curriculum vitae brenda wjh penninx, ph.d. - EMGO

curriculum vitae brenda wjh penninx, ph.d. - EMGO curriculum vitae brenda wjh penninx, ph.d. - EMGO


Brenda W.J.H. Penninx, Ph.D page 8 Chen Y, Chines P, Clarke R, Coin LJM, Cooper MN, Cornelis M, Crawford G, Crisponi L, Day INM, de Geus E, Delplanque J, Dina C, Erdos MR, Fedson AC, Fischer-Rosinsky A, Forouhi NG, Fox CS, Frants R, Franzosi MG, Galan P, Goodarzi MO, Graessler J, Groves CJ, Grundy S, Gwilliam R, Gyllensten U, Hadjadj S, Hallmans G, Hammond N, Han X, Hartikainen A, Hassanali N, Hayward C, Heath SC, Hercberg S, Herder C, Hicks AA, Hillman DR, Hingorani AD, Hofman A, Hui J, Hung J, Isomaa B, Johnson PRV, Jørgensen T, Jula A, Kaakinen M, Kaprio J, Kesaniemi YA, Kivimaki M, Knight B, Koskinen S, Kovacs P, Kyvik KO, Lathrop GM, Lawlor DA, Bacquer OL, Lecoeur C, Li Y, Lyssenko V, Mahley R, Mangino M, Manning AK, Martínez-Larrad MT, McAteer JB, McCulloch LJ, McPherson R, Meisinger C, Melzer D, Meyre D, Mitchell BD, Morken MA, Mukherjee S, Naitza S, Narisu N, Neville MJ, Oostra BA, Orrù M, Pakyz R, Palmer CNA, Paolisso G, Pattaro C, Pearson D, Peden JF, Pedersen NL, Perola M, Pfeiffer AFH, Pichler I, Polasek O, Posthuma D, Potter SC, Pouta A, Province MA, Psaty BM, Rathmann W, Rayner NW, Rice K, Ripatti S, Rivadeneira F, Roden M, Rolandsson O, Sandbaek A, Sandhu M, Sanna S, Sayer AA, Scheet P, Scott LJ, Seedorf U, Sharp SJ, Shields B, Sigurðsson G, Sijbrands EJG, Silveira A, Simpson L, Singleton A, Smith NL, Sovio U, Swift A, Syddall H, Syvänen A, Tanaka T, Thorand B, Tichet J, Tönjes A, Tuomi T, Uitterlinden AG, van Dijk KW, van Hoek M, Varma D, Visvikis-Siest S, Vitart V, Vogelzangs N, Waeber G, Wagner PJ, Walley A, Walters GB, Ward KL, Watkins H, Weedon MN, Wild SH, Willemsen G, Witteman JCM, Yarnell JWG, Zeggini E, Zelenika D, Zethelius B, Zhai G, Zhao JH, Zillikens MC, DIAGRAM Consortium, GIANT Consortium, Global BPGen Consortium, Borecki IB, Loos RJF, Meneton P, Magnusson PKE, Nathan DM, Williams GH, Hattersley AT, Silander K, Salomaa V, Smith GD, Bornstein SR, Schwarz P, Spranger J, Karpe F, Shuldiner AR, Cooper C, Dedoussis GV, Serrano-Ríos M, Morris AD, Lind L, Palmer LJ, Hu FB, Franks PW, Ebrahim S, Marmot M, Kao WHL, Pankow JS, Sampson MJ, Kuusisto J, Laakso M, Hansen T, Pedersen O, Pramstaller PP, Wichmann HE, Illig T, Rudan I, Wright AF, Stumvoll M, Campbell H, Wilson JF, Hamsten A on behalf of Procardis consortium, Bergman RN, Buchanan TA, Collins FS, Mohlke KL, Tuomilehto J, Valle TT, Altshuler D, Rotter JI, Siscovick DS, Penninx BWJH, Boomsma D, Deloukas P, Spector TD, Frayling TM, Ferrucci L, Kong A, Thorsteinsdottir U, Stefansson K, van Duijn CM, Aulchenko YS, Cao A, Scuteri A, Schlessinger D, Uda M, Ruokonen A, Jarvelin M, Waterworth DM, Vollenweider P, Peltonen L, Mooser V, Abecasis GR, Wareham NJ, Sladek R, Froguel P, Watanabe RM, Meigs JB, Groop L, Boehnke M, McCarthy MI, Florez JC and Barroso I for the MAGIC investigators. New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk. Nature Genetics 2010; in press. 13. Koster A, Van Gool CH, Kempen GI, Penninx BW, Lee JS, Rubin SM, Tylavsky F, Yaffe K, Newman AB, Harris TB, Pahor M, Ayonayon HN, van Eijk JThM, Kritchevsky SB. Late-life depressed mood and weight change contribute to the risk of each other. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2010; in press. 14. Glashouwer K, de Jong P, Penninx BW, Kerkhof AJ, van Dyck R, Ormel J. Do automatic self-associations relate to suicidal ideation? J Psychopathology and Behavioral Treatment 2010: in press. 15. Liu Y, Blackwood DH, Caesar S, de Geus EJC, Farmer A, Ferreira MAR, Ferrier IN, Fraser C, Gordon-Smith K, Green EK, Grozeva D, Gurling HM, Hamshere ML, Heutink P, Holmans PA, Hoogendijk WJ, Hottenga JJ, Jones L, Jones IR, Kirov G, Lin DY, McGuffin P, Moskvina V, Nolen WA, Perlis RH, Posthuma D, Scolnick EM, Smit AB, Smit JH, Smoller JW, St. Clair D, van Dyck R, Verhage M, Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium, Willemsen G, Young AH, Zandbelt T, Boomsma DI, Craddock N, O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Penninx BWJH, Purcell S, Sklar P, Sullivan P. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association data of bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder. Mol Psychiatry 2010; in press.

