indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...

indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...

indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...


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School children-Girl Chlld S.A Form 2<br />

Morbldlty survey (contd.)<br />

Ill Cllnlcal Exarnlnatlon<br />

Ht cms Wt kg%<br />

1 Eyes R N \ Abn If Abn specify<br />

xerosis \ 0, spots \ Conjunctivlt~s \<br />

L N \ Abn If Abn specify<br />

xerosjs \ B spots \ Conlunct~v~tis \<br />

1 1 ' iurirlus R N \ Abn If Abn specffy<br />

L N \ Abn If Abn spec~fy<br />

1 2 Viston R Normai \ lmpaired If impalred specify<br />

L Normal \ lmprured If impa~red specify<br />

2 Ears R N \ Abn If Abn speclty d~scharge \<br />

L N \ Abn If Abn specify discharge \<br />

2 1 Hearing R Normal \ Impaired If lmpalred speclty<br />

L Normal \ Impaired If lmpa~red specify<br />

3 Nose N \ Abn If Abn specify<br />

4 Oral cavity N \ Abn If Abn spectfy<br />

caries \ perlodonla1 dtseaas \ angular slornatllls<br />

glosalls \ pallor \ poor hygelne \<br />

4 1 Speech Normal \ Impaired If ~mpaired spec~fy<br />

5 Ha~r N \ Abn If Abn speclfy<br />

pedlculosis \ ~mpetigo \ seborrhea<br />

unhealthy \<br />

(i Nalls N \ Abn<br />

7 Skm N \ Abn<br />

If Abn spc\cify<br />

paronyctlla \ kolianychia \<br />

M Abn specify<br />

scabies \ impetigo \ phrynoderma<br />

dry nncl scnly \<br />

8 Anaemla Absent \ Present<br />

*This will be done only for selected cases

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