Vincenzo Foppa of Brescia, founder of the Lombard school, his life ...

Vincenzo Foppa of Brescia, founder of the Lombard school, his life ... Vincenzo Foppa of Brescia, founder of the Lombard school, his life ...
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404 VINCENZO FOPPA Foppa, Vincenzo, 1489 (Feb. 23, date of payment), the Doria altarpiece for the Chapel of payment to, for altarpiece, 193, 218, 331 Foppa, Vincenzo, 1499 (Dec. 13), at Pavia, SS. Stephen and Anne in Certosa of Rivarolo, 1501-2, " livello " paid by him at Brescia 154-56, 275, 318 to quarter of S. Alessandro, 222, 332 1489 (April 9), the Fornari altarpiece for 1502, yearly payments of " livello " for his Certosa of S. Maria di Loreto, 159-62 house up to the end of his life, 223-26, 332, 1489 (April 28), at Genoa ; arrest, imprisonment for debt, and release, 163, 318 site and position of house, 224 notes, 333 1489 (July 10, date of valuation), his unfinished altarpiece in S. M. di Castello valued 1504 (May 31), property at Pavia sold by 225 notes, 333 by two painters of Genoa, 163, 275, 319 his representative Paolo Caylina acting on — 1489 probable return to Brescia, fresco behalf of Foppa, 219, 336 in new Loggetta, Piazza Maggiore, 164 and 1513 (Sept. -Oct.), his workshop at Brescia, note 2, 275 227 and note 2, 335 1489, desires to settle at Brescia and 1513 (Nov. 10), money transactions at obtain employment there, 165 Pavia referring to him, 220, 337 at Pavia, dispute with Bart. Caylina 1516, probable date of death, 137, 229 submitted to arbitration, 169-71, 320-3 and note i, 230 and notes, 231, 282 and 1489 (Nov. 3), admonished by Erasmo note 2, 336 Trivulzio to finish Cathedral altarpiece and I5I7> ^'^ will, references to and dispositions of, 229 and notes i and 3, 231-33, threatened with imprisonment, 169, 320, 321 1489 (Dec. 5), sentence on Foppa and 337-39- 340 Caylina, 170 and note i, 171, 321-323 notices relating to his heirs, 220, 1489 (Dec. 18), appointed official painter 231-33. 337-41 to the Brescian Commune at a fixed salary, Foppa, Vincenzo, his art : position among his 183, 324 contemporaries, and influence, 14, 24, 26, 65, 1490 (April 14), sued by A. della Canonica 69. 99> "3. 133. 134. 155. 245-265 at Pavia, 172, 324 reputation at the Court of the Sforza, 26, — 1490, at Savona, working on Cathedral 30. 72, 73. 74. 76. 99. 153 altarpiece with assistants, completed Aug. 5, characteristics of his art : 7, 8, 13, 14, 47, 172-81, 324 52. 53. 82, 83, 85-90, 122-3, 126, 129, 131, settles at Brescia, frescoes in Loggetta (Oct.-Nov.), 182-84, 325 161, 174, 198, 199, 207-g, 211, 212 note I, 132, 142, 144, 145, 148, 152, 156, 158, 159, -— 1491, granted a month's leave to return to 214. 215, 244, 245 Pavia; pays his " livello " Nov. 11, 185-87, colouring, 7, 52, 66, 83, 86, 124, 131, 326 132, 142, 14s, 146, 152, 157, 176, 208, 209, — 1492 (June 20), payment to, at Pavia, 211, 214, 215 187, 326 drapery, 83, 124, 131,142, 152, 157, — 1492 (Nov. 23), values frescoes at Brescia, 161, 174, 198, 211, 215 187. 327 expression, 83, 89, 123, 129, 131, — 1495, appointment at Brescia cancelled 132, 142, 145- 148, 152. 157. 174-6. 198, 215 and salary stopped (May 15, June 12) flesh-tones, — 7, 13, 52, 86, 88, 125, payment of a debt by Brescian 129, 208, 215 Commune (July 16), 189-91, 327, 328 deterioration of colour in Foppa's 1498, registered at Brescia as inhabiting a paintings, 125 and note i, 148, 178 note i, house in quarter of S. Alessandro, 191, 329 197 1498 (?), altarpiece of S. Maria Gualtieri form and pose of hand, 8, 85, 86, 87, by Foppa and assistants at Pavia, 191-95 ; 123, 129, 131, 132, 142, 146, 157, 161, 174, date of completion (?), 193 175. 198, 207, 208, 234 1499 (Oct. 30), litigation relating to landscape, 15, 85, 129, 146, 148, 198, altarpiece S. M. Gualtieri, 192-94, 329-31 208, 209, 211, 237

