Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Homelessness Strategy for the North Okanagan<br />

the majority <strong>of</strong> the most commonly accepted definitions are variations on a common theme.<br />

Broadly speaking homelessness is viewed as a demographics phenomena or characteristic which<br />

includes those people who are without a regular house or dwelling because they cannot afford,<br />

or are otherwise unable to maintain regular, safe, and adequate housing, or lack fixed, regular,<br />

and adequate nighttime residence. More broadly, homelessness refers to: ",,. those who ore<br />

"visible" on the streets or staying in shelters; ... those who live in housing that is unsafe,<br />

unsuitoble, over-crowded, illegol, temporary, transitional; ond/or those at imminent risk <strong>of</strong><br />

losing their housing" t.to<br />

Homelessness is not a recent phenomenon, but in fact has been a noticeable<br />

characteristic <strong>of</strong> society for several centuries, and arguably its roots go back significantly further.<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> us assoc¡ate homelessness with the early history <strong>of</strong> England, the peasant revolts and<br />

especially the 18OO's <strong>of</strong> Dickens' London. ln North America we think <strong>of</strong> homelessness in the<br />

context <strong>of</strong> the 1,930's and the distressing images <strong>of</strong> transient single men jumping trains or<br />

huddled in doorways. And while these perceptions are not inaccurate, they are inadequate to a<br />

full understanding <strong>of</strong> current circumstances. Today homelessness cuts a much broader swath<br />

across society enveloping not just single transient men, but increasingly seniors, women,<br />

children and young families."<br />

The root causes <strong>of</strong> homelessness are many and varied. They vary case by case and may<br />

include such considerations as: unemployment and an absence <strong>of</strong> opportunities (economic<br />

malaise); lack <strong>of</strong> affordable housing; mental health issues; disability; substance abuse; domestic<br />

violence; relationship breakdown; prison release and re-entry into society; natural disaster; and<br />

forced eviction; to name but a few.12<br />

Homelessness itself is not just about an absence <strong>of</strong> safe and secure shelter, but carries<br />

with it a multiplicity <strong>of</strong> additional inherent disadvantages including but not limited to:<br />

8 Demographic categorizatlon can be applied to any kind <strong>of</strong> dynamic human population that changes over time or<br />

space. lt refers to the specific characteristics <strong>of</strong> selected populations and normally encompasses the size, structure<br />

and distribution <strong>of</strong> these populations, and the spatial and/or temporal changes in them overtime.<br />

s lt is important to point out that the "invisible" component <strong>of</strong> the homelessness challenge is significant and real: " /t<br />

is estimated that more than 80% <strong>of</strong> Conødo's homeless are improperly housed or on the verge <strong>of</strong> eviction' Mony are<br />

sleepíng in temporary<br />

ond vehÌcles, ond other ploces where we don't see them." Homelessness: Demoeraphv & Characteristics <strong>of</strong><br />

Homelessness, http://www.homelesshub.ca. Power, Asetha (2008) Homeless Hub'<br />

10 Health and Homelessness, The Homeless Coalition <strong>of</strong> Windsor-Essex County, January 2007.<br />

ttiAb*t or*i*r"rm uurt <strong>of</strong> shelters across Conqdo is o child. Women ore more vulneroble to becoming homeless<br />

os they generally eorn less thon men ond ore more <strong>of</strong>ten victims <strong>of</strong> fomily violence. Newcomers to the rental housing<br />

morket - especially young people, immigrants and refugees - ore <strong>of</strong>ten required to rent housÌng thot they connot<br />

<strong>of</strong>ford ønd ore one pøycheck owoy from eviction. Mony seniors face evict¡on due to fixed incomes ond increosed rents<br />

ond toxes. Mony homeless youth ore living in shelters or bunking with fríends os they ore fleeing abusive situotions.<br />

The workìng poor, <strong>of</strong>ten single porents with young children, live in crowded housing os they ore unoble to <strong>of</strong>ford a<br />

decent place to live while feeding ond clothing their children." Homelessness: Demosraohv & Characteristics <strong>of</strong><br />

Homelessness, http://www.homelesshub.ca. Power, Asetha (2008) Homeless Hub'<br />

study on homelessness in Canada, though somewhat dated (2001), provides some valid insight into current<br />

circumstances suggesting the root causes for homelessness are: increasing poverty; decreases in the number <strong>of</strong> low<br />

-A<br />

income housing units; and a deinstitutionalizing <strong>of</strong> the mentally ill. Homelessness ln Canada' Rudy Pohl , Nov.2001-.<br />

see also:<br />

April 2001.<br />

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Lochaven Management Consultants Ltd.<br />

November 2010<br />

Page 12<br />


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