annual report - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture

annual report - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture

annual report - Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture


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(Indian Councl <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Research)<br />



1995 - 96<br />




Published by<br />

Dr. K. Alrgarswami<br />

Director<br />

Edited by<br />

hlu~r~awar Sultana<br />

and<br />

Nl. Kathirvel<br />

Senior Scientists<br />

Assistance<br />

P. M. Abdul Kadir<br />

-Pechtiical Officer



Brief historical background<br />

Mandate<br />

Infrastructure Development<br />

Organisation<br />

Budget<br />

Major research accomplishments<br />


<strong>Institute</strong>'s Manabmment Committee<br />

Staff Research C'ouncil<br />

Research Advisory Committee <strong>of</strong> thc <strong>Institute</strong><br />

Special World ));ink Hevicw C'ommi~tcr or Nhlll' (1'h;isc 11)<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Joint St;irf C'ouncil<br />

AKSISKFNli'I' I1nk-A\sislctl Pn~jcc~<br />

Other trainings<br />

Manpower dcvclol~n~cnc<br />

Seminars/Svrnpc)siw.Work\hop\<br />

Seminars held in thc Inslilulc<br />

I .ectures<br />

Mectin&s/Conl.cienccs<br />

Honours and Awards<br />

I .ibrary. 1nform;it ion and 1 )ocumcr~t.t.~i )n<br />

I'uhlications<br />



Crustacean (:ulturc Division<br />

I.'ish Culture Ilivision<br />

'l'echnoloa Improvement Division<br />

Aqueculture 1;ngineering and Environment Division<br />

Iixtension, 1:cnnomics and Information Division<br />

t:xtcrnally Fundcd I'rc~jects<br />




Brief Historical Backgmund<br />

<strong>Brackishwater</strong> aquaculture has ken<br />

identified as one <strong>of</strong> the high potential area<br />

for increasing fish and shellfish pr~duction<br />

and for deriving maximum economic and w-<br />

cia1 benefits such as better utilis;ttion <strong>of</strong> unprtductive<br />

and marginally productive coastal<br />

lands, swamps and brackishwater hodics.<br />

augmenting production for export and loreign<br />

exchang earnings, support to fotd security<br />

system, establishment <strong>of</strong> ancillary<br />

industries, generation <strong>of</strong> employment and<br />

improving the socio-economic conditions ol<br />

rural ptmr. As all these activities require<br />

adequate and continuous R 6i D support.<br />

the Indian Cnuncil <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Research<br />

sanctioned the cstablishmenl <strong>of</strong> the ('cntr;tl<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brackishwater</strong> Aquaculturc during<br />

the 7th Plan period with effect from<br />

1.4.1985, by reorganisation <strong>of</strong> the then existing<br />

Fisheries Research <strong>Institute</strong>s <strong>of</strong> the<br />

C~)uncil. The Institutc started functioning<br />

independently since April 1987. The Ileadquarters<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Institutc is located in Madras<br />

City with field and farm facilities at Muttukadu,<br />

about 30 km south <strong>of</strong> Madras. The<br />

Institutc has three Rescarch Centres located<br />

at Kskdwip (West &ngal). Puri (Oriwi) and<br />

Nitrakkal (Kerala).<br />

Mandate<br />

The lnstitute has the following m;rn<br />

date:<br />

- 'I oconduct research for development<br />

<strong>of</strong> techno-economically viable and<br />

sustainable culture systems for finfish<br />

and shellfish in brackishwater<br />

- To act as a rcpoaitory <strong>of</strong> inbrmation<br />

on brnckishw;~ter fisher) resourcea<br />

with a systematic datahw<br />

- To undertake transfer <strong>of</strong> technology<br />

through training, education and extension<br />

education programmes<br />

- 'Sn prtwide consultan~y service<br />

Infmtmctum development<br />

The fish hrtw>dst(rk holding tanks at<br />

Muttukadu with a total seawater holdingcapacily<br />

<strong>of</strong> 500 t havc hecn completed. Ihe<br />

shrimp hatchery complex at Muttukndu is<br />

nearing completion. 7'hc fish hatchery and<br />

feed mill at Muttukadu arc under construction.<br />

Reconstruction work relating to "A" series<br />

yx~nds at Muttukadu is also in propcss.<br />

Fquipmcnth imported during 105.96<br />

are: Fraction collector, micro-plat? II.ISA<br />

readcr. thcrmocyclcr, histu-ernkddcr and<br />

Kjcltec autosystem, Dcsidea. Super A'1'-380<br />

computer, dot matrix printers, c(xrling incuhittor.<br />

I%OI) incuhator, quick scal V series Itrr<br />

vacuum packing, dccpIrce/.cr, elcctrtrnic<br />

typcwritcr, portnhlc ilutomatic Icvclling instrument<br />

end ? KVA uninterrupted ptrwcr<br />

supply system wcrc illxr atldcd 111 the Lbor;tlorics.<br />

Other f;~cilitics i~dded to the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

include ;I mini-bus acquired during the year<br />

for the trensportation <strong>of</strong> Scicntirts/Stt~fI to<br />

the Muttukittlu ficld centre.<br />

Organisation<br />

'Ihc research programmcsol ~ hc Inatitutc<br />

were cilrried out under the Iollowing 5<br />

divisions<br />

I. ('ru\t:ice;in C'ulture 1)ivisiirn<br />

((X~Ij)<br />

2. Fish Culture Ilivision (I.'('I))<br />

3. 'lechnology Improvement Division<br />

rnn)<br />

4. <strong>Aquaculture</strong> lingincuring and<br />

Ihvironment Division (Ali & I:I))<br />

5. f:xtcnsion, ECUnomich and<br />

Inlormation Ilivision (131: & ID)<br />

Maintenance <strong>of</strong> hrtwdstock, breeding<br />

and larval rearing <strong>of</strong> Penueus monodon and<br />

P. mdicus, grow-out culture <strong>of</strong> penaeid

shrimp in different ecosystems, culture <strong>of</strong><br />

live food organisms and crab CU~~UI~ were<br />

taken up by the Crustacean Culture Division.<br />

Broodstock maintenance, breeding and culture<br />

<strong>of</strong> brackishwater fishes were dealt with<br />

by the Fish Culture Division. Research on<br />

nutritional aspects <strong>of</strong> fish and shrimp, feed<br />

technology, pathology, reproductive physiology<br />

and genetics programmes were taken up<br />

by the Technology Improvement 1)ivision.<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong> Engineering and Environment<br />

Division (unit) conducted studies on hrackishwater<br />

environment, soil and water quality<br />

and productivity management for sustainable<br />

shrimp farming hatchery design and<br />

layout system, design and dcvelopmcnl <strong>of</strong><br />

machinery and structures and use <strong>of</strong> nonu~nventional<br />

eneru resources for i~quaculturc<br />

operations. 'Ihe Iktcnsion, 1:conomics<br />

and Information 1)ivision (unit) Itxiked after<br />

the technolorn tri~nsfer programmes, aquilculture<br />

emnomics and development <strong>of</strong> dalabits<br />

on hrackiqhwater fishcry resrurccz. 'Ihe<br />

1.ihraty and lcchnical Cell were undcr the<br />

responsibility <strong>of</strong> i~ Scientist each. An Engineering<br />

CkII attended to the u)nstruction<br />

works <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

A total numkr <strong>of</strong> 17 pro,jects (I4 dcpartmental<br />

and 3 sponsored) were undcrtaken<br />

during the year.<br />

1)uring the year 199.5-96 an expenditure<br />

<strong>of</strong> Rs 146.97 lakhs under Plan and Ks<br />

YY.OI lr~kht, undcr Non-Plan was incurrcd hy<br />

the <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

Major reeearrh accomplishments<br />

Extensive investigations have heen<br />

urnductcd on the while spot disease which<br />

has ken rampant since Novemher 1994 HIfecting<br />

white at, well as tiger ~hrimp <strong>of</strong> all<br />

sises from larval stages to broodstock in the<br />

shrimp hatcheries and farms in the coa~tal<br />

districts<strong>of</strong>lbmil Nadu, hndhra Radcsh and<br />

Orissil irrespective <strong>of</strong> management practices.<br />

'lhe causative agent was identified to Ix: a<br />

virus, the Systemic Ectodermal and<br />

Mesodermal Rmulovirus (SEMBV). Survey<br />

<strong>of</strong> shrimp farms along the east mast revealed<br />

that apart from the white spot disease problem<br />

Monodon Haculovirus (MBV) disease<br />

and luminestent bacterial disease were also<br />

prevalent. In view <strong>of</strong> the recurrent disease<br />

and mortality problems in shrimp farms duringthe<br />

last two years, the <strong>Institute</strong> has taken<br />

up diseasc diagnosis as one <strong>of</strong> its priority<br />

research areas. Lliagnostic tests I~u., Dot Immunoassay<br />

and ELISA(En7yme-linked Immunox~rbent<br />

Aqsay) have been standardised<br />

for the diagnosis <strong>of</strong> shrimp bacterial dise~ses<br />

cau;ed by Vrbno parc~haeinolytrru.~, Rveudo-<br />

~nonus sp. and Aeromonas sp. Advanced<br />

techniques <strong>of</strong> immunodiagnostics and gene<br />

probes are king developed for rapid diagnosis<br />

<strong>of</strong> shrimp diseases.<br />

Studies on environmental impact assessment<br />

have shown that deterioration in<br />

water quality and unscientific manabcment<br />

meilsures have ken primarily responsible lor<br />

the disease outbreaks. In this connection the<br />

Institule has built up a significant datahiise<br />

on physical, chemical and biological parameters<br />

c)f shrimp culture systems and farm effluents<br />

hascd on~hich it has helped the Union<br />

Ministry ol Agriculture and the Govts. <strong>of</strong><br />

Andhri~ l'radesh and Tamil Nadu in formulating<br />

guidelines for aquaculture and standards<br />

for Siirm effluent

Under the fsh culture programmes,<br />

pen culture <strong>of</strong> rnilkfish Chnnos chnnnr at<br />

Muttukadu gave enwumgingresults. Over a<br />

priod <strong>of</strong> 6 months, at a stocking density <strong>of</strong><br />

5000 no./ha and with supplementary feeds,<br />

the fishes reached an averagc size <strong>of</strong> 2%<br />

d l 9 5 g from an initial average size <strong>of</strong> 120<br />

d l 3 g. The growth <strong>of</strong> pearlspol Etrr~plus<br />

stirafensu under integrated farming with<br />

poultry at Narakhl was also encouraging,<br />

recording an averagc growth <strong>of</strong> 170 mm/liN<br />

g from an initial average <strong>of</strong> 77 mmUO g.<br />

Significant advances have ken made<br />

in the feed formulation progammcs, with<br />

further improvements in the dcvclopmcnt <strong>of</strong><br />

freeze-dried micro-particulate diets (50, 1iX)<br />

and 500 microns) for shrimp 1arv;lc and<br />

postlarvac. The milk protein catstin was replaced<br />

by an equivalent amount <strong>of</strong> duck ej@<br />

and total lipid w~ increased with the addition<br />

<strong>of</strong> fish oil. A comhination <strong>of</strong> micro- particulate<br />

feeds along with diatoms w;i\<br />

succcnfully tcstedonl'. monodon lilwae. EIforts<br />

are on for improvement in digc:ectihility<br />

<strong>of</strong> feeds and enhancement 01 conversion efficiencies<br />

through biotcchnological approach<br />

by hioconverting selected feed ingredients<br />

using wlid-state fermcnt;ltion and production<br />

and testing 01 prohiotics in shrimp Iced,<br />

lixperimcnts on thc use ol hinders for<br />

improving the water sttlhility 01 lccd pcllclh<br />

indicated that whci~t glutcn tnct~rp(lratcd<br />

4 to 5 %in the pellets served as a good binder<br />

imparting a water stability beyond 6 hours.<br />

Gwxcberry as a source <strong>of</strong> vitamin C, incor-<br />

porated in standard shrimp diets at 36<br />

level,<br />

gave better growth and survival in P. monodon<br />

compnred to diets fortified with other<br />

sources <strong>of</strong> vitamin C.<br />

Field testing <strong>of</strong> several grow-out<br />

shrimp feed formulations developed by the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> has bccn initiiited. A technology<br />

packitgc has ken developed for small-=ale<br />

shrimp lccd prc~csvingnnd prtxluction using<br />

;I nulrilionnlly hali~nced feed formulation<br />

with indigenour ingredient$, to cilter to lhe<br />

nccds ol small ;in11 medium shrimp farmers<br />

practising improved cxtensivc i~nd semi- inlensive<br />

cc~lturc 111 ligr rhr~mp I' monodon.<br />

Ihc <strong>Institute</strong> has ;llso dcvelopcd lilyout<br />

and designs lor heckyilrd and sm;tll-scalc<br />

shrimp hetchcv \I:., 2, 5 itnd 10 millil)n c;~pacttic$.<br />

Survcy and cv;llu;ltion 111 dillcrrnt<br />

shrimp farming practices war continued in<br />

the stiltes <strong>of</strong> Mtihart~slit~:~. (;o;l :1i111 li~mil<br />

Nadu tlnd in the linion I crrilory <strong>of</strong> I'ondi~<br />

chcry, covering ;I tot;11 01 4X Lcrrnv with ;i<br />

witler-5prc;td ilrcii <strong>of</strong> 541 .Oh hcctarcs. 1)cvclopmcnt<br />

01 di~ti~h;rse on hri~ckishwitter fishcv<br />

lcsourcer i\ also in progrcsr.<br />

K. Alsgurswe~~~i<br />



<strong>Institute</strong>'s Management Committee<br />

The tenth and eleventh rneeling c~f<br />

the Management Committee <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

were held on 7 September 1995 and 22 February<br />

1996 respectively.<br />

Staff Reseiwh Council<br />

'Ihe second and third meeting <strong>of</strong> the<br />

newly constituted Staff Research Council <strong>of</strong><br />

thc lnstitute were held on 5-6 Scptemkr<br />

I995 and 18-IY March 1996 respectively, to<br />

review the progess <strong>of</strong> work in the various<br />

on-going research project5 and to formulaic<br />

ttnd finalir pro,jecl proposals for the next<br />

year.<br />

Reseaqh Advisory Committee <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

'Ihc scc~nd mceting <strong>of</strong> the Kescarch<br />

Advisory (i)mmi~tec(IlAC) <strong>of</strong> the lnctilutc<br />

w;~\ held on 23-24 Fchruary 1996. 'l'hc ma.jor<br />

rca~mmemdation~su~~sti~~ns <strong>of</strong> thc I

ICAR, Dr. K. N. Singh, Assistant Director<br />

General (NARP), Shri. M. Ranadhir, Director,<br />

<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Freshwater <strong>Aquaculture</strong>,<br />

Dr. K. Alagarswami, Director. <strong>Central</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brackishwater</strong> <strong>Aquaculture</strong>. Dr.<br />

S. Ayyappan Principal Scientist, <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Freshwater <strong>Aquaculture</strong>.<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Joint Staff Council *<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong>'s Joint Staff C~>uncil<br />

meetin@ were held at the Ileadqunrters on<br />

16 December 1995 and 15 March 19%.<br />

ARS/SRF/NFT Examination<br />

ARS!SRFINl~'l' Examination <strong>of</strong><br />

ASRR for the year 1994 was conducled hy<br />

the <strong>Institute</strong> at Madras from 5-7 Octobcr<br />

1995.<br />

Assistance rendered<br />

August 1995 at Visnkhnpatnam, Andhra<br />

Pradcsh.<br />

Dr. C.P. Hangaswitmy, Senior Scientist,<br />

visited Keutakudi. Kusuhcnti and Iiaridas<br />

villages <strong>of</strong> I'uri Districl <strong>of</strong> Oriss~ during<br />

