Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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Bylaw 5250<br />

Page 7<br />

d direct employees and <strong>of</strong>ficers <strong>of</strong> the Registry to the extent necessary to ensure that the<br />

systems and procedures established for financial controls are in effecl and are in accordance<br />

with the CommunítY Chader.<br />

Examination <strong>of</strong> Records<br />

27. The Director <strong>of</strong> Finartce <strong>of</strong> any <strong>of</strong> the Contributing Parties may, acting reasonably witlt tegard to<br />

minimizing the administrative burden on lhe Kelowna, and no more frequently lhan once in each<br />

year <strong>of</strong> t-he Term, conduct audits or examinations to obtain ínformafion or deterrnine that<br />

ãdequate financial controls are being nìaintained for the Registry, Kelowna will cooperate with<br />

any ieasonable request by any <strong>of</strong> thè Contributing Parties orthe Contributing Parties' Direclor <strong>of</strong><br />

finance for access to financial records, user statislics and other information <strong>of</strong> the Registry<br />


lnsurançe<br />

ZB. Kelowna will ensure that the Regìstry and its activities are covered under Kelowna's general<br />

liability po¡cy, and lvill provide copìes <strong>of</strong> all relevant insurance policies and clranges thereto to the<br />

Directors <strong>of</strong> Finance <strong>of</strong> the Contributing Parties upon request'<br />

Anrqndrrents<br />

29. The parties will, in good faith, negotiale any ploposed amendment to this Agreement upon<br />

request <strong>of</strong> any Par1y, alt amendments to be ìn writing and executed by the Parties<br />

Disoute Resolution<br />

30. The Parties will submit any dispute arising out <strong>of</strong> the interpretation or application <strong>of</strong> this<br />

Agreement;<br />

a. first, to the Committee to resolve the dispute;<br />

b. second, if the Committee is unable to resolve the dispute v¿ithin 60 days, to the Chief<br />

Aclministrativç Officels <strong>of</strong> the Parties; and<br />

Terrn<br />

a4<br />

c, third, if the Chief Administrative Olficers are unable {o resolve the dispute within 60 days, lo<br />

the lnspector <strong>of</strong> MunicipaliTies, or at the elect¡on <strong>of</strong> the Parties, to a commercial arbitrâtor<br />

appoinied by agreement or, failing agreement, appointed pursuant to the Cornrnercíal<br />

nrbitrat¡on Acf, fòr final determination, and the determinatìon <strong>of</strong> the lnspector or arbitrator as<br />

applicable will be final and binding r-rpon the Parties.<br />

This Agreement comes into effect on and continues in effect until December 31,<br />

written notice to the other<br />

2015. Any Party may withdtaw from this Agreement upon six months'<br />

Parties.<br />

369<br />

Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw - FINAL

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