Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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Other Contact: Al MCNiven<br />

Phone: 250-550-3700<br />

Position: General Manager, Parks, Recreation<br />

and Culture<br />

E-mail : al,mcniven@rd no.ca<br />

3. NAME OF PROJECT. Please include the location and a description <strong>of</strong> the project, for<br />

example "Engels Elementary Kitchen Renovation" or "school District 99 Partner Consultation"<br />

<strong>Vernon</strong> Secondary School "Go Green" Initiative<br />

School District # 22 - <strong>Vernon</strong>, BC<br />


X Consultation & Planning<br />

I Minor Renovations<br />

I Both<br />

For projects focused on minor renovations, please describe the consultation and planning<br />

proi"rj that has taken place to identify the renovation project as a community priority. If<br />

applicable, please attach any relevant plans to your application.<br />

5. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT. Please provide<br />

including the intended outcomes. For renovati<br />

<strong>Vernon</strong> Secondary School is poised to have a n<br />

includes planning and consultation to develop t<br />

which includes:<br />

A school/commu nity g reen house<br />

A school/communitY garden<br />

An outdoor classroom<br />

A school -wide comPosting sYstem<br />

The consultation and planning portion <strong>of</strong> the project would include the services <strong>of</strong> a<br />

coordinator/consultanï to compile a report that would outline the details and process for each<br />

<strong>of</strong> the components <strong>of</strong> the project, including partnerships, cost estimates, grant writing and a<br />

fundraising plan. A Committee made up <strong>of</strong> administrative representation, school staff,<br />

students, ãnd community partners will steerthe project. The intentions <strong>of</strong> this project are to:<br />

Model a green school by reducing waste into a renewable nutrient source (compost), explore<br />

innovative water conservation practises, and produce food organically and sustainably.<br />

Use the greenhouse, garden, and outdoor classroom as a centre for neighbourhood and<br />

student learning,<br />

provide fresh food to supplement the various food program partners: VSS farm to school<br />

salad bar program, the subsidized school lunch program for district elementary schools, etc'<br />

2010 scc R)UND 2: Supporting Neighbourhood Learning centres<br />


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