1)eccmher 1995 and January 19196 and rendered<br />

assistance in shrimp diwaw invcstig~tticlns.<br />

Icchnical Assislancc wcls rendered lo<br />

23 farmers Irom Andhr;~ I'rildcsh and 1 irmil<br />

Nadu on shrimp culture technology.<br />

The Inslitutr rrndcred ;~\si\tancc on<br />

shrimpdiw;lw diagnosis and m:in;lgcmcnt to<br />

the frillowing privatc cntrcprencur\ thrtiugh<br />

11 1: 1) As: Nav;~hharath end Varun hz~tchery<br />

at Ncllorc. P'II hittchery ;it ('hinglcput. Shri<br />

Ilam Marinc llarvests ;I[ I1(w~rnpuhar and it<br />

farm at I'alayad in kc rill;^.<br />

Services in committees<br />

7he lnstitule assisted the (icic2. <strong>of</strong> ln- Dr. K. Alagarswami, I)ircctor, served<br />

dia, through Ministry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, in :+<br />

legal contlict on cnvironrnentnl conycqucnccs<br />

<strong>of</strong> shrimp farming heclrd hy ,he<br />

- Member, (ioverning ('ouncil, AnlIon~ur;iblc<br />

Suprcmc Court <strong>of</strong> India.<br />

d;~miln and N~cohnr 1cl;lnils Shrimp<br />

1,'arming 1)cvcloprnmcnl Agcncv,<br />

A shrimp farmers contact programme<br />

MI'EIIA, Kochi<br />

was conductad from 25-31 March IWZ in thc<br />

Godavari and Krithna districts <strong>of</strong> Andhr;~ - Member, l:xtcnsion (i~uncil,('II:I:,<br />

I'radesh with the ohjcctivc olpro\idinfi ;~ssis- Mumhai<br />

tance to farmers in improving thc nutri-<br />

- Memhcr. (icncral I3t)d). Orishi1<br />

lional quality and water stability <strong>of</strong><br />

Shrimp Seed L)cvelopment, I'rcducfarm-made<br />

pellcted feeds uwd by them. A<br />

tion and Rcwarch (kntre, I3crh;tmtocirl<br />

0167 Iarmers were contacted.<br />

Pur<br />

Dr. C. 1'. Kangaswamy and Dr. 13. P.<br />

Ciupta, Senior ~ ~ i and ~ I)r, ~ S, ~ S, i<br />

-, Member.<br />

~ ~<br />

I'atcnts ('rirnmittcc., I('AK<br />

Mishra, Scientist, visited shrimp farms in , ~ ~ ~ h on ~~~i~~ ~ ,<br />

Balawre and Bhadrakdistricts<strong>of</strong> Orisadur-<br />

Living Ilewurccs, L)cpt. ol Ocean<br />

ing 23-29 April 1995 to conduct investiga-<br />

Development, (iovl. <strong>of</strong> Indiit<br />

tions on the shrimp disease outbreaks in<br />

these districts and lo suaest remedial meas. - Membcr. Marinc!lnland Fishcric5<br />

ures for prevention <strong>of</strong> discascs.<br />

Advisory Board, (iovt. <strong>of</strong> 'l'k~mil<br />

Nadu, Ilept, <strong>of</strong> Animal flushandry Kr<br />

Dr. K.K. Vijayan, Scientist, served as<br />

Fisheries<br />

a resource pcwn in the training progamrne<br />

onshrimpdiseases, conducted by Pr<strong>of</strong>. Don- - Chairmm, ljipcrt ('ommittec, to reald<br />

Lightner (University oIArinlna, U.S.A.)<br />

view the work <strong>of</strong> 1:ishcries (i)llcg bi<br />

and organised by the MPEDA during 28-30<br />

Ilesearch <strong>Institute</strong>, 'I ANVASU<br />

Refer annexure for cornpowhon <strong>of</strong> Carnrnrffee 5

- Memher, 9th Plan Working Groupon<br />

Fisheries, Depl. <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and<br />

Cooperation, Ministry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture,<br />

&t. <strong>of</strong> India<br />

- Member, MPIDA , Kochi<br />

- Member, Standing Committee for<br />

Agriculture, 'Iamil Nadu State I'lanning<br />

Commission<br />

Training underworld Bank-Assisted Ptoject<br />

lbe <strong>Institute</strong> was given the responsibility<br />

<strong>of</strong>w)nducting a training ujurse in Semiintemive<br />

Shrimp [:arming 'I'echnolop~, by<br />

the I)ep;~rtment <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and choperation,<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, under thc<br />

Shrimp and 1,'ish ('ulture Project (World<br />

13ank-assisted) <strong>of</strong> (iovl. 01 India. Under this<br />

project, the third bi~tch <strong>of</strong> 7 Rrackishwatcr<br />

I:ish 1:armcrs Ikvelopmcnt Agency <strong>of</strong>ficials<br />

from Andhra I'radesh va., Shri D.S. Sudhakilr.<br />

Shri K. I'andu Kilngil RIIO, Shri K.<br />

Kanaka Kaju, Shri K. lli~ma Ran, Shri K.<br />

I'hani I'rakash, Shri M. 11. K. S. llavi and Shri<br />

S. Janimaiy;~ underwent trilininp from 17<br />

May to 15 June 1995. 'lhc 4th htltch included<br />

two goups, the first goup king 9 111'1)A<br />

otficials from Andhrii I'radesh I~IZ., Shri 1'.<br />

Srccramulu. Shri N. Srinivav~ Ilao, Shri V.<br />

Vcntalcsw:~ra Ria,. Shri-I. Ganpadhara Ktco.<br />

Shri 1'. Ilurga I'ra~ld, Shri 1'. V. Siltyaniiri~yana.<br />

Shri K. S. V. N. Acharyulu, Shri P.<br />

I3rilhrnaji I

- 31 trainees from Inland Fisheries<br />

Training Centre <strong>of</strong> CIFE. Rarrackpore,<br />

on 19 January 1996<br />

- 9 progressive farmers from Visakhapatnarn<br />

sponsored by MPEDA on<br />

Inter-state Study Tour <strong>of</strong> Aquafarmers,<br />

on 11 March 1996<br />

- 46 students <strong>of</strong> 1st and 2nd year B.Sc.<br />

Industrial Fish and IJisheries, Dept.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Zoology, Madras Christian College,<br />

Tamharam on 20 January 1996<br />

Kakdwip<br />

- 3 batches <strong>of</strong> grass-ruot level trainees<br />

(60 no.) from Pathar Pratima Block,<br />

on 20 April 1995<br />

- 6 batches <strong>of</strong> seed collection trainees<br />

(20 no.) from Namkhana Block. on 30<br />

May 1995<br />

- 15 trainees from R.K. Mission<br />

Lokasiksha I'arisad, Narendrapur, on<br />

1 June 1995<br />

- Trainees spnnwred by MPEIIA<br />

- Fishermen trainees from Andaman<br />

b Nicobar Islands<br />

- Fishermen trainees from Lak~hadweep<br />

- B.F.Sc. studentsfromCollege <strong>of</strong>lYisheries,<br />

Mangalore<br />

Manpower development<br />

Dr. L. H. Rao, Senior Scientist, attended<br />

the course on Agricultural Research<br />

Management, from 26 July to 5 Auyst 1995,<br />

at NMRM, Ilyderabad.<br />

Shri S. V. Navandi, Scientist (Snior<br />

Scale), undenvcnt a deputation training under<br />

the World Bank-assisted National Agricultural<br />

Research Project (NAKP) Phase 11<br />

on <strong>Aquaculture</strong>: pond-bioenergetics, digstive<br />

enzymes and micr<strong>of</strong>lora in fish and<br />

shrimp, at the University <strong>of</strong> Glasgow, U.K..<br />

from 8 Auyst to 17 .September 1995.<br />

Dr. K. K. Vijaynn. Dr. K. V. Rajendran<br />

and Dr. S. S. Mishr. Scientists, underwent<br />

a short-term training courst on Fish<br />

1)iseass: An appraisal <strong>of</strong> ttmls <strong>of</strong> rewarch<br />

(light microscopy, immuno-electron microscopy<br />

and ~yttxhernistry) organised hy the<br />

1)cpt. <strong>of</strong> Zoology, University <strong>of</strong> Madras, under<br />

the sponsorship <strong>of</strong> thc British Council<br />

Ilivision, Madras, from 21-26 August 1995.<br />

Dr. K. K. Krishnt~ni, Scientist, undcrwent<br />

training on Hiodcgadalion <strong>of</strong> Chlorinated<br />

Pesticides, sponsored hy the apt. <strong>of</strong><br />

Biotechnology, nl Indu,trial 'Ii~xicology Kesearch<br />

Ccntrc (('SIR), I.ucknt~w. from 21<br />

August lo R Seplemher 1905.<br />

Dr. M. Krishntln, Scientist (Senior<br />

Scale) undenvent training at South East<br />

Asian Fihheries Oevclopmcnt ('cntrc,<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong> Dept.. '1-ighuan, Iltlik), the Philippines,<br />

under thc JlCA fellowship for Third<br />

Guntries 'l'raining I'rogramme, [rclm 27<br />

September to 25 Novemkr 1095.<br />

I)r. S. M. I'ill;~i, .knior Scicnlisl, participated<br />

in the International 'l'raining<br />

(i)ursc for Fisheries I

Madras, 5-6 April 1995 and presented<br />

a Paper<br />

Shri S.V. Alavandi<br />

- Workshop on Selective Breeding <strong>of</strong><br />

Rohu, Labeo rohifa, under Indo-Norwegian<br />

Project at CIFA,<br />

Bhuhaneswar, 21-22 March 1996<br />

Dr. P. Kishore Chandra<br />

- National Seminar on Aquatic Animal<br />

Health, at the Dept. <strong>of</strong> Aquatic Biolog).<br />

and Fisheries, University <strong>of</strong> Kerala,<br />

Thiruvananthapuram, 15-17<br />

March 1995 and presented a paper<br />

Dr. K.V. Rajendrnn<br />

Seminm held in the <strong>Institute</strong><br />

- Dr. A.R. Thirunavukkarasu. Senior<br />

Scientist and Dr. C. (iopal, Scientist<br />

(Senior Scale), on their training at<br />

the International Training Centre for<br />

Fishery Externion Officers in Extension<br />

Methodology and (i~actal Kcsource<br />

Management, at SEAFI)t:C,<br />

Bangkok, during 7 Novembcr to 9<br />

December 1994, on 4 April 1995<br />

- Dr. P. Ravichandran, Senior Scicntist,<br />

on his training in Coastal<br />

Aquaculturc under JICA Fellowship<br />

for Third (iluntries Iraining Pro.<br />

gramme at SI?AFI)I:(' Aqu;culturc<br />

Department, Iloilo, Lhe Philippines.<br />

during 16 January to 15 March 1995,<br />

on 7 April 1995<br />

- Shri N. Kalaimani, Scientist (Sclcclion<br />

Grade). on his training in<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong>-Pond Bioenergetics, 111-<br />

gcstivc ~nzymeb and Micrt~flora in<br />

Fish and Shrimp, under the World<br />

Bank-assisted National Agricultural<br />

Research Project (NARP) {'ha.% 11,<br />

held at Laboratoire de Bioloyie, College<br />

de France, Concarneau, Cedex,<br />

France, during3 January to 20 Fehruary<br />

1995, on 17 April 1995<br />

Shri S.V. Alavandi, Scientist (Senior<br />

Scale), on his training in Micmhial<br />

Fermentation, at the University <strong>of</strong><br />

Glasgow, under the World Rankassisted<br />

National Agricultural Research<br />

Project (NARP) Phase I1 on<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong>, during R August to 17<br />

September 1995, on 31 Oktober 1995<br />

- Dr. M. Krishnan, Scicntist(Senior<br />

Scale), on his training at SEAFDEC,<br />

the Philippines, under JICA Fellowship<br />

for Third Countries Training<br />

Programme, during 27 September to<br />

25 Novcmher 1995, on 16 Ikcember<br />

1995<br />

Lectures<br />

The Scientists delivered the following<br />

lectures:<br />

- On Fish Feeds (Hnit and Meal) for<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong>, to the participan~s <strong>of</strong><br />

UNII)O programme, at ('entral<br />

Leather Iksearch <strong>Institute</strong>, Madras,<br />

29 November 1995<br />

Dr. S.A. Ali<br />

- On Nutrition and Feeding ol Penacid<br />

Shrimp for their Sust~~inablc <strong>Aquaculture</strong>,<br />

to the participants <strong>of</strong> U(i('<br />

programme, I~hi~r;~tIiitlasi~~i University,<br />

'lhiruchirapalii, 21 March 1996<br />

Dr. S.A. Ali<br />

L~ctures delivcrcd to tlic studcnts 01<br />

VI Semester H. lech-lnduslrinl Biotechnology<br />

in <strong>Aquaculture</strong> and Marine Iliotechnoltry)'<br />

at Centre fur Iliotcchnology. Anna<br />

University, duringl'chruary and March li)0O.<br />

- 1 latchcry icchnoloby lor ahrimp<br />

Dr. 1'. Ravichandran<br />

- Ilalchery technnloby for fishes<br />

Dr. A.R. 'lhirunavukkarasu<br />

- l iormonch for controlled spawningin<br />

fishes<br />

Dr. A.R. Thirunavukkarasu

- Micro-encapsulated diet Biocapsulation<br />

Composite feed<br />

Dr. S.A. Ali<br />

- Bioenergetics and feed selection<br />

Dr. M. Natarajan<br />

- Live feed organisms - mass culture<br />

technique (AHemia and rotilers)<br />

Dr. S. Kulasekarapandian<br />

- Bacterial and fungal diseases <strong>of</strong><br />

shrimp and fish - diagnosis, prevention<br />

and control<br />

Shri S.V. Alavandi<br />

- InteractionMeetingon Development<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Aquaculture</strong> Feed, at Dept. <strong>of</strong><br />

Biotechnology, New Delhi, 12 October<br />

1995<br />

- 1st meetingon Marineilnland Fisheries<br />

Advisory Board, Govt. <strong>of</strong> Tamil<br />

Nadu, Madras, 1 November 1995<br />

- 20th meeting <strong>of</strong> <strong>Central</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Fisheries,<br />

Calcutta, 34 November 1995<br />

- Patents Committee meeting, Calcutta,<br />

4 November 1995<br />

- Meeting with World Bank Team on<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong>, M.S. Swaminathan Research<br />

Foundation. Madras, 15 November<br />

1995<br />

me<br />

-<br />

Director attended,prticipated in<br />

Meeting with World Bank Review<br />

Mission for Shrimp Culture, FA0 <strong>of</strong>the<br />

following meetings/conferences:<br />

fice, New Delhi, 28 November 1995<br />

- National Conference on Sustainable<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong> at Anna University, Ma- - G1mmittee meeting to review<br />

dras, 5 April 1995<br />

the work <strong>of</strong> Fisheries College and Research<br />

<strong>Institute</strong>, TANVASU, Tutico-<br />

- Conference on Informatics for Sus- rin, 9-10 February 1996<br />

tainable Agriculture Development,<br />

New I>elhi, 24-25 May 1995 - 9th Plan Working Group on Fisheries,<br />

Dept, <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and Coop-<br />

- First mecting <strong>of</strong> the Technical C'meration,<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture,<br />

mittee for Reviewing Incidence and<br />

Govt. <strong>of</strong> India, New Delhi, 19 Febru-<br />

Causes <strong>of</strong> Shrimp Diseases, at the<br />

aty 19%<br />

Dept. <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and Cooperation,<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, New - ICAR Director's Conference, New<br />

Delhi, 5-7 July 1995 Delhi. 26-29 February 1996<br />

- Mid-year ICAR Director's Confer- - 77th meeting <strong>of</strong> MPEDA , Kochi, 21<br />

ence, ICAR, New Delhi, 10-14 July March 1996<br />

1995 - Governing Cnuncil meeting <strong>of</strong> An-<br />

- 9th meeting <strong>of</strong> Extension Council, daman and Nicobar Islands Shrimp<br />

CIFE, Mumbai, 21 July 1995<br />

Farming Development Agency.<br />

- Governing Council meeting <strong>of</strong><br />

MPEDA, Kochi, 22 March 1996<br />

OSSPARC, Madras, 25 July 1995<br />

The Scientists attendediparticipated<br />

- Meeting on Coastal Fisheries Man. in the meetings:<br />

agement Project, BOBP, Madras, 28- - Second meeting <strong>of</strong> Expert Cormnittee<br />

