Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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Building canada Fund - communities component - Application Report<br />

PageT<strong>of</strong>ll<br />

or Ìn its original :scope. Few proiects are completely wifhout isk, successful<br />

:":^ànàs, lowerl91mosf<br />

" oí ,¡t¡saté tn"¡ì isis ínrousn sood'ptaniing and on qoinO lndícate<br />

1n1n1øement.<br />

';;;il;;,;:k; éräí'äiliort construction season, possrb ie ,nce alnt¡es in buitding site that might<br />

ence cost, etc) and spøiífylà* in"t, unceñaiities ntav ímpacttle 9erf?rma1': -o!:!:f*,!tt'<br />

¡n- ¿Ur"i¡on,"cost, o'r meeting the requirements. Then indicate what actions are possible in<br />

ce ordurinøthe Dro¡ectto ieducethe effect<strong>of</strong> the risw<br />

Significant project risks are impact <strong>of</strong> constructio-n on the surro nding habítat and species and<br />

ootential loss <strong>of</strong> habitat ráøted to ôonstruction <strong>of</strong> the flood prot ction facilities. To mitigate theqe<br />

ãäñä;d;mãiiä';;;;rmenr (EA) has been compteted by EBA Ensineerins' Results <strong>of</strong> the-EA<br />

i-Ë ú."¡ i"'suiOá the p.¡""iintìteh tò comptet¡on'and eniure risks are mitis?!1,1"-*^{f:f th"<br />

åñ""iiñ"ì-r1åËii" *in in"i""r" as ã resutt <strong>of</strong> this project and also provide enhanced species<br />

:ection. A detailed plan ìs recommended in the EA and will be required<br />

rt <strong>of</strong> the construction "nuirontãnt"iproteclion contract.<br />


iled cost estimates with your application'<br />

Do vou intend to upload detai¡ed cost estimates w¡th you<br />

fes<br />

l,llalariale<br />

D. r¡in¡ial Tavoc fnn HSTI<br />

Eliail.la<br />

ênclc'<br />

25,000.00<br />

94,904.0C<br />

0.0c<br />

632,692.00<br />

158,173.0C<br />

IJQT\ 16.422-39<br />

¿n+a¡ lq¡Vaae l2o/^ ¡f c-onsfruction coSt) 12,653.0(<br />

man{al hlnnilar and Conqfnrclion ServiCeS 15,000.00<br />

r^+al trlinilrla Cnsf 954,844.3!<br />

--<br />

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fax Rebate:<br />

954;8¿14.3S<br />

^^o'ol<br />

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Þan¡irc ând [trâinlênâncê<br />

an¡{ ôfhcr tranilifics<br />

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lflrar Inolinitrls Cosfs:<br />

l-^l¡¡ihla la¿ 0.0(<br />

NÂ+ lñôl¡ñ¡ùÍlâ'<br />

0.0(<br />

fa¡l l}aee Drnioci Cnqfs 954,ö44.3!<br />

0.0(<br />

fotal Estimated Net Proiect Costs:<br />

954,844.3f<br />

https:i/bcfcc-fbcvc.infrastructule.gc.calReportView/Progranr.AppFormFIeadel.asp?db:o<br />

1110112011<br />


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