Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Homelessness Strategy for the North Okanagan<br />

This was d very participative exercise... the round table/focus group discussions were a<br />

critical port <strong>of</strong> the engagement effort....everyone hod on opportunity to be heord and<br />

provide input ¡nto the process.....<br />

"social Planning took the leod...but we were oll octively involved'."<br />

"At first the business community just didn't want to come onboord...now they are our<br />

biggest supporters (Gotewoy Shelter debate)"<br />

"Our progromming engøged the client in the identificotion and delivery <strong>of</strong> efforts. We<br />

respond to their needs...we bring respect and integrity"<br />

"Educoting the community is still o huge chollenge..there ore still sectors that are not<br />

engaged ... but .. yes...tthink there is a good level <strong>of</strong> aworeness within the community ..."<br />

RE: Responsive, Collaborative, Equitable, Engaged, Public Support, Transparency:<br />

"Our progromming is much more responsive thon it was three yeors ogo ..'"<br />

'There are still gaps.,the foce <strong>of</strong> homelessness is changing.'."<br />

'lJntil this exercise began allthe ogencies were simply out doing their own thing...now<br />

there is collaborotion and cooperation on initiatives..we all reolized that we weren't øble<br />

to tockle the challenges alone..."<br />

"This plan gove oll <strong>of</strong> us the opportunity to create o common community vision...The plon<br />

is inspiring..."<br />

"ln the post there were silos...not anymore..."<br />

"The partner's opproach (collaborotive/cooperative effort) is truly responsible for the<br />

successes we have achieved ond is criticol to our successes in moving forward..."<br />

"Certainly the longer term homeless ore quite familiar with the services available..."<br />

"2009 - 20 newspoper articles, L0 radio interviews ond 3 television interviews on vorious<br />

action team strøtegies" 12009 Annual Report <strong>of</strong> Partners in Action Committee).<br />

The gist <strong>of</strong> these perceptions and insights suggests clearly that the fundamental<br />

principles inscribed and implied within the strategic plan are reflected in its implementation.<br />

lmportantly this is true for all <strong>of</strong> the agencies and authorities involved in the process regardless<br />

<strong>of</strong> their role in that process, be it from a supportive or regulatory/enforcement perspective.<br />

These accomplishments are not without substantial merit. Community acceptance;<br />

coordinated/collaborative efforts; client focused and responsive, accessible and transparent<br />

Lt'i<br />

sn¡lll Lochaven Management Consulta nts Ltd.<br />

Page 33<br />

November 2010<br />


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