Introduction to Tantra Sastra - Aghori

Introduction to Tantra Sastra - Aghori

Introduction to Tantra Sastra - Aghori


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WORSHIP 113<br />

of the body. The bīja of the Devatā are the jewels which<br />

the sādhaka places on the different parts of his body.<br />

By nyāsa he places his Abhīṣṭ adevatā in such parts, and<br />

by vyāpaka-nyāsa, he spreads its presence throughout<br />

himself. He becomes permeated by it losing himself in<br />

the divine Self.<br />

Nyasa is also of use in effecting the proper distribution<br />

of the śaktis of the human frame in their proper<br />

positions so as <strong>to</strong> avoid the production of discord and<br />

distraction in worship. Nyāsa as well as Āsana are<br />

necessary for the production of the desired state of mind<br />

and of cittaśuddhi (its purification). “Das denken ist der<br />

mass der Dinge.” 1 Transformation of thought is Transformation<br />

of being. This is the essential principle and<br />

rational basis of all this and similar Tāntrik sādhanas.<br />


There are as already stated, three classes of men—<br />

Paśu, Vīra, and Divya. The operation of the guṇ as which<br />

produce these types affect, on the gross material plane,<br />

the animal tendencies, manifesting in the three chief<br />

physical functions—eating and drinking, whereby the<br />

annamayakośa is maintained, and sexual intercourse,<br />

by which it is reproduced. These functions are the subject<br />

of the pañcatattva or pañcamakara (“five m’s”), as they<br />

are vulgarly called—viz: madya (wine), māmsa (meat),<br />

matsya (fish), mudrā (parched grain), and maithuna<br />

(coition). In ordinary parlance, mudrā means ritual gestures<br />

or positions of the body in worship and haṭ hayoga,<br />

but as one of the five elements it is parched cereal, and<br />

is defined 2 as Bhriṣṭ adānyādikam yadyad chavyanīyam<br />

1 Prantl.<br />

2 Yoginī-<strong>Tantra</strong> (chap. vi).

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