Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Homelessness Strategy for the North Okanagan<br />

Recommendations:<br />

The recommendations were developed not as a criticism <strong>of</strong> performance, for in fact<br />

much has been achieved, but rather as suggestions from which performance and outcomes<br />

could be improved. These recommendations relate to two broad subjects: the process <strong>of</strong> future<br />

strategic planning efforts; and future programming initiatives/emphasis. There are no surprises<br />

nor great changes that are required. Of course there needs to be some new directions and there<br />

needs to be certain changes or improvements in some established patterns, and most<br />

importantly there needs to be a commitment by local partners to make these changes. But<br />

collectively the suggestions are not unduly daunting.<br />

Recommendation - Stratesic Planning: lf strategic planning is to be the foundation for future<br />

programming and by implication future decisions and actions:<br />

1. The organization should continue to emphasize an open, consultative process in the<br />

identification <strong>of</strong> needs and the articulation <strong>of</strong> goals, objectives and actions. Client and<br />

stakeholder engagement is critical to success and this practice has been well<br />

entrenched. lt should continue to be a defining characteristic <strong>of</strong> the exercise.<br />

2. As a starting point "homelessness" and the "homeless" as it pertains to <strong>Vernon</strong> and the<br />

North Okanagan should be described and defined. This has implications to future<br />

planning and subsequent programming.<br />

3. An initial baseline <strong>of</strong> information is required. lt is an essential starting point or reference<br />

to point direction and measure progress.<br />

4. Core principles <strong>of</strong> behavior should be affirmed. The organization was particularly<br />

effective in its previous effort because <strong>of</strong> these core principles and this practice should<br />

continue to be emphasized with a particular focus on: collaboration/cooperation;<br />

awareness; accessibility; transparency; inclusivity; and equity.<br />

5. A clear vision is required; is it reducing or eliminating homelessness, or dealing with the<br />

symptoms/consequences <strong>of</strong> homelessness?<br />

6. Specific goals and objectives need to be spelled out. They should flow directly and<br />

logically from the vision. lndividual actions or tactics in turn should follow logically from<br />

these goals and objectives.<br />

7. A proactive, action oriented approach to programming should continue to be<br />

emphasized. The assignment <strong>of</strong> responsibilities (accountability) to individuals and<br />

individual agencies should continue as before. The Partner's in Action team approach to<br />

challenges should continue.<br />

8. Performance indicators should be "readily" and "easily" measurable; and most<br />

importantly appropriate to the objective/goal that is expected to accrue from the<br />

activity. Adopting a SMART approach to the preparation <strong>of</strong> appropriate indicators is a<br />

good rule <strong>of</strong> thumb (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time bound).<br />

g. The process <strong>of</strong> spelling out specific accountabilities and specific milestones should<br />

continue.<br />

10. Build into the planning exercise a system <strong>of</strong> early warning to facilitate pre-planning that<br />

might better position the organization to deal with certain crises and/or take advantage<br />

<strong>of</strong> selected opportunities when they arise.<br />

Lt'ii<br />

sfrlllt Lochaven Management Consultants Ltd.<br />

Page 4<br />

November 2010<br />


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