagues<br />

and exchanging information. The fields on which we plan to work extra are<br />

our web presentation, collaboration with young people (through the Student<br />

Department) and a stronger cooperation with other associations of natural<br />

sciences.<br />

76 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Geologija kroz povijest i<br />

sadašnjost<br />

Geologija kao znanost pripada HAZU Razredu za prirodne znanosti.<br />

Što sve pripada u njegov sastav?<br />

- Prirodne znanosti, prema Pravilniku o znanstvenim i umjetničkim<br />

područjima, poljima i granama Nacionalnog vijeća za znanost iz<br />

2009., obuhvaćaju matematiku, fiziku, geologiju, kemiju, biologiju,<br />

geofiziku i interdisciplinarne prirodne znanosti. Razred za prirodne<br />

znanosti HAZU koncipiran je tako da pokriva različita područja<br />

bioloških i geoloških znanosti. Među geoznanostima to su paleontologija,<br />

stratigrafija, tektonika, petrologija, geokemija, geofizika, geografija<br />

i mnoge druge discipline.<br />

Hrvatsku geologiju obilježile su u povijesti velike osobnosti?<br />

- Za početke hrvatske geologije ključno je 19. stoljeće. Jedan od prvih<br />

hrvatskih intelektualaca koji se bavio i geologijom bio je Ljudevit<br />

Farkaš Vukotinović, koji je ujedno i autor prve hrvatske geološke karte.<br />

Mnogi slavni prirodoslovci bili su članovi Razreda za prirodne znanosti<br />

Akademije, a imali su široko prirodoslovno znanje. Spiridon Brusina,<br />

primarno zoolog, dobro je poznat i hrvatskim paleontolozima po<br />

istraživanju faune neogenskih mekušaca. Đuro Pilar još je jedan takav<br />

prirodoslovac širokog obrazovanja. Školovan u inozemstvu, svoja je<br />

znanja donio u domovinu, gdje je, zajedno s Brusinom, bio osnivačem<br />

Hrvatskoga prirodoslovnog društva. Predavao je na Sveučilištu mineralogiju<br />

i geologiju te astronomiju, a bio je i ravnatelj Mineraloškogeološkog<br />

muzeja. Dragutin Gorjanović Kramberger hrvatski je<br />

geolog, paleontolog i paleoantropolog koji se također školovao kod<br />

vrhunskih paleontologa u inozemstvu, a stekao je svjetsku slavu svojim<br />

istraživanjima, od kojih je široj javnosti najpoznatije istraživanje<br />

krapinskih neandertalaca. Njegova su istraživanja provođena sustavno,<br />

uz pomno bilježenje svakog detalja, te je zbirka iz Krapine i danas nezaobilazan<br />

referentni materijal za svakog paleoantropologa u svijetu.<br />

U istraživanja je uveo nove tehnike te je prvi primijenio rendgensko<br />

Geology in the Past and the Present<br />

Geology as a science belongs to the Department of Natural Sciences at the<br />

Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (CASA). Which sciences does the department<br />

comprise?<br />

- Natural sciences, according to the Regulation on Scientific and Artistic Areas,<br />

Fields and Branches of the National Council for Science from 2009, include mathematics,<br />

physics, geology, chemistry, biology, geophysics and interdisciplinary<br />

natural sciences. The Department of Natural Sciences of the CASA is intended to<br />

cover different areas of biological and geological sciences. The geosciences include<br />

palaeontology, stratigraphy, tectonics, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics,<br />

geography and many other disciplines.<br />

Was the history of Croatian geology marked by great personas?<br />

- The 19th century is of key importance for the beginning of geology in Croatia.<br />

One of the first Croatian intellectuals who pursued geology was Ljudevit<br />

Farkaš Vukotinović who is also the author of the first Croatian geologic map.<br />

Many famous natural scientists were members of the Department of Natural<br />

Sciences of the Academy, and they had a thorough knowledge of natural sciences.<br />

Spiridon Brusina, who was primarily a zoologist, is well known among<br />

Croatian palaeontologists for his study of the fauna of neogenic molluscs.<br />

Đuro Pilar is also one such natural scientist who had a broad education. Having<br />

completed his education abroad, he carried his knowledge to his homeland<br />

where he founded the Croatian Society of Natural Sciences together with Mr.<br />

Brusina. He taught mineralogy and geology, and astronomy at the University,<br />

and he was also the Director of the Museum of Mineralogy and Geology. Dragutin<br />

Gorjanović Kramberger is a Croatian geologist, palaeontologist and paleoanthropologist<br />

who also received his education from top palaeontologists<br />

abroad. He became world famous for his research, and his study of Krapina<br />

Neanderthals is the most familiar to the general public. His research was carried<br />

out systematically, with careful noting of every detail. The Krapina collection<br />

is still an unavoidable reference material for every palaeontologist in the<br />

world. He introduced new techniques into research and was the first to apply<br />

X-ray imaging on fossil material. Our famous mineralogists and petrologists<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 77

U mnogo je navrata INA pomogla i još uvijek<br />

pomaže djelovanje HGD-a. To čini kroz<br />

korporativnu članarinu, kao i kroz pojedine<br />

prigodne akcije; pomaže i održavanje<br />

brojnih skupova te ostalih aktivnosti, a<br />

mnogi su članovi HGD-a bili uključeni u<br />

Inine istraživačke projekte<br />

snimanje na fosilnom materijalu. I naši slavni mineralozi i petrolozi imali<br />

su široko prirodoslovno znanje. Jedan od njih je Mijo Kišpatić, koji<br />

se, uz svoju petrologiju i mineralogiju, bavio i seizmologijom, paleontologijom,<br />

zoologijom, pedologijom i arheologijom. Osobito je zadužio<br />

hrvatsku geologiju svojim muzeološkim i prosvjetiteljskim radom.<br />

Otkupom je pribavio izuzetno vrijednu zbirku minerala za Hrvatski prirodoslovni<br />

muzej. Nadareni student, Fran Tućan, nastavio je njegovim<br />

stopama. Ravnatelj Muzeja i redoviti profesor Filozofskog fakulteta<br />

poznat je po svojoj teoriji o postanku boksita, a bio je jako aktivan u<br />

stručnom i društvenom radu te na popularizaciji znanosti. U njegovu je<br />

čast utemeljena nagrada “Fran Tućan” za popularizaciju znanosti.<br />

Čvrsta veza Ine, geologije i HGD-a<br />

Tijekom svog školovanja i sama sam imala sam sreću crpiti znanje od naših<br />

izvrsnih geologa i paleontologa. Nekima od njih i danas ću se rado obratiti<br />

za savjet. S tugom ću se prisjetiti profesora koji su nas, na žalost, napustili,<br />

a među njima posebice moje profesorice i mentorice Vande Kochansky-<br />

Devidé. Ona me zarazila ljubavlju prema vrletima Velebita i usmjerila je<br />

cijelu moju karijeru prema paleobiološkim istraživanjima, za koja mi je,<br />

kao školovani biolog, prenijela mnoga temeljna saznanja.<br />

Veliki broj članova HGD-a su stručnjaci geološke struke, ali i ljubitelji<br />

geologije iz Ine. Kakve su zapravo poveznice Ine, geološke znanosti i<br />

Vašega Društva?<br />

- Već na temelju brojnog članstva, INA čini znakovit dio naše udruge. Inini<br />

djelatnici školovani su na naša dva fakulteta, a mnogi od njih moji su dragi<br />

kolege i studenti. U mnogo je navrata INA podržala i još uvijek podržava<br />

djelovanje HGD-a. Brojni su skupovi i raznolike aktivnosti društva<br />

održani uz njezinu potporu, a i mnogi su članovi HGD-a bili uključeni u<br />

Inine istraživačke projekte. Inini specijalistički laboratoriji pomažu nama,<br />

vanjskim kolegama i suradnicima, da dođemo do vrijednih podataka i u<br />

našim temeljnim istraživanjima.<br />

Gdje je mjesto geološke znanosti u procesu istraživanja i proizvodnje<br />

nafte i plina?<br />

- Geološke su spoznaje potrebne u svim fazama istraživanja fosilnih goriva.<br />

One nas vode ka otkrivanju izvora ugljikovodika, postojanja idealnih<br />

uvjeta za postanak nafte i plina, pozicije i naravi mogućih zamki te izgledu<br />

i veličini ležišta. Tijekom istražnih predradnji prikupljaju se vrijedni podaci,<br />

koje će geolozi iz Ine, sami ili u suradnji s kolegama iz drugih institucija<br />

obraditi i objaviti na korist cijele naše zajednice.<br />

Poznati ste kao velika pobornica terenskih istraživanja. Koja su,<br />

geološki gledano, najzanimljivija područja u našoj domovini?<br />

- Od prvih godina studija često i rado odlazim na terenska istraživanja<br />

jer smatram da su ona temelj za bilo koje ozbiljno geološko promišljanje.<br />

Tijekom karijere obišla sam mnoge terene i svaki od njih ostao mi je u<br />

lijepom sjećanju. Područje Krških Dinarida oduševljava nas svojom netaknutom<br />

prirodom i otvorenim izdancima, dok nas Panonska Hrvatska<br />

osvaja svojim zaobljenim krajolicima i izdancima koje često valja potražiti<br />

u pokrivenim terenima. Nakon svih tih godina još uvijek se, poput djeteta,<br />

razveselim svakom novom nalazištu i novoj geološkoj spoznaji.<br />

also had a broad knowledge of natural sciences. One of them is Mijo Kišpatić<br />

who also practiced seismology, palaeontology, zoology, pedology and archaeology,<br />

in addition to petrology and mineralogy. Croatian geology is indebted to<br />

him for his work in museology and education. He bought out an extremely valuable<br />

collection of minerals for the Croatian Museum of Natural Sciences. A gifted<br />

student, Fran Tućan, followed in his footsteps. This Director of the Museum and<br />

full professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is famous for<br />

his theory of the origin of bauxite. He was also active in professional and community<br />

work, and in the popularization of science. The “Fran Tućan” award for the<br />

popularization of science was established in his honour.<br />

Strong Link between INA, Geology and CGS<br />

I too had the fortune of gaining knowledge from our excellent geologists and palaeontologists<br />

during my education. I would still gladly ask some of them for advice. I<br />

remember with sadness the professors who unfortunately passed away, particularly<br />

my professor and mentor Vanda Kochansky-Devidé. She infected me with her<br />

love for the crags of Velebit and directed my entire career towards paleobiological<br />

research for which she, as a trained biologist, passed on a great deal of fundamental<br />

knowledge.<br />

A great number of CGS members are experts in the geological profession as well<br />

as geology enthusiasts from INA. What is actually the connection between INA,<br />

geosciences and your Society?<br />

- Already on the basis of its many members, INA represents a significant part of<br />

our association. INA’s employees were educated at our two faculties, and many of<br />

them are my dear colleagues and students. INA supported to CGS’s activity on multiple<br />

occasions, and is still doing so. Numerous conferences and various activities<br />

of the Society were held with its support, and many CGS members were included in<br />

INA’s exploration projects. INA’s specialist laboratories help us, external colleagues<br />

and associates to obtain valuable data in our basic research.<br />

What is the position of geosciences in the process of oil and gas exploration and<br />

production?<br />

- Geological knowledge is required in all stages of fossil fuel exploration. They lead<br />

us to the discovery of hydrocarbon sources, existence of ideal conditions for oil<br />

and gas formation, position and nature of possible traps, and the appearance and<br />

size of reservoirs. Valuable data are collected during preliminary work for the research.<br />

These data will be processed and published by INA’s geologists, either by<br />

themselves or in cooperation with colleagues from other institutions, to the benefit<br />

of our community.<br />

You are known as a great advocate of field research. What are the most interesting<br />

areas in our country, geologically speaking?<br />

- Ever since my freshman year, I have often and gladly participated in field research<br />

since it is the foundation for any serious deliberation in the field of geology. During<br />

my career, I have visited many fields and I still have fond memories of every one of<br />

them. The territories of the Karst Dinarides impress us with their untouched nature<br />

and open spurs, while Pannonian Croatia captivates us with its rounded landscape<br />

and spurs, which can often be found in covered terrains. After all these years, I still<br />

get excited like a little kid about every new site and geological finding.<br />

INA contributed to CGS’s activity on<br />

multiple occasions, and is still doing so.<br />

It achieves this by way of the corporate<br />

membership fee, as well as specific suitable<br />

campaigns. It contributes to the organization<br />

of numerous conferences and other<br />

activities, and many CGS members were<br />

included in INA’s exploration projects<br />

78 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Aktivnosti Sektora upravljanja ljudskim resursima Ine<br />

[ ]<br />

Znanost i obrazovanje<br />

Science and Education<br />

Komuniciramo danas kako<br />

bismo zapošljavali sutra!<br />

Activities of INA’s Human Resources Sector<br />

* We communicate today to employ tomorrow!<br />

tekst (text) anita ćorluka, vladimir duJić Fotografije (photo) tomislav lazarić<br />

