R & S Presentation.pdf - National RFID Centre

R & S Presentation.pdf - National RFID Centre

R & S Presentation.pdf - National RFID Centre


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<strong>RFID</strong> Testing<br />

Sun Wai Hoong<br />

Asst. R&D Manager<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Agenda<br />

Introduction<br />

<strong>RFID</strong> Technology Overview<br />

Global Market Projections<br />

Technology<br />

Testing standards<br />

R&S <strong>RFID</strong>-related<br />

products<br />

<strong>RFID</strong> Systems Overview<br />

Coupling,Backscattering<br />

Modulation<br />

Testing Overview<br />

Regulatory Testing<br />

Conformance Testing<br />

Performance Testing<br />

Products Overview<br />

Test Setup – PCD / PICC<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


<strong>RFID</strong> Technology Overview<br />

Frequency<br />

Range<br />

segment Range Application Standardisation Technology<br />

125 kHz / 135 kHz remote coupling 0,5 m animal identification (read only) ISO 11784 Inductive<br />

125 kHz / 135 kHz remote coupling 0,5 m animal identification (read/write) ISO 14223/1 Inductive<br />

125 kHz / 135 kHz remote coupling 0,5 m logistic ISO18000-2 electromagnetic / backscatter<br />

0 to 30 MHz close coupling 10 cm high security ISO 10536 ID1-Format inductive / capacitive<br />

6,7 MHz remote coupling 1 m<br />

7,4 to 8,8 MHz remote coupling 1 m<br />

13,56 MHz remote coupling 1 m proximity cards (contactless controller) ISO 14443 Inductive<br />

13,56 MHz remote coupling 1 m vicinity cards (contactless memory) ISO15693 Inductive<br />

13,56 MHz remote coupling 1 m logistic ISO 18000-3 electromagnetic / backscatter<br />

13,56 MHz remote coupling 1 m electronic product code EPC Class I RF Inductive<br />

mobile nearfield communication<br />

13,56 MHz remote coupling 1 m<br />

(smartcard payment) NFC ECMA 340 Inductive<br />

27 MHz remote coupling 1 m inductive (capacitive)<br />

125 MHz<br />

302 to 305 MHz long range system up to 100 m<br />

314,7 to 315 MHz long range system up to 100 m<br />

418,95 to 418,975 MHz long range system up to 100 m<br />

433 MHz long range system up to 100 m logistic ISO 18000-7 electromagnetic / backscatter<br />

860 to 960 MHz long range system 3 m / 15 m logistic ISO 18000-6 electromagnetic / backscatter<br />

electronic product code<br />

860 to 960 MHz long range system 3 m / 15 m (reading multiple Tags) EPC Class I Gen 2 electromagnetic / backscatter<br />

2,4 to 2,4835 GHz, 2,45 long range system 3 m / 15 m logistic ISO 18000-4 electromagnetic / backscatter<br />

2,4 to 2,4835 GHz, 2,45<br />

GHz long range system 3 m / 15 m Vehicle identification electromagnetic / backscatter<br />

5,725 to 5,875 GHz long range system 3 m / 15 m logistic ISO 18000-5 electromagnetic / backscatter<br />

5,725 to 5,875 GHz long range system 3 m / 15 m special sensor application electromagnetic / backscatter<br />

24,125 GHz<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Global Market Projections<br />

Source: IDTechEx <strong>RFID</strong> Forecasts, Players & Opportunities 2008-2018<br />

l Exponential growth for <strong>RFID</strong> market from 2008 – 2018<br />

l Market size in 2018 is > 5 times that for 2008<br />

l Main reason for adoption<br />

l Increase efficiency & reduce wastage<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Typical Components of an <strong>RFID</strong> System<br />

<strong>RFID</strong> Readers<br />

Data<br />

Clock<br />

Energy<br />

Contactless<br />

Data carrier<br />

(Transponder)<br />

Application<br />

Devices to test<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


<strong>RFID</strong> Systems can be classified by:<br />

Frequency<br />

Communication distance<br />

Size of the Memory<br />

Technology<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Classification in terms of Frequency use<br />

