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Report 5 33 Akbar<br />

Mwangi N.M., 2007: Geophysical methods for geothermal resource characterization. Presented at<br />

“Short Course on Geothermal Development in Central America – Resource Assessment and<br />

Environmental Management”, UNU-GTP and LaGeo, San Salvador, El Salvador, 13 pp.<br />

NAMNAM, 1999: Geological report on borehole drilling, Maddhapara hard rock mining project,<br />

Dhaka. Korea South-South Cooperation Corporation (NAMNAM), 141pp.<br />

Petrobangla, 2011: Petrobangla achievements and roadmap. Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral<br />

Corporation (Petrobangla), Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources.<br />

Powell, T., and Cumming, W., 2010: Spreadsheets for geothermal water and gas geochemistry,<br />

Proceedings of the 35 th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University,<br />

Stanford, CA, 10 pp.<br />

Rabbani, G., Chowdhury, K.R., and Huq, M., 2000: Stratigraphic analysis by interpretation of seismic<br />

and drill hole data of Rangpur-Dinajpur area, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geosci. J., 6, 1-16.<br />

Rahman, M., 2006: Geothermal potential resources in Thakurgaon district, northern Bangladesh.<br />

Bangladesh J. Geology, 25, 13-30.<br />

Reed, M.H., and Spycher, N.F., 1984: Calculation of pH and mineral equilibria in hydrothermal water<br />

with applications to geothermometry and studies of boiling and dilution. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta,<br />

48, 1479-1490.<br />

Reimann, K.U., 1993: Geology of Bangladesh. Borntraeger, Berlin, 160 pp.<br />

Reza, J.M., 1988: Hydrogeology of Maddhapara Hardrock mining area and environs in relation to<br />

mining geology. Dhaka University, Dhaka, MSc thesis (unpubl.).<br />

Sikder, A.M., and Alam, M.M., 2003: 2-D modelling of the anticlinal structures and structural<br />

development of the eastern fold belt of the Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Sedimentary Geology, 155-3/4,<br />

209-226.<br />

Tulinius, H., Thorbergsdóttir, I.M., Ádám, L., Zuzhin Hu Z., and Yu G., 2010: Geothermal<br />

evaluation in Hungary using integrated interpretation of well, seismic and MT data. Proceedings of<br />

the World Geothermal Congress 2010, Bali, Indonesia, 8 pp.<br />

Wardell Armstrong, 1991: Techno-economic feasibility study of Barapukuria coal project, Dinajpur,<br />

Bangladesh. Wardell Armstrong, internal report, v.1-12, Dhaka.<br />

Zaher, M.A., and Rahman, A., 1980: Prospects and investigations for minerals in the northwestern<br />

part of Bangladesh. Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Bangladesh, Seminar and Exhibition,<br />

Dhaka, 9-18.

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