Inin uspjeh temelji se na obrazovanom, kreativnom i inovativnom<br />

kadru. Spoznaja da su ljudi neiscrpni razvojni kapital određuje<br />

Inino poslovno ponašanje, organizacijsku strukturu i procese.<br />

Zbog velikog broja djelatnosti, fascinantan je raspon profesionalaca<br />

zaposlenih u Ini, od tehničkih do trgovačkih struka. Zahvaljujući akumuliranim<br />

znanjima i tržišnom iskustvu INA je, kao malo koja tvrtka u regiji,<br />

idealna okolina za razvoj potencijala svojih zaposlenika.<br />

Certifikat „Poslodavac Partner“<br />

Nakon što je u 2011. godini Ini uručen Certifikat Poslodavac Partner,<br />

kompanija je uspješno završila proces recertifikacije i zadržala<br />

Certifikat i u 2012. godini. Povećan je broj bodova na četiri od pet<br />

ocjenjivanih područja (Strategija; Regrutiranje i selekcija; Rad, motivacija<br />

i nagrađivanje; Usavršavanje i razvoj), a dva područja su<br />

ocjenjena s maksimalnim brojem bodova – Strategija i Regrutiranje<br />

i Selekcija. Primarna svrha projekta Certifikat Poslodavac Partner,<br />

koji se dodjeljuje za izvrsnost u upravljanju ljudskim resursima, je<br />

prepoznavanje i isticanje organizacija koje kvalitetno upravljaju<br />

ljudskim resursima te propagiranje i implementacija onih standarda<br />

koji dokazano i smisleno unapređuju poslovne rezultate i kvalitetu<br />

rada. INA je, zadovoljivši kriterije Certifikata, zaslužila nositi<br />

naziv Poslodavca Partnera te se, na taj način, pridružila kompani-<br />

INA’s success is based on educated, creative and innovative personnel.<br />

The understanding that people are an inexhaustible development<br />

resource defines INA’s business conduct, organizational and processes.<br />

Due to a great number of activities, the range of professionals employed<br />

at INA is fascinating. They vary from technical to commercial professions.<br />

Thanks to its accumulated knowledge and market experience, INA is one<br />

of the few companies in the region that represents an ideal environment<br />

for developing the potential of its employees.<br />

“Employer Partner” Certificate<br />

After INA had received the Employer Partner Certificate in 2011, the company<br />

successfully completed the recertification process and retained the<br />

Certificate in 2012 as well. The number of points was increased in four out<br />

of five evaluated areas (Strategy; Recruitment and Selection; Work, Motivation<br />

and Remuneration; Training and Development), and two of the areas<br />

received the maximum number of points - Strategy and Recruitment and<br />

Selection. The primary purpose of the project Employer Partner Certificate,<br />

which is awarded for excellence in human resource management, is recognizing<br />

and giving prominence to organizations that perform quality human<br />

resource management, and promoting and implementing those standards<br />

that provably and meaningfully improve business results and work quality.<br />

By meeting the criteria of the Certificate, INA earned the honour of holding<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 79

Freshhh on-line natjecanje za studente<br />

Promoviramo<br />

industriju i dajemo<br />

priliku najboljima<br />

Freshhh je on-line međunarodno natjecanje, orijentirano<br />

na studente, koje se održava svake godine. Cilj ovog<br />

natjecanja je upoznati mlade ljude različitih struka<br />

i usmjerenja s Inom i njezinim područjem rada te ih<br />

zainteresirati za svijet naftne industrije.<br />

U natjecanju sudjeluju tročlani timovi studenata<br />

završnih godina tehničkih i poslovnih fakulteta. Timovi<br />

se natječu u on-line igri MOiL Tycoon rješavajući zadatke<br />

i probleme iz zadanih područja. Najbolje plasirani<br />

timovi osvajaju novčane nagrade, sudjelovanje na live<br />

natjecanju u Budimpešti i/ili mogućnost sudjelovanja u<br />

programu Growww. Kako bi izazvala što veće zanimanje<br />

i privukla što veći broj studenata, <strong>Ina</strong> je uputila pozive na<br />

više fakulteta i studentskih udruga, a težište je bilo na<br />

studentima tehničkih i tehnoloških fakulteta, fakulteta<br />

geoloških znanosti i poslovnih fakulteta.<br />

Ovogodišnji Freshhh okupio je više od 700 prijavljenih<br />

ekipa iz čak 58 država. Studenti sa više od 250<br />

sveučilišta bili su uključeni u natjecanje, a dvije trećine<br />

njih obrazuje se u polju inženjerstva i prirodnih znanosti.<br />

U finale su se uspjeli plasirati tri hrvatska tima, četiri<br />

mađarska, jedan slovački, jedan ruski i jedan američki<br />

tim, a pobjedu je odnio mađarski tim P.P.S.<br />

Na „Freshhh-u 2011.“ sudjelovalo je 596 timova iz više<br />

od 60 zemalja i s više od 200 fakulteta. Pobjednik<br />

natjecanja bio je hrvatski tim „Freshhh Start“ čiji su<br />

članovi Danijel Posavec, Kristijan Bakarić i Ivan Goršek<br />

s Rudarsko geološko naftnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u<br />

Zagrebu. Među 10 najboljih timova, plasirao se još jedan<br />

hrvatski tim „Minoil”, s Rudarsko geološko naftnog<br />

fakulteta, u sastavu Nikola Barić, Ivan Perović i Matea<br />

Šmitran.<br />

Na „Freshhh-u 2010.“ prijavilo se 680 timova od kojih<br />

je 75 bilo iz Hrvatske. Iako je te godine Hrvatska po<br />

prvi puta imala svoje predstavnike na Freshhhu,<br />

hrvatske mlade snage postigle su veliki uspjeh. Tim<br />

pod nazivom „FreshhhBlood“, koji se sastojao od<br />

studenata RGN-a, PMF-a i EFZG-a plasirao se u finale<br />

Freshhh-a te u konačnici osvojio četvrto mjesto. Svojim<br />

profesionalnim, ali, s druge strane vrlo zabavnim i<br />

simpatičnim izlaganjem, prezentirali su Hrvatsku u<br />

najboljem svjetlu.<br />

jama koje dijele najbolje prakse u upravljanju ljudskim resursima.<br />

Kao jedna od najvećih hrvatskih kompanija, sa tradicionalno značajnom ulogom u hrvatskom<br />

gospodarstvu, INA nastoji maksimalno otvoriti svoja vrata mladim obrazovanim<br />

stručnjacima te im pružiti potporu tijekom obrazovanja kroz različite stipendijske programe<br />

i ostale inicijative koje potiču njihovu motiviranost i želju za daljnjim osobnim<br />

razvojem i usavršavanjem.<br />

Ove je godine INA osvojila nagrade „Zlatni indeks“ u čak šest kategorija: Stipendije,<br />

Sudjelovanje na studentskim projektima, Organiziranje projekata na kojima sudjeluju<br />

studenti, Prakse, Najbolji imidž prema percepciji studenata i Grand Prix. Nagrade<br />

Zlatni indeks pokazuju kako su studenti prepoznali trud koji kompanija ulaže<br />

u suradnju s akademskom zajednicom, s ciljem poboljšanja studentskog standarda i<br />

otvaranja mogućnosti za njihov daljnji napredak. U 2010. godini INA je osvojila tri<br />

nagrade: u kategoriji Stipendije, Najbolji imidž prema percepciji studenata te Grand<br />

Prix.<br />

Strateško ulaganje u mlade<br />

INA je i tijekom 2011. godine sudjelovala u projektu Top stipendija za top studente te<br />

natječaju za stipendije za najstudentske projekte u suradnji s Jutarnjim listom. Nastavljena<br />

je i provedba Growww i Freshhh programa kao i natječaj NajMentor/ica, a INA je<br />

sudjelovala i na brojnim studentskim događanjima i sajmovima.<br />

Nastavljajući svoju uspješnu suradnju, obilježenu sudjelovanjem ili samostalnim<br />

provođenjem niza projekata usmjerenih na studentsku populaciju, INA je potpisala i<br />

ugovore o suradnji u 2012. godini s tri studentske udruge: eStudent, AIESEC Osijek i<br />

BEST.<br />

INA je ove godine partner Student Lider Kluba, te omogućava besplatnu pretplatu za<br />

100 studenata s fakulteta diljem Hrvatske. Nakon što se kompanija brojnim programima<br />

uspješno približila studentskoj populaciji te privukla talente kroz programe Growww i<br />

Freshhh, odlučila se na širenje inicijative i približavanje srednjoškolskoj populaciji. Kao<br />

80 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Freshhh Online Competition<br />

for Students<br />

We Promote the Industry<br />

and Give a Chance to the<br />

Best Students<br />

the title of Employer Partner, thus joining the companies that share the best practices in human<br />

resource management.<br />

As one of the biggest Croatian companies, with a traditionally significant role in the Croatian<br />

economy, INA strives to open itself to young educated professionals as much as possible and<br />

to give them support during their education through various scholarship programmes and other<br />

initiatives, which encourage their motivation and the desire for further personal development and<br />

training.<br />

This year, INA won the “Golden Index” award in as much as six categories: Scholarships, Participation<br />

in Student Projects, Organization of Projects in which Students Participate, Practice, Best<br />

Image according to Students and Grand Prix. The Golden Index awards show that the students<br />

recognized the effort that the company puts into cooperation with the academia for the purpose<br />

of improving the student standard and opening the possibilities for their further advancement. In<br />

2010, INA won three awards: in categories Scholarships, Best Image according to Students and<br />

Grand Prix.<br />

Strategic Investment in Youth<br />

During 2011, INA participated in the project “Top Scholarship for Top Students” and in the competition<br />

for scholarships for the best student projects in cooperation with Jutarnji List newspaper.<br />

It also continued with the implementation of its Growww and Freshhh programmes and the Best<br />

Mentor competition, and it also participated in numerous student events and fairs.<br />

Continuing its successful cooperation, marked by the participation or independent implementation<br />

of a series of projects focused on the student population, INA also signed cooperation agreements<br />

in 2012 with three student associations: eStudent, AIESEC Osijek and BEST.<br />

This year, INA is a partner to the Student Lider Club, and it provides a free subscription for 100<br />

students from faculties all over Croatia. After the company successfully approached the student<br />

population with its numerous programmes and attracted talents through its Growww and<br />

Freshhh programmes, it decided to expand its initiative and approach the high school population.<br />

As a result of these efforts, INA can boast with its cooperation with the most famous portal<br />

Freshhh is an international online competition,<br />

which is focused on students and is held every<br />

year. The objective of this competition is to introduce<br />

young people from different professions and<br />

orientations with INA and its scope of activity and<br />

interest them in the world of oil industry.<br />

Three-member teams of senior-year students<br />

from technical and business faculties take part in<br />

the competition. The teams compete in the online<br />

game MOiL Tycoon by solving tasks and problems<br />

from the assigned areas. The best ranked teams<br />

win money prizes, participation in the live competition<br />

in Budapest and/or the opportunity to participate<br />

in the Growww programme. In order to pique<br />

maximum interest and attract as many students as<br />

possible, INA sent invitations to multiple faculties<br />

and student associations, with an emphasis on students<br />

from faculties of engineering and technology,<br />

faculties of geosciences and business faculties.<br />

More than 700 teams from as many as 58 countries<br />

signed up for this year’s Freshhh. Students from<br />

more than 250 universities were included in the<br />

competition, and two thirds of them are educated in<br />

the field of engineering and natural sciences. Three<br />

Croatian, four Hungarian, one Slovakian, one Russian<br />

and one American team managed to place in<br />

the final. The winner was the Hungarian team P.P.S.<br />

596 teams from more than 60 countries and over<br />

200 faculties participated in “Freshhh 2011”. The<br />

winner of the competition was the Croatian team<br />

“Freshhh Start” whose members included Danijel<br />

Posavec, Kristijan Bakarić and Ivan Goršek from<br />

the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering<br />

of the University of Zagreb. Among the 10<br />

best teams, another Croatian team placed as well.<br />

It is “Minoil” from the Faculty of Mining, Geology and<br />

Petroleum Engineering comprising of Nikola Barić,<br />

Ivan Perović and Matea Šmitran.<br />

680 teams, with 75 teams from Croatia, signed up<br />

for “Freshhh 2010”. Although it was the first time<br />

that Croatia had its representatives at Freshhh<br />

that year, young Croatian forces achieved great<br />

success. A team named “FreshhhBlood” consisting<br />

of students of the Faculty of Mining, Geology<br />

and Petroleum Engineering, the Faculty of Science<br />

and the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb<br />

placed in the Freshhh final and came in fourth<br />

place in the end. With their professional, and yet<br />

very entertaining and charming presentation, they<br />

presented Croatia in the best light.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 81

„Najmentor/ica“ – nagrađivanje najboljih mentora i<br />

mentorica<br />

Studenti biraju naj-profesore<br />

INA je prošle godine prvi puta organizirala natječaj za izbor najboljeg<br />

srednjoškolskog profesora/ice matematike, fizike i kemije pod nazivom<br />

“NajMentor/ica”. Natječaj “NajMentor/ica” osmišljen je tako da studentima<br />

tehničkih i tehnoloških, prirodoslovnih i fakulteta geoloških znanosti pruža<br />

priliku nominirati profesora ili profesoricu srednje škole koji su u njima<br />

potakli želju za učenjem i napredovanjem te usadili ljubav prema prirodnim<br />

znanostima.<br />

Dodjela nagrada za 2012. godinu održana je 15. lipnja, a pobjednici su izabrani<br />

među čak 373 pristigle nominacije.<br />

U 2011. godini za Najmentoricu za područje matematike izabrana je prof.<br />

Vilma Vičić iz tehničke škole Pula, za najmentora za područje fizike prof.<br />

Levko Cvetkovski iz Gimnazije Andrije Mohorovičića iz Rijeke, dok je autor<br />

najinspirativnije nominacije profesora ili profesorice od strane studenata,<br />

Šime Viduka, student elektronike i informacijske tehnologije iz Rijeke.<br />

“Best Mentor” - Awarding the Best Male and Female Mentors<br />

Students Choose the Best Professors<br />

Last year for the first time, INA organized a competition for choosing the best<br />

high school professor of mathematics, physics and chemistry called “Best<br />

Mentor”. The “Best Mentor” competition was devised to give the opportunity to<br />

students from faculties of engineering and technology, faculties of natural sciences<br />

and faculties of geosciences to nominate a male or female high school<br />

professor who have inspired in them a desire to learn and progress, and instilled<br />

a love for natural sciences.<br />

The awards for 2012 were presented on June 15, and the winners were chosen<br />

among 373 received nominations.<br />

The Best Mentor in mathematics in 2011 was Professor Vilma Vičić from the<br />

Pula Technical High School, and the Best Mentor in physics was Professor Levko<br />