Frequency<br />

classification<br />

LF<br />

HF<br />

HF<br />

HF<br />

HF<br />

HF<br />

UHF<br />

UHF<br />

UHF<br />

UHF<br />

UHF<br />

UHF<br />

Microwave<br />

Microwave<br />

Microwave<br />

Frequency<br />

125 kHz / 135 kHz<br />

0 to 30 MHz<br />

6,7 MHz<br />

7,4 to 8,8 MHz<br />

13,56 MHz<br />

27 MHz<br />

125 MHz<br />

302 to 305 MHz<br />

314,7 to 315 MHz<br />

418,95 to 418,975 MHz<br />

433 MHz<br />

860 to 960 MHz<br />

2,4 to 2,4835 GHz, 2,45 GHz<br />

5,725 to 5,875 GHz<br />

24,125 GHz<br />

Source (Chipsets percentage) : Venture Development Cooperation, 2007<br />

28 % of Chipsets<br />

38 % of Chipsets<br />

18 % of Chipsets<br />

5 % of Chipsets<br />

LF = Low Frequency<br />

HF = High Frequency<br />

UHF = Ultra High Frequency<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Classification in terms of communication distance<br />

Range<br />

Frequency<br />

Technic<br />

Close Coupling<br />

- 0,01 m<br />

DC - 30 MHz<br />

Inductive coupling<br />

Capacitive coupling<br />

Remote Coupling<br />

- 1 m<br />

135 kHz,<br />

13.56 MHz,<br />

(27.125 MHz)<br />

Inductive coupling<br />

Long-range System - 3 m / 15 m<br />

868 MHz,<br />

915 MHz,<br />

2.5 GHz und<br />

5.8 GHz<br />

Backscatter coupling<br />

(Electromagnetic coupling)<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Inductive Coupling<br />

Remote coupling ~ 1m<br />

(Load Modulation)<br />

Resistance<br />

Reader<br />

coupling coefficient k

Inductive coupling<br />

Close coupling ~ 10cm<br />

Reader<br />

Chip<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Inductive coupling in the example of EAS Systems (Electronic<br />

Article Surveillance)<br />

Energy<br />

fG<br />

Generator coil<br />

Sensory coil<br />

UHF<br />

Transmitter<br />

EAS-Label<br />

Receiver<br />

Reaction<br />

Reaction<br />

(optimal)<br />

Typical parameter for LC-System: FG = 8.2 MHz + 10 %<br />

Maximum field-strength in detection area: 0.9 A/m<br />

Minimum deactivation field-strength: 1.5 A/m<br />

Detection Rate: ca. 70%<br />

Source: Finkenzeller<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Capacitive coupling<br />

Close coupling ~ 10cm<br />

~<br />

Reader<br />

Chip<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Backscatter coupling / Electromagnetic coupling<br />

Wavefront<br />

from Reader<br />

reflected wavefront<br />

from transponder<br />

Through resonance of the receiving circuit, the<br />

transponder has an especially high reflection coefficient.<br />

The reflection can be modified (modulated) with the use of<br />

a variable resistance<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Backscatter Coupling<br />

modulated cross-section of the reflector (Radar)<br />

Range: ~ 10 m<br />

Directional<br />

Coupler<br />

P1<br />

P1<br />

Channel<br />

Reception<br />

TX<br />

D1<br />

C1<br />

D2<br />

C2<br />

CHIP<br />

Reader<br />

RX<br />

P2<br />

P2<br />

RL<br />

Transponder<br />

Dipole<br />

Source: Finkenzeller<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Surface Waves Transponder<br />

Dipole<br />

antenna<br />

Reflectors<br />

Interdigital<br />

converter<br />

piezo-electric single crystal<br />

Substrate: lithium niobate or lithium tantalate: piezo-electric effect<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Digital Modulation<br />

in the Time domain<br />

Amplitude Shift Keying<br />

(ASK)<br />

Baseband Data<br />

1 0 0 1<br />

Acos(ωt)<br />

Frequency Shift Keying<br />

(FSK)<br />

f 1 f 0 f 0 f 1<br />

Phase Shift Keying (PSK) (BPSK)<br />

S 1 S 0 S 0 S 1<br />

where f 0 =Acos(ω c -∆ω)t and f 1 =Acos(ω c +∆ω)t<br />

where S 0 =-Acos(ω c t) and S 1 =Acos(ω c t)<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Load Modulation with Sub-carrier (inductive)<br />

