Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Homelessness Strategy for the North Okanagan<br />

higher than average elderly dependency ratio; a higher than average per capita measure <strong>of</strong> lone<br />

paient families; significantly lower than average income levels per family unit (568,731 vs<br />

580,511 (BC)); a lower level <strong>of</strong> mental health well-being within the community than the average<br />

for the Province; significantly greater alcohol consumption per capita; and a significantly higher<br />

youth at risk index.l7<br />

Despite the milieu <strong>of</strong> difficult socio-economic circumstances highlighted by an<br />

accelerating homelessness crisis in <strong>Vernon</strong> and the North Okanagan, in 2006-2007 there seemed<br />

to be little if any substantive cohesion/cooperation amongst the various agencies/authorities<br />

whose individual mandates specifically or broadly dealt with homelessness issues. This is not to<br />

say the services available were not effective. This is not to say that the services were even<br />

working at cross purposes for that matter; although the potential was there. Rather there<br />

seemed to be an absence <strong>of</strong> a common agreement as to what needed to be done; few working<br />

partnerships or common/multi-stakeholder initiatives; and, in some cases, a hesitancy to come<br />

together. That being said, there were some unifying initiatives underway, e'g' , the Social<br />

elánning Council's approach to the Province for funding pursuant to the BC Safe Streets and Safe<br />

School Program; and the city <strong>of</strong> <strong>Vernon</strong>'s, community Futures' and the united way's<br />

commitment to supporting the ongoing work <strong>of</strong> the Committee (Partners for a Safe and Healthy<br />

Community subsequently renamed Partners in Action)'<br />

2.2.I Task Force on Flomelessness, Mental Illness and Addictions<br />

Plan<br />

it should be noted as a backdrop to the preparation <strong>of</strong> the 2007 Strategic<br />

North Okanasan), the Province<br />

<strong>of</strong> British Columbia had in June 2006 undertaken a number <strong>of</strong> regional forums on homelessness<br />

throughout British Columbia. These forums allowed "..'service providers, odvococy<br />

orgont¡zat¡ons ond opposition MLAs to communicate their concerns, ínterests ond understonding<br />

<strong>of</strong> the homelessness issue to the Provinciol Task Force." The forums were structured to serue a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> purposes not the least <strong>of</strong> which included a platform from which: (i) local partners<br />

could be engaged in identifying locally appropriate solutions to homelessness challenges; and (ii)<br />

local partners could initiate discussions and cultivate relationships to better coordinate and<br />

integrate local seruices.tt The outcome arising from these discussions included no doubt a<br />

Lt-;<br />

.¡r¡Æ .<br />

sìo<br />

:r:ï':ii':;.t or concerns resordins the issues <strong>of</strong><br />

homelessness ond øffordoble housing. From North Voncouver to Fott st. John, community representat¡ves repeotedly<br />

identified common borriers to sustoiÁable housing. (1) Neor zero voconcy rotes for rental accommodation throughout<br />

B.c. medn that many residents, even those with jobs, ore unoble to occess housing; (2) Non-proÍit ogencies providing<br />

se,ice to the homeless are reaching burnout states, <strong>of</strong>ten due to o løck <strong>of</strong> occessible resources in the community for<br />

their clients; (3) Communities ond municipalities cønnot <strong>of</strong>ford to address the tack oÍ aÍÍordoble housing on their own'<br />

Funding ogreements should acknowledge the shored respons¡bilìty oÍ the federøl government, provinciol government,<br />

ond munìcipol govemments; (4) A disproportionote number <strong>of</strong> Aboriginot people ond fomilies ore homeless; (5) There<br />

is o need for increased serv¡ces for people with mentol health ond/or oddictions issues; (6) There is o need for<br />

support¡ve housing to provide tenants with integrcted service delivery such os heolth core support, occupotionol<br />

training, counseliig ond other ossistonce; (7) There is o need for o contínuum <strong>of</strong> housing to help people tronsition from<br />

emergency shelters to supportive housìng to afiordable long-term housing; (8) There is o need Íor more <strong>of</strong>iordoble<br />

rentol housing in oll communities; (9) Tie omount <strong>of</strong> the current shelter ollowonce Jor tncome Assistonce does not<br />

ollow recÌpieÃts tu rent odequdte shelter; (10) There is o need for public educotion on the ìssue <strong>of</strong> homelessness to<br />

Lochaven Management Consultants Ltd.<br />

November 2010<br />

Page'14<br />


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