Cvetkovski from the Andrija Mohorovičić Grammar School from Rijeka. The author<br />

of the most inspiring nomination of a professor by a student is Šime Viduka,<br />

a student of electronics and information technology from Rijeka.<br />

rezultat takvih nastojanja, INA se može pohvaliti i suradnjom s najpoznatijim<br />

portalom koji je namijenjen srednjoškolcima: srednja.hr.<br />

Suradnja je ostvarena kroz projekt INA pitalica, u kojoj srednjoškolci sudjeluju<br />

rješavanjem matematičkih zadataka i logičkih problema. Udruga<br />

Mladi nadareni matematičari, “Marin Getaldić”, svaki mjesec osmišljava<br />

novi set pitanja, a pobjednici se biraju jednom mjesečno. Najbolji u<br />

rješavanju INA pitalice osvajaju nagrade iznenađenja koje osigurava INA.<br />

„Velik trud koji u Ini ulažemo u usvajanje i razvijanje novih pristupa upravljanja<br />

ljudskim resursima, vodi nas našem cilju da postanemo poslodavac<br />

prvog izbora u Hrvatskoj, ali i u regiji,“ izjavila je Zdravka Demeter Bubalo,<br />

direktorica Sektora upravljanja ljudskim resursima Ine, i dodala kako<br />

je iskorak u procesu zapošljavanja koji je kompanija učinila provođenjem<br />

Growww programa pridonio jačanju percepcije Ine kao poželjnog poslodavca,<br />

što dokazuje i činjenica da se gotovo 4000 kandidata prijavilo na<br />

ovogodišnji Growww natječaj.<br />

intended for high schoolers: srednja.hr.<br />

The cooperation was achieved through INA Quiz project in which high school<br />

pupils participate by solving math and logic problems. The association of<br />

Young Gifted Mathematicians Marin Getaldić prepares a new set of questions<br />

each month, and the winners are chosen once a month. The pupils who are the<br />

best at solving the INA Quiz win mystery prizes secured by INA.<br />

“The great effort that we at INA put into the adoption and development of<br />

new approaches to human resource management brings us closer to our<br />

goal of becoming a first-choice employer in Croatia and the region as well,”<br />

said Zdravka Demeter Bubalo, the Director of the Human Resources Sector<br />

at INA. She also added that INA took a remarkable step forward in the employment<br />

process by implementing the Growww programme, which contributed<br />

to strengthening the perception of INA as a desirable employer, which<br />

is proven by the fact that almost 4,000 candidates applied to this year’s<br />

Growww competition.<br />

82 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

„Reader’s Digest“ – istraživanje o povjerenju robnim markama Trusted Brand 2012.<br />

<strong>Ina</strong> je „brand“<br />

kojem se vjeruje!<br />

[ ]<br />


community<br />

“Reader’s Digest” – Trusted Brand Survey 2012<br />

tekst (text) nataša šakić Fotografije (photo) ferdo buva<br />

INA is a Trusted Brand!<br />

Prosječni potrošač svaki je dan „bombardiran“ milijunima<br />

marketinških poruka koje mu govore što i kako treba odabrati<br />

i kupovati. U vrijeme gospodarskih poteškoća, odluke<br />

o tome što kupiti dodatno su otežane nezadovoljavajućom<br />

kupovnom moći, pa je zato zahtjev za izgradnjom i pozicioniranjem nekog<br />

brenda sve teži. Potrošačima je danas dostupno i mnoštvo različitih<br />

medija putem kojih mogu doznati gotovo sve informacije koje će u<br />

konačnici utjecati na njihovu odluku o kupnji, odnosno na potrošnju,<br />

međutim, koliko god nam se čini da nam je sve dostupno, na kraju se<br />

izbor ipak svodi na značenje koje određeni brend ima za potencijalnog<br />

kupca. To značenje proizvod je veze koju je brend stvorio s potrošačem,<br />

odnosno onaj jezičac na vagi zbog kojeg je neki brend omiljen u odnosu<br />

na druge brendove.<br />

Pored toga, praćenjem vrijednosti brenda doznajemo kolika je vrijednost<br />

brenda, a istraživanja pokazuju da će potrošači radije odabrati brend čiju<br />

su kvalitetu prepoznali i drugi potrošači ili imaju oznaku koja potvrđuje<br />

da je određeni brend vrjedniji u odnosu na druge brendove.<br />

Kome vjeruju hrvatski potrošači?<br />

U istraživanju o povjerenju robnim markama pod nazivom Trusted<br />

Brand 2012, koje provodi časopis Reader’s Digest, INA je, šestu godinu<br />

The average consumer is “bombarded” every day with millions of advertising<br />

messages telling him/her what and how to choose and buy. In times of<br />

economic turmoil, the decisions on what to buy are additionally aggravated by<br />

an unsatisfying purchasing power so the request to build and position a brand<br />

is increasingly difficult. The consumers today have access to many different<br />

media through which they can get almost every piece of information which<br />

will finally influence their decision to purchase i.e. consume a product/service.<br />

However, as much as we believe that everything is available to us, in the<br />

end the choice boils down to the meaning that a certain brand has for its potential<br />

customer. This meaning is the product of the connection that the brand<br />

established with the consumer i.e. it tips the scales in favour of a certain brand<br />

instead of the other brands.<br />

Additionally, by monitoring brand value, we are acquainted with the value of<br />

the brand. Research shows that consumers will rather choose a brand whose<br />

quality was recognized by other consumers as well or which hold a logo confirming<br />

that a certain brand is more valuable that the other brands.<br />

Who Do Croatian Consumers Trust?<br />

In the survey of brand confidence titled Trusted Brand 2012 conducted by<br />

Reader’s Digest magazine, INA won the petrol retailer category for the sixth<br />

year in a row. INA received 60.2 per cent of the votes of the subjects.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 83

U istraživanju o povjerenju robnim markama<br />

pod nazivom Trusted Brand 2012, koje provodi<br />

časopis Reader’s Digest, INA je, šestu godinu<br />

zaredom, pobijedila u kategoriji benzinskih<br />

servisa, dobivši čak 60,2 posto glasova<br />

ispitanika<br />

za redom, pobijedila u kategoriji benzinskih servisa. INA je dobila 60,2<br />

posto glasova ispitanika.<br />

Svrha ovog istraživanja je otkrivanje kojim robnim markama najviše<br />

vjeruju hrvatski potrošači te kako ih ocjenjuju prema pojedinačnim<br />

kategorijama proizvoda i usluga. Ispitivanje je provedeno u rujnu i listopadu<br />

prošle godine, uz potporu Hrvatske gospodarske komore, a analizu<br />

rezultata provela je britanska nezavisna agencija za istraživanje tržišta<br />

Wyman Dillon. Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno slučajno odabranih<br />

1.105 pretplatnika časopisa Reader’s Digest u Hrvatskoj. Osim u Hrvatskoj,<br />

istraživanje je provedeno u još 15 europskih zemalja, na 27.469 ispitanika,<br />

a ove godine dodatni fokus stavljen je na odnose brandova prema<br />

okolišu te na stavove građana prema Europskoj uniji.<br />

Trusted Brand jedno je od najvećih europskih istraživanja o povjerenju<br />

potrošača prema robi široke potrošnje, koje od 2001. godine jedanput<br />

godišnje u europskim zemljama provodi časopis Reader’s Digest. U Hrvatskoj<br />

se istraživanje provodi posljednjih šest godina, a od 2011. dio<br />

smo zajedničkog europskog istraživanja. Agencija Wyman Dillon koristi<br />

jedinstveni upitnik za sve europske zemlje što omogućuje međudržavne<br />

usporedbe kao i usporedbe među državama koje još nisu članice EU.<br />

INA ide ususret svojim potrošačima<br />

Upitnik se sastoji od 35 kategorija s tim da je 20 kategorija zajedničko<br />

svim zemljama u kojima se provodi istraživanje, dok svaka država dodatno<br />

može uvrstiti i kategorije po vlastitom izboru, tzv. lokalne kategorije,<br />

i to njih 15. Pitanja o robnim markama su otvorenog tipa i dopuštaju<br />

sudionicima istraživanja nominiranje bilo kojeg brenda.<br />

Zanimljivo je da je INA odabrana kao brend kojem se najviše vjeruje<br />

tijekom svih šest godina koliko se istraživanje provodi u Hrvatskoj. INA<br />

namjerava i dalje biti najbolja od najboljih. Rezultati istraživanja dostupni<br />

su na internetskoj adresi: www.rdtrustedbrands.com<br />

The purpose of this survey is to find out which brands Croatian consumers<br />

trust the most and how they grade them by individual product and service categories.<br />

The survey was carried out in September and October last year with<br />

the support of the Croatian Chamber of Economy. The results were analysed by<br />

Wyman Dillon, an independent market research agency from Great Britain. The<br />

research included a random sample of 1,105 subscribers to Reader’s Digest<br />

in Croatia. In addition to Croatia, the survey was also conducted in 15 other<br />

European countries and it included 27,469 subjects. This year, additional focus<br />

was put on the environmental behaviour of the brands and the attitudes of<br />

citizens towards the European Union.<br />

Trusted Brand is one of the largest European surveys of the confidence the<br />

consumers have in consumer goods and it has been conducted by Reader’s<br />

Digest in European countries once a year since 2001. This survey has been<br />

carried out in Croatia in the last six years, and we have been part of a joint European<br />

survey since 2011. The Wyman Dillon agency uses a unique questionnaire<br />

for all European countries, thereby enabling inter-state comparisons and<br />

comparisons between countries which are still not members of the EU.<br />

INA Moving Toward Its Consumers<br />

The questionnaire consists of 35 categories, out of which 20 categories are the<br />

same for every country in which the survey is carried out. Every country can<br />

include additional categories of their own choosing, the so-called local categories<br />

(15 of them). The questions about brands are open-ended and they allow<br />

the survey participants to nominate any brand.<br />

It is interesting to note that INA was selected as the most trusted brand in all of<br />

the six years that this survey has been conducted in Croatia. INA plans on staying<br />

the best of the best. The results of the survey are available on the website:<br />

www.rdtrustedbrands.com.<br />

In the survey of brand confidence titled<br />

Trusted Brand 2012 conducted by Reader’s<br />

Digest magazine, INA won the petrol retailer<br />

category for the sixth year in a row by receiving<br />

as much as 60.2 per cent of the votes of<br />

the subjects<br />

Što je to „brand“ ?<br />

Inino ime vrijedi pola milijarde<br />

dolara<br />

Na listi 100 najvrjednijih hrvatskih brendova, 2010. godine, prema<br />

izračunu međunarodne konzultantske tvrtke Brand Finance o<br />

najvrednijim brendovima, INA se našla na drugom mjestu, s vrijednošću<br />

brenda od 582 milijuna dolara.<br />

Brand je engleska riječ, ali germanskog podrijetla, a znači označavanje<br />

(staronorveški) ili znak (njemački).<br />

Brend je skup opipljivih i neopipljivih obilježja nekog proizvoda ili<br />

usluge. Opipljivi elementi uključuju logotip, karakterističnu boju ili<br />

oblik pakiranja, a neopipljivi elementi niz asocijacija, vrijednosti i<br />

simbola povezanih uz brend. To je percepcija u svijesti kupaca koja je<br />

izrazito povezana s emocijama - brend je pojam u svijesti potrošača.<br />

Odluka o tome kupiti ili ne kupiti neki proizvod donosi se na temelju<br />

pozicioniranja imena proizvoda (brenda) u svijesti potrošača.<br />

What is a “brand”?<br />

INA’s Name is Worth Half a<br />

Billion Dollars<br />

On the list of Croatia’s 100 most valuable brands in 2010, INA took second<br />

place with its brand value of USD 582 billion, according to the calculation<br />

of the international consulting company Brand Finance regarding<br />

the most valuable brands.<br />

Brand is an English word of Germanic origin. It denotes marking (in Old<br />

Norwegian) or a sign (in German).<br />

A brand is a group of tangible and intangible features of a product or<br />

service. Tangible elements include the logo, the characteristic colour or<br />

shape of the package, and intangible elements encompass a series or<br />

brand-related associations, values and symbols. It is a perception in the<br />

customers’ conscience which is greatly connected to emotions – the<br />

brand is a notion in the mind of the consumer. The decision on whether<br />

or not to buy a certain product is reached based on the positioning of<br />

the product name (brand) in the minds of the consumers.<br />

84 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Petnaest godina Besplatnog telefona 0800-1112<br />

“Halo, INA Vas čuje!“<br />

[ ]<br />


community<br />

15 years of the 0800-1112 Toll-Free Number<br />

“Hello, INA Can Hear You!”<br />

Djelatnici besplatnog telefona<br />

tekst (text) Tomislav lazarić Fotografije (photo) Tomislav lazarić<br />

U<br />

drugoj polovici sedamdesetih godina 19. stoljeća svijet<br />

je zadesio veliki val eksperimentiranja i istraživanja koji<br />

je nastupio nakon definiranja osnovnih vrijednosti elektriciteta.<br />

Vodeći istraživači tog vremena (Volt, Amper,<br />

Bell, Ohm…) doslovno su iz dana u dan “opčinjavali” svijet novim<br />

izumima, a neki od njih ostavili su trag sve do današnjih dana. Kako<br />

je jedan izum povlačio drugi, ekspanzija istraživanja uzimala je sve<br />

veći zamah, no ipak je jedan, izum Alexandera Grahama Bella, bio<br />

posebno zanimljiv budući da se na njegovom principu razvio telefon<br />

- nezamjenjiv komunikacijski uređaj modernog čovjeka.<br />

U ono je vrijeme čovječanstvo na daljinu komuniciralo pomoću<br />

Morzeovog telegrafa, čije su najveće mane bile česti kvarovi linija<br />

zbog slabe izolacije, loša kvaliteta kablova te razni prekidi zbog ratova,<br />

zemljotresa i drugih vremenskih (ne)prilika. Iako je telegraf,<br />

za razliku od telefona, poprilično suhoparan i jednodimenzionalan<br />

In the second half of the 1870’s, the world was struck by a huge wave<br />

of experimentation and exploration that happened after the basic values of<br />

electricity had been defined. The leading experts of the time (Volt, Amper,<br />