29 July 1995 on Fishermen Welfare, Fisheries De-<br />

- Second meeting <strong>of</strong> the Technical velopment ad Fisheries Management<br />

Committee on Shrimp Diseases, Min. Policy, Directorate <strong>of</strong> Fisheries, Maistry<br />

<strong>of</strong> Agriculture, GOM, <strong>of</strong> India, dras 26 February 1996<br />

Madras, 14 September 1995<br />

Dr. R.D. Prasadam<br />


- Interaction meeting on <strong>Aquaculture</strong><br />

Feed Development organised by<br />

Dept. <strong>of</strong> Biotechnology, Govt. <strong>of</strong> India,<br />

New Delhi, 12-13 October 1995<br />

Dr. S. Ahamad Ali and<br />

Shri D. Narayansswarny<br />

- Meeting on project ARIS(Agricultural<br />

Research and Information Service),<br />

Indian <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Horticultural<br />

Research, Bangalore, 4 May 1995<br />

Dr. M. Krishnan<br />

- Brain Storming Session sponsored hy<br />

the Dept, <strong>of</strong> Biotechnology on Microbial<br />

Pollution <strong>of</strong> Coastal Environment<br />

and Shrimp Diseases held at<br />

lndian <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong> Technology, Madras,<br />

30 January 1996<br />

Shri S.V. Alavandi<br />

Honours and Awards<br />

Dr. S. S. Mishra, Scientist, has been<br />

selected as the recipient for the Jawaharlal<br />

Nehru Award for the year 1995 for his work<br />

on 'Molecular characterisation<strong>of</strong> fnwlpnxvirus:<br />

Analysis <strong>of</strong> protein and genomic pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong><br />

vaccine strain and Geld isolates' at Indian<br />

Veterinary Research <strong>Institute</strong>, Izatnagar,<br />

U.P.<br />

Dr. P. Kishore Chandra, Scientist, was<br />

awarded the doctoral degee in Animal Cienetics<br />

and Breeding in the Faculty <strong>of</strong> Veterinary<br />

Science by the Andhra Pradesh<br />

Agricultural University for his thesis cntitled'Studies<br />

on some aspects <strong>of</strong> progeny testing<br />

<strong>of</strong> buffalo hulls', in March 1996.<br />

Library, Infomution and Documentation<br />

Library holdings<br />

The <strong>Institute</strong>'s library acquired 82<br />

books during the period. To meet the reference<br />

needs and for updating the current<br />

knowledge <strong>of</strong> the scientists, subscriptions to<br />

14 foreign and 18 Indian journals were also<br />

made. The library, in March 1996, had a total<br />

holding 01 902 books, 435 reprints and photocopies,<br />

250 <strong>report</strong>s and 500 miscellaneous<br />

publications.<br />

Exchange services<br />

The library maintained exchange programmes<br />

with national and international organisations<br />

<strong>of</strong> mutual interest. The library<br />

maintained the free mailing <strong>of</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>'s<br />

Annual Report and other publications lo<br />

various research organisations, universities<br />

and other agencies.<br />

Lnfom~ahon services<br />

The library section extended its information<br />

service to the scientific personnel <strong>of</strong><br />

research organisations, universities, research<br />

scholars, students and individuals, through<br />

reference <strong>of</strong> books and journi~ls in the library.<br />

Publications<br />

- Annual Report for the year 1993-94<br />

- Annual Keport for the year 1994-95<br />

- Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the National Workshop<br />

on 'I'ramfer <strong>of</strong> Technology for<br />

Sustainable Shrimp Farrniny, hcld at<br />

Madras, on 9-1OJanuary 1995, March<br />

1996<br />

- CIBA Extension Series No.1, Shrimp<br />

Culturc: I'ond Preparation. March<br />

1990<br />

- CIBA Extension Series No. 2, Shrimp<br />

Culture: Water (Juality Manttgcment,<br />

March 1996<br />

- CIBA Iixtension Series No. 3, Shrimp<br />

Culture: Feeds and Feed Managcment,<br />

March 19%<br />

- CIDA 1;xtensionSeries Ntr. 4, Shrimp<br />

Culture: Di.wases and Health mnapmenl,<br />

March 1996<br />

- CIHA Fxtension Series No. 5, Chlorination<br />

in <strong>Brackishwater</strong> <strong>Aquaculture</strong>,<br />

March 1996

- ClBA Iixlension Series No. 6, lime<br />

and its Application in <strong>Brackishwater</strong><br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong>, March 196<br />

- CII3A Exlension Series No. 7, Training<br />

Programmes in ClBA, March<br />

1996<br />

- CIHA Brochure, March 1996<br />

Headquartere<br />

Dr. It. S. I'artxln, Secretary to (iovt. ol India.<br />

Ikpl, <strong>of</strong> Agricullural Kcsearch & Iiducation(L)ARH)<br />

and 1)ircctor General. ICAR<br />

Dr. P. V. I)ehadrai, 1)eputy 1)iructor (icneral<br />

(Vy), l(~AI<<br />

Dr. K. Riidhakrishna, Asrl. 1)ircclor General<br />

(M.l,.y), ICAIt<br />

Shri N. I'srlhnwr;lthy, Joint Secrclary, (;ovl.<br />

<strong>of</strong> India and Financial Advisor, 1)A1



Development <strong>of</strong> hatchery technology for<br />

penacid shrimp (CCD/HT/l)<br />

Madras : L. H. Rao (PL), K. Devarajan,<br />

P. Ravichandrm. M. Kathirvel, K. 0.<br />

Joseph, P. S. Sudeesh, C. P. Balasubramanyam<br />

Imelda Joseph, K. Rangeshwaran, S. S.<br />

Mishra and P. S. P. Gupta.<br />

Narakkal : A. Laxminarayana and<br />

S.M. Pillai<br />

Puri : C. P. Rangaswny and S. Srinivasagam<br />

Development <strong>of</strong> captive broodstock<br />

A captive broodstwk <strong>of</strong> tip shrimp<br />

Penneuc monodon was successfully dcveloped<br />

under pond conditions at Muttukadu.<br />

Adult 1'. tnonodon <strong>of</strong> average sim 160 mm /<br />

33 g were stocked in a O.075 ha non-drainable<br />

pond at a density <strong>of</strong> 0.8 no./m2 and fed with<br />

CIBA pclleted feed initially @ 3%. <strong>of</strong> total<br />

biomass gradually reduced to I.?%, supplemented<br />

with woked clam mcitl given @ 3%<br />

<strong>of</strong> total biomass and also gradually reduced<br />

to 1%. An avcrage six (<strong>of</strong> 200 mm ! 85 g<br />

(femalcs <strong>of</strong> avcragc sife 204 mm 193 g and<br />

males 195 mm :' 77 g) was attained in 6<br />

months period. 'Ihr pond water salinity \ras<br />

maintained betwecn 20 to 31 ppl by regular<br />

exchange (10-IS(#!) <strong>of</strong> seawater drawn from<br />

an intertidal borewell.<br />

Induced maturation<br />

The pond-reared broodstock ii8i re<br />

used for conducting induced breedingcxpcrimcnts.<br />

Initial cxpriments with uni1atcr:lIl)<br />

ablated females maintained in I'ItP (:ink\,<br />

with l(J0'X water exchange daily and lctl on<br />

clam 2nd squid meat Q 154 <strong>of</strong> total biom;lss<br />

supplemented with polychaetcs @ 10% ol<br />

total biomass, have yielded encouraging results.<br />

Viable eggs and naupliiwere prtduced<br />

and the larvae were successfully reared using .<br />

Chaetocem affutis and Anemia nauplii as<br />

larval feeds. 'he rate <strong>of</strong> survival from nauplii<br />

to PU and from PLY to YL.20 was 41.6% and<br />

50% respectively.<br />

Backyard hatchery technology<br />

Adopting backyard hatchery technology,<br />

hreeding and Iawal rearing trials lor the<br />

seed production <strong>of</strong> 1'. monodon were iniGated<br />

at Muttukiidu using C. affinis and<br />

Aaemra nauplii as liiwal feeds. At Narakkal,<br />

trials were continued on the improvement <strong>of</strong><br />

backyard hatchery technology for the seed<br />

production <strong>of</strong> 1'. rrulrcu.\.<br />

Quality control tesb for penaeid post-lar<br />

vae<br />

'10 evaluate the quality <strong>of</strong> seed produced<br />

in the commercial shrimp halcheries,<br />

post-larvae were collected from different<br />

hatcheries and subjected to several quality<br />

control tests which included visual obsewalions<br />

vu., khaviour, colour and activity; microscopic<br />

tests rrz., muscle-gut ratio,<br />

condition <strong>of</strong> gut, incclmpletc moulting, mus.<br />

cle deformity, broken appendages, number<br />

ol rostra1 spines, bacterial and lungwl infcction,<br />

l'orirceUa 1 %oo~itut~tn~u~n, MIIL' occlusion<br />

bodies etc. and stress tcsts vrz., exposure<br />

to 1(Kl ppm concentr;~tion <strong>of</strong> formalin and<br />

sudden si~linity decrease (SO%). Aclivc postlarvae<br />

with full gut, no muscle deformity or<br />

broken appndagc~, with muscle gut ri~tio<br />

morc than 4: 1, witbout bacterialllunpal!MHV<br />

inlection and with the ability to<br />

withstitnd stress test5 were considered<br />

grade I larvae suitable for stxking.<br />

Studiesonlong-distancetransportation<strong>of</strong><br />

broodstock<br />

Prcliminiiry expcrirncnta werc conducted<br />

on the transportation <strong>of</strong> broodstwk<br />

<strong>of</strong>P. monodon IP. indicus using anaesthetics

vu., MS-222 ('l'ricane Methane Sulphate)<br />

and by laveringwater temperatwesto26,22,<br />

20, 17 and 15'C. In the first instance, it was<br />

ohserved that sedation <strong>of</strong> shrimp could not<br />

be induced hy MS-222 at 100 or 200 ppm.<br />

I.ow temperatures ranging from 20-22'C<br />

were found to hc suitable for the transportation<br />

<strong>of</strong> hroodsttrk. P. moncxlon (average<br />

six *.M g) acclimatixd lo these low tcmperaturcs,<br />

ctiuld he transprtcd successfully<br />

for periodc ranging from 24 to 48 hrs.<br />

Evaluation <strong>of</strong> sperm qualily in captive<br />

broodstock<br />

Studies on the cflect <strong>of</strong> unili~leral cyestiilk<br />

iihli~tirin on spcrm quality in cilplive P.<br />

tnoncdon hrood~tock (17.5 - 195 mm 1.55-7.5<br />

g) revw~led thill the pcrccnta~! ol live sperms<br />

i ahnormill sperm ;~nd nunlkr <strong>of</strong> sperms in<br />

the spermwtclpht)rcs <strong>of</strong> i~hli~lcd males were<br />

not significantly dilfcrcnt (1'

mani, K. 0. Joseph, P. S. Sudeesh and<br />

Imelda Joseph<br />

Algal dhup<br />

Axenic cultures <strong>of</strong> Chaetocem calcitmn.<br />

and Skelelonema costaturn were maintained<br />

in UV filtered seawater undcr<br />

temperature controlled conditions (20-<br />

24OC) at a light intensity <strong>of</strong> 1,000-1,500 lux.<br />

A maximum cell density <strong>of</strong> 4.2 million<br />

cellslml <strong>of</strong> C, calc$mnr was ohtained in 5-7<br />

days with Walne's medium. S. costrrturn<br />

reached a density <strong>of</strong> 50,Oo cells!ml in 4-6<br />

days with TMRL medium. Mass culture <strong>of</strong><br />

C. afinis was carried out in outdoor tanks<br />

using TMRL medium and a density t~f 1 to<br />

1.5 million cells!ml was ohtaincd in 48 hours.<br />

Rotifer culture<br />

Continuous culture 01 rotiler<br />

Bruchlonus plicurilis was maintained in outdoor<br />

tanks (1.5 ton capacity) with ('hlorellrr<br />

as feed. An average density<strong>of</strong> 160 no./ml wns<br />

obtained after 4 days from an initial density<br />

<strong>of</strong> 5-8 no./ml.<br />

Brine shrimp culture<br />

The natural population 111 the hrine<br />

shrimpAt~ernia sp, in thc Kclamhakkani saltpan<br />

arca was ohscmed to hc: dominatcd hy<br />

the San 1:rancixo Bay strain. Culture 01 this<br />

spccier was taken up during August 1905 in ;I<br />

0.4 hi1 pond 211 Kelamhakkam, at an increased<br />

stocking density (11 200 nauplii,'litrc,<br />

with a view to restrict the culturc iwriod to 3<br />

months. A m:utimum densilynl252 no.!I will1<br />

486 ovoviviparous females was attained at<br />

the end <strong>of</strong> 41 dayswhen the salinity gradually<br />

increased from 70 to 120 ppt. A shift to<br />

oviparous stage (42%) with production <strong>of</strong><br />

cysbwas observed when the salinity was lowered<br />

from 120 to 100 ppt from day 41 to day<br />

53 tlowever, the experiment wasvitiated In<br />

October 1995 due to incessant rains.<br />

Attempts were made to enrich xclcond<br />

inslar Snn Francisco Bay strain A~retniu sp.<br />

nauplii with ctd liver oil emulsion over a<br />

period <strong>of</strong> 24 hnurs. Ihe quality <strong>of</strong> enrichcd<br />

nauplii in respect <strong>of</strong> thcir fatty acid composition<br />

is hcing nnalysed.<br />

Culture <strong>of</strong> mud crab (Sfljlln sp.)<br />

(CCD/CFP)<br />

Madras : M. Kilthiwel and ('. 1'. Iialasuhrnmanyam<br />

Kakdwip : I'.K.(;hosh<br />

Ihe growth ol the mud crah ScyUu<br />

t~nqurbutica undcr pond conditions at Muttukadu,on<br />

adict <strong>of</strong> trash fish @ 10'% <strong>of</strong> body<br />

weight, was encouraging. At a stocking dcnsily<br />

<strong>of</strong> 2/m2, the smallcr six group 66 mm I<br />

44 g has shown 21 monthly ~ owth rate <strong>of</strong> I?<br />

mm i I4 g whilc thc larger ci7c group 87 mrn<br />

i 90 g Il~~'c~0rdctl ;I m~lnthlq growlh rate <strong>of</strong><br />

16 mm : 7 1 g, thc livcriigc growth rccordcd i~t<br />

thc cnd <strong>of</strong> ? months hcing $0 rnm ' 71 g and<br />

110 mm '23.1 g rcspri.ti\'cly. Whc~l thc adul!<br />

cr'lhh (1% mm i 325 g) wrrc .;t~~ckcd (tr 1:nitllc<br />

monthly growth rate recorded \


~ e dcvclopmcn~ k bmoding 4 availability <strong>of</strong> mature females in the comnwrptoduction<br />

bnCkishw&r fin- cia1 catches at the above ctnlres during the<br />

fish- (FCD/BW)<br />

perid, At Narakkd, 4 fishcs in the si~r<br />

range 5.500 mml1.6 kg to 560 mmr2.5 kg wcre<br />

Madras : R. I). I'rrsadam (I'L), subjected to a omhindlion <strong>of</strong> hormones vk.,<br />

Mathew /\braham A. K. lhirunwukkarasu, (PI1 with pimozide, ovaprim and I.HIlH in<br />

Munawar Sultana, P. Kishore Chandra, M. various doses. I-lowevrr, mortalit)! <strong>of</strong> spawn.<br />

Kailsam and SJliranee Pereira.<br />

ers occurred due to infection after hlrrmonc<br />

treatment.<br />

Narakkrl : I. Krishnan<br />

Cbntinued efforts wcre made lo build<br />

Considernble progress has hcen mdde up a caplive hroodstock ,,f scrlhass L ~ eel/. ~ ~<br />

under thc finfish hrtu,dsttxk development<br />

clmnjtr (112 fishes in the sire range 410<br />

proyammc, A cnrtivc hrotdstock <strong>of</strong> F ~Y mmj0.75 kg lo 860 mm,l~),~ kg),<br />

mullel Mugil ct.phnlris (140 fishes <strong>of</strong> si~c commercial calches M ~ ~ .<br />