13.56 MHz Reader‘s carrier signal,<br />

measured at antenna‘s coil<br />

Modulation products from load modulation<br />

on sub-carrier<br />

e.g. f c/ 16 = 847.5 kHz (ISO 14443)<br />

The sub-carrier can be modulated by ASK, FSK or PSK. It is achieved through<br />

periodic changes of the load in transponder.<br />

This gives rise to AM sidebands, which can be easily detected from the Reader<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Full- and Half-Duplex Systems<br />

FDX (Full Duplex)<br />

Energy transfer<br />

Downlink:<br />

Uplink:<br />

HDX (Half Duplex)<br />

Energy transfer:<br />

Downlink:<br />

Uplink:<br />

SEQ (Sequential)<br />

Energy transfer:<br />

Downlink:<br />

Uplink:<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


<strong>RFID</strong> further technical Aspects<br />

Energy Supply<br />

Active<br />

Range is increased by approx. 15 m<br />

mainly only chip (memory) is supplied with power, not the<br />

transmitter<br />

The main frequency for active Tags is 433 MHz<br />

Passive<br />

Tag is driven only by the power of the Reader<br />

Range is mostly limited to 3 m<br />

Memory<br />

1 Byte to<br />

512 k Byte<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


smart card OS,<br />

cryptographic<br />

coprocessor<br />

smart card operating<br />

system<br />

authentication,<br />

encryption (state<br />

machine)<br />

anticollision<br />

read-write<br />

functionally<br />

Classification by Memory<br />

Passive transponder<br />

135 kHz, 13,56 MHz,<br />

868/915 MHz, 2,45 GHz<br />

ISO 15693, ISO 18000<br />

ISO 14223<br />

ISO 14443<br />

contactless<br />

smartcard<br />

13,56 MHz<br />

ISO 14443 dual<br />

interface<br />

smartcard<br />

Active transponder<br />

868/915 MHz 2,45 GHz<br />

ISO 18000<br />

EAS<br />

read-only<br />

fixed code<br />

transponder<br />

EAS = Electronic Articel Surveillance<br />

Bytes of Memory<br />

1 4 16 64 512 2k 8k 32k 128k<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Standardisation Bodies<br />

International<br />

ISO<br />

IEC<br />

ITU<br />

<strong>National</strong><br />

ANSI (US)<br />

BSI (UK)<br />

China <strong>RFID</strong> WG<br />

Industrial<br />

ATA<br />

EIA<br />

EPC<br />

UPU<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Standardisation Segmentation<br />

Technology (Physical and MAC)<br />

Conformance and Test Specifications<br />

Higher Layers<br />

– Data Content<br />

ISO 15418<br />

ISO 15434<br />

ISO 15459<br />

ISO 15961<br />

ISO 15962<br />

ISO 24721<br />

– Application Standards<br />

ISO 10374<br />

ISO 11785 (Container Identification)<br />

ISO 18185<br />

Layer 7<br />

Layer 6<br />

Layer 5<br />

Session<br />

Layer 4 Transport<br />

Layer 3<br />

Layer 2<br />

Layer 1<br />

Application<br />

<strong>Presentation</strong><br />

Network<br />

MAC / DLL<br />

Phy<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Standardization Segmentation<br />

l Testing at PHY and MAC layers can be broadly grouped into 3 areas<br />

l<br />

l<br />

l<br />

Regulatory Test (EMC Test)<br />

Conformance Test<br />

Performance Test<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Regulatory Testing<br />

Overview of Regulatory Standards<br />

Organization, Country<br />

Standards<br />

FCC, USA CFR 47 Part 15 or Part 90<br />

OET Bulletin 63<br />

ANSI C63.4<br />

CE, Europe<br />

EMC 89/336/EEC Directive and<br />

revision 91/31/EEC, 93/68/EEC<br />

ETSI EN 301 489-1<br />

ETSI EN 301 489-3<br />

Compulsory for <strong>RFID</strong> manufacturers<br />

– Ensure EMI/EMS compliance<br />

– Regulatory testing is compulsory for all electrical/electronic devices<br />

in the marketplace<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Regulatory Testing<br />

