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The <strong>Cranbrook</strong> Chronicle<br />

Headmaster’s Receptions<br />

In recent weeks Mr Sampson has hosted two receptions for past,<br />

current and future families. In Hong Kong, over 60 guests gathered<br />

at the Hong Kong Football Club to mingle and hear the Headmaster’s<br />

vision for the <strong>School</strong>. A wonderful mix of Old <strong>Cranbrook</strong>ians, current<br />

boarding parents and future <strong>Cranbrook</strong> parents took the opportunity to<br />

mingle and hear news from the school.<br />

Thanks must go to Boarder mum Lara Reynolds (Garth and Matt) for<br />

her assistance in organising the event, and the support of James Bush<br />

our Director of the Old <strong>Cranbrook</strong>ians Association whose assistance<br />

was also greatly appreciated.<br />

Our Director of Admissions, Mr Michael Atkins also held a number of<br />

meetings and entry interviews with families currently residing in Hong<br />

Kong.<br />

Another Reception was held in Dubbo in conjunction with the<br />

Boarding <strong>School</strong>s’ Expo. Over twenty of the local <strong>Cranbrook</strong><br />

Chessnut Week 5, Term 2,2013<br />

Community gathered at the Dubbo Golf Club to hear the Headmaster<br />

speak and enjoy one to one conversations with him.<br />

Clockwise from top left: Jo Crowley, Naomi Brown wife of Bill (OC’59),<br />

Kathleen Brown wife of Tim (OC’89); Anne Mackay from Coonamble, Sandi<br />

and Phil Harding, Condobolin (OC 1978), Ron Mackay from Coonamble;<br />

Janice Pakchung and Mervyn Jacob, Sarah Bower<br />


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Kluss v Nippgen<br />

ChessnUT<br />

Kluss v Nippgen<br />

German Chess League 2004<br />

The White Bishop at c2 is looking vulnerable but Kluss does not seem<br />

overly concerned. What is a mere Bishop when you can win the game<br />

with a brilliant attack? Find the winning combination for White.<br />

Solution: The key move is of course 1.QxP check KxQ 2.Rh3check<br />

Kg8 3.Nh6 check Kh7 and after 4.Nf5check it is all over because of<br />

4…Kg8 5.Ne7mate

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