.<br />

rang! 0.3 11, 1.2 kg) prtrurcd Trom thc uim- lukaduKov;~l:rm, in pindc and cages at Mulmrciill<br />

ciltchcs ill MutlukaduIKtrvalirm wcrc<br />

iukadu. Ihr fishcswerc maintained onil diet<br />

mainlained in n non- tlrninshlc carthe11 pind .li,llprcl 5,,; h,dy dilily,<br />

(0.075 ha) M ~ i l ~ on k a ~ diclo' d ~<br />

I he prohiem cnc,lunlered during<br />

lntcd maturation feeds (proximale compi$ihnxrdsltrk<br />

maintenance, w;ts infestation hy<br />

tion : crudc prolein3.(.5'%, crudc lipid 5.24%. parasites I.IZ., prnto7o;ln 7ilchodmu sp.,<br />

crud' 3.16';' carboh~dra'c 26'S4') mllnt,gnic lremalldc I)ip,l.cla,lrl,n ctl-<br />

@I 5% <strong>of</strong> hdy wcight daily. Suhscqucnlly.<br />

pepd ('1111p.r sp., I.emonfhrop~~.i sp.. I.cn?~c.u<br />

during Ikcemhcr 1')05, the s1oc.k we\ 1r;inrferred<br />

twlr c,lnslrucled I

May-June 1995 were nursery reared in hap<br />

ad ponds. The fry were reared in a pond<br />

(150 m2 area) fertilised prior to stockin& with<br />

raw cowdung @ 1.200 kgha and urea @ 300<br />

kgha for producion <strong>of</strong> lab-lah. At a stocking<br />

density <strong>of</strong> 1.06.667 no.h and maintained on<br />

adiet <strong>of</strong> lablab (the natural f d <strong>of</strong> milkfish)<br />

and supplementary feeds (groundnut oil cake<br />

and rice bran in the ratio <strong>of</strong> 1:l) @ 3% <strong>of</strong><br />

body weight, the fry attained an average size<br />

<strong>of</strong> 120mm/l3ginM)dayswitha rewveryrate<br />

<strong>of</strong> 62.5%. me lab-lab growth was sustained<br />

by fertilisation with raw ww-dung and urea<br />

@ hOO kglu and 150 kgiha respectively, at<br />

fortnightly intervals. In hapas, @ 125 no./mL<br />

stocking density and mintained on supplcmentsry<br />

feeds as mentioned above given @<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> weight, the fry attained itn average<br />

size <strong>of</strong> 86 mmiS g in 45 days with a<br />

survival rate 57.2%.<br />

Grow-out rearing <strong>of</strong> milkfish under<br />

pen culture (0.4 ha pn) at Muttukadu @.<br />

5,MX) no./ha stocking density and with sup<br />

plemcntary feed$ I~Z., groundnut oil cake and<br />

rice bran (1:1), gavc encouraging rcsults.Thc<br />

avcrap six ol fish attained over a rearing<br />

period <strong>of</strong> 6 months was 296 mm 1 191 g from<br />

an initial average <strong>of</strong> 120 mm 1 13 g. Under<br />

pond culture (polyculturc with P. indiela)<br />

over<br />

-<br />

a period 016 months, at a low qtocking<br />

dcnsitv <strong>of</strong> 2.000 no./hn find with sunnlcmen- ..<br />

tary feeds, the average si7t <strong>of</strong> fish attaincd<br />

was 3413 g from an initial zlverilpe siz ol 50<br />

!<br />

kfld6 months, Inmonoculture, withscdOf<br />

for a period <strong>of</strong> one month on pelleted feed @<br />

5% <strong>of</strong> body weight. The fishes on reaching<br />

an average size <strong>of</strong> 105 mm/ 15 gwere stocked<br />

in two grow-out ponds (0.15 hneach) at Muttukadu<br />

@ 2,033no./ha and fed on a diet <strong>of</strong><br />

groundnut oil cake and rice bran (1:l) @ 2 2<br />

<strong>of</strong> body weight. The average growth nttained<br />

over a period <strong>of</strong> 6 months was354 mm/SlR g.<br />

Nursery rearing and grow-out culture<br />

<strong>of</strong> xabass L. culcurifer was su~~essfuliy carried<br />

out at Kakdwip. Seabass seed, <strong>of</strong> averag<br />

si7e 20 mm / 120 mg nursery reared @<br />

14.000no.ha, attained an sveragc size <strong>of</strong> 142<br />

nun I37 g at the end <strong>of</strong> 94 days. With subsequent<br />

&TOW- out rearing, for a period <strong>of</strong> one<br />

year, the fishes attained an averagc size <strong>of</strong><br />

3Mm1312g.<br />

Culture <strong>of</strong> pearlspot Etroplus suratcnsb<br />

I'earlspt seed <strong>of</strong> averng si7e 80 rnm<br />

i 8 g stocked in 0.062 ha pnd ;it Kakdwip @)<br />

10,000 nc>.ha during Novemhcr 1944 and fed<br />

on adict <strong>of</strong> fish meal, groundnut oil cake and<br />

rice bran (I: I: I) @I 2-34 <strong>of</strong>body weight twicc<br />

daily, attained an avcr;igc :el/*: <strong>of</strong> 153 mm 173<br />

g in 1)ecemhcr 1905.<br />

Integrated fish cum poultry fanning<br />

]<br />

In ordcr to drvclop low-input sustainwith<br />

()[ 821 ahlc prtxluction tcchnologics, mixed culture<br />

<strong>of</strong> compatible finfish species integrated with<br />

size 4q mmll g, stocked @, 22,667 poultry farming was taken up at Madras<br />

noha, the fishes attained an averag si/c <strong>of</strong><br />

in mon,hs, Similarly el<br />

(Multuk;idu). Kaktlwip and Nirri~kkal. At<br />

IOU, stocking densities riinginp from 10,SOU<br />

no.ihuat N2irilkki1l (with only pei~rlspot) Itr<br />

Kakdwip, under monoculture a culture<br />

pcriodOl.yne year,al 2,830 20,000 no./ha ;tt Madras and Ktlkdwip (with<br />

hoth shrimp and lirh) ant1 with less input,<br />

no./ha [be fishes attained an avcragc six 01'<br />

320 mm i24U g from an initial iiveragc <strong>of</strong> 130 relying solely on nature1 production <strong>of</strong> food<br />

organisms generated by the decomposition<br />

mmi18g.<br />

<strong>of</strong> p~ultry . .<br />

manure, the growth <strong>of</strong> fishes and<br />

Culture <strong>of</strong> p y mullet Mu@'/ cephalus shrimp under integrated farming conditions<br />

was encouraging. 'Ihc poultry consisting <strong>of</strong><br />

Grey mullet seed <strong>of</strong> averitge si7r 98 laycr birds were houscd in a shed/cnges (at a<br />

m~lOgcollectedfromMuttukadu~oval~im stocking density <strong>of</strong> S(K) no.ha), constructed<br />

backwaters, were reared in n nurscry pond over onc <strong>of</strong> the pnds , Tllc fislles in the<br />


oontnd pwd vcre maintained only on 6ip<br />

phmmy feed (groundnut cake and rice<br />

bran 1:l). At M&M, mid culture <strong>of</strong> tiger<br />

sbrimpP.moncdonwithM.ocphalusandE.<br />

mMlgUy WM cad out in two ponds, each<br />

0.05 ho ma. In the nrptrimntal pond with<br />

poultry, P. d n grew to an average size<br />

<strong>of</strong> 18 gin 3 months <strong>of</strong> rearingfrom an initial<br />

average size <strong>of</strong> 1 g, while pearlspot and M.<br />

ccphalw reached an averagc size <strong>of</strong> 38 and 43<br />

g napsctively in4 months <strong>of</strong> rearing, fmm an<br />

initial mrage <strong>of</strong> 115 and 3.1 g respectively.<br />

At Narakkal, pearlspot attained an average<br />

size 169 m I 109 g ow;r one year culture<br />

pcriod in the poultry inlegratad pond compared<br />

to 153 mrn174 gin the control. Average<br />

size at stocking was 77 mm I 10 g. At<br />

Wdwip, P. modn ad grey mullet Ltur<br />

pama <strong>of</strong> initial average size 12 mm and 30<br />

mm respectively, attained an average size <strong>of</strong><br />

110 mm and 40 mm respectively in 3 months<br />

culture period in the poultry integrated pond.

Fdon Collector

-<br />

ELISA R-der<br />

b<br />

-- --

' 1<br />

Poultky cum fiswshrimp farming at Kakdwip Centre<br />

&<br />

3 &s aM Rhode Island Rltl Vrcty layer birds ' ' "<br />


Broadstock holding facility for seabass and mullet at Murtukadu<br />

W :<br />

.<br />

.,<br />

. ,<br />

' 1 4 $2<br />

*, ..A<br />

A mini-bus for the transportation <strong>of</strong> staff to the field centre


Developmmt <strong>of</strong> feeds for aq~ucdhm <strong>of</strong><br />

brackisbwater shrimp and finfishes<br />

m P )<br />

Madm : S. A. Ali (PL), M. Natarajan,<br />

D. N. Swamy, N. Kalaimani, C. Gopl, J.V.<br />

Ramana, K. K. Krishnani and M. Shashi<br />

SheLhar<br />

Puri : C. P. Rangawamy<br />

Mhputiculate feeds for shrimp larvae/<br />

post-1mae<br />

Micro-particulate feeds developed by<br />

the <strong>Institute</strong> for shrimp larvae and post-larvae<br />

were further improved by replacement <strong>of</strong><br />

the milk protein, casein, with an equivalent<br />

amount <strong>of</strong> duck egg and by increase <strong>of</strong> total<br />

Lipid content with the addition <strong>of</strong> fish oil. The<br />

proximate composition <strong>of</strong> the feed prepared<br />

by freeze- drying is as follows : protein 46.3%,<br />

fat 15.0%, carbohydrate 17.0%, ash 10.93%<br />

crude fibre 0.42% and moisture 10.45%.<br />

This feed was successfully tested onP. monodon<br />

larvae (Nauplius G) stocked in FRP<br />

tanks (each 500 litre capacity) 6) 10 no.11<br />

The survival rate <strong>of</strong> larvae upto PLl at the<br />

end <strong>of</strong> 8-9 days, when fed on a mixed diet <strong>of</strong><br />

micro-particulate feed (2.5 g/tank) and diatoms<br />

(20,003 cells/ml), was much higher<br />

(90%) than those fed exclusively on diatoms<br />

(40,000 crells/ml), or microdiets (5.0 gl tank)<br />

(73% and 40.6% respectively). In the case <strong>of</strong><br />

post-larvae (PLl to PL20), stocked in similar<br />

tanks @ 4 no.11, though the sumival rate<br />

recorded at the end <strong>of</strong> 20 dayswas higher with<br />

microdiet (2.5 mglpost-larvae) alone, being<br />

57%, than with Artemla nauplii (20 naupliilpost-larvae),<br />

being 42%, the growth <strong>of</strong><br />

post-larvae was better when fed with live feed<br />

clam meat, squid meal, polychaete worn<br />

and gingelly cake. One <strong>of</strong> the feeds, containing<br />

40% protein and incorporating free<br />

amino acids as attractants, was found to be<br />

readily accepted by the shrimp. The feeds<br />

were analysed for their essential amino acid<br />

composition (EAA) (Table 1). Bawd on this,<br />

the formulations were further refined to<br />

match the EAA pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> shrimp muscle.<br />

Feeding trials with ablated animals are undelway.<br />

A feed was also formulated for the<br />

broodstock <strong>of</strong> grey mullet. M. cephalur, using<br />

indigenous ingredients vu., fish meal (16%).<br />

soya flour (18%), groundnut cake (a%),<br />

cotton seed cake (S%), wheat bran (IS%),<br />

wheat flour (10.0%), maida (2.3%), alfalfa<br />

(4.8%), vegetable oil (6%), yeast (O.S%),<br />

Spirulina (0.2%) and vitamins, minerals end<br />

antioxidants (2.2%). The feed prepared as<br />

dry pellets was found to be readily accepted<br />

by the fish.<br />

Goosebeny u, a source <strong>of</strong> vitamin C in<br />

shrimp feeda<br />

Gooseberry as a source <strong>of</strong> Vitamin C<br />

was tested in the diet <strong>of</strong> tiger shrimp P.<br />

monodon. Feeding trials with juveniles for a<br />

period <strong>of</strong> 30 days indicated better growth and<br />

survival <strong>of</strong> shrimp when gooseberry was incorporated<br />

in a standard diet at 3% level (dry<br />

weight) compared to diets fortified with plain<br />

and protected vitamin C (Phosphate derivative).<br />

Improvement <strong>of</strong> farm-made shrimp feeds<br />

in selected areas through Farmers Contact<br />

Prognmme<br />

(16.6 mm at PL20) than with minodiet (14.4 A comprehensive survey was conmm<br />

at PUO).<br />

ducted on the use and improvements in fam-<br />

~ ~ ~ md testhg ~ l<strong>of</strong> feeds d for i made ~ shrimp ~ feeds in the districts <strong>of</strong><br />

broodstock shrimP/fish<br />

Godavari, Krishna, Prakasam and Nellore in<br />

Andhra Pradesh. The survey revealed that.<br />

Feeds were formulated for the brood- commercial shrimp feeds, both indigenous<br />

stock <strong>of</strong> tiger shrimpP. monodm using fresh and imported have largely replaced hitherto

Table 1 : kntial amino acid pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> maturation feeds<br />

Formula l Formula 11 Form& 111 Formula IV<br />

valine . 1.97 7.05 1.56 5.50 1.52 4.74 2.34 6.79<br />

Methionine 0.42 1.49 0.32 1.15 0.35 1.11 0.55 1.59<br />

lmleufine 0.82 2.93 1.55 5.50 1.41 4.43 2.18 6.32<br />

Leucine 1.14 4.07 0.97 3.44 0.85 2.66 1.34 3.88<br />

Tyn>sine 0.89 3.17 0.68 2.42 0.67 2.11 1.02 2.97<br />

Phenylalanine 1.61 5.75 1.30 4.58 I 3.64 1.76 5.12<br />

Hislidinc 0.69 2.48 0.63 2.24 0.57 1.79 0.84 2.44<br />

1,ysinc 0.43 1.53 0.27 0.96 0.39 1.23 0.67 1.95<br />

Arginine 1.63 5.83 1.55 5.47 1.22 3.83 2.28 6.61<br />

EAAI 0.95 - 0.92 - 0.96 - 0.96 ..<br />

(on muscle<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>ile)<br />

EAAI 0.99 - 096 - 1.00 - 1.00 -<br />

on re uirement<br />

Ltudie!)<br />

'17'-7i)tal protein; EM1 - likwntial amino acid index<br />

used larm-made feeds. An intereslingdcvclopmcnl<br />

in this rcgion was the estahlishment<br />

ol small-xwle shrimp feed mills operaling on<br />

hire basis and catering to the nccds <strong>of</strong> individual<br />

fnrmers. Some <strong>of</strong> thcse fi~rmers wcre<br />

given advisory setvia, in feed formulation.<br />

use ol hinders and feed processing techniqucs.<br />

Fan-wale shrimp feed processing and<br />

production technology<br />

A Icchnology packagc was dcvclopecl<br />

for small-wale shrimp feed processing and<br />

production using a nutritionally ht11;inccd<br />

feed, formulnled with indibwnou.; ingcdients<br />

such K( squid meal, fish meal, dirimp head<br />

meal, wyhcan meal etc., tocater k~ the needs<br />

<strong>of</strong> small and medium shrimp farmers prwctising<br />

improved extensive wd semi-intensive<br />

culture <strong>of</strong> tiger shrimp P. monodon. Bmd<br />

on this technology package, a proposal has<br />

ken prepared for the cstahlishment <strong>of</strong> a<br />

farm-scale feed production unit for the Andhra<br />

Pradesh State Fisheries Department at<br />

I'allithumalapalem near Machilipatnam.<br />

Several requests have also been received<br />

from diffcrent organisations for setting up<br />

captive farm-scale shrimp feed production<br />

units.<br />

Production and testing <strong>of</strong> formulated<br />

grow-out shrimp feeds developed by the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> in selected farmers ponds<br />