Computer<br />

Software<br />

<strong>RFID</strong><br />

Signalling<br />

Unit<br />

Test<br />

Receiver<br />

DUT<br />

SG<br />

AMP<br />

l <strong>RFID</strong> Signalling Unit communicates with DUT<br />

l Interference from nearby electronic devices on DUT simulated by signal<br />

generator (SG) and amplifier (AMP)<br />

l Test Receiver measures spectral emissions from DUT<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Regulatory Testing<br />

Tests that are conducted<br />

EMI<br />

– Electromagnetic interference<br />

– Ensures that the <strong>RFID</strong> device (tag or reader) does not emit<br />

excessive spectral emissions and disturb the operation of other<br />

electronic devices nearby<br />

EMS<br />

– Electromagnetic susceptance<br />

– Ensures that the <strong>RFID</strong> device (tag or reader) can withstand<br />

specified limits of spectral emissions from nearby electronic devices<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Conformance Testing<br />

Overview of Conformance Standards<br />

Standard Frequency Application<br />

ISO 11784<br />

animal identification (read only)<br />

ISO 14223/1<br />

125 kHz / 135 kHz<br />

animal identification (read/write)<br />

ISO18000-2<br />

logistic<br />

ISO 10536 ID1-Format 0 to 30 MHz high security<br />

ISO 14443<br />

proximity cards (contactless controller)<br />

ISO15693<br />

vicinity cards (contactless memory)<br />

ISO 18000-3<br />

13,56 MHz<br />

logistic<br />

EPC Class I RF<br />

electronic product code<br />

NFC ECMA 340<br />

mobile nearfield communication (smartcard payment)<br />

ISO 18000-7 433 MHz logistic<br />

ISO 18000-6<br />

logistic<br />

860 to 960 MHz<br />

EPC Class I Gen 2<br />

electronic product code (reading multiple Tags)<br />

ISO 18000-4 2,4 to 2,4835 GHz, 2,45 GHz logistic<br />

ISO 18000-5 5,725 to 5,875 GHz logistic<br />

Useful for <strong>RFID</strong> manufacturers<br />

– Ensures reliable interaction between reader and tag<br />

– Allows for compatibility/interoperability with similar devices out in the<br />

marketplace<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Conformance Test<br />


<strong>RFID</strong><br />

Signalling Unit<br />

Signal<br />

Generator<br />

Signal<br />

Analyzer<br />

Connection Matrix<br />

DUT<br />

l <strong>RFID</strong> Signalling Unit establishes communication with DUT<br />

l R=>T and T=>R<br />

l Physical and MAC measurements performed by Signal Analyzer<br />

l Signal Generator allows for interference testing<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


ISO 14443 Proximity cards<br />

Part 1: Physical characteristics<br />

– Mechanical properties of Proximity Integrated Chip Card (PICC)<br />

– Exposure limits to UV, X-Ray and electromagnetic radiation<br />

Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface<br />

– Limit of Reader‘s magnetic field 1.5 A/m < H < 7.5 A/m<br />

– Type A:<br />

– Chipcard => Reader: Load modulation with sub-carrier, ASK<br />

modulated, Manchester-Code, 106 kbits/s<br />

– Reader => Chipcard: ASK 100%, modified Miller-Code<br />

– Type B:<br />

– Chipcard => Reader: Load modulation with sub-carrier, BPSK,<br />

NRZ-Code, 106 kbits/s<br />

– Reader => Chipcard, ASK 10%, NRZ-Code<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


ISO 14443 Proximity cards<br />

Part 3: Initialisation and anticollision<br />

– Timing parameters<br />

– Frame delay time<br />

– PCD to PICC<br />

– PICC to PCD<br />

– Request Guard time<br />

– Frame formats<br />

– Short Frame<br />

– Standard Frame<br />

– Bit oriented anti-collision frame<br />

– Cyclic Redundancy Check<br />

– PICC States<br />

– Command Set<br />

– Select and anticollision sequence<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


ISO 14443 Proximity cards<br />

Part 4: Transmission protocols<br />

– Activation protocol for PICC<br />

– Transmission protocol<br />

– Deactivation protol for PICC<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


