Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Homelessness Strategy for the North Okanagan<br />

Lønd Trust - the Portners lor a S<strong>of</strong>e and Heatthy Community brought in the founder oÍ the<br />

cotgory Land Trust to speok on the lond trust concept. Sociol Plonning council has<br />

apptied for funding for stort up costs ond is currently working with community Futures to<br />

find chømpions to creote a land trust society in <strong>Vernon</strong>'<br />

Employment Programs ond Chítdcare 'The North Okanagan Child Care Centre opened The<br />

Junction Chitd Care Centre on April L6, 2007. Families wilt be occepted through o referral<br />

process with priority being given to pørents who need port-time child core to ottend<br />

treatment or pre-employment progroms' counseling, parenting groups' etc'<br />

Homelessness Wehsite/Dotabose - Social Plønning Counè¡t is hosting the website<br />

atwww.vernonhomelessness.co which contains informotion from this strotegy as well os<br />

the <strong>Vernon</strong> Survivol Guide (o brochure <strong>of</strong> services for homeless people) to be printed ond<br />

distributed by front line workers."<br />

lncreosed Community Aworeness obout Homelessness - the Action Network on Poverty ond<br />

Homelessness hos received funding from the united Way to continue its work in the<br />

community and to monitor the implementation <strong>of</strong> the homelessness strotegy'<br />

Since adoption and beyond those initiatives noted above'4, a number <strong>of</strong> Strategy<br />

recommendations and other initiatives have been pursued and measurable results recorded' An<br />

overview <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> these activities can be found on the Partners in Action website2s and<br />

specifically within quarterly and annual reports. A synopsis <strong>of</strong> relevant activities follows:26 The<br />

actions that were added to the strategy after 2OO7 are shaded to indicate that these were not<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the initial plan. (" As with most plans, there needs to be some flexibility to respond to<br />

emerging issues and opp<strong>of</strong>tunities." )'<br />

23 Soon after development it was determined by the Partners ln Action Comm¡ttee that the webs¡te<br />

www.vernonhomelessness.ca would not be maintained - and that it would be easier to host information on the social<br />

Planning Council's website rather than update/maintain another site'<br />

2a lncluding complementary efforts and or enhancements'<br />

2t http://www.socialplanning.ca/partners/index.html<br />

* Noï ;il <strong>of</strong> the identified efforts and results as found in the Quarterly and Annual Reports <strong>of</strong> the Partners in Action<br />

Committee relate specifically to the recommendations within the Strategic Plan inasmuch as the mandate for the<br />

partners in Action Comm¡ttee has a broader focus than homelessness. "The Homelessness Strotegy ¡s just one<br />

Ìnitiative thotfits underthe umbrello <strong>of</strong> the Committee (atthough it ís one <strong>of</strong> the main focuses/'" Underthe banner <strong>of</strong><br />

,.Eliminate Homelessness" several initiatives are listed, some directly drawn from the Strategy and others which seem<br />

to have evolved logically over time and thus the connection back to the Strategic Plan ¡s pretty clear' However, there<br />

are other activ¡ties not listed under ,'Eliminating Homelessness" that do in fact have obvious and significant ¡mpacts<br />

on the broader homelessness challenge as defined within the Strategy's Vision: "the North Okonogon vision ¿onsists<br />

<strong>of</strong> o community where there ore sulficient emergency services such os shelter and food; sufÍicient supportive'<br />

tronsitionol ond low cost housing units; suflicient support services ín pløce for those needing help beÍore or <strong>of</strong>ter they<br />

ore homeless.,, These are included in the narrative and overall evaluative effort because <strong>of</strong>this connection, e'g'<br />

lncrease Number <strong>of</strong> safe Affordable Housing units, and lncreasing sense <strong>of</strong> safety Downtown'<br />

Lochaven Management Consultants Ltd.<br />

November 2010<br />

Page 19<br />


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