—— — — — — GENERAL INDEX 405 for altar of St. Sebastian (?) Cathedral, Foppa, Vincenzo, types and modelling, 52, 82, (now Castello Museum), 382, 387 388 83, 87, 129, 131, 132, 142, 148, 149, 152, 157, Genoa, 387 174, 176, 177, 197, 207, 208, 211, 214, 234 for Doria Chapel, Rivarolo, 389 portraits by, 176 and note 2, 177 for Manfredo Fornari (now Gallery, Savona), signatures and inscriptions in works of, 384. 390 16, 130, 141, 160, 178, 196, 211, 289, 317, for altar of St. Vincent Ferrer, S. M. di 318, 324 Castello, Genoa, 387 technique and condition of his pictures in for Giuliano della Rovere (now Oratory of London, note by Mrs. Herringham, 287 S. M. di Castello), Savona, 384, 389 treatise said to have been written by, 243, for S. M. Gualtieri, Pavia, 389 244 for the Rossi Chapel, S. Pietro in Gessate, Foppa, Vincenzo, works by : Milan (Pietk, now Berlin), 379, 387 for Oratory of, S. Barnaba, Brescia Frescoes (?), 386 : Adoration of the Magi, National Gallery, 381 Cathedral, Genoa (Chapel of St. John Baptist), Nativity with St. Benedict, Lefevre Collection, Versailles (in part by Foppa), 387 S. Tommaso, Pavia, Chapel of Beato Isnardo, 385, 390 389 Altarpieces, (fragments of) : Hospital, Milan, 388 Annunciation, Arcore, Vittadini Collection, 379 Medici Bank, Milan, early series : loggia, St. Paul, Noseda Collection, Milan, 383 left of entrance, 388 ; later series : parapet A Bishop and an Abbot, Trivulzio Collection, of upper loggia, 388 Milan, 383 Portinari Chapel, Milan (in part?), 381 Foppa, works by, of smaller dimensions : Certosa, near Pavia, 3S9 Madonnas : S. Giacomo, Pavia (Foppa and his associates), Noseda Collection, Milan, 383 388 for Francesco Sforza, 274, 292 Madonna and Saints ) S.Maria di Brera.Milan Castello Museum, Milan, 382 St. Sebastian J (now Brera), 382, 387 Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 379 St. Francis ) S. Maria del Giardino (now Trivulzio Collection, Milan, 383 St. John Baptist J Castello Museum), 382, 387 Berenson Collection, Settignano, 384 Loggetta, Piazza Maggiore, Brescia, 386 Frizzoni Collection, Milan, 383 S. Maria Calchera, Brescia, Vision of Paolo Johnson Collection, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 384 Oriani (?), 386 Theodore Davis Collection, Newport, Rhode Olivetan Monastery, Rodengo, Choir of Island, U.S.A., 383 Church (?), 389 The Crucifixion, Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, S. Agostino, Crema, Pieti, 387 379 Altarpieces : Dead Christ in the Tomb, Conway Collection, for Abbot of Morimondo, Carmine, Pavia, near Maidstone, 379 St. 388 Jerome, Accademia Carrara, Lochis Collection, for S. M. delle Grazie, Monza, Bergamo, 388 379 for S. M. Maddalena, Brescia, Ecce Homo, Cheramy Collection, Paris, 386 383 for Piet&, altar of Beato Simonino Bernasconi Collection, Milan (in (?), Brescia, part 386 Ancona, Chapel of the Relics, Pavia (Foppa by Foppa), 382 and his associates), 389 Paintings on canvas : for S. M. delle Grazie, Bergamo (now Brera), St. Gregory and St. Bartholomew (?), Reinhold 382, 386 Sarasin-Warnery Collection, Basle, 379 predella of (now Arcore, Vittadini Collection), Processional banner, Orzinuovi (finished by 379 an assistant?), 383 for Spinola Chapel, S. Domenico, Genoa, 387 The Cross for the Carmine, Pavia for SS. Sebastiano e Tranquillino, Milan Painting and carving (Foppa and assistants),

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for altar <strong>of</strong> St. Sebastian (?) Ca<strong>the</strong>dral,<br />

<strong>Foppa</strong>, <strong>Vincenzo</strong>, types and modelling, 52, 82,<br />

(now Castello Museum), 382, 387 388<br />

83, 87, 129, 131, 132, 142, 148, 149, 152, 157, Genoa, 387<br />

174, 176, 177, 197, 207, 208, 211, 214, 234<br />

for Doria Chapel, Rivarolo, 389<br />

portraits by, 176 and note 2, 177<br />

for Manfredo Fornari (now Gallery, Savona),<br />

signatures and inscriptions in works <strong>of</strong>, 384. 390<br />

16, 130, 141, 160, 178, 196, 211, 289, 317, for altar <strong>of</strong> St. Vincent Ferrer, S. M. di<br />