Bell, Ohm, etc.) “dazzled” the world literally every day with new inventions,<br />

some of which left their traces to this day. Since one invention anticipated<br />

the next, the extent of exploration was expanding; however, there was one<br />

invention by Alexander Graham Bell that was particularly interesting since<br />

it presented the principle for the creation of telephone – an indispensable<br />

communication device of the contemporary man.<br />

At that time, mankind used Morse telegraph to communicate at a distance,<br />

but its weaknesses were often line malfunctions due to weak<br />

isolation, bad cable quality and numerous interruptions because of<br />

wars, earthquakes and other (bad) weather conditions. Although the telegraph,<br />

unlike the telephone, is a quite dull and mono-dimensional way<br />

of communication, the world still used this type of information transmis-<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 85

način komunikacije, svijet je ipak dugo vremena koristio ovaj način<br />

prijenosa informacija. Telefon je pak ljudima omogućio da se vlastitim<br />

glasom obrate određenoj osobi, što je značilo dolazak nove<br />

ere prisnosti, povezanosti i intimnosti.<br />

Statistički najčešća Inina<br />

komunikacija s kupcima<br />

Velik je broj svjetskih kompanija sredinom devedesetih poželio čuti<br />

“ljudski glas”, odnosno glas javnosti svojih kupaca i korisnika, njihove<br />

reakcije na poslovne aktivnosti, na pozitivne pomake, ali i na negativne<br />

pojave, na koje žele ukazati i upozoriti. Time su htjele iskazati<br />

novi pristup tržištu, otvorenost i spremnost za svakodnevne kontakte<br />

s korisnicima, osluškivanje njihovih potreba i prihvaćanje reakcija kao<br />

korisne podloge za korekciju i unapređenje poslovanja. Za takvu su<br />

komunikaciju tvrtke počele otvarati besplatne telefone za potrošače.<br />

Svjetskom se trendu, okružena sve snažnijom konkurencijom i svjesna<br />

odgovornosti i uloge najveće hrvatske naftne kompanije čiji svaki<br />

potez javnost prati s najvećom pažnjom, među prvima u nas priklonila<br />

i INA.<br />

Djelatnici Ininog besplatnog telefona (0800-1112) početkom svibnja<br />

skromno i radno su obilježili petnaestu obljetnicu osnivanja ovoga,<br />

statistički gledano, najčešćeg sredstva komunikacije potrošača s Inom.<br />

Prvi poziv spojen je u ponedjeljak, 5. svibnja 1997., a glas koji su građani<br />

s druge strane žice mogli čuti bio je onaj Nevena Pavla Poklepovića.<br />

Trud, strpljenje i snalažljivost Ininih “telefonista” najzaslužniji su za<br />

sustavno i uspješno stvaranje imidža pouzdana, moderna i kvalitetna<br />

sredstva najizravnije komunikacije Ine s javnošću. Djelatnici besplatnog<br />

telefona ističu kako su otvoreni za pozive svih vrsta, te su u svakom<br />

trenutku spremni učinkovito pružiti odgovor koji će zadovoljiti<br />

sugovornika.<br />

Nitko nikad nije ostao bez odgovora<br />

Tijekom ovih petnaest godina strogo se poštivao nepisan princip<br />

prema kojem nijedan pozivatelj ne smije ostati bez odgovora. Da<br />

taj standard ponekad nije lako održavati najbolje ilustrira podatak<br />

o gotovo 142.890 ukupno primljenih poziva, od kojih 22.435<br />

samo prošle godine. Najveći broj među pozivima zauzimaju<br />

informacije (9.740 prošle godine), za kojima slijede obavijesti<br />

sion for a long time. On the other hand, the telephone enabled people to<br />

address another person using their own voice, which marked the arrival<br />

of an era of a new kind of closeness, connection and intimacy.<br />

Statistically the Most Common Way of<br />

Communication between INA and the Consumers<br />

In the mid-1990’s, a large number of global companies decided to listen to<br />

the “people’s voice”, that is the voice of the public and their buyers; hear<br />

their reaction to business activities and positive steps, but also to negative<br />

phenomena, which they would like to point out and warn about. In this<br />

way, the companies wanted to introduce a new approach to the market,<br />

openness and readiness for every-day contact with users, listening to<br />

their needs and accepting their reactions as a useful basis for corrections<br />

and improvements of the business. In order to enable this kind of communication,<br />

companies started opening toll-free numbers for customers. INA<br />

was among the first Croatian companies to adopt this international trend,<br />

surrounded by ever more powerful competition and aware of the responsibility<br />

and role of the largest Croatian oil company, whose every move was<br />

carefully scrutinized by the public.<br />

At the beginning of May, the workers on INA’s toll-free number (0800-<br />

1112) modestly celebrated the 15th anniversary of, statistically speaking,<br />

the most common way of communication between consumers and<br />

INA. The first call was connected on Monday, 5 May 1997, and the voice<br />

that the citizens could hear from the other side of the line was the voice<br />

of Mr. Neven Pavao Poklepović. Hard work, patience and resourcefulness<br />

of INA’s “telephonists” are the main reasons for the systematic and successful<br />

development of the telephone’s image as a reliable, contemporary<br />

and quality means for the most direct way of communication between<br />

INA and the public. Workers on the toll-free number stress that<br />

they are open to calls of all kinds and that in every moment they are<br />

prepared to provide a sufficient answer that will satisfy the person on<br />

the other side of the line.<br />

Never without an Answer<br />

During all these 15 years, everyone firmly abided by the unwritten principle<br />

according to which no caller should be left without an answer. The<br />

fact that this standard is not always easy to uphold is best illustrated by<br />

the fact that there were almost 142,890 received calls, 22,435 of which<br />

“Pogrešno“ spajanje zbog razlike u jednoj znamenci<br />

Umjesto Vlade i HRT-a zvali Inu,….i obratno!<br />

Jedna od neobičnijih situacija koje se povremeno događaju je pogrešno biranje broja građana. Naime, broj besplatnog telefona Ine i Vlade RH razlikuje se<br />

samo u jednoj znamenci, pa često dolazi do “pogrešnog” spajanja. Tako se naši djelatnici nađu u situaciji u kojoj ih sugovornik, uvjeren kako razgovara sa<br />

“nekim” iz Vlade, rezolutno traži informacije o novim zakonima, raznim davanjima i porezima, pa čak i da ih se spoji sa određenim ministrom. Jednu jedinicu<br />

manje u objavljenom broju telefona za potrošače ima i HTV, pa su Inini djelatnici, ukoliko im vrijeme dozvoljava, uz objašnjenje da su dobili krivi broj znali<br />

informirati sugovornike i o tehničkim karakteristikama novih prijamnika za digitalni TV signal.<br />

Djelatnici Ininog besplatnog telefona prisjetili su se i zanimljivih i duhovitih situacija prilikom Inine nagradne igre “Sretni kod”, kada je sličan telefonski broj<br />

imala i popularna radijska emisija “Turky Party”. Tada je nazvao Inin dugogodišnji kupac začuđeno pitajući da kakve veze ima Inina nagradna igra s pitanjem s<br />

kim “hoda” Petar Grašo (naime, to je bilo pitanje na govornom automatu “Turky Partyija”).<br />

Jedan od poziva koji će se dugo pamtiti uputio je vozač automobila koji je negdje na Ličkoj magistrali vozio iza Inine cisterne na kojoj je istaknuta poruka “Ako<br />

niste zadovoljni vožnjom nazovite 0800-1112”. Nakon uspostavljene veze nestrpljivi vozač je nervoznim glasom od našeg djelatnika tražio da mu se skloni sa<br />

ceste ili barem smanji brzinu kako bi “ga” pretekao. Situacija je postala jasnija kada je Inin djelatnik shvatio kako je njegov sugovornik, zbog broja istaknutog<br />

na cisterni, uvjeren kako upravo razgovara sa vozačem iza kojeg se vozi.<br />

Danas nakon punih petnaest godina djelovanja i čak 112.000 zaprimljenih poziva, za Inin se Besplatni telefon broj 0800-1112 može ustvrditi kako je našao svoje<br />

mjesto u pamćenju,ali i mobitelima i adresarima mnogih građana. Velik pomak u kvaliteti i dostupnosti ostvaren je uvođenjem novih tehnologija (elektronska<br />

pošta), za što je stigla i potvrda s Prvog sabora zaštite potrošača (Umag 2004), kad je Inin besplatni telefon proglašen “Najboljim besplatnim telefonom u<br />

službi potrošača”.<br />

86 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

“Incorrect” connection because of the difference in one digit<br />

Instead of Calling the Government and National Television, Calls<br />

Were Connected to INA and Vice Versa!<br />

One of more unusual situations that occur from time to time is when people dial the wrong number. The problem is that the number of INA’s toll-free phone<br />

and the number of the Croatian Government differ in one digit only, so “wrong” connections happen quite often. In this way, our employees sometimes<br />

find themselves in a situation in which the person on the other side, convinced that he is talking to “someone” from the Government, resolutely asks for<br />

information about new laws, various duties and taxes, and even asks to be connected with a ceratain Minister. The Croatian National Television has one “1”<br />

digit less in the phone number of the customer service, so INA’s employees, whenever the time allowed it, would explain to the caller that they got the wrong<br />

number and inform them on the technical characteristics of the new digital TV signal receivers.<br />

INA’s toll-free number employees remembered some interesting and funny situations, which occurred during INA’s prize contest “Sretni kod” (Lucky Code)<br />

when a popular radio show in Croatia had a similar phone number. One of INA’s long-time buyers called and asked in wonder what INA’s prize contest had to do<br />

with the question who a famous Croatian musician was “dating” (that was the question asked by the automatic machine of the famous radio show).<br />

One of the calls that will be remembered for a long time is the one received from a car driver who, somewhere along the Lika Highway, was driving behind<br />

an INA tank, which had the following written on the back: If you are not satisfied with the driving, call 0800-1112. After he got connected, the impatient driver<br />

asked one of our employees in an annoyed voice to tell the tank to get out of his way or at least slow down so that he could overtake him. The situation became<br />

clearer when INA’s employee realized that his interlocutor thought that he was talking to the driver of the tank because of the number written on the back of<br />

the tank.<br />

Today, after 15 years of work and as many as 112,000 received calls, it can easily be said that INA’s toll-free number 0800-1112 has found its place in the memory<br />

as well as in mobile phones and address books of many citizens. Introducing new technologies (e-mail) helped us to make a large step forward in quality and<br />

availability for which we got the confirmation at the First Consumer Protection Assembly (Umag 2004) when INA’s toll-free number was declared “The best<br />

toll-free phone number in the customers service”.<br />

(800), reklamacije (632), pohvale (463) i prijedlozi (24).Većinu<br />

poziva odmah rješavaju sami operateri, dok je za stručne odgovore<br />

i rješavanje reklamacija propisana posebna procedura.<br />

Prije koju godinu, paralelno sa razvojem tehnologije, Ininom Besplatnom<br />

telefonu osigurana je suvremena informatička podrška<br />

koja operaterima, ali i sugovornicima s druge strane žice, pruža<br />

novu kvalitetu te brži i jednostavniji pristup informacijama.<br />

Uspješno rješavanje i „nemogućih“<br />

situacija<br />

S obzirom na velik broj poziva svake godine (rekordna godina je<br />

2005. sa ukupno 18.128 poziva) na Ininim operaterima se ponekad<br />

“lome” nezadovoljstvo, ljutnja, pa čak i bijes građana. Neki<br />

ponekad i (ne)opravdano reagiraju zbog, po njihovu mišljenju,<br />

nepotpune usluge prodavača, no najčešće su reakcije, naravno, na<br />

cijene goriva. O sadržajima poziva mogao bi se ispuniti čitav broj<br />

ovog Časopisa, ali uspješno riješen upit ipak najviše ovisi o vještini<br />

komunikacije i spremnosti operatera da riješe svaku, pa i naizgled<br />

nemoguću situaciju. Upravo iskustvo, informiranost i ljubaznost<br />

„Ininih telefonista“ u najvećem broju slučajeva rezultira zadovoljstvom<br />

kupca, a na kraju i samog operatera zbog (još jednog)<br />

uspješno riješenog problema.<br />

Sredinom devedesetih velik je broj svjetskih<br />

kompanija poželio čuti “ljudski glas”, odnosno<br />

glas javnosti, glas svojih kupaca, potrošača i<br />

korisnika; njihove reakcije na poslovne aktivnosti,<br />

na pozitivne, ali i na negativne pojave,<br />

i time iskazati novi pristup tržištu, a tom se<br />

trendu, među prvima u nas, priklonila i INA.<br />

In the mid 1990’s, a large number of global<br />

companies decided to listen to the “people’s<br />

voice”, that is the voice of the public, their buyers,<br />

customers and users; hear their reactions<br />

to business activities, positive as well as negative<br />

phenomena, and thus show a new approach<br />

to the market. INA was among the first<br />

companies in Croatia to embrace this trend<br />

were received in the last year alone. The largest percentage of the calls<br />

are information calls (9,740 in last year), followed by notifications (800),<br />

complaints (632) and suggestions (84).<br />

A few years ago, parallel with the development of technology, INA’s tollfree<br />

phone number received modern information support, which gave the<br />

operators as well as the interlocutors new quality together with faster and<br />

more simplified access to information.<br />

Successful Solutions of “Impossible”<br />

Situations<br />

Taking into consideration a large number of received phone calls every<br />

year (the record year was 2005 with a total of 18,128 calls), INA’s operators<br />

are sometimes the objects of people’s dissatisfactions, anger,<br />

even rage. Some people occasionally react (un)reasonably because of,<br />

in their opinion, bad salesperson, however, most reactions they get are<br />

reactions to the prices of fuel. When it comes to the contents of phone<br />

calls, we could fill all the pages of this Magazine with them, but a successfully<br />

answered question depends above all on the communication<br />

skills and willingness of the operators to solve all, even the seemingly<br />

impossible, situations. It is exactly the experience, information and<br />

kindness of “INA’s telephonists” that is most often the reason for the<br />

satisfaction of customers as well as operators themselves because of<br />

(another) successfully solved problem.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 87

Dobrotvorne akcije dviju posada s Ininih benzinskih postaja Brinje – Istok i Brinje - Zapad<br />

Humanitarci s postaja<br />

[ ]<br />


community<br />

Charity work of two teams from INA’s petrol stations Brinje - East and Brinje - West<br />

