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lb) Anemia<br />

(i) Global scenario<br />

Nutritional anemia is a global problem. It has been estimated that 1.3 billion individuals<br />

all over the world were affected by anemia. The prevalence in developed countries IS<br />

about 8 OOh, whereas in developing countries it is as high as 30.090 (United<br />

Nattons,1992).<br />

Young children and women in reproductive age group are most<br />

affected by anemia. It shows a higher prevalence among people <strong>of</strong> LSES than people<br />

<strong>of</strong> USES.<br />

Iron deficiency anemia decreases resistance to infection and tmpalrs<br />

physical work capacity (Viteri and Torun,1974; Srikantia et a1.,1976; Edgerton et a/,<br />

1979, Basta et a1.,1979, Sathyanarayana et a1.1990). It has been estimated that nearly<br />

200 mllllon preschool and school age ch~ldren have learning dlsablllty and perform<br />

suboptimally as a result <strong>of</strong> anemia (United Nat1ons.1992).<br />

(11) lndtan scenarlo<br />

Large populat~on surveys carr~ed out In lnd~a ~ndlcate that anemla IS prevalent ~n all age<br />

groups <strong>of</strong> the lnd~an populat~on It 1s h~gher ~n the rural areas as compared to urban<br />

areas (Bhaskaram 1995) In some areas the prevalence was as h~gh as 65 0%-75 0%<br />

(Kanant 1995) It IS prevalent In gtrls <strong>of</strong> both USES and LSES as shown by Kapoor<br />

and Aneja (1992) He observed that anemla was present In 46 6% and 56 0% glrls from<br />

the USES and LSES respect~vely Anemta was also a slgnlf~cant problem tn school<br />

boys ~n whom the prevalence was between 45 0%-55 0% (Anonymous 1982)<br />

Hookwotrn 1s known to be an lrnportant cause <strong>of</strong> anemla The prevalence <strong>of</strong> anemla IS<br />

expected to be hlgh In places where hookworm lnfestatlon IS also wtdely prevalent as

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