Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Homelessness Strategy for the North Okanagan<br />

discrimination; increased risk <strong>of</strong> suffering from violence and abuse; loss <strong>of</strong> social<br />

networks/connection; and reduced access to many mainstream services and programs.<br />

2.2 <strong>Vernon</strong> and the Norrh Okanagan<br />

The absence <strong>of</strong> a universal definition <strong>of</strong> homelessness and the lack <strong>of</strong> a comprehensive<br />

census <strong>of</strong> this demographic cohort requires at best the use <strong>of</strong> proxies and perceptions to gain an<br />

appreciation <strong>of</strong> the magnitude <strong>of</strong> the general problem in <strong>Vernon</strong> and the North Okanagan region<br />

at the time <strong>of</strong> the strategic planning exercise." ln that regard, we know from anecdotal<br />

evidence that the numbers <strong>of</strong> "users or clients" and the apparent level <strong>of</strong> demand for<br />

traditional homelessness services (URM and JHS by way <strong>of</strong> example) were increasing in 2007.14<br />

Further, on a perceptual basis the visible numbers <strong>of</strong> "people on the street" were decidedly<br />

more than the community had witnessed in the past.'s Concurrent with this there seemed to be<br />

greater funding possibilities opening up at both the Provincial and Federal levels, evidence <strong>of</strong><br />

which by way <strong>of</strong> example was the S35,OO0 in funding made available by Services Canada to<br />

undertake a Homelessness Strategic Planning Exercise and the Province <strong>of</strong> British Columbia's<br />

interest in supporting additional planning/action in respect <strong>of</strong> affordable housing.<br />

On another level in 2OO7 <strong>Vernon</strong> and the North Okanagan were still being challenged by<br />

the depth and breadth <strong>of</strong> the global financial crisis though some positive economic activities<br />

were underway and the news <strong>of</strong> upcoming initiatives was generally positive: <strong>Vernon</strong> Jubilee<br />

Hospital Expansion; Sparkling Hill Resort and Spa; Silver Star Ski Resort Expansion; and the 2010<br />

Olympic Games. New business incorporations were up; bankruptcies were down; though<br />

unemployment was markedly up. ln respect <strong>of</strong> social development there was a growing<br />

dependency on the social safety net (versus the Province <strong>of</strong> British Columbia) though the<br />

percentage <strong>of</strong> income assistance recipients had shown a continuing decline since 2001'6; a<br />

tt Certainly a number <strong>of</strong> jurisdictions have endeavored to accurately measure the magnitude <strong>of</strong> homelessness (as<br />

they uniquely define the concept). This is not an inexpensive exercise and the outputs are at best limited' Vancouver<br />

for example has undertaken three separate estimates including an attempt to measure the hidden homeless which at<br />

best remains a guess, albeit an educated one. Results Of The Pilot Studv To Estimate The Size Of The Hidden<br />

Homeless population ln Metro Vancouver, May 2009, Margaret Eberle, Deborah Kraus, Luba Serge, Mustel Research.<br />

There is nonetheless some value in the exercise in that the numbers are shown to be increasing and assuming they<br />

broadly capture the correct cohort then we can reasonably assert that the problem is becoming more acute, though<br />

neither the specific problem nor individual remedial efforts can be fairly assessed. ln the North Okanagan the COOL<br />

team has conducted a census <strong>of</strong> camps twice a year since 2009 and while this number seems to have drifted<br />

downward this is not necessarily indicative that the problem is goinB away but rather it is likely changing.<br />

to " <strong>Vernon</strong> hos ølwoys hod o homeless problem..n problem thot reolly started to grow in the eorly nineties and<br />

øccelerated <strong>of</strong>ter thot...." But there was also a spark that ignited a more concerted commitment within the<br />

community and amongst the various agencies to come together in a joint effort to address the challenge. That spark<br />

was ,'o very public concern for the soÍety <strong>of</strong> cìt¡zens os the homeless populotion becøme more visible ønd more<br />

oggressive." Taken from an interview.<br />

tt ih"r" observations were collected pursuant to those interviews undertaken in the community during project<br />

investigations. They rely on the accuracy <strong>of</strong> individual "hindsight" and as such are subject to some level <strong>of</strong><br />

uncertainty. Regardless inasmuch as each interyiewee consistently confirmed that it was their observation,<br />

experience and belief that the numbers <strong>of</strong> homeless in the community/region was on the rise at that time it is<br />

unlikely that the situation was otherwise. Further in the summer <strong>of</strong> 2OO7 the camp-out on the old Sigalet Property in<br />

downtown <strong>Vernon</strong> would certainly serve to affirm that at some level there was a growing number <strong>of</strong> homeless.<br />

16 Live Work And lnvest ln BC. Thompson-Okanagan Development Region, 2OOB BC Check-up, Published by the<br />

lnstitute <strong>of</strong> Chartered Accountants <strong>of</strong> British Columbia.<br />

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Lochaven Management Consultants Ltd.<br />

November 2010<br />

Page 13<br />


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