A grow-out shrimp Seed lormulation<br />

developed hy the <strong>Institute</strong> was successfully<br />

tested under ficld conditions in a private<br />

farmer's pnnd at Ongole, in Andha Pradesh.<br />

'lhc feed, formulated usingindigcnous ingedients<br />

I~z., fish meal, squid meal, soybean<br />

meal, shrimp head meal, squilla meal, wheat<br />

flour, vitamins, minerals and additives<br />

(proximate composition: crude protein

41.5696, fat 8.13% carbohydrate 21.9746,<br />

moisture 53%, crude fibre 4.46% and ash<br />

1854%) was supplied in 4 grades namely<br />

Pre-starter (0.5 mm), Starter (1.0 mm),<br />

Grower and Finisher (3 mm). At a stocking<br />

density <strong>of</strong> 70,000 noha, P. monodon (PL20)<br />

attained an average size <strong>of</strong> 22 g in 112 days,<br />

the growth being comparable to that achieved<br />

with imported mmmercial feeds.<br />

Production and testing <strong>of</strong> shrimp feeds in<br />

interaction with industry<br />

In order to promote interaction with<br />

the shrimp industry for on-farm research,<br />

steps have been initiated to collaborate with<br />

the commercial feed manufacturers for<br />

large-scale production <strong>of</strong> feeds wing the feed<br />

formulations developed by the <strong>Institute</strong>.<br />

'Testing <strong>of</strong> these feeds under field conditions<br />

in association with the industry will be subsequently<br />

taken up.<br />

Development <strong>of</strong> standards for quality<br />

control <strong>of</strong> shrimp feeds<br />

To develop quality standards for<br />

shrimp feeds, fifteen commercial feeds (both<br />

indigenous and imported) were ana1yst.d for<br />

their proximate composition. Indigenous<br />

feeds generally showed higher percentag ol<br />

acid insoluble ash compared to imp~rted<br />

feeds. Moisture content <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the feeds<br />

analy.sed was high (17%). Water stability <strong>of</strong><br />

pellets determined at different time intervals<br />

indicated that loss in weight <strong>of</strong> pellets occurred<br />

in the first half-hour and almost remained<br />

constant upto seven hours. Studies<br />

are in progress using standard AOAC methods<br />

to estimate the total volatile nitrogen<br />

which determines the rancidity <strong>of</strong> fat for<br />

stored feed samples.<br />

Diagnosis, prophylaxis and control <strong>of</strong> die<br />

eases <strong>of</strong> commexcially impottant brackish<br />

water shrimp/fish (TIDPISP)<br />

Madras : S. V. Alavandi (PL), T.C.<br />

Santiago, K. K. Vijayan, S. S. Mishra, K. V.<br />

Rajendran, M.Shashi Shekhar and K.O.<br />

Joseph.<br />

Shrimp farms in the coastal districts <strong>of</strong><br />

Orissa vu., Bhadrak and Balasnre and Andhra<br />

Pradesh vu., East Godavari, West Godavari,<br />

Krishna and Prakasam were surveyed<br />

to investigate the shrimpdisease outbreaksin<br />

those areas. Detalled microbiological and<br />

histopathological investigations revealed<br />

that the white spot disease was the major<br />

cause <strong>of</strong> mortality <strong>of</strong> shrimpP. monodon and<br />

1'. indrcus in most <strong>of</strong> the farms. Analysis <strong>of</strong> P.<br />

rnonodon samples from shrimp farms near<br />

Kannur (Kerala) revealed that the disease<br />

had also struck the coastal districts along the<br />

west coast. Further, the incidence <strong>of</strong> white<br />

spot disease was also ~hserved in the brtx>dstock<br />

ol IJ. rnutzdon in shrimp hatchcries at<br />

Madras and Nellore. 'The causative agent <strong>of</strong><br />

this disease was idcntificd to hc a virus, the<br />

Systemic Eetodermal and Mesodermal Uaculovirus<br />

(SEMRV). Ihe major clinical ymptoms<br />

included circumscrikd white spots on<br />

the carapace and other parts <strong>of</strong> the cuticle,<br />

broken antennae and discolourntion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

hody. Experimental induction <strong>of</strong> the disease<br />

to study the host range <strong>of</strong> the virus revealed<br />

that in addition to shrimp, crabs<strong>of</strong> the genus<br />

SryUu were also affected by the disease.<br />

Studies on the mode <strong>of</strong> transmission <strong>of</strong> the<br />

virus lo the host indicated that SliMDV infection<br />

can k elicited in healthy animals by<br />

feeding on the carcass <strong>of</strong> infected animals as<br />

well as by intra-muscular injection with extracts<br />

<strong>of</strong> gills from the same.<br />

Apart from the while spot disease,<br />

Monodon Bnculovirus (MBV) was also<br />

prevnlent in the farms in Andhra I'radesh and<br />

Tamil Nadu. The shrimp larvae were affected<br />

by this diwasc in some or the hatcheries<br />

'n Nellorc and Ongole (A.P) and<br />

Kovllam and Chinglepei ireas (T.N.). In<br />

addition lo these two major diseases, Vibriosis<br />

and protozoan infection cauwd by<br />

Zoothrrmnium sp, were also common in both<br />

hatcheries and farms.

Pmdbt&fe&lmtnc~yfntpolhut<br />

bmckidlwater finfiehes<br />

Adetailed study was conducted on the<br />

parasitic infection <strong>of</strong> seabass broodstock,<br />

Lmrer &rifer, held in ponds at Muttukadu.<br />

The fish were found infested with leech, Lernanthmpw<br />

sp., Ca&u sp., Dipkctanurn sp.<br />

and Amthocrphala 5.. The affected fish<br />

were treated with fomlin (100 ppm) and<br />

Dichlorovos (1 p).<br />

Development <strong>of</strong> diagnoetic tests<br />

Diagnostic tests ~iz., Dot immunoassay<br />

and Enzyme-linked imrnunosorbent assay<br />

(EI,ISA) were used for the rapid<br />

diagnosis <strong>of</strong> shrimp hactcrial diseases caused<br />

by Vibno sp. and Aerornonar sp. 1M) isolates<br />

<strong>of</strong> bacteria were tested and 65 were found to<br />

be positive for the former and 12 for the<br />

latter.<br />

Molecular characterisation <strong>of</strong> bacteria<br />

was initiated by isolation <strong>of</strong> plasmid DNA<br />

from a pathogenic Vihrio anguillnmm with<br />

subsequent restriction enzyme digestion.<br />

Izflorts were made to isolate the DNA<br />

from the spores <strong>of</strong> a microsporidian parasite<br />

which caused cotton shrimp discase in P. indrcu~,<br />

in order to prtduce a DNA probe for<br />

the early diagnosis <strong>of</strong> the disease and to<br />

screen the intermediate hosts.<br />

Studies on the ahrimp defence system<br />

Preliminary studies werc carried out<br />

on the basic immune system<strong>of</strong> the shrimp, P.<br />

monodon. Two typcs <strong>of</strong> haemocytes, granulocytes<br />

and agranulocyles were identified<br />

and total haemocyte count (TI-lC) <strong>of</strong> normal<br />

shrimp <strong>of</strong> different moult stages was<br />

standardized. Studies on the variation <strong>of</strong><br />

THC in experimentally disease-induced<br />

shrimp are underway to understand the diagnostic<br />

value <strong>of</strong> THC in viral diseases. Inter-<br />

cbpun; duImp / fish with specific<br />

@ognu 4 development <strong>of</strong> diseaee<br />

colltrol maPmrrs<br />

Use <strong>of</strong> bleaching powder and other chemicaWdrugs:<br />

Studies were conducted on the use <strong>of</strong><br />

bleaching powder (chlorination) in the control<br />

6f viral diseases caused by SEMBV and<br />

MBV. Homogenised tissue samples from<br />

SEMBV-and MBV-infected shrimp were<br />

treated with various concentrations <strong>of</strong><br />

bleaching powder ranging from 50 to 4000<br />

ppm at 4OC for different periods <strong>of</strong> time.<br />

Healthy P. monodon (5 g) were injected with<br />

SEMBV-infected tissue homogenate filtrate<br />

or fed with MBV-infected tissue samples.<br />

Observations indicated that treatment with<br />

high concentrations <strong>of</strong> bleaching powder i.e.,<br />

1OOO ppm and above, for more than 5 hours,<br />

seemed to inactivate SEMBV / MBV.<br />

Different brands <strong>of</strong> commercially<br />

available bleaching powder were tested at<br />

various wncentrations ranging from 50 to<br />

4000 ppm (10 to 1OOO ppm chlorine) for their<br />

antibacterial activity. Tests with water from<br />

various sources with variablc organic load<br />

and peptone water indicated that the presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> proteins and organic matter reduced<br />

the antibacterial activity <strong>of</strong> bleaching powder.<br />

Various chemicals and drugs ii., wpper<br />

sulphate, formalin, malachite green,<br />

furamlidone, potassium permwganate, beniiilkoniumchloride,<br />

bromosept, tetracycline,<br />

sulphadizine, choramphenicol etc. were<br />

tested for their inhibitory effect on bacterial<br />

growth in wlm. 'he minimum inhibitory wnccntralion<br />

(MIC) for Vihrio sp. was estimated<br />

to be 100, 25, 6,25, 50, 1.5, 1.5, 50, 12 and 3<br />

ppm respectively.<br />

~ ~ ~ physiology ~ <strong>of</strong> d brackishwa- ~ ~ t<br />

ter fish md (TID/RPD)<br />

actions between haemocytes and Vihrio Madras : 7'.C. Santiago (PL), K. K.<br />

bacteriawere studiedin dm to identify their Vijayan, P. Kishore Chandra, M. Shashi<br />

role in defence functions vu., phagocytosis Shekhar, P. S. 1'. Gupta, K. K. Krishnani and<br />

and degnnulation.<br />

K. V. Rajendran.<br />


A selective breeding experiment was<br />

conducted with three size groups <strong>of</strong> P.mono-<br />

$on from three different mothers, to identify<br />

strains with disease resistance and faster<br />

growth. In order to rule out variationsdue to<br />

environmental factors all the animals were<br />

grown in identical conditions and the<br />

RNAlDNA ratio was periodically estimated<br />

from the three groups. Larger animals from<br />

3 mothers were shown to possess greater<br />

RNA/DNA ratio compared to smaller animals.<br />

Preliminary experiments conducted on<br />

disease resistance, indicated that larger animals<br />

exhibited better disease resistance compared<br />

to smaller animals.<br />

Studies on genetic manipulation for<br />

molecular sexing were initiated in the<br />

seabass Lates culcati~er. As a fit step, the<br />

technique <strong>of</strong> preparing metaphase chromosomes<br />

was standardised. 'Ihe chemical colchicine<br />

was injected into the fish (1<br />

rng~mI/l~ bodyweight) and blood samplks<br />

were collected and processed to obtain metaphase<br />

chromoso&s. Work is in progress to<br />

separate nucleii and prepare blocks for pulse<br />

field electrophoresis.<br />

Cryopreservation <strong>of</strong> milt was carried<br />

out using the milt <strong>of</strong> grey mullet M, cephalw<br />

diluted in the extender Fish Ringer and cryoprotectant<br />

5% dimethyl sulphoxide<br />

(DMSO). lhe cryoprese~ved milt was tested<br />

periodically for motility estimation. The samples<br />

showed a post-thaw motility around<br />



soil and w m q~;lllty md productivily<br />

Soil and wakrquality and biolw<br />

prom-gement<br />

for sustainable shrimp dudivity in elation to ~~ p e e s<br />

f- (AEEDW)<br />

The soilandwater quality and biological<br />

productivity was studied in relation to<br />

Madras : B. P. GupLa<br />

culture practices in a commercial farm at<br />

Joseph K' Kri*nani7 M' and Venkannapalem, Nellore (A.P.). The data<br />

P.S. Sudeesh<br />

recorded<br />

~ ~<br />

during - the culture phase in both<br />

semi-intensive and extensive types <strong>of</strong> culture<br />

Kakdwip : R. K. Chakraborti<br />

svstems is presented in Table 2. Soil conditions<br />

were also noted during pond prepara-<br />

Nnhual productivity and its enhamement tion and after harvest. There was a significant<br />

by application <strong>of</strong> diffe~nt manures and increw in organic carbon in both systems<br />

fedilizera from culture to harvest period (Table 2).<br />

Mud reducing conditions were comparatively<br />

higher in semi-intensive culture (Eh<br />

'To understand the natural productiv- -180 mV) than extensive culture (Eh-120<br />

ity and its enhancement in culture Systems, a ,,,v),<br />

series <strong>of</strong> yard experiments were conducted<br />

using different organic and inorganic ma- Changes in soil-water interface due to acnurcsvu.,<br />

cattle dung@; 196, poultry manure cumulated organic matter<br />

ti)0.3%, urea @! 50 kdha and single superphosphate<br />

@! 330 k~h:, added singly or in<br />

combination lo filtered scawatcr held in 1 ton<br />

In order to study thi changes in soilcapacity<br />

cement tanks with a 10 cm layer <strong>of</strong> water interface due to accumulation <strong>of</strong> orsaline<br />

mil at thc bottom and the effect on ganic matter, a yard experiment was initiated<br />

plankton and benthos production was aa- using cement tanks (1 ton capacity) holding<br />

sesscd before nnd after rc;lrin# postl:Iw;le CII filtered seawater with a 10 cm layer <strong>of</strong> saline<br />

P, monodon (ilverage weight 0.3~) (ri R soil at the bottom. Different size groups <strong>of</strong><br />

nc>./m2. 'Ihc water and u~il quzllit) ~n tlie shrimp^)^., 0.3 g, 7.0 g and 16 g werc stocked<br />

tank was ani~lvscd 211 weekly intcnitl.; lor a in thc tanks @; 8 no.im2 and fed with suitable<br />

periodc)1?9dziysprior tocl~x.kingthc shrimp. Iced provided in starter, grower and finishcr<br />

'Ihe ammonia (0.iNN - 0.018 ppm), nitrite grades @ 8%, 5% and 3% <strong>of</strong> body weight<br />

(0.005 . 0.01 pprn), ('01) (5.0 - 17.6 pprn), rcspcctively. At the cnd <strong>of</strong> a period <strong>of</strong> W<br />

B01) (2.8 - 6.0 pprn) and 112S (I3D1.) wcrc days, the values ol Eh and orjianic carbon<br />

found to be within acccptilhle Icvcls with dif- wcrc found to bc highcr with finisher feed<br />

lercnt types (ir mznurc and frrtilF~rr trr;hc- (Ch-130 mV, orgi~nicarhon 0.19%) though<br />

mCnls. lIil~('~cr thc soil ~lhitsc regiitvrrd ;I with~n acceptable limits, than with starter<br />

reducing conditi(>n (I:h -7(1 to -120 m\') ern (I:h - 100 mV, organic carbon ().lhq,) or<br />

treatment with manures. Ilighcr producti\- power feeds [E:h .115mv, organic carbon<br />

ity was noticed with,cornhincd trciitnlc~~t\ 0.16?4). The concen~ri~tio~ <strong>of</strong> ammoniii<br />

(I 14.5 - 277.0m~'im."hr) At thc rnd ollhc (O.(K)S ppm) and nilr;tc ((1,019 ppm) werc<br />

pcrir~d the shrimp wcrc intnxluced for rear- also higher with finishcr leetl colnpilred to<br />

ing with and without supplemcnti~ry feed tor startcr and gclwer feeds (0.002 0.(~)5<br />

a period <strong>of</strong> 120 days. The experiment iq in ppm respectively for starter feed ,!nd 0.003<br />

progresr.<br />

and 0.07 ppm respectively for power feed).<br />


Table 2: Soil and water quality in relation to culture practices-study in a commercial farm<br />

