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eflection <strong>of</strong> the lower enrollment rate In the older age groups, there were Ch,ldren fron:<br />

the nelghborlng vlllages also and thls perhaps was reflected In the near equal or tli(,tii-.r<br />

proport~on <strong>of</strong> ch~ldren examlned when compared w~th the village populat~on<br />

(b) Cohort<br />

Thts group <strong>of</strong> chlldren Included 96 g~rls and 119 boys from 100 famllles<br />

Six months<br />

after startlng the study, 3 gtrls and 3 boys ranging In age from 10-17 years, were<br />

declared as dropouts Of these, 5 (1 boy and 1 girl from the same famlly) lefl the village<br />

to work elsewhere and 1 boy left for hlgher studles The age and gender spectflc<br />

dlstrlbutlon <strong>of</strong> the cohort IS glven tn Table 5.9 The age and gender d~stnbut~on <strong>of</strong> the<br />

cohort has been compared wlth that <strong>of</strong> all chlldren In the correspond~ng age group In<br />

the vlllage ~n Figure. 5.2 It was observed that the proport~on <strong>of</strong> chlldren examlned ~n<br />

different age groups was slm~lar to that ~n the village populat~on<br />

5.4.2 Nutrition<br />

(i) Ethnographic methods<br />

Durlng the study penod, the lnvestlgator observed that the staple dlet <strong>of</strong> the villagers<br />

was rice Cooked rice was usually taken along wlth l~qu~d concoctions Ilke, "rasam",<br />

"samba? or "katakozhambu" made from tamannd water<br />

Sometimes vegetable llke<br />

drumstick, brlfljal or carrot were added Green leaves were also tncluded The other<br />

main dlet was "koozh" or porrldge made from rag1 wh~ch was generally taken by people<br />

who could not afford to buy rlce The key Informant observed, " When we don't have<br />

money to buy rice, we make ragi koozh. It is quite tasty. One doesn't feel hungry

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