Brenda W.J.H. Penninx, Ph.D page 9 16. Lamers F, Jonkers K, Bosma H, Kempen GI, Penninx BW, Knottnerus A, van Eijk JTh. Randomized controlled trial for minor to moderate major depression among older persons with COPD or diabetes. Psychother Psychosom 2010; in press. 17. Lamers F, de Jonge P, Nolen W, Zitman F, Smit JH, Beekman AT, Penninx BW. Subtypes of depression: results from NESDA. J Clin Psychiatry 2010; in press. 18. Luppino F, Bouvy P, de Wit L, Cuijpers P, Penninx BW, Zitman FG. The longitudinal association between depression and obesity: a meta-analysis. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2009; in press. 19. Antypa N, Penninx BW, van der Does W. Cognitive reactivity and suicidality: Investigation of a potentially treatable marker of suicide risk. J Affect Dis 2009; in press. 20. Gerritsen L, Comijs HC, Beekman ATF, Deeg DJH, Penninx BW, Geerlings MI. Personality and salivary cortisol in older persons. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2009; in press. 21. Prins MA, Verhaak PF, van der Meer K, Penninx BW, Bensing JM. Primary care patients with anxiety and depression: Need for care from the patient perspective. J Affect Dis 2009; in press. 22. Comijs HC, Gerritsen L, Penninx BW, Bremmer MA, Deeg DJ, Geerlings MI. The association between cortisol and cognitive decline in older persons. Am J Geriatric Psychiatry 2009; in press. 23. van der Veen WJ, van der Meer K, Penninx BW. Screening for depression and anxiety. Correlates of non-response and cohort attrition in the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA). Int J Meth Psychiatr Res 2009; Epub. 24. Wardenaar KJ, van Veen T, Giltay EJ, de Beurs E, Penninx BWJH, Zitman FG. Development and validation of a short version of the mood and anxiety symptoms quesionnaire: the MASQ-30. Psychiatry Res 2009; in press. 25. de Wit LM, van Straaten A, Luppino F, Penninx BW, Zitman F, Cuijpers P. Depression and obesity: a meta-analysis. Psychiatry Res 2009; in press. 26. van Reedt-Dortland A, Giltay E, van Veen T, van Pelt J, Zitman F, Penninx BW. Associations between serum lipids and major depressive disorder: results from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA). J Clin Psychiatry 2009, Epub. 27. Vogelzangs N, Beekman AT, Brenes G, Yaffe K, Newman AB, Harris TB, Kritchevsky SB, Penninx BW. Visceral abdominal obesity predicts occurrence of depression. J Clin Psychiatry 2009; in press. 28. Donker T, Comijs HC, Cuijpers P, Terluin B, Nolen WA, Zitman FG, Penninx BW. The validity of the Dutch K10 and extended K10 screening scale for depressive and anxiety disorders. Psychiatry Res 2009; in press. 29. Ferreira MAR, Hottenga JJ, Warrington NM, Medland SE, Willemsen G, Lawrence RW, Gordon S, de Geus EJ, Henders AK, Smit JH, Campbell MJ, Wallace L, Evans DM, Wright MJ, Nyholt DR, James AL, Beilby JP, Penninx BW, Palmer LJ, Frazer IH, Montgomery GW, Martin NG, Boomsma DI. Sequence variants in three loci influence monocyte count and erythrocyte volume. Am J Hum Genetics 2009; Nov;85(5):745-9. 30. Benyamin B, Ferreira MA, Willemsen G, Gordon S, Middelberg RP, McEvoy BP, Hottenga JJ, Henders AK, Campbell MJ, Wallace L, Frazer IH, Heath AC, de Geus EJ, Nyholt DR, Visscher PM, Penninx BW, Boomsma DI, Martin NG, Montgomery GW, Whitfield JB. A common TPMRSS6 polymorphism (A736V) affects iron status, haemoglobin levels and

