Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Homelessness Strategy for the North Okanagan<br />

Land Trust and Housinq Authoritv - A community tand trust is needed to preserve<br />

port¡ons <strong>of</strong> lond to à *"¿ *trly for the construction <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fordable housing; in<br />

particular, bachelor units, supported living for the hard to house ond fomily dwellings'<br />

The creation <strong>of</strong> an umbrelta housing outhority could be used to keep on inventory <strong>of</strong> oll<br />

affordoble housing, as well as ensure that the housing needs in our community ore met'<br />

lncome and EmPloYment:<br />

: There is o need for the distribut¡on <strong>of</strong> o<br />

homelessness protocol for ott front line workers to enable one-day accommodatîon (a<br />

client centered approach) to homeless individuots in need <strong>of</strong> income ossistonce'<br />

Emplovment Proorams and childcore -The client needs to be housed first ond have theír<br />

basicneedsmet'tf*"-o,"obl"t<strong>of</strong>undanintegrotedmenu<strong>of</strong>servicesthatresultsin<br />

housing, more clients wit! be oble to use these resources' Lack <strong>of</strong> affordable childcare<br />

was idàntified os a borrier for accessing programs ond pursuing employment.<br />

CommunitY Aworeness And SuPPort<br />

Hometessness website ' iàbase ' there needs to be o centrol locotion for service<br />

providersondT^*ity^emberstoaccessinformationoboutcurrenthomelessness<br />

serv¡ces, ongoing pro¡ecis ond updates, information guides, ds well os cleor mondates,<br />

processes ond location for service providers'<br />

t Homelessness - lt is recommended thøt the<br />

Action Network for Poverty ond Ho^"tur*u ond the Portners for a s<strong>of</strong>e ond Health<br />

community ,oni¡nu" to educate the community on the issues and solutions.<br />

Beyond these core recommendations the strategy also outlined a process for<br />

,,continued implementation"2l that would broadly encompass ongoing committee work;<br />

community forums; implementation and assessmenu and census and street walkabouts'<br />

Concurrent with this delineation <strong>of</strong> recommendations a matrix <strong>of</strong> programming; individual<br />

champions; milestones/timelines; and indicators <strong>of</strong> success was prepared.<br />

IllrPoR'l-E,D Plì(lclìtlss l'o D;\.rlr<br />

Few if any would even remotely question that the performance <strong>of</strong> the "organization"<br />

and the outcomes <strong>of</strong> the effort to manage the homelessness situation in <strong>Vernon</strong> and the North<br />

okanagan has been anything but a resounding success' lt has been, it is and it continues to be'<br />

LF,;<br />

Fn¡¿al<br />

21<br />

The intention <strong>of</strong> these additional suggestions appears to be mostly for the purpose <strong>of</strong> maìntaining momentum;<br />

tracking progress; and making ad¡ustments as required' For some reason or other these suggestions are not<br />

specifically articulated within the Sirategic Plan matrix <strong>of</strong> actions presented on pages 8 and 9 though they might be<br />

implied.<br />

Lochaven Management Consultants Ltd'<br />

November 2010<br />

Page l7<br />


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