(45 ha, at Venkannapalem, Nebre)<br />

A. Wabr Quality<br />

Parameten Exlensive Semi-inlensive<br />

Transparency, 100.0 120.0<br />

Alkalinity, ppm 120.0 158.0<br />

Dissolved @.yge~ ppm 6.2 7.4<br />

Total Suspended Solids, ppm 106.0 112.0<br />

Nitrate, ppm 0.08 0.09<br />

Orthophosphate, ppm 0.008 0.009<br />

B. Soil condition<br />

Culture Alter During pond<br />

Parameters period hawest preparation<br />

(Sept.95) (Okt.'95) (Jan.'96)<br />


PH 8.4 8.7 8.2 8.3 8.1 8.1<br />

EC (mmhodcm) 5.4 4.6 9.5 9.2 18.8 17.6<br />

Eh (mV) -120 -180 +20 +17 ND +.SO<br />

Organic Carbon (%) 0.21 0.27 0.60 0.77 0.18 0.27<br />

EX - Eutcndve; SI - Semi-intensive<br />

Evaluation <strong>of</strong> effects <strong>of</strong> bioaugmentors hrackishwater culture ponds at Muttukadu, a<br />

and other chemicals used in shrimp farms geared windmill was installed and its performance<br />

was evaluated. The discharge rate<br />

The effect <strong>of</strong> 2 bioaupentors riz., was measured and found to vary from 300 to<br />

bio-clean and super oxygen 3 ppm each 1200 litres / hour depending on wind speed.<br />

and 4 chemicals vL., sodium nitrate @ 10 The economic feasibility <strong>of</strong> windmill was<br />

ppm, calcite and dolomite @ 25, 50 and 100 worked out in comparison with diesel and<br />

ppm for both and KMN04 @ 2.5,S.O and 7.5 electrically-operated pumps. The internal<br />

ppm, wasevaluated on the mud redox poten- rate <strong>of</strong> rcturm (IRK) was 56.6% for windmill<br />

tia] <strong>of</strong> brackishwater soils under laboratory with subsidy and 25.7%, for windmill without<br />

conditions. Preliminary studies indicated subsidy. On the other hand, the IKR for the<br />

that the dose <strong>of</strong> chemicals used should be diesel and electric pumps was 79.3% and<br />

increased to obtain desired results.<br />

52.6% respectively.<br />

Design and development <strong>of</strong> machinery<br />

'lhc prototype <strong>of</strong> he automatic feed<br />

and structures for aquaculture dispenser unit developed by thc <strong>Institute</strong> was<br />


tested for satisfactory performance and<br />

handed over for use in the <strong>Institute</strong>'s hatch-<br />

Madras: P. Lakdhmanitdoss (PI.) and<br />

e'Y at<br />

M. Jayanthi With a view to develop cost-effective<br />

With the objective <strong>of</strong> utilising non- seepaye control measures, studies have been<br />

conventional energy resources ~~iz., wind en- initialed to estimate gcpage 103s in brackishergy<br />

for pumping ground water to the water farms in different areas.<br />


iryrmt,y~rmdde~<strong>of</strong> omalhcdt<br />

""'whstlhcly<br />

M&(u : K Alegemami (PL), L. H.<br />

Rao and P. Lakshmanadoss<br />

Desii for bPdryard and small-scale<br />

Bhrimp hatchery VK, 2,5 and 10 million urpacities<br />

for P. brdkw / P. manodon, have<br />

been prepared incorporating the necessary<br />

information on infrastructure nquired for<br />



Invcstigatio~ on the brackishwateraquacultnrc<br />

practices adopted by different<br />

categories <strong>of</strong> farmers - an integnted ap<br />

prorh (Em'Exl-NP)<br />

Madras : K. Gopinathan (PL),<br />

M.Kriihnan, T. Ravisankar, D. D. Vimala<br />

and V. (3hellapandian<br />

Survey <strong>of</strong> shrimp farms in the coastal<br />

districts <strong>of</strong> various maritime states was continued<br />

duringthe period April 1995 to March<br />

19%. A total <strong>of</strong> 48 h,m a walerspread<br />

area <strong>of</strong> about 541.06 ha were suweyed in the<br />

states <strong>of</strong> Maharashtra, Goa and Tamil Nadu<br />

and in the Union Territory <strong>of</strong> Pondichery.<br />

In Maharashtra, the production <strong>of</strong> tiger<br />

shrimp P, monodon ranged from 1500 to<br />

2500 k@a/crop under semi-intensive culture,<br />

600-900 kglhdcrop under extensive culture<br />

and W900 kglhdcrop under modified<br />

extensive using both Indian and imported<br />

feeds. In Goa, P. metgutensis was cultured<br />

under extensive and modified extensive systems.<br />

Killai, Agaram and Parangipettai areas<br />

in South Arcot district <strong>of</strong> Tamil Nadu<br />

practised semi-intensive culture <strong>of</strong> P. monodon<br />

with productions ranging from 2000 -<br />

3000 kfldcrop. Kattur, Poompuhar and<br />

Vanagiri areas in Nagai Quadi-i-milleth district<br />

practised semi- intensive culture <strong>of</strong> both<br />

P. monodon and P. vuircus with productions<br />

ranging from 1800 to 3000 kglhdcrop, depending<br />

mainly on hatchery-reared seed.<br />

Disease problems were encountered In some<br />

farms in the Ihanjavur area in Tamil Nadu.<br />

In Pondichery area both P. monodon and P.<br />

md&clls crops were affected with white spot<br />

disease. Socioeconomic conditions and extension<br />

needs <strong>of</strong> the farmers were also noted.<br />

Divelopment <strong>of</strong> database for brackish<br />

water fishery resources iZ:Z,m,n!<br />

Madras : M. Krishnan (PL), K. Gopinathan,<br />

T. Ravisankar, D. D. Vimala and V.<br />

Chellapandian<br />

Data on various aspects <strong>of</strong> brackishwater<br />

fishery resources was collected from<br />

journals and other published sources: National<br />

<strong>Institute</strong>s vu.. National <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Oceanography, Goa, Indian National Oceanographic<br />

Data Centre (INODC), M. S.<br />

Swaminathan Research Foundation, Madras;<br />

state fisheries departments and other<br />

sources. The data from the state depart.<br />

ments was computerised and is made avi~ilable<br />

on MS DOS 5.0 based s<strong>of</strong>tware<br />

developed under the project. The data obtained<br />

from other sources is yet to be classified.<br />

With the development <strong>of</strong> FISHNET<br />

network, changes in data entry will be made.

Pmject funded by Dept. <strong>of</strong> Biotechnology<br />

Development <strong>of</strong> feed technology for semiinten~ive/intensive<br />

shrimp farming<br />

(drurtlon : 4 yeln from 19.121992)<br />


Coordinator : Dr. K. Alagarswami<br />

Personnel : S. Aharnad Ali (Principal<br />

Investigator) C. Gopl and J. V.<br />

Ramana<br />

Feeds formulated using indigenous<br />

feed ingredients vu., fsh meal squid meal<br />

squilla meal, soybean meal, wheat flour, fish<br />

oil etc, were tested under yard and field conditions<br />

in P, rndicu~ and P. mondon along<br />

with three u)mmercial imported feeds. n e<br />

growth performance <strong>of</strong> shrimp with the formulated<br />

fecds was comparah\e to tht obtained<br />

with imported fecds. FCR values inP.<br />

monodon for hoth starter and grower feeds<br />

were 1.76, 1.64, 1.52 and 1.39 for DRT. I.ux<br />

(Waterbasc), C'I' and lianaqua brands resnectivelv.<br />

F('R values obtained in P. indicus<br />

&re 1.9; and 1.93 for l)NS and ('P feeds<br />

respectively. I:ecd productilm Iriala were<br />

rtlrried out ilnd standardixxl using the [ormulated<br />

feeds.<br />

Ilimed on the dietary requiremcntc <strong>of</strong><br />

hnth 1'. ~nonrxlon and I'. ind~crrs, vitamin mixtures<br />

were formulated i~nd ina~rporitted at 0<br />

to 2.5% level in shrimp feeds. Results ohta~ned<br />

showcd thr~thc growth 01 the shrimp<br />

was enhanced when the feeds were fi~rtified<br />

with vitamin mixtures ill 0.5 to 1.0% level.<br />

Natural iind s.ynthctic fccd malerials<br />

were tested for their attractiint 21nd growth<br />

promoting properties in 1'. n~onodon.<br />

hing thc natural materials, grciiter ;Ittmc-<br />

Ian1 propcrty wa.5 exhihiled hy fish p:~ste<br />

whilc squid meat exhihiled greater prowlh<br />

promoling propcrty. Synthetic materials<br />

such asllMS showcd lnithgreatcr attractan1<br />

and growtlr promoting pnipcrties.<br />

cated that when feed materialsviz., Oh meal,<br />

shrimp bead and squib wen ~ p u l v e ~<br />

using a 0 J mm screen and pssed through six<br />

different seives <strong>of</strong> 10, 18,38,52,60 and 72<br />

standard mesh, the digestibility <strong>of</strong> pellets<br />

ranged from55.6 to 61.4% with 10 to 18 mesh<br />

sieve and 65.1 to 71.3% with 38 to 72 mesh<br />

sieve. The pelletability was also good when<br />

the particle size was 350 microns (38 mesh<br />

seive).<br />

Project funded fmm A. P. Cers Fund<br />

Impact <strong>of</strong> brackishwater aquaculhm on<br />

the environment (duration from 12.11.<br />

1992 to 11.11.1995)<br />

Coordinator : Dr. K. Aiagarswami<br />

Personnel: K. 0. Joseph (Principal<br />

Investigator), B. P. Gupta, S. V.<br />

Alavandi, S.S.Mishra, K. K. Krishnani<br />

and M. Muralidha<br />

Study <strong>of</strong> Kandderu Cmek area<br />

The study on the environmental im.<br />

pact <strong>of</strong> shrimp farming in thc Kandaleru<br />

Creek area was u)mpleted during the year.<br />

'The study revealed that the Kandalcru Creek<br />

ecosystem was suhjectcd to excessive organic<br />

pollution resulting in a serious negative feedback<br />

to the shrimp farming activity <strong>of</strong> this<br />

area. Environmental dcgdation and detcrioration<br />

in the water quality <strong>of</strong> thc creek and<br />

adjoining shrimp farms tri~ered the outhrcak<br />

<strong>of</strong> viral and bacterial diseases during<br />

1994.95 lcading 10 Ii~rg-sale mortality <strong>of</strong><br />

shrimp. ('onsequentlp, shrimp tarmingilctivttywas<br />

sucpnded in the area till July /August<br />

IUOS. Thcreafter, A low level <strong>of</strong> i~ctivity was<br />

observed which was estimated 111 occupy<br />

i~hout 10%1 <strong>of</strong> the existinr " farm ilrea.<br />

Survey<strong>of</strong> thecreekduring 12-13 January<br />

rind 18-19 o~~~~~ 1w5, showed a prce~tihle<br />

imnrovement in weler uualitv ac<br />

L -~ 2 ---<br />

given helow': total suspended solids (TSS)<br />

Studies on the effect <strong>of</strong> ptlrticle six on<br />

pelletahility and digstihility <strong>of</strong> feeds indi- 20-42 ppm, turbidity 15-36 NU; COD 3.0 -

11 ppm; BOD 1.2 - 42 ppm; nitrate0.04 - 0.08<br />

ppm; orthophosphate 0.002 to 0.01 ppm; total<br />

nitrogenO.16 - 0.32 ppm; total phosphorus<br />

0.03 - 0.09 ppm; fne ammonia 0.001 - 0.003<br />

ppm; nitrite 0.01 - 0.03 ppm; hydrogen sulphide<br />

BDL.<br />

Wcy <strong>of</strong> shrimp farms in the coastal districts<br />

<strong>of</strong> T d Nadu<br />

A survey <strong>of</strong> the disease affected<br />

shrimp farms in the V. 0. Chidambaranar<br />

(VOC) and Ramanathapuram districts <strong>of</strong><br />

Tamil Nadu during July 1995 revealed that<br />

disease outbreaks were restricted to farms<br />

practising intensive and semi-intensive culture.<br />

Salinisation <strong>of</strong> coastal soils around<br />

shrimp farms<br />

A study wasconducted on the salinisation<strong>of</strong><br />

coastal soils adjacent to brackishwater<br />

aquaculture farm.. in the Nellore district <strong>of</strong><br />

Andhra Pradesh. The study has shown low<br />

level salt accumulation near the farm. thc<br />

levels decreasing with increasing distance<br />

from the farms.<br />

Treatment <strong>of</strong> waste water from shrimp<br />

farms<br />

Laboratory experiments were conducted<br />

to find out suitable lime materials for<br />

the treatment <strong>of</strong> acidic farm effluents. Dilferent<br />

commercially available lime materials<br />

viz., calcite (CaCO3), dolomite ((:aCO.t,<br />

MgC03) and calcium hydroxide [Ca(OF1)2]<br />

were used in different concentrations viz., 25,<br />

50 and 100 ppm each for treating the effluents.<br />

Results indicated that calcium hydroxide<br />

is superior to calcite and dolomite in<br />

ameliorating the acidic condition <strong>of</strong> effluents.<br />

It can be effectively and economically<br />

used @ 25 ppm for treating acidic farm effluents.<br />

Hourly pH readings indicated that the<br />

pH level <strong>of</strong> effluents (7.35) increased 2 hours<br />

after treatment with calcium hydroxide<br />

(7.50) and thereafter remained constant.<br />

Toxicologicid studies with heavy metals<br />

and pesticides<br />

The permissible safe levels <strong>of</strong> heavy<br />

metals and pesticides in brackishwater medium<br />

for the culture <strong>of</strong> tiger shrimp P. monodon<br />

were estimated by conducting static<br />

bio-assay tests. The % h median lethal concentrations<br />

(LC 50) calculated for Cr, Cu,<br />

Zn, Cd and Hg were 4.20,1.20,1.50,0.15 and<br />

0.03 mgl respectively in P. monodon <strong>of</strong> size<br />

rangc 33-47 mm. Similarly, the % h LC SO<br />

values for IIDT, BHC, heptachlor and endosulfan<br />

were 2.08, 4.10, 16.25 and 2.90 pgl<br />

respectively.<br />

Based on the extensive database generated<br />

under this project on environmental<br />

impact assessment, the <strong>Institute</strong> has helped<br />

the Union Ministry <strong>of</strong> Agriculture and the<br />

Govts. <strong>of</strong> Andhra l'radesh and 'l'amil Nadu<br />

in formulating guidelines for aquaculture<br />

and standards for larmcfflucnrs. The results<br />

<strong>of</strong> this project are also <strong>of</strong> great benefit to the<br />

various State Governments in planning and<br />

devclopmenl <strong>of</strong> brackishwater aquaculture<br />

zones and to the respective State l'ollution<br />

Control Boards in their regulatory activity.<br />

Project funded by ICAR/National Agricultural<br />

Research Project (NARP II/IBRD)<br />

Aquaculhm : Basic research on pond bioenergetics,<br />

digestive enzymes and<br />

micr<strong>of</strong>lora in fish and shrimp under<br />

aquaculture (duration 30.9.1992 to<br />

30.63%)<br />

Identification and characterisation <strong>of</strong> digestive<br />

and gut microbial enzymes in<br />

brackishwater fish and shrimp and enzyme<br />

mediated bioconvemion <strong>of</strong> feed<br />

ingredients.<br />

Principal Investigator : Dr. K. Alagarswami<br />

Personnel : M. Na~arajan (Prnjcct-incharge),<br />

N. Kalaimani, T. C. Santiago,<br />

K. K. Vijayan, S. A.Ali, D. N.

Swaay, S.V. Alavandi and S. S.<br />

Mishra<br />

Studies on the changes in activity levels<br />

<strong>of</strong> digestive enzymesviz., potease in relation<br />

to moult stagt m P. monodon (size range<br />

50-70 d5-1.5 g), showed that total protease<br />

odivity was minimurn in shrimp at late<br />

pwultandpostmoult stages(617and2189<br />

pM tynsinelmidg <strong>of</strong> hepatapancreas tissue<br />

respectively) and maximum at intemult<br />

and early premoult stages (2310 and 4046 pM<br />

tyrminelminlg hepatapancreas tissue respectively).<br />

Changes in activity levels <strong>of</strong> lipase<br />

were recorded in relation lo size <strong>of</strong> animals.<br />

Mean lip= activity wa5 19.32 rnl 0.05 N<br />

NaOHig tissue in 6 hours, in smaller animals<br />

(P, monodon 2-5 g), while in larger animals it<br />

decreased to 14.37 ml0.05 N NuOHIg tissue<br />

in 6 hours.<br />

Ammonia excretion was studied in P.<br />

monodon fed with diets prepared using ttifferent<br />

protein sources. Smaller animals <strong>of</strong><br />

size group

indicated that pre-treatment <strong>of</strong> mybean<br />

was essential for itnproving feantation<br />

and facilitating attack by the cellulolytic<br />

enzwles.<br />

me bioconversion <strong>of</strong> formulated feed<br />

mixtures consisting <strong>of</strong> 5% shrimp head waste,<br />

5% bagasse, 25% soybean meal, 40% fish<br />

meal, 5% squid meal, 10% wheat flour and<br />

4% fish oil, using a mixed culture <strong>of</strong> bacteria<br />

(Lucitucteriwn sp., Pseudomonac sp. and Al-<br />

ka@m sp.), facilitates the release <strong>of</strong> free<br />

amino acids, glucose and N-acetyl glucosamine<br />

with a peak on 6th b y <strong>of</strong> fermentation.<br />

Further studies on the use <strong>of</strong><br />

bioconverted materials in shrimp feeds indicated<br />

that the digestibility <strong>of</strong> feedswnsappreciahly<br />

increased to 86% compared to 69%<br />

with unfermented feeds and 71% with feeds<br />

fermented under natural condition without<br />

inoculation <strong>of</strong> microbes.