Brenda W.J.H. Penninx, Ph.D page 9<br />

16. Lamers F, Jonkers K, Bosma H, Kempen GI, Penninx BW, Knottnerus A, van Eijk JTh.<br />

Randomized controlled trial for minor to moderate major depression among older persons<br />

with COPD or diabetes. Psychother Psychosom 2010; in press.<br />

17. Lamers F, de Jonge P, Nolen W, Zitman F, Smit JH, Beekman AT, Penninx BW. Subtypes of<br />

depression: results from NESDA. J Clin Psychiatry 2010; in press.<br />

18. Luppino F, Bouvy P, de Wit L, Cuijpers P, Penninx BW, Zitman FG. The longitudinal<br />

association between depression and obesity: a meta-analysis. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2009; in<br />

press.<br />

19. Antypa N, Penninx BW, van der Does W. Cognitive reactivity and suicidality: Investigation of<br />

a potentially treatable marker of suicide risk. J Affect Dis 2009; in press.<br />

20. Gerritsen L, Comijs HC, Beekman ATF, Deeg DJH, Penninx BW, Geerlings MI. Personality<br />

and salivary cortisol in older persons. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2009; in press.<br />

21. Prins MA, Verhaak PF, van der Meer K, Penninx BW, Bensing JM. Primary care patients<br />

with anxiety and depression: Need for care from the patient perspective. J Affect Dis 2009; in<br />

press.<br />

22. Comijs HC, Gerritsen L, Penninx BW, Bremmer MA, Deeg DJ, Geerlings MI. The<br />

association between cortisol and cognitive decline in older persons. Am J Geriatric<br />

Psychiatry 2009; in press.<br />

23. van der Veen WJ, van der Meer K, Penninx BW. Screening for depression and anxiety.<br />

Correlates of non-response and cohort attrition in the Netherlands Study of Depression and<br />

Anxiety (NESDA). Int J Meth Psychiatr Res 2009; Epub.<br />

24. Wardenaar KJ, van Veen T, Giltay EJ, de Beurs E, Penninx BWJH, Zitman FG.<br />

Development and validation of a short version of the mood and anxiety symptoms<br />

quesionnaire: the MASQ-30. Psychiatry Res 2009; in press.<br />

25. de Wit LM, van Straaten A, Luppino F, Penninx BW, Zitman F, Cuijpers P. Depression and<br />

obesity: a meta-analysis. Psychiatry Res 2009; in press.<br />

26. van Reedt-Dortland A, Giltay E, van Veen T, van Pelt J, Zitman F, Penninx BW. Associations<br />

between serum lipids and major depressive disorder: results from the Netherlands Study of<br />

Depression and Anxiety (NESDA). J Clin Psychiatry 2009, Epub.<br />

27. Vogelzangs N, Beekman AT, Brenes G, Yaffe K, Newman AB, Harris TB, Kritchevsky SB,<br />

Penninx BW. Visceral abdominal obesity predicts occurrence of depression. J Clin<br />

Psychiatry 2009; in press.<br />

28. Donker T, Comijs HC, Cuijpers P, Terluin B, Nolen WA, Zitman FG, Penninx BW. The<br />

validity of the Dutch K10 and extended K10 screening scale for depressive and anxiety<br />

disorders. Psychiatry Res 2009; in press.<br />

29. Ferreira MAR, Hottenga JJ, Warrington NM, Medland SE, Willemsen G, Lawrence RW,<br />

Gordon S, de Geus EJ, Henders AK, Smit JH, Campbell MJ, Wallace L, Evans DM, Wright<br />

MJ, Nyholt DR, James AL, Beilby JP, Penninx BW, Palmer LJ, Frazer IH, Montgomery GW,<br />

Martin NG, Boomsma DI. Sequence variants in three loci influence monocyte count and<br />

erythrocyte volume. Am J Hum Genetics 2009; Nov;85(5):745-9.<br />

30. Benyamin B, Ferreira MA, Willemsen G, Gordon S, Middelberg RP, McEvoy BP, Hottenga JJ,<br />

Henders AK, Campbell MJ, Wallace L, Frazer IH, Heath AC, de Geus EJ, Nyholt DR,<br />

Visscher PM, Penninx BW, Boomsma DI, Martin NG, Montgomery GW, Whitfield JB. A<br />

common TPMRSS6 polymor<strong>ph</strong>ism (A736V) affects iron status, haemoglobin levels and

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