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indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...

indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...


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(iv) Tertiary care hospital<br />

Data were collected from the outpatlent case records at weekly intervals, over a period<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1 year There was a total <strong>of</strong> 1,443 children between 5-15 years who attended the<br />

hospital dunng the period Of them, 693 (48.0%' were girls and 750 (52 0%) boys. The<br />

important spectrum <strong>of</strong> illnesses seen in then: is shown in Table 5.28. Infectlous<br />

d~sorders (32.2%) (excluding skin and ear infections), skin disorders (15.5%), worm<br />

~nfestation (I23%) and ear d~sorders (11 0%) were the most common ailments found in<br />

them Among the infections, respiratory tract infection was the most common<br />

accounting for 87 5% <strong>of</strong> all infect~ons. Comparing the ailments for whlch these ch~ldren<br />

attended the hospital, no significant difference was observed between the genders,<br />

except for card~ovascular disorders, for which more number <strong>of</strong> boys than girls attended<br />

the hospital (p < 0 05; Table 5.28)<br />

5.4.4 Health seeking behavior<br />

(a) Ethnograph~c Methods<br />

People generally followed the allopath~c treatment, although home remed~es and<br />

ind~genous medlclnes were also glven for some illnesses For mlnor ~llnesses most 0'<br />

the respondents (1561160) to the structured quest~onna~re wanted to take the~r ch~ldren<br />

to an allopath~c physlclan The remalnlng 4 lndlv~duals wanted to glve ind~genous<br />

medic~ne Many respondents (53 1%) sa~d they would go to the local PHC and 32 5%<br />

sa~d they would go lo a pr~vate phys~c~an For serlous illnesses all <strong>of</strong> them preferred to<br />

take the~r ,hlldren for allopathlc treatment Most respondents (98 1%) preferred a<br />

Private physic~an since the care was better and cure was bel~eved to be faster They

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