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vltamln A deflc~ency (3 1%) and vltarnln B complex deflc~enc~es (32 9%) were the most<br />

common Among lnfectlous d~sorders, worm lnfestat~on (46 4%), dental canes (27 9%)<br />

sktn 1nfeCtlOnS (8 7%) and resplratory lnfectlon (6 0%) were common However, recall<br />

htstory and cohort study showed fever, headache, abdornlnal pain and respiratory<br />

lnfect~on to be the common allments In school age ch~ldren On comparing some<br />

Important rnorb~dlty obtalned by cross sect~onal survey In this study w~th other cross<br />

sect~onal stud~es ~t was found that there was a w~de var~at~on In the prevalence <strong>of</strong><br />

some <strong>of</strong> the d~sorders (Tables 5 ?A-5 28) The varlatlon could be due to any <strong>of</strong> the<br />

following reasons (I) d~fferent d~agnost~c cr~ter~a or methods belng used by d~fferent<br />

workers (11) seasonal varlatlon In the occurrence <strong>of</strong> d~sorders (when the studles were<br />

carrled out) and (111) reg~onal var~atton In the prevalence <strong>of</strong> d~sorders<br />

jb) V~tarn~n A def~ctency<br />

The prevalence <strong>of</strong> vltarn~n A deflc~ency In the cross sect~onal study was 3 1% In a<br />

study In Bombay Aspatwar and Bapat (1996) reported a prevalence <strong>of</strong> 77 0% and<br />

Garg et al(1983) In Wardha reported only 10 5%<br />

D~fferent d~agnostlc methods were<br />

used ~n these stud~es to dlagnose wtamln A defic~ency In the current study, presence<br />

<strong>of</strong> xerosls along w~th B~tot's spots In any one eye was used as the d~agnost~c cr~terla as<br />

recommended by the WHO(1976) for comrnunlty survey Serum vltamln A level was<br />

determ~ned to d~agnose vltamln A deflclency by Aspatwar and Bapat (1996) and ocular<br />

Stgns were used by Garg et a1 (1983), who d~d not spec~fy the s~gns According to the<br />

Crlterta la~d 3y WH0(1976), the polnt prevalence rate <strong>of</strong> more than 2 0% <strong>of</strong> XIB In the<br />

Populat~ons at rlsk suggests a problem <strong>of</strong> publlc health rnagn~tude The magnitude <strong>of</strong><br />

vltamln A deflc~ency obtalned In thls survey was lndlcatlve <strong>of</strong> tt betng an Imp<strong>of</strong>la 't

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