318, 324<br />

Castello, Genoa, 387<br />

technique and condition <strong>of</strong> <strong>his</strong> pictures in for Giuliano della Rovere (now Oratory <strong>of</strong><br />

London, note by Mrs. Herringham, 287<br />

S. M. di Castello), Savona, 384, 389<br />

treatise said to have been written by, 243, for S. M. Gualtieri, Pavia, 389<br />

244<br />

for <strong>the</strong> Rossi Chapel, S. Pietro in Gessate,<br />

<strong>Foppa</strong>, <strong>Vincenzo</strong>, works by :<br />

Milan (Pietk, now Berlin), 379, 387<br />

for Oratory <strong>of</strong>, S. Barnaba, <strong>Brescia</strong><br />

Frescoes (?), 386<br />

:<br />

Adoration <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Magi, National Gallery, 381<br />

Ca<strong>the</strong>dral, Genoa (Chapel <strong>of</strong> St. John Baptist),<br />

Nativity with St. Benedict, Lefevre Collection,<br />

Versailles (in part by <strong>Foppa</strong>),<br />

387<br />

S. Tommaso, Pavia, Chapel <strong>of</strong> Beato Isnardo,<br />

385, 390<br />

389<br />

Altarpieces, (fragments <strong>of</strong>) :<br />

Hospital, Milan, 388<br />

Annunciation, Arcore, Vittadini Collection, 379<br />

Medici Bank, Milan, early series : loggia, St. Paul, Noseda Collection, Milan, 383<br />

left <strong>of</strong> entrance, 388 ; later series : parapet A Bishop and an Abbot, Trivulzio Collection,<br />

<strong>of</strong> upper loggia, 388<br />

Milan, 383<br />

Portinari Chapel, Milan (in part?), 381 <strong>Foppa</strong>, works by, <strong>of</strong> smaller dimensions :<br />

Certosa, near Pavia, 3S9<br />

Madonnas :<br />

S. Giacomo, Pavia (<strong>Foppa</strong> and <strong>his</strong> associates), Noseda Collection, Milan, 383<br />

388<br />

for Francesco Sforza, 274, 292<br />

Madonna and Saints ) S.Maria di Brera.Milan Castello Museum, Milan, 382<br />

St. Sebastian J (now Brera), 382, 387 Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 379<br />

St. Francis ) S. Maria del Giardino (now Trivulzio Collection, Milan, 383<br />

St. John Baptist J Castello Museum), 382, 387 Berenson Collection, Settignano, 384<br />

Loggetta, Piazza Maggiore, <strong>Brescia</strong>, 386<br />

Frizzoni Collection, Milan, 383<br />

S. Maria Calchera, <strong>Brescia</strong>, Vision <strong>of</strong> Paolo Johnson Collection, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 384<br />

Oriani (?), 386<br />

Theodore Davis Collection, Newport, Rhode<br />

Olivetan Monastery, Rodengo, Choir <strong>of</strong> Island, U.S.A., 383<br />

Church (?), 389<br />

The Crucifixion, Accademia Carrara, Bergamo,<br />

S. Agostino, Crema, Pieti, 387<br />

379<br />

Altarpieces :<br />

Dead Christ in <strong>the</strong> Tomb, Conway Collection,<br />

for Abbot <strong>of</strong> Morimondo, Carmine, Pavia,<br />

near Maidstone, 379<br />

St.<br />

388<br />

Jerome, Accademia Carrara, Loc<strong>his</strong><br />

Collection,<br />

for S. M. delle Grazie, Monza,<br />

Bergamo,<br />

388<br />

379<br />

for S. M. Maddalena, <strong>Brescia</strong>,<br />

Ecce Homo, Cheramy Collection, Paris,<br />

386<br />

383<br />

for<br />

Piet&,<br />

altar <strong>of</strong> Beato Simonino<br />

Bernasconi Collection, Milan (in<br />

(?), <strong>Brescia</strong>,<br />

part<br />

386<br />

Ancona, Chapel <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Relics, Pavia (<strong>Foppa</strong><br />

by <strong>Foppa</strong>), 382<br />

and <strong>his</strong> associates), 389<br />

Paintings on canvas :<br />

for S. M. delle Grazie, Bergamo (now Brera), St. Gregory and St. Bartholomew (?), Reinhold<br />

382, 386<br />

Sarasin-Warnery Collection, Basle, 379<br />

predella <strong>of</strong> (now Arcore, Vittadini Collection),<br />

Processional banner, Orzinuovi (finished by<br />

379<br />

an assistant?), 383<br />

for Spinola Chapel, S. Domenico, Genoa, 387 The Cross for <strong>the</strong> Carmine, Pavia<br />

for SS. Sebastiano e Tranquillino, Milan Painting and carving (<strong>Foppa</strong> and assistants),

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