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<strong>KERICHO</strong> <strong>DISTRICT</strong> <strong>JOINT</strong> <strong>KCSE</strong> <strong>TRIAL</strong> EXAMINATION-2012<br />

311/1<br />


PAPER I<br />

JULY/AUGUST - 2012<br />



1. Identify the main source of Kenyan history (1mk)<br />

(i) Oral tradition<br />

1 point x 1mk=1mk<br />

2. State the function of the Kambi among the Mijikeda (1mk)<br />

(i) They ruled the clan<br />

(ii) Was the highest political office<br />

(iii) Maintained law and order in Kaya<br />

(iv) Settled land, marriage and inheritance disputes in the Kaya<br />

(v) Solved criminal cases and punished offenders<br />

(vi) Conducted religious ceremonies and rituals in the society.<br />

Any 1 x 1mk=1mk<br />

3. Name one traditional war leader in the Luo community (1mk)<br />

(i) Osumbwa mtwayi<br />

Any 1 point x 1mk=1mk<br />

4. State two contributions of Ludwig Kraf in the spread of Christianity in Kenya (2mks)<br />

(i) Translation of the new testament from English to Kiswahili.<br />

(ii) Establishing mission station<br />

(iii) Evangelising the word of God<br />

Any 2 points x 2=2mks<br />

5. State the main constitutional ammendment that was made in 2010 (1mk)<br />

(i) Promulgation of the new constitution<br />

1x1mk=1mk<br />

6. State two factors conducive for the realization of democracy (2mks)<br />

(i) Free/fair election<br />

(ii) Respect for human rights by the government<br />

(iii) Supreme parliament<br />

(iv) Literate electorate<br />

Any 2 points x 1mk=2mks<br />

7. Identify the community in Kenya that is a remnant of the southern Cushites (1mk)<br />

(i) Dahallo/Sanye<br />

Any 1 pt x1mk=1mk<br />

8. State one operational fort established by the British to enhance political control in central<br />

Kenya.<br />

(1mk)<br />

(i) Fort Hall<br />

(ii) Fort smith<br />

(iii) Fort Dagoretti<br />

Any 1 pt x 1mk=1mk<br />

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9. State one function of the permanent secretary of the cabinet (1mk)<br />

(i) Chief according officer in a ministry<br />

(ii) Responsible for the day to day activities of the ministry<br />

(iii) Keep the minister informed of the needs and problems of the ministry<br />

10. Give one main political reason that led to the construction of Uganda railway (1mk)<br />

(i) It was vital for effective control and development of Uganda.<br />

1mk x1mk=1mk<br />

11. What were the benefits of the social welfare organizations to the Africans during the<br />

colonial period<br />

(2mks)<br />

(i) Provided security to the member<br />

(ii) Aroused political awareness among members<br />

(iii) Organized social activities eg sports<br />

(iv) Provided education by sponsoring students abroad.<br />

(v) Provided basic needs e.g bond funds<br />

Any 2 point x1mk=2mks<br />

12. Under what circumstances can one’s life be taken away (2mks)<br />

(i) When fighting for self defense<br />

(ii) When carrying out death sentence by court of law<br />

(iii) While preventing escape of prisoners/process of lawful arrest<br />

(iv) In the event of war<br />

(v) In case of rebellion /riots<br />

Any 2point x 1mk=2mks<br />

13. Name two educational commissions established during the colonial period (2mks)<br />

(i) Fraser commission-recommended racial segregation in schools<br />

(ii) Phelpstokes –formed to investigate African education system<br />

Any 2 points x1mk=2mks<br />

14. State two limitations of the role of law (2mks)<br />

(i) Court depends on legislation for most law which they interpret and apply<br />

(ii) Judges are appointed by the president<br />

(iii) The judicialy depends on executive for finance<br />

(iv) The judiciary depends on the executive for the enforcement of law<br />

Any 2 points x1=2mks<br />

15. State two reasons that can make a Kenyan president to be impreached (2mks)<br />

(i) If the president has acted unconstitutionally<br />

(ii) If the president violates the constitution<br />

Any 2 points x1 mk=2mks<br />

16. State the main challenge faced by the primary and secondary education (1mk)<br />

(i) Shortage of funds<br />

Any 1 pt x 1 mk=1mk<br />

17. State two functions of the director of public prosecution (2mks)<br />

(i) To institute and undertake criminal proceedings<br />

(ii) Delegate power to prosecute to subordinate office<br />

(iii) Supervise and coordinate the work of state council<br />

(iv) Safeguard public interest and interest of administration<br />

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(v)<br />

Discontinue any case before judgement is dissolved<br />

Any 2 points x1 mk=2mks<br />


18. (a) Explain the political organisation of the Mijikenda (3mks)<br />

(i) The mijikenda were organized into 4 to 6 clans with many sub clans e.g Giriama<br />