Humanitarians from Petrol Stations<br />

Zaposlenici Ininih benzinskih postaja Brinje-Zapad (lijevo) i Brinje<br />

Istok (gore) / INA’s petrol stations employees Brinje Zapad (left)<br />

and Brinje-Istok (right)<br />

tekst (text) mijo ivurek Fotografije (photo) Tomislav lazarić<br />

Potaknuti iznimno vrijednim humanitarnim akcijama brinjskog<br />

Caritasa, u koje su se uključili i djelatnici Ininih benzinskih<br />

postaja Istok i Zapad u tom ličkom mjestu, posjetili smo ih da<br />

bismo zabilježili kako na djelu funkcioniraju ljubav i dobrota.<br />

Naime, vrijedni djelatnici benzinske postaje Brinje – Istok, na inicijativu Caritasa<br />

župe Brinje, uključili su se u predbožićnu humanitarnu akciju darivanja<br />

najpotrebitijih na području općine, a na tom su tragu nikle i sve ostale akcije.<br />

Akciju brinjskoga Caritasa posebno je prihvatio Inin djelatnik i član Caritasa,<br />

Vanja Milojević, uz svesrdnu podršku voditelja PUO, Josipa Bićanića.<br />

Svrha humanitarne akcije bila je prikupljanje prehrambenih, higijenskih i<br />

ostalih potrepština te svih ostalih najnužnijih artikala za obitelji kojima je<br />

pomoć najpotrebnija. Milojević je uputio dopis kolegama, zaposlenicima<br />

na benzinskoj postaji. U pismu ih moli da se, prema svojim mogućnostima,<br />

uključe u ovu humanitarnu akciju, darivajući nešto od prehranbenih namirnica,<br />

prašak za pranje rublja, higijenski pribor… ili bilo što drugo što može<br />

biti od koristi…<br />

Nije ostalo samo na prvim akcijama…<br />

Na Milojevićevo i Bićanićevo iznenađenje svih 16-oro zaposlenika<br />

Ininih brinjskih postaja odazvalo se ovoj akciji. Puni bunkeri automobila<br />

Prompted by noble charity actions by Brinje Caritas, supported also by<br />

the employees of INA’s East and West petrol stations from Brinje, we visited<br />

them in order to record love and kindness in action. The valuable employees<br />

of Brinje – East petrol station, at the initiative of Brinje Caritas, joined the pre-<br />

Christmas charity action of giving to the ones in need in the local area, from<br />

which all other actions started. The Brinje Caritas action was especially accepted<br />

by Vanja Milojević, INA’s employee and a member of Caritas, with the<br />

wholehearted support from Josip Bićanić, the Head of PUO.<br />

The goal of this charity action was to collect food, hygiene and other products<br />

as well as other necessities for families who desperately needed help.<br />

Mr. Milojević sent a memo to his colleagues working at the petrol station. In<br />

this memo he asked them to, according to their possibilities, join this action,<br />

by giving some food, laundry detergent, hygiene supplies or anything else<br />

that might be useful.<br />

The First Actions Were Not the Last Ones<br />

To Milanović’s and Bićanić’s surprise, all 16 employees from INA’s stations<br />

in Brinj joined this action. Car trunks full of humanitarian supplies said<br />

enough. Thanks to the contributions of INA’s employees, Christmas spirit<br />

in about 20 families was not destroyed.<br />

88 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

s humanitarnom pomoći govorili su dovoljno. Tako doprinosima Ininih<br />

pumpaša u 20-tak obitelji božićna radost nije bila ničim pomućena.<br />

Za ovogodišnji Uskrs njima su se pridružili i djelatnici benzinske postaje<br />

Brinje Zapad. Na račun brinjskoga Caritasa uplatili su 1.600 kuna za<br />

kupnju invalidskih kolica za jednu mladu Brinjanku, da bi joj olakšali<br />

svakodnevni život.<br />

I za tu novu humanitarnu gestu, kao i za onu predbožićnu, Inini zaposlenici<br />

primili su zahvalnicu brinjskog Caritasa. Ali, to nije sve. Voditelj<br />

Inine benzinske postaje Brinje Zapad, Ivica Perković, govori i o drugim<br />

sličnim akcijama humanitarnoga karaktera koje su dvije posade provele:<br />

nabavu računalne opreme, osiguranje sredstava za kupnju lijeka za teško<br />

bolesno dijete, dodjelu računala, a sve to za djecu iz siromašnih obitelji.<br />

Ohrabreni uspjehom ovih humanitarnih akcija, naši sugovornici, kojima<br />

se pridružio i voditelj regionalnog ureda za maloprodaju, Igor Cerić,<br />

naglašavaju da će s takvim humanitarnim akcijama i dalje nastaviti, naravno<br />

prema vlastitim mogućnostima.<br />

Uvijek na usluzi kupcima i<br />

potrošačima<br />

Uz ove lijepe priče s brinjskih postaja valja kazati da Inini „pumpaši“ dobivaju<br />

pohvale za svakodnevni rad na svojim radnim mjestima, bez ijedne<br />

pritužbe. Sami kažu kako je normalno da kupcima uvijek budu na usluzi.<br />

Ne samo u redovnom obavljanju posla već udovoljavanju različitim zahtjevima<br />

kupaca, od traženja različitih informacija, pomoći majkama s malom<br />

djecom – rado će zagrijati mlijeko za termosicu, pozvati hitnu pomoć<br />

kada je ona potrebna, pomoći bolesnim ljudima – a u ljetnoj sezoni takve<br />

situacije nisu ni rijetke, upoznati goste s njihovim krajem… Zato mnogi od<br />

njih traže knjigu pohvala da bi i ta dobrota bila zabilježena.<br />

O djelovanju brinjskoga Caritasa razgovarali smo s Verom Radotić,<br />

medicinskom sestrom zaposlenom u Zdravstvenoj stanici Brinje. Kako<br />

nam objašnjava, sve je počelo od molitvene skupine vjernika Brinja<br />

2004., među kojima se rodila ideja o pomaganju bližnjima. S posebnim<br />

zadovoljstvom spomenula je djelatnike na Ininim benzinskim postajama<br />

Istok i Zapad koji su se pokazali iznimno humanima, osobito u<br />

božićnoj i uskršnjoj akciji darivanja. Kako kaže, rado se sjeća trenutka<br />

kada joj je Vanja Milojević, jedan od najaktivnijih u brinjskom Caritasu,<br />

rekao: „Hajdemo nešto učiniti i mi iz Ine“.<br />

This year for Easter, they were joined by employees from the Brinje West<br />

petrol station. Into the account of Brinje Caritas they paid HRK 1,600 for<br />

buying a wheelchair for a young girl from Brinje in order to make her everyday<br />

life a bit easier.<br />

For this new humanitarian gesture, as for the one before Christmas, INA’s employees<br />

received a thank you card from Brinje Caritas. However, this is not all.<br />

The Head of INA Brinje Zapad petrol station, Ivica Perković, mentioned other<br />

similar actions of charity character that the two teams organized: buying computer<br />

equipment, raising funds for buying medication for a child with a severe<br />

illness, allocating computers; and all this for children from poor families.<br />

Encouraged by the success of these charity actions, our interlocutors,<br />

joined by the Head of the regional retail office, Igor Cerić, stressed that<br />

they would continue to organize similar actions in accordance with their<br />

possibilities.<br />

Always at the Disposal of the Buyers and<br />

Customers<br />

Alongside these beautiful stories from Brinje petrol stations, it should be<br />

said that INA’s employees at Brinje get commended for their daily work at<br />

their jobs, without a single complaint. They say that it is normal for them to<br />

be at their customer’s disposal at all times. Not only when it comes to their<br />

regular job activities, but also when it comes to fulfilling their customer’s<br />

various requests, from looking for different information, helping mothers<br />

with babies; they will happily heat the thermos milk, call an ambulance<br />

when necessary, help the ones who are ill - and these kind of situations<br />

are quite common during the summer season - giving the customers information<br />

about the area... This is why many of their customers often ask for<br />

the book of compliments in order to officially record their kindness.<br />

About the activities of Brinje Caritas, we spoke to Mrs Vera Radotić, a nurse<br />

who works at the Brinje Medical Centre. According to her explanation, it all<br />

started with a pray group organized by believers in Brinje in 2004, where<br />

the idea of helping others was born. It was her pleasure to mention the<br />

workers of INA East and West petrol stations, who proved to be real human<br />

beings, especially in the Christmas and Easter charity actions. She<br />

said that she always happily remembered the moment when Mr. Vanja<br />

Milojević, one of the most active participants of Brinje Caritas, had told her:<br />

“Why don’t we from INA do something as well?”.<br />

Plemićki tvrdi grad Sokolac<br />

Pieta u Frankopanovu gradu<br />

Brinje je smješteno u Ličko-senjskoj županiji. Općina Brinje ima četiri<br />

tisuće stanovnika u 12 naselja, od čega se na Brinje odnosi njih 1.700.<br />

Općina se prostire na površini od 358 km2. Najstariji poznati žitelji bili su<br />

Japodi – jedno od ilirskih plemena.<br />

Iz doba rimske vladavine potječe naselje nazvano Monetium. Prostor<br />

današnjeg Sokolca u svakodnevnom brinjskom govoru naziva se Gradina,<br />

što pak upućuje na japodsku tradiciju podizanja naselja na brežuljcima.<br />

Najstariji zapis naziva mjesta Brinje potječe iz 1343. Krčki knezovi<br />

Frankopani, koji su vladali Brinjem, podigli su svoj tzv. tvrdi grad 1411.,<br />

danas poznat kao Sokolac.<br />

Sokolac je danas u potpunosti restauriran. Ljubaznošću Ane Šebalj<br />

iz Općine Brinje posjetili smo plemićki grad i dakako ostali zadivljeni<br />

ljepotom zdanja. Tu se nalazi i čuvena Pieta, prava rijetkost u europskim<br />

okvirima. Gospođa Ana kaže nam da postoje samo tri takva kipa u<br />

Europi. Neoprostivo je proći ovim krajem i ne posjetiti ovu obnovljenu<br />

Frankopansku ljepotu.<br />

The Noble Solid Town of Sokolac<br />

Pieta in the Town of Frankopan<br />

Brinje is located in the Lika-Senj County. The Brinje Municipality has four<br />

thousand inhabitants in 12 villages, of which Brinje has 1,700. The municipality<br />

spreads over an area of 358 km². The oldest known inhabitants<br />

were the Japodes - one of the Illyrian tribes.<br />

Monetium village dates back to the time of the Roman rule. The area of<br />

today’s Sokolac is called Gradina in every-day speech of Brinje, which<br />

indicates the Japodian tradition of founding settlements on hills. The<br />

oldest record of the name Brinje dates back to 1343. The princes of Krk,<br />

the Frankopans, who ruled over Brinje, raised their so-called “solid town”<br />

in 1411, today known as Sokolac.<br />

Sokolac has been fully restored. With the help and kindness of Mrs Ana<br />

Šebalj from the Brinje Municipality, we visited the noble town and were<br />

impressed by its beauty. You can also see the famous Pieta here, a rarity<br />

in European terms. Mrs Šebalj told us that there are only three statues<br />

like this one in Europe. It is beyond reproach to pass through this<br />

area and not to visit this restored Frankopan beauty.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 89

INA pomaže egzistencijalno ugroženim mladim ljudima<br />

[ ]<br />


community<br />

Snažna socijalna<br />

osjetljivost kompanije<br />

INA helps existentially endangered young people<br />

Company’s Strong Social Sensitivity<br />

Ivandija,Denis i Matea Lesković,<br />

Anđelić,Roso i Serdarević<br />

V. Mišković, S. Bjedov i A. Matan<br />

tekst (text) ivica župan Fotografije (photo) ferdo buva<br />

Akcije solidarnosti i međusobne ispomoći među Ininim<br />

djelatnicima brojne su, ali je u naravi tih akcija da se<br />

one ne registriraju jer ih „<strong>Ina</strong>ši“ ne poduzimaju kako bi<br />

se za njih čulo i kako bi za njih pobrali zasluge. Ipak, od<br />

zaborava smo spasili dvije takve akcije, među ostalim, i zato što su<br />

„<strong>Ina</strong>ši“ pomogli mladim ljudima.<br />

Prva priča<br />

Tri bivša štićenika SOS Dječjeg sela Ladimirovci zaposlila su se u Ini<br />

nakon uobičajena testiranja: Ante Matan prodavač je na BP Osijek<br />

Čepinska, a Zlatko Mišković kao prodavač na BP Beli Manastir, a<br />

Slaven Stojković konobar je na BP Rastovica. U Ininu registru upisane<br />

su aplikacije i životopisi i drugih bivših štićenika koji će, kada<br />

se za to stvore mogućnosti i budu li prošli uobičajena testiranja, u<br />

Ini naći posla.<br />

SOS Hrvatska ima dva dječja sela - u Lekeniku i Ladimirevcima. SOS<br />

Actions of solidarity and mutual help among INA’s employees are numerous,<br />

but it is in the core of these actions not to be registered because the employees do<br />

not organize them in order to become famous and get the credit. However, we have<br />

managed to save two of such actions from oblivion, among other things, because<br />

our employees helped young people.<br />

First Story<br />

Three former residents of the Ladimirovci SOS Children’s Vilalge got jobs at<br />

INA after the usual examinations: Ante Matan works as a salesman at Osijek<br />

Čepinska petrol station, Zlatko Mišković at Beli Manastir petrol station and<br />

