Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Homelessness Strategy for the North Okanagan<br />

The four guiding principles (core principles) prescribed within the Strategy included: (1)<br />

understanding; (2) respect; (3) inclusivity; and (a) awareness. Other key elements <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Strategic Plan included the following:<br />

Visionls: ,' The North Okanagon vision consists <strong>of</strong> a community where there are<br />

sufficient emergency services such os shelter ond Íood; sufficient supportive, tronsitionol<br />

and low cost housing units; sulficient support services in place for those needing help<br />

before or after they are homeless; and occessible income øssístonce models for fomilies<br />

ønd individuols in need."<br />

pursuant to stakeholder interviews, focus group discussions and strategy sessions a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> implementation recommendations were drafted'to<br />


Eme rgency SuPPort Seruices:<br />

Shelter ønd Transitional Housina - there is o need for ø permonent women's shelter, on<br />

expons¡on <strong>of</strong> the men's shelter ot Howard House, and stabilization <strong>of</strong> funding for the<br />

downtown shelter run by the Friendship Centre and housed by Sølvøtion Army. ln<br />

addition, service providers see the need for tronsitionol housing to be integrated into<br />

shelter services.<br />

Drop ln proqrom - it is importont thqt the homeless populotion have somewhere to go<br />

during the doy for access to toilets, showers, laundry ond telephones.<br />

Downtown Health Centre - Addictions counseling should be occessible in the downtown<br />

core. Agoin, the heotth centre should be onother gateway for someone who is homeless<br />

to access permanent housing and support programs'<br />

Supported and Permonent Housing:<br />

Supported Hous¡na for People with Addictions/Mental Health- recommendotions were<br />

mode for OAlVtp and/or WET housing (tow borrier housing for individuals octively using)<br />

and other types <strong>of</strong> supportive housing'<br />

Housina Outreach Worker - similor to the Judy Groves model where øn outreoch worker<br />

can connect himetess people with income assistonce support and housing' In oddition,<br />

this worker con assist tenonts ond londlords to work out disputes, thereby preventing<br />

homelessness.<br />

tt Whil" within the document the stated vision is as described, throughout the text there is reference to a broad goal<br />

or aspiration <strong>of</strong> ,.ending homelessness" and another <strong>of</strong> "reducing homelessness"; which beyond the matter <strong>of</strong><br />

confusing at least one <strong>of</strong> which (eliminating homelessness) conflicts with the stated vision'<br />

,o Notabìy absent from this list was a recommendation for greater integration/cooperat¡on amongst the various<br />

service agencies implying that a more cohesive effort was already in place, i.e. participation in the strategic planning<br />

exercise or that it was inherent within the strategy recommendations, i.e. identification <strong>of</strong> challenges/champions.<br />

This is an important observation in that many <strong>of</strong> the service providers who were interviewed pursuantto this project<br />

¡nvestigation noted as one <strong>of</strong> the Strategy's more significant successes was that it build greater cooperation within<br />

the community.<br />

Lochaven Management Consultants Ltd.<br />

November 2010<br />

Page 16<br />


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