ISO 15693 Vicinity cards<br />

Part 1: Physical Characteristics<br />

– mechanical properties of Vicinity Integrated Chip Card (VICC)<br />

– Exposure limits to UV, X-Ray and electromagnetic radiation<br />

Part 2: Air Interface and initialisation<br />

– Limit of reader‘s magnetic field: 115mA/m

ISO 15693 Vicinity cards<br />

Part 3 : Transmission Protocols and anti-collision<br />

– Protocol<br />

– Modes<br />

– Request format<br />

– Request flags<br />

– Response format<br />

– Response flags<br />

– Response error code<br />

– VICC states<br />

– Anti-collision sequence and protocol<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


ISO 18000 Logistics<br />

Developed for Item Management; considers the demands for<br />

products and goods management<br />

<strong>RFID</strong> for Item Management: Air Interface<br />

– Part 1: Generic Parameter for Air Interface Communication for<br />

Globally accepted frequencies<br />

– Part 2: Parameters for Air Interface Communication below 135 kHz<br />

– Part 3: Parameters for Air Interface Communication at 13.56 MHz<br />

– Part 4: Parameters for Air Interface Communication at 2.45 MHz<br />

– Part 5: Parameters for Air Interface Communication at 5.8 GHz<br />

– Part 6: Parameters for Air Interface Communication - UHF<br />

Frequency Band<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


ISO 18000-6 (EPC Class 1 Gen 2)<br />

Tests that are conducted<br />

Signalling – Physical and media access control (MAC) parameters<br />

• Interrogator to tag (R => T) communications<br />

• Tag to interrogator (T => R) communications<br />

– Physical tests<br />

• Operating frequency, frequency mask, frequency hopping & channel<br />

• RF output power & envelope<br />

• Modulation / demodulation<br />

• Coding<br />

– MAC tests<br />

• Time parameters<br />

• Tag response & data<br />

Logical – operating procedure parameters<br />

– Tag inventory and access parameters<br />

– Collision management parameters<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Performance Testing<br />

l Standards – ISO/IEC TR 18046<br />

l<br />

Outlines test methods to test performance characteristics of <strong>RFID</strong><br />

devices in actual operating environment<br />

l Important test for <strong>RFID</strong> adopters<br />

l<br />

l<br />

Allows the characterization of <strong>RFID</strong> systems<br />

Ensures compatibility between <strong>RFID</strong> devices<br />

l Anticipate potential issues in system and allows for solution /<br />

mitigation steps to be adopted ahead of deployment<br />

l<br />

Allows optimization of <strong>RFID</strong> systems<br />

l Tests that are conducted<br />

l Identification range and rate<br />

l Read range and rate<br />

l Write range and rate<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Performance Test<br />


Signal<br />

Generator<br />

Interrogator<br />

Signal<br />

Analyzer<br />

coupler<br />

coupler<br />

Shielding<br />

Tag (DUT)<br />

l Interrogator (DUT) maintains communication with Tag (DUT)<br />

l Signal Generator to perform interference testing and act as a reference<br />

l Signal Analyzer to measure interrogator/backscatter strength and spectrum<br />

l Tag angle and distance to be varied using turntable<br />

l Allows plotting of signal strength at various distances and angles<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Performance Test<br />

Top down view of communication zone<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Performance Test<br />

Side view of communication zone<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Performance Test<br />

Tabulation of performance test results<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


<strong>RFID</strong> Test Solutions from R&S<br />

Recommended Products<br />

Signal Generation<br />

Signal Analysis<br />

Test system<br />

R&S® SML<br />

R&S® SM300<br />

R&S® SMJ100A,<br />

R&S® SMU200A<br />

R&S® SMATE200A<br />

R&S® SMA<br />

R&S® SMR<br />

R&S® FSH 3/6 Handheld Spectrum Analyzer<br />

R&S® FS300<br />

R&S® FS315<br />

R&S® FSL<br />

R&S® FSP<br />

R&S® FSU<br />

R&S® FSQ<br />

Software option R&S® FS-K7 (FM demodulation)<br />

Software option R&S® FSQ-K70 (VSA)<br />

R&S® TS7810 <strong>RFID</strong> Test system<br />

Probes<br />

R&S® HZ-11 Probe set<br />

R&S® HZ-14 Probe set<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Setup for Test of PICC<br />

Test data waveform<br />

transferred via<br />

LAN<br />

GPIB<br />


Software WinIQSim*<br />

PCD Simulator<br />

Signal<br />

Analyzer<br />

*WinIQSim is a free R&S software<br />

for creating user defined systems<br />

PICC<br />

(Device Under Test)<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Setup for Test of PCD<br />