Slaven Stojković works as a waiter at the Rastovica petrol station. Recorded<br />

in INA’s register are applications and resumes of other former residents,<br />

who will, when opportunities arise and if they pass the usual examinations,<br />

also find a job at INA.<br />

SOS Hrvatska has two children’s villages – in Lekenik and in Ladimirevci.<br />

Ladimirevci SOS Village has a Youth Community, a high school building in<br />

90 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Selo Ladimirevci ima Zajednicu mladih, srednjoškolski dom u Osijeku,<br />

u koji dolaze djeca koja osnovnu školu prethodno završe u Dječjem selu<br />

Ladimirevci. Nakon završetka srednje škole Zajednica mladih još godinu<br />

dana skrbi o bivšem štićeniku, materijalno ga podupire i pomaže<br />

mu da se zaposli. Od 2000. godine kroz Zajednicu mladih prošlo je<br />

šezdesetak srednjoškolaca.<br />

„Suradnja s Inom je izvanredna jer kompanija očituje snažnu socijalnu<br />

osjetljivost. Mi o djeci bez roditelja skrbimo petnaest godina, a na kraju se<br />

dogodi da ta djeca završe na ulici, jer je teško naći bilo kakav posao. Takvu situaciju<br />

zovemo ‘zatvorenim krugom socijale’ – djeca koja su u dom primljena<br />

kao ‘socijala’ na kraju ponovno završe kao socijala’!<br />

Ja osobno nemam riječi kojima bih se zahvalio Ini, posebice Branku Rosi,<br />

direktoru Regije Osijek, koji je inicirao i koordinirao ovo zapošljavanje. Obojica<br />

momaka presretna su što im je INA omogućila da rade i skrbe sami o sebi<br />

i time im je iz temelja promijenila život“ - navodi prof. Siniša Bjedov, voditelj<br />

Zajednice mladih, podružnice Dječjeg sela Ladimirevci. „Zahvalan sam<br />

profesoru Bjedovu za sve što je za me učinio, ali i gospodinu Rosi, koji me<br />

osobno i mejlovima neprestano motivira na još veću aktivnost. Zahvalan<br />

sam i Ivici Palfiju, šefu postaje na kojoj radim. Mnogo toga planiram u životu<br />

postići, a sve zahvaljujući poslu u Ini. Imam četiri sestre, sve su one također<br />

bile u Dječjem selu, i sve su se snašle u životu i zaposlile“, kaže Ante Matan.<br />

„Preporodio sam se otkako radim u Ini, osjećam se vrijednom i korisnom<br />

osobom. Kroz Dječje selo i Zajednicu mladih prošle su i ostale<br />

tri moje sestre, zahvaljujući čemu smo se svi nekako snašli u životu.<br />

Sada kada radim, planiram se doškolovati, a najvjerojatnije ću studirati<br />

ekonomiju“, kaže Vlatko Mišković.<br />

I drugi sretan završetak<br />

Potaknuti pričom o teškoj životnoj priči obitelji Lesković, ispričanoj<br />

u jednoj HTV-ovoj emisiji, sredinom siječnja ove godine, zaposlenici<br />

Ininih benzinskih postaja pokrenuli su akciju prikupljanja<br />

sredstava, u koju se uključilo oko 2500 radnika u sve tadašnje četiri<br />

Inine maloprodajne regije (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek). Osobnim<br />

prilozima zaposlenici su do početka veljače prikupili 64.040 kuna.<br />

Taj iznos 15. veljače Matei i Denisu Leskoviću, koji su prerano ostali<br />

bez oba roditelja, u njihovu domu u mjestu Preseka u blizini<br />

Križevaca, uručio Vjekoslav Ivandija, direktor tadašnje Inine Regije<br />

Zagreb, u nazočnosti Branka Rose, Ivice Serdarevića i Vladimira<br />

Anđelića, tadašnjih regionalnih direktora Inine maloprodaje.<br />

Matea i Denis žive u kući staroj 127 godina, vlažnoj i derutnoj, u<br />

kojoj nema vode, WC-a, niti kupaonice, struju kabelom dovode iz<br />

susjedove kuće, a tuširaju se kod susjeda. „Ovaj će nam novac biti<br />

od velike pomoći, to je prva konkretna pomoć koju smo dobili nakon<br />

što je javnost saznala za naše teške životne prilike. Sada smo se<br />

uvjerili da u našoj zemlji još uvijek ima jako dobrih ljudi, socijalno<br />

osjetljivih. Nadam se da će ova akcija Ininih djelatnika inicirati da<br />

se izvrše obećanja koja smo dobili od drugih“, zahvalio se, u svoje i<br />

sestrino ime, Denis Lesković.<br />

„Jako mi je drago što će ova donacija uljepšati i olakšati život Matei<br />

i Ivanu. Sretan sam što su naši zaposlenici pokazali veliko srce i<br />

spremnost da pomognu ovih dvoje mladih ljudi, koji zaslužuju priliku<br />

za sretniji život“, rekao je Ivandija.<br />

Direktori bivših Ininih regija, s Ivandijom na čelu, najveću su<br />

pomoć Matei i Denisu pružili tako što je Denis – nakon što je s<br />

uspjehom prošao uobičajenu Ininu proceduru pri zapošljavanju -<br />

postao „<strong>Ina</strong>š“ – prodavač na BP Križevci-Zagrebačka! Sada će brat<br />

i sestra barem djelomice moći ostvariti svoje planove – Matea će<br />

lakše završiti srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, a Denis će moći planirati<br />

bolji smještaj za oboje.<br />

Osijek, which is attended by children who have finished school in Ladimirevci<br />

Children’s Village. After high school, the Youth Community takes care<br />

of its former wards for another year, it supports them financially and helps<br />

them find employment. Since 2000, around 60 high school children attended<br />

the Youth Community.<br />

“The cooperation with INA is remarkable because the company expresses<br />

strong social sensitivity. We take care of children without parents for 15<br />

years, and in the end they end up in the streets, because it is hard for them<br />

to find any kind of job. We refer to his kind of situation as the ‘closed circle<br />

of social welfare’ – children who were accepted in the institution as cases<br />

of ‘social welfare’ also end up as ‘social welfare’!<br />

I personally cannot find the words to thank INA, especially Mr. Branko Rosa, the<br />

Director of the Osijek Region, who initiated and coordinated this recruitment. Both<br />

boys are extremely happy that INA has enabled them to work and take care of themselves<br />

and has changed their lives completely,” said professor Siniša Bjedov, Head<br />

of the Youth Community, an affiliate of the Ladimirevci Children’s Village.<br />

“I am grateful to professor Bjedov for everything that he has done for me, and<br />

also to Mr. Rosa, who personally and through emails motivated me to an even<br />

greater activity. I am also grateful to Mr. Ivica Palfi, the Head of the filling station<br />

at which I work. There are many things that I plan to achieve in life thanks<br />

to my job at INA. I have four sisters, they were all also residents of the Children’s<br />

Village and they have all been successful in life and found jobs,” said<br />

Ante Matan.<br />

“It is like I have been reborn since I started working at INA, I feel like a valuable and<br />

useful person. Three of my sisters have also been at the Children’s Village and the<br />

Youth Community, which helped us get ahead in life. Now that I have a job, I plan to<br />

continue my education, and I will probably study Economics,” said Vlatko Mišković.<br />

And a Second Happy Ending<br />

Inspired by the story of the Lesković family hard life, which was told in a<br />

show on Croatian National Television in mid-January of this year, INA’s petrol<br />

station employees started a fundraising action, joined by around 2500<br />

workers in all four of INA’s retail regions (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek). The<br />

employees raised HRK 64,040 by giving personal contributions until the<br />

beginning of February. On 15 February this amount was awarded to Matea<br />

and Denis Lesković, who lost both their parents too soon, at their home in<br />

Preseka, near Križevci, by Mr. Vjekoslav Ivandija, the Director of INA’s Zagreb<br />

Region, in the presence of Mr. Branko Rosa, Mr. Ivica Serdarević and<br />

Mr. Vladimir Anđelić, the regional directors of INA’s Retail at that time.<br />

Matea and Denis live in a 127-year-old house, damp and in ruins, without<br />

water, toilets or bathroom. They conduct electricity through a cable from<br />

the neighbour’s house and they take showers in their neighbour’s house<br />

as well. “This money will be of great help to us, this is the first actual help<br />

that we have received after the public found out about our difficult living<br />

circumstances. Now we know that there are still some decent and socially<br />

sensitive people in this country. I hope that this action, organized by INA’s<br />

employees, will be an inspiration to others to fulfil the promises they gave<br />

us,” said Denis Lesković, on his and his sister’s behalf.<br />

“I am very happy that this donation will improve and make life easier for<br />

Matea and Ivan. I am happy that our employees have shown that they<br />

have a big heart and the willingness to help these young people who deserve<br />

the chance for a happier life,” said Mr Ivandija.<br />

The directors of former INA Regions, led by Mr. Ivandija, gave Matea and<br />

Denis the greatest possible help by making Denis - after he had passed<br />

the usual INA’s employment procedure - an employee of INA - a salesperson<br />

at the Križevci-Zagrebačka petrol station. Now brother and sister will<br />

be able to at least partially realize their plans – it will be easier for Matea to<br />

finish high school, and Denis will be able to arrange better accommodation<br />

for both of them.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 91

Inina momčad nastupila na humanitarnom malonogometnom turniru<br />

Potpora studentskim<br />

akcijama<br />

[ ]<br />


community<br />

INA’s team took part in a charity futsal tournament<br />

Support to Student Actions<br />

tekst (text) tomislav lazarić Fotografije (photo) ferdo buva<br />

Inini zaposlenici proteklih su se godina više puta istaknuli u humanitarnim<br />

i volonterskim akcijama, a jedna od njih je i nastup<br />

Ininih malonogometaša koji su tijekom vikenda, 12. i 13. svibnja,<br />

sudjelovali na humanitarnom malonogometnom turniru u<br />

zagrebačkom SRC Jelenovac. Na ovom turniru, u organizaciji tima za<br />

društveno odgovorno poslovanje Angels, koji djeluje unutar studentske<br />

udruge eSTUDENT, sudjelovalo je osam momčadi poduzeća (uz Inu,<br />

od većih kompanija navedimo još i Novu TV, PBZ i ZABA-u) i četiri<br />

momčadi studentskih udruga, a nakon srčanih i na trenutke iznimno<br />

uzbudljivih odigranih susreta Inini su malonogometaši osvojili odlično<br />

treće mjesto.<br />

Sami organizatori procjenjuju da je turnir okupio preko 600 studenata,<br />

od sudionika, članova Facebook grupe pa do ostalih koji su prisustvovali<br />

samoj završnici (njih oko 70). Prikupljene kotizacije i ostala sredstva, a<br />

riječ je o 10.000 kuna, organizatori turnira donirali su udruzi „ZAMIS-<br />

LI“, koja će taj iznos iskoristiti za opremanje vozila za svakodnevni prijevoz<br />

studenata s invaliditetom.<br />

Turnir postao tradicionalan<br />

Ovaj humanitarni malonogometni turnir ove je godine doživio svoje<br />

drugo izdanje. Inicijalna ideja djelo je nekolicine studenata koji su<br />

svojim aktivnim zalaganjem i primjerom željeli doprinijeti izgradnji<br />

osvještenijeg i boljeg društva. Da su na dobrom putu, mladi organizatori<br />

uvjerili su se već na prvom izdanju turnira kada su nogometnu vještinu<br />

odmjerile čak 32 studentske momčadi. Tada je prikupljeno preko 7000<br />

kuna koje je udruga eSTUDENT donirala za obnovu Caritasove kuće<br />

u Vukomercu koja roditeljima teško bolesne djece, koja se liječe u Zagrebu,<br />

pruža besplatan smještaj i hranu.<br />

Prijavljene momčadi bile su podijeljene u četiri natjecateljske skupine od<br />

po tri tima. Prvi dan (12.svibnja) odigrani su svi ogledi unutar skupina, i<br />

to na način da svaka momčad odigra po jedan susret sa svakom ekipom<br />

u skupini. Pobjednik i drugoplasirana momčad nastavili su natjecanje<br />

drugog dana (13. svibnja) te se kroz četvrtfinale, polufinale i finale, došlo<br />

do određenog plasmana. Ždrijeb je Inin malonogometni tim odredio u<br />

skupinu A, u kojoj su još bile svrstane dvije udruge studenata, od kojih<br />

je jedna bila s Kineziološkog fakulteta.<br />

INA’s employees have over the past few years distinguished themselves<br />

in charity and volunteer actions, and one of them was the futsal tournament<br />

in Jelenovac SRC, Zagreb, in which INA’s futsal team took part on<br />

May 12th and 13th. This tournament was organized by the Angels team<br />

for socially responsible business, which operates within the eSTUDENT association,<br />

and eight company teams participated in it (alongside INA, let<br />

us mention Nova TV, PBZ and ZABA) as well as four student association<br />

teams, and after hearty and at moments extremely interesting matches,<br />

INA’s players won third place.<br />

The organizers say that the tournament brought together over 600 students<br />

- from participants and members of the Facebook group to the rest<br />

who attended the finale (around 70 people). The collected fees and other<br />

resources, around HRK 10,000, were donated to the “ZAMISLI” (IMAGINE)<br />

Association, which will use it to buy equipment for the vehicles for daily<br />

transport of disabled students.<br />

Tournament Becomes Traditional<br />

This was the second year this charity futsal tournament was organized.<br />

The initial idea came from several students who wanted to contribute to<br />

improving the awareness and society by active participation. The young<br />

organizers were convinced that they were on the right way already on their<br />

first tournament, when as many as 32 student teams decided to take part.<br />

They raised over HRK 7,000, which the eSTUDENT Association donated for<br />

the renovation of the house of Caritas in Vukomerac, which provides free<br />

accommodation and food to the parents whose children are very ill and are<br />

receiving their treatment in Zagreb.<br />

The registered teams were divided into four contestant groups of three<br />

teams. On the first day (May 12th), all matches within the groups were<br />

played in a way that every team played one match with every other team<br />

in the group. The winner and the runner-up got to continue the competition<br />

on the second day (May 13th) and after the quarterfinals, semi-finals and<br />

the finale, the winner was known. The draw placed INA’s team into group A<br />

together with two teams from student associations, one of which was from<br />

the Faculty of Kinesiology.<br />

92 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

Inina momčad<br />

INA’s team<br />

Odlični nastupi Inine momčadi<br />

U prvoj fazi natjecanja, INA je u prvoj utakmici pobijedila odličnu<br />

momčad HSA (Hrvatske studentske asocijacije) te odigrala<br />

neodlučeno s neugodnom studentskom ekipom eALUMNI, što je<br />

bilo dovoljno za plasman u drugi krug i prigoda za osvajanje jednog<br />

od prva tri mjesta. Upravo je u tom drugom krugu Inin tim čekala<br />

fizički možda najspremnija momčad turnira - ekipa FK (Fakulteta<br />

za kineziologiju), ali „<strong>Ina</strong>ši“ su sjajnom igrom i uz malo sreće na<br />

kraju uspjeli pobijediti favoriziranu studentsku momčad. Nakon te<br />

iscrpljujuće utakmice Inin malonogometni tim izgubio je „na knap“<br />

od momčadi OVB-a i eALUMNI, što je na kraju bilo dovoljno za<br />

odlično treće mjesto.<br />

Sudjelovanje Ine, kao strateškog partnera turnira, nastavak je uspješne<br />

suradnje najveće hrvatske naftne kompanije i studentskih udruga na nizu<br />

projekata vezanih za studentsku populaciju. Ova suradnja potvrđena<br />

je i ugovorima o suradnji između Ine i studentskih udruga eStudent,<br />

AIESEC Osijek i BEST koji su potpisani početkom 2012. godine.<br />

Excellent Performances of INA’s Team<br />

In the first phase of the competition, in their first match, INA won against the<br />

excellent team from CSA (Croatian Student Association) and played a tie with<br />

the student team of eALUMNI, which was enough to qualify for the second<br />

round and an opportunity to win one of the first three places. It was exactly<br />

in this second round that INA’s team was up against perhaps the most wellprepared<br />

team of the tournament - the FK team (Faculty of Kinesiology), but<br />

“our” players managed to beat the favoured team with great game and a bit<br />

of luck. After the exhausting game, INA’s futsal team lost by a hair from the<br />