Numd Ali, S. 1995. Status <strong>of</strong> shrimp feed<br />

industry in India and future pros<br />

pacts.Paper presented at the National<br />

Symposium on Technological Adviuwments<br />

in Fisheries and its Impact<br />

on Rural Development,<br />

Department <strong>of</strong> Industrial Fisheries,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Science and Technology,<br />

Kochi, 5-7 December 1995.<br />

Ahnmad Ali S. 1995. Farm-made feeds in<br />

aquaculture-the technologies to<br />

reckon with in rural development. Paper<br />

presented at the National Symposium<br />

on Technological Advancements<br />

in Fisheries and its Impact on Rural<br />

Development, Department <strong>of</strong> Industrial<br />

Fisheries, University <strong>of</strong> Science<br />

and l'echnology, Kochi, 5-7 Ikcember<br />

1995.<br />

Aharnad Ali, S. 1995.Feed additives lor<br />

growth promotion in shrimp. f'khin~<br />

Chimes, 15(3): 21-23<br />

Ahamad Ali, S. 1996. Shrimp Culture:l:ecds<br />

and feed management, CIIM lirfen-<br />

.xion SeriLs, No..?.<br />

Alagarswnii, K. 1995. (i)astaI aquilculturc<br />

development and envircinmcnt management.<br />

Paper suhmitlcd for prescntation<br />

at lhe Seminar on Iinvironmcnla1<br />

and Social Impact <strong>of</strong>' Coastal<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong>, held at Madras, I August<br />

1995.<br />

Alagarswmi, K. and SA. Ali. 1995. Indigenous<br />

feeds lor shrimp farming developmcnt<br />

t~nd ilsscssment in comparison<br />

with imported leeds.Stetus paper prcsctntcd<br />

at the Interaction Meeting un<br />

Aquicullurc 1:eed Ilcvclopment, held<br />

fit l>ept.ol Hiotcchnology, New Iklhi.<br />

12.13 October 1995,<br />

Alagarsmnii, K. and K.O. Joseph. 1995.<br />

Scawr~ler quality and coast;il aquaculture.In:<br />

Proceedingsuf National Symposium<br />

on Electrochemistry in<br />

Marine Environment, organised by<br />

for Advancement <strong>of</strong> Electrochemical<br />

Science and Technology,<br />

Madras Chapter, CECRI, Karaikudi<br />

and Dept, <strong>of</strong> Ocean Development,<br />

New Delhi, held at Madras, 7-8 February<br />

1995 : 213-224.<br />

Atagnnrwsmi, K. 19%. Strategies for sustainable<br />

shrimp farming and transfer <strong>of</strong><br />

technology. In:Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the National<br />

Workshop on Transfer <strong>of</strong> Technology<br />

for Sustainable Shrimp<br />

Farming, held at Madras, 9-10 January<br />

1995. K. Alagarswami (Ed.): 29-42.<br />

Alavandi, S. V, K. K. Vijayan, K.V. Rajendran<br />

and S. S. Mishra. 1995. Iliseases<br />

in coastal shrimp aquaculture systems<br />

in India. Paper presented at the National<br />

Seminar on Aquatic Animal<br />

Health, held at the Ikpt. <strong>of</strong> Aquatic<br />

I3iolop and Fisheries, University <strong>of</strong><br />

Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram 15-17<br />

March 1995.<br />

Alavandi, S. V, K. K. Viayun, K. V. Rajendrun<br />

and S. S. Mishra. 1995. Diseasc<br />

prohlems in Indian shrimp Iarrning<br />

wclor: Scope <strong>of</strong> management for sustainable<br />

production.Paper presented<br />

at the National Conference on Sustainable<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong> at the Inqtitute<br />

for Ocean Managemcnt(lOM), Centre<br />

for Water Resources, Anna University,<br />

Madras, 5-6 April 1995.<br />

Ahvandi, S. V. 1996. Shrimp culture: Iliseases<br />

and health management. CfHA<br />

tdms~on Sorier. No.4<br />

Bhattacharya, P. K. and S. R. Dns. 1'86.7hc<br />

secd bank <strong>of</strong> the tidal marsh in the<br />

lower Hooghly estuary area. Paper<br />

submitted at the Third West kngal<br />

State Science Congress, Univ. <strong>of</strong><br />

Burdwan, 28 February- 1 March 1996.<br />

* Also u~chldt.s pi~bltcatiot~:, <strong>of</strong> Sc~ol(l%s <strong>of</strong> the lnstitutr bsrd on lheu worh ~n previous Instit~ltes<br />


~.s, S. R and P. K. Bhattacbya. 1996. A<br />

preliminary survey <strong>of</strong> finfish and<br />

prawn culture <strong>of</strong> the Kakdwip-<br />

Baklchali ~ t npaddy l fields and impoundments.<br />

Paper submitted at the<br />

Third West Bengal Siate Science Congress,<br />

Univ. <strong>of</strong> Burdwan, 28 February-<br />

1 March 1996.<br />

Das, S. R andP. K. Bhattacharya. 1996. Seed<br />

prospects <strong>of</strong> the Kakdwip estuarine<br />

marshes - culturable fish and crustaceans.<br />

Paper submitted at the Third<br />

West Rengal State Science Congress,<br />

Univ, <strong>of</strong> Burdwan, 28 1:ehruary - 1<br />

March 1996.<br />

Das, S. R. and P. K. Bhiittucharya. 1996.<br />

Traditional rice varieties and [heir<br />

production ptential in cclastal saline<br />

soil(Kakdwip-Rakkhali area). Paper<br />

submitted at the Third West kngal<br />

State Science Congress, Univ. <strong>of</strong><br />

Burdwan, 28 February- 1 March 1096.<br />

Guptn, B. P., K. 0. Joseph and M. Mulalidhar.<br />

19%. Lime and its applications in<br />

brackishwater aquaculture.Cllt.2 I:rtensron<br />

Setics, N0.6,8 pp.<br />

J-ph,<br />

K.0. and B. P. Gupll. 1996. Shrimp<br />

culture: Water quality management<br />

.CIIM Fdensran Se&s, N0.2.<br />

Jmph K. 0, B. P. G~pta, S. S. Mishra and<br />

M. Munlidhrr. 1996. Chlorination in<br />

brackishwater aquaculture, C/&4 filension<br />

Series, No.5, 11 pp.<br />

fishnamurthy, K. N, L. H. Ra4 P. Ravichandmn,<br />

S. A. Ali and S.VAlavandi.<br />

1996. Technology for sustainable<br />

shrimp farming. In: Proceeding <strong>of</strong><br />

the National Workshop onI'ransfer <strong>of</strong><br />

'I'cchnology for Sust~intlble Shrimp<br />

Farming held at Medri1.i 9.10 3anu.<br />

ary 1995, K. Alagarswarni (13.): 120-<br />

126.<br />

Krishnan, L. 1005. Sli~tus <strong>of</strong>sced prtduclion<br />

and culturc <strong>of</strong> hracltishwatcr finfishes<br />

in India. I'apcr presented at :he Ntitional<br />

Symp~sium on Irchnological<br />

.dv;~nccmcnts in Fisheries and its Imp<br />

~ on l Rural I>evelopmcnt, I)cpurtmen(<br />

ol Indu

ia monocytogenrsbdian Vet.1.;72<br />

(12) : 1737-1241.<br />

Wishrs, S. 5. and B .B. MaUick. 1995a.<br />

Gcnamic restriction fragment analysii<br />

<strong>of</strong> fowlpox virus: vaccine strain and<br />

field isdates using EooRI, Sal I and<br />

Pst I restriction endonucteaaes. Indian<br />

J. Anim,Sci,65(12) : 1-6.<br />

hfishm, S. S. and B. & Msllick 1995b. Restriction<br />

fragment pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> a fowlpox<br />

virus isolate using various restriction<br />

endonucleaaes.lndian Vet. J.,72(ll) :<br />

1132; 1136.<br />

hfiehm, S. S. and B. B. Mallick. 1995~. Variable<br />

restriction fragment pattern <strong>of</strong><br />

fowlpox virus vaccine: strain and field<br />

isolates. Paper presented in XVI Annual<br />

Conference and National Symposium<br />

<strong>of</strong> IAVMI, Indian Veterinary<br />

Research <strong>Institute</strong>-Mukteswar, Ndnitd,<br />

U.P., 3-5 October 1995.<br />

Mishm, S. S, B. B. Mallick and K. C. Verma.<br />

1995. Electron microscopic obsewation<br />

<strong>of</strong> a fowlpox virus isolate from<br />

Panchrnahal, Gujarst.lndran I. VItol.,ll(l)<br />

: 29-33.<br />

Mishm, S. S, B. B. Mallick K. C. Venne,<br />

S.K. Das and T. K. Goswari. 19YS.<br />

Use <strong>of</strong> Enzyme-linkud Immunosorbent<br />

Assay and Dot imrnunoassny lor<br />

diagnosis <strong>of</strong> fowlp)x virus. Paper presented<br />

in XVI Annual Conference<br />

and National Symposium <strong>of</strong> IAVMI,<br />

Indian Veterinary Research <strong>Institute</strong>-<br />

Mukteswar, Nainitnl, U.P..3-5 October<br />

1995.<br />

Mishra, S. S. 1996. Need <strong>of</strong> suitahle diagnostic<br />

methods for detcctinn (11 fowlpox<br />

infection in poultry.Paper presented<br />

in 3rd Annual (bnlercnce and National<br />

Symposium 01 IAAW, <strong>Central</strong><br />

Avian Research Instilute, 17atnegar.<br />

U.I'., 23-24 1:ehru;lrv 1996.<br />

Mishm, S. S. and B. B. Mallick. I~%;I. Charncterisat~on<br />

<strong>of</strong> a I~b\rlpox vlru:. 1ndl;tn<br />

lield isolate. Study <strong>of</strong> immunogen~c~t!<br />

<strong>of</strong> virion plypeptide. Paper presented<br />

in 3rd Annual Conference and National<br />

Symposium <strong>of</strong> IAAVR, <strong>Central</strong><br />

Avian Research <strong>Institute</strong>, Iurtnagar,<br />

U.P., 21-24 February 1996.<br />

Mishrr, S. S. and B. B. MdUek. 1Mb. Comparative<br />

immunological and genomic<br />

characterisation <strong>of</strong> fowlpox virus isolates.<br />

IndianJ,l.Exp. BioL,34(1) : 11-17<br />

Mishra, S. S., M. S. Shekhur and,<br />

S.V&vandi. 1996. Applications <strong>of</strong><br />

Dot irnmunassay for rapid diagnosis<strong>of</strong><br />

Vibriosis in shrimps.Paper submitted<br />

to the National Seminar on Diseases<br />

in <strong>Aquaculture</strong>, Kakinada, 5-6 March<br />

lM(Abstract published).<br />

Mishm, S. S, M. S. Shekhar and B.P.Gupla.<br />

1996. Incidence <strong>of</strong> white spot disease<br />

virus infection in shrimps in coastal<br />

Orissa. Paper submitted to the National<br />

Seminar on Diseases in<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong>, Kakinada, 5-6 March<br />

1996 (Ahstract published).<br />

Shekhar, M. S., S. S. Mishra, S. V. Alavandi<br />

and T. C. Santiago. 1996. Chnracterisation<br />

<strong>of</strong> plasmid in V~btio anprllanrtn<br />

isolated from 1'. tnonodon.<br />

I'apcr suhmitted to the National Seminar<br />

on Diw;nes in <strong>Aquaculture</strong>, Kakinada,<br />

5-6 March 1996 (Ahstract<br />

puhlishcd).<br />

Vijaya~ K. K., S. V. Alavandi, K. V. Rnjendran<br />

and K. Alegarswun~i. 199.5.<br />

Prevalence and histopathology 01<br />

Monodon Baculovirus (MBV) infection<br />

in I'en'~.nnen.s tnonorlon and P.indrcrc~<br />

in shrimp farms in thr<br />

South-East ('oast <strong>of</strong> IndiaAsrun Flshsheti~s<br />

Scrt.ncr,X:267-272,<br />

Vijnyan, K. K, K. V. Rnjendnlt~ and S.V.<br />

Aluvandi. 1996. Viral epizootics in Indian<br />

shrimp larming sector-a retrospection.<br />

Paper suhmittcd to the<br />

National Seminar on Iliseases in<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong>, Kakinada, 5-6 Marcli<br />

1996 (Abstract published).