Test data waveform<br />

transferred via<br />

LAN<br />

GPIB<br />


Software WinIQSim*<br />

PICC Simulator<br />

Signal<br />

Analyzer<br />

*WinIQSim is a free R&S software<br />

for creating user defined systems<br />

<strong>RFID</strong> Reader<br />

(Device Under test)<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Setup for PCD/PICC simulation<br />

Test data waveform<br />

transferred via<br />

LAN<br />

GPIB<br />


Software WinIQSim*<br />

PCD/PICC Signal<br />

Generation<br />

Signal Analyzer<br />

*WinIQSim is a free R&S software<br />

for creating user defined systems<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


ASK Modulation<br />

Pure ASK is very basic:<br />

Q<br />

Pure ASK 0%/100%<br />

1<br />

0<br />

I<br />

Power versus time ASK<br />

90%/100%<br />

Constellation<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


ASK Modulation<br />

ISO 14443 specifies the following parameters for<br />

ASK modulation:<br />

– ASK 100% (TYPE A)<br />

Subcarrier Frequency: fc/16<br />

Load modulation frequency is (fc+fc/16) = 14.407 MHz<br />

The data rate is (fc/128) = 106 kbits/s<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


1) Start creation of a single carrier system<br />

*WinIQSim is a free software from R&S for creating<br />

user defined systems<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


2) Set modulation to ASK<br />

ASK is a user-defined modulation type<br />

that requires a simple text file<br />

Symbol Rate = 105.9375 kHz (this<br />

corresponds to the duration of the “off”<br />

period<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Data coding for Signal Generator<br />

1. Request from PCD to PICC<br />

2. Response from PICC to PCD<br />

SOF=Start of frame<br />

EOF=End of frame<br />

CRC=Check Sum Control<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


3) Create data string for payload<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


4) Define frame structure<br />

See slide about PCD to PICC or PICC to PCD<br />

configuration<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


5) Transfer waveform to the signal generator<br />

Test data waveform<br />

transferred via<br />

LAN<br />

GPIB<br />


(save waveform on harddisk)<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


6) Setup analyser<br />

Setup spectrumanalyser to centerfrequency of carrier<br />

(e.g. 13.56 MHz) with zero span (to analyse in time<br />

domain)<br />

Power<br />

(dB)<br />

Time<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


7) Setup vector signal analyser (FSQ-K70)<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Eye diagram<br />

Constellation diagram<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

PCD measurements - t1 to t4<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Measuring t1<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Measuring t2<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Measuring t3<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Measuring t4<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Frame Delay Time – PCD to PICC<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Measuring Frame Delay Time – PCD to PICC<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Minimum load modulation amplitude – 22/H 0.5 mV<br />

Minimum PCD sensitivity – 18/H 0.5 mV<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Measuring load modulation amplitude – frequency domain<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Measuring load modulation amplitude – time domain<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Measuring load modulation power<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Measuring EMD disturbance<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

Capturing symbols<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


8) Analyse!<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


IQ-data conversion in R&S FSL<br />

The low cost analyser R&S FSL provides a complete<br />

demodulation circuit that make it possible to decode the<br />

<strong>RFID</strong> signal.<br />

:TRACe1:IQ:SET NORM,3MHz,1MHz,EXT,POS,10,2000<br />


July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Example of sampled data<br />

Relatively easy to decode the sample points into symbols:<br />

0111 1011 1111 1011 1110 1 ……..<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Free <strong>RFID</strong>-software for R&S FSL<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Application note<br />

Available under www.rohde-schwarz.com<br />

Select Application Note<br />

Select <strong>RFID</strong> RSI01<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


Conclusion<br />

l Growing market for <strong>RFID</strong> from 2008-2018<br />

l To increase efficiencies<br />

l Reduce wastage<br />

l <strong>RFID</strong> testing can be broadly divided into 3 areas<br />

l Regulatory Testing<br />

l<br />

Conformance Testing<br />

l Performance Testing<br />

l Rohde & Schwarz offers a wide range of equipment for <strong>RFID</strong> testing<br />

July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


July 2009 Rohde and Schwarz Systems and Communications Asia<br />


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