Introduction to Tantra Sastra - Aghori

Introduction to Tantra Sastra - Aghori

Introduction to Tantra Sastra - Aghori


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WORSHIP 115<br />

nityānuṣṭ hānatatparāh, kāmādi-balidānaśca sa vira iti<br />

giyate).<br />

The elements in their literal sense are not available<br />

in sādhana for all. The nature of the Paśu requires strict<br />

adherence <strong>to</strong> Vaidik rule in the matter of these physical<br />

functions even in worship. This rule prohibits the drinking<br />

of wine, a substance subject <strong>to</strong> the three curses of<br />

Brahma, Kaca, and Kṛ ṣṇ a, in the following terms; Madyam<br />

apeyam adeyam agrāhyam (“Wine 1 must not be<br />

drunk, given, or taken”). The drinking of wine in ordinary<br />

life for satisfaction of the sensual appetite is, in<br />

fact, a sin, involving prāyascitta, and entailing, according<br />

<strong>to</strong> the Viṣṇ u Purāṇ a, 2 punishment in the same Hell<br />

as that <strong>to</strong> which a killer of a Brahmāṇ a goes. As<br />

regards flesh and fish the higher castes (outside Bengal)<br />

who submit <strong>to</strong> the orthodox Smārtha discipline eat<br />

neither. Nor do high and strict Brāhmaṇ as even in that<br />

Province. But the bulk of the people there, both men<br />

and women, eat fish, and men consume the flesh of male<br />

goats which have been previously offered <strong>to</strong> the Deity.<br />

The Vaidika dharma is equally strict upon the subject of<br />

sexual intercourse. Maithuna other than with the<br />

householder’s own wife is condemned. And this is not<br />

only in its literal sense, but in that which is known as<br />

Aṣṭ āṇga (eightfold) maithuna—viz., smaraṇ am (thinking<br />

upon it), kirttanam (talking of it), keli (play with<br />

women), prekṣaṇ am (looking upon woman), guhyabhā-<br />

ṣaṇ am (talk in private with woman), saṃkalpa (wish or<br />

1 From the standpoint of Tāntrika-Vīrācāra, the drinking of wine here<br />

referred <strong>to</strong> is ordinary drinking, and not the ritual worship (of those qualified<br />

for it) with the purified substacce which is Tārā (the Saviour) Herself in<br />

liquid form (dravamayī).<br />

2 Viṣṇu-Purāṇa (Bk. II, chap. vi).

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