"Under the Sign of Scorpion" by Juri - Gnostic Liberation Front

"Under the Sign of Scorpion" by Juri - Gnostic Liberation Front "Under the Sign of Scorpion" by Juri - Gnostic Liberation Front

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The Hungarian author and Member of Parliament Istvan Csurka wrote an article where he said outright that there was a conspiracy, which was consciously damaging Hungary. The Jews, the Liberals and the IMF (the International Monetary Fund) led the conspiracy. Of course, a big scandal broke out. It is not permitted to describe one's beliefs if they are unpleasant and disturbing. The plans for the future Europe were ready well in advance. Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894-1972), who was the first president of the Pan-European Union founded in 1923, wrote the following in his book "Praktischer Idealismus" / "Practical Idealism" (1925): "The future man will be a mongrel. As for a Pan Europe, I wish to see there a Eurasian-Negroid mixture with great variation in personality types... The Jews shall take the leading positions, since good providence has given Europe a spiritually superior race of nobility called the Jews." (Pages 22 and 50.) I found the freemasons' plans for the future Europe in Wiener Freimaurer Zeitung (Vienna, September 1925 and October 1926). The freemason Coudenhove-Kalergi asserted in his autobiography that the Pan-European Union was, at the beginning, sponsored by a circle of Jewish bankers led by Rothschild and Warburg. In 1925, the Grand Lodge in Vienna sent an appeal to different Masonic federations to support Kalergi's Pan-European movement. Even Swedish Jews have used the racist myth about the Jews being the chosen people and admitted that there is a particular conspiracy against mankind. Herman Greid very nastily wrote the following: "But God has not chosen them because they are a holy race, but they are holy because it pleased God to choose this race to complete a certain task in his plan for mankind." {Judisk Kronika, No. 4, 1971, p. 4, column 2.) In this book I have tried to show what this so-called plan has meant for us all. No thanks to all crimes, terror and oppression in camouflaged forms! To stop this process, it is necessary to recreate our history and avoid new mistakes by putting no faith in the new, treacherous actions of the financial elite. These plans have so far included manipulation with inferior foodstuffs (propaganda for junk-food and aspartam), irradiated and gene-manipulated food, economic manipulation, as practised by the Hungarian Jew George Soros, suppression of environment-friendly inventions and energy sources... 408



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