OVB team and the eALUMNI team, which was in the end enough to win them<br />

the excellent third place.<br />

INA’s participation as the strategic partner of the tournament is the continuance<br />

of a successful cooperation between the Croatian leading oil company<br />

and student associations on a range of project related to the student population.<br />

This cooperation was also confirmed by Cooperation Agreements<br />

between INA and student associations eSTUDENT, AIESEC Osijek and BEST,<br />

signed at the beginning of 2012.<br />

Udruga „ZAMISLI“<br />

Za jednake obrazovne šanse<br />

Udruga za promicanje kvalitetnog obrazovanja mladih s invaliditetom<br />

“ZAMISLI” osnovana je u travnju 2005. godine, a svrha joj je promicanje<br />

kvalitetna obrazovanja mladih s invaliditetom i, u skladu s tim,<br />

zalaže se za donošenje minimalnih standarda u obrazovanju osoba s<br />

invaliditetom. Udruga trenutno radi na razvoju međunarodne suradnje,<br />

prevode relevantne dokumente iz zemalja EU vezane za izobrazbu<br />

mladih s invaliditetom, dogovaraju gostujuća predavanja stručnjaka iz<br />

inozemstva, pripremaju edukativne radionice kao i niz manjih projekata.<br />

Članovi Udruge „ZAMISLI” osobe su koje rade na projektima za mlade s<br />

invaliditetom i mlade s invaliditetom između 15 i 29 godina.<br />

Association “ZAMISLI” (IMAGINE)<br />

For Equal Educational Possibilities<br />

The association for promoting quality education for young people with disabilities<br />

“ZAMISLI” was founded in April 2005, and its purpose is to promote<br />

quality education for young people with disabilities and, accordingly, to<br />

advocate adopting minimum standards in education of people with disabilities.<br />

The association is currently working on developing international<br />

cooperation, they are translating relevant EU documents from the EU<br />

countries related to the education of young people with disabilities, arranging<br />

guest lectures from experts from abroad, preparing educational<br />

workshops as well as a series of smaller projects. The members of the<br />

“ZAMISLI” association are people working on projects for young people<br />

with disabilities and young people with disabilities aged 15 to 29 years.<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 93

Inine benzinske postaje u Slavoniji i Baranji<br />

Zaštita okoliša i<br />

[ ]<br />


community<br />

etno-tradicija<br />

INA’s Petrol Stations in Slavonia and Baranja<br />

Environmental Protection and Ethno-Tradition<br />

tekst (text) ivica župan Fotografije (photo) tomislav lazarić<br />

Prodavači na benzinskim postajama Sektora upravljanja<br />

maloprodajom Regije Osijek već godinama sami izrađuju i<br />

postavljaju kućice za ptice kako bi ih spašavali od smrzavanja<br />

i hrane ih žitaricama – posebice zimi kada je pticama, na terenu<br />

pokrivenu snijegom, teško doći do hrane.<br />

Tako je u siječnju i veljači ove godine, kada se živa u termometrima<br />

spuštala rekordno nisko, postavljeno nekoliko desetaka kućica za ptice,<br />

u pravilu na svakoj postaji jedna vidljiva, a druga u krošnji, i u njih je<br />

postavljana ptičja hrana da bi ptice preživjele za njih iznimno neugodan<br />

i visok snijeg te niske temperature.<br />

Do danas je na postajama Sektora upravljanja maloprodajom Regije Osijek,<br />

uvjerili smo se obilazeći Slavoniju i Baranju, postavljeno pedesetak<br />

kućica koje će pticama dobro doći već sljedeće zime.<br />

Okoliš, ružičnjaci, etno-detalji…<br />

Obilazeći ovaj kraj ponovno smo se uvjerili da prodavači na postajama<br />

i te kako skrbe o potrošačima i već im tradicionalno uspijevaju stvarati<br />

ugodna mjesta kupnje, među ostalim, posadivši cvijeće i ukrasno<br />

bilje znakovito za ovaj dio Hrvatske, nerijetko i prave ružičnjake te<br />

postavljajući u okoliš maloprodajnih objekata etno detalje znakovite<br />

za dio Slavonije ili Baranje u kojemu postaje posluju, i tako promičući<br />

posebnost svoga kraja.<br />

Na manjem broju objekata uredno se održava već postignuto stanje, ali<br />

na većini postaja neprestano se uvode novi atraktivni etno detalji.<br />

Najveći broj postaja uređen je volonterskim radom djelatnika, mahom<br />

u slobodno vrijeme. Tako su, primjerice, na postajama u Belom<br />

Manastiru i Đakovu-Nazorova, Slavonskom Brodu, Marsonija-sjever,<br />

postavljena stara zaprežna kola, bez kojih nije bilo niti je moglo<br />

postojati ni jedno slavonsko i baranjsko gospodarstvo, obnovljena i<br />

dotjerana rukama samog osoblja postaje. Na BP Rastovica postavljen<br />

je đeram u naravnoj veličini, na BP Slavonski Brod - Svačićeva golemo<br />

bure preuređeno u cvijećnjak. Na postajama Markušica, Slavonski<br />

Brod Brod-Svačićeva, Slavonski Brod-Pilareva, Požega-Industrijska i<br />

drugdje postavljeni su plugovi, stare muljače za vino, strašila za ptice<br />

i slični etno rekviziti.<br />

Fazanska „obitelj“ i čamac na postaji<br />

Josip Fajgl, poslovođa BP Slavonski Brod Brod-Svačićeva, ponosno<br />

nam ukazuje na karakteristični drveni riječni čamac s veslom kojega<br />

su djelatnici postaje netom postavili, ispunjen cvijećem, a iznad njega,<br />

The salesmen at the petrol stations of the Osijek Region Retail Management<br />

Sector have for years been constructing and setting up bird houses in<br />

order to save them from freezing and feeding them with grain – especially in<br />

the winter, when it is hard for the birds to find any food in the snow-covered<br />

ground.<br />

This year in January and February, when the mercury in thermometers went<br />

down to record temperatures, a few dozen bird houses were put up; usually at<br />

each station there is one visible bird house and another in the crown of the tree<br />

with bird food inside so that the birds could survive the extremely uncomfortable<br />

and high snow as well as low temperatures.<br />

Until today, at the petrol stations of the Osijek Region Retail Management,<br />

around 50 houses have been set up, to which we have testified by going around<br />

Slavonia and Baranja, and which will be of great help for the birds next winter.<br />

Environment, Rose Gardens, Ethno-details<br />

By passing through this region we were once again convinced that salesmen at the<br />

stations took very good care of the customers and that they created comfortable<br />

shopping places for the customers by, among other things, planting flowers and<br />

decorative plants typical of this part of Croatia, often even actual rose gardens, and by<br />

adding ethno-details to the environment of the retail facilities significant for the area<br />

of Slavonia or Baranja in which they were located, thus promoting the specificities of<br />

their region.<br />

On a smaller number of objects, the accomplished situation is regularly maintained,<br />

but on most stations, new attractive ethno-details are constantly added.<br />

The largest number of stations was decorated through volunteer work of the<br />

employees, all in their free time. For example, old horse-drawn carts were<br />

set up at the stations in Beli Manastir and Đakovo-Nazorova, Slavonski Brod,<br />

Marsonija-North, which were an indispensable part of every farm in Slavonia<br />

and Baranja, renewed and enhanced by the hands of the employees of the<br />

station. A well in its original size was set up at the Rastovica petrol station and<br />

at Slavonski Brod petrol station – a large barrel was transformed into a flower<br />

pot. At Markušica, Slavonski Brod Brod-Svačićeva, Slavonski Brod-Pilvareva,<br />

Požega-Industrijska stations and other stations as well, ploughs, old winecrushers,<br />

scarecrows and similar ethno details have been added.<br />

Family of Pheasants and a Boat at the Station<br />

Mr. Josip Fajgl, Manager of the Slavonski Brod Brod-Svačićeva petrol station,<br />

proudly showed us a typical wooden river boat with a row, which had just been<br />

set up by the employees of the station, filled with flowers, and above it, on pillars,<br />

nets like the ones that fishermen on the Sava use today were “drying”. Be-<br />

94 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

na stupovima, „suše“ se mreže kakve rabe ovdašnji ribari na Savi. Iza<br />

postaje velika je šikara u kojoj je svoje stanište pronašla obitelj od osamnaest<br />

fazana: dva mužjaka, ženke i brojni potomci. Djelatnici postaje<br />

godinama ih hrane žitaricama.<br />

Na BP Slavonski Brod – Pilareva zatekli smo poslovođu Darka<br />

Pavlinovića kako, dok je cisterna u spremnike isporučivala gorivo, kosi<br />

travu. Do 2007., kada je došao na postaju, njezin okoliš zapravo je bila<br />

zapuštena živica, koja je smetala i stanare velike stambene zgrade uz<br />

postaju. Pavlinović je osobno donirao „muljaču“ za grožđe kojim se u<br />

ovome vinorodnom kraju pravi mošt.<br />

Šokačko gospodarsko dvorište<br />

Na BP Đakovo-Nazorova, uz obilje cvijeća, djelatnici su prilično<br />

vjerno rekonstruirali šokačko gospodarsko dvorište – postavljena<br />

su ponovno obojena žuta zaprežna kola, plug za oranje, kućica<br />

za psa čuvara, kućica za ptice, fontana s lutkom ribiča. Kako kaže<br />

zamjenik poslovođe, Damir Sučić, ponosni su na Đakovačke vezove,<br />

koji diljem svijeta pronose ime Đakovštine, te su dio unutrašnjosti<br />

prodajnog dijela objekta ukrasili plakatima koji su tijekom desetljeća<br />

reklamirali Vezove.<br />

Na uzorno održavanoj BP Đakovo-Preradovićeva, zamjenik<br />

poslovođe, Marko Kokanović, upozorava nas na drvenu sjenicu,<br />

djelo prodavačkih ruku, u čijem su hlada kupci godinama rado predahnjivali.<br />

Lijepo je uređen i okoliš BP Beli Manastir-Bele Bartoka i<br />

još ljepše okoliš BP Beli Manastir- Osječka – dobro održavana stara<br />

seljačka kola postavljena su gotovo uz samu cestu i svaki ih vozač<br />

lako opaža.<br />

Poslovođa uređuje čemprese<br />

Da okoliš postaje nije nimalo lako osmisliti i održavati uvjerili smo se<br />

na BP Kneževi vinogradi, gdje smo poslovođu Ivana Bubala zatekli kako<br />

upravo čupa četrdeset čempresa koji obrubljuju okoliš postaje, a koji su<br />

se – zbog suše ili nekih drugih njemu nerazumljivih razloga – osušili i<br />

sada ih je potrebno zamijeniti novim.<br />

BP Valpovo-Ive Lole Ribara ostavila je snažan dojam i razlikuje se od<br />

svih postaja koje smo vidjeli u Slavoniji i Baranji. U okolišu, koji se kupa<br />

u obilju pomno odabrana zelenila, nema etno rekvizita - zaposlenici su<br />

ga uredili s profinjenim ukusom, izuzetnim hortikulturnim iskustvom i<br />

sa zavidnim osjećajem za lijepo. Čestitamo!<br />

hind the station, there was a large marsh populated by a family of 18 pheasants.<br />

Two males, two females and numerous offsprings. The workers from the station<br />

have been feeding them grain for years.<br />

At the Slavonski Brod – Pilareva petrol station, we ran into the Manager, Mr. Darko<br />

Pavlinović, who was mowing grass as the tank was pouring the fuel into the containers.<br />

Until 2007, when he first arrived to the station, its landscape was nothing but a<br />

neglected hedge, which also bothered the tenants of the large residential building<br />

next to the station. Palinović personally donated a presses for grapes used to make<br />

young wine in this wine-growing area.<br />

Šokci Farm Yard<br />

At the Đakovo-Nazorova petrol station, together with flowers, the employees<br />

have quite accurately reconstructed a Šokci-style farm yard – a newly painted<br />

yellow horse-drawn cart was set up, as well as a plough, a dog house, bird house<br />

and a fountain with a fisherman. According to the vice Manager, Mr. Damir Sučić,<br />

they are very proud of the traditional festival “Đakovački Vezovi” (Embroideries<br />

of Đakovo), which promotes the name of Đakovo across the world, and have<br />

decorated a part of the interior of the sales section with posters announcing the<br />

