indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...

indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...

indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...


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(i) Rural area<br />

Cross scctior~al r~iorbldlty survcy<br />

Th~s was camed out ~n chlldren studylng ~n the prlmary m~ddle and h~gh school<br />

sectlons <strong>of</strong> the government school at Kedar The survey was conducted ~n one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

classrooms <strong>of</strong> the school after obtalnlng pnor permission <strong>of</strong> the school pr~ncipal<br />

Durlng each v~slto the school about 40-50 students were examlned In a week 2 to 3<br />

vlslts were made Some children who were absent during the flrst vlslt were exam~ned<br />

dunng subsequent vlslts In the school ~tself, or, at the sub center or at thelr res~dence<br />

A rnlnlmum <strong>of</strong> 3 attempts were made to examlne each ch~ld The school vls~ts whre<br />

sometimes Interrupted by inclement weather or unexpected holidays The cross<br />

sectional morb~d~ty survey took f~fteen weeks startlng from November 1995<br />

A detailed history <strong>of</strong> any illness suffered during the previous 2 weeks nature <strong>of</strong> rllness<br />

type <strong>of</strong> treatment recelved school loss sustained and h~story <strong>of</strong> passing worms ~n<br />

stools was obtalned from each chlld This was followed by a routine clinlcal<br />

examlnatlon measurement <strong>of</strong> we~ght he~ght and tests for hear~ng and v~sual acqu~ty<br />

The lnformat~on collected was entered on a predes~gned and pretested pr<strong>of</strong>orma<br />

(Append~xl)<br />

For measunng the~r height one <strong>of</strong> the walls <strong>of</strong> the classroom was calibrated<br />

uslng a metallic tape<br />

The chlldren were then made to stand agalnst the wall after<br />

removlng thelr footwear, with their heels and buttocks touchlng the wall<br />

They were<br />

made to look stra~ght and the he~ght was measured to the nearest 0 5 cm<br />

The wetght was taken to the nearest 0 5 kg after rnaklng the ch~ldren stand<br />

erect on the weighlng machine w~thoutheir footwear

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