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indian council of medical research - Pondicherry University DSpace ...


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(b) School absenteelsm was not a very Important factor affecting educational<br />

attalnment In chlldren<br />

(c) Adverse weather condltlon was an Important cause <strong>of</strong> absenteelsm Work and<br />

Illness were other causes <strong>of</strong> school absenteelsm<br />

(d) The dropout rate was not slgnlflcantly different between glI-s and boys In glrls,<br />

poverty, and In boys, lack <strong>of</strong> Interest and poor performance were the ~mportant<br />

causes <strong>of</strong> dropout<br />

8.2.3 Socioeconomic<br />

(a) There was no strong preference for sons In the study nllage The girl chlld In the<br />

study area appeared to enjoy the same love and affection from her parents as the<br />

boy<br />

(b) There was no gender dlscnmlnatlon In glnng health care to a slck chlld<br />

(c) There was no d~etarj dlscnmlnatlon agalnst a girl<br />

(d) The total work load on a girl was marginally hlgher than her male counterpart ~n all<br />

ages In the older age, she also spent more t~me In studles than a boy,<br />

(e) On account <strong>of</strong> strong cultural and economlc pressure, she was glven a low pnonty<br />

In the ntal area <strong>of</strong> educatlon<br />

(I) I lor rilnvotilotlls nrid ncllvlllos woro rosltt~lod WIIIIIII n tIurrow CI~LIU r111~1r I~~O~ILI~LIIO<br />

However, her schooling was not affected appreciably<br />

(g) An unmamed girl was considered a soc~al burden and parents gave pnonty to her<br />

mamage rather than education<br />

(h) The dlrect cost <strong>of</strong> health was very much less than the cost <strong>of</strong> educatlon<br />

(i) Slncc the average household consumpt~on cost <strong>of</strong> a famlly (recurrent expenses)<br />

was more than thelr average income, the villagers were always In a negatlve<br />

economlc balance Therefore, any added expenses ~ncurred by way <strong>of</strong> glwng<br />

educatlon to thelr chlldren and celebrating Important social events lhke attalnment <strong>of</strong><br />

puberty, rnarnage etc were add~tlonal causes <strong>of</strong> economlc burden on the family

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