(Not a Gradation List)<br />




Rindpal scientist<br />

Dr. K.V. Ramakrishna<br />

Dr. R.D. Prasedarn<br />

Senior Scientist<br />

Dr. L Hanumantha Rao<br />

Dr. Mathew Abraham<br />

Dr. P. RaGd~andran<br />

Dr. k Laxrninaraycu~a<br />

Dr. S. Kulnsekarapandian<br />

Dr. S.M. Pillai<br />

Dr. L Krlshllan<br />

Dr. A.K. nilrurlavukkarasu<br />

Dr. Syed Ahamad NI<br />

Dr. K. Gopinathnn<br />

Dr. C.1'. Rangarwamy<br />

Dr. B.P. Gupta<br />

Dr. M. Natarajan<br />

Dr. P.K. Gh-11<br />

Scientist (Selection Grade)<br />

Shri K. Devarajan<br />

Shrl I-lardla1 Sing11<br />

(Rejoined 1)11 18.3.1'996 after deputatron<br />

Irom Putijah Agro Industries Corpxati011<br />

Irom 1.3.1gY1 to 1.3.10'JG)<br />

Shri S.K. Das<br />

Shri M Kathirvel<br />

Dr. T.C Santiago<br />

Shn K.K. Chakraboni<br />

Shri S. Snnivacagam<br />

Shri D. Narayat~aswamy<br />

Shri N. Kalnlrnanl<br />

Dr.(Smt.) Mu~awar Sultana<br />

Scientist (Senior Scale)<br />

Scientist<br />

Technical<br />

Shri B.K Bnne rjee<br />

Dr. M. Krjshticui<br />

Dr.K.0. Joseph<br />

Dr.C &pal<br />

Shri S.V. Alavandi<br />

Dr. K.K. Vijayan<br />

Shri ?'. Ravisankar<br />

Smt. I). Deh)ral Vimala<br />

Dr. (Kum.) Shlratiee I'eriers<br />

Dr. S.S. Mishrs<br />

Dr. J.V. Rumatla<br />

Dr. l'.S.l'. Gupta<br />

Dr. P. K~shore Chandru<br />

Shrl. V. Chellapnndian<br />

Stin 1'.S. Sudlieesl~<br />

Dr. K.V. Kojendral~<br />

Smi. Iniclda Jowpl~<br />

Dr. K. K. Kr~shnalil<br />

Dr. M. Murolldhar<br />

Smt. M. Jayantlit<br />

Shn M. Shnsli~ Stlekhar<br />

Shn K. Rungeswarall<br />

Slin M. Kailunm<br />

Shrl C.1'. Ilala\uhramat~yarn<br />

Shri P. Iskshrnal~udoss. T-7(Enginecr)<br />

Sbn I'.M.A. Kadtr,T-S<br />

Shri N. Venugi)pal, l'.5<br />

Shn K. Wangovan. 'T-4<br />

Shn S Krishnai~, T-4<br />

Shn S. Sivugnanam. '1.-11-3<br />

Shri R. Puth~avan. T-11-3

Shri V.R. Senthil Kurnar, T-11-3<br />

Shri D. Rajababu, T-113<br />

Shri Vasanthakumar Charles, T-11-3<br />

(pined on 20.11.1995)<br />

Shri S. Rajukumar, T-11.3<br />

(joined on 28.11.1995)<br />

Shri Rajeswar Singh, 'T-11-3<br />

(joined on 1.121995)<br />

Shri Joseph Sahayarajan, T-11-3<br />

(joined on 8.12.1995)<br />

Shri Marella Ravi, T.I19(joined a1<br />

11.121995)<br />

Shri K.K. Surendran, 'r-1-3<br />

Shri CS. Sasidharnn.T-1-3<br />

Shri M(j. Sivadnsun.'l'-1.3<br />

Shri M.G. Subramani. T-1-3(Driver)<br />

Shri M. Cmpinathon Nair. T-1.3 (Driver)<br />

Shri H.li Roy, 1'-I-3(l)tiver)<br />

Shri N. Ran1e8h.<br />

Shri S. Sarninalhni~. T-1<br />

Shri C. k~iinthanarayanan. T-I<br />

(joined on 6.111.1005)<br />

Shri P. Moilickyaru. T.1<br />

(w.c.~'. 10.11.1995)<br />

Shri S.S. Malty. 'I -1<br />

(w.e.T. 18.11.1995)<br />

S11n IJ.S. Sarnanlhu.'l'-I<br />

(w.c.l. 21.11.1995)<br />

Kum. C'hnilda Mnzumdur. 7'-I<br />

(jo111cd on 28.1 1. I9Y5)<br />

Shri N. JuganMohni~ Ilaj. ]'.I<br />

(~t>incd ~III 15.2.1096)<br />

Shri M. (l~i~~nnkuppun.'I -I<br />

(~oincd ~III 20.2.10'Jli)<br />


Shn S. Knshnaswurny. Asst. 1:111anu: K;<br />

Accnunts Ol%u:r<br />

Shn I'.K. Sahapetl~l. Suprintende~~t<br />

(on deputalio~~ Du~n SHI. Coimhatore)<br />

Shri N. Raghavan. Scoior Stetlographer<br />

Smt. S. Bhagirathi, A%istant<br />

siri R. ~alaniswanj, Arsiwrnt<br />

(on deputation from CtCR ,Coimbalore)<br />

Shri kB. Mondal. Assistant<br />

(w.c.f. 6.6.1995)<br />

Shri R. Kandamani, Senior Clerk<br />

Shri R.O. Ramesh. Senior Clerk<br />

Smt. V. Usbaraiii, knior aerk<br />

(w.e.f. 24.5.1995)<br />

Shri P.N. Rajasekharan Nair, Senior<br />

Clerk (w.e.i. 25.5.1995)<br />

Shri P.K. Roy. Senior Clerk<br />

(w.e.f. 19.6.1995)<br />

Shri S.K. I4ddar. Stenographer<br />

(w.e.i. 7.3.1996)<br />

Kum. S. Nalini, Junior Stenographer<br />

Smi. K. Hemalatl~e. Junior Sei~ographer<br />

Kun~. K. Suhhashini, Junior~8enogra.<br />

pher Ooriled on 23.8.1995)<br />

Shri K. Mnni, Junior Clerk<br />

Shri S.K. Bindu. Jutuor Clerk<br />

Smr K. Nandlni. Junior Clerk<br />

Shri S. I'ari. Jun~or Clerk<br />

Smt. E. huthavall~. Ju~~inr (:lcrk<br />

Shr~ A. Mnl~oharan. Ju~~ior Clcrk<br />

Shri I

Shri D.N. Sahoo(w.e.f. 20.3.1996)<br />

Shri N.C Jena (w.e.f. 20.3.1996)<br />

Shri Sita Ram Das (w.e.f. 20.3.1996)<br />

Shri SC Mondal (w.e.f. 20.3.19%)<br />

Shri Gunadar Das (w.e.1. 20.3.1996)<br />

Shri LC. Manna<br />

Shri Prakash Chandra Saha<br />

Shri Badlu Dhanuk(w.e.f. 20.3.1995)<br />

Shri KK. Raman (w.e.f. 20.3.1996)<br />

Shri Dhaneswar Das(w.e.t 20..?.1996)<br />

Shri R.K. Behera(w.e.1'. 20.3.1996)<br />

Shri Shyam Bhoi(w.e.f. 20.3.1990)<br />

Shri Sits Ram Bahadur(w.e.f. 20.3.1990)<br />

Shri A.E. Raju(w.e.f. 20.3.1996)<br />

Shri MN. Biswns(w.e.f. 20.3.1996)<br />

Shri Shyamlal Dhanuk(w.e.1'. 20.3.1Y96)<br />

Shri A.K. Biswas(w.e.C, 20.3.1990)<br />

S.S. grade I1<br />

Shri Rimanat11 Mondal<br />

Shri K.M. Das<br />

Shri B.K. Jena<br />

Shri M.N. Mondal<br />

Shri knulya Bijali<br />

Shri N.C. Samanta<br />

Shri N.K. Shanmugham<br />

Shn P. Arumugam<br />

Shri Baman Jally<br />

Shri R. Subramn~li<br />

Shri Sasadar Beta1<br />

Shri R.R. Das<br />

Shri Gaur Hari Jena<br />

Shri Kalipada Mondal<br />

Shri MC Rehcra<br />

Shri K.C. Samal (w.e.f. 20.3.1996)<br />

Shri Pani Gharami (w.e.1'. 20.3.199(1)<br />

Shri Sudarshan Naik (w.e.f. 20.3.1996)<br />

Shri Bijay Hhoi (w.e.f. 20.3.1W6)<br />

Shri Balram Das (w.e.f. 20.3.1990)<br />

Shri KU. Gopi (*w.e.f. 20.3.1996)<br />

Shri Nitai Chandra Som<br />

(w2.f. 20.3.1996)<br />

S.S. Grade I<br />

Shri R.C Paik<br />

Shn Pranesh Chandra Saha<br />

Shri Patit Pabnn Halder<br />

Shri Abhimanyu Naskar<br />

Shn R.K. Roy<br />

Shn T.V. Shajl<br />

Shri K. Kunprarnau<br />

Shn K. Iliankappao<br />

Shri N.C. Moodill<br />

Slin N.K. Jenn<br />

s~~M.D. Suresh<br />

Shn M. Sat~tl~oshnrn<br />

Shri N. 1 lnrl~~ntl~nti<br />

Shri V. Jccvoi~ondum<br />

Shri hiar (iharumi<br />

Shn K. Manappa11<br />

Shn Muharaja Mujlil<br />

Shri Narendra Natll Jena<br />

Shri Knsl~na Podo Naskar<br />

Sn~t. S. Satilhl<br />

Shn Prcmanda 131so1<br />

Shn V.M. Dhanapal<br />

Shri K. Nlryannndam<br />

Shn M. Suhrarna~~~<br />

Snn. 1.akshm1 Ran] Llhuiyu<br />

Slin M.1'. I)evadi~sati<br />

Shri V. Kun~ar<br />

Shn E. Malioliura~i<br />

Shri K.V. I)clli Rao<br />

Shn C. Sarnvauall<br />

Shri S. Kuppan<br />

Shn Uttam Kunlar Btltra<br />

Shri M. Picl~ondl(jol~ied 011 3.8.1995)<br />

Shri R. Ralakumara~~(joined on<br />

20.9.1Y)S)<br />

Slin I


Composition <strong>of</strong> ~nstiturc hhnagcnlcnt Commincc (IMC), Staff Research Council<br />

Racarch Advisory Conunincc (RAC) and l~nitua Joint Std Council (IJSC):<br />


(comtituted by ICAR for a period <strong>of</strong> 3 years vide Office Order No.6-35/89-IA-VI<br />

dated 3.8.93,23.5.94 and 21.7.94.)<br />

I. Director, CIBA Chairman<br />

2. ('ommissioner <strong>of</strong> Fisheries, Member<br />

(;ON. <strong>of</strong> Tamil Nadu<br />

3. Uircctor <strong>of</strong> l:ishcrics, Member<br />

(;ON. <strong>of</strong> Orissa<br />

4. Ilircctnr <strong>of</strong> Research am1 1:xtension (I;y), Member<br />

Tamil Nadu Velcrinary d Animal Sciences<br />

University, Madras<br />

5. Shri Suhha Somu, Member<br />

'I'iruchiurap~lli(T.N.)<br />

(Non-<strong>of</strong>ficial)<br />

6. Shri A. I(i~jcswar Keo, Member<br />

Khammam (A.l'.)<br />

(Non-<strong>of</strong>ficial)<br />

7. l'l~ Finnncr and Account\ Officer,<br />

Member<br />

Sug~rcanc Iirreding Ins~itute,C*rimhatorc<br />

8. I)r. K. lladhakrishna, Member<br />

Assistant Ilircclor Cicncral (M.Fy),<br />

I('AK<br />

9. Dr. K. V. Karnz~krishni~, Memher<br />

I'rincipll Scientist. ClnA<br />

10. Dr. 13. 1). upti ti^, Memher<br />

Senior Scientist, ('ll3A<br />

I I. I)r. Muni~wi~r Sultiln;~,<br />

Mcrnber<br />

Scnior Scicnli$l. C113A<br />

I?. I)r. M. Natitrsiitn,<br />

Member<br />

Senior Scicntisl, CIIM<br />

13. Adminirlra~ivc Ofliccr. Memhcr Secrclary<br />

('IBA, Madras<br />


(cl)n\lilutcd by I('AR klr $1 pcrn)~l 013 yearv with cllccl Injm &lh ~ ; ~ 1yo5, h "ide ~ ~ ~ ~ .<br />

Ol'licc (htlcr No. lX(!)PJJ-ASli.1 diltcd X.?.O5)<br />

I I )~rcrk~r, ('ll%A<br />

('hairman<br />

2. Assistnnl I )irccb)r (irncri~l (M.1.v). 1(',211<br />

Mcmhcr<br />

3. Shri M. S. Muthu. Mcmbcr<br />

I(ctired Princip;~l Scicnti\l, ('IItA<br />

(Ilacrnal)<br />

4. 1)r. (icorge John, I )II~CIO~, Mcmher<br />

I)epl. <strong>of</strong> I3iolrchn11l11c\. (ilwt. ot Intli;~<br />


5. Dr. T. J. Varghese, Emeritus Pr<strong>of</strong>essor<br />

Cdlegk <strong>of</strong> Fisheries, UAS, Mangalore<br />

6. Dr. K. V. Ramakrishnn, Principal Scientist,<br />

Head <strong>of</strong> Fish Culture Division & <strong>Aquaculture</strong><br />

Engineering and Environment Division<br />

7. Dr. R. D. Prasadam, Principal Scientist,<br />

Head <strong>of</strong> Technology Improvement Division &<br />

Extension, Economics and Information Division<br />

8. Dr. L. H. Rao, Senior Scientist,<br />

Head <strong>of</strong> Crustacean Culture Division<br />

Principal Investigators for on-going projects<br />

9. Dr. P. Ravichandran, Senior Scientist<br />

10. Dr. S. K. Pandian, Senior Scientist<br />

11. Shri M. Kathiwel, Senior Scientist<br />

12. Dr. S. A. Ali, Senior Scientist<br />

13. Dr. T. C. Santiago, Senior Scientist<br />

14. Shri S. V. Alavandi, Scientist (Senior Scale)<br />

15. Dr. B. P. Gupta, Senior Scientist<br />

16. Dr. K. (iopinathan, Senior Scientist<br />

17. Dr. M. Krishnan, Scientist (Senior Scale)<br />

18. 111. Munawar Sultana, Senior Scientist and<br />

Officer-in-chars, Technical Cell<br />

19. Shri P. Lakshmanadoss, Technical Officer(77)<br />

20. Shri N. Kalairnani, Senior Scientist<br />


(constituted by ]CAR for a period <strong>of</strong> 3 years with cflcct from 8th I:rhruary, 1905, vidc Officc<br />

Order No.18(2)194- ASR-I, dated 8.2.95)<br />

1. Dr. 1'.V. R. Pillay,<br />

Former Programme Direc!or<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong> 1)evelopment and Coordination<br />

Programme, FA0<br />

2. Pr<strong>of</strong>. R. Natarajan<br />

M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation<br />

Madras<br />

3. Dr. M. Sakthivel<br />

<strong>Aquaculture</strong> Foundation <strong>of</strong> India<br />

Madras<br />

4. Dr. H. P. C. Shetty<br />

Retd. Director <strong>of</strong> Instructions (Fisheries)<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Agricultural Sciences.<br />

Mangalore<br />

Member<br />

(External)<br />

Member<br />

Member<br />

Member<br />

Member<br />

Memher<br />

Member<br />

Member<br />

Memher<br />

Member<br />

Memher<br />

Memher<br />

Mcmher<br />

Memher<br />

Member<br />

Memher Secretary<br />

Member<br />

Memher<br />


5. Dr. K. Venkatluamanujam<br />

Dean, College <strong>of</strong> Fisheries<br />

Tamil Nadu University <strong>of</strong> Veterinary and<br />

Animal Sciences, Tuticorin<br />

Member<br />

6. Director, CIBA Member<br />

7. Assistant Director General (M.Fy) Member<br />

ICAR, Krishi Bhawan<br />

8. Shri Suhba Somu Member<br />

l'iruchirapalli (T.N.)<br />

(IMC memkr<br />

representing Agriculture<br />

& Rural Interest)<br />

9. Shri A. Ilajeswara llao Member<br />

Khammam (A.P.)<br />

(IMC member<br />

representing Agriculture<br />

& Rural Interest)<br />

10. Dr. K. V. Ramaktishna Member Secretary<br />

Principal Scientist, CIBA<br />


(constituted by ('IDA for a pcriod <strong>of</strong> 3 years with effect from 1.1 1.95 vidc Office Order<br />

No.l:.No.l3-l,M)-Admn. dalcd 2.1 1.95)<br />

I. llirector, Cll3A Chairman<br />

ONiciul side<br />

2. Dr. K. \'. Ramttkrishn;~ Member<br />

I'rincipal Scientisl<br />

3. Ilr. ll. 1). Prasatlrtm Memher<br />

Principal Scientist<br />

4. Dr. I.. 11. Kt10 Member<br />

Scnior Scientist<br />

5. I)r.(Sml.) Munt~w;tr Sultana Memkr<br />

Sc~or Scientisl<br />

6. Shri S. Krishnasw;~my Membcr<br />

Assi\Lttnt 1:inancc and Account? Otliccr<br />

7. Aclministrt~tivc OITiccr, ('ll3A Sccrelary<br />

SlnR side<br />

8. Shri S. Krishnan, '1'-4 Sccrctt~ry<br />

9. Shri ('. S. S:~sidh;~ran. '1'-1-3<br />

10. Shri 11. Ki~ndt~mani. Senior Clrrk<br />

Member<br />

Member<br />

1 I . Shri K. Mani, Junior ('lcrk Mcmkr<br />

12. Shri N. Mani, S.S.(;r.lll Mcmkr<br />

13. Shri 1'. Arumugam, SS Gr-I1 Memher

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