“Đakovečki Vezovi” Festival.<br />

At the respectably maintained Đakovo-Preradovićeva petrol station, the vice Manager,<br />

Mr. Marko Kokanović, drew our attention to the wooden arbor, built by the employees,<br />

in whose shade the buyers have been taking a break for years. The landscape of Beli<br />

Manastir-Bela Bartoka petrol station is also nicely decorated, but even more nicely<br />

decorated is the landscape of Beli Manastir-Osječka petrol station – a well-preserved<br />

old country wagon has been placed by the side of the road and every driver can notice<br />

it easily.<br />

The Manager Prunes the Cypresses<br />

At the Kneževi Vinogradi petrol station, we saw for ourselves that the landscape<br />

of the station was not easy to design or to maintain. There we found<br />

the Manager, Mr. Ivan Bubalo, pulling out 40 cypresses that went around the<br />

perimeter of the station and that have - due to drought or some other reasons<br />

- dried and needed to be replaced by new ones.<br />

Valpovo-Ive Lole Ribara petrol station made a strong impression on us; it<br />

is different from all the stations that we saw in Slavonia and Baranja. In the<br />

landscape, which bathes in carefully chosen greenery, there are no ethnodetails<br />

– the employees decorated it tastefully and sophisticatedly and<br />

have displayed an exceptional horticultural experience and enviable sense<br />

of beauty. Congratulations!<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 95

„Energija 2012.“, Inin nagradni natječaj za najbolje radove studenata ALU u kategorijAma:<br />

slikarstvo, kiparstvo, grafika i novi mediji<br />

Umjetnost nadahnuta<br />

energijom<br />

“Energy 2012”, INA’s competition for the best student works for students from the Academy<br />

of Fine Arts in the following categories: Painting, Sculpture, Graphics and New Media<br />

Energy-inspired Art<br />

tekst (text) ivica župan Fotografije (photo) tomislav lazarić<br />

INA tradicionalno promiče vrijednosti hrvatske umjetnosti i kulture, a<br />

već dugi niz godina pruža podršku projektima koji uključuju mlade, nadarene<br />

stvaraoce. Na tragu takve inicijative, Inin Sektor korporativnih<br />

komunikacija i Akademija likovnih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu<br />

(ALU), u povodu 105. obljetnice djelovanja te ustanove, pokrenuli su<br />

natječaj Energija 2012., u sklopu kojeg su studenti ALU dobili priliku<br />

osvojiti jednogodišnju stipendiju, novčane nagrade za umjetnička<br />

postignuća te mogućnost izlaganja svojih radova na izložbi. Time je<br />

još jedanput očitovana i uspješna suradnja Ine i akademske zajednice,<br />

a INA se istodobno još jednom potvrdila kao jedna od vodećih kompanija<br />

u društveno odgovornom poslovanju, koja posebnu pozornost<br />

posvećuje projektima iz kulture i umjetnosti.<br />

Zajednička komisija Ine i ALU<br />

Projekt je uključivao tri glavna elementa: kreativni natječaj, izložbu<br />

natječajnih radova studenata ALU u Galeriji ALU te dodjelu stipendije<br />

jednom studentu. Poziv na natječaj bio je upućen studentima zadnje godine<br />

preddiplomskog studija te studentima diplomskog i doktorskog<br />

studija. Stipendista je odabrala komisija sastavljena od tri profesora<br />

ALU i dva Inina predstavnika, a kriteriji odabira bili su izvrsnost u likovnom<br />

radu i ocjenama, motivacija na studiju i socijalni status.<br />

Izborna komisija, koju su činili profesori ALU: Peruško Bogdanić, Robert<br />

Šimrak i Joško Bače te Regina Bugar i Ivica Župan iz Inina Sektora<br />

korporativnih komunikacija, odabrala je najbolje radove studenata<br />

diplomskih i postdiplomskih, doktorskih i specijalističkih studija svih<br />

odsjeka ALU na temu energije, a u kategorijama slikarstvo, grafika, kiparstvo<br />

i novi mediji. Svaki student trebao je prijaviti tri rada iz istog<br />

ciklusa, pa je pokazano čak dvjestotinjak umjetničkih ostvarenja. Svi su<br />

odabrani radovi od 11. do 22. lipnja bili izloženi u Galeriji ALU.<br />

Dobitnici nagrada i stipendije<br />

U sklopu kreativnog natječaja odabrani su najbolji radovi studenata<br />

diplomskih i postdiplomskih, doktorskih i specijalističkih<br />

studija svih odsjeka ALU na temu energije, u kategorijama<br />

slikarstvo, grafika, kiparstvo i novi mediji. Svaki student prijav-<br />

INA traditionally promotes the values of Croatian arts and culture, and<br />

has for many years been supporting projects by young, talented authors.<br />

Following this kind of initiative, INA’s Corporate Communications Sector and<br />

the Academy of fine arts of the Zagreb University (AFA), for the occasion<br />

of the 105th anniversary of the institution, have started the Energy 2012<br />

competition within which AFA students were given an opportunity to win a<br />

one-year scholarship, money prizes for artistic achievements and the possibility<br />

to present their work at the exhibition. Once more, this confirmed the<br />

successful cooperation between INA and the academic community, and INA<br />

has at the same time once more established itself as a leading company in<br />

the socially responsible business, which pays special attention to projects<br />

in culture and art.<br />

INA and AFA Joint Committee<br />

The project included three main elements: creative competition, exhibition of<br />

the AFA students’ works from the competition in the AFA Gallery and granting<br />

one scholarship. The invitation for the competition was directed at students<br />

of final years of the undergradute programme, and to students from the graduate<br />

and doctoral programmes. The winner of the scholarship was chosen by<br />

the Committee composed of three AFA professors and two INA’s representatives,<br />

and the criteria for the selection were excellence in artistic work and<br />

grades, as well as motivation for studying and social status.<br />

The election committee, composed by the AFA professors: Peruško Bogdanić,<br />

Robert Šimrak and Joško Bače, together with Regina Bugar and Ivica Župan<br />

from INA’s Corporate Communcations Sector, chose the best works by students<br />

of graduate and postgraduate, doctoral and specialist studies of all AFA<br />

departments on the topic of energy and in the categories of paining, graphics,<br />

sculpture and new media. Every student had to register three works from<br />

the same cycle, which means that around two hundred artistic achievements<br />

were presented. All the chosen works were exhibited June 11-22 at the AFA<br />

Gallery.<br />

Award and Scholarship Winners<br />

Within the creative competition, the best works by students of graduate and<br />

postgraduate, doctoral and specialist studies of all AFA departments on the<br />

96 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

[ ]<br />


community<br />

Inina inicijativa predstavljena je na tiskovnoj<br />

konferenciji / INA’s initiative presented on press<br />

conference<br />

Inin Sektor korporativnih komunikacija i Akademija likovnih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu<br />

(ALU), pokrenuli su kreativni nagradni natječaj u kojem je sudjelovalo čak 62 autora,<br />

mlada umjetnika, studenata ALU, s gotovo dvije stotine radova na temu energije, od kojih je<br />

tri najbolja INA novčano nagradila, određen broj otkupila te dodijelila jednu jednogodišnju<br />

stipendiju uz postavu izložbe najuspjelijih djela u Galeriji ALU<br />

Nagrađeni studenti / Awardes<br />

students<br />

ljivao je po tri rada iz istog ciklusa, a pobjednički radovi osvojili<br />

su novčane nagrade; prvo mjesto 7.000 kuna, drugo 5.000<br />

kuna, treće 3.000 kuna. Određen broj studentskih ostvarenja<br />

INA je otkupila. Pobjednicima natječaja nagrade su uručene<br />

na svečanom otvorenju izložbe Energija 2012. održane 11. lipnja,<br />

kada se obilježavao Dan ALU i 105. obljetnica te ustanove.<br />

topic of energy and in the categories of paining, graphics, sculpture and new<br />

media were chosen. Every student had to register three works from the same<br />

cycle, and the winning works won money prizes – 1st place 7,000 kuna; 2nd<br />

place 5,000 kuna; 3rd place 3,000 kuna. A certain number of student works<br />

was bought by INA. The winners of the competition received their awards at<br />

the opening ceremony of the Energy 2012 exhibition on June 11, when the<br />

Day of the AFA and 105th anniversary of the institution were celebrated. The<br />

exhibition was opened by prof. Dalibor Jelavič, AFA Dean.<br />

Marita Stanić is the winner of the 1st prize, Sabina Mikelić of the 2nd, Vitar<br />

Drinković of the 3rd, Vanja Babić received a special prize for innovation, and<br />

the scholarship was given to Dejan Kljun, a young sculptor.<br />

INA Encourages Young Artists’ Affirmation<br />

By awarding money prizes for the best works, not only did INA financially<br />

help the students, but also – by organizing the exhibition of the awarded<br />

works – gave them an opportunity of wider affirmation in the gallery and media<br />

in an early stage of their artistic formation and of faster recognition of their<br />

creative efforts since the visitors of the exhibition, cultural public and professional<br />

critics were given insight into their achievements.<br />

The response to the competition was respectable – as many as 62 authors<br />

(summer 12) ljeto '12. 97

Vanja Babić: Tri ciklusa / Three cycles<br />

Prof. Dalibor Jelavić, dekan Akademije likovnih umjetnosti:<br />

Kvalitetna i plodonosna suradnja<br />

„Čast mi je da kao dekan ALU prisustvujem otvaranju ovako lijepe<br />

izložbe naših studenata. Htio bih s vama podijeliti zadovoljstvo što<br />

važnu nacionalnu ustanovu kakva je ALU, sa stoljetnom tradicijom,<br />

podupire tako velika kompanija kakva je INA. Rezultat naše<br />

novopokrenute, ali vrlo kvalitetne i plodonosne suradnje su Inin<br />

projekt Energija 2012. i ova sjajna izložba kao njegov krajnji proizvod.<br />

Nadam se da ćemo i ubuduće u Ini imati kvalitetna partnera“, izjavio je,<br />

otvarajući izložbu, prof. Dalibor Jelavić, dekan ALU.<br />

Izložbu je otvorio prof. Dalibor Jelavić, dekan ALU.<br />

Marita Stanić dobitnica je prve nagrade, Sabina Mikelić druge, Vitar<br />

Drinković treće, Vanja Babić posebne nagrade za inovativnost, a stipendija<br />

je pripala mladom kiparu Dejanu Kljunu.<br />

INA potiče afirmaciju mladih<br />

stvaralaca<br />

Dodjelom novčane nagrade za najbolje radove, INA ne samo da materijalno<br />

pomaže studente, nego im je - organiziranjem izložbe nagrađenih<br />

djela - pružila mogućnost šire galerijske i medijske afirmacije u ranoj fazi<br />

umjetničkog formiranja te brže prepoznatljivosti njihovih stvaralačkih<br />

napora jer se posjetiteljima izložbe, kulturnoj javnosti i stručnoj kritici<br />

pruža uvid u njihova ostvarenja.<br />

Odziv na Inin natječaj bio je respektabilan - prijavilo se čak 62 autora<br />

- od kojih je najveći dio njih očitovao respektabilne rezultate. Dobar<br />

odziv studenata raduje znamo li da – osim svakodnevih obveza vezanih<br />

za nastavni program – studenti tijekom godine apliciraju i na druge<br />

natječaje. Odabrati radove za otkup nipošto nije bilo lako, ali takva je<br />

situacija žiriju uvijek draga jer znači da je imao iz čega i birati.<br />

Dobitnicima je nagrade uručila Marina Burazer, direktorica Sektora<br />

korporativnih komunikacija, a po otvaranju izložbe upriličeno je<br />

zajedničko fotografiranje dobitnika nagrada i Ininih i Akademinijih<br />

predstavnika.<br />

Izložba je pokazala da će se većina nagrađenih slikara i kipara – koji<br />

tek izlaze iz formativne faze i autentični su „proizvod“ ALU - vrlo<br />

brzo profilirati u samosvojne, autorski definirane stvaralačke osobnosti<br />

omeđene vlastitim istraživačkim parcelama, što istodobno znači<br />

da su studenti zagrebačke ALU i dalje jamac budućnosti hrvatske<br />

likovne umjetnosti.<br />

applied - and most of them produced quite respectable results. Good student<br />

response makes us happy if we consider that – apart from every-day obligations<br />

for their curriculum – during the year students apply for other competitions<br />

as well. Choosing works for buying was not easy at all, but this situation<br />

is always good for the committee because it means that they had material<br />

to choose from.<br />

Mrs Marina Burazer, Director of the Corporate Communications Sector, presented<br />

the winners with the prizes, and after the opening of the exhibition,<br />

the winners were photographed together with the representatives from INA<br />

and AFA.<br />

The exhibition showed that most of the awarded painters and sculptors<br />

– who are just leaving their formative stage and are an authentic “product”<br />

of AFA – will very quickly grow into autonomous and defined authors, framed<br />

by their own explorations, which means that they are at the same time AFA<br />

students and a guarantee of the bright future of the Croatian fine arts.<br />

Prof. Dalibor Jelavić, Dean of the Academy of Fine Arts:<br />

Quality and Productive<br />

Cooperation<br />

“It is my honour, as the Dean of AFA, to be present at the opening of<br />

such a beautiful exhibition of works by our students. I would like to<br />

share with you the pleasure of having such a nationally important<br />

institution as AFA with a century-old tradition supported by such a<br />

large company as INA. The result of our newly initiated, but quality<br />

and very productive cooperation, is INA’s Energy 2012 project and this<br />

excellent exhibition as its final result. I hope that we have found in INA<br />

a quality partner for the future,” said prof. Dalibor Jelavić, AFA Dean,<br />

upon opening the exhibition.<br />

INA’s Corporate Communications Sector<br />

and the Academy of Fine Arts of the Zagreb<br />

University (AFA) started a creative competition<br />

in which 62 authors, young artists,<br />

and AFA students took part, with almost<br />

two hundred works on the topic of energy.<br />

INA rewarded the top three artists, bought<br />

a number of works and granted one oneyear<br />

scholarship, together with an exhibition<br />

of the most successful works at the<br />

AFA Gallery<br />

98 ljeto '12. (summer 12)

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