(ii) Each clan lived in protected villages known as Kayas<br />

(iii) Young men became members of age-sets after going through circumcision<br />

(iv) Senior age-sets members made up the governing council-Kambi<br />

Any 3 points 1x3=3mks<br />

(b) Explain the social organisation of the Somali during the pre-colonial period<br />

(i) Family was the basic social unit<br />

(ii) Several families formed a clan<br />

(iii) Practiced exogamous marriages which were polygamous in nature.<br />

(iv) Practiced circumcision for both boys and girls<br />

(v) Division of labour according to age and gender<br />

(vi) Believed in one God called ‘waki’<br />

(vii) Had religious leaders who mediated between God and the people.<br />

(viii) Prayed through priests<br />

(ix) Believed in existence of the ancestral spirits<br />

6x2=12<br />

19. (a) State five reasons that led to the formation of political parties in Kenya after 1945<br />

(5mks)<br />

(i) By 1945 many African had acquired western education which enabled them to be<br />

enlightened.<br />

(ii) World war II ex-soldiers who participated in the war discovered Europeans were not<br />

superior.<br />

(iii) Pan-Africanism inspired Africans (Kenyans)<br />

(iv) Labour party in Britain favored decolonization<br />

(v) Emergence of U.S.S.R supporting decolonization<br />

(vi) United Nation organization advocated for granting political freedom to all people.<br />

1x5=5mks<br />

(b) Explain five results of the first Lancaster House conference in 1960 (10mks)<br />

(i) It was agreed that 12 elective seats in the legco will remain<br />

(ii) 33 seats to be vied in a common role<br />

(iii) 20 seats would be reserved for 10 European ,8 Asians and 2 for Arabs.<br />

(iv) The composition of the ministers would be altered to include 4 Africans ,3 Europeans and<br />

1 Asian<br />

(v) Authorized formation of a country wide political parties for Africans<br />

2x5=10mks<br />

20. (a) Give contributions of Wangari Maathai in the promotion of democracy in Kenya<br />

(3mks)<br />

(i) She fought for rights of women in Kenya<br />

(ii) She fought against corruption during the Moi era.<br />

(iii) She fought for multi-party democracy together with others like Jaramogi, muliro in the<br />

formation of Ford.<br />

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(iv) She became the first woman presidential candidate in 1997 through (LPK)<br />

(v) She served in the government as Assistant minister for environment during Kibakis term<br />

one.<br />

(vi) MP for Tetu in 2002<br />

1x3=3mks<br />

(b) Why is Jaramogi Oginga Odinga considered as the father of opposition in Kenya?<br />

(10mks)<br />

(i) Led the Kenya independent movement to oppose the multi-racialism.<br />

(ii) Opposed Kenyattas land policy i.e wanted the landless to be settled and adoption of<br />

nationalization policy.<br />

(iii) 1966, he formed KPU after he resigned as vice president/minister for home Affair<br />

(iv) 1970/1990 he remained critical of the government and as a result was put under house,<br />

arrest and barred from contesting parliamentary elections.<br />

(v) Fought for re-introduction of multi partism and formed the NDP.<br />

(vi) Oginga,Martin Shikuku /Masinde Muliro etc formed FORD as pressure group to fight for<br />

pluralism.<br />

(vii) 1991 when section 2A of the Kenyan constitution was repelled FORD evolved into an<br />

opposition party and Oginga became the interim chairman.<br />

(viii) FORD later split into Ford Kenya of Odinga and FORD Asili of Kenneth Matiba.<br />

(ix) In the multi-party elections of 1992 the opposition lost to KANU but Oginga Odinga<br />

became the leader of the official opposition in parliament.<br />

6x2=12mks<br />

21. (a) State five roles of culture in the Kenyan society (5mks)<br />

(i) Entertaining people<br />

(ii) Promoting patriotism<br />

(iii) Educate people<br />

(iv) Promoting unity by bringing people together<br />

(v) Creating employment<br />

(vi) Reflecting on the countries , political development e.g theatre.<br />

1x5=5mks<br />

(b) Discuss the challenges that are facing multi-party democracy in Kenya(10mks)<br />

(i) Led to ethnic clashes<br />

(ii) Some members of civil services sided with the government<br />

(iii) Most of the parties are ethnically based –lacks national support<br />

(iv) KANU government controlled the government machinery<br />

(v) Lack of funds<br />

(vi) Inadequate civil education<br />

(vii) Poverty<br />

(viii) Interference with the government<br />

(ix) Leadership wrangles<br />

(x) Parties are used as vehicles to ascend to power and mass wealth.<br />

(xi) Ideological differences among leaders<br />

(xii) Poor relations with the ruling party<br />

2x5=10mk<br />


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22. (a) Identify five classes of correctional services in Kenya (5mks)<br />

(i) Principle institutions<br />

(ii) District I prison<br />

(iii) District II prison<br />

(iv) Detention camps<br />

(v) Youth institute for young offenders between 15-21 years.<br />

(vi) Extra rural penal employment camps<br />

1x5=5mks<br />

(b) Explain the reforms being undertaken by the government to improve the conditions<br />

of correctional services<br />

(10mks)<br />

(i) Improved diet<br />

(ii) Living and sanitary condition have been improved.<br />

(iii) Improve medical services<br />

(iv) Provision of clothing and bedding<br />

(v) Purchase of new vehicles to ease transportation<br />

(vi) Visits by spouse among married couples<br />

(vii) Provision of distant learning<br />

(viii) Allowing prisoners to watch, read and listen to new.<br />

(ix) Giving a higher allowance to work done by inmates<br />

(x) Direct government involvement in prison matters.<br />

(xi) Easing congestions by releasing death row inmates, ensuring remandees have their case<br />

heard in good time.<br />

2x5=10mks<br />

23. (a) State three privileges the office of the prime minister enjoys under national accord<br />

(3mks)<br />

(i) Shares power with president on 50-50 % basis<br />

(ii) Supervises /coordinates affairs of the government including ministries.<br />

(iii) ½ of government cabinent is being appointed in the office of the prime minister.<br />

(iv) All presidential appointment must be consulted within the office of the p.m.<br />

1x3=3mks<br />

(b)<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(v)<br />

(vi)<br />

(vii)<br />

Describe the factors that limit the supremacy of the Kenyan parliament(12mks)<br />

Court can overrule an act of parliament<br />

The president can dissolve parliament<br />

Increased powers of the cabinet can reduce parliament’s authority.<br />

Peoples customs and traditions.<br />

Rule of law<br />

The application of international laws.<br />

The president has the power to declare a state of emergency to deal with a crisis sidestepping<br />

parliament.<br />

2x6=12mks<br />

24. (a) Suggest ways in which the new constitution has promoted democracy (12mks)<br />

(i) All presidential appointments must be approved by the parliament<br />

(ii) All appointments within government institutions must not be of the same gender<br />

(iii) Minorities/marginalized /youth have been considered in the new constitution<br />

(iv) There is an establishment of a bi-cameral legislature to check the executive.<br />

(v) There is an establishment of the Supreme Court to fair presidential disputes election<br />

results /matters pertaining to state affairs.<br />

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(vi)<br />

(vii)<br />

Members of parliament can be recalled even before election for non-performance.<br />

There is establishment of independence of the judiciary<br />

2x6=12mks<br />

(b) Explain the functions of the supreme court of Kenya (3mks)<br />

(i) Has exclusive original jurisdiction to hear/determine disputes relating to the election to the<br />

office of the president.<br />

(ii) Has an appellate jurisdiction thus hears/determines appeal from the court of appeal and<br />

any other court of tribunal.<br />

(iii) To review a case that its judgment has been passed by the court of appeal and it can be<br />

affirmed, varied /overturned.<br />

(iv) May give an advisory opinion at request of National government, any organ, any county<br />

government with respect to any matter concerning the county government.<br